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3,000 year-old artifact depiction of (((YHWH)))


New member
Dec 24, 2017
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.
Very fucked up
LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.

Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!
The jews are so unoriginal, they incorporated words and names of other deities in their god.

I've seen drawings of yhwh... he's reptilian. However, I think even those images are rather stolen. Somewhat.

He looks like a humanoid dragon.

Pffft. Like their god is such a noble thing.

He's just a fucking lizzy.
"Ya" is feminine. "Way" is masculine.
So say scholars.

"Yahuti" is one of his names, which is derived from "djhuti", Thoth's name.

They also call Yhwh "eyhyah asher eyhyah"... eyhyah is how you pronounce Ea.

The jews claim yhwh is one of the sons of El, who is Baal... who is Enlil.

Seriously, they think they are crafty theses kikes... but what they are is UNORIGINAL.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.

Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:
Stormblood said:
LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?
I honestly don't see shit in this image, only what seems like a mouth? and a nose? and everything else has no logical shape. A kid could do better than a jew 2000 years ago.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.

Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:

And the jews are the mutant retard babies that came from the monkey lizard that had butt sex with a fish squirrel :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LMFAO
I thought this looked familiar, actually, then I remembered. The shape of the head and the features look near identical to the other depiction of YHWH from that time period.


YHWH of course, being the figure in the middle. I'm sure a few others notice some similarities between this and the weird art that came out of South America around the time human sacrifice started. Really makes you think...

What an ugly, hideous thing.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.

Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:
Can you send the link of the episode?
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This looks "weirdly" as a reptilian. They have found also full statues of these.

No wonder, when the Romans and others in the past wiped their temples out, who knows what they found and what they burned.

It's also just bullshit, when they do the so called "JHVH" thing, they literally conjure up reptilians and other things, and they know it, and everyone on the medium high to high end does know from their side.

Their bullshit about "god having no form" and "forbidding illustration" is in itself a coverup for a stolen spiritual concept, is also probably to forbid illustration of these reptilians, especially in case they are found out. It's the same warning such as them not giving their books to any "Goyim".

If people saw this they would be shocked senseless to see these alien things worshiped.

Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:

I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.
What's up with the holes though? In the link I've put below it says that it may be possible that the holes were for earrings, but maybe some of you really do know their purpose, if any.

This thing got my attention:
Though no other such figurines have been found at Khirbet Qeiyafa, similar ones — with a figure that's possibly Yahweh riding a horse — dating back nearly 3,000 years have been found in a temple and burial tombs in Israel.
So I searched for that Yahweh's statue riding a horse and I found this:


In this link it's said that archaeologists believe that that head may have been part of this statue:

but the photos of the head on the link I sent above are clearly different from each other. One is that first put in this topic, and the other is this:


Clearly being different as the first one has all those holes in it. So which is which? I think none of these statues had been made separately, as a single head. They've been part of something, as you can see in both picture above and this


The neck clearly looks like it's been torn of a bigger statue.
This just so I come up with additional info on the topic.
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?
I honestly don't see shit in this image, only what seems like a mouth? and a nose? and everything else has no logical shape. A kid could do better than a jew 2000 years ago.

Yes I got the same impression but have you seen any of the Jewish modern art stuff. I went to a museum of this one time just kind of to see what is up it felt very alien and creepy and empty. But was not really art as a child who was playing with art supplies would end up with a better production lol :lol: and these Jews probably put a lot of thought into it too and spent a lot of time creating this stuff. One of the pieces of art was simply about 50 blocks of wood with smells on them labeled things like Hobos Ass or Moldy cheese or Vomit etc. As well as some stuff that looked like an alien torture device from a ufo or something. In the back ground was some person going on about abortion or something on a loop and showing bloody images or stuff. I am not making this stuff up at all. I didn't like being there. As a person who appreciates creative stuff I could rant on about this for a long time.

Same kind of thing. This is what is meant by they don't really have a creative aspect in their soul. Then again it's in their temple no one else is supposed to see it (till now) they probably don't care. Even stone age people came up with better stuff.
Stormblood said:
LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?

666Esoteric666 said:
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!

LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

slyscorpion said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:

I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.

Yes, I remember that episode! That's how the Pharoah must have been rather than the one you see in the Bible. Instead of "god", it would be "how loving the godS are."

I don't believe in the plagues.. but watching egypt suffer in that episode affected me GREATLY.
slyscorpion said:
I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.

Yeah, but I feel like they are coming at it from a Jew angle, or good goy angle. That's just my opinion because I never felt like any of their content was exactly helping society.

I trust your intuition on it, so maybe you got some other opinion. To me, just mentioning certain topics doesn't mean much. It is sort of like how Joe Rogan will speculate all day long about the pyramids and random spiritual topics, but it is all practically meaningless.
666Esoteric666 said:
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!
When you look this, it is just not bad art, but it is disgusting and it have evil energy, this is similar to hebrew letters. Are hebrew letters pictures of reptilian creatures?
What stood out to me most were the big, round, protruding eyes. They are just like a chameleon that we see here on Earth. Of course the reptilians are from an entirely different existence all together and have no relation to the Earth, but you can see the similarity here. It's so obvious at this point, lol!!!

slyscorpion said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Indeed. There is a reason the alien God did not want anyone to see its faces. Derp thou shalt make no graven image or the goy will see how ugly and alien I am!

South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:

I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.

Well, one of the creators of South Park is jewish (Matt Stone) and probably Trey Parker too. So they're definitely aware!
666Esoteric666 said:
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!

what an ABOMINATION of a statue and very ugly REPTILIAN although ALL REPTILIANS are UGLY :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Arcadia said:
I thought this looked familiar, actually, then I remembered. The shape of the head and the features look near identical to the other depiction of YHWH from that time period.


YHWH of course, being the figure in the middle. I'm sure a few others notice some similarities between this and the weird art that came out of South America around the time human sacrifice started. Really makes you think...

What an ugly, hideous thing.

HP Hooded Cobra 666, brotherhood,

Arcadia, thank you very much because I have this image saved in a search I was doing and I found this image of the beast Jewish beast that says God (affff ... poor guy wanted him) and I was wanting to share that image rightly, but I still haven't I can publish images on the forum I don't know why I haven't learned the right way so I thank you for that.
When I saw this image, I was passed on because it was the proof for me that this Jewish cosmic garbage is actually a monster!
Its appearance only reveals what is within it. This image comes in a wikipedia article, where they report that this is one of the images found in a cave, like a rock art, that is, nobody can say that we are the SS we are inventing ...
It is my fuel to make more and more RTRs and I am studying the presence of our Father Satan and his gods in Brazilian mythology, having great results thanks to Father Satan who asked Him for this research and He is guiding me.

Justice be done to our Honored and Valuable God and Creator Father Ea - Enki - Satan, the greatest Hero of all time and our valiant and noble gods who accompany him, the Truth will prevail !!!

RTRs in them always !!!
Wildfire said:
Stormblood said:
LightAlgur said:
Oh look, brought to you by the inventors of modern art.

Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?


I'm not very good with this kind of humour.
666Esoteric666 said:
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!

HP Hodeed Cobra,

This is sensational, watching the Truth appear, it motivates me to do more and more RTRs 24x7, towards the victory of Our Father Satan and our beloved gods, since His victory is ours !!!
Hail Satan !!!
666Esoteric666 said:
They found a 3,000 year-old artifact which is the oldest depiction of the jewish god
And guess what? Looks just like a reptilian. Who woulda thought.


of course some "experts" are trying to claim that it is not a depiction of yahweh, as the torah states that depiction of the jew god is forbidden. Oy voy, the goyim can not know we worship da reptilianz!!!

I will make a meme of the divine beast Jewish beast, ahhh if I will ....
I'm going to sleep happily with these news (laughing a thousand years ...)
GD. said:
What's up with the holes though? In the link I've put below it says that it may be possible that the holes were for earrings, but maybe some of you really do know their purpose, if any.

This thing got my attention:
Though no other such figurines have been found at Khirbet Qeiyafa, similar ones — with a figure that's possibly Yahweh riding a horse — dating back nearly 3,000 years have been found in a temple and burial tombs in Israel.
So I searched for that Yahweh's statue riding a horse and I found this:


In this link it's said that archaeologists believe that that head may have been part of this statue:

but the photos of the head on the link I sent above are clearly different from each other. One is that first put in this topic, and the other is this:


Clearly being different as the first one has all those holes in it. So which is which? I think none of these statues had been made separately, as a single head. They've been part of something, as you can see in both picture above and this


The neck clearly looks like it's been torn of a bigger statue.
This just so I come up with additional info on the topic.

I've seen beings with the top of their heads shaped like that. They were hideous....

Are those the true reptilians? Is that what they truly look like?
Hmm...maybe kikes thus like cubism most of all modern art forms... ;) :D
Stormblood said:
Wildfire said:
Stormblood said:
Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?


I'm not very good with this kind of humour.

Ah, don't worry Storm. I'm just being a bit cynical(this is on and off and I hope I'm not going loopsies) on how many people, who still won't literally question and see that there is at least a pattern that they would want a clear picture of for once, will all end up becoming borged by those ugly reptiles. A scene of mass enslavement on humanity by microchips came to mind, with a disgusting robed humanoid reptilian in the background laughing and doing hava nagila dances with their kike and grey underlings.

And people roast me severely over believing in "conspiracy theories" when their level of knowledge is just close to us. How nice of them to not piece the puzzles themselves and instead react like an xtian to the name "Satan" on another level, really!

I will never forget their deep insanity on believing in enemy scriptures and biased fact checkers, and how they went far to doxxing me back then which had to make me resort to fake apologizing one time which made me feel like the enemy was laughing at me.

<crab rave meme template>...I'm lonely here, I'm trying to earn to escape to another country
: ) ... <crab rave meme template>
Arcadia said:
I thought this looked familiar, actually, then I remembered. The shape of the head and the features look near identical to the other depiction of YHWH from that time period.


YHWH of course, being the figure in the middle. I'm sure a few others notice some similarities between this and the weird art that came out of South America around the time human sacrifice started. Really makes you think...

What an ugly, hideous thing.


You can see the ridge that goes down the middle from their heads. Yeah, I've see their funny head dresses. I've seen most..."colors" their scales come in.


I can't stand them!
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Art as in Advanced Retardation Technology?
I honestly don't see shit in this image, only what seems like a mouth? and a nose? and everything else has no logical shape. A kid could do better than a jew 2000 years ago.

Yes I got the same impression but have you seen any of the Jewish modern art stuff. I went to a museum of this one time just kind of to see what is up it felt very alien and creepy and empty. But was not really art as a child who was playing with art supplies would end up with a better production lol :lol: and these Jews probably put a lot of thought into it too and spent a lot of time creating this stuff. One of the pieces of art was simply about 50 blocks of wood with smells on them labeled things like Hobos Ass or Moldy cheese or Vomit etc. As well as some stuff that looked like an alien torture device from a ufo or something. In the back ground was some person going on about abortion or something on a loop and showing bloody images or stuff. I am not making this stuff up at all. I didn't like being there. As a person who appreciates creative stuff I could rant on about this for a long time.

Same kind of thing. This is what is meant by they don't really have a creative aspect in their soul. Then again it's in their temple no one else is supposed to see it (till now) they probably don't care. Even stone age people came up with better stuff.

I knew a Jew who would literally just throw paint at a canvas and call it art.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
slyscorpion said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
South Park...showed yhwh to be a monkey lizard hybrid creature. :lol:

I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.

Yes, I remember that episode! That's how the Pharoah must have been rather than the one you see in the Bible. Instead of "god", it would be "how loving the godS are."

I don't believe in the plagues.. but watching egypt suffer in that episode affected me GREATLY.

Blitzkreig said:
slyscorpion said:
I think the people behind south park are aware of some stuff or hooked into the mass mind somehow. I didn't think it meaningful enough to actually create a topic on it on here but the Passover episode something about the part with Cartman talking to the pharoh that scene (if I remember it right haven't watched this in years) something was super familiar about that. The way the conversation was created the emotion behind it etc. That whole episode I had a feeling was a subliminal for something or depicting something they know about most people don't.

Yeah, but I feel like they are coming at it from a Jew angle, or good goy angle. That's just my opinion because I never felt like any of their content was exactly helping society.

I trust your intuition on it, so maybe you got some other opinion. To me, just mentioning certain topics doesn't mean much. It is sort of like how Joe Rogan will speculate all day long about the pyramids and random spiritual topics, but it is all practically meaningless.

I strongly doubt any plagues happened as well. Even the Jews being kept as slaves was proven false I think. There wasn't any record of that anywhere outside of Jew stuff but I would not be surprised by the Blood sacrifice thing if it did happen. Ugg that upset me too that part.

I don't have any other opinion on South Park. I don't think it's positive. It was more a Jew making fun of other Jews kind of thing and using Jew humor. Some of it was actually funny sometines but that is it it's not a very great thing.

I believe they were told they couldn't talk about Jews anymore after awhile because the more recent episodes they stopped pretty much all the Jew stuff in it as far as I am aware I don't think I even watched most of the newer ones the show completely sucks now.
Well. Considering the world we are living in and how people are these days I wouldn't be a bit suprised if that's God we are looking at :lol:
Someone posted an image of a Chameleon, which is exactly what I thought also immediately upon seeing that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
