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“Jews are not welcome here”


New member
Mar 19, 2024
Now I very much agree fuck Jews I myself hated Jews since childhood but what does one do when they’re balls deep dedication ritual into the religion and then they find out they’re part Jew? You see my grandpa who I’ve never meet btw was Jewish but I thought the fucker was only Jew by religion meaning I’m safe, recently I found out I was wrong. Imagine urself in my shoes I hated these fucks before I even met Satan. I just need someone who would know for sure like a high priest that me still committing to this isn’t for nothing that father Satan would still accept me in the end. I love everything about ss but if I’m not welcomed for something I can’t change then I just wanna make sure I don’t waste my time. I wouldn’t go back to Christianity or any other religion for that matter because they have nothing to offer. I’ll just wait for my soul to eventually die out as there is no better outcome.
ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING, SS Or not, that's what matters,From my Perspective <

i mean, just because the dedication might have been ineffective out of Racial Reasons, that doesn't mean that you should start acting like a degenerate or Cursing Gentiles and slandering the GODS,or even Harming Yourself <

Keep doing the RIGHT THING in Life,and Eventually you will be Rewarded in Unexpected Ways...or Not...

as you might imagine, it's not up to me to Decide on Such Matters... that Kind of Power related to Divine Judgement is held by Way Superior Entities than Myself, of course <
It seems by programming one casts of their own flesh to obtain a new body. Jews by programming will try and be the “visitor”. Little pig little pig, let me in let me in!

Hello fellow Satanist!
ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING, SS Or not, that's what matters,From my Perspective <

i mean, just because the dedication might have been ineffective out of Racial Reasons, that doesn't mean that you should start acting like a degenerate or Cursing Gentiles and slandering the GODS,or even Harming Yourself <

Keep doing the RIGHT THING in Life,and Eventually you will be Rewarded in Unexpected Ways...or Not...

as you might imagine, it's not up to me to Decide on Such Matters... that Kind of Power related to Divine Judgement is held by Way Superior Entities than Myself, of course <
I met a jew recently and it’s ironic bc i couldn’t understand how to find out if many generations down my line are clean from the jew. It’s ironic because for one it was certain events that declared this mf and me are certainly NOT alike!! Later on i just started getting paranormal interruptions and all sorts of signs to avoid the sonofbitch

So i learned their souls and our souls are not the same. There have been times when i have really overdosed on meditations and went outside and guess what it felt like that one movie except there are just shells of people literally hollow. It’s a serious and strange thing but i am not even sure if the name matters anymore, but the jewess i met i think she felt comfortable around me or something, i am not sure but i can certainly say she doesn’t seem to have any conscience at all
No this can not be true and if it is it’s only temporary or your fooling. If the meditations are not compatible with your soul what are you likening?
Now I very much agree fuck Jews I myself hated Jews since childhood but what does one do when they’re balls deep dedication ritual into the religion and then they find out they’re part Jew? You see my grandpa who I’ve never meet btw was Jewish but I thought the fucker was only Jew by religion meaning I’m safe, recently I found out I was wrong. Imagine urself in my shoes I hated these fucks before I even met Satan. I just need someone who would know for sure like a high priest that me still committing to this isn’t for nothing that father Satan would still accept me in the end. I love everything about ss but if I’m not welcomed for something I can’t change then I just wanna make sure I don’t waste my time. I wouldn’t go back to Christianity or any other religion for that matter because they have nothing to offer. I’ll just wait for my soul to eventually die out as there is no better outcome.

You're best bet is to just stay to your diseased tribe, kneel and ask Satan for mercy. Do this often.

Besides that. There's nothing you can do. It is up to the Gods ultimately what will become of you and your tribe, and this will be decided in coming decades as the Gods have simply had enough of your collective racial soul and their deplorable actions.

Sure, It's probably possible you may even hate your own for what they have done.

But the reality here is its far past the point the Gods would simply forgive.

Your people have went way to far and have committed crimes in horrendous magnitude against the human race and the Gods.

You are not welcome here and there's nothing really left to do. You know the situation.

There's more dignity in just accepting it.
However, for those who have the initial doubt of being Jewish, I suggest you look concretely at what happens in reality.

Look at this Jew who posted this topic: he knew very well that he had a Jewish grandfather and stuff. Jews, for the most part, know very well that they come from a family in which someone is a Jew. You don't have to do research after research to make sure of this thing 100%. They know it.

A Jewish acquaintance of mine, for example, is totally aware that his mother is Israeli. Or again, my martial arts master knows well that she is Jewish and that her family was persecuted in the 1940s, it is something well known by Jews to come from a Jewish family.

Therefore the question "am I Jewish?" it makes no sense if you don't have grandparents or relatives who you know are Jews or half-Jews. As you can see, these Jews know well what category they belong to.
You're best bet is to just stay to your diseased tribe, kneel and ask Satan for mercy. Do this often.
No, that's a very Christian thing to do. Not even a jew should do that. Groveling on your knees is something that disgusts Satan, as he wants proud people to claim their divine potentials, not lowly worms.
I will specify one thing for outsiders, jews at occult level are basically a "walking/living yhvh" (curse), they will racially, subconsiously, spiritualy act to curse you in anyway, they can't help that. In the racial and soul level they aren't indipendent, they are controlled.

So I will correct my previous post, don't serve, just don't do meditations and spam RTR on yourself, in this way you can delete yourself.
Look, I was just replying to your comment, dear brother, writing to you that personally I feel absolutely neither the desire nor the need to have a Jewish servant in my life.

I don't want to deal with these people, at least if I can avoid it, for any reason in the world. In some cases it is necessary to have them in the way since they infiltrate everywhere (like in my Martial Arts Academy).

It is the Jews who need the Gentiles, their resources and knowledge, because the Jews would be lost without us and their lower soul could not even conceive of things useful for existence (the Jews have always stolen everything from the Gentiles), but we Gentiles on the other hand, we do not need Jews. We are much better off without them.

So no, Jews are not welcome on Satanism or the forum, regardless of the role they propose to play. They go elsewhere and not here, we are free to choose who to welcome and who not for the reasons we prefer without being accused of "fanatical hatred" or other bullshit that the Jews accuse us of to make themselves look like victims.
If the meditations are not compatible with your soul what are you likening?
Spiritual Satanism isn't just about meditating on your own, there are many many other aspects such as following the Satanic Ethics and applying em' In Real Life, for example...engaging in all Kinds of Self-improvement and helping Others and Society Progress...

...or Honouring and Empowering the Gods, Helping improve the House of the Gods, or Spreading the TRUTH Publicly...
You're best bet is to just stay to your diseased tribe, kneel and ask Satan for mercy. Do this often.
his tribe is indeed Diseased,and therefore he should still keep himself away from it otherwise he's gonna potentially attach himself closely to said tribe and their Trash Religion and that would be Nefarious, of course, since doing So would absolutely lead to even further degeneration of his Soul, and Helping the Jews and empowering the judeo-abrahimic "god"(not to be confused with GOD Aka SATANAS) ,rather than potentially Serving the gentiles in a Honourable manner <
If you want to take this path, don't do any meditation and serve Gentiles all day and night.
Obviously, that also means he will have to not attach himself to Gentiles too closely on a physical level, during this Lifetime... Do whatever you can to help Gentiles and Yourself, and Behaving as Honourably as you can <

and obviously,Needless to say, Forget completely about the idea of having any kind of Sexual activities with any individuals belonging to Satanic Races...

once that is done,i Do feel that there's potentially some probability that the Gods Might judge Him individually as a Creature Possessing some kind of Benevolent Potential, rather than judging him as simply Being one of the Many Irredeemable Specimens that Belongs to a Very Negative Racial/Religious Community...

In the racial and soul level they aren't indipendent, they are controlled
there's the possibility that a few lucky ones might for one reason or another, not be Under Control anymore, hence why it's a bad advice to simply tell him to stick to the Tribe in question, since that would Re-Establish control of Enemy "Matrix" on Him <

as an Example, Mr Bobby Fischer Spent His Life warning the World about the "jew" , and he was a jew himself... do you think he was truly still "controlled" on a soul level?

"From the 1980s on, Fischer's comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks.[501] He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards"

"In 1999, he gave a radio call-in interview to a station in Budapest, Hungary, during which he described himself as the "victim of an International Jewish conspiracy"

"In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him"

"He idolized Hitler and read everything about him that he could lay his hands on"

i don't believe that he was controlled, and if they could ,they would probably have assassinated him or at least ruined his life, since he was very popular, and somebody that spreads the TRUTH about the judean tribe and is popular at the same time, is a Hell of a Threat, for our Adversaries...aside from being considered a Un-controllable "Traitor" ("Traitor" from Jewish Matrix perspective...on the other Hand, "defector" is the more Appropiate word to use,from my Perspective, of course)

a "Defector" is even more of a threat because it's more difficult for the jewish Matrix to handle effectively said kind of Insider threat,by Using Slanderous words like "anti-semitic"(anti-jewish, i know) , since the "Defector" himself is a jew, therefore the negative Magick associated with this word is way less effective, since it's mostly designed to be used against Outsider Threats ,more specifically, Gentiles,especially Racially White ones...

Another example, is calling him a "nazi"(another slanderous term i know...NS is the real Non-Corrupted word) .... a "jewish nazi" it's not taken very seriously in consideration by the "public Mind" ,when compared to hearing that a "White Supremacist Nazi" is engaging in "Anti-semitic" Behaviour...

therefore, the jewish "traitor" has potentially got more "freedom" of saying what he wants,publicly,with less risk of Repercussions, because of the fact that jews are a Protected Category in many countries, and faiths such as judeo-christianity...

if Bobby Fischer wasn't a Jew, and instead he was a Satanic White, you can bet that he would have been Way Way More "Demonized" and "Cancelled", since the Matrix has got that lil' Weakspot, in regards to dealing with Insider Threats <

So I will correct my previous post, don't serve, just don't do meditations and spam RTR on yourself, in this way you can delete yourself.
so, Back to this point...honestly Virael, would you have told Mr fischer to Kill Himself by doing RTR's non-stop ?

Promoting Suicide sounds quite counterproductive and Unethical, when we are talking about Seemingly Honourable "Defectors" ...

Said Rare "Defectors" finds themselves in this Gray Area, where their jewish Soul is seemingly no longer connected to their Source, their own Matrix, and the only potential "connection" remaining is whatever negative programming has been injected on a genetic level, but it appears they still somehow manages to overcome that too... but... their Soul still definitely remains not Satanic Either...

i would say that overall, it's possibly not too far-fetched the possibility that the Gods might be helping in regards to Turning into Useful Proxies,a few Creatures they deem as Redeemable,despite their own flawed Nature...

Mr Fischer might have been one of those, but indeed, i don't have the Power to Know on this Topic and be 100% Sure about it... it's just Speculation, at the moment <
No, that's a very Christian thing to do. Not even a jew should do that. Groveling on your knees is something that disgusts Satan, as he wants proud people to claim their divine potentials, not lowly worms.
You said that excellently, SatAnon. Father Satanas wants sincere people who know no deceit and do not whimper for mercy like the lying Christians who have accepted all the filth of the Jews and worship a Jew. In all the true cults that our gods have established, the Jew has stolen and falsified much valuable material. Entire cults have been wiped out by them and their vile foot soldiers, the Christians, and on holy places of our ancestors they erected their buildings, whose names I do not wish to pronounce.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferos!
Hail Wotanas!
No, that's a very Christian thing to do. Not even a jew should do that. Groveling on your knees is something that disgusts Satan, as he wants proud people to claim their divine potentials, not lowly worms.

The case of jews is a completely different situation. They have committed endless crimes towards humanity and the Gods, are going to receive divine punishment for their serious abominable crimes.

Jews just don't take responsibility. I don't the OP would get on his knees, beg for mercy and apologize.

But if he does? Let the Gods handle it.
"Dear" jew, your own post is the proof that you have no place here.

You have already proved your selfishness.
You have already said you won't commit to this path if it offered nothing to you.
You have not spoken of the actual ideals of this community, what we stand for, what we are working towards, what we want the world to become.

When an Initiate develops the phobia of being a jew, which is a very common paranoia in new SS, there is one way to know for themselves.
Do they love the Gods? Do they love Father Satanas? If the answer is yes, then they can't possibly be jews.
A Gentile, when in paranoia of potentially being a jew, will decide to stay in the Path regardless, because they believe in our ideals.
And then they will realize that this thing proves that they are Humans, Gentiles. And the paranoia will vanish.
I speak for experience, by the way.

You instead, have thought only of yourself.
You are incapable of being altruistic towards a purpose opposed to your nature and the reason you unfortunately exist.
Your thoughts go to what can empower you and you only.
You do not care for Satanas if it doesn't benefit you. That's literally what you said.
You called the Joy of Satanas a potential "waste of time", which it is to a jew, but someone who's just a Gentile with doubts would not think of it like that.

Inside the hollow shell you call "yourself", you already know the answer.

And no, nobody here will try to "imagine to be in your shoes", because your shoes are evidently made in israel and I'm sure we'd find them inherently disgusting.

To any young/new SS that might face these doubts: remember my words.
If you love the Gods,
if you feel joy in helping us,
if you feel joy in seeing this community grow,
if you feel the literal JOY OF SATANAS, the Joy of being Dedicated to Him,
"Dear" jew, your own post is the proof that you have no place here.

You have already proved your selfishness.
You have already said you won't commit to this path if it offered nothing to you.
You have not spoken of the actual ideals of this community, what we stand for, what we are working towards, what we want the world to become.

When an Initiate develops the phobia of being a jew, which is a very common paranoia in new SS, there is one way to know for themselves.
Do they love the Gods? Do they love Father Satanas? If the answer is yes, then they can't possibly be jews.
A Gentile, when in paranoia of potentially being a jew, will decide to stay in the Path regardless, because they believe in our ideals.
And then they will realize that this thing proves that they are Humans, Gentiles. And the paranoia will vanish.
I speak for experience, by the way.

You instead, have thought only of yourself.
You are incapable of being altruistic towards a purpose opposed to your nature and the reason you unfortunately exist.
Your thoughts go to what can empower you and you only.
You do not care for Satanas if it doesn't benefit you. That's literally what you said.
You called the Joy of Satanas a potential "waste of time", which it is to a jew, but someone who's just a Gentile with doubts would not think of it like that.

Inside the hollow shell you call "yourself", you already know the answer.

And no, nobody here will try to "imagine to be in your shoes", because your shoes are evidently made in israel and I'm sure we'd find them inherently disgusting.

To any young/new SS that might face these doubts: remember my words.
If you love the Gods,
if you feel joy in helping us,
if you feel joy in seeing this community grow,
if you feel the literal JOY OF SATANAS, the Joy of being Dedicated to Him,
Wonderful words. You have my fullest respect. With these words you have done a great service to the spiritual Satanist community. May Lord Satanas and all the benevolent gods bless you for it.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferos!
Hail Wotanas!
You're still a jew even if you are only 0.0001%
i wonder how many individuals are like that and don't even know it...

how can you even manage to feel 0.00001% jewish blood inside you?

how much of an actual difference would that make on Mind and Soul, compared to more noticeable ones such as individuals with 50% jewish blood or even 100% jewish?

A Gentile, when in paranoia of potentially being a jew, will decide to stay in the Path regardless, because they believe in our ideals.
Slightly different topic, but instead of such paranoias related to being a jew or not, on which i almost never focused on fortunately, i actually had different ones, still loosely related to that, such as the JOS being some Kind of jewish Controlled Opposition Group, used for some kind of Unknown,possibly nefarious Occult Purposes...

yes, i admit it, i actually had that kind of Paranoia,some times in the past, but one way or another,i never left the JOS out of that, albeit i might have been kind of Vigilant at times, testing Responses and so on...and having a feeling of "Trust nobody", Ya know...

The more time passed, the more it became easier for me to ignore such kind of idea,which used to surface from the Deep of my Mind, since the Universe is so Complex, and the jews are Everywhere,in the sense, that they are Masters of Deception and Manipulation...Sometimes, they are the ones that are Manufacturing the So-called "Anti-semitism", and Generating "adversaries" on purpose , in order to fullfill negative prophesies,Create Divisiveness and achieve whatever Unknown to me objectives they might possibly have...

but...as already said, i'm still Here, after a decent amount of time, therefore,i do Presume, Here is where the TRUTH can be found, Hence why i'm here <

Otherwise,if that was not the case, why would i still be remaining There,in the JOY OF SATANAS?
Spiritual Satanism isn't just about meditating on your own, there are many many other aspects such as following the Satanic Ethics and applying em' In Real Life, for example...engaging in all Kinds of Self-improvement and helping Others and Society Progress...

...or Honouring and Empowering the Gods, Helping improve the House of the Gods, or Spreading the TRUTH Publicly...

his tribe is indeed Diseased,and therefore he should still keep himself away from it otherwise he's gonna potentially attach himself closely to said tribe and their Trash Religion and that would be Nefarious, of course, since doing So would absolutely lead to even further degeneration of his Soul, and Helping the Jews and empowering the judeo-abrahimic "god"(not to be confused with GOD Aka SATANAS) ,rather than potentially Serving the gentiles in a Honourable manner <

Obviously, that also means he will have to not attach himself to Gentiles too closely on a physical level, during this Lifetime... Do whatever you can to help Gentiles and Yourself, and Behaving as Honourably as you can <

and obviously,Needless to say, Forget completely about the idea of having any kind of Sexual activities with any individuals belonging to Satanic Races...

once that is done,i Do feel that there's potentially some probability that the Gods Might judge Him individually as a Creature Possessing some kind of Benevolent Potential, rather than judging him as simply Being one of the Many Irredeemable Specimens that Belongs to a Very Negative Racial/Religious Community...

there's the possibility that a few lucky ones might for one reason or another, not be Under Control anymore, hence why it's a bad advice to simply tell him to stick to the Tribe in question, since that would Re-Establish control of Enemy "Matrix" on Him <

as an Example, Mr Bobby Fischer Spent His Life warning the World about the "jew" , and he was a jew himself... do you think he was truly still "controlled" on a soul level?

"From the 1980s on, Fischer's comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks.[501] He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards"

"In 1999, he gave a radio call-in interview to a station in Budapest, Hungary, during which he described himself as the "victim of an International Jewish conspiracy"

"In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him"

"He idolized Hitler and read everything about him that he could lay his hands on"

i don't believe that he was controlled, and if they could ,they would probably have assassinated him or at least ruined his life, since he was very popular, and somebody that spreads the TRUTH about the judean tribe and is popular at the same time, is a Hell of a Threat, for our Adversaries...aside from being considered a Un-controllable "Traitor" ("Traitor" from Jewish Matrix perspective...on the other Hand, "defector" is the more Appropiate word to use,from my Perspective, of course)

a "Defector" is even more of a threat because it's more difficult for the jewish Matrix to handle effectively said kind of Insider threat,by Using Slanderous words like "anti-semitic"(anti-jewish, i know) , since the "Defector" himself is a jew, therefore the negative Magick associated with this word is way less effective, since it's mostly designed to be used against Outsider Threats ,more specifically, Gentiles,especially Racially White ones...

Another example, is calling him a "nazi"(another slanderous term i know...NS is the real Non-Corrupted word) .... a "jewish nazi" it's not taken very seriously in consideration by the "public Mind" ,when compared to hearing that a "White Supremacist Nazi" is engaging in "Anti-semitic" Behaviour...

therefore, the jewish "traitor" has potentially got more "freedom" of saying what he wants,publicly,with less risk of Repercussions, because of the fact that jews are a Protected Category in many countries, and faiths such as judeo-christianity...

if Bobby Fischer wasn't a Jew, and instead he was a Satanic White, you can bet that he would have been Way Way More "Demonized" and "Cancelled", since the Matrix has got that lil' Weakspot, in regards to dealing with Insider Threats <

so, Back to this point...honestly Virael, would you have told Mr fischer to Kill Himself by doing RTR's non-stop ?

Promoting Suicide sounds quite counterproductive and Unethical, when we are talking about Seemingly Honourable "Defectors" ...

Said Rare "Defectors" finds themselves in this Gray Area, where their jewish Soul is seemingly no longer connected to their Source, their own Matrix, and the only potential "connection" remaining is whatever negative programming has been injected on a genetic level, but it appears they still somehow manages to overcome that too... but... their Soul still definitely remains not Satanic Either...

i would say that overall, it's possibly not too far-fetched the possibility that the Gods might be helping in regards to Turning into Useful Proxies,a few Creatures they deem as Redeemable,despite their own flawed Nature...

Mr Fischer might have been one of those, but indeed, i don't have the Power to Know on this Topic and be 100% Sure about it... it's just Speculation, at the moment <
You clearly don't know jews.
i wonder how many individuals are like that and don't even know it...

how can you even manage to feel 0.00001% jewish blood inside you?

how much of an actual difference would that make on Mind and Soul, compared to more noticeable ones such as individuals with 50% jewish blood or even 100% jewish?
Doesn't matter if you are 0.00001% Jewish or 100%, you're still a jew, through and through. There is never going to be a place here in the JoS or in the future SS world for jews, as they are parasites.

You wouldn't want a parasite near or in you, would you?
You clearly don't know jews
i Know Something...

i'm also aware that there are Way deeper things going on behind the Scenes... the jews are Potentially just a Very Very small part of what's actually going on here, albeit, i still have some study to do before trying to directly talk about the deeper,lesser known parts of this Whole Issue that is affecting "Reality"...
Wonderful words. You have my fullest respect. With these words you have done a great service to the spiritual Satanist community. May Lord Satanas and all the benevolent gods bless you for it.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferos!
Hail Wotanas!
Thank you! I am so glad to even have a chance to be helping someone else here!
I've faced this horrible paranoia and I want to do everything I can to help other Initiates who might be facing it.
Lately I've been getting better and better spiritually and I will use this to be a better help for others too!
When writing that post, I did feel different than usual. Stronger. With more purpose.
Every word I said, other than wanting to make this jew go away, were to both help any SS with doubts, and to confirm it for myself too.
And I feel it worked greatly.

Slightly different topic, but instead of such paranoias related to being a jew or not, on which i almost never focused on fortunately, i actually had different ones, still loosely related to that, such as the JOS being some Kind of jewish Controlled Opposition Group, used for some kind of Unknown,possibly nefarious Occult Purposes...

yes, i admit it, i actually had that kind of Paranoia,some times in the past, but one way or another,i never left the JOS out of that, albeit i might have been kind of Vigilant at times, testing Responses and so on...and having a feeling of "Trust nobody", Ya know...

The more time passed, the more it became easier for me to ignore such kind of idea,which used to surface from the Deep of my Mind, since the Universe is so Complex, and the jews are Everywhere,in the sense, that they are Masters of Deception and Manipulation...Sometimes, they are the ones that are Manufacturing the So-called "Anti-semitism", and Generating "adversaries" on purpose , in order to fullfill negative prophesies,Create Divisiveness and achieve whatever Unknown to me objectives they might possibly have...

but...as already said, i'm still Here, after a decent amount of time, therefore,i do Presume, Here is where the TRUTH can be found, Hence why i'm here <

Otherwise,if that was not the case, why would i still be remaining There,in the JOY OF SATANAS?
Yes, all kinds of paranoia exist. I've tried them all, I have paranoia and obsession coded in my natal chart.
The one you said too. I've had paranoias about HPHC specifically too, but I've grown out of it by walking the Path and seeing the True fruits it bears.
Every paranoia will naturally prove itself nonsense once you keep meditating and raising your spiritual awareness.
The Opening the 3rd Eye Meditation will help to, of course, open the 3rd Eye, and by doing that, you will raise your instincts and awareness.
As a dear friend here taught me, it will let you "see through bullshit". Even the bullshit your own mind comes up with.

About your other post on the possibility of "honorable" jews... As far as we know now, their souls aren't built like that. They lack the ability to be honorable, to feel emotions to the extent we do. It's not only a thing of hive-mindedness, they're literally just built different, lol. This one proved it. For the reasons I said in my previous post.
"Dear" jew, your own post is the proof that you have no place here.

You have already proved your selfishness.
You have already said you won't commit to this path if it offered nothing to you.
You have not spoken of the actual ideals of this community, what we stand for, what we are working towards, what we want the world to become.

When an Initiate develops the phobia of being a jew, which is a very common paranoia in new SS, there is one way to know for themselves.
Do they love the Gods? Do they love Father Satanas? If the answer is yes, then they can't possibly be jews.
A Gentile, when in paranoia of potentially being a jew, will decide to stay in the Path regardless, because they believe in our ideals.
And then they will realize that this thing proves that they are Humans, Gentiles. And the paranoia will vanish.
I speak for experience, by the way.

You instead, have thought only of yourself.
You are incapable of being altruistic towards a purpose opposed to your nature and the reason you unfortunately exist.
Your thoughts go to what can empower you and you only.
You do not care for Satanas if it doesn't benefit you. That's literally what you said.
You called the Joy of Satanas a potential "waste of time", which it is to a jew, but someone who's just a Gentile with doubts would not think of it like that.

Inside the hollow shell you call "yourself", you already know the answer.

And no, nobody here will try to "imagine to be in your shoes", because your shoes are evidently made in israel and I'm sure we'd find them inherently disgusting.

To any young/new SS that might face these doubts: remember my words.
If you love the Gods,
if you feel joy in helping us,
if you feel joy in seeing this community grow,
if you feel the literal JOY OF SATANAS, the Joy of being Dedicated to Him,
Jews are nothing like us. And they don't have spiritual knowledge of any kind. Like we do, so they wouldn't have the sense enough to figure things out. Their souls are different than ours and so is there intelligence and perspective on things.
i Know Something...

i'm also aware that there are Way deeper things going on behind the Scenes... the jews are Potentially just a Very Very small part of what's actually going on here, albeit, i still have some study to do before trying to directly talk about the deeper,lesser known parts of this Whole Issue that is affecting "Reality"...
No you don't, you just red something online and then you play with fantasy.
You think you have an account about this kind of knowledge, and you come up with stupid and total useless theories that are wrong anyway.

Are this even important? jews aren't a big deal, and studing them, or trying to understand them with a wrong logic will bring nothing but confusion.
If a jew wants to do anything for Satan's side it will be considered reparations. start by forming a 5th column and gather up more of you that are going against their makers, or trying to (wierdly enough many do try and are unalived) Start by getting your borg brothers out of our governments, give back palestine and give money to all the descendants of Canaan whom have been kicked out of their homes to allow jews to live in their places. Next, take your formed 5th column horde and get rid of the BIS bank, and cease and desist all your peoples continuous curses that have been thrown apon us for thousands of years. Lastly: kindly piss off into oblivion. Even after all of this neither Father Satan and the Gods, nor any of us will accept or welcome you. Begone. A jew is a jew even from many generations ago by blood. a 1/10 jew might as well be a full blown jew.
If a jew wants to do anything for Satan's side it will be considered reparations. start by forming a 5th column and gather up more of you that are going against their makers, or trying to (wierdly enough many do try and are unalived) Start by getting your borg brothers out of our governments, give back palestine and give money to all the descendants of Canaan whom have been kicked out of their homes to allow jews to live in their places. Next, take your formed 5th column horde and get rid of the BIS bank, and cease and desist all your peoples continuous curses that have been thrown apon us for thousands of years. Lastly: kindly piss off into oblivion. Even after all of this neither Father Satan and the Gods, nor any of us will accept or welcome you. Begone. A jew is a jew even from many generations ago by blood. a 1/10 jew might as well be a full blown jew.
Palestine still blaspheming and slandering words of SATAN and SAYTAHN same like ISRAEL and other...
Jews are nothing like us. And they don't have spiritual knowledge of any kind. Like we do, so they wouldn't have the sense enough to figure things out. Their souls are different than ours and so is there intelligence and perspective on things.
Yes, as our Blessed Hero HPS Maxine taught us, they lack 3 chakras, if I'm not wrong, the central ones, so the Throat, the Heart, and the Solar Plexus.
Just yesterday I've read that one way of knowing if you have a Throat chakra is if, when in strong emotional pain, you feel the typical "knot in the throat", basically because it's the Throat chakra that lets us feel such strong emotions and thus it is where they reside.
But I wouldn't take this for certain, it's just something I've read around here stated by another user, who stated it was said by HPS Maxine Herself, but you never know.
Yes, as our Blessed Hero HPS Maxine taught us, they lack 3 chakras, if I'm not wrong, the central ones, so the Throat, the Heart, and the Solar Plexus.
Just yesterday I've read that one way of knowing if you have a Throat chakra is if, when in strong emotional pain, you feel the typical "knot in the throat", basically because it's the Throat chakra that lets us feel such strong emotions and thus it is where they reside.
But I wouldn't take this for certain, it's just something I've read around here stated by another user, who stated it was said by HPS Maxine Herself, but you never know.
I knew that the chakras that Jews lack are: 1) Throat Chakra (no lumps in the throat for them or strong emotions felt there) 2) Sixth chakra (I was even told that some very advanced rabbis even feel ideas in their shoulders, yes, it's strange, but that's what those who know more than me told me; probably because there are no chakras in the Jewish brain ) 3) Chest chakra (in fact Jesus is always represented with his arms open showing his heart, Jews are immune to this spiritual trap because they do not have a heart chakra)

What I've always wondered is how far physical sensations (like lumps in the throat) reach in Jews, that is, do they really not have lumps in their throats? Not even from the point of view of biology? Some emotions are also felt in the body from a biological point of view (like butterflies in the stomach when the person they love is there). How much does the lack of spirituality influence the bodily management of emotions and what is their biological limit?
Palestine still blaspheming and slandering words of SATAN and SAYTAHN same like ISRAEL and other...
The whole world is brainwashed with abrahamic religions Palestine is no exception. These are still gentiles. Your point is??
I knew that the chakras that Jews lack are: 1) Throat Chakra (no lumps in the throat for them or strong emotions felt there) 2) Sixth chakra (I was even told that some very advanced rabbis even feel ideas in their shoulders, yes, it's strange, but that's what those who know more than me told me; probably because there are no chakras in the Jewish brain ) 3) Chest chakra (in fact Jesus is always represented with his arms open showing his heart, Jews are immune to this spiritual trap because they do not have a heart chakra)

What I've always wondered is how far physical sensations (like lumps in the throat) reach in Jews, that is, do they really not have lumps in their throats? Not even from the point of view of biology? Some emotions are also felt in the body from a biological point of view (like butterflies in the stomach when the person they love is there). How much does the lack of spirituality influence the bodily management of emotions and what is their biological limit?
If what HPS Maxine is supposed to have said about the lack of chakras in the Jews is true, then it explains a lot in my experience with these vermin. Without exception, I have noticed a coldness of feeling in all the Jews I have met that has more than irritated me. They seem to be purely head-driven, like robots. I haven't spent enough time with the "Borgs" to be able to classify them as such, but I have often experienced that they tend towards the theatrical with grand gestures in order to feign emotion. Their klezmer music would be another example of this. They demonstrate what they lack in feelings in nerve-wracking music that is akin to catcalls.
They also try to conceal this lack of heart in their invented Jew Jesus by figuratively pinning a heart to his chest.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
I knew that the chakras that Jews lack are: 1) Throat Chakra (no lumps in the throat for them or strong emotions felt there) 2) Sixth chakra (I was even told that some very advanced rabbis even feel ideas in their shoulders, yes, it's strange, but that's what those who know more than me told me; probably because there are no chakras in the Jewish brain ) 3) Chest chakra (in fact Jesus is always represented with his arms open showing his heart, Jews are immune to this spiritual trap because they do not have a heart chakra)

What I've always wondered is how far physical sensations (like lumps in the throat) reach in Jews, that is, do they really not have lumps in their throats? Not even from the point of view of biology? Some emotions are also felt in the body from a biological point of view (like butterflies in the stomach when the person they love is there). How much does the lack of spirituality influence the bodily management of emotions and what is their biological limit?
I don't know for certain, but I assume they'd lack the Solar Plexus chakra as it's the "666" chakra, sounds important.
A jew does not have a human soul, and a human does not have a jew soul. They are absolutely different structures. This is a fact of the soul structure.

This is the shape of the chakras in the Human soul.




This is the shape of the chakras in the jewish soul

Do not try to read these things in this picture, and do not focus on any parts of this. It is all horrible curses, and they are harmful if they connect to you.

All jews are fully welcome to try to use all of the Meditations, Rituals, and other information that we share. They are not banned from trying these things. But it simply will not work anyway because these are designed for the human soul. That is why jews have their own kabbalistic workings that is for their own souls. Just like how their knowledge will not work for us because it doesn't fit us.
Please don't waste your time here in this thread. You're being had - there's someone else out there more deserving of your time and energy.
The Jewish soul structure will never compare to the structure our souls have. It's totally different and incompatible by any and all astrological, Chakra/ other soul development techniques, structures and experiences.

We should focus on continuously meditating on the Gods and let those who are destined at some point to be away, especially the species mentioned in this thread, away from the JoS.

All jews are fully welcome to try to use all of the Meditations, Rituals, and other information that we share. They are not banned from trying these things. But it simply will not work anyway because these are designed for the human soul. That is why jews have their own kabbalistic workings that is for their own souls. Just like how their knowledge will not work for us because it doesn't fit us.

Anything that they would try from JoS meditations would not work on their soul, at best it may fry them 😆.
i Know Something...

i'm also aware that there are Way deeper things going on behind the Scenes... the jews are Potentially just a Very Very small part of what's actually going on here, albeit, i still have some study to do before trying to directly talk about the deeper,lesser known parts of this Whole Issue that is affecting "Reality"...
If I may, you talk way too much. Like you over simplify and the overly condense your words, but then it feels like you’re talking just to talk just to sound intelligent. You have a forgiving nature, and that’s a bit scary to say the least.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
