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#143 about me


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I think I'm very ugly, is that low self-esteem or am I really ugly? in my chart (I'm a layman in astrology) it says that ugliness could be part of my life until a certain time or something like that...since I was a child I've hated myself and I think I'm ugly...I want to have plastic surgery but I don't have any money. I've tried to work a lot on my solar chakra, but it doesn't receive much.
Beauty is relative depends on the culture, but there is a natural norm for symethric things to look more perfect or beautiful. Chinese for example thing is beautiful the teeth's to be like out and the feet to small, which to me is ugly but for them is beauty
I think I'm very ugly, is that low self-esteem or am I really ugly? in my chart (I'm a layman in astrology) it says that ugliness could be part of my life until a certain time or something like that...since I was a child I've hated myself and I think I'm ugly...I want to have plastic surgery but I don't have any money. I've tried to work a lot on my solar chakra, but it doesn't receive much.
OK. I have made some studies on self-hate and I experienced this on me; each time I see a person posting about those emotional difficulties, I want to contribute with the (few) things I have learned. This may sound harsh and may cause an emotional boomerang effects (refusing reality) if I am right, so you may need time to find your way to healing.

How can a child hate him/herself? Because someone lead the child to think so. A child has no knowledge or experience on how to compare him/herself to others so it is not yet able to judge if worthy, or not. A child will take what caregivers, idols, or important figures teach him. So self-hate is mostly OTHER'S FAULT not the child. Many people have been educated with self-blame, never being enough, always being wrong, since day 1 of life (including myself). This is common education in most xian world, with some exceptions. This is only the tip of the iceberg because, being hard with a child creates scars - while deep wounds are caused by traumas.
Traumatic events may range from being hit, repeatedly shout, ridiculed, or worst cases, physical or sexual abuse. Those are events that in a child will cause self-hate. Because the kid is hurted, beated or assaulted, thus his/her mind will think that he/she is bad or unworthy, or even ugly as you say, because he/she "deserved" mistreatment.

It's a very complex emotional pattern but, with sadness and regret, I tell you that most likely you suffered some kind of childhood trauma. Of which, nothing is usually your fault, as a kid cannot handle what happens from adults around. Adults are responsible, not the kid.
Willing to have plastic surgery is a form or self-refusal, you want to be another person.
I spent most of my life willing to be another person and... I am still the same person. You cannot change yourself, but you can change how you perceive yourself. A possible solution is "plastic surgery" applied to your thoughts and emotions, until you start to even lightly love yourself.
Because, unloved childs (mistreated childs are obviously not loved) are not able to love themselves, in their whole life.

Loving and appreciating yourself, is the key to feel better. All of this connects to a blocked hearh chakra. So you may also have Venus issues in your chart.
Sit down in silence and in void meditation for a minute, then mentally ask yourself like you are speaking with you as a kid: "What happened to you, why do you think you are ugly?"
You may need to repeat that. You possibly will receive an internal answer. Based on this, you can build a recovery path with your Guardian Demon, as GD is the only one (together with your unconscious mind) knowing what happened, and thus can guide you.

Let me say that, a person looking for Satan and enlightenment on here, is obviously much much valuable and better than many negative and criminal people around, wandering with a void gaze and a drunk mind. They are ugly, not you, as far as I can see.
I think I'm.
Most of the time the mind is right about you; you really are ugly.
A square can't change your bone structure and plastic surgery is painful.

Just stop caring and live your life, you're ugly, so it doesn't really matter because beauty has no influence, ugliness does; but the negative aspects should be ignored because they're hard to deal with.

At the end of the day, you'll still have things to do in your day-to-day life, and your questioning about these things hasn't changed anything in your reality because it's been like this since birth.
So don't waste time being sad.
A beautiful person with low self-esteem doesn't see themselves as ugly.
They focus on other negative characteristics in themselves.

You can make a sun square to deal with this better and live happily.
Other side, beauty is some attitudes, and the charisma more than the appearance
I think I'm very ugly, is that low self-esteem or am I really ugly? in my chart (I'm a layman in astrology) it says that ugliness could be part of my life until a certain time or something like that...since I was a child I've hated myself and I think I'm ugly...I want to have plastic surgery but I don't have any money. I've tried to work a lot on my solar chakra, but it doesn't receive much.
Perhaps you have problems with self-esteem rather than beauty.

Beauty is not a subjective concept, it is a real thing.

I watch almost all men compliment the same girl because she is really beautiful and I want to fuck her.

On the other hand, there is a plump girl who is not so beautiful, but she also excites men, men like her, although not everyone, for example, I don't like her.

A girl may have a beautiful face, a waist, but small breasts and not a very sexy ass, but due to the face and waist + figure, she is very sexy, on the other hand, there is a girl who does not have a very waist, but she has cool breasts, although the ass is so-so, the face is not straight super, but quite good, pleasant, she is also very sexy.

When women rate men, they roughly rate according to similar criteria.

I want to say that the concept of beauty does not fit into any single standard, there are a lot of options to be beautiful (for a man), or beautiful (for a woman) externally, for this you do not need to climb under the knife and do plastic surgery, you just need to work on yourself.

If a girl is overweight, she can go to the gym, she can also use cosmetics, as girls do in Russia + she can change her hairstyle, hair color and clothes to look outwardly more beautiful.
I think that every person's self-love can be improved and beautified to a certain extent in the following ways.

Average weight, taking care of yourself and being clean, dressing appropriately for your body and character.
Spiritually, healing and strengthening the beauty aspects of your birth chart. Keeping your aura clean regularly.

Additionally, the way you express yourself, the way you communicate, and your behavior play a huge role.
It's an old post — but.

The issue here isn't necessarily that you're ugly. The vast majority of people are average. Not ugly, not incredibly beautiful. And, objectively speaking, women are usually better looking than men (for a variety of reasons, such as knowing how to take care of yourself, proper skincare, makeup, etc.).

Chances are, you're not nearly as ugly as you think you might be. The modern beauty standards are ruined due to Instagram and OF "models" who use 20 filters and heavily photoshop their pictures.

I know this might come as a surprise, but here's a shocker: most faces are asymmetrical in one way or another. Skin texture is supposed to exist. Unless you've won the genetics lottery, you won't look perfect.

You've complained in a few posts that you're petite and thin. That's an advantage over being fat. Really, what takes from a woman's beauty and femininity the most is being overweight. Have you ever seen *actually* ugly people? What makes a person truly ugly? Deformities and extreme cases of features that don't blend together.

It's normal for some women to have more masculine traits, or bigger noses, or whatever. It's called diversity. We're not all supposed to have the same face. Chances are, you're just average — and you can improve on yourself by working out, using makeup to heighten your traits, and finding ways to be feminine.

Beating yourself down over it won't solve or fix your problems. Advancing will make you more charismatic as well, and working on your energy and charm will go a long way when it comes to interacting with others.

If you'd look at so many of them women in the 1950s, 160s, 70s, guess what. Many people in today's age would consider them, objectively speaking, ugly. Were they ugly? No. They looked like normal people.

I understand how it is, especially if you're in your early 20s. As another person in their 20s, I've only recently started feeling more confident in myself. I have the same body type as yours, although I'm not completely flat — just small breasts and quite thin, which is fully genetics (my mother and grandma are even shorter than me, somehow). You really need to work on yourself spiritually to start seeing yourself in a more positive light. There are plenty of men out there who prefer smaller women, and it offers you a more youthful look. Chances are you'll age better too (not saying anything about more curvy women here, both body types have their own advantages and disadvantages).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
