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3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

Hail Joy of Satanas!

Very excited to do these rituals.

Question, HPC, what book would you recommend to begin our studies on the language of Ancient Greek? Preferably something we can buy from Amazon.
Hail Joy of Satanas!

Very excited to do these rituals.

Question, HPC, what book would you recommend to begin our studies on the language of Ancient Greek? Preferably something we can buy from Amazon.
There is a channel on YouTube called "Learn Ancient Greek" I just found. There is a guy that explains and teaches Ancient Greek Language.
This is unexpected but very appreciated news, it's good to finally move on from the era where we and our Gods were slandered, a new era is coming!

It is about time, knowledge has been suppressed for thousands of years, but together, and alongside the Gods, we will mark the end of ignorance.
What we have been trying to do throughout all of our past incarnations is finally falling into place!

Hail Joy of Satanas and all our Demons!
Eternal blessings to all JoS contributors!
General Update & Joy of Satan New Symbols And Logo:

The Joy of Satan is going to be far more than the confine of the Jews and their cohorts, their "72 Demons List" and all their blasphemy. The siege against the culture of the Gods has been extensive and almost total in deleting them and putting them to parade around as "Dark Entities", conception sourced only in the lies of the Jews who hate the Gods.

I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

The Joy of Satan is going to go also through some great changes so that our message can be conveyed more directly. Certain false associations exist in people's mind which are programmed into their mind by direct disinformation of the enemy; fear of "Goats", "Satan" does not convey as a term directly that we have a different outlook on the whole concept behind the Word and it's Ancient Origin, and the Gods are still smeared greatly by the Jews in the popular consciousness. This was an impediment on our side, but it will no longer be a problem.

Both aesthetically and in definitions, we are going to make upgrades to overcome the above. The core essence and the teachings provided will remain the same, yetwe will be breaking outside of the Jewish confines as we have been already, but in a more direct manner. The Gods will no longer be slandered either purposefully or inadvertedly. I don't care if you are an emo who thinks the meaning of Satan stops with heavy metal or the opinions of the "Klippoth".

Father Satan and the Gods broke through in the previous decades through the visage of "Satanism" as a response and moral, ethical and spiritual opposition to the dogma of the enemy, but the restoration of the Culture of the Gods still has to go to full restoration mode. The battle of survival is over and our side has to be vindicated completely against all lies and confines of the Jewish conceptions.

Everything I write for the Gods should be held eternal, because we must really guard our culture this time. Jews must not be allowed to meddle, give opinions, or adulterate even a single letter of what is written. The Gods and humanity has paid a huge price for listening to Jewish lies. Not one letter must be changed from this culture in the future, as the Gods are restored in their light, true identities and power.

The Joy of Satan will be renamed to "Joy of Satanas". "Satan" is some deprecated English word. Satan is solely appearing in English and is a neutered word. Even in the enemy works, "Σατανάς" is how it's written in their works; further the missing of the letters AS in the end, do create a neutering of the power of the Word, which starts with SA and ends in AS (showing the eternal cycle of creation), with TAN in the Middle showing the Middle State of existence. The SA is the Birth, and the AS is the eternal return.

It also in English does not properly connect to the Gods, and the Ancient Greek glyphs will do a proper work to that end.

Below of the new Symbol which will contain the True Power of Satan and Beelzebul, there will also be the title of "The Assembly of the Gods". People must know directly what we are. Enough of the Jewish worthless connotations which constantly have us answering to the kikes and their lesser mindwashed folk. We will be direct about what we are about.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future is not going to walk around like a scoundrel shrunk under the racial and religious propaganda of the Jew, but walk with their head up high for being an Initiated person of the Gods. This change will come in the next decades, as it is destined and certain to happen.

The "English" context which the Joy of Satan was based upon cannot withstand or have the power of the Gods to the fullest; words and terms are limited, and it's a temporary language that is a language getting dumber by the day. Our power is very high, but there is another and even higher level that I must instate in the JoS and our Initiated people. I am just being very honest with everyone here and direct.

I want maximum power and prominence for our side and I cannot be claiming that English will cut it. Even Latin is lesser. The three languages that run the planet now, are Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and unfortunately Hebrew [Hebrew is stolen from all the important languages].

As time goes, the Rituals that are presented for the Gods, are going to eventually also be released in Ancient Greek also, with audios and instructions on how to use them. This will be after all the English ones are shared, which are of course in themselves, of Divine origin as well.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future will be a being of another level, even better than today. The world will prostrate themselves in front of the Wisdom and Power of the Joy of Satanas and the Gods.

The letters of the New Logo will be in Ancient Greek, to tune in more with the culture of the Gods that they have trailed for us to follow in time. There will be a change on the Pentagram with the Goat, which will be replaced by Zeus's Head. All the "Demons" section will be re-done and re-named Gods, Demons and Deities Section. Anything of the Jews will be removed, but a memory of it will be kept in a secondary fashion.

For example, the real Names of the Gods will be put first, and somewhere "inside their information" we will also state who they used to be "under the slander" of the Jews; their definitions will have to cease to exist in time as anything else but petty slander written by cockroaches against the Gods. They are nothing else.

It is highly blasphemous and nauseating that Gentiles and our Gods had to rise from the ruins, to have to justify the Gods again and again because the goyim and fools have took the slander of the Jews at heart.

I cannot spend my lifetime having to explain bullshit and constantly answer to the Jews like these cockroaches even matter on spiritual subjects; they never did. So any elements that are sourced to their mental illnesses and hate of the Gods will be removed. I understand there is some sympathetic attachment of some people to these things [it's how we were re-introduced to the Gods] but that is not the core of power our side has to offer.

Satan had to wear a garment in the last aeon as some sort of "Mythological character that fought against JHVH", but the reality is that "JHVH" doesn't even matter. So the Gods are officially off that context and they will be more as time goes. We must appreciate the survival capacity of our culture, it's ability to survive even under the power of the enemy, trans mutate itself, and now it is revived once again.

The dust has settled and everyone has survived. The plaques of the Divine Knowledge have been carried out, and now they will be gloriously re-instated. The Jews and their blasphemous worthless "works" on the Gods are only slander and should be blotted out from the face of existence and mankind.


Ancestors & Philosophers Ritual: [September 13 to 15] [Can be start right now].

This Ritual is a honorary Ritual to tune you in with the great souls who have walked the path of the Gods, and to give them honorary mention. We owe a lot to these people mentioned in the Ritual, but also to many others not mentioned worldwide. The Joy of Satan is a place of Initiated people which means that we must show respect and gratitude for this.

There are mystical workings in this Ritual to help you to grow in the same path as they did. The people mentioned in the Ritual are very successful examples and living examples of deified people, who have been excellent human beings that helped humanity tremendously with their passing from the earth. As a source of inspiration, it’s important for one to understand the importance of the path and these people in combination.

There will be other Rituals for Heroes and more Demons and Gods outside the context of the “72” of the Goetia.

By the end of this process, the people will have a fully restored system to honor, venerate and gain enlightenment from all the sources of Spiritual Power and the Gods.

Link to the Ritual of the Ancestors: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/ritual-of-the-great-ancestors.html


Zepar or Zephar, The God Zephyrus [Official Date: September 15 to 17] [Can be start right now].

The God Zephyrus and the Roman Favonius, is one of the Gods who rules over the winds, named Zepar in the "Goetia".

His name etymologically is related to "penetration" or going into things, as wind does. He rules of the West Direction and is very powerful. His power is over the Winds (whether in the figurative sense of "sailing good in life) but also in the absolutely natural sense, of nature, vegetation, growth and health of the environment as is related to favorable wind.

Due to the correlation of his name with "Penetration", the enemy of course naming him "Zepar" has stated that "He is proficient in the penetration of women and bringing lust to them" and similar things, in the usual confusion they create. The myths around him "copulating" have to do with the force of wisdom entering from the West into the mind. In the case of Zepar, the connection with Zephyrus is very much audible and easy to figure out.

The Sigil of Zepar, is a symbol for an "Air Pot", in Ancient Greek symbolism. In this pot, oftentimes, Air Gods were carrying the airs on which they bestowed on human beings. The air is symbolic of intelligence, but also of the natural notion of air that we find in nature. Without favorable airs, all of the universal setting of the natural order is suspended. Zephyrus or Zepar is correlated to Ose, which is Eos as described below.

As such let Zepar be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to Zepar's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/zephyrus-power-ritual.html


OSE - Goddess EOS [Official Date: September 17 to 19] [Can be start right now].

The Demon in Goetia called OSE, is an anagram for the Ancient Goddess EOS, Goddess of the dawn. Inversion of gender in the Goetia is very frequent for both reasons of energy misdirection and blasphemy.
As it's very typical in the Goetia, the gender is inverse, and only cryptic information exists about "Ose", minus that the entity confers massive wisdom and intelligence, but can also teach all the liberal sciences. The "Flash of inspiration" is related to Eos as a term in scientific learning and general understanding.

In some cases such as this, we just have an anagram of the Ancient God and then a bunch of worthless nonsense, which is typical for cover-ups by the enemy. In another enemy work from (1583) Pseudomonarchia daemonum, it also writes that "Ose makes the kingdome of Time Endure" - EOS used to be the Goddess related to managing the concept of Time (From Dawn to Dawn etc, cycle of time and Dawn as a measurement for the days) for mankind.

EOS is the first word in the Ancient Greek word "EOS-Foros" (The Greek name for Lucifer) which means "He who brings the EOS", or the Light. The Light of Eos is the lofty light of spirituality, a soft light that exists between the day and night. As such, EOS has been correlated with both the light of Venus and Lucifer Himself.

This of course has to do with the conferring of knowledge to humans. EOS is the Goddess of the Dawn, where the sun is showing on the sky. The Sigil below, is symbolic of this, with the three points in the bottom being the "first ray on the horizon" which is supposed to symbolize EOS. The lines around the center, do show what is illustrated by the picture of the light on the right of this picture, like rays.

The Myth of EOS (Which is a Goddess personifying the Dawn and the mother of "Zephyrus", is that "She took 7 mortal men as her husbands", a myth for the connection of the power of the light to the 7 chakras.

The final husband she took was called "Kephalus", the Ancient Greek word for the head. This word is also related as "Enkephalus" or the Human brain, where if EOS (the power of the soft light) connects, knowledge and understanding can arise; as thus the interpolations in the enemy material on how "Ose will teach all the liberal sciences & teach you anything". The process of enlightenment also procures higher and higher intelligence in human beings. Her Sigil is related to this concept and so is the God Ritual given here.

As such let EOS be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to EOS's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eos-power-ritual.html
Hello High Priest

Im still not active spiritually due to some really big issues, can i still do the rituals though ? Not only these.

Thank you so much.
One step closer to the ancient, complete, highest restoration of Golden Age truth, wisdom and understanding. One more step towards unending potency, illimitable power, eternal dominion of Truth over the Earth.

Hail Father Satan(as), Hail our new but also immemmorially old Joy of Satanas.
This is amazing! 🔥🔥🔥 I am on it! 💪⚡️ Thank you for sharing this Brother Cobra. Hail Satan!⚡💪
I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

The Joy of Satan is going to go also through some great changes so that our message can be conveyed more directly. Certain false associations exist in people's mind which are programmed into their mind by direct disinformation of the enemy; fear of "Goats", "Satan" does not convey as a term directly that we have a different outlook on the whole concept behind the Word and it's Ancient Origin, and the Gods are still smeared greatly by the Jews in the popular consciousness. This was an impediment on our side, but it will no longer be a problem.
I fully support you in this effort !

It also in English does not properly connect to the Gods, and the Ancient Greek glyphs will do a proper work to that end.
The "English" context which the Joy of Satan was based upon cannot withstand or have the power of the Gods to the fullest; words and terms are limited, and it's a temporary language that is a language getting dumber by the day. Our power is very high, but there is another and even higher level that I must instate in the JoS and our Initiated people. I am just being very honest with everyone here and direct.
When well spoken, English is an elegant and interesting language. its design follows the mind flow instead of the intellectual one - like latin languages.

But American culture is impregnated with bad intellectual habits, it's authorized for anyone to talk like a moron or an archaic savage and it's sometimes incomprehensible for an European or an "intellectual", it's not sufficiently concise, or blurred or very heavy.
This way of speaking prevents many connections to take place in the brain, as does stupid and repetitive music, like 95% of the Rap where one album contains no more data than few bars of a baroque sonata.

American may reconnect with Shakespeare and argument their answers :
- American : Yeah ! ... I will.

Molière, Shakespeare, Bach and many others are intellectual heroes who brought Europe out of her intellectual torpor, with their pens.

But yes, impose Ancient Greek !
These changes and updates are INCREDIBLE. I'm so happy!

Thank you Hight Priest and all the clergy for this incredible work, for your unfailing will and tenacity.

I've just read the last 3 rituals, and the one on ancestors seemed very powerful.

Greetings to all the Gods and to my people, past and present!

What an honor it is to live this adventure 😃✨
Once again reading this article my eyes are filled with tears of joy to see our house day after day becoming what it was meant to be from the beginning... what it once was. It awakens in me a sweet nostalgia and an anticipation that I feel like I've had since my childhood, back when I knew nothing. You will be the most blessed and glorious Man that ever passed from this generation and the future people will make similar ceremonies for you, to honor you as you deserve! Hail HP Cobra!
This sounds EXCELLENT.

I've always felt like we were "half-assing" certain things, and that we needed to update, although I couldn't know in what specifically.
I 100% give my support to this!
I already feel kind of nostalgic, but I should not! I just can't help but feel proud of this community!
Thank you HP HoodedCobra, thank you HPS Lydia, thank you all JoS Guardians!
Thanks to Satanas & Beelzebul! Thanks to every Demon! Thanks to every Ancestor Hero!

Will there be some crash course in Royal Greek or such if that's even possible, or these will be for theurgical use only?
Will there be Greek mantras as well to go with the usual Sanskrit and Akkadian ones?

Also, these changes are much needed, I felt for a long time that some stuff like "Gods of Hell" was some cheesy and edgy interpolation implying that our Gods are bound to the lower spheres only - Gods of Olympos or Duat seems much more appropriate.
General Update & Joy of Satan New Symbols And Logo:

The Joy of Satan is going to be far more than the confine of the Jews and their cohorts, their "72 Demons List" and all their blasphemy. The siege against the culture of the Gods has been extensive and almost total in deleting them and putting them to parade around as "Dark Entities", conception sourced only in the lies of the Jews who hate the Gods.

I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

The Joy of Satan is going to go also through some great changes so that our message can be conveyed more directly. Certain false associations exist in people's mind which are programmed into their mind by direct disinformation of the enemy; fear of "Goats", "Satan" does not convey as a term directly that we have a different outlook on the whole concept behind the Word and it's Ancient Origin, and the Gods are still smeared greatly by the Jews in the popular consciousness. This was an impediment on our side, but it will no longer be a problem.

Both aesthetically and in definitions, we are going to make upgrades to overcome the above. The core essence and the teachings provided will remain the same, yetwe will be breaking outside of the Jewish confines as we have been already, but in a more direct manner. The Gods will no longer be slandered either purposefully or inadvertedly. I don't care if you are an emo who thinks the meaning of Satan stops with heavy metal or the opinions of the "Klippoth".

Father Satan and the Gods broke through in the previous decades through the visage of "Satanism" as a response and moral, ethical and spiritual opposition to the dogma of the enemy, but the restoration of the Culture of the Gods still has to go to full restoration mode. The battle of survival is over and our side has to be vindicated completely against all lies and confines of the Jewish conceptions.

Everything I write for the Gods should be held eternal, because we must really guard our culture this time. Jews must not be allowed to meddle, give opinions, or adulterate even a single letter of what is written. The Gods and humanity has paid a huge price for listening to Jewish lies. Not one letter must be changed from this culture in the future, as the Gods are restored in their light, true identities and power.

The Joy of Satan will be renamed to "Joy of Satanas". "Satan" is some deprecated English word. Satan is solely appearing in English and is a neutered word. Even in the enemy works, "Σατανάς" is how it's written in their works; further the missing of the letters AS in the end, do create a neutering of the power of the Word, which starts with SA and ends in AS (showing the eternal cycle of creation), with TAN in the Middle showing the Middle State of existence. The SA is the Birth, and the AS is the eternal return.

It also in English does not properly connect to the Gods, and the Ancient Greek glyphs will do a proper work to that end.

Below of the new Symbol which will contain the True Power of Satan and Beelzebul, there will also be the title of "The Assembly of the Gods". People must know directly what we are. Enough of the Jewish worthless connotations which constantly have us answering to the kikes and their lesser mindwashed folk. We will be direct about what we are about.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future is not going to walk around like a scoundrel shrunk under the racial and religious propaganda of the Jew, but walk with their head up high for being an Initiated person of the Gods. This change will come in the next decades, as it is destined and certain to happen.

The "English" context which the Joy of Satan was based upon cannot withstand or have the power of the Gods to the fullest; words and terms are limited, and it's a temporary language that is a language getting dumber by the day. Our power is very high, but there is another and even higher level that I must instate in the JoS and our Initiated people. I am just being very honest with everyone here and direct.

I want maximum power and prominence for our side and I cannot be claiming that English will cut it. Even Latin is lesser. The three languages that run the planet now, are Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and unfortunately Hebrew [Hebrew is stolen from all the important languages].

As time goes, the Rituals that are presented for the Gods, are going to eventually also be released in Ancient Greek also, with audios and instructions on how to use them. This will be after all the English ones are shared, which are of course in themselves, of Divine origin as well.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future will be a being of another level, even better than today. The world will prostrate themselves in front of the Wisdom and Power of the Joy of Satanas and the Gods.

The letters of the New Logo will be in Ancient Greek, to tune in more with the culture of the Gods that they have trailed for us to follow in time. There will be a change on the Pentagram with the Goat, which will be replaced by Zeus's Head. All the "Demons" section will be re-done and re-named Gods, Demons and Deities Section. Anything of the Jews will be removed, but a memory of it will be kept in a secondary fashion.

For example, the real Names of the Gods will be put first, and somewhere "inside their information" we will also state who they used to be "under the slander" of the Jews; their definitions will have to cease to exist in time as anything else but petty slander written by cockroaches against the Gods. They are nothing else.

It is highly blasphemous and nauseating that Gentiles and our Gods had to rise from the ruins, to have to justify the Gods again and again because the goyim and fools have took the slander of the Jews at heart.

I cannot spend my lifetime having to explain bullshit and constantly answer to the Jews like these cockroaches even matter on spiritual subjects; they never did. So any elements that are sourced to their mental illnesses and hate of the Gods will be removed. I understand there is some sympathetic attachment of some people to these things [it's how we were re-introduced to the Gods] but that is not the core of power our side has to offer.

Satan had to wear a garment in the last aeon as some sort of "Mythological character that fought against JHVH", but the reality is that "JHVH" doesn't even matter. So the Gods are officially off that context and they will be more as time goes. We must appreciate the survival capacity of our culture, it's ability to survive even under the power of the enemy, trans mutate itself, and now it is revived once again.

The dust has settled and everyone has survived. The plaques of the Divine Knowledge have been carried out, and now they will be gloriously re-instated. The Jews and their blasphemous worthless "works" on the Gods are only slander and should be blotted out from the face of existence and mankind.


Ancestors & Philosophers Ritual: [September 13 to 15] [Can be start right now].

This Ritual is a honorary Ritual to tune you in with the great souls who have walked the path of the Gods, and to give them honorary mention. We owe a lot to these people mentioned in the Ritual, but also to many others not mentioned worldwide. The Joy of Satan is a place of Initiated people which means that we must show respect and gratitude for this.

There are mystical workings in this Ritual to help you to grow in the same path as they did. The people mentioned in the Ritual are very successful examples and living examples of deified people, who have been excellent human beings that helped humanity tremendously with their passing from the earth. As a source of inspiration, it’s important for one to understand the importance of the path and these people in combination.

There will be other Rituals for Heroes and more Demons and Gods outside the context of the “72” of the Goetia.

By the end of this process, the people will have a fully restored system to honor, venerate and gain enlightenment from all the sources of Spiritual Power and the Gods.

Link to the Ritual of the Ancestors: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/ritual-of-the-great-ancestors.html


Zepar or Zephar, The God Zephyrus [Official Date: September 15 to 17] [Can be start right now].

The God Zephyrus and the Roman Favonius, is one of the Gods who rules over the winds, named Zepar in the "Goetia".

His name etymologically is related to "penetration" or going into things, as wind does. He rules of the West Direction and is very powerful. His power is over the Winds (whether in the figurative sense of "sailing good in life) but also in the absolutely natural sense, of nature, vegetation, growth and health of the environment as is related to favorable wind.

Due to the correlation of his name with "Penetration", the enemy of course naming him "Zepar" has stated that "He is proficient in the penetration of women and bringing lust to them" and similar things, in the usual confusion they create. The myths around him "copulating" have to do with the force of wisdom entering from the West into the mind. In the case of Zepar, the connection with Zephyrus is very much audible and easy to figure out.

The Sigil of Zepar, is a symbol for an "Air Pot", in Ancient Greek symbolism. In this pot, oftentimes, Air Gods were carrying the airs on which they bestowed on human beings. The air is symbolic of intelligence, but also of the natural notion of air that we find in nature. Without favorable airs, all of the universal setting of the natural order is suspended. Zephyrus or Zepar is correlated to Ose, which is Eos as described below.

As such let Zepar be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to Zepar's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/zephyrus-power-ritual.html


OSE - Goddess EOS [Official Date: September 17 to 19] [Can be start right now].

The Demon in Goetia called OSE, is an anagram for the Ancient Goddess EOS, Goddess of the dawn. Inversion of gender in the Goetia is very frequent for both reasons of energy misdirection and blasphemy.
As it's very typical in the Goetia, the gender is inverse, and only cryptic information exists about "Ose", minus that the entity confers massive wisdom and intelligence, but can also teach all the liberal sciences. The "Flash of inspiration" is related to Eos as a term in scientific learning and general understanding.

In some cases such as this, we just have an anagram of the Ancient God and then a bunch of worthless nonsense, which is typical for cover-ups by the enemy. In another enemy work from (1583) Pseudomonarchia daemonum, it also writes that "Ose makes the kingdome of Time Endure" - EOS used to be the Goddess related to managing the concept of Time (From Dawn to Dawn etc, cycle of time and Dawn as a measurement for the days) for mankind.

EOS is the first word in the Ancient Greek word "EOS-Foros" (The Greek name for Lucifer) which means "He who brings the EOS", or the Light. The Light of Eos is the lofty light of spirituality, a soft light that exists between the day and night. As such, EOS has been correlated with both the light of Venus and Lucifer Himself.

This of course has to do with the conferring of knowledge to humans. EOS is the Goddess of the Dawn, where the sun is showing on the sky. The Sigil below, is symbolic of this, with the three points in the bottom being the "first ray on the horizon" which is supposed to symbolize EOS. The lines around the center, do show what is illustrated by the picture of the light on the right of this picture, like rays.

The Myth of EOS (Which is a Goddess personifying the Dawn and the mother of "Zephyrus", is that "She took 7 mortal men as her husbands", a myth for the connection of the power of the light to the 7 chakras.

The final husband she took was called "Kephalus", the Ancient Greek word for the head. This word is also related as "Enkephalus" or the Human brain, where if EOS (the power of the soft light) connects, knowledge and understanding can arise; as thus the interpolations in the enemy material on how "Ose will teach all the liberal sciences & teach you anything". The process of enlightenment also procures higher and higher intelligence in human beings. Her Sigil is related to this concept and so is the God Ritual given here.

As such let EOS be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to EOS's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eos-power-ritual.html
Those are very beautiful rituals 🔥💪 And powerful! Thank you for sharing.
Is IAEO, EYE AYY EEE OOHH, Or EYE AHH EEE OHH, or EHH OOHH, thank you for the clarification
I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

HPHC, I believe in you as fully and completely as I believe and Trust in the Gods!! You are unique and definitely the correct choice to lead the world on this Path to Enlightenment. Whatever impediments and trials you face in ushering in Father Satanas' era, I trust you to prevail in your Destiny of Bestowing Truth to the World. May you always be Loved for yourself as well as for your contributions. You are a magnificent dragon yourself!!!!

By the way, your sermons have been elegant and beyond compare lately. I wait with bated breath for the Wisdom and Knowledge you keep providing in each successive sermon!!!

I can't wait to learn Ancient Greek. Perhaps if I can enlist "BlackBook"'s help as he provided a forum sermon (within the past four months) on learning Ancient Greek. Brothers and sisters, if you should locate that sermon, please share here in this forum. High Priest Hooded Cobra666, any specific direction we should start? We value your input the most, of course.

Also,......excellent work on the rituals!!!! The power I get infused with is incredibly uplifting!!!

Hail Satanas!!!!!
Welcome to the Joy of Satanas!!!!!
We are of The One!!!
General Update & Joy of Satan New Symbols And Logo:

The Joy of Satan is going to be far more than the confine of the Jews and their cohorts, their "72 Demons List" and all their blasphemy. The siege against the culture of the Gods has been extensive and almost total in deleting them and putting them to parade around as "Dark Entities", conception sourced only in the lies of the Jews who hate the Gods.

I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

The Joy of Satan is going to go also through some great changes so that our message can be conveyed more directly. Certain false associations exist in people's mind which are programmed into their mind by direct disinformation of the enemy; fear of "Goats", "Satan" does not convey as a term directly that we have a different outlook on the whole concept behind the Word and it's Ancient Origin, and the Gods are still smeared greatly by the Jews in the popular consciousness. This was an impediment on our side, but it will no longer be a problem.

Both aesthetically and in definitions, we are going to make upgrades to overcome the above. The core essence and the teachings provided will remain the same, yetwe will be breaking outside of the Jewish confines as we have been already, but in a more direct manner. The Gods will no longer be slandered either purposefully or inadvertedly. I don't care if you are an emo who thinks the meaning of Satan stops with heavy metal or the opinions of the "Klippoth".

Father Satan and the Gods broke through in the previous decades through the visage of "Satanism" as a response and moral, ethical and spiritual opposition to the dogma of the enemy, but the restoration of the Culture of the Gods still has to go to full restoration mode. The battle of survival is over and our side has to be vindicated completely against all lies and confines of the Jewish conceptions.

Everything I write for the Gods should be held eternal, because we must really guard our culture this time. Jews must not be allowed to meddle, give opinions, or adulterate even a single letter of what is written. The Gods and humanity has paid a huge price for listening to Jewish lies. Not one letter must be changed from this culture in the future, as the Gods are restored in their light, true identities and power.

The Joy of Satan will be renamed to "Joy of Satanas". "Satan" is some deprecated English word. Satan is solely appearing in English and is a neutered word. Even in the enemy works, "Σατανάς" is how it's written in their works; further the missing of the letters AS in the end, do create a neutering of the power of the Word, which starts with SA and ends in AS (showing the eternal cycle of creation), with TAN in the Middle showing the Middle State of existence. The SA is the Birth, and the AS is the eternal return.

It also in English does not properly connect to the Gods, and the Ancient Greek glyphs will do a proper work to that end.

Below of the new Symbol which will contain the True Power of Satan and Beelzebul, there will also be the title of "The Assembly of the Gods". People must know directly what we are. Enough of the Jewish worthless connotations which constantly have us answering to the kikes and their lesser mindwashed folk. We will be direct about what we are about.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future is not going to walk around like a scoundrel shrunk under the racial and religious propaganda of the Jew, but walk with their head up high for being an Initiated person of the Gods. This change will come in the next decades, as it is destined and certain to happen.

The "English" context which the Joy of Satan was based upon cannot withstand or have the power of the Gods to the fullest; words and terms are limited, and it's a temporary language that is a language getting dumber by the day. Our power is very high, but there is another and even higher level that I must instate in the JoS and our Initiated people. I am just being very honest with everyone here and direct.

I want maximum power and prominence for our side and I cannot be claiming that English will cut it. Even Latin is lesser. The three languages that run the planet now, are Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and unfortunately Hebrew [Hebrew is stolen from all the important languages].

As time goes, the Rituals that are presented for the Gods, are going to eventually also be released in Ancient Greek also, with audios and instructions on how to use them. This will be after all the English ones are shared, which are of course in themselves, of Divine origin as well.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future will be a being of another level, even better than today. The world will prostrate themselves in front of the Wisdom and Power of the Joy of Satanas and the Gods.

The letters of the New Logo will be in Ancient Greek, to tune in more with the culture of the Gods that they have trailed for us to follow in time. There will be a change on the Pentagram with the Goat, which will be replaced by Zeus's Head. All the "Demons" section will be re-done and re-named Gods, Demons and Deities Section. Anything of the Jews will be removed, but a memory of it will be kept in a secondary fashion.

For example, the real Names of the Gods will be put first, and somewhere "inside their information" we will also state who they used to be "under the slander" of the Jews; their definitions will have to cease to exist in time as anything else but petty slander written by cockroaches against the Gods. They are nothing else.

It is highly blasphemous and nauseating that Gentiles and our Gods had to rise from the ruins, to have to justify the Gods again and again because the goyim and fools have took the slander of the Jews at heart.

I cannot spend my lifetime having to explain bullshit and constantly answer to the Jews like these cockroaches even matter on spiritual subjects; they never did. So any elements that are sourced to their mental illnesses and hate of the Gods will be removed. I understand there is some sympathetic attachment of some people to these things [it's how we were re-introduced to the Gods] but that is not the core of power our side has to offer.

Satan had to wear a garment in the last aeon as some sort of "Mythological character that fought against JHVH", but the reality is that "JHVH" doesn't even matter. So the Gods are officially off that context and they will be more as time goes. We must appreciate the survival capacity of our culture, it's ability to survive even under the power of the enemy, trans mutate itself, and now it is revived once again.

The dust has settled and everyone has survived. The plaques of the Divine Knowledge have been carried out, and now they will be gloriously re-instated. The Jews and their blasphemous worthless "works" on the Gods are only slander and should be blotted out from the face of existence and mankind.


Ancestors & Philosophers Ritual: [September 13 to 15] [Can be start right now].

This Ritual is a honorary Ritual to tune you in with the great souls who have walked the path of the Gods, and to give them honorary mention. We owe a lot to these people mentioned in the Ritual, but also to many others not mentioned worldwide. The Joy of Satan is a place of Initiated people which means that we must show respect and gratitude for this.

There are mystical workings in this Ritual to help you to grow in the same path as they did. The people mentioned in the Ritual are very successful examples and living examples of deified people, who have been excellent human beings that helped humanity tremendously with their passing from the earth. As a source of inspiration, it’s important for one to understand the importance of the path and these people in combination.

There will be other Rituals for Heroes and more Demons and Gods outside the context of the “72” of the Goetia.

By the end of this process, the people will have a fully restored system to honor, venerate and gain enlightenment from all the sources of Spiritual Power and the Gods.

Link to the Ritual of the Ancestors: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/ritual-of-the-great-ancestors.html


Zepar or Zephar, The God Zephyrus [Official Date: September 15 to 17] [Can be start right now].

The God Zephyrus and the Roman Favonius, is one of the Gods who rules over the winds, named Zepar in the "Goetia".

His name etymologically is related to "penetration" or going into things, as wind does. He rules of the West Direction and is very powerful. His power is over the Winds (whether in the figurative sense of "sailing good in life) but also in the absolutely natural sense, of nature, vegetation, growth and health of the environment as is related to favorable wind.

Due to the correlation of his name with "Penetration", the enemy of course naming him "Zepar" has stated that "He is proficient in the penetration of women and bringing lust to them" and similar things, in the usual confusion they create. The myths around him "copulating" have to do with the force of wisdom entering from the West into the mind. In the case of Zepar, the connection with Zephyrus is very much audible and easy to figure out.

The Sigil of Zepar, is a symbol for an "Air Pot", in Ancient Greek symbolism. In this pot, oftentimes, Air Gods were carrying the airs on which they bestowed on human beings. The air is symbolic of intelligence, but also of the natural notion of air that we find in nature. Without favorable airs, all of the universal setting of the natural order is suspended. Zephyrus or Zepar is correlated to Ose, which is Eos as described below.

As such let Zepar be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to Zepar's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/zephyrus-power-ritual.html


OSE - Goddess EOS [Official Date: September 17 to 19] [Can be start right now].

The Demon in Goetia called OSE, is an anagram for the Ancient Goddess EOS, Goddess of the dawn. Inversion of gender in the Goetia is very frequent for both reasons of energy misdirection and blasphemy.
As it's very typical in the Goetia, the gender is inverse, and only cryptic information exists about "Ose", minus that the entity confers massive wisdom and intelligence, but can also teach all the liberal sciences. The "Flash of inspiration" is related to Eos as a term in scientific learning and general understanding.

In some cases such as this, we just have an anagram of the Ancient God and then a bunch of worthless nonsense, which is typical for cover-ups by the enemy. In another enemy work from (1583) Pseudomonarchia daemonum, it also writes that "Ose makes the kingdome of Time Endure" - EOS used to be the Goddess related to managing the concept of Time (From Dawn to Dawn etc, cycle of time and Dawn as a measurement for the days) for mankind.

EOS is the first word in the Ancient Greek word "EOS-Foros" (The Greek name for Lucifer) which means "He who brings the EOS", or the Light. The Light of Eos is the lofty light of spirituality, a soft light that exists between the day and night. As such, EOS has been correlated with both the light of Venus and Lucifer Himself.

This of course has to do with the conferring of knowledge to humans. EOS is the Goddess of the Dawn, where the sun is showing on the sky. The Sigil below, is symbolic of this, with the three points in the bottom being the "first ray on the horizon" which is supposed to symbolize EOS. The lines around the center, do show what is illustrated by the picture of the light on the right of this picture, like rays.

The Myth of EOS (Which is a Goddess personifying the Dawn and the mother of "Zephyrus", is that "She took 7 mortal men as her husbands", a myth for the connection of the power of the light to the 7 chakras.

The final husband she took was called "Kephalus", the Ancient Greek word for the head. This word is also related as "Enkephalus" or the Human brain, where if EOS (the power of the soft light) connects, knowledge and understanding can arise; as thus the interpolations in the enemy material on how "Ose will teach all the liberal sciences & teach you anything". The process of enlightenment also procures higher and higher intelligence in human beings. Her Sigil is related to this concept and so is the God Ritual given here.

As such let EOS be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to EOS's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eos-power-ritual.html
Do I have to do the full 10 or can I do have the vibrations for the runes ?
When well spoken, English is an elegant and interesting language. its design follows the mind flow instead of the intellectual one - like latin languages.
This is very true. Many creators (poets, lyricists, authors of literature, etc) learn English for this reason, it allows for far more freedom of expression than any other language. The options with English are endless, unlike the overly-structured Latin languages.
Such great news! 😄😄

Also, I just did the Ancestors ritual and... wow.🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

I truly loved the affirmations.
The verse: "May the Ancestors of mine, whomever they are,
Bless me in this very task!" made me tear up, and I felt a calming, beautiful energy.

When I focused on the power of "IAEO," the energies were sooooo strong!!! With all the power rituals, I've never experienced something so strong before!!

In the beginning of focusing on that word, I thought I was feeling "sleepy," because my mind was suddenly absolutely still and devoid of thoughts. I also felt this peaceful sensation you get when you're about to fall asleep. But I wasn't "sleepy" in any way.

Then, I kept feeling energy in my head and my heart chakra, a very peaceful and empowering thing, so powerful, yet so calm at the same time. It was incredible! It also lasted for a while! ... and I dare say, it even felt a little too intense at some point (the buzzing and the sensation at the head). But I loved it. What a unique experience.

I actually want to ask something. I've noticed that in all the power rituals, I always feel intense energy at the head, oftentimes at the chest as well, but very rarely in the base and lower chakras. Do the rituals target upper chakras, or do I just have difficulty distinguishing the sensation at my lower chakras?
There is a channel on YouTube called "Learn Ancient Greek" I just found. There is a guy that explains and teaches Ancient Greek Language.

Thank you Divine666. I wasn't sure which one you were talking about, but I found one that the picture (or trailor) is of an open book, an old book with yellowed pages, called "Learn Ancient Greek" ( and the man is older and has kinda curly hair up top (you don't see him on trailor, just after you open session) There is a similar session, book and all, called "Learning Ancient Greece For Beginners". These are both from the same teacher and I really learned a lot already. I think this was an excellent place to start. You get to hear and practice repeating the pronunciations as well as reading them. Thank you again for this suggestion. I hope I'm not telling everyone the wrong Ancient Greek to start with. There seems to be several different versions that were adapted over the aeons. Homer, Latin, and other versions. Can anyone offer clarification on which ones to start with?

Hail Satanas!!!!
Hail Baalzebul!!!!
Hail Joy of Satanas!!!
Hail High Priest Hooded Cobra666!!!!
"Learning Ancient Greek for Beginners".....shouldn't have been the word Greece. As above
Will there be some crash course in Royal Greek or such if that's even possible, or these will be for theurgical use only?
Will there be Greek mantras as well to go with the usual Sanskrit and Akkadian ones?

Also, these changes are much needed, I felt for a long time that some stuff like "Gods of Hell" was some cheesy and edgy interpolation implying that our Gods are bound to the lower spheres only - Gods of Olympos or Duat seems much more appropriate.
Hard agree Brother. We basically said the same thing, but honestly I think you said it better!
Wow, these are huge changes. I feel like this is the beginning of a new era, and the world is getting closer to knowing the Truth about the Gods, and with this, the corrupted lies from the enemy are withering away. Let their empire of lies crumble once and for all.

All of the stereotypical and corrupted things Satanism (technically, I guess we should call it Paganism) has been falsely associated with: spooks and ghosties, sacrifices, blood and gore, magic wands and skulls, etc.; all of that should disappear permanently. It's time the world realized what it's really about, as the original and true religion of Humanity.

This is indeed very exciting and wonderful news. I really look forward to doing the new Rituals, too. Thank you so much for everything you do. It is very obvious to me, that dedicating to Father Satan and joining the JoS is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life. I have so much gratitude, as despite not being even two years "in" since my Dedication, my life has already been transformed in a way I could never have previously imagined. I am so excited for the future of the JoS, the world, and what lies ahead.
Should we learn Ancient Greek, how did you learn that?

It is not absolutely necessary or anything. What will be provided here will already be given in that form, so no worries about that.

In the case of the Ancestors, I was always curious about them, sometimes imagining how it would be to have a conversation with the great souls of humanity.
I somewhat recently finished reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and I think about those writings very often.

Thank you, most profoundly, estemeed HPHC, for these.


It does not matter if one is not very advanced, these Rituals will help open you up in your spiritual journey, so I am glad you had these experiences.

Thank you so much brother Kajo for translation and everything.

Won't the entire enemy be spiritually destroyed and eliminated?
HPHC wrote in this Sermon:
"we must really guard our culture this time. jews must not be allowed to meddle, give opinions, or adulterate even a single letter of what is written"

It will just become a dead husk in history, and it will just exist in the form of being there so that humans know to not repeat the same dumb mistakes or follow the enemy again.

This is a truly awesome statement and I want to say that the changes you foresee for the JoS Ministries are gold for the spiritual evolution of the SS.

I am glad to hear that we will have a lot of Greek improvements, especially when it comes to Ancient Greek writings and everything that is truly related to the Pagan Gods.

On this page I found out that the word Mammon is the Jewish name for the God Zeus, Father of the Greek Gods in the Greek pantheon:

I heard from you that Beelzebub is Zeus? Who is who?

All of this is explained on Beelzebul's Page in the JoS. The "Mammon" is just Jewish nonsense stolen from the Title of Zeus Ammon (Also called Zeus Ammonas) which was basically just Zeus. Beelzebul is Zeus, that is widely known and even know to the enemy. Many "Individual Demons" in the "Goetia", are just epithets or titles of other high ranking Gods isolated by themselves.

Amazing, very excited for these changes and for the new Rituals. Thank you for bringing us closer to our Gods, thank you for all that you do to bring back what humanity lost.

I'm very happy for finally having a Ritual to honor Asclepius 🙏

There will be a Ritual for Asclepius specifically. He is a Demi-God and was widely worshiped in the Ancient World. He was a mortal that deified himself. For centuries, He was seen as a Demi-God of healing.

With all the currently existing sources we have today, you are the one single being delivering so much, and accurate, quality knowledge and wisdom to us, and doing so much to us and the Gods, that we are the most lucky generation to have you here.

As a note here, I don't know if it makes sense to write English with Greek letters.. Perhaps the logo could be written in ancient Greek, if it uses Greek letters. Also, the cuneiform letters around the pentagram spelling "Satan" could be changed to represent the elements.

Thank you again, Hail Satan, Hail the Joy of Satanas, and be blessed eternally High Priest!

We are looking into the specific details of this. It is true that currently English is the global language.

Your words and all the words here mean a lot to me, so I will just keep doing my best to provide what I am here to provide for the sake of us all.
This is great news and I am so happy I done the ritual can't wait for more

I am very much honored the so many of you are looking to study Latin, Ancient Greek or even Sanskrit, that will help you a lot. Learning a new language is a very mind expansive progress.

Wow, these are huge changes. I feel like this is the beginning of a new era, and the world is getting closer to knowing the Truth about the Gods, and with this, the corrupted lies from the enemy are withering away. Let their empire of lies crumble once and for all.

Your feelings are absolutely correct brother. We will be done once and for all from anything "enemy" sourced or related.

This is very true. Many creators (poets, lyricists, authors of literature, etc) learn English for this reason, it allows for far more freedom of expression than any other language. The options with English are endless, unlike the overly-structured Latin languages.

English is an elegant and straight to the point language, that is for sure. Yet historically as well many people like Isaac Newton and others also learned things like Ancient Greek to help expand their thinking. From all the languages of the planet this one and Sanskrit give you certain capabilities that other languages do not.
Is IAEO, EYE AYY EEE OOHH, Or EYE AHH EEE OHH, or EHH OOHH, thank you for the clarification

It is I as in Inside
A as in Arduous
E as in Electricity
O as in Oyster.

Do I have to do the full 10 or can I do have the vibrations for the runes ?

You can do 5 vibrations if one cannot do 10.

Will there be some crash course in Royal Greek or such if that's even possible, or these will be for theurgical use only?
Will there be Greek mantras as well to go with the usual Sanskrit and Akkadian ones?

For reasons of Ritual, basically.

Once again reading this article my eyes are filled with tears of joy to see our house day after day becoming what it was meant to be from the beginning... what it once was. It awakens in me a sweet nostalgia and an anticipation that I feel like I've had since my childhood, back when I knew nothing. You will be the most blessed and glorious Man that ever passed from this generation and the future people will make similar ceremonies for you, to honor you as you deserve! Hail HP Cobra!

We all feel the same very way, as this is what we are all here to accomplish together. Thank you for these words.
If the Sanskrit language can be auspicious to someone, I put here a hymn taken from the Rig-veda, it is the oldest of the Vedas and is thousands of years old.
The prayer is used to request the protection and blessing of one's ancestors and of the god Pusan, the aryan god of ancestors, who guides souls into the afterlife and guardian of truth. It can be used at the beginning of magical works to further connect with one's race, but primarily in rituals of connection and to honor the ancestors themselves.

The entire hymn should be vibrated as one would do for a mantra, the ideal would be to repeat it 3 times or just once:


svāduṣamsadaḥ pitaro vayodhaḥ kṛchreśritaḥ śaktīvanto ghabhirāḥ |

citrasenā iṣubalā amṛdhrāḥ satovīrā uravo vrātasāhāḥ |

brāhmaṇāsaḥ pitaraḥ somyāsaḥ śive no dyāvāpṛthivī anehasā |

pūṣā naḥ pātu duritād ṛtāvṛdho rakṣā mākirno aghaśamsa īśata |

suparnam vaste mṛgho asya danto ghobhiḥ samnaddhā patati prasūtā |

yatrā naraḥ sam ca vi ca dravanti tatrāsmabhyamiṣavaḥ śarma yamsan"


Literal translation from Sanskrit:


“Powerful and benevolent is the union in which lived the mighty fathers who gave us life, those who possess a profound mind, they reside in pleasant places giving us strength during tribulations.

Eternally undefeated by the enemy, Tireless, armed with bright arrows and prodigious weapons, together with the ancient heroes, conquerors of armies. May our fathers and the ancient priests, unparalleled in heaven and earth, who gather together drinking Soma, bless us for our protection. Let heaven and earth be auspicious for us.

Protect us from evil, Pusan, protect us from misfortune guardian of truth: do not let those who wish evil upon us dominates us.

Your tooth is a deer, dressed in eagle feathers, tied with cowhide, launched forward, you fly forward. There where heroes flashing, there, may the divine arrows shelter and protect us.”


Correct Pronunciation
(audio to listen):

Ancestors Mantra
[starts at 0:24 and ends at 1:24]

The pronunciation is not too complex, just listen carefully.
Once you have vibrated the above

Concentrate on the energy that has risen and connect with your ancestors

Afterwards you can leave offerings to the ancestors, food, beverages, flowers and whatever you consider honorable
It is not absolutely necessary or anything. What will be provided here will already be given in that form, so no worries about that.

It does not matter if one is not very advanced, these Rituals will help open you up in your spiritual journey, so I am glad you had these experiences.

Thank you so much brother Kajo for translation and everything.

It will just become a dead husk in history, and it will just exist in the form of being there so that humans know to not repeat the same dumb mistakes or follow the enemy again.

All of this is explained on Beelzebul's Page in the JoS. The "Mammon" is just Jewish nonsense stolen from the Title of Zeus Ammon (Also called Zeus Ammonas) which was basically just Zeus. Beelzebul is Zeus, that is widely known and even know to the enemy. Many "Individual Demons" in the "Goetia", are just epithets or titles of other high ranking Gods isolated by themselves.

There will be a Ritual for Asclepius specifically. He is a Demi-God and was widely worshiped in the Ancient World. He was a mortal that deified himself. For centuries, He was seen as a Demi-God of healing.

We are looking into the specific details of this. It is true that currently English is the global language.

Your words and all the words here mean a lot to me, so I will just keep doing my best to provide what I am here to provide for the sake of us all.

Thank you for the insightful explanations. It means a lot to me.

May the Gods bless you 🙏
It is I as in Inside
A as in Arduous
E as in Electricity
O as in Oyster.
For all intents and purposes going forward are the mantras going to be "phonetic" as opposed to kabbalistic as these pronunciations are very different to what we are used to, on that note is the E in Helios also like Electricity or is it more like the kabbalistic "AY" both feel strong to me so I can't figure it out.

Also I would love to see language lessons make an appearance on the donor platform eventually.
It is I as in Inside
A as in Arduous
E as in Electricity
O as in Oyster.
Sorry to spam I should mention I have been vibrating Helios the following way:
(h)slight exhale, AYYYY, LLLL, EEE,OOO,SSS e.g the kabbalistic way it and that has always felt very strong but obviously it being Greek now I am unsure if I have been doing it right.
I is I as in Inside
A as in Arduous
E as in Electricity
O as in Oyster.
I thought E is like eh (elephant), otherwise I'd assume it would be written as "EE".

To be honest, I would appreciate it if there could be an audio available for words like this one. 🙏
I understood it now, but someone else may not see this reply and assume they're doing it correctly.
General Update & Joy of Satan New Symbols And Logo:

The Joy of Satan is going to be far more than the confine of the Jews and their cohorts, their "72 Demons List" and all their blasphemy. The siege against the culture of the Gods has been extensive and almost total in deleting them and putting them to parade around as "Dark Entities", conception sourced only in the lies of the Jews who hate the Gods.

I will restore as I am ordained the full and unequivocal power of the culture of the Gods, which extends far beyond all the nonsense and limitations of the Jews who have been slanderous imposed upon us.

The Joy of Satan is going to go also through some great changes so that our message can be conveyed more directly. Certain false associations exist in people's mind which are programmed into their mind by direct disinformation of the enemy; fear of "Goats", "Satan" does not convey as a term directly that we have a different outlook on the whole concept behind the Word and it's Ancient Origin, and the Gods are still smeared greatly by the Jews in the popular consciousness. This was an impediment on our side, but it will no longer be a problem.

Both aesthetically and in definitions, we are going to make upgrades to overcome the above. The core essence and the teachings provided will remain the same, yetwe will be breaking outside of the Jewish confines as we have been already, but in a more direct manner. The Gods will no longer be slandered either purposefully or inadvertedly. I don't care if you are an emo who thinks the meaning of Satan stops with heavy metal or the opinions of the "Klippoth".

Father Satan and the Gods broke through in the previous decades through the visage of "Satanism" as a response and moral, ethical and spiritual opposition to the dogma of the enemy, but the restoration of the Culture of the Gods still has to go to full restoration mode. The battle of survival is over and our side has to be vindicated completely against all lies and confines of the Jewish conceptions.

Everything I write for the Gods should be held eternal, because we must really guard our culture this time. Jews must not be allowed to meddle, give opinions, or adulterate even a single letter of what is written. The Gods and humanity has paid a huge price for listening to Jewish lies. Not one letter must be changed from this culture in the future, as the Gods are restored in their light, true identities and power.

The Joy of Satan will be renamed to "Joy of Satanas". "Satan" is some deprecated English word. Satan is solely appearing in English and is a neutered word. Even in the enemy works, "Σατανάς" is how it's written in their works; further the missing of the letters AS in the end, do create a neutering of the power of the Word, which starts with SA and ends in AS (showing the eternal cycle of creation), with TAN in the Middle showing the Middle State of existence. The SA is the Birth, and the AS is the eternal return.

It also in English does not properly connect to the Gods, and the Ancient Greek glyphs will do a proper work to that end.

Below of the new Symbol which will contain the True Power of Satan and Beelzebul, there will also be the title of "The Assembly of the Gods". People must know directly what we are. Enough of the Jewish worthless connotations which constantly have us answering to the kikes and their lesser mindwashed folk. We will be direct about what we are about.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future is not going to walk around like a scoundrel shrunk under the racial and religious propaganda of the Jew, but walk with their head up high for being an Initiated person of the Gods. This change will come in the next decades, as it is destined and certain to happen.

The "English" context which the Joy of Satan was based upon cannot withstand or have the power of the Gods to the fullest; words and terms are limited, and it's a temporary language that is a language getting dumber by the day. Our power is very high, but there is another and even higher level that I must instate in the JoS and our Initiated people. I am just being very honest with everyone here and direct.

I want maximum power and prominence for our side and I cannot be claiming that English will cut it. Even Latin is lesser. The three languages that run the planet now, are Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and unfortunately Hebrew [Hebrew is stolen from all the important languages].

As time goes, the Rituals that are presented for the Gods, are going to eventually also be released in Ancient Greek also, with audios and instructions on how to use them. This will be after all the English ones are shared, which are of course in themselves, of Divine origin as well.

The Spiritual Satanist of the future will be a being of another level, even better than today. The world will prostrate themselves in front of the Wisdom and Power of the Joy of Satanas and the Gods.

The letters of the New Logo will be in Ancient Greek, to tune in more with the culture of the Gods that they have trailed for us to follow in time. There will be a change on the Pentagram with the Goat, which will be replaced by Zeus's Head. All the "Demons" section will be re-done and re-named Gods, Demons and Deities Section. Anything of the Jews will be removed, but a memory of it will be kept in a secondary fashion.

For example, the real Names of the Gods will be put first, and somewhere "inside their information" we will also state who they used to be "under the slander" of the Jews; their definitions will have to cease to exist in time as anything else but petty slander written by cockroaches against the Gods. They are nothing else.

It is highly blasphemous and nauseating that Gentiles and our Gods had to rise from the ruins, to have to justify the Gods again and again because the goyim and fools have took the slander of the Jews at heart.

I cannot spend my lifetime having to explain bullshit and constantly answer to the Jews like these cockroaches even matter on spiritual subjects; they never did. So any elements that are sourced to their mental illnesses and hate of the Gods will be removed. I understand there is some sympathetic attachment of some people to these things [it's how we were re-introduced to the Gods] but that is not the core of power our side has to offer.

Satan had to wear a garment in the last aeon as some sort of "Mythological character that fought against JHVH", but the reality is that "JHVH" doesn't even matter. So the Gods are officially off that context and they will be more as time goes. We must appreciate the survival capacity of our culture, it's ability to survive even under the power of the enemy, trans mutate itself, and now it is revived once again.

The dust has settled and everyone has survived. The plaques of the Divine Knowledge have been carried out, and now they will be gloriously re-instated. The Jews and their blasphemous worthless "works" on the Gods are only slander and should be blotted out from the face of existence and mankind.


Ancestors & Philosophers Ritual: [September 13 to 15] [Can be start right now].

This Ritual is a honorary Ritual to tune you in with the great souls who have walked the path of the Gods, and to give them honorary mention. We owe a lot to these people mentioned in the Ritual, but also to many others not mentioned worldwide. The Joy of Satan is a place of Initiated people which means that we must show respect and gratitude for this.

There are mystical workings in this Ritual to help you to grow in the same path as they did. The people mentioned in the Ritual are very successful examples and living examples of deified people, who have been excellent human beings that helped humanity tremendously with their passing from the earth. As a source of inspiration, it’s important for one to understand the importance of the path and these people in combination.

There will be other Rituals for Heroes and more Demons and Gods outside the context of the “72” of the Goetia.

By the end of this process, the people will have a fully restored system to honor, venerate and gain enlightenment from all the sources of Spiritual Power and the Gods.

Link to the Ritual of the Ancestors: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/ritual-of-the-great-ancestors.html


Zepar or Zephar, The God Zephyrus [Official Date: September 15 to 17] [Can be start right now].

The God Zephyrus and the Roman Favonius, is one of the Gods who rules over the winds, named Zepar in the "Goetia".

His name etymologically is related to "penetration" or going into things, as wind does. He rules of the West Direction and is very powerful. His power is over the Winds (whether in the figurative sense of "sailing good in life) but also in the absolutely natural sense, of nature, vegetation, growth and health of the environment as is related to favorable wind.

Due to the correlation of his name with "Penetration", the enemy of course naming him "Zepar" has stated that "He is proficient in the penetration of women and bringing lust to them" and similar things, in the usual confusion they create. The myths around him "copulating" have to do with the force of wisdom entering from the West into the mind. In the case of Zepar, the connection with Zephyrus is very much audible and easy to figure out.

The Sigil of Zepar, is a symbol for an "Air Pot", in Ancient Greek symbolism. In this pot, oftentimes, Air Gods were carrying the airs on which they bestowed on human beings. The air is symbolic of intelligence, but also of the natural notion of air that we find in nature. Without favorable airs, all of the universal setting of the natural order is suspended. Zephyrus or Zepar is correlated to Ose, which is Eos as described below.

As such let Zepar be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to Zepar's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/zephyrus-power-ritual.html


OSE - Goddess EOS [Official Date: September 17 to 19] [Can be start right now].

The Demon in Goetia called OSE, is an anagram for the Ancient Goddess EOS, Goddess of the dawn. Inversion of gender in the Goetia is very frequent for both reasons of energy misdirection and blasphemy.
As it's very typical in the Goetia, the gender is inverse, and only cryptic information exists about "Ose", minus that the entity confers massive wisdom and intelligence, but can also teach all the liberal sciences. The "Flash of inspiration" is related to Eos as a term in scientific learning and general understanding.

In some cases such as this, we just have an anagram of the Ancient God and then a bunch of worthless nonsense, which is typical for cover-ups by the enemy. In another enemy work from (1583) Pseudomonarchia daemonum, it also writes that "Ose makes the kingdome of Time Endure" - EOS used to be the Goddess related to managing the concept of Time (From Dawn to Dawn etc, cycle of time and Dawn as a measurement for the days) for mankind.

EOS is the first word in the Ancient Greek word "EOS-Foros" (The Greek name for Lucifer) which means "He who brings the EOS", or the Light. The Light of Eos is the lofty light of spirituality, a soft light that exists between the day and night. As such, EOS has been correlated with both the light of Venus and Lucifer Himself.

This of course has to do with the conferring of knowledge to humans. EOS is the Goddess of the Dawn, where the sun is showing on the sky. The Sigil below, is symbolic of this, with the three points in the bottom being the "first ray on the horizon" which is supposed to symbolize EOS. The lines around the center, do show what is illustrated by the picture of the light on the right of this picture, like rays.

The Myth of EOS (Which is a Goddess personifying the Dawn and the mother of "Zephyrus", is that "She took 7 mortal men as her husbands", a myth for the connection of the power of the light to the 7 chakras.

The final husband she took was called "Kephalus", the Ancient Greek word for the head. This word is also related as "Enkephalus" or the Human brain, where if EOS (the power of the soft light) connects, knowledge and understanding can arise; as thus the interpolations in the enemy material on how "Ose will teach all the liberal sciences & teach you anything". The process of enlightenment also procures higher and higher intelligence in human beings. Her Sigil is related to this concept and so is the God Ritual given here.

As such let EOS be absolved from the "Goetic" enemy nonsense.

Link to EOS's Ritual Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eos-power-ritual.html
I feel this, I feel so good reading this, this is amazing. High Priest Cobra is …. Have no words, but brothers and sisters definetly can relate, he is beyond.

Thank you High Priest, it is one of best blessings ever to have you among us, and to be part of this.

I am so so happy I am here, and the life I have now is proof for myself I am in the rightest place I could ever be.

Big big Respect Big big brother.

Hail Satanas.
From what I see, the Goddess Eos shares many attributes with Astarte, to the point that for a long time I believed she was another avatar of Astarte.
I found a new word that describes the rituals


also pe·an (pē′ən)
1. A song of joyful praise or exultation.
2. A fervent expression of joy or praise: "The art ... was a paean to paganism" (Will Durant).
3. An ancient Greek hymn of thanksgiving or invocation, especially to Apollo.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
