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EternalDarkness said:There is a great book translated to english from spanish, written around 70s, knowledge passed through the family heritage. It has 800 pages of the real history of the world. It speaks of the Old Gods of the aryan races, it teaches the power of the spirit over the jewish soul that will always betray us with emotions bowing down to Jehovah. In the book it cleary states that Jehovah is Satan, the trickster, and the true God of Atlantis being Kristos Lucifer-Wothan. It's a really interesting book and definitely worth a read. It's called Mystery of Belicena Villca - anyone read it ? it's available in pdf, i have it in book format, read it couple of times.
Drop the book, you can't just switch different names and titles around. Xrist is obviously a kike character and as you mentioned, it calls Satan, the top Pagan god that resembled the serpentine(hindu kundalini serpent in occult) power of humanity and lead a movement of empowerment and power against weakness and kike oppression, the kike egregore?
Don't tell me the RTRs melt who we dedicated ourselves to, or even melts what the kikes hate so much they call him not just adversary in hebrew but the cause why people sin in kike kabbalah. Ninety percent that book might be a massive subversive trap.
I may have not read it yet but by what you said, I think that book reminded me of a mad druggie psycho named richard lester but he became a book. I'll go explore this in my free time but if that's a landmine then expect me to come back with mentioning as many red flags I can highlight from it.
I highly doubt I would have time to go through 800+ pages of krustos-gate crap.