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28/March/2019: Message from Azazel

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
returner said:
Imagine around six people rip and curse you daily.

How do you curse someone you don't know the name or face of?

You may not see them, but Demons can see them. If they are cursing you, they know who this is.
(Of course, not being as advanced as Some it would be more difficult for us, but...)Surely there could be created, or exists already, a...thing, or things, which attracts itself to the offender. e.g. when the affirmation part "returning it straight back to the senders", regarding Aura of Protection, is used, we might not know many, or any, of the offenders, yet it is programmed to go back to them; so there must be something in-between the deflecting/reflecting of shit back to an offender and the cursing of someone directly, with both being unseen/unknown.

Perhaps a form of conduit or a sort of attracting energy to be magnetically (not literally magnetic) attracted to the offender. If I'm not mistaken, then the Aether permeates everything, so I can't believe that it is an absolute must that we need to see/know the offender. Of course, as not-very-advanced individuals, we must use tools, such as knowledge/pictures of the offender. I also consider, as it has been said, that we could see remotely and also see back in time, so perhaps both - seeing remotely and in history (going to any GPS coordinate on Earth at any specific time) - and with this, we could discover the offender/s; if, say, it might take too long to follow the threads/trails back to whomever it was, then create a tool/servitor to do it for us. Then I just remembered that I read in an old post that Satan's Consciousness (and Aura?) is very far and wide, so with this ourselves we can know what happens and by whom as far as our Consciousness/Aura might extend.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
darkmonkey666 said:
We all have things to work on. I am learning just to stay silent sometimes in real life and I bothered everyone here with my relationship issues and a few other things in the past that were petty I still feel dumb for this.
I always liked you and like to read the things you write :) Good if you want to work on things on your own, but also don't let it keep you away from here. Because we do care about you. We're all a family here.

I will keep posting to help out newer members or other people with knowledge since I have time and I know some people need help or advice. I just think as I am deprogramming more and more from the enemy that some things I was posting about were trivial. I dont know if you were around about 4 or 5 years ago but I kind of was once unintentionally a troll in a way here because I had some emotional issues dealing with xtianity and the way I grew up. I usually check here each day. As I have an android phone and its easy to visit here when I am either out and bored or at home.
I like to focus on my spiritual advancement and I have other intrests too but I admit I feel kind of lonely since no one I know in real life wants to advance or is able to fully see beyond conditioning. There very well could be another Satanist or a few here as I am in a midsized city and sometimes I think I sense that others are doing something spiritual somewhere near me in a positive way but it certainly wouldnt be that many people yet at least and I wouldnt know how to meet them. I really want friends and to have a place where I belong I feel that on here somewhat but in real life nothing yet not that I dont know people just no one I feel I can fully relate to. That is why I like to post here. Thanks for the comment though.

Hail Satan
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm reiterating that we've totally won. Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be serious and fiercely destructive storms, floods, earthquakes, fires and related.

Azazel told me for those of us here who are with Satan, we will all be protected through this. He stated we must not be frightened or worry.

As for the state of the earth, it is so far gone, humanity will need help. The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them.

Azazel told me their technology is so far advanced; our best and most modern up to the date technology is archaic JUNK in comparison.

As for the Jews, as I wrote before, Satan stated "Their fate has been sealed." He showed me and it is hideous to say the least. I never saw such grotesque energy. All of their so-called "karma" and much more is coming back on them all.

For those of you who are knowledgeable about astrology, transiting Pluto will be entering Aquarius in 2025. In addition, transiting Neptune will enter Aries. Both planets will be in these signs for 14 years, with Pluto in Aquarius through 2044.

This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.

Those who are without will suffer. Try to reach as many as possible and wake them up regarding the hoax of Christianity. Everyone should be working on their aura of protection daily.

As for Islam, Azazel told me, the RTRs made so much impact, Islam will more than likely collapse on its own. There will be seriously frightening and terrifying times coming. Know that those of us who agree with Satan and are dedicated to Him will have His protection.

The website still needs a lot of work.

To clean your aura, it is best to raise your energies first.

Visualize a brilliant white-gold light from the top of your head, scanning your entire aura and soul, pushing dark dross down through your feet 3 times. Push it through the floor.

Those of us who have been active in spiritual warfare will more than likely need help from a Demon.

After cleaning, affirm 3 times, visualizing and feeling your aura:
"My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, destructive energy and thought forms directed at me and is immediately returning them to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Yeah well... News that The God's are coming Back in about 20 years after being "away" for... How many millenia? :lol:

SHOULD Be fucking INCREDIBLE news :D :cool:

How FUCKING *INSANELY* lucky we are, of other hunderds of generations, to Be there when The God's return?????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

WOW! How FUCKING inpatient i am! :lol:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm reiterating that we've totally won. Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be serious and fiercely destructive storms, floods, earthquakes, fires and related.

Azazel told me for those of us here who are with Satan, we will all be protected through this. He stated we must not be frightened or worry.

As for the state of the earth, it is so far gone, humanity will need help. The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them.

Azazel told me their technology is so far advanced; our best and most modern up to the date technology is archaic JUNK in comparison.

As for the Jews, as I wrote before, Satan stated "Their fate has been sealed." He showed me and it is hideous to say the least. I never saw such grotesque energy. All of their so-called "karma" and much more is coming back on them all.

For those of you who are knowledgeable about astrology, transiting Pluto will be entering Aquarius in 2025. In addition, transiting Neptune will enter Aries. Both planets will be in these signs for 14 years, with Pluto in Aquarius through 2044.

This combination wreaks death, destruction and havoc for the Jews. Pluto has always been in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), when some of the worst pogroms and related occurred. The combination of Neptune in Aries is particularly lethal, as both their Temples of Solomon were destroyed when Pluto occupied a fixed sign with Neptune in Aries. The first was destroyed in 587 BCE, and the second one in 70 CE.

The expulsion from Spain, 1492, which was another disaster for the Jews, again, Pluto occupied a fixed sign, Scorpio.

Those who are without will suffer. Try to reach as many as possible and wake them up regarding the hoax of Christianity. Everyone should be working on their aura of protection daily.

As for Islam, Azazel told me, the RTRs made so much impact, Islam will more than likely collapse on its own. There will be seriously frightening and terrifying times coming. Know that those of us who agree with Satan and are dedicated to Him will have His protection.

The website still needs a lot of work.

To clean your aura, it is best to raise your energies first.

Visualize a brilliant white-gold light from the top of your head, scanning your entire aura and soul, pushing dark dross down through your feet 3 times. Push it through the floor.

Those of us who have been active in spiritual warfare will more than likely need help from a Demon.

After cleaning, affirm 3 times, visualizing and feeling your aura:
"My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, destructive energy and thought forms directed at me and is immediately returning them to the senders.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Yeah well... News that The God's are coming Back in about 20 years after being "away" for... How many millenia? :lol:

SHOULD Be fucking INCREDIBLE news :D :cool:

How FUCKING *INSANELY* lucky we are, of other hunderds of generations, to Be there when The God's return?????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

WOW! How FUCKING inpatient i am! :lol:

Lets Finish this for Them, shall We? :cool: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Thank You HP Maxine may Farther Satan always protect you. Isn't it wonderful for Us who are with him to know we are protected :) I try to explain to people who the enemy is all about and they just don't get it they are so without its unreal. They look at me like I'm crazy but I just look at them and think Thank You Satan for freeing me from the dark magic and strong hold of christianity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do people and souls who pray aka channel psychic energy 24/7 for all of humans to die and get plague on them for "Disobedience" to ((("god"))) seem like beings who will not suffer? Is this not what they have been sowing for CENTURIES and CENTURIES? The majority of suffering of humanity is jew inflicted, and self-inflicted.

They are digging their own hole. Those of them who are deep in with the enemy tried to damn all of humanity. It's only sensible many of them will get damned. Those who awake and change ways will save themselves from this fate.

All humanity has been doing such as billions of Muslims and millions of retarded mentally ill xians who 24/7, all they do is pray on a rock for the 'final days' and feed a thoughform of death. Does that sound about like it's gonna go good for them when what they created falls on their head?

We are already "Helping" them even if it is undeserved. As for those who want to jump into the volcano, then they SHOULD. All the mass destruction they have been feeding for close to 20 centuries, let it just fall upon them, so that things can clear up.

For any species which is serious about surviving, such misuse of mental, spiritual, and life force is deadly and absurd. The Christians want hurricanes, destruction, the "Final Days". They have been programmed like cattle to attract this reality. This harms and destroys or kills innocents all the time. This is dangerous misuse of spiritual energy.

The only reason we aren't all flattened as a planet is because of the Gods in the first place, and their assistance. The earth has been going fast forward into Borg state collapse.

With that being said, "Humanity" cannot be shitting on their potty until eternity, and them cleaning our diapers. They have been cleaning enough diapers. It is time for 'humanity' to take responsibility or just get ruined.

For about 15 to 20 centuries, humanity has been following sick, deadly programs. We are lucky to not have died. This happened because of interventions of the Gods through our history. When the truth is revealed, as it does, people will be left with a choice, either change or just reap what you sowed.

People who misuse and want to destroy this planet will by default and by their own hand be destroyed. Is this hard for people to ingest? For the enemy it doesn't appear to be hard at all to pray 24/7 for universal suffering. How much energy has been raised by so many only to destroy this earth?

One is bound to suffer if they self create it. The Gods aren't gonna scoop all of their crap, they will have to experience it for themselves.

We have nothing to do with this.

We are living a world where Sauron won the war of the ring, right now.

The best possible thing that could happen is a worldwide economic collapse. It will completely ruin the biggest control structure they have, fiat currency and central banking. People will be forced to resort to the old ways as far as trade and survival are concerned. We all know that returning to the old ways physically, when bring them closer to returning spiritually. People will finally be exposed to nature again, and will either learn to work with nature, or die of starvation or dehydration.

On top of all of this, the real war will commence, and Israel will crumble. People all over the world will realise that the disaster came from Jewish meddling in tje world's financial systems. They will rise up, and there will be no moshiach for them. There will be no second coming for the kristjans. All they will have is the horrifying realization that they brought about their own destruction. That they pushed too far. There is no going back from the last 2000 years of destruction. For the Jews, the gods will have them answer for all the genocides they have caused. With all hope, they won't come back this time.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Well Saturn is pretty much who they all worship. Saturn is the god of time, well, more like the Titan of time. Maybe through all their ignorant rhetoric they actually made an actual prediction; That the rule of the ancient Titan, Saturn will fall.

They're predicting their own demise.
Artanis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

´A lot will happen`... Could it also include the Enemies destruction? Could the Enemy be done before the God´s return?
As i think that it has been said before that even when the Enemy is 100% gone, it doesnt mean that the World would be 100% Satanic. That we have still stuff to do after the Enemy is gone.

The world doesn't have to be 100% Satanic, at least not in the literal sense. Abrahamics are the ones who believe that the world has to believe 100% what they believe. It's why they are so destructive.

But, in the figurative sense that the kristjans and Jews use, the whole world will be satanic lol.

Pagans didn't have "holy wars". It wasn't about "my god is better than yours". There was some trash talking, but for the most part, Pagan Europe was basically unified in a spiritual sense. For example, instead of saying "You must worship Jupiter or die!" they would say, "Thor and Jupiter are the same guy! We can respect that, but we still want you land and resources"

Religious wars were invented by Judaism.
Mephilis78 said:
Artanis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

´A lot will happen`... Could it also include the Enemies destruction? Could the Enemy be done before the God´s return?
As i think that it has been said before that even when the Enemy is 100% gone, it doesnt mean that the World would be 100% Satanic. That we have still stuff to do after the Enemy is gone.

The world doesn't have to be 100% Satanic, at least not in the literal sense. Abrahamics are the ones who believe that the world has to believe 100% what they believe. It's why they are so destructive.

But, in the figurative sense that the kristjans and Jews use, the whole world will be satanic lol.

Pagans didn't have "holy wars". It wasn't about "my god is better than yours". There was some trash talking, but for the most part, Pagan Europe was basically unified in a spiritual sense. For example, instead of saying "You must worship Jupiter or die!" they would say, "Thor and Jupiter are the same guy! We can respect that, but we still want you land and resources"

Religious wars were invented by Judaism.

Yes, and since all of that has been repeatedly addressed in a few thousand topics that you may find interesting, then study.
Mephilis78 said:
Artanis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

´A lot will happen`... Could it also include the Enemies destruction? Could the Enemy be done before the God´s return?
As i think that it has been said before that even when the Enemy is 100% gone, it doesnt mean that the World would be 100% Satanic. That we have still stuff to do after the Enemy is gone.

The world doesn't have to be 100% Satanic, at least not in the literal sense. Abrahamics are the ones who believe that the world has to believe 100% what they believe. It's why they are so destructive.

But, in the figurative sense that the kristjans and Jews use, the whole world will be satanic lol.

Pagans didn't have "holy wars". It wasn't about "my god is better than yours". There was some trash talking, but for the most part, Pagan Europe was basically unified in a spiritual sense. For example, instead of saying "You must worship Jupiter or die!" they would say, "Thor and Jupiter are the same guy! We can respect that, but we still want you land and resources"

Religious wars were invented by Judaism.
How could the entire world possibly not be SS/NS? Once everyone learns reality, then they'd be retards to continue believing and practicing nonsense and destruction - especially after they witness Magick and new Reality.
Mephilis78 said:
The best possible thing that could happen is a worldwide economic collapse. It will completely ruin the biggest control structure they have, fiat currency and central banking. People will be forced to resort to the old ways as far as trade and survival are concerned. We all know that returning to the old ways physically, when bring them closer to returning spiritually. People will finally be exposed to nature again, and will either learn to work with nature, or die of starvation or dehydration.
That is so retarded. You're basically saying that the best thing that can possibly happen is for us to return to the dark ages when everyone was total slave in the dirt with nothing, owned by the rat tribe who own christianity at the top of it all. They already have all the money and infrastructure of the world basically. Just the rothschild family alone has hundreds of trillions of dollars, maybe even quintillions at this point. So the best thing that can happen is for all the gentiles to have NOTHING with a total collapse of the planet, but while the enemy has all the wealth still? For thousands of years they've sent their christian and muslim armies across every bit of the planet, burning all the people and libraries, erasing every trace of the entire history of the world, erasing every culture that there ever was, and taking everything valuable they found like gold, jewels, and money and shipping it all straight back to Jerusalem and the Vatican, back to their criminal tribe. Then the 500 years of capitalism debt slavery. They already have stolen all the wealth from all the history of the world. A world collapse for us would not effect their money they would still have everything. To be right back to the middle ages. What you are suggesting is the entire dream and goal of the enemy! I love Varg and his family very much, but don't be rediculous! What you are suggesting is even a lot worse than the bad things he says sometimes, but looks like may have grown out from his kind of ideas.
Mephilis78 said:
Artanis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Joy of Satan took close to 20 years to reach Satan's goal. Amdusias told the JoS ministry back in 2003, we had "certain goals to reach." This was the same time He stated about how we and the enemy's people could not see each other, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of OUR (Satan's) cause.

A lot is going to happen before our Gods come back physically. Our Antichrist and His wife have completed the Magnum Opus and will accompany our Gods. Both are physically with our Gods right now.

20 or so years is not a long time historically.

I also want to add, the repeated use of the phrase "The end of time," has (like nearly everything else, been twisted by the enemy). What is time? Time, for the most part specifies beginnings, endings and sequences of events. End of time for one; there will be no more death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

´A lot will happen`... Could it also include the Enemies destruction? Could the Enemy be done before the God´s return?
As i think that it has been said before that even when the Enemy is 100% gone, it doesnt mean that the World would be 100% Satanic. That we have still stuff to do after the Enemy is gone.

The world doesn't have to be 100% Satanic, at least not in the literal sense. Abrahamics are the ones who believe that the world has to believe 100% what they believe. It's why they are so destructive.

But, in the figurative sense that the kristjans and Jews use, the whole world will be satanic lol.

Pagans didn't have "holy wars". It wasn't about "my god is better than yours". There was some trash talking, but for the most part, Pagan Europe was basically unified in a spiritual sense. For example, instead of saying "You must worship Jupiter or die!" they would say, "Thor and Jupiter are the same guy! We can respect that, but we still want you land and resources"

Religious wars were invented by Judaism.
No 100%? You think we can co-habit with xians and muslims and shake hands with them with a happy face? Nah that’s delusional, this planet is of Satan and the Gods and us SS, no way we leave that human trash to be, this is Humanity’s true religion, and we’re not excusing those who betray that after a certain point.
Aquarius said:
No 100%? You think we can co-habit with xians and muslims and shake hands with them with a happy face? Nah that’s delusional, this planet is of Satan and the Gods and us SS, no way we leave that human trash to be, this is Humanity’s true religion, and we’re not excusing those who betray that after a certain point.
I think he meant it in the sense that not everyone will be an SS, or atleast they wont be "forced" to become one. The abrahamic programs will be completely destroyed and banned by law, so there indeed will not be any "cohabitation" with such people as they will not exist anymore. There will be those people who are deeply satanic like us, and people who go for a more "mild" approach still adopting satanism but in a more easy-to-swallow form. Similarly to how ancient civilizations had both the common folk who were spiritually less advanced, as well as the ruling classes who were deepy involved in meditation and advancing the soul. This is more like a conscious choice every gentile will be able to make. Nobody will be "forced" to do anything, though it is of course a rather stupid decision to forsake meditation and advancement entirely. Anyone who does this will soon fall victim to natural laws as their soul will lose power and deteriorate.
  • n
Nikolas said:
Hello. For the past day i did RTR daily and meditated lots. This time i am serious. I swear on my entire being and existance or whatever, this time i really meditate and take everything serious and care much more. The thing is that i keep thinking over and over and over and its bugging me that the Gods hav had enough with me. That they are really really upset with me.
I keep overthinking. I just want to make up for everyhing. Any advice ? I mean i am sorry but the best I can do is do the work from now on and that's exactly what i am doing. I cant change the past . Yet i feel like I commited a crime against humanity.Like i am the most evil person who has ever lived. I really feel bad about myself. I think I cried a little. I dedicated myself long ago .
Azazel said" those who are with Satan ... etc etc ... " . I dont even know if I can consider myself a SS anymore or if the Gods do . It would be an honour of course but im not sure. That message refers to me too or not ??? Thats what im over and over thinking.
I wish I matured much earlier. I wish i discoved SS now not back then. I am so jealous of those who actually talk with the Gods and have wonderful experiences.

Trust me I messed up for a few years and left Satanism cause the enemy convinced me that Satan didnt want me anymore and eternally left me.

It was a waste cause all I had to do was deprogram a bit and stop living like an actual liberal (I did several dumb things) eventually around the time the final rtr was posted I felt a strong urge to try and come back. I rejoined the forum as darkmonkey666 on the Same day the final rtr was posted I remember that it was posted only about an hour after I decided to come back that was so odd. So this is how I know when I became a true Satanist. I consider I did things for Satan before helped Satan and stuff but I did stupid stuff like drugs and even mixed race encounters and stuff and the fact is despite reading about all that I didnt take it seriously or think all that was this serious cause I was brainwashed by the Liberals. My mistake was in order to deprogram from xtianity I listened to all sorts of athiest podcasts and liberal things. I now realize some of those people were even Jews I was listening too. To make a long story short it took me forever to fully deprogram from xtianity but I dont do dumb stuff now. Just show the Gods your serious and work to deprogram yourself they will come back but only after you prove yourself that you will fight and at the very least think like a Satanist and not do the serious dumb stuff. Also meditate everyday and do the rtr everyday. You are fine when you dedicate it is eternal and even if you "reverse" the dedication you are still of Satan unless you completely turn on the Gods and become a bitch of the enemy other than that your fine they know your heart. Its all more where you are coming from what you mean. The Gods know I was still brainwashed somewhat back then so I dont think they think ill of me anymore but that still doesnt mean I dont feel really bad and stupid still for that stuff but I must move on. You will be fine.
Shael said:
Aquarius said:
No 100%? You think we can co-habit with xians and muslims and shake hands with them with a happy face? Nah that’s delusional, this planet is of Satan and the Gods and us SS, no way we leave that human trash to be, this is Humanity’s true religion, and we’re not excusing those who betray that after a certain point.
I think he meant it in the sense that not everyone will be an SS, or atleast they wont be "forced" to become one. The abrahamic programs will be completely destroyed and banned by law, so there indeed will not be any "cohabitation" with such people as they will not exist anymore. There will be those people who are deeply satanic like us, and people who go for a more "mild" approach still adopting satanism but in a more easy-to-swallow form. Similarly to how ancient civilizations had both the common folk who were spiritually less advanced, as well as the ruling classes who were deepy involved in meditation and advancing the soul. This is more like a conscious choice every gentile will be able to make. Nobody will be "forced" to do anything, though it is of course a rather stupid decision to forsake meditation and advancement entirely. Anyone who does this will soon fall victim to natural laws as their soul will lose power and deteriorate.
Not to mention - once they see actual living proof and demonstrations or exercises, then how and why would and could they possibly deny/reject it?! They'd be much-less jewdaised/jew-dazed (as in being in a daze) and be much-less Goyimified by that point.
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
The final RTR can be done in as little as 2-3 minutes if you do only 1 vibration of each of the words. It should be easy enough to fit it in somewhere. You can for example wake up 5 minutes earlier and do one after waking up, and/or do one before going to sleep, and/or go to the toilet during school and do it there after confirming that nobody else is there. There are tons of possibilities, be creative. Just make sure to stay safe :)
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
Do the final ritual by vibrating/pronouncing the words 3 times or at least one time and do the affirmation 3 times
There is also a FAQ about the final ritual,which has very useful info about it so the next time you have question check it before asking because the answer maybe already be there
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
Close and lock your door and play music so they don't hear you or bother you. You have the most time right now that you will ever have in your life! So don't make excuses, just do it.
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
Close the door of your room and put some movie or music on high enough that they won't hear you do the RTR.
FancyMancy said:
Shael said:
Aquarius said:
No 100%? You think we can co-habit with xians and muslims and shake hands with them with a happy face? Nah that’s delusional, this planet is of Satan and the Gods and us SS, no way we leave that human trash to be, this is Humanity’s true religion, and we’re not excusing those who betray that after a certain point.
I think he meant it in the sense that not everyone will be an SS, or atleast they wont be "forced" to become one. The abrahamic programs will be completely destroyed and banned by law, so there indeed will not be any "cohabitation" with such people as they will not exist anymore. There will be those people who are deeply satanic like us, and people who go for a more "mild" approach still adopting satanism but in a more easy-to-swallow form. Similarly to how ancient civilizations had both the common folk who were spiritually less advanced, as well as the ruling classes who were deepy involved in meditation and advancing the soul. This is more like a conscious choice every gentile will be able to make. Nobody will be "forced" to do anything, though it is of course a rather stupid decision to forsake meditation and advancement entirely. Anyone who does this will soon fall victim to natural laws as their soul will lose power and deteriorate.
Not to mention - once they see actual living proof and demonstrations or exercises, then how and why would and could they possibly deny/reject it?! They'd be much-less jewdaised/jew-dazed (as in being in a daze) and be much-less Goyimified by that point.

Once the progams are dead, they will be much more receptive.

But younger souls will be satisfied with just being normal. And I'm not saying blacks and asians aren't gonna do magic, but their mindset might differ from ours.
I was directed to this thread and feel nudged to write some things.

My Guardian Demoness told me some months ago, "the Jews curse Gentiles everyday." She also reminded me that we are at War. It was impressed on me to make the most of the time I have everyday.

I agree with those who say that the Gods help those who help themselves. I was told this too by the same GD, and have also read it from JoS Clergy and group members too.

I know, that speaking for myself, I need to use and organize my time better.

I haven't read every page and post of this thread yet because I have to do some things and then I will do this. But my thanks to everyone for writing because your words inspire, remind, encourage, and comfort me, so I had to say that.

It's so awesome that the gods and goddesses and powers of Hell are returning in our lifetime.

Thanks for reading.

Hail Satan!
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas

Whisper it before bed, or go do it at the park in the woods somewhere.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Naziss3.0 said:
I have a question about rtrs I am a teen and I don't get enough time to do it because, of my parents so could some of you give me ideas
Close and lock your door and play music so they don't hear you or bother you. You have the most time right now that you will ever have in your life! So don't make excuses, just do it.
thank you
@High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
please answer.

How are you sure we've totally won the war and these Greys buggers are still attacking Satanists especially those of us who joined the RTRs in the warfare? my fate was sealed by their extremely evil attacks. never normal.
What can be done to get rid of these monstrous buggers?? and how the gods coming back and these evil angels still have their eyes on earth?
StraitShot47 said:
FancyMancy said:
Shael said:
I think he meant it in the sense that not everyone will be an SS, or atleast they wont be "forced" to become one. The abrahamic programs will be completely destroyed and banned by law, so there indeed will not be any "cohabitation" with such people as they will not exist anymore. There will be those people who are deeply satanic like us, and people who go for a more "mild" approach still adopting satanism but in a more easy-to-swallow form. Similarly to how ancient civilizations had both the common folk who were spiritually less advanced, as well as the ruling classes who were deepy involved in meditation and advancing the soul. This is more like a conscious choice every gentile will be able to make. Nobody will be "forced" to do anything, though it is of course a rather stupid decision to forsake meditation and advancement entirely. Anyone who does this will soon fall victim to natural laws as their soul will lose power and deteriorate.
Not to mention - once they see actual living proof and demonstrations or exercises, then how and why would and could they possibly deny/reject it?! They'd be much-less jewdaised/jew-dazed (as in being in a daze) and be much-less Goyimified by that point.

Once the progams are dead, they will be much more receptive.

But younger souls will be satisfied with just being normal. And I'm not saying blacks and asians aren't gonna do magic, but their mindset might differ from ours.
The Internet and other media can be used to help them realise, if need be.
I have a question since this was bumped up to the top of the forum threads.

What exactly happened this past Pluto in Scorpio, 1983-1995, time period? I notice on the first page Pluto in Scorpio back in 1492 expulsion from Spain and potentially other events that occurred in such times.

But even with the crazy level of control the jews had during the dark, middle, and slight release during Renaissance. It didn't seem enough. So in these current jew controlled times when they nearly returned back to their dark ages of immunity. What did the '83-'95 generation accomplish or is accomplishing to be against the jews. Especially considering rothschilds soviet offensive started up in 1980 particularly when "The economist" 1980 World international currency already the transhumanist sci-fi wet dream of the elohim rauch, grey control. I'm aware it's not simple as 1980 and some will state post-war wise they moved against us in termite mode. Eating up slowly and steadily getting the goyim to weaken their defenses.

I wouldn't be surprised if some state that many of our members are Pluto in Scorpio. But at the same time I guess with so much law and order presently around it seems like there isn't this manifestation. I'm aware the physical realm is quite slow and even people's Weltanschaang(Worldview) is quite pathetic in regards to the World and their place in it. But non the less; What have our generation done? Besides those that are doing rituals and our organization.
It's nice to have this as a reminder now that censorship is being pushed super hard... even though things are getting really scary right now there's no reason to get lost in fear. Just keep knuckling down so that it can be over faster.
FancyMancy said:
StraitShot47 said:
FancyMancy said:
Not to mention - once they see actual living proof and demonstrations or exercises, then how and why would and could they possibly deny/reject it?! They'd be much-less jewdaised/jew-dazed (as in being in a daze) and be much-less Goyimified by that point.

Once the progams are dead, they will be much more receptive.

But younger souls will be satisfied with just being normal. And I'm not saying blacks and asians aren't gonna do magic, but their mindset might differ from ours.
The Internet and other media can be used to help them realise, if need be.
I think the majority of people's will be SS. When they will see the God's or see that magick actualy exist how they can refuse to meditate? Maybe there will be people's that will meditate less and other more but i think the majority will meditate. Society will be based around spiritual power and that will change the mindset of everyone.
Gear88 said:
I have a question since this was bumped up to the top of the forum threads.

What exactly happened this past Pluto in Scorpio, 1983-1995, time period? I notice on the first page Pluto in Scorpio back in 1492 expulsion from Spain and potentially other events that occurred in such times.

But even with the crazy level of control the jews had during the dark, middle, and slight release during Renaissance. It didn't seem enough. So in these current jew controlled times when they nearly returned back to their dark ages of immunity. What did the '83-'95 generation accomplish or is accomplishing to be against the jews. Especially considering rothschilds soviet offensive started up in 1980 particularly when "The economist" 1980 World international currency already the transhumanist sci-fi wet dream of the elohim rauch, grey control. I'm aware it's not simple as 1980 and some will state post-war wise they moved against us in termite mode. Eating up slowly and steadily getting the goyim to weaken their defenses.

I wouldn't be surprised if some state that many of our members are Pluto in Scorpio. But at the same time I guess with so much law and order presently around it seems like there isn't this manifestation. I'm aware the physical realm is quite slow and even people's Weltanschaang(Worldview) is quite pathetic in regards to the World and their place in it. But non the less; What have our generation done? Besides those that are doing rituals and our organization.

The people that have pluto in Scorpio in a strong place such as the 8th house (its natural home) Or on one of the angles especially the first house. I think will be more interested natually in the occult or spirituality which is good for us. I dont know if you have pluto in Scorpio or not but I want to try and answer your question. Some of these people have gifts I believe like they are more aware of things and would be able to percieve more eaisly something is wrong when around Jews also they are more intelligent and intense in some ways. Of course this isnt everyone but Scorpio in general has a high level of intelligence compared to some other signs (Capricorn and Aquarius the Saturn signs can be very high intelligence too) I noticed (no offense to anyone) I would think the full on Scorpio (thats not fully me dispite my user name I have too much stuff in fire and other signs but this is the person I idolize the most and think is the most cool hence why I used the name) is a huge threat to the Jews. They are the person you just dont mess with and who is very powerful and gifted and insightful. This is why I think my generation may be the first to wake up on a more wide scale. At the very least notice how millineals (pluto in Scorpio for the most part) are widely known not to go for xtianity very much and resent things being forced on them. In fact in my entire school growing up anyone that took xtianity seriously was an outcast. This in itself helped me get out of it as a teen. Yes there were xtian people and they had there own little cliques it was just hard to find and almost no young people ever went to churches that I was forced to go to as a kid. I would bet its like that everywhere even the Islamic countries that these people dont naturally go for the Jew programs. These people are suspicious of the mainstream and if someone tries to force anything on them they resent it very strongly.

This is all a generalization and I would bet indeed there are people in my generation completely brainwashed but I think its way less than any previous genration. I think in general especially if the person has Sagittarius or Aquarius somewhere strongly in their chart (as these are the most freedom loving signs) it may be even more pronounced their disdain for mainstream. These people want to be free naturally and are very open to the truth.

The only problem I noticed is my generation is kind of more brainwashed by liberalism and marxist Ideals. But I hope this will change.

I think pluto in Sagittarius are more likely to be the ones that deal with the religion aspect of the enemy but Scorpio wants to deal with the occult side we are the spiritual warriors if we can hook into the energy.

I am Jupiterian and Plutonian in The top two in personality according to my chart. So I understand these energies quite well but I am not the stereotypical Scorpio type that almost seems dangerous in a way that person would probably give the Jew and greys a heart attack lol. I am much more lighthearted but I am very attracted to them though. If I had a choice they would be the partner id choose.
luis said:
FancyMancy said:
StraitShot47 said:
Once the progams are dead, they will be much more receptive.

But younger souls will be satisfied with just being normal. And I'm not saying blacks and asians aren't gonna do magic, but their mindset might differ from ours.
The Internet and other media can be used to help them realise, if need be.
I think the majority of people's will be SS. When they will see the God's or see that magick actualy exist how they can refuse to meditate? Maybe there will be people's that will meditate less and other more but i think the majority will meditate. Society will be based around spiritual power and that will change the mindset of everyone.
Precisely. Then they will recall Harry Potter played by jew radcliffe saying, "I love magic" and retort - "this is Magick, you dirty kike", then they'll chuckle to themselves, hehe.
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
I dont know if you have pluto in Scorpio or not but I want to try and answer your question

Oh yes I am Pluto in Scorpio. Without revealing much Pluto in Scorpio 11th house, Sagittarius Ascendant, and Jupiter in secondary best position Cancer. And on top of that North Node in Aquarius. So prominent Sagittarius, Jupiter and Aquarius positions, demanding of freedom even detrimental to sociability, career and relationships.

There is a website that calculates percentage of elements: In order from strongest to weakest Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.

I read everything you said and I'm the type of dark individual not pluto-wise cause that isn't my zodiac. But in other words my mind is in dark places and very evil person. I don't seem that way on the outside in fact many would state they never knew such things inside of me. And perhaps to my detriment I've self-censored myself perhaps like in one astrological aspect I have "Grow a pair" and stand up for my dreams, wishes, and desires like telling people my political and religious background and crushing them in debate despite the fact I feel like my lack of information as to what I consider to limit my debate. For example typical young self mentality thinking about killing people particularly my obsession with guns. Well right now I'm an adult and I never held a firearm in my life. So why did I think that up? In fact considering I seem to be a sensitive person was it even my own desire to think that or what was in the air and I'm picking things up from others and the air.

So I can generalize much about myself. It seems I thought more darkness and evil in my youth growing up in school days. But I have lightened up a bit in fact I've kinda self-assaulted myself. I have this habit of trashing myself and regenerating from it. Also kinda lost touch with my toughness I've let my defenses down cause I can't seem to help myself nor receive help again other astrological aspects are at play.

Albeit I will state that unlike some JoS members a lot of things do not bother or I'm even phased by it. Like for example there are threads people make and people react in a certain way and I respect that but in my mind I literally state "Guys WTF this bothers you come on people don't you guys tell me your phased by this shit". I pretty much have to bite my tongue and not post a reply cause I might get banned for being so supportive of the negative.

Like I said I don't condone or support the negatives of the World cause that is anti-volkish, anti-Satanic, and anti-Nazi. Nazism and Satanism stand for truth and justice. But my mind is VERY uncaring of such things. In fact if I were still a little kid and the JoS existed to our current levels in the '90s-'00s(Shame we couldn't do RTRs till just a few years ago would have really changed the landscape beforehand); I'd probably type some shit that would make you guys question if I understand Nazism and or Satanism at all.

I mean I did grow up through the lens of Neo-Nazism such as hating all races but Whites as an example. Just typical kosher Nazism until I ran into the JoS even then it took years to reprogram.

So what can I say I do embody that scary scorpio negativity, I don't think it's wrong or evil perhaps I need to grow up more nicer but somehow it's who I am or what I became and it colored my life in. So I guess I embody the scorpio in pluto but the dark side. I have read of demons in such manners those that embody the darker traits of Gods and Humans. Perhaps that's where I belong the dark, evil side of things not to call Demons/Gods evil just perhaps their mentality is more combative and forwarded towards evil inclinations. Perhaps said in a more justicial manner i.e. dealing with threats or providing assistance in Justice. I guess we can as an example state someone in such manners like Saurathra(Sorath) he doesn't like everyone.

What can I say not everyone can be nice.

I think the Mature people on here that are past their xtian programming are not really phased by stuff other members do the best thing is not to get involved with that unless they are doing something obviously of the enemy which most times thats not so. Some people like starting little arguements over silly stuff. It was way worse back in around 2011 than it is now. I never seen the Hps do that so that just proves the point of what I am saying. The best thing to do is not get involved probably.

With that said dark themes is fine I am sure a lot of people on here like it too. Including some who may have at first before they did research have xtian ideas about the "devil" and want to be "dark and evil" and stuff until they read the site and realized what this was about. As long as you dont think the Gods are bad or have xtian ideals your fine. I personally love horror movies halloween dark themes etc I love shocking people but am nice. I wouldnt think any of that is against Satanism. There are probably people who like light themes too like me like beauty and stuff. I like both.

I personally dont like words like good bad etc though cause they are all a cultural concept and for the most part used to control people. So I correct anyone who says I am a good person with some speech or something in real life. I just want to be me lol.
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

The war isin't gonna take 20years. With the awakening of every gentile thanks to RITUALS like https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20190&p=86036&hilit=awakening#p86036 all the gentiles will awaken to the jew and their 300 and less reptilian cohorts on earth and the reaction will be visious like the scene https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxt3hSDBm_U (upto 2:30) where everyones brawling on the streets but its ALL HUMANS vs the jews and-reptilians
A very short fight to be honest given the amount of humans 2jews
And i mean everyone from the villager whos never seen an electric item to the oligarchs of the biggest cities. All awaken Thanks To The Gods.

Hail Satan.
Lasollor said:
Artanis said:
So... What? Does this mean that the War will take still about 20 years? I thought we were VEEERY close to our victory. Like 5 years remaining victory :roll:

The war isin't gonna take 20years. With the awakening of every gentile thanks to RITUALS like https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20190&p=86036&hilit=awakening#p86036 all the gentiles will awaken to the jew and their 300 and less reptilian cohorts on earth and the reaction will be visious like the scene https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxt3hSDBm_U (upto 2:30) where everyones brawling on the streets but its ALL HUMANS vs the jews and-reptilians
A very short fight to be honest given the amount of humans 2jews
And i mean everyone from the villager whos never seen an electric item to the oligarchs of the biggest cities. All awaken Thanks To The Gods.

Hail Satan.
In my opinion it will take less than 20 years for all the gentiles to awake but it may be for other reasons that the God's will come here in 20 years.
luis said:
In my opinion it will take less than 20 years for all the gentiles to awake but it may be for other reasons that the God's will come here in 20 years.
I think it's mostly astrological, in line with the coming age of Aquarius.
I could be wrong though.
Cyn666 said:
I had a dream a while back. There was a storm ripping apart the town and bringing destruction. I was fearful I would be caught up in it. Yet, I have this giant tree in my backyard. Everyone always tells me if a big enough storm comes, it'll crush my house. But in my dream I was told by Father Satan not to worry. To look closer at the tree. I did and noticed the tree had magic all throughout it. It was protecting me, shielding my home from any dangers.
Sometimes the thoughts of "what ifs" arise but then I remember nothing seriously horrible has happened to me in situations where they definitely could have.
We are protected already, but we must help others awaken before it is too late.

I get dreams from time to time from my Guardians who are of the Powers of Hell. Always the sky is dark, and the wind is blowing strongly. The storm is here, and the waves of the ocean comes crashing down and the waves are like, really, really high. I am at a distance from them so they could be anywhere from 10-50 feet tall or more. One time I was walking and the waves came from the sea, into an indoor area where people were lounging on pool chairs. The waves had dirt and grime in the seawater, and came crashing down on the people there. These people were crushed.

I did not look back to see if there were survivors. I kept walking.

There are other dreams (much older ones than the one I just described, which is the most recent one that I can recall... I dreamt it last year) that I have where it's indoors, and the water in small pools are light, clear, crystalline pure blue waters. Many people are just standing around and talking, laughing, oblivious to the storms raging outside. There are doorways but I don't recall seeing doors. I saw one young woman, in her 20s or 30s, dive into a pool that could probably fit 2-5 people standing shoulder to shoulder. Everyone else is not interested in the small individual pools that are everywhere. They don't seem to notice the storm.

My interpretation that the woman who dived headfirst into the pool is one who is diving seriously, fully and completely into spiritual Satanism and Satan. She is "immersing" herself in the waters of Satan.

I guess the dream was telling me, those who do not take Satan, spiritual Satanism, their advancement, Satan's War, and doing his will seriously, but have dedicated themselves/ their souls to Satan and spiritual Satanism, will be crushed by these waves that can and WILL find their way into these dwellings.

I hope I don't sound like a doomsday prophet wearing a sandwich board. But joking aside, I am very serious about what I wrote above.
So the more RTRs we do the less time we have to wait until the Gods come back?
TopoftheAbyss said:
So the more RTRs we do the less time we have to wait until the Gods come back?

Correct. Why would they keep away if we would, lets say annihalite the Enemy in 5 years?(which would be EAAAAAAAAASY if EVERYONE pitch in and do like *1* FINAL RTR per day... It would actually then take less than a year possibly. But VERY few do the FINAL RTR unfortunately -.-)
With more RTR, the Jewish thoughtform and curses will be destroyed faster.

But just because the RTR doesn't speed up the God's coming, it doesn't mean that you should not put all of your efforts with the RTRs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
