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28/March/2019: Message from Azazel

FancyMancy said:
Wotanwarrior said:
After thousands of years and everything that has happened, 20 years is nothing.
I have no doubt that the jews are manipulating the weather, one of the things they do is fumigate the clouds to remove the rain and cause droughts.
Definitely. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was on while weather-controlling was done.
Wotanwarrior said:
After thousands of years and everything that has happened, 20 years is nothing.
I have no doubt that the jews are manipulating the weather, one of the things they do is fumigate the clouds to remove the rain and cause droughts.


While they're able to dissipate/lessen/weaken weather, that also means they can also increase it naturally, as well.

How many more can you (anyone) find?!
I have done 16 x9 rtrs in one day a few times when the eclipse was and other power points of planets. Also I can see how doing it really fast would allow you to get a high number if you put your all into it. However I did notice in my case doing it slower and more pronounced on the vibration is more powerful so far as the amount of energy. Most times I try for five a day (yes I took that number from what the Muslims do not to mention its the number of harmony and balance and a power number hence why the muslims corrupt it somehow I think to bring the opposite war and destruction) Sometimes I do more and sometimes a couple less but I dont beat myself up. I would rather do less of the slower versions than 30 really fast ones but maybe in the end it equals out or is more powerful to do it the fast way more times I dont know but I do what I can. I never made it past 16 rtrs in a day though and that was with me doing it almost every minute I wasnt meditating. So 30 is really awesome. I hope this motivates everyone.

I figure around 5 is my duty but I wanted to focus on meditation and advancement too as much as possible. I am not lazy and sitting around doing nothing most the time.

What is insane though is some people dont do antthing but the Jew has people that spend 10 hours cursing us (and probably more too). Get up and be motivated everyone can do something I am not putting anyone down. You put yourself down if you dont advance.

Hail Satan
Gear88 said:
I'm still a human
If you're not a jew, then you will always be a Human. Becoming a God/Goddess doesn't change your Species.

There is no such thing as "perfect" in the sense that most people use the term; there is always room for more, better, improvement. When we say "perfect the Soul", i.e. the number 666 and being a God/Goddess and having completed the Magnum Opus, it means that our Soul has been empowered and advanced enough to have reached a very significant milestone - and that is hardly the beginning! It can and must always become more.

isn't it that at some point a form of perfection is achieved isn't it that something goes it can't get any more perfect than this.
Regrettably, we can think only as far as our abilities allow us - and that includes imagination, but imagination can be so much more than what we can see and experience tangibly. The more we practice this and anything, including Spiritual work, the more we can expand and increase it, broaden the horizons. Surely there would be certain reaches or milestones (either strict milestones or any individual thing/s which we might consider milestones) to be reached. e.g. as an absolute beginner, opening the Third Eye and managing to practice telekinesis effectively would be two different milestones, the former very important and the latter trivial but still very cool; being a God after 1000 years after achieving Godhood telekinesis still might be cool to be a but there'd be other things to do - and that includes using the Physical Body, as well, because we need balance.

I think it's important that people not think of "perfect" in the way that people do think it. Except for the meaning I said about the perfected Soul, "perfect" doesn't exist and it is an unrealistic idea, which is used to make us feel depressed because "we're lowly and nothing, blah, blah, blah".

At HP Cobra could you *IF* possible delve into what exactly is "perfect" for what the Gods exactly do?
There are probably some things which I forgot and/or don't know!

Arcadia said:
"Perfect" is not synonymous with "omnipotent". The Ancients had no real concept of omnipotent
Ah, yes. While LORD Satan is the top one of the Empire of Orion, Du'at and the eldest of the Aryan Race, He still isn't as "old" as the Universe (the Universe didn't 'begin' so it doesn't have an 'age'). He started somewhere and somewhen and went up and more. The Universe is infinite and eternal; therefore, there could be someone, or someones, more powerful than Satan. Omnipotence is nonsense - that's what I was getting at just above, that "perfect" in this sense is false.

The war was inevitable, because its the end result of the nature of beings such as the reptillians are what they are.
If we might use fire and water (not as Elements but as simple things) as examples - fire is incredibly hot and can cause a lot of damage quickly; water is incredibly...well...cool or cold and can cause a lot of damage slowly... There needs to be a lot of fire to remove all water, while there needs to be little water to remove fire - and water can keep the fire away for a while... The Physical beings, reptillians, outnumber Satan etc. vastly. Say if Satan and His side's power and abilities = 10 billion, the sheer number of reptillians' vastly-outnumbering total power would be something like 100 trillion, for example. The power of Satan's side is like a nutshell - hard to crack, while the reptillians', etc., is like an egg, say - easy to crack. "The more, the merrier", "safety in numbers", "overwhelm the enemy"... Physically, it would take the reptillians a heck of a long time to regroup, whereas Spiritually we can kick their arses much sooner - and much sooner than we could Physically (just look at the last several centuries versus the last 20 years; and look at WW2 versus the last 20 years, and notice the amount of damage done therein with both). With Spirituality, we can keep the Physicals away and confuse their attempts, etc. In a similar sense, in some ways one is fire while the other is water, but if you think about it you might also realise that in other ways one is water while the other is fire. (This is just an analogy, and no analogy makes 100% sense nor works 100% accurately.) In this analogy, both the Physical and the Spiritual could be both water and fire, but in different ways/contexts.

What people fail to understand is, materially speaking, anything astral takes time to occur and manifest.
As an experiment, consider that E=mc^2; energy=matter. The way I think of it is that matter is energy which has been compacted and compressed so much, to such a great degree, that it is touchable, perceptible by feeling; and with different materials - wood, plastic, glass, etc. - these energies are in different patterns and combinations. The Spiritual (the energy) must become tangible for it to do things, whereas those Physicals are masters of their realm, their domain. In a sense, Physicality is their domain, seeing as they are masters of it, but we have the ability to be very highly Spiritual. While Spiritual things are pending, those Physicals can move and act. In the sense of the Spiritual manifesting Physically - the Physical is always - and always - so slow and lags behind and takes time to catch up...but those Physical masters do well in their fighting.

Based on what I know about jewish attempts at technology - it has a lot of room for improvement, but the jew doesn't care; it just wants your money. The Physical masters I am talking about have more advanced technology, and it is much better than what the jew causes to be crappy here, but that being said, there is a delay for the greys' reactions, for example. Them being connected via microchips - say they are in a mesh topology of computer networks - the processing needs to work. This could be an analogy of the 'pending' of the Astral manifesting into the Physical, as I said. The Physicals need time to regroup, but by that time, our pending Spiritual energies (depending on what they are and the Physical conditions) would have manifested and confused and disrupted the Physicals' actions.

The way we experience time, and the inevitable defeat of the enemy, is not the same as the Gods'.
We are like little chips of brick and mortar, while the Gods and Goddesses are like dozens of neighbourhoods of high-rise buildings made out of these chips of brick and mortar; we're like ants crawling on the ground, whereas the Gods and Goddesses are like eagles soaring high above in the sky.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The belief that what 'happened' is their 'mistake' comes from the belief that they are 'all powerful' and that therefore every time some lower lifeforms fuck up, it has to be due to them.

The other thing that people say is that the "Gods are human like us". We're not the same, we are not 'equal' to them, either. We are climbing the heights for this to be the case.

The Gods are perfect, but perfection is not related to 'struggle'. You can be perfect yourself and still have things to deal with, which further your so called 'perfection'. Struggle is universal and happens despite of one's personal conditions. Also, compared to us, they are perfected.

There is also no ending point to being 'perfect'. It is more like a concept.
You could say that there are different stages of perfection. You could also say that "perfect" means having competed a stage or reached a milestone and advancing further on, past it, without regressing back. Thinking about it, I would say 'for the record' that this is what "perfection" actually is.

Years ago in school, I mentioned to someone that being perfect means being a billion% the best at everything without having/being a single thing incorrect, no matter how small, and the point is that it has to be fully and everything, entirely. They told me that they are pefect in [one particular thing] (I forgot what it was). This was in school! I was a retarded xian at the time, though! I didn't realise this at the time but much later that in "god's" "kingdom", there is not a single blot of dirt (sin, wrong, etc.) because then it wouldn't be perfect; however, later on we learnt that "the first sin was in heaven", so then "heaven" is not perfect afterall... That is also ignoring the fact that "god" admits it creates evil! So...! Oh - and cannot defeat chariots made from iron!... Even the many "the" bibleses, the infallible word of kike, admits there is no such thing as percetion in the sense that everything is hunky-dory!

I said above "Regrettably, we can think only as far as our abilities allow us - and that includes imagination, but imagination can be so much more than what we can see and experience tangibly". I would add to that that we can also increase the limits of our abilities through practice, then after passing each stage and surpassing each checkpoint/milestone, then we would have reached a new amount, level, degree, extreme of perfection. Consider it this way - if 'reaching new heights' in this sense = the literal, Physical reaching of new heights, then building a thing higher, or planting a tree and growing it higher, would be a milestone/checkpoint when we are the highest above everyone else. Perfect! The next 'level' might be having reached the clouds. Perfect! The next might be escaping the atmosphere. Perfect! The next might be reacing the ISS. Perfect! The next might be reaching the Moon. Perfect! ... Then one day, the Sun goes nova/supernova, so before that day we take our tall building/tree and move it to another Solar System and continue climbing higher there and then. Perfect! Etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So you...put words in my mouth that I didn't really say. I just commented the person on their success.

Okay perhaps I took it too far. Never realized it was a simple success comment. Just when you approve of Artanis's comments. You DO read it before posting it right? I mean on some level you agree to furnish this persons post unto the forums so others can read and you may passively agree with it enough to post it to a level.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If it were for banning people or holding things against them, am I to hold against you the other message where you questioned if the High Priests here should consider wearing a "Gentile" Tefilin?

I never said anything about an HP wearing such device; I merely said if such a device exist in our pantheon, I highly doubt as a spiritual weapon technology(basic force multiplier) I'm sure it's not an enemy only device. Do we our side posses or should I say delved into such aspects of the universe just basic universal Akashic knowledge of producing such device.

As for the tefillin post. I merely said some things I learned from the previous forums, present forums, and affiliate sites. Discussing topics like the 12 pillars, the mecca site itself and it's importance of creation during Arabian paganism, the shinto solar tefillin, and finally the discussion on what is the future of the mecca site and why does the thought it's a black sun site come to my head. Or some association with black sun.

Not to be a disrespectful but it would have been nice if you posted it at least Mageson and others could have discussed somethings that I've learned and correct my ignorance such as the diet thread on Mediterranean vegeterian diet from a few days ago.

I'm starting to think that perhaps I should stop posting. I'm not asking to be banned but sometimes I think that my posts and way of expressing myself posses a great amount of confusion or misunderstanding. Not sure what should I do.

HP Cobra do you want to ban me? or tell me to stop posting since I make myself sound like an ignorant dolt?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The belief that what 'happened' is their 'mistake' comes from the belief that they are 'all powerful' and that therefore every time some lower lifeforms fuck up, it has to be due to them.

The other thing that people say is that the "Gods are human like us". We're not the same, we are not 'equal' to them, either. We are climbing the heights for this to be the case.

The Gods are perfect, but perfection is not related to 'struggle'. You can be perfect yourself and still have things to deal with, which further your so called 'perfection'. Struggle is universal and happens despite of one's personal conditions. Also, compared to us, they are perfected.

There is also no ending point to being 'perfect'. It is more like a concept.

Ok. Then i apologize. I thought that this war that wasnt tried to stop was a mistake of perfection.

But it related to The Astral(?) which has different rules than the 3rd(?) physical dimension.

And My intention WAS a motivational post, NOTHING Else.
Nikolas said:
So how do i know i do the RTR in the right way ? I plan to do 3 per day cause i got some free time for now , 9 times each word. It takes about 15 min and i am not screaming. I am just saying the words. I am like VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT . So it works, right?

Yes, just add intention to it. Like WILL or Imagine the letters dying off, blank, disappearing, etc.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So you...put words in my mouth that I didn't really say. I just commented the person on their success.

Okay perhaps I took it too far. Never realized it was a simple success comment. Just when you approve of Artanis's comments. You DO read it before posting it right? I mean on some level you agree to furnish this persons post unto the forums so others can read and you may passively agree with it enough to post it to a level.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If it were for banning people or holding things against them, am I to hold against you the other message where you questioned if the High Priests here should consider wearing a "Gentile" Tefilin?

I never said anything about an HP wearing such device; I merely said if such a device exist in our pantheon, I highly doubt as a spiritual weapon technology(basic force multiplier) I'm sure it's not an enemy only device. Do we our side posses or should I say delved into such aspects of the universe just basic universal Akashic knowledge of producing such device.

As for the tefillin post. I merely said some things I learned from the previous forums, present forums, and affiliate sites. Discussing topics like the 12 pillars, the mecca site itself and it's importance of creation during Arabian paganism, the shinto solar tefillin, and finally the discussion on what is the future of the mecca site and why does the thought it's a black sun site come to my head. Or some association with black sun.

Not to be a disrespectful but it would have been nice if you posted it at least Mageson and others could have discussed somethings that I've learned and correct my ignorance such as the diet thread on Mediterranean vegeterian diet from a few days ago.

I'm starting to think that perhaps I should stop posting. I'm not asking to be banned but sometimes I think that my posts and way of expressing myself posses a great amount of confusion or misunderstanding. Not sure what should I do.

HP Cobra do you want to ban me? or tell me to stop posting since I make myself sound like an ignorant dolt?

Look for example at your reply now. All I see is that you have some sort of imaginary beef in your head, that's all. If she is not approved then how exactly is she going to be corrected or told into the straight path. If others answer for her, I can skip answering myself. Other people taught her which was the intention and we move on. Now why do you exactly try to make a problem out of this makes me think that's really pathetic.

Your posts are Oy Vey, Oy Gevalt.

Yes, the Shinto have a lot in common with the Jews, in that the jews stole from the Shinto. However, the Shinto do not wear a cube onto their head, but rather a circular object, and it doesn't have Talmudic and Torah verses that deal with extinction of mankind.

In reality most of these devices are useless to any actual magician, but these go down the way of props. Props can be helpful, but also useless if one knows what they are doing.

The problem with your posts is they are like huge, and they have these types of memetics you try to push in all your replies here as underhanded BS towards clergy. Beefing towards the Clergy and other Clergy can't be tolerated.

In another post you did it had like more than 50, extreme questions. That is 30 pages long is not a question, it's like, answer for your whole life in one reply. 90% of these have been answered before. Even if these questions have value, if they are presented in a weird manner, it's just nonsensical.

On the other hand, if someone actually wants to learn, if they word things weird, they will still be allowed to post. Artanis has had this for years, they have been improving. I don't get the beefing really. She just said something, the family corrected her, move along.
FancyMancy said:
You could say that there are different stages of perfection. You could also say that "perfect" means having competed a stage or reached a milestone and advancing further on, past it, without regressing back. Thinking about it, I would say 'for the record' that this is what "perfection" actually is.

Years ago in school, I mentioned to someone that being perfect means being a billion% the best at everything without having/being a single thing incorrect, no matter how small, and the point is that it has to be fully and everything, entirely. They told me that they are pefect in [one particular thing] (I forgot what it was). This was in school! I was a retarded xian at the time, though! I didn't realise this at the time but much later that in "god's" "kingdom", there is not a single blot of dirt (sin, wrong, etc.) because then it wouldn't be perfect; however, later on we learnt that "the first sin was in heaven", so then "heaven" is not perfect afterall... That is also ignoring the fact that "god" admits it creates evil! So...! Oh - and cannot defeat chariots made from iron!... Even the many "the" bibleses, the infallible word of kike, admits there is no such thing as percetion in the sense that everything is hunky-dory!

I said above "Regrettably, we can think only as far as our abilities allow us - and that includes imagination, but imagination can be so much more than what we can see and experience tangibly". I would add to that that we can also increase the limits of our abilities through practice, then after passing each stage and surpassing each checkpoint/milestone, then we would have reached a new amount, level, degree, extreme of perfection. Consider it this way - if 'reaching new heights' in this sense = the literal, Physical reaching of new heights, then building a thing higher, or planting a tree and growing it higher, would be a milestone/checkpoint when we are the highest above everyone else. Perfect! The next 'level' might be having reached the clouds. Perfect! The next might be escaping the atmosphere. Perfect! The next might be reacing the ISS. Perfect! The next might be reaching the Moon. Perfect! ... Then one day, the Sun goes nova/supernova, so before that day we take our tall building/tree and move it to another Solar System and continue climbing higher there and then. Perfect! Etc.

Take for example a partner. They are "perfect" for you, absolute curse to someone else. There are things where perfection is relative and species specific. Relative perfection is to be perfect at the task at hand. An Olympic athlete that executes something perfectly and breaks a record, is 'perfect' within these parameters.

However there is also a universal concept of perfection and that is based on universal harmony. This is mathematical harmony. These are for example some universal proportions, like Ancient Greek statues. No matter who looks onto this, you cannot call them 'ugly', because these proportions are applied. Even the people who say these are ugly it's because they themselves are jealous or for personal reasons. It doesn't matter what race or creed you belong to, either.

Other than the beauty sense perfection is also a thing about what standards you set, at least IMO. Perfection is a way to work things looking for the details, and also as you say, a thing of the 'moment' as well.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The belief that what 'happened' is their 'mistake' comes from the belief that they are 'all powerful' and that therefore every time some lower lifeforms fuck up, it has to be due to them.

The other thing that people say is that the "Gods are human like us". We're not the same, we are not 'equal' to them, either. We are climbing the heights for this to be the case.

The Gods are perfect, but perfection is not related to 'struggle'. You can be perfect yourself and still have things to deal with, which further your so called 'perfection'. Struggle is universal and happens despite of one's personal conditions. Also, compared to us, they are perfected.

There is also no ending point to being 'perfect'. It is more like a concept.

Ok. Then i apologize. I thought that this war that wasnt tried to stop was a mistake of perfection.

But it related to The Astral(?) which has different rules than the 3rd(?) physical dimension.

And My intention WAS a motivational post, NOTHING Else.

I understood your intention personally. As for others in the family they have also answered you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...and they have these types of memetics you try to push in all your replies here as underhanded BS towards clergy. Beefing towards the Clergy and other Clergy can't be tolerated.

I really have no idea what you mean. Could you please be more specific?

You simply seem to state that I cause problems but I have no idea why my post would cause a problem. Why would I say something to cause a problem to some HP I don't even know why an HP would merely get problematic if they pre-read the post. You don't have to post it, I'm not putting a gun to your head and neither are you.

Apologies if I caused problems. Never my intention to create an issue.

Perhaps in the future I might buy a astrological chart. I have read my chart as best as possible an it is a dark plutonic/saturnian chart with quirky mercurian aspect.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In another post you did it had like more than 50, extreme questions. That is 30 pages long is not a question, it's like, answer for your whole life in one reply. 90% of these have been answered before. Even if these questions have value, if they are presented in a weird manner, it's just nonsensical.

My questions are extreme? I only posted about 18 or so questions in fact I was gonna make it longer and I've never in my life heard anyone post such questions in such manner as myself. Not to make myself sound like some wunderkind. And yet you state they are nonsensical. No one even posts such things when a sermon pops out.

So Cobra are you implying like I stated in my previous reply that I should remain an ignorant person. That somehow no one has had these questions that they perfectly(there is that word again) understand what you post. Am I talking to people who are SO SMART that they defy the status quo and are Gods among mere mortals. Cause I kinda get this "Holier than thau" wording from you. And that ignorance is a sin in Satanism. Last time I remember hearing about sins it's about stupidity. Much like Ron White, the comedian "You can fix ignorant but you can can't fix stupid".

Look Cobra I've been at this since April 2003. My 16th is coming in, I never bothered to keep track when you came in but judging from the situation you probably popped in at around 2004 or 2005. By 2006 you were HP in fact my favorite sermon you posted is the mountain and needle statement about MerKaBa. If you throw a needle at a window will it break hell no but if it's vibrating at the speed of light it MAY shatter a mountain.

Reasonably speaking within a period of a year or two you SOMEHOW popped up to an HP. Am I disrespecting you absolutely not but I don't understand how you became an HP so quickly. What did you do to advance? I heard of people doing 54, 88, 100, 108, 216 blasts of mantras into their chakras for 40 or more days or even for multiple cycles per year or even at every power days of timed energy. And they seemingly have said in some cases they aren't progressing.

I mean we didn't even have guides like 40 days even the 6 month guide was somewhat convoluted lacking exercises like yoga and or pranayama or whatnot it seems more of a MENTAL preparation guide rather than an outright evolution guide and quick up and at them guide.

So Cobra what am I saying that is so wrong? Is it a crime for me to ask questions? Are you so perfect and I'm the problem child here?

What do YOU want me to say teach me how to type properly. I always see your sermons why not shine some knowledge on me?

Show me some sites I can use to improve my debilitated mercururian aspect.
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
Wotanwarrior said:
After thousands of years and everything that has happened, 20 years is nothing.
I have no doubt that the jews are manipulating the weather, one of the things they do is fumigate the clouds to remove the rain and cause droughts.
Definitely. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was on while weather-controlling was done.
Wotanwarrior said:
After thousands of years and everything that has happened, 20 years is nothing.
I have no doubt that the jews are manipulating the weather, one of the things they do is fumigate the clouds to remove the rain and cause droughts.


While they're able to dissipate/lessen/weaken weather, that also means they can also increase it naturally, as well.

How many more can you (anyone) find?!

That's a lot of information, it makes perfect sense, first they cause droughts and then they do the opposite effect causing storms, hurricanes and destructive torrential rains.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The belief that what 'happened' is their 'mistake' comes from the belief that they are 'all powerful' and that therefore every time some lower lifeforms fuck up, it has to be due to them.

The other thing that people say is that the "Gods are human like us". We're not the same, we are not 'equal' to them, either. We are climbing the heights for this to be the case.

The Gods are perfect, but perfection is not related to 'struggle'. You can be perfect yourself and still have things to deal with, which further your so called 'perfection'. Struggle is universal and happens despite of one's personal conditions. Also, compared to us, they are perfected.

There is also no ending point to being 'perfect'. It is more like a concept.
With all the respect High priest but your post is completely confusing !
Perfect means that they have no disadvantages so how is it possible to not having an ending point?I got what you wrote about struggling but it doesn't explain that perfection has no ending point ...

My personal belief is that advancement has no ending point so there is not a thing called perfection!Compared to us the Gods can be considered our idols since they what we try to become !We compare to them at least right now are completely nothing!

I hope you understand what I am saying and not consider it disrespectful or something because I truly do not mean o be!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
You could say that there are different stages of perfection. You could also say that "perfect" means having competed a stage or reached a milestone and advancing further on, past it, without regressing back. Thinking about it, I would say 'for the record' that this is what "perfection" actually is.

Years ago in school, I mentioned to someone that being perfect means being a billion% the best at everything without having/being a single thing incorrect, no matter how small, and the point is that it has to be fully and everything, entirely. They told me that they are pefect in [one particular thing] (I forgot what it was). This was in school! I was a retarded xian at the time, though! I didn't realise this at the time but much later that in "god's" "kingdom", there is not a single blot of dirt (sin, wrong, etc.) because then it wouldn't be perfect; however, later on we learnt that "the first sin was in heaven", so then "heaven" is not perfect afterall... That is also ignoring the fact that "god" admits it creates evil! So...! Oh - and cannot defeat chariots made from iron!... Even the many "the" bibleses, the infallible word of kike, admits there is no such thing as percetion in the sense that everything is hunky-dory!

I said above "Regrettably, we can think only as far as our abilities allow us - and that includes imagination, but imagination can be so much more than what we can see and experience tangibly". I would add to that that we can also increase the limits of our abilities through practice, then after passing each stage and surpassing each checkpoint/milestone, then we would have reached a new amount, level, degree, extreme of perfection. Consider it this way - if 'reaching new heights' in this sense = the literal, Physical reaching of new heights, then building a thing higher, or planting a tree and growing it higher, would be a milestone/checkpoint when we are the highest above everyone else. Perfect! The next 'level' might be having reached the clouds. Perfect! The next might be escaping the atmosphere. Perfect! The next might be reacing the ISS. Perfect! The next might be reaching the Moon. Perfect! ... Then one day, the Sun goes nova/supernova, so before that day we take our tall building/tree and move it to another Solar System and continue climbing higher there and then. Perfect! Etc.

Take for example a partner. They are "perfect" for you, absolute curse to someone else. There are things where perfection is relative and species specific. Relative perfection is to be perfect at the task at hand. An Olympic athlete that executes something perfectly and breaks a record, is 'perfect' within these parameters.

However there is also a universal concept of perfection and that is based on universal harmony. This is mathematical harmony. These are for example some universal proportions, like Ancient Greek statues. No matter who looks onto this, you cannot call them 'ugly', because these proportions are applied. Even the people who say these are ugly it's because they themselves are jealous or for personal reasons. It doesn't matter what race or creed you belong to, either.

Other than the beauty sense perfection is also a thing about what standards you set, at least IMO. Perfection is a way to work things looking for the details, and also as you say, a thing of the 'moment' as well.

"Standards you set" - that's intriguing. I'll have to have a think about that.

I just thought of another example to explain it - if we built our own home and every piece of plumbing, electricty, sanitation, the foundations and mortar, bricks set in place, pavement slabs, grass in the certain place, flower beds in their certain places, garden pool as long as we like, etc. are all done each in turn, then each of these things, when finished and fitted/set properly, are then perfect as long as they meet our approval; then the next item on the list being finished and is correct as we want, then that is perfect; then the next item...until the entire house and home and garden/surroundings are all finished which then makes each and all of these perfect things perfect in one. Like in the Body, cells are their own system, but then all the different and many cells are the system of the Body.

That might be a bit of an oversimplification, but perfection is worked on! I have heard that the word "garden" means our own personal paradise, our own "eden". This we make perfect as we prefer. The home and garden could be or are an extension of our own Selves, our Souls. It's our own plot of land which we take care of and take pride in, for us to be content and safe. "In a perfect world..." At least Without people can control their own garden and relax in there.
Νίκος said:
With all the respect High priest but your post is completely confusing !
Perfect means that they have no disadvantages so how is it possible to not having an ending point?I got what you wrote about struggling but it doesn't explain that perfection has no ending point ...

My personal belief is that advancement has no ending point so there is not a thing called perfection!Compared to us the Gods can be considered our idols since they what we try to become !We compare to them at least right now are completely nothing!

I hope you understand what I am saying and not consider it disrespectful or something because I truly do not mean o be!

Multiple other posts including HP's, mine and Fancy's have already explained the concept, so I'd suggest re-reading this page of the topic again to clear up additional misconceptions.

One thing to understand however is that internal perfection within has nothing to do with external goals or achievements. Satan is perfect, the Gods are perfect, but this does not mean they don't have tasks to complete, because that is the nature of existence. Godhood does not mean you sit on a cloud somewhere and twiddle your thumbs. In actuality, granting yourself a purpose is what makes Godhood meaningful and is what grants it context, otherwise living for eternity would be a pointless act in and of itself.

They're still helping us, for starters. Just because they are perfect, does not mean there still aren't things to do. Even if you yourself reached Godhood tomorrow, this does not mean the world around you will be free of things you desire to do, this does not mean your "work" would be over. The universe is infinite, as such there's a potentially infinite amount of things you could do. The nature of the infinite amount of tasks one could do in an infinite amount of time in an infinite amount of space is not a reflection of personal power, per se.

We here on the forums in our prayers often invoke Satan as "almighty". This has always been the case, but people once again conflate this with the warped concept of omnipotence and confuse themselves, because people's ideas of "whats perfect" has to coincide with contradicting ideas that have entered people's minds due to their abrahamic upbringing.

I once read the work of a philosopher that lived in the later days of Iran before its conversion to Islam. Ultimately, this fellow believed many wrongful things himself, even in spite of not being a muslim, but his writings on "omnipotency" did stick with me. And to clarify for the people in this thread, I'll try to explain it as best as I am able.

The material universe exists as an emanation of the aetherial one, everyone knows this well enough by now. Nature's eternal laws exist across the whole universe as such. As the High Priests have often stated before, there is nothing "outside" the universe, the universe is "One" so to speak, the "All". Satan is "almighty" in the sense that, one could say, he can achieve anything he desires within this universe. I repeat, within this universe. This universe, with its established laws and nature. The problem with jewish omnipotency is that its self contradicting and nonsensical and cancels itself out. As the philosopher explained, this version of omnipotence completely makes the universe redundant, as such an entity could make good evil, and evil good. If you'd prefer a different analogy, heavy things could be light, bright things could be dark, wet could be dry, etc. There'd be no consistency to the universe, nature's laws and how to spiritually progress, because some cosmic superjoo can click his fingers and supposedly change Nature's eternal laws in one microsecond. Life has no meaning without the foundational, unchanging laws that grant reality its context and nature.

As the philosopher stated, even the highest God can only achieve "what is possible". And it doesn't matter how much infinite power you have, so long as you operate within this universe and by its nature, its nature remains the same. Satan is perfect, because he can ultimately achieve "whatever's possible" in this universe.

Once again, one cannot point at the War and say "this is proof he's not perfect". Because as it stands, he's won, as was his desire. But within the laws of whats possible, due to the nature of how time functions in the material universe versus the astral, material reality will take time to reflect this victory. To repeat, Satan is perfect, because his desires will always ultimately come to manifest, because he has the power to do so. How long it takes for these things to manifest physically is irrelevant, as not only is time a different experience to a God, but the time it takes for astral changes to occur materially is simply a part of nature's eternal laws. To wrap this up, I'll give you an example. Say Satan, for some inexplicable reason, is going to give you a fortune and a superhot girlfriend. These are not going to materialize straight into your face, poof out of thin air. These things will come to you based on the nature of your surroundings. Maybe you'll win the lottery, or get a lucrative job or inheritance, or get lucky somewhere else. And in weeks or months or years ahead a chance meeting in your life may grant you such a partner.

As ridiculous as the above sounds my point is, its cause and effect. Things don't just happen for no reason, and material reality and its "narrative" so to speak will simply take time to reflect what has happened in the astral. Same as if you cursed someone to death, they aren't going to just disintegrate on the spot instantly, but maybe they'll get sick or get into an accident, whatevers most likely. The only exception to the rule is really that more amounts of power can make things happen faster or to greater effect, but even still, things taking material time is always a given because its a law. That's all there is to it.

There. I apologize for the long post. I see this question raised a lot so I decided to try my best to lay it to rest. One last time, Satan and the Gods are perfect, because they can ultimately achieve "whatever's possible" in this universe.
If We do more meditations against the Nazarean Infest, is it possible to quickly come the Gods on earth??
adrian1989 said:
If We do more meditations against the Nazarean Infest, is it possible to quickly come the Gods on earth??

The FINAL RTR is a Reverse Torah RITUAL, not a meditation.
And YES, it has been said many times in the past, that we could win this war in a matter of months even, IF ALL of Us here do as MUCH Warfare(Spiritual(RTRs) and Online(Waking people up) Warfare) as We can.
Artanis said:
adrian1989 said:
If We do more meditations against the Nazarean Infest, is it possible to quickly come the Gods on earth??

The FINAL RTR is a Reverse Torah RITUAL, not a meditation.
And YES, it has been said many times in the past, that we could win this war in a matter of months even, IF ALL of Us here do as MUCH Warfare(Spiritual(RTRs) and Online(Waking people up) Warfare) as We can.

Artanis, thanks for the reply, then I'll get to do as often as the Final RTR....
For motivation Even some place I thought as dumb as Yahoo Answers (me love going there sometimes) people are starting to speak up against the Jews. You are getting questions on Zionism and Israel and why republicans or democrats bow to the Jews also people are openly and often calling liberals communists. I am suprised that place used to be fully brainwashed. You dont even get reported that quickly saying stuff against Jews and you get thumbs up. I only still go there cause I did as a teen for activism and trolling sometimes so I got used to it over the years I am 31 now.

So yeah keep up the rtr. If everyone does this as often as they can we could win quickly.
Arcadia said:
Thank you very much for your post!I understand it now
Perfection is to be able to do whatever you desire so satan is perfect because he can do whatever possible he desires!
Thank you again :)
Wotanwarrior said:
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
Definitely. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was on while weather-controlling was done.
Wotanwarrior said:
After thousands of years and everything that has happened, 20 years is nothing.
I have no doubt that the jews are manipulating the weather, one of the things they do is fumigate the clouds to remove the rain and cause droughts.


While they're able to dissipate/lessen/weaken weather, that also means they can also increase it naturally, as well.

How many more can you (anyone) find?!

That's a lot of information, it makes perfect sense, first they cause droughts and then they do the opposite effect causing storms, hurricanes and destructive torrential rains.
All in the name of "end-time 'prophesies'". "Repent! Save thyself (except that you are nothing and must pay a kike to pretend to save you; pay a kike to not bully you)..."

[Shit! It's a-- well, I've said already it is a worldwide international mafia, but that is a "protection" racket! xians pay (false)protection money! Sheeeuuuuttt!]

"...the end of the World is at hand!" stands outside in town as a Human billboard , while unkempt, wearing raggedy clothes with messy facial and head hair and smelling not like roses

din-ding, din-ding "Here ye, here ye!"
Arcadia said:
Νίκος said:
If I'm not mistaken, then this at least partly is what Hitler meant regarding the eternal struggle. We should remember that energy takes the path of least resistance, which is negative, deadly, destructive, painful, etc., so we have to work against the grain, i.e. we have to struggle. In this struggle, there is also pain - the path-of-least-resistance-taking along which energy goes is like an opportunity for energy to cause us pain - someone is working hard and focussing on building themself up, so energy...say "sees" this and "realises" it can cause more negative things. In a way, perhaps, the least-possible resistance in such a circumstance is/could be the lactic acid and pain and out-of-breathness, etc., after which we, through this resistance which we fight against, grow and become more and improve ourselves. To be a bit graphic - we need to eat certain foods which provides healthy resistance so that we can pass stools, getting rid of the things we don't need, and keeping the things which we do need, which helps us improve.

Later, after we've increased positively, through negativity (if you're an xian then "the valley of the shadow of death"), then the least-possible resistance would be higher than it would have been if we hadn't have become more - the bar/banner is raised, so energy, trying to find the least-resistance option, must go elsewhere because we've become used to the lower-down amount of pain/etc.; we've overcome it and it doesn't bother us anymore, so energy must still find the lowest-possible way to hurt/damage/etc., you, which is higher than previously because we've grown and improved and become stronger. In simple terms - punching a young person would cause them severe damage; punching a professional wrestler, say The Great Khali, might be like a fly landing on you! Not to mention it probably would be you who broke your own hand/wrist! If that makes sense.

Since the struggle is eternal, then at every amount, level, degree, height, ability there will always be resistance, i.e. pain and things to push against - consider what shit is in your life (no offence); then consider what the Gods and Goddesses, on much higher abilities and advancements, have to resist against. I would guess that it wouldn't really be much greater, if at all, in some ways, than what we experience. I think I'd consider this lactic acid, out-of-breathness, etc., this resistance, to be like gravity - a weak force but a lot of it and still enough to keep us struggling to escape the atmosphere. Contrarily - perhaps in some ways, the higher we advance, the greater the resistance, but because we are Natural beings created by Nature, then the resistance would not ever be too much for us. Likewise, with the jewish Saturnine cult (i.e. the jew and its shit), this is used to keep us down Physically, to undermine us and belittle us. Saturn can be used to bring one down back to Earth, to reality, but then it can be used to pile on the pressure and increase the detriment to debilitation, disease, desolation, destruction, death... (Alliteration not intended!)

That might be rather too subtle but I can't seem to make it more clearer!

Once one manages to accept that infinite power/ability, omnipotence, is false, then they can start to learn and then understand what perfection actually is. For one thing, the many centuries of xianity has proven "omnipotence" is false; if "god" is "all-powerful, all-able", then why did shit continue to get worse? Unless "god" is just a lazy bastard and who just doesn't give a shit. Whence cometh evil? Then why call "him" "god"? Evidently, Epicurus didn't read isaiah 45:7. The "infinite%"age of power, ability, etc., named "omnipotence" and understood incorrectly as "perfect", is an easy cop-out, to avoid deep thinking and understanding of the true Nature of Nature; in short - "thou must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if ye do, ye shall surely die"; however, ye surely shall not die (which Satan informs and reveals!!); if ye do eat of it, then ye olde kike shall surely die.

"Don't think about it - 'god' has so much ability! Accept that, Goy!"
"Cool. I won't delve into it, then! I'll just accept what you force me to pay you to tell me! Yay!"

Then -

"Erm... Why doth 'god' allow bad things to happen to good sheeple, mun?"
"Erm... Because... Like... Well... erm... you kow how it is... Erm... just have faith, Child!"
"Oh, yeah! Oh, yay!"

Notice that if we remove "omnipotence" from the many "the" bibleses and xianity, then, at least in one way, it falls apart entirely. Once we remove the misunderstood misconception of "perfect", then there is so, so much thinking and 'eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil' which must be done, and along with this the struggles (walking through 'the valley of the shadow of death') to come to terms with using your Brain for the first time and leaving xianity forever, to improve yourself properly; once we ask questions, the kike has to increase the stories in the many "the" bibleses (re-writing the many "the" bibleses (flat-Earth, homosexuality...)), to "explain" everything in a fantastical, non-logical (left/right-brain) manner, mistreating us like little Children or a cute puppy-dog with that patronising high-pitched voice one puts on, and laughing at us like "OK, go on now, away with yourself", belittling us and undermining us. In this sense, while our Bodies grow up into Adults, the jew has to try any means possible to keep us "with the Child-like faith", and that is the fantasy stories and guilt and force (in history and in some places now) and things. While our Bodies might be Adults, the jew tried keeping our Minds immature and ignorant - and furthermore, most people were illiterate so they couldn't know what was in the many "the" bibleses, "education" was nothing, and practically everyone was an idiot slave. Realising this, it's not surprising that there are many idiots still alive today, with having been illiterate and ignorant in previous lives, or for those in their first life today, having parts of/influences of their Parents' Souls in them who were ignorant idiots in previous lives... The jew knows we reincarnate, and knows past-life problems stay into future lives if they aren't fixed. Of course, there are many people who have been through the false-perfection of xianity for many lifetimes...

"Perfect" in terms of omnipotence is too easy, but when one decides to ask too many harsh questions, problems occur for the establishment. A wise man asks questions and the misconception of "perfection" is always just out of reach. In reality, perfection is like a fulfillment of yourself in various ways, levels, layers, heights, amounts, degrees, advancements... (see my house/garden analogy and building/tree analogy above); however, we can never quite reach this fulness because advancement is eternal! Achievements/checkpoints/stepping stones, along the way, are also ongoing! To put a positive spin on a lot of negative shit - one might have gone through an absolute shit Saturn transit, and while it is happening it might be so bad that it could be life-threatening and suicide-considering/inducing, but afterwards, in hindsight, one, in their opinion, might consider all of the torturous shit to be perfect - or rather the outcome of it, now that they have fulfilled and achieved success and come out the other side stronger.

As ridiculous as the above sounds my point is, its cause and effect.
Oops. I'm going to refer to Star Trek again, but relating it to the jew and "god"! So anyone reading may skip to my next bit, if you so wish! :p

According to the jewish Star Trek, regarding time travel/temporal mechanics, I hate temporal mechanics! - sometimes effect can preceed cause. This surely is a reference to the kike "god" being "all-powerful, all-able", yet as we've seen not only in the last several months (because the kike "god" council has to convene and talk about shit, instead of "god" clicking its kike fingers) but have also seen for ever, "god" cannot do shit - which it also admits itself! It cannot defeat chariots made from iron, and it causes evil! The path of least resistance is the only ability that the jew can do. How shit the jew is Spiritually but very clever in it Physically, slowing things down to cause things to happen at such a speed which leaves us Humans bored and depressed.

At this point I feel like causing the jew yet more distain for me (if that's possible) by saying something I might have mentioned before - once, a jew was nice to me and decided to do something for me. Cheekily, I thanked the jew calling it a slang term for a slave/servant (skivvy, lackey...). The look it gave me - if looks could kill!
Nikolas said:
Hello. For the past day i did RTR daily and meditated lots. This time i am serious. I swear on my entire being and existance or whatever, this time i really meditate and take everything serious and care much more. The thing is that i keep thinking over and over and over and its bugging me that the Gods hav had enough with me. That they are really really upset with me.
I keep overthinking. I just want to make up for everyhing. Any advice ? I mean i am sorry but the best I can do is do the work from now on and that's exactly what i am doing. I cant change the past . Yet i feel like I commited a crime against humanity.Like i am the most evil person who has ever lived. I really feel bad about myself. I think I cried a little. I dedicated myself long ago .
Azazel said" those who are with Satan ... etc etc ... " . I dont even know if I can consider myself a SS anymore or if the Gods do . It would be an honour of course but im not sure. That message refers to me too or not ??? Thats what im over and over thinking.
I wish I matured much earlier. I wish i discoved SS now not back then. I am so jealous of those who actually talk with the Gods and have wonderful experiences.
What matter for the God's is that you do your meditations and keep doing the Final Rtr. So don't worry they accept you but from now on keep doing those things everyday and study the Jos.
Nikolas said:
Hello. For the past day i did RTR daily and meditated lots. This time i am serious. I swear on my entire being and existance or whatever, this time i really meditate and take everything serious and care much more. The thing is that i keep thinking over and over and over and its bugging me that the Gods hav had enough with me. That they are really really upset with me.
I keep overthinking. I just want to make up for everyhing. Any advice ? I mean i am sorry but the best I can do is do the work from now on and that's exactly what i am doing. I cant change the past . Yet i feel like I commited a crime against humanity.Like i am the most evil person who has ever lived. I really feel bad about myself. I think I cried a little. I dedicated myself long ago .
Azazel said" those who are with Satan ... etc etc ... " . I dont even know if I can consider myself a SS anymore or if the Gods do . It would be an honour of course but im not sure. That message refers to me too or not ??? Thats what im over and over thinking.
I wish I matured much earlier. I wish i discoved SS now not back then. I am so jealous of those who actually talk with the Gods and have wonderful experiences.

THAT is NOTHING more than the PATHETIC FILTHY Enemy manipulating your mind and putting thoughts like that in your mind. Belive me, i KNOW from personal experience, that the God´s do NOT abandon you, as long as you are loyal to the heart and soul to them. Meaning, even if you have failed at seriousness in the past, if you PROMISE to be serious and do lots of work for this GREATEST of Causes, mark my words, it´ll be the EXACT opposite of Them leaving you. :cool: :cool:
returner said:
Time just keeps on passing by and I cant help but ask. Where is this help?

She meant that it will come once the God´s have returned. Right now we just need to keep our focus on ridding the world of jews and then, when the War is over, the God´s return and help Humanity restore the Earth to Her former Beauty.

The Earth CAN and WILL be saved, WITH the God´s help. But FIRST we need to deal with the Enemy.
returner said:
Time just keeps on passing by and I cant help but ask. Where is this help?
You help yourself. Make your own luck. The gods help the survival of the entire gentile soul. If you specifically want the gods to spend their energy just on you, they probably aren't going to. Because you should be doing your own work to make yourself strong enough to take care of and help yourself. And if you are doing this, the gods will help show you what to do. If the gods weren't helping us we would have died 500 years ago. From the middle ages when the enemy had 100% control of everything, and look at the last couple years their entire system is collapsing and erasing.
returner said:
Time just keeps on passing by and I cant help but ask. Where is this help?

Depends on what you mean. If you're talking about if when the Gods are returning to help the world, the original post in this thread answered that.
If you're talking about Maxine's recent statement about "help being on the way for those in situations they cannot remedy themselves" that was only like, two weeks ago, things take time, and it's very contextual and situational in the first place.

Here's the most basic way I can put it. If you're progressing yourself, putting effort in, and partaking in spiritual warfare, the Gods assist you, even in non-obvious ways. Providing you're taking all this seriously and have been at it for a while, who knows, maybe the Gods have already assisted you to some degree or another.

My absolute basic advice is, keep progressing, and work on your life to the best of your ability. Karma destruction, aura of protection, cleaning, all useful things to try and improve one's life along with the Final RTR. You should try to solely rely on the Gods as little as you can. Having them as a mental safety net is one thing. Putting in zero effort is another. This isn't to say they don't help, however. I've had some ugly situations work out better than they had any right to, and been given signs when I've needed them most. They listen and help, just be polite and respectful. It's good that people are reminded not to over rely, but its also a nice reminder to newbies not to be afraid of approaching the Gods and they aren't going to get mad at you if you talk openly about your issues. My Guardian comforted me during some of my lower points. If they were so cold and aloof as some people had claimed, they wouldn't bother.

As the High Priests have said in the past, Satan assists us with what we need, and occasionally what we want. Keep growing, serving the Gods and sticking close to them and your life will improve. Asking for help on certain things is fine, in the end. Just so long you aren't treating the Gods as wishing machines and doing nothing. Even when the Gods are going to definitively assist you, it's only polite to make it so they have to do as little as possible to do so. This also shows effort and willingness to improve one's life, which is what they try to teach you.
Gear88 said:
I really have no idea what you mean. Could you please be more specific?

You simply seem to state that I cause problems but I have no idea why my post would cause a problem.

Perhaps in the future I might buy a astrological chart. I have read my chart as best as possible an it is a dark plutonic/saturnian chart with quirky mercurian aspect.

My questions are extreme? I only posted about 18 or so questions in fact I was gonna make it longer and I've never in my life heard anyone post such questions in such manner as myself. Not to make myself sound like some wunderkind. And yet you state they are nonsensical. No one even posts such things when a sermon pops out.
Your questions and way of writing in general has kind of a mixture of fear and arrogance in it. I'm telling you this because I think you may genuinely be unaware of it.
Personally, I see you as an awesome SS, and I really enjoy talking lengthily with you. This is just in the sense of giving advice in case you are interested in potentially changing your way of communicating.

Often times with people like us, who have a strong plutonian vibe to them, we tend to go overboard on things. That means for example when you are finally ready to ask questions and deeply transform, that you write those questions out like literal essays. Anyone who doesn't have such plutonian energies will then look at these questions and be heavily overwhelmed. Sometimes we need to adjust and control our intensity so as to not throw off and/or confuse others.

With that being said, as I also have these kinds of energies, I would always be open to discuss all these matters further with you. I may not be able to answer every single question you have, due to my knowledge being inferior to that of the HPs, but I would gladly invest the time to clear as many of them up for you as I can. Feel free to contact me on my e-mail (shael [at] protonmail [dot] com) if you want, and we can talk more in private. :)
Arcadia said:
returner said:
Time just keeps on passing by and I cant help but ask. Where is this help?

Depends on what you mean. If you're talking about if when the Gods are returning to help the world, the original post in this thread answered that.
If you're talking about Maxine's recent statement about "help being on the way for those in situations they cannot remedy themselves" that was only like, two weeks ago, things take time, and it's very contextual and situational in the first place.

Here's the most basic way I can put it. If you're progressing yourself, putting effort in, and partaking in spiritual warfare, the Gods assist you, even in non-obvious ways. Providing you're taking all this seriously and have been at it for a while, who knows, maybe the Gods have already assisted you to some degree or another.

My absolute basic advice is, keep progressing, and work on your life to the best of your ability. Karma destruction, aura of protection, cleaning, all useful things to try and improve one's life along with the Final RTR. You should try to solely rely on the Gods as little as you can. Having them as a mental safety net is one thing. Putting in zero effort is another. This isn't to say they don't help, however. I've had some ugly situations work out better than they had any right to, and been given signs when I've needed them most. They listen and help, just be polite and respectful. It's good that people are reminded not to over rely, but its also a nice reminder to newbies not to be afraid of approaching the Gods and they aren't going to get mad at you if you talk openly about your issues. My Guardian comforted me during some of my lower points. If they were so cold and aloof as some people had claimed, they wouldn't bother.

As the High Priests have said in the past, Satan assists us with what we need, and occasionally what we want. Keep growing, serving the Gods and sticking close to them and your life will improve. Asking for help on certain things is fine, in the end. Just so long you aren't treating the Gods as wishing machines and doing nothing. Even when the Gods are going to definitively assist you, it's only polite to make it so they have to do as little as possible to do so. This also shows effort and willingness to improve one's life, which is what they try to teach you.
Some people just expect the God's to help them even if they don't do anything about it. I think that is just wrong. No matter how bad is your life you can definitily find the time to do something as little as an affirmation everyday! If the God's see that you can't even do that they definitily not going to help!

So nobody should expect the God's to do something for them if they don't even do something as simple as that. The God's see more than us. So don't try to find excuse for them because they know you and they know if you really can't do something or not.

Some people say that they can't meditate becuase they can be heard or they don't have time, it's not true. You do have some time unless you are a slave and if you can't do mantra there are still a lot of things you can do (yoga and breathing exercise's) even if that is not the "best" it's still better than nothing. Help yourself and the God's will definitily help you.
Shael said:
Your questions and way of writing in general has kind of a mixture of fear and arrogance in it. I'm telling you this because I think you may genuinely be unaware of it.
Personally, I see you as an awesome SS, and I really enjoy talking lengthily with you. This is just in the sense of giving advice in case you are interested in potentially changing your way of communicating.

Often times with people like us, who have a strong plutonian vibe to them, we tend to go overboard on things. That means for example when you are finally ready to ask questions and deeply transform, that you write those questions out like literal essays. Anyone who doesn't have such plutonian energies will then look at these questions and be heavily overwhelmed. Sometimes we need to adjust and control our intensity so as to not throw off and/or confuse others.

With that being said, as I also have these kinds of energies, I would always be open to discuss all these matters further with you. I may not be able to answer every single question you have, due to my knowledge being inferior to that of the HPs, but I would gladly invest the time to clear as many of them up for you as I can. Feel free to contact me on my e-mail (shael [at] protonmail [dot] com) if you want, and we can talk more in private. :)

Oh okay I will readily admit just to put it on public in case HP Cobra reads this and is scratching his head at me, hopefully not enough to get banned for being a trouble maker. While I never talked about it much I am a fearful person, in fact to a surprising degree perhaps even some sort of hidden fear that I swallowed down. It's very much like this astrologer who posted a comment saying on two or three things; "scarred", such as a planet and aspect to my 8th house and even a perhaps a teacher; "A situation of being dramatically singled out and “put in your place” could have occurred that somehow scarred you, maybe more than you realize".(https://astroarena12.blogspot.com/ Great site very psycho-analytical but does not include other minor aspects. His videos as interesting like a Saturn video he has as an addendum to a Saturn aspect that I have.

[... removed by mod because of astrological information ...]

I'm not saying my astrological chart is some unique once in a lifetime aspect but perhaps it is not because I'm not anything special but because I was born premature by one week due to negligence from a nurse.

But at (Shael) I have a question for you and this might be perhaps at HP Cobra who is perceptive.

*How did you feel out all my posts and post your own reply to me stating such?* I mean I never really meant to put it in such a negative way it's kinda like this aspect of mine doing things but innocently like a child never meaning
to cause harm and just as surprised as the person who is reacting with surprise when they react negative.

(And yes I'm aware Mind-to-Text has no emotional aspects but people growing up in the computer age do poses a short of psychic detection of emotions.)
StraitShot47 said:
returner said:
Imagine around six people rip and curse you daily.

How do you curse someone you don't know the name or face of?

You may not see them, but Demons can see them. If they are cursing you, they know who this is.
@HP Cobra. BTW pardon the Astro information never thought I was saying anything THAT important, guess I should double/triple check my astro info next time. Thank you for catching my mistake. :cool:

Well I'm no troll I might be intense about it but never meant to cause a problem.

In fact the more I think about it just like when I signed up to ProPHP forums years ago towards the last 8 months of existence and never posted anything. I feel like a hypocrite with the amount of years I've been dedicated and posting things that like some people say figure it out yourself through your own meditation and activities. Or through sermons and studying which yes but things pop out for me, more in depth deep dive penetration of the subject.

I guess if I had to describe myself since there was no spiritual lectures growing up like a school in the God's worlds. I find it difficult to approach meditation without turning on the logical side. In fact like Shael mentioned "fearful" perhaps I come at it believing that if I make one mistake I'm gonna get punished for it. I know the whole Shakti-Shiva(Yin-Yang) aspect is good but the Gods do want you to make it a habit of pursuing things through Shakti rather than outright logical both in balance or at least leaning towards making things more in line with nature(meditation).

So yeah Cobra I feel conflicted posting but at the same time I've learned more in the last three-to-four days at the time of this post. Like for example cleaning the chakra better in fact I feel like after restarting the 40-day guide and asking some questions my chakras feel cleaner and look more easier to visualize and more cleaner aside from the amount of time I've been cleaning before this restart with Returning Curses, RTR Energy sloughing ball, and Surya(x18). In fact funny thing the visualization can be scary strong particularly when I was bored and decided to clean it standing up while waiting on something.
Gear88 said:
@HP Cobra. BTW pardon the Astro information never thought I was saying anything THAT important, guess I should double/triple check my astro info next time. Thank you for catching my mistake. :cool:

Well I'm no troll I might be intense about it but never meant to cause a problem.

In fact the more I think about it just like when I signed up to ProPHP forums years ago towards the last 8 months of existence and never posted anything. I feel like a hypocrite with the amount of years I've been dedicated and posting things that like some people say figure it out yourself through your own meditation and activities. Or through sermons and studying which yes but things pop out for me, more in depth deep dive penetration of the subject.

I guess if I had to describe myself since there was no spiritual lectures growing up like a school in the God's worlds. I find it difficult to approach meditation without turning on the logical side. In fact like Shael mentioned "fearful" perhaps I come at it believing that if I make one mistake I'm gonna get punished for it. I know the whole Shakti-Shiva(Yin-Yang) aspect is good but the Gods do want you to make it a habit of pursuing things through Shakti rather than outright logical both in balance or at least leaning towards making things more in line with nature(meditation).

So yeah Cobra I feel conflicted posting but at the same time I've learned more in the last three-to-four days at the time of this post. Like for example cleaning the chakra better in fact I feel like after restarting the 40-day guide and asking some questions my chakras feel cleaner and look more easier to visualize and more cleaner aside from the amount of time I've been cleaning before this restart with Returning Curses, RTR Energy sloughing ball, and Surya(x18). In fact funny thing the visualization can be scary strong particularly when I was bored and decided to clean it standing up while waiting on something.

I too can get obsessive and heavy about things but it kind of has a fire vibe in my case cause fire is obviously my dominant element. For me its like moody I think every major event in my life is the thing of the ages. We all have things to work on. I am learning just to stay silent sometimes in real life and I bothered everyone here with my relationship issues and a few other things in the past that were petty I still feel dumb for this. I have a problem of overactive pluto and jupiter it kind of alternates. I am either over confident and arrogant thinking everything is the biggest thing and I can take on the world or obsessive and moody with a tendency to try to tear people down and compare them to some ideal that I dont even know where it came from I am thinking now maybe some person I knew in a previous life that I would long to meet again but I am not sure. When i was a teen especially I kind of wanted to force people to be like cause this ideal isnt what I am like either but what I want to be taught to be like. Hard to explain I have spent time wondering where these ideas and values came from but I havent figured it out. This isnt all the time though its just sometimes most the time I am nice but a little different. So I dont fully know why people wouldnt like me sometimes and get scared by this aura of something around me but I am working on this I am a lot calmer than i used to be.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
returner said:
Imagine around six people rip and curse you daily.

How do you curse someone you don't know the name or face of?

You may not see them, but Demons can see them. If they are cursing you, they know who this is.

Aye HPHC there is prob someone maybe more than one trying to curse me but surely our Guardian God/Goddess and other Gods would prevent this?

Is this possibly down to lack of daily meditation AOP Chakra spinning etc.

I try my best (sounds lazy i know)

Respect HP
darkmonkey666 said:
We all have things to work on. I am learning just to stay silent sometimes in real life and I bothered everyone here with my relationship issues and a few other things in the past that were petty I still feel dumb for this.
I always liked you and like to read the things you write :) Good if you want to work on things on your own, but also don't let it keep you away from here. Because we do care about you. We're all a family here.
returner said:
Time just keeps on passing by and I cant help but ask. Where is this help?
what's the problem?
returner said:
Imagine around six people rip and curse you daily.

[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Evocation.html said:
Magickal Evocation and Invocation[/url]"]Most black magick spells that go wrong do so because of errors on the part of the mage. There are other reasons for a black magick working going wrong such as the victim having a powerful aura that is able to deflect negative energy; the victim is under powerful spiritual protection [If one is under Satan's protection, nothing can touch him/her] or bad timing on the part of the mage. There can be other reasons, but the above are the most common.
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Al_Jilwah.html said:
The Al Jilwah[/url]"]I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need.

Besides what's said above, you should also be working on your own aura, which would protect you from your karmic dross, like from planetary transits etc,
Also do you not do the returning curses 1 & 2? you know the rituals that literally return the curses to whoever curses you......

I've also noted that enemy likes to cause paranoia among people, make them think there's problems when there's non, i've also noted that they can sometimes create weird sensations on the body, further increasing the paranoia on people.
This leads them into a self-destructive behavior as they think they're being harmed, well when you keep thinking that, that's where your energy goes,
in other words, they bring the problems to themselves.
this is why void meditation is done early on.

it's easy to take Satan's protection for granted when you're protected from threats beyond your understanding and awareness, as it never reaches you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
