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21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
(((Billy))) and his valorous friends taking a break from a hard work night.


Wow, that is a huge leak. One of the best one has seen in years.

Who even got this on a video?

We have to be aware that bias NWO fact-checkers are all over this already saying that this is originally from facebook.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates_Sr. <<< Billy's dad is said to be right here

Sorry if I spoiled anyone's fun but it's best I had to warn you all of the smell of burning fire from this one. I don't want us looking like believers of fakes.
What if that was a conspiracy bait, they are made to look like truths so the fact-checkers can spring out, debunk and instill doubts like objects rigged with explosives. Be sure to see what the enemy has to say and look for dumb openings in their statements, they're trying to make us look like we believe in lies.

I found an interesting article of that evil schmuck talking about the need for new rabbi leaders to keep themselves going, and it had the same photo.


And let's not forget what they meant by miracles, 'messiah' and all those Talmudic mythos dressed up in lovey-dovey tones. Rabbinism/Judaism is basically Xtianity but with a lot more self-victimization, more bowing to hashit and goyim manipulation and spiritual castrating instructions for reasons.

Chabad messianism at the time, while widely ridiculed was also largely misunderstood. “In every generation, there is a potential Moshiach [messiah],” Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the Rebbe’s closest aide, told me at the time. “In our generation, the best candidate is the Rebbe.” While there were more messianic voices, the truth is that the Jewish people had witnessed a series of miracles in the rebirth of the Jewish people and the Jewish state after the Shoah and this was mirrored in the miraculous growth of Chabad worldwide during that same time.



And now for some hilarious venting....If the rabbi mentioned or if other rabbis are reading this and lurking on our forums, I'd like to make an announcement that your hopes of parasitic prosperity have become null and void. Our Final RTRs and Anti-tetragrammaton rtrs have blocked away ALL YOUR SHENANIGANS and prophecies of gentile slavery -ehem...violently forced and induced 'equality' of unquestionable anti-gentile absolutism and baby-killing order under yuckweh. You all have failed. No rabbi is going to save you, no leader or messiah will come to cradle you away from us bad goys because you no longer have your 'god' to blind masses like years ago.

You may use our values, morals, negotiation, bribing, and charismatic skill against us even. But in the end, you will always be like a coconut octopus, always using our golden shells you steal from us and taint most of it into your own facade. You disguise yourselves cleverly to hide the predatory truth of what you edgy vampiric xeno-hybrids are!!!






Don't tell me that all these are untrue if all that was said here is happening and showing itself like this world's rollout of mass pacifying, silencing, gaslighting, and most of all, destroying those who don't fall in line with the slightest displacement to your standards! Refer to the beginning of this topic and its sources to see that you reptile hybrids, reading and lurking in our forums are no different to pope fuckcis launching mass exorcism squads over a deranged fake satanist teen who killed people. : )

With all that said, I shall now climb over to yell at the other side of the wall to shout at the kosher enemy with these words trough a megaphone: "Climb out of your shells and charge at us like skinny corpses running like retards ALREADY(and your goyim slaves will go: The emperor has no clothes and in turns out that he has the smallest, hariest and wrinkliest *************** ever to be seen! Hahahahalolololololololol!) or remain starving yourselves to a boring ass death IN WHERE YOU HIDE BEHIND!" :D
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Thanks for reporting it. The truth is always the priority path to follow. But Gates always remains the same reptilian scum.
Wildfire said:

Thank you for reporting that. He looks to an extreme extent like Billy, but I doubt Billy would allow pictures of such content to leak anyway. He also doesn't have Billy's nose.

I have zero doubts personally he is in total alliance and listens to them, but he's one of the worlds richest, and there's no way he would allow this type of leak around. Such as going to meet with Rabbis. If he does, it will be in the highest secrecy.

The thing is now deleted. Our information can never be based on disinformation. We are also here to filter it out.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for reporting it. The truth is always the priority path to follow. But Gates always remains the same reptilian scum.

I doubt if anyone had such a pic and it was for real, they would be alive.

This event was called "Dollar Sundays" and it was done by the Messianic Rabbi to distribute dollars and instructions to Jews, private sermons and so on.
Im doing FRTR+TETRA... what else could i do to stop jews from making this Jew World Order?

Hail Satan!
mendez said:
Im doing FRTR+TETRA... what else could i do to stop jews from making this Jew World Order?

Hail Satan!

I don't really know what the problem with humans is?

at the end is our words against them. We are far stronger than them, regardless of what the situation may seem like.

They may have resources but we have the truth.

the jews do everything on parasitic necessities, they don't really have real necessities. Everything they do is not for life.

they do everything attacking at acupunctural places. They always attack what they investigate. but they are never sure.

if we discover what they think, what they do, we know when to attack them.

We can technically overpower them by using their own agenda against them.

They fear the word Boycott. We should boycott their plans. We know their plans.

The energy rituals can help grow energy to boycott their plans and they hate it.

we should make teams to create awareness of truth. and other teams to protect them. to Attack them when they attack.

I have seen that not even the JoS has all the truths, yet it has the clearest steps to defining the jews as what they really are and their role in the overthrow of the world.

the JoS needs more tactics.

In the end, despite it is spiritual warfare that they always do.

it's also common sense and that gives leverage for the Satanic warriors to spread wide open to more public because there is power in numbers.

Even if you cannot convince all Christians or any other religion to join you can act from common sense about the destructive agendas of the jews and what are they doing to humanity behind.

This is the problem, humanity needs unity as a whole, and practical steps to defying the enemy, since all humanity regardless of condition is at the peril of these parasites.

I believe the Gods left truth in all religions not only as pagan but even in Christianity, (I'm not trying to contradict anyone here) what I mean is gentile humanity regardless is born out of Satan is lost.

I say to use as many resources as possible not leaving only Satanic resources for the outcome of the "war" but Satanic tools may be used for personal development.

Use the same tactics the enemy does. Attack in advance. Make the positions clear and defend them in front of the enemy.

I think the enemy is full of hot air in the promises of achieving their NWO. but it's a threat to be stopped before in all levels possible for Satanic humanity to flourish.

We need to gather more people even if they may not be Satanists.

But they may be intelligent and express the truth about the world.

I have seen Satan place agents even in unsuspected places.

Humanity needs unity. Humans must unite.

The jews fear us. it's pathetic that such pest would scare a human.

the jews are afraid of us so they become irrational murderers out of their fear.

Humans have befallen in their minds to the Jewish witchcraft but the human spirit is still Satanic.

We are not to take seriously their threats but rather as quackery from demented beings who pretend they are the rulers of us and the universe.

if you are a Satanic warrior defeat them with your life a good life where the enemy doesn't rule your thinking that's enough to defeat them.

Use always proactive actions to change your world and society.

We must unite to show the beauty of Satanic principles.

the jews are weak. literally.

I have developed spiritual means to measure the power of beings, many of you here can do similar things.

the jews are monsters but weak monsters.

the human when well developed is far stronger if not infinitely stronger. you can say another dimension stronger.

the problem is the human forgot about this power.

the strength of the jew lays in convincing you that you are not strong or weak. and they have all the answers.

they spy on you from space, or "the astral" like the movie "they live".

they have advanced technology to spy on you from a far distance away. they even know that I'm writing to you now at the moment.

but I discovered that the jews despite the information are weak and that Satan is protecting us.

so in this situation, it is not about limiting yourself to wait for humanity to become Satanists to do something.

teaching even your small community can be enough to surpass the limitations. not necessarily about Satan but at least about common sense issues from a well-developed Satanic perspective.

I write all of this since I have been persecuted directly by the jews. and I was able to make my stand.

Humans are not perfect beings. All humans are s**T literally. so there is no point into not working together for small differences. there is no human better than other or another. specially. when we have such nefarious threat which is more spiritual than physical not allowing the light of consciousness shine outwards.

Humans are very far away from perfection so in the imperfection of all humans, instead of criticizing another, there must be a way to unity.
behindthescenes said:
we should make teams to create awareness of truth. and other teams to protect them. to Attack them when they attack.
We already protect ourselves with protection magick and with JoS protection rituals. We already attack them during their holidays.

behindthescenes said:
the JoS needs more tactics.
Aye aye, a guy with 1 post surely knows better.

behindthescenes said:
I have seen that not even the JoS has all the truths
Probably because we say that smoking weed is bad.

behindthescenes said:
I believe the Gods left truth in all religions not only as pagan but even in Christianity, (I'm not trying to contradict anyone here) what I mean is gentile humanity regardless is born out of Satan is lost.
You lost your credibility a couple paragraphs ago, this seals the coffin.

behindthescenes said:
I say to use as many resources as possible not leaving only Satanic resources for the outcome of the "war" but Satanic tools may be used for personal development.
Ah damn it, hopefully they put meditations on JoS that advance your soul and that aren't only to fight jews. Spoiler: You haven't opened JoS

behindthescenes said:
the jews are weak. literally.
That must be why we were under their rule for hundreds of years.

behindthescenes said:
All humans are s**T literally. so there is no point into not working together for small differences. there is no human better than other or another.
Promoting communism I see. Your permanence won't be very long.

All in all I give you a 1/10, you aren't a subtle troll, you have a long way to go to be able to actually convince anyone that you're a decent individual.
We all know that we must continue the RTRs so that this also manifests itself on our level.
But I was thinking about some things I read on the site, in which Maxime said that it is important to always make statements in the present, because words and thoughts move energies.
So I was wondering if just the fact of talking about them and hypothesizing them, in some way, is not counterproductive?
In my mind I am sure that this does not happen, I do not even consider it as a hypothesis.
And I certainly don't need a reason to struggle with Satan and the Gods, the love I have for them and respect is reason enough.

Thanks for the attention. :)
It's getting freakier by the day. They think they won so they're applying "operation warpspeed" to all their plans. It's no wonder so many people are waking up. We're at a horrible but exciting time to be alive. (It's especially exciting for a Satanist).

So this Billy <3 guy I often hear mentioned is Bill Gates? I love the meme. :lol:
(((They're))) now sharing this in the principle and major mainstreams media of my Country:

Locust is a unique living creature God created.



Rabbi Jezuz and his locusts. Kosher food for Goymz.

This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials and all the Egyptians—something neither your fathers nor your forefathers have ever seen from the day they settled in this land till now.
— Exodus 10:3–6

The Plagues of Egypt (מכות מצרים‎), in the story of the book of Exodus, are ten disasters inflicted on Egypt by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery;[1] they serve as "signs and marvels" given by God to answer Pharaoh's taunt that he does not know Yahweh: "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD".[2]:117
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
(((They're))) now sharing this in the principle and major mainstreams media of my Country:

Locust is a unique living creature God created.



Rabbi Jezuz and his locusts. Kosher food for Goymz.

This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials and all the Egyptians—something neither your fathers nor your forefathers have ever seen from the day they settled in this land till now.
— Exodus 10:3–6

The Plagues of Egypt (מכות מצרים‎), in the story of the book of Exodus, are ten disasters inflicted on Egypt by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery;[1] they serve as "signs and marvels" given by God to answer Pharaoh's taunt that he does not know Yahweh: "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD".[2]:117

Funny thing if you study Skeptics Annotated Bible. It was actually Shehameforash(yahweh/god/names of this fucker) who hardened the Pharaoh's heart. Like literally the book makes it clear it wasn't that he didn't want to let go of the jews. It was because the jewish god made the Pharaoh not release them.

It's funny it's like the fake MSM/judenpresse they prep the people up like the Chauvin case and then they only bait people into their frame narrative and then people riot. Because what is this the people don't study anything past MSM bullshit they are not seeing the other side of the case.

It's just funny 3000+ years of creating fake narratives from some book which has cursed and damned mankind.

Either way it's disgusting. Humans eating insects = as a last resort out in the jungles somewhere. This is gonna make whole new allergies, whole new diseases, and whole new shekelberging(robbing)/shekelsteining(investing). This is gonna explode into new diseases and health issues.

Already someone replied at some point a short period of time before this posting. That people who work with cockroaches often get allergies from them. Your NOT supposed to eat insects they are completely unhealthy only as a last resort.
WarriorOfJoyOf_Satan said:
I am going to make a youtube video based of this list!

WarriorOfJoyOf_Satan, few weeks ago i made a video about this.
Here is the link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yhUSzMsd9pim/

I recommend you upload videos like this on www.bitchute.com cause i uploaded them on youtube and they deleted my videos. On bitchute, they wont delete it.
himmler was a legend said:
WarriorOfJoyOf_Satan said:
I am going to make a youtube video based of this list!

WarriorOfJoyOf_Satan, few weeks ago i made a video about this.
Here is the link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yhUSzMsd9pim/

I recommend you upload videos like this on www.bitchute.com cause i uploaded them on youtube and they deleted my videos. On bitchute, they wont delete it.

Thank you, please expose this enemy plot as much as possible and everywhere.
We are so fucked. Lol. Idk what’s going on. Hopefully Satan calms it down. It is the current of the g7, so EXPECT MAJOR CHANGE. It’s part of the universe.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
(((They're))) now sharing this in the principle and major mainstreams media of my Country:

Locust is a unique living creature God created.



Rabbi Jezuz and his locusts. Kosher food for Goymz.

This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials and all the Egyptians—something neither your fathers nor your forefathers have ever seen from the day they settled in this land till now.
— Exodus 10:3–6

The Plagues of Egypt (מכות מצרים‎), in the story of the book of Exodus, are ten disasters inflicted on Egypt by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery;[1] they serve as "signs and marvels" given by God to answer Pharaoh's taunt that he does not know Yahweh: "The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD".[2]:117

This picture killed me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

(About the sources: Only indicative. Sources have to be understood in conjunction)

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

Source: "Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef - Billy Gates: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/bill-gates-rich-countries-should-eat-100-25-synthetic-beef/ar-BB1dJ4cT

2. You will never own anything again. You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.
Source: World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/

Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing and you will be happy https://youtu.be/NcAO4-o_4Ug

3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass. Call it UBI*.

*Conditions apply. You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you. Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance. You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.

"United States: Green New Deal – the environmental and social revolutions are linked" https://basicincome.org/news/2019/04/united-states-green-new-deal-the-environmental-and-social-revolutions-are-linke/

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited. Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" ie, non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated. Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same. There will be only "One Humanity".

-> Why Declining Birthrates Are Good for the Planet | TIME.com - https://science.time.com/2012/03/14/population-studies-birth-rates-are-declining-for-the-earth-and-a-lot-of-people-thats-not-a-bad-thing/
-> Lower birth rates are good for the planet | Population | The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/11/lower-birth-rates-are-good-for-the-planet
->One Child Policy by Encyclopedia Britannica in Communist China https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy

5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that (related to the above), by creating one more idle eater.

The Changing Face of America - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2013/10/changing-face-america/

6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate. It could be anything. You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News. Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed.

Should employers force workers to get COVID-19 vaccine? Some experts say they should? - https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/08/26/coronavirus-vaccine-mandates-covid-19/3346210001/

7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.

Edward Snowden Interview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yK1QndJSM

8. You will no longer study or filter information. An Anti Fake News AI will do it for you. If you see anything wrong, it'll be fake news.


The Impact of AI on Journalism - https://www.forbes.com/sites/calumchace/2020/08/24/the-impact-of-ai-on-journalism/
European Union "Tackling online disinformation | Shaping Europe's digital future" - https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/tackling-online-disinformation

9. You'll have a brainchip, potentially reading your thoughts etc. Or turn you into a drone. Or kill you. It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl. Or whatever, genders won't exist at all. We're all one.


"Elon Musk says Neuralink could start implanting chips in human brains ‘later this year’ " - https://nypost.com/2021/02/03/elon-musk-neuralink-could-start-implanting-brain-chips-later-this-year/

10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".


The History of Sexuality has a Jewish Problem - The Difference Religion Makes to United States History https://publicseminar.org/2017/07/the-history-of-sexuality-has-a-jewish-problem/

Chinese toss aside strict sexual morals of Communist era Adultery [Because these are inherent part of Communism] - https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1996-04-28-1996119047-story.html

11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one. The Global State will move you as they please.


A Digital Nomad, but on steroids in a global state : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nomad

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change: Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one. https://www.wired.com/story/billionaires-use-vr-avoid-social-change/

12. Old schizoprhenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit. They are good people after all, and harmless. Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you. Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the earth.

With Epstein :

13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.


Or any property of course in general: https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/communist/section3/

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety". Constitutions? Laws? Countries? No, nothing.

Orwell's 1984. Have you read that one?

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you'll be "removed". Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.

Mass Killings Under Communist Regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes

16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly. You'll live in an eternal lockdown. So adjust to this now.

"Bill Gates: Bioterrorism, climate change are next big threats after Covid" https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/11/bill-gates-says-bioterrorism-climate-change-are-the-next-big-threats.html

He has it all planned out goyim, don't worry.

17. You don't need any friends at all. They could infect you with Coronavirus. You'll live alone. But it's ok. You'll watch only state allowed films, pornography, or education material in the meanwhile.

Google Sued Over Purged Conservative YouTube Channels - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/google-sued-over-purged-conservative-youtube-channels

I can't link Pornhub here, but if you go, you'll definitely find a lot of race mixing content in the first page. It's part of the agenda of course to program you in that.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labeling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police Of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very very good.

This site explains in depth how "Spy systems" are being used in full force to supposedly track "Coronavirus", gathering infinite data on citizens and their moves, behavior etc. It also has information on Vaccination Passports and other bright ideas of Billy <3. "Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 https://privacyinternational.org/examples/tracking-global-response-covid-19 "

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will be already be living in prison.

An Introduction to Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish - A Macat Sociology Analysis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVFtc9_AB2k

20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around. There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/23/here-are-ten-critics-of-vladimir-putin-who-died-violently-or-in-suspicious-ways/

21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not. Sissifycation will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.

Source: - They will manipulate your children either to make them trannies, or to reverse that. Either way, in the West it will be enforced as a "Cure", same as it is being done in Iran.

Iran Tries to 'Cure' Gay Children With Electric Shock and Hormone Therapy https://www.ibtimes.sg/iran-tries-cure-gay-children-electric-shock-hormone-therapy-report-55535
British children in limbo over gender therapy after court ruling https://www.reuters.com/article/britain-lgbt-health/feature-british-children-in-limbo-over-gender-therapy-after-court-ruling-idUSL8N2KA5O5


But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this. He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man". At least we have no men anymore! Everyone is a great now! The world is so safe. Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm. If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said. Welcome them all in. If they rape, kill, or loot anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3. They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner "You love Billy <3".

This is the way to freedom. We will not have any wars or any disputes like before! We peacefully are going to the slaugther, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting. We'll finally have attained peace. Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King. This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all. You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people. Your new leaders will be very very kind to you. Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening! They will be Mr Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the Good thing. He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions. But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did. But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner. If you diosbey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident. A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3. Billy <3 is our friend. He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be. He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3. He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful. No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3. He's not evil and dominant like Hitler </3.

We're finally entering ultracuckland and everyone should be really happy! I'm off to take all my drugs and watch my Netflix on how thankful we should be that people like Billy are going to destroy everything that humanity is, like a good boy.

Plz don't hate on this post because my feelings are going to be rly rly sad ok? Or like a GOOD BOY I'll tell Billy <3 that you don't agree with his New World, and he'll make sure you don't get CoVid by locking you in an isolation place. I'll go full ultracuck SJW on you. Dream come true!! The weak will now rule over you, strong people with a brain who think of the above things. It's time for the ultracuck to dominate and kill you all. Hihihihi."



-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

I see, that it will be the best option if..
1. I make rituals how I just can (etc: 2 times every tvr ritual daily or more)
2. Get pyrokinetic skills how I can and train myself in hand to hand combat and evolving my knife skills
3. If I will be finished my trainings than I will go to the street and burning down to the shit the jewish asses and every people whos are deeply in the enemy's side.

I am really angry for this jewish "world", because in this world everything is fake (friendships, life goals, anything in this world). Adolf Hitler was the best leader ever in this world who wanted to save mankind from this fake world. Yes, yes and yes, a leader must be STRONG, POWERFUL AND WISE AT THE SAME TIME. billy gatesy is a typicall weak peace of shit, with his jewish gang. And I hate this jewish empire and it's bullshit factory that they think that it is "normal" that anyone can feel /him/herself as a fucking helicopter or a fucking bottle. I hate the pride bullshit as a bisexual male, because it is fake, with a lot of fake sexuality (etc: asexuality, pansexuality, objectosexuality). In this world is everything fake, just like the modern "females" "beautynes" after one milliom operation surgery or how fucking "strong" the males after taking a lot of unnatural pills, and after they lifting so heavy weights what they naturally can't. In this world jewish asses wants to make transform everything into a fake shit, but I am sure about that, that we can stop this parasyites with the power of our holy gods and goddesses and with the leading of our Highpriests, Highpriesteses.
Giszmon666 said:
I see, that it will be the best option if..
1. I make rituals how I just can (etc: 2 times every tvr ritual daily or more)
2. Get pyrokinetic skills how I can and train myself in hand to hand combat and evolving my knife skills
3. If I will be finished my trainings than I will go to the street and burning down to the shit the jewish asses and every people whos are deeply in the enemy's side.

I am really angry for this jewish "world", because in this world everything is fake (friendships, life goals, anything in this world). Adolf Hitler was the best leader ever in this world who wanted to save mankind from this fake world. Yes, yes and yes, a leader must be STRONG, POWERFUL AND WISE AT THE SAME TIME. billy gatesy is a typicall weak peace of shit, with his jewish gang. And I hate this jewish empire and it's bullshit factory that they think that it is "normal" that anyone can feel /him/herself as a fucking helicopter or a fucking bottle. I hate the pride bullshit as a bisexual male, because it is fake, with a lot of fake sexuality (etc: asexuality, pansexuality, objectosexuality). In this world is everything fake, just like the modern "females" "beautynes" after one milliom operation surgery or how fucking "strong" the males after taking a lot of unnatural pills, and after they lifting so heavy weights what they naturally can't. In this world jewish asses wants to make transform everything into a fake shit, but I am sure about that, that we can stop this parasyites with the power of our holy gods and goddesses and with the leading of our Highpriests, Highpriesteses.
The best option is to do spiritual warfare while simultaneously advancing yourself in every way.

Do not go showing off your skills in public since this will draw unwanted attention to you. Being able to use different kinesis will not make you invulnerable to multiple attackers, and bullets, for example. You could be subdued and taken as a "test subject" or just be tortured and killed. Instead be cunning and wise by working from the shadows. Then again as you grow this will become more and more self evident by itself.
While most will live in vein, we surly won't. The time is near to take control and drive these rats back in their hole. The rise of the new luciferin order is here and we shall seek our own siege.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote:

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

"Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef" - Billy Gates

"...It's no secret that the latter is a gargantuan contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with burping, farting cows making up nearly a third of all emissions from livestock production. So clearly, something needs to be done."

"Oy vey! The ((((cattle))) are eating away everything that is for us! Mother Earth is dying because of it, goy! Stop, in the name of pissrael!"

Really makes you think when you read between the lines, huh?? 🤔🤔🤔
Sketches said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote:

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

"Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef" - Billy Gates

"...It's no secret that the latter is a gargantuan contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with burping, farting cows making up nearly a third of all emissions from livestock production. So clearly, something needs to be done."

"Oy vey! The ((((cattle))) are eating away everything that is for us! Mother Earth is dying because of it, goy! Stop, in the name of pissrael!"

Really makes you think when you read between the lines, huh?? 🤔🤔🤔
I was discussing with a vegan years ago and he told me exactly that, cow farts are ruining the planet, at that moment I knew that the discussion was pointless. Mind you he also smoked, lol.
If predictions 1-21 materialize, I will move to a climate so harsh that none of the established would care to find me or my mates.
HelmOfLight said:
If predictions 1-21 materialize, I will move to a climate so harsh that none of the established would care to find me or my mates.

They will not. Humanity will fight against this in all fronts. Resistence is forming and an ever increasing number of people understands it's all an attack against humanity. It will take time but it's happening.

It's all in a flux mode. These are their expressed plans, not what will happen. It's a battle ongoing, the above is the battleplan of the enemy expressed straight up in the face of people. The reason we do the spiritual warfare is to alter and permanently destroy the future they want to bring about.
Klaus Schwab telling us again his plans like some movie super villian:



There was also info laying around showing they plan food shortages for mid 2022 but I cant find the pic of that.
Is this literally a screenshot from his book? Well judging this senile one really has said even worse things before in interviews, one wouldn't doubt this.

Klaus is an evil motherfucker. No wonder they have him as the front face for all this. He's just more straight up in saying anything than the others.

BlackJackal said:
Klaus Schwab telling us again his plans like some movie super villian:


There was also info laying around showing they plan food shortages for mid 2022 but I cant find the pic of that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Is this literally a screenshot from his book? Well judging this senile one really has said even worse things before in interviews, one wouldn't doubt this.

Klaus is an evil motherfucker. No wonder they have him as the front face for all this. He's just more straight up in saying anything than the others.

BlackJackal said:
Klaus Schwab telling us again his plans like some movie super villian:


There was also info laying around showing they plan food shortages for mid 2022 but I cant find the pic of that.
Not sure if it's the same but I also posted something similar some time ago: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=62693&p=281974&hilit=klaus#p281974
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Is this literally a screenshot from his book? Well judging this senile one really has said even worse things before in interviews, one wouldn't doubt this.

Klaus is an evil motherfucker. No wonder they have him as the front face for all this. He's just more straight up in saying anything than the others.

BlackJackal said:
Klaus Schwab telling us again his plans like some movie super villian:


There was also info laying around showing they plan food shortages for mid 2022 but I cant find the pic of that.

No, the quote is in another book:


Focus of Demons: Real Gremlins in the Works

Author: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
They are right on time, they started out this new decade with this ritual, what do you think you will do to stop it???

slyscorpion said:
Invictus said:

I am not. People think this is a joke. However all these points in the original topic are admissions of the enemy through the recent months.


This is exactly down to every detail in some cases what they were pushing in movies and tv shows subliminally saying this is the future or preparing people for a bunch of times. So to be honest it doesn't suprise me this is real.

However I didn't think they would ever actually get to the point they would try to do this stuff so soon. I thought this was like 2090 or something they had this planned.

That is the part that was surprising to me. It's like fuck this could be in less than ten years we are living like this.
It's starting to hit me why you emphsize how important ownership is. The city I just fleed from I was in an apartment building that the building manager had a key to and could enter any time he wants. Now in south america I'm in an airbnb, and the building management has a keycard and can enter anytime they please as well.

After events that happened to me today, and the past week I couldn't help but think to myself just now that this is why I need to be a home owner, because then I don't ever have to worry about people entering my home without permission. This is probably why they have been building so many new condo and apartment complexes these past years, and why this year that creepy organization has been buying up homes and leaving them empty. Under jewish communism, if anyone is a dissident they can just enter peoples homes easily and arrest/kill them.

I noticed something when I was in miami on south beach back in 2018, which by the way also has a huge jewish population which probably explains why I was attacked so heavily. Theres a creepy school on South Beach for only jewish children and its behind barb wired fences? what the actual fuck?

Anyways, there is these huge condo complexes called The Flamingo, and people in the area joked that its an illuminati headquarters because to enter to need to put your finger prints, you're not allowed to have guests for a certain length of time (under a week I believe), to stay with you unless you register them with the building. Its very intrusive, and there as well just like the place I live the building knows your door code and can enter without your permission if they please. Its fucked up.

This is wrong on so many levels, I really need to buy land.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

(About the sources: Only indicative. Sources have to be understood in conjunction)

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

Source: "Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef - Billy Gates: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/bill-gates-rich-countries-should-eat-100-25-synthetic-beef/ar-BB1dJ4cT

2. You will never own anything again. You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.
Source: World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/

Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing and you will be happy https://youtu.be/NcAO4-o_4Ug

3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass. Call it UBI*.

*Conditions apply. You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you. Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance. You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.

"United States: Green New Deal – the environmental and social revolutions are linked" https://basicincome.org/news/2019/04/united-states-green-new-deal-the-environmental-and-social-revolutions-are-linke/

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited. Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" ie, non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated. Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same. There will be only "One Humanity".

-> Why Declining Birthrates Are Good for the Planet | TIME.com - https://science.time.com/2012/03/14/population-studies-birth-rates-are-declining-for-the-earth-and-a-lot-of-people-thats-not-a-bad-thing/
-> Lower birth rates are good for the planet | Population | The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/11/lower-birth-rates-are-good-for-the-planet
->One Child Policy by Encyclopedia Britannica in Communist China https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy

5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that (related to the above), by creating one more idle eater.

The Changing Face of America - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2013/10/changing-face-america/

6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate. It could be anything. You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News. Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed.

Should employers force workers to get COVID-19 vaccine? Some experts say they should? - https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/08/26/coronavirus-vaccine-mandates-covid-19/3346210001/

7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.

Edward Snowden Interview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yK1QndJSM

8. You will no longer study or filter information. An Anti Fake News AI will do it for you. If you see anything wrong, it'll be fake news.


The Impact of AI on Journalism - https://www.forbes.com/sites/calumchace/2020/08/24/the-impact-of-ai-on-journalism/
European Union "Tackling online disinformation | Shaping Europe's digital future" - https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/tackling-online-disinformation

9. You'll have a brainchip, potentially reading your thoughts etc. Or turn you into a drone. Or kill you. It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl. Or whatever, genders won't exist at all. We're all one.


"Elon Musk says Neuralink could start implanting chips in human brains ‘later this year’ " - https://nypost.com/2021/02/03/elon-musk-neuralink-could-start-implanting-brain-chips-later-this-year/

10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".


The History of Sexuality has a Jewish Problem - The Difference Religion Makes to United States History https://publicseminar.org/2017/07/the-history-of-sexuality-has-a-jewish-problem/

Chinese toss aside strict sexual morals of Communist era Adultery [Because these are inherent part of Communism] - https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1996-04-28-1996119047-story.html

11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one. The Global State will move you as they please.


A Digital Nomad, but on steroids in a global state : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nomad

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change: Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one. https://www.wired.com/story/billionaires-use-vr-avoid-social-change/

12. Old schizoprhenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit. They are good people after all, and harmless. Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you. Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the earth.

With Epstein :

13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.


Or any property of course in general: https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/communist/section3/

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety". Constitutions? Laws? Countries? No, nothing.

Orwell's 1984. Have you read that one?

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you'll be "removed". Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.

Mass Killings Under Communist Regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes

16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly. You'll live in an eternal lockdown. So adjust to this now.

"Bill Gates: Bioterrorism, climate change are next big threats after Covid" https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/11/bill-gates-says-bioterrorism-climate-change-are-the-next-big-threats.html

He has it all planned out goyim, don't worry.

17. You don't need any friends at all. They could infect you with Coronavirus. You'll live alone. But it's ok. You'll watch only state allowed films, pornography, or education material in the meanwhile.

Google Sued Over Purged Conservative YouTube Channels - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/google-sued-over-purged-conservative-youtube-channels

I can't link Pornhub here, but if you go, you'll definitely find a lot of race mixing content in the first page. It's part of the agenda of course to program you in that.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labeling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police Of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very very good.

This site explains in depth how "Spy systems" are being used in full force to supposedly track "Coronavirus", gathering infinite data on citizens and their moves, behavior etc. It also has information on Vaccination Passports and other bright ideas of Billy <3. "Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 https://privacyinternational.org/examples/tracking-global-response-covid-19 "

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will be already be living in prison.

An Introduction to Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish - A Macat Sociology Analysis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVFtc9_AB2k

20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around. There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/23/here-are-ten-critics-of-vladimir-putin-who-died-violently-or-in-suspicious-ways/

21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not. Sissifycation will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.

Source: - They will manipulate your children either to make them trannies, or to reverse that. Either way, in the West it will be enforced as a "Cure", same as it is being done in Iran.

Iran Tries to 'Cure' Gay Children With Electric Shock and Hormone Therapy https://www.ibtimes.sg/iran-tries-cure-gay-children-electric-shock-hormone-therapy-report-55535
British children in limbo over gender therapy after court ruling https://www.reuters.com/article/britain-lgbt-health/feature-british-children-in-limbo-over-gender-therapy-after-court-ruling-idUSL8N2KA5O5


But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this. He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man". At least we have no men anymore! Everyone is a great now! The world is so safe. Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm. If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said. Welcome them all in. If they rape, kill, or loot anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3. They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner "You love Billy <3".

This is the way to freedom. We will not have any wars or any disputes like before! We peacefully are going to the slaugther, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting. We'll finally have attained peace. Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King. This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all. You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people. Your new leaders will be very very kind to you. Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening! They will be Mr Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the Good thing. He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions. But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did. But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner. If you diosbey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident. A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3. Billy <3 is our friend. He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be. He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3. He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful. No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3. He's not evil and dominant like Hitler </3.

We're finally entering ultracuckland and everyone should be really happy! I'm off to take all my drugs and watch my Netflix on how thankful we should be that people like Billy are going to destroy everything that humanity is, like a good boy.

Plz don't hate on this post because my feelings are going to be rly rly sad ok? Or like a GOOD BOY I'll tell Billy <3 that you don't agree with his New World, and he'll make sure you don't get CoVid by locking you in an isolation place. I'll go full ultracuck SJW on you. Dream come true!! The weak will now rule over you, strong people with a brain who think of the above things. It's time for the ultracuck to dominate and kill you all. Hihihihi."



-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

Truly excellent comment, full support. Monster, beast and abomination called yahweh enslaved all world and all goyim for his chosenite genocidal and megalomaniacal monsters.
The stupid are willingly committing suicide & sacrificing their children, their elders, their freedom.
The OP ignores the fact the true creator is the true power, but we have the choice.
The common refrain "I had to get the V@x, or my job/ mortgage/ wife/ social club, would reject me". - i.e "I am so attached to 'normal' reality I will do whatever I'm instructed to keep it a little longer".
When in fact it's already over.
Life itself is the ultimate truth & teacher, the ultimate authority & force. But we have to choose and we may have to sacrifice. The stupid are accepting transference to transhumanism, via the route of trusting very obvious liars.
You are real or you are the enemy in disguise. I'm starting to think the latter. No contrariness allowed. Very little deep thought present. Masquerading as humanist, ignorant of wildlife. Pretty confident of you to pretend at this realm. Not something anyone who knows the reality would risk.
I safely can argue that, at this point, church and state are not separated, and that's never a pleasant thing.
Satanfire666 said:
22- no no no!... Don't mastrubate because it will make daddy billy so angry that he will put you on depression meds that will make you a walking potato with zero sex drive and zero IQ and zero ego.

Very small tiny Note : i personaly was arrested and put in an insane assylum and used to take psychotic drugs but i quitted them long time ago... It was all because my muslim parents wanted to control my decisions but i refused...sometimes i thank satan about the way my existince is going to now.

Get this I had PTSD and because I was pro NS they said I was psychotic and gave me harsh meds and such.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
