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ᛟ Gènes (Genes), Gens (People), Gendre (Son-in-law), Engendrer (Generate), Génie (Genius)… ᛟ


New member
Dec 17, 2020

History of a Race ...

Despite the fanaticism of the Reds and other hypocritical pseudo-humanists, the human races are a reality and evidence it would be foolish to deny. The human races constitute, moreover, all the richness of our ethnocultural diversity in this world, a diversity that disturbs the followers of mixism at all costs. Ethnocultural heritage is the very foundation of an identity, something everyone should be proud of. But it would seem that this pride is a shame for the traitors who have so much hatred for the question of identity. They would rather see all of humanity plunged into one formless magma with no past and no future, which, according to their logic, is understandable, given that such a humanity without identity would be so much more manipulable. Clans united and united with each other, proud of a thousand-year-old past, do not allow themselves to be manipulated like isolated individuals without identity. For us pagans proud of our roots, it is therefore important and urgent to claim and preserve what our ancestors gave us as a heritage.

This article is not a scientific study of the race question, but an etymological analysis of the same question. Fanatics who deny racial realities need only turn to archaeologists or the scientific police to verify how false and outdated their arguments are. We will continue to be motivated by love, not hate. Our love is that of our own, and contrary to what some sub-normals and other self-righteous fashion traitors say, this love of his does not automatically imply a hatred of others. But this is something their atrophied neurons cannot understand because their brainwashing is so deep and irremediable. After this necessary introduction, the subject is so controversial these days, let's get back to the subject of this article.

But what do words like Genes, Genetics, Genius, People, Gender, Genital, Son-in-law, Beget, Degenerate, Eugenics, Father and Generation have in common? The answer is simple and dense at the same time. All of these words are based on the root GEN, a root that dates back to our earliest linguistic heritage as it comes directly to us from Indo-Europeans. This origin gave several Indo-European words, the most important of which is that of * genos-, which means "the race", "the lineage", "the family". It is this Indo-European root that has given our modern versions for genes and genetics. This same root is found in other Indo-European languages ​​such as Sanskrit (jánas), ancient Greek (genos), Latin (genus), and Armenian (cin). In the first three languages ​​cited, the translation is also that of "Race", "Lineage", and "Family". In its Armenian version, the word means "Birth". In all cases, we can see the fundamental link that exists between the notion of Genes and that of Race.

Other Indo-European roots are therefore also based on this notion of race and blood line. Here are a few :

- "Progenitor" which comes from the Indo-European * genetor, which translates to "procreator". The progenitor is therefore the one who participates in the creation of a racial line. In Sanskrit it gives "janitár", in Greek "genétôr", and in Latin "genitor". The Indo-European female version is * genetri.

- *gnotos in Indo-European which means "relative [of the blood line]". The notion of kinship is therefore also closely linked to that of race and blood line. This term is found in Greek (gnôtós) which means parent, brother; in Latvian (znuots) translated as brother-in-law, son-in-law; in Welsh (gnawt) translated as parent; the same translation into Old High German (knuot), Gothic (knoths), and Sanskrit (jñatís).

- * gntis in Indo-European which means "kinship", root which gave in Sanskrit "jatis", in Latin "nati-o", and in Anglo-Saxon "cynd".

- “Eugenics” which comes from the same Indo-European root * gen- with the following translation nuance: Race, Origin, Birth. The prefix -eu gives another interesting nuance, that of "good race", that is, eugenics is "good reproduction of the race". And indeed, eugenics was present in many pagan traditions of antiquity. The objective was clear: by selection at birth an attempt was made to prevent the blood line from degenerating. And since we're talking about it ...

- “Degenerate”… comes from the same Indo-European root * GEN with the private prefix –de. Degeneration is therefore the deprivation of race, it is an element of bad lineage, of a loss of racial identity. The etymological dictionary leaves no room for doubt, because it defines this term as “losing the natural qualities of one's race”.

- "Genealogy" ... the reason for a race. Term which in this same linguistic context would translate as the sacred whole of a blood line.

- "People", "people" ... another term that comes from Indo-European * GEN. So people are beings of the same bloodline, of the same race.

- "Gentleman" ... a noble man, a man of good race.

- "Generation" ... a time series of the same race, the same bloodline.

- "Gender" ... which is the same type, the same race.

- “Genius”… this term deserves a special detour, because it is very rich in information. He too is related to the blood line in that he is a link in the chain of that line. In pagan Rome, the Genius (Genius) represented as the soul of a person, his protective spirit, what Christians call a guardian angel. In this it is somewhat comparable to the Fylgia of the German-Nordic tradition. Genius comes from the Latin Gigno / Geno, which is understood as "to beget, to be born [in a blood line]". The Genius is the one who "crumbles", that is to say who has the faculty to engender. The marital bed was also called "lectus genialis". But this does not mean that the Genius would have a symbolism linked to fertility. No. The symbolic aspect here is really limited to the principle of bloodline and race. This is confirmed by another etymology, that of "Ingenium" which is understood as "that which gives birth in ...". That's why the Genius party wasn't anything sexual, it was just his Dies Natalis, his birthday. The whole family participated in the worship of this Genius, because the latter had a religious dimension. We also wanted to make a connection between the Lares (the minor gods and tutelaries of the home) and the Genius.

- The Genius is the visible and invisible structure of man. He is the deified personality of a man, as he came into the world, from a series of other men, each of whom had their own Genius. This man is called to bring into the world, through the sons, another sequel, each term of which will also have its own Genius. It is the continuity of generations, and therefore that of the Genii.

This whole linguistic approach allows us in fact to understand the religious importance that the race and the blood line question had for our pagan ancestors. All the modern delusions of some pseudo-pagans will not change that. In contrast, pagans faithful to the vision of our ancestors will have understood that an ethnocultural heritage is respected and cultivated.

Hathuwolf Harson

Sources :

«Le vocabulaire indo-européen / Lexique étymologique thématique», X. Delamarre
«Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española», Bárbara Pastor y Edward A. Roberts
«La religion romaine archaïque», George Dumézil

Étymologies :

Gène=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/gène
Gens=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/gens
Genre=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/genre
Générer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/générer
Dégénérer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/dégénérer

Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

Coincidentally I got into a conversation last night about how mankind are "evolving" or changing into the 6th race. Note 6th.
There is a jewish theosophy about the evolution of root races:

1. The first race named Polarian.
2. The second race named Hyperborean.
3. The third race named Lemurian.
4. The fourth race named Atlantean.
5. The fifth race named which is our currently stage, Aryan.
6. And then the sixth race that is the mixed soup race, also called as the slave race.

According to C. W. Leadbeater, a colony will be established in Baja California by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the 28th century for the intensive selective eugenic breeding of the sixth root race. The Master Morya will physically incarnate in order to be the Manu ("progenitor") of this new root race. By that time, the world will be powered by nuclear power and there will be a single world government led by a person who will be the reincarnation of Julius Caesar.

"Intensive selective breeding, nuclear power, single world government". This really sounds like nothing more than the jewish communist agenda, turning Gentiles into cyborgs.

This further turns into the "seventh" root race. The final completion of the agenda. Which it is said to be spiritual??? Misleading much? Or am I just not getting it here?

The seventh root race will arise from the seventh subrace of the sixth root race on the future continent that the sixth root race will be living on that will arise from the Pacific Ocean.[33] The continent they will inhabit is esoterically called Pushkara.[8]

This root race will be the last race to appear on planet Earth. Theosophist Scott Ramsey predicts that any sexual difference among humans will cease to exist, and both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual.

"And both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual". Again they hide their agenda behind the word "spiritual". From where I see it. This is really translated to that the Humans have completely turned into those nasty slimy Greys with no genitalia. The perfect slaves.

Yes, during this conversation I raged inside and truly imploded. As I could understand where this subliminal message is headed. The jewish trash push the submerging of races ad naseum in every commercial, every series and movies. For an example: Netflix no longer take historical facts where races are concerned. It doesn't matter if Netflix are going to create a TV series that in a historical epoch didn't have any of the black or asian race in that time period. Meaning, the series is full of all the races. This is only to push the subliminal message into the minds of the seers.

Once one understands the mind of a jew, it is easy to see how they corrupt the world.

Hail Satan!!!
In Ancient Greek, Eugenis, or Eugeneikos, [in English Gentle or Polite] relates also to the term of Eugenics and the Eu-genos which means "Of Noble Birth".
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

And the religious nuts want this to happen because of all the lies they've been told about "heaven." Everytime I see or hear a comment about how the "God" of the kikes is coming back to save them I cringe. Yet somehow it gets even worse when they reveal their support for Pissrael.

Nothing is more selfish than a follower of the Abrahamic religions attempting to selflessly sacrifice themselves and everybody else with them.
This makes me wonder, we know there is a difference between white, black, and Asian via gene. and the difference between humans and jews via soul array. Is there a difference between white, black, Asian via soul array. For example, can we see other people's souls and identities not only if they are jews or human, but what race they are? or do all races of humans have the same soul array and you need a physical identifier to spot which race they are?
This topic in particular is still on the forefront of my mind...

I have been told by my Grandmother that we are mixed among many European Races as well as Native American.
This is just on my mothers side, my father is Supposedly Spaniard, but looking at his relatives they look more Latino than White.

If i must be honest, this is extremely frustrating for me, I didnt ask to be mixed, I dont feel like I should have Children because I dont want to pollute the white race anymore, I look in the mirror and although I am a handsome young man I feel ugly because of being mixed =/ I have always been very "self conscious", and I feel like this is my biggest internal struggle right now.

I take pride in my White Ancestral heritage, but I am ashamed that I am mixed... I want to build a big Family, my family is slowly falling apart, and I am beginning to feel like I am alone in this world.

I am lucky to have my SS family, and I consider Satan as my Father, but still this makes me feel terrible.
Since I studied french at the university, I also noticed these common points. I see that the races and the differences people are real and I can understand even from "language". Languages ​​cannot derive separately from human knowledge and culture. You touched on a good subject.
MrIntrepid said:
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

And the religious nuts want this to happen because of all the lies they've been told about "heaven." Everytime I see or hear a comment about how the "God" of the kikes is coming back to save them I cringe. Yet somehow it gets even worse when they reveal their support for Pissrael.

Nothing is more selfish than a follower of the Abrahamic religions attempting to selflessly sacrifice themselves and everybody else with them.

Yeah exactly.

But anyways it's all on the JOS sermons everything I said here these abrahamic people would know this is their fate if they would read this site.

But wait they will say it's Satan doing this.

So they will not check out the site.

Oh well
Darkpagan666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

This root race will be the last race to appear on planet Earth. Theosophist Scott Ramsey predicts that any sexual difference among humans will cease to exist, and both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual. [/i]

"And both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual". Again they hide their agenda behind the word "spiritual". From where I see it. This is really translated to that the Humans have completely turned into those nasty slimy Greys with no genitalia. The perfect slaves.

Yes, during this conversation I raged inside and truly imploded. As I could understand where this subliminal message is headed. The jewish trash push the submerging of races ad naseum in every commercial, every series and movies. For an example: Netflix no longer take historical facts where races are concerned. It doesn't matter if Netflix are going to create a TV series that in a historical epoch didn't have any of the black or asian race in that time period. Meaning, the series is full of all the races. This is only to push the subliminal message into the minds of the seers.

Once one understands the mind of a jew, it is easy to see how they corrupt the world.

Hail Satan!!!

Interesting. "The Slave Race" and doing away with all differences. They literally say stuff like this straight out and these people cannot see the truth about their "religion" or the enemy.

This is describing turning people into greys.
slyscorpion said:
Darkpagan666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

This root race will be the last race to appear on planet Earth. Theosophist Scott Ramsey predicts that any sexual difference among humans will cease to exist, and both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual. [/i]

"And both conception and birth will become entirely spiritual". Again they hide their agenda behind the word "spiritual". From where I see it. This is really translated to that the Humans have completely turned into those nasty slimy Greys with no genitalia. The perfect slaves.

Yes, during this conversation I raged inside and truly imploded. As I could understand where this subliminal message is headed. The jewish trash push the submerging of races ad naseum in every commercial, every series and movies. For an example: Netflix no longer take historical facts where races are concerned. It doesn't matter if Netflix are going to create a TV series that in a historical epoch didn't have any of the black or asian race in that time period. Meaning, the series is full of all the races. This is only to push the subliminal message into the minds of the seers.

Once one understands the mind of a jew, it is easy to see how they corrupt the world.

Hail Satan!!!

Interesting. "The Slave Race" and doing away with all differences. They literally say stuff like this straight out and these people cannot see the truth about their "religion" or the enemy.

This is describing turning people into greys.

Yes, this is describing turning people into greys. The "Spiritual race that will come later" is only a big lie to keep this going until the point of no return, and don't look back, or even consider the enslavement procedure "normal". There is no turning back after this happens.

Blatvasky and others who were deeply with the enemy, and knew their plan, knew that they had to mix some lies into the whole thing for people to accept it.

Once beings go slaves or full borg, there is no going back really, as no longer individuality or free will exists, the "path" of the existence of a species has been set. Reversing this can be closely impossible and implausible.

Descriptions of these "Failed races" have existed in quite a few books. The greys however are the epitome of these failed races, not only losing themselves, individuality, reason of life and anything else, but constituting a universal virus for all living beings, since they consider their "purpose" to assimilate "all", sort of like the borg.
Bravera said:
This topic in particular is still on the forefront of my mind...

I have been told by my Grandmother that we are mixed among many European Races as well as Native American.
This is just on my mothers side, my father is Supposedly Spaniard, but looking at his relatives they look more Latino than White.

If i must be honest, this is extremely frustrating for me, I didnt ask to be mixed, I dont feel like I should have Children because I dont want to pollute the white race anymore, I look in the mirror and although I am a handsome young man I feel ugly because of being mixed =/ I have always been very "self conscious", and I feel like this is my biggest internal struggle right now.

I take pride in my White Ancestral heritage, but I am ashamed that I am mixed... I want to build a big Family, my family is slowly falling apart, and I am beginning to feel like I am alone in this world.

I am lucky to have my SS family, and I consider Satan as my Father, but still this makes me feel terrible.

Put your faith in the potential future of genetic engineering, and do the best you can in the meantime to advance your soul. At least you're not ashkenazi. Be grateful for that.
Bravera said:
This topic in particular is still on the forefront of my mind...

I have been told by my Grandmother that we are mixed among many European Races as well as Native American.
This is just on my mothers side, my father is Supposedly Spaniard, but looking at his relatives they look more Latino than White.

If i must be honest, this is extremely frustrating for me, I didnt ask to be mixed, I dont feel like I should have Children because I dont want to pollute the white race anymore, I look in the mirror and although I am a handsome young man I feel ugly because of being mixed =/ I have always been very "self conscious", and I feel like this is my biggest internal struggle right now.

I take pride in my White Ancestral heritage, but I am ashamed that I am mixed... I want to build a big Family, my family is slowly falling apart, and I am beginning to feel like I am alone in this world.

I am lucky to have my SS family, and I consider Satan as my Father, but still this makes me feel terrible.
You have nothing to be ashamed of. There is more to race than just genetics. Your soul memories can be pure Aryan. I am Celtic, Norse and Saxon and I identify as an Aryan man, but, through my mother, I also have a bit of Native American blood.
I have had dream contact with the old Native Grandfathers a few times over the years. For some reason they take an interest in me. However, I do not "play Indian". I am Aryan and I expect to see my North European Kin in the Halls of the Gods when I leave Midgard. But I acknowledge my Native ancestors, too. They were noble warriors.
Bravera said:
This topic in particular is still on the forefront of my mind...

I have been told by my Grandmother that we are mixed among many European Races as well as Native American.
This is just on my mothers side, my father is Supposedly Spaniard, but looking at his relatives they look more Latino than White.

If i must be honest, this is extremely frustrating for me, I didnt ask to be mixed, I dont feel like I should have Children because I dont want to pollute the white race anymore, I look in the mirror and although I am a handsome young man I feel ugly because of being mixed =/ I have always been very "self conscious", and I feel like this is my biggest internal struggle right now.

I take pride in my White Ancestral heritage, but I am ashamed that I am mixed... I want to build a big Family, my family is slowly falling apart, and I am beginning to feel like I am alone in this world.

I am lucky to have my SS family, and I consider Satan as my Father, but still this makes me feel terrible.
I know how you feel for the most part. But perhaps you could use your mixed heritage to your advantage, for Satan's cause. For example, knowing more than one language to spread the truth to more than one group of people. As for children, well it all boils down to which racial heritage could be corrected the fastest (not over 2 generations). Having a child and building a family is like passing a baton in a race. It all comes down to what are you going to pass on to tomorrow's generations. We are our ancestors. We are their reincarnation in this present lifetime. And tomorrow you'll be someone else's ancestor. Your place of belonging is a mix of objective genetic reality and your own individually subjective approach to life. How we respond to our environment gets recorded in our DNA and this is transmitted as instinct to our descendants. I'm far from an expert on this subject, but remember that your head is not separate from your heart. Your desires for building a family could be your soul instinctually attempting to correct its bloodline to have an easier time reincarnating in the future. You have value. Don't forget that.
MrIntrepid said:
slyscorpion said:
Race mixing is really only the start of the enemy agenda of turning us all into a borg race (greys) After race mixing for enough generations the species begins to become "one race" or have a singular gene pool. We all begin to look the same act the same and talk the same. They during this also begin to push genetic alteration on the populace. With earth this is only the beginning we haven't really seen much with it yet. There are also other things used by them we haven't seen yet or are only begining to see. More and more the species begins to become frail and weak and look like greys (eventually with the big heads and bug eyes as well) They start doing away with reproduction and gender specific parts as well and the species is reproduced in a lab. Free will may or may not be totally taken away immediately (depending on if there is any threat to the enemy agenda they would rather go slow and steady if they can rather than brute force and really fast like they are doing right now on earth) but more and more they are turned into a hive mind in many ways until they chipped or "borged". The populace is kept at a very low vibration and generally is kept at a primitive animal like level. They all wear the same clothes and look the same. As they are kind of a hive mind in some to all ways they always are in groups acting together.
All cultures become one all launguages become one. Everyone becomes the same eventually thinking the same thoughts always focusing on mindless stuff repeating tasks for their masters. Any resistance equals death or turning off the chip(s) which kills them.

In the end they are hooked to a computer network and become one mind forever serving their masters.

"Smiles and happiness shall be the new world and economic system you shall always smile 😊 you feel nothing but happiness any frown is resistance you cannot feel anything other than happiness and you can do nothing but smile 😊 or your dead you shall forever smile with happiness in serving your masters you own nothing you have nothing not even your body and mind but your happy forever"

This is your eternity in the NWO living in a decayed post apocalyptic ruined world.

This is the fate of us if we don't fight it

And the religious nuts want this to happen because of all the lies they've been told about "heaven." Everytime I see or hear a comment about how the "God" of the kikes is coming back to save them I cringe. Yet somehow it gets even worse when they reveal their support for Pissrael.

Nothing is more selfish than a follower of the Abrahamic religions attempting to selflessly sacrifice themselves and everybody else with them.
Utterly complete selflessness, without any sense of self for a healthy sense of balance and individuality, is the very definition of a slavish Borg. *shivers*
I remember when I used to get dragged to church as a kid. Everyone sounded like a hoard of zombies from a horror movie repeating the same self-hating phrases. One of the things I hated most was hearing them beg for approval from their "God". It was like watching a bunch of yes-men cater to a psychopathic narcissist.
Necrorifter said:
This makes me wonder, we know there is a difference between white, black, and Asian via gene. and the difference between humans and jews via soul array. Is there a difference between white, black, Asian via soul array. For example, can we see other people's souls and identities not only if they are jews or human, but what race they are? or do all races of humans have the same soul array and you need a physical identifier to spot which race they are?
I was wondering about something similar myself. I know that everyone's aura is unique to the individual, like a fingerprint. I wonder if each race has a collective aura type, roughly speaking, to where one could identify someone's race spiritually. Doesn't each race have a collective personality type or soul wavelength. Genes are light and vibration, right? The genetic expression of a group of people creates a culture and language mirrors the collective soul expression of a race or sub-race. What you are saying is an extremely valid question. P.S. I always wondered if we could invent a special camera that records a Ghoul's soul, I mean Jew's soul live, in such a way where its parasitic nature is shown as tentacles, or they all end up looking like a bunch of Nosferatus. Half-kidding here. 😁
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:

History of a Race ...

Despite the fanaticism of the Reds and other hypocritical pseudo-humanists, the human races are a reality and evidence it would be foolish to deny. The human races constitute, moreover, all the richness of our ethnocultural diversity in this world, a diversity that disturbs the followers of mixism at all costs. Ethnocultural heritage is the very foundation of an identity, something everyone should be proud of. But it would seem that this pride is a shame for the traitors who have so much hatred for the question of identity. They would rather see all of humanity plunged into one formless magma with no past and no future, which, according to their logic, is understandable, given that such a humanity without identity would be so much more manipulable. Clans united and united with each other, proud of a thousand-year-old past, do not allow themselves to be manipulated like isolated individuals without identity. For us pagans proud of our roots, it is therefore important and urgent to claim and preserve what our ancestors gave us as a heritage.

This article is not a scientific study of the race question, but an etymological analysis of the same question. Fanatics who deny racial realities need only turn to archaeologists or the scientific police to verify how false and outdated their arguments are. We will continue to be motivated by love, not hate. Our love is that of our own, and contrary to what some sub-normals and other self-righteous fashion traitors say, this love of his does not automatically imply a hatred of others. But this is something their atrophied neurons cannot understand because their brainwashing is so deep and irremediable. After this necessary introduction, the subject is so controversial these days, let's get back to the subject of this article.

But what do words like Genes, Genetics, Genius, People, Gender, Genital, Son-in-law, Beget, Degenerate, Eugenics, Father and Generation have in common? The answer is simple and dense at the same time. All of these words are based on the root GEN, a root that dates back to our earliest linguistic heritage as it comes directly to us from Indo-Europeans. This origin gave several Indo-European words, the most important of which is that of * genos-, which means "the race", "the lineage", "the family". It is this Indo-European root that has given our modern versions for genes and genetics. This same root is found in other Indo-European languages ​​such as Sanskrit (jánas), ancient Greek (genos), Latin (genus), and Armenian (cin). In the first three languages ​​cited, the translation is also that of "Race", "Lineage", and "Family". In its Armenian version, the word means "Birth". In all cases, we can see the fundamental link that exists between the notion of Genes and that of Race.

Other Indo-European roots are therefore also based on this notion of race and blood line. Here are a few :

- "Progenitor" which comes from the Indo-European * genetor, which translates to "procreator". The progenitor is therefore the one who participates in the creation of a racial line. In Sanskrit it gives "janitár", in Greek "genétôr", and in Latin "genitor". The Indo-European female version is * genetri.

- *gnotos in Indo-European which means "relative [of the blood line]". The notion of kinship is therefore also closely linked to that of race and blood line. This term is found in Greek (gnôtós) which means parent, brother; in Latvian (znuots) translated as brother-in-law, son-in-law; in Welsh (gnawt) translated as parent; the same translation into Old High German (knuot), Gothic (knoths), and Sanskrit (jñatís).

- * gntis in Indo-European which means "kinship", root which gave in Sanskrit "jatis", in Latin "nati-o", and in Anglo-Saxon "cynd".

- “Eugenics” which comes from the same Indo-European root * gen- with the following translation nuance: Race, Origin, Birth. The prefix -eu gives another interesting nuance, that of "good race", that is, eugenics is "good reproduction of the race". And indeed, eugenics was present in many pagan traditions of antiquity. The objective was clear: by selection at birth an attempt was made to prevent the blood line from degenerating. And since we're talking about it ...

- “Degenerate”… comes from the same Indo-European root * GEN with the private prefix –de. Degeneration is therefore the deprivation of race, it is an element of bad lineage, of a loss of racial identity. The etymological dictionary leaves no room for doubt, because it defines this term as “losing the natural qualities of one's race”.

- "Genealogy" ... the reason for a race. Term which in this same linguistic context would translate as the sacred whole of a blood line.

- "People", "people" ... another term that comes from Indo-European * GEN. So people are beings of the same bloodline, of the same race.

- "Gentleman" ... a noble man, a man of good race.

- "Generation" ... a time series of the same race, the same bloodline.

- "Gender" ... which is the same type, the same race.

- “Genius”… this term deserves a special detour, because it is very rich in information. He too is related to the blood line in that he is a link in the chain of that line. In pagan Rome, the Genius (Genius) represented as the soul of a person, his protective spirit, what Christians call a guardian angel. In this it is somewhat comparable to the Fylgia of the German-Nordic tradition. Genius comes from the Latin Gigno / Geno, which is understood as "to beget, to be born [in a blood line]". The Genius is the one who "crumbles", that is to say who has the faculty to engender. The marital bed was also called "lectus genialis". But this does not mean that the Genius would have a symbolism linked to fertility. No. The symbolic aspect here is really limited to the principle of bloodline and race. This is confirmed by another etymology, that of "Ingenium" which is understood as "that which gives birth in ...". That's why the Genius party wasn't anything sexual, it was just his Dies Natalis, his birthday. The whole family participated in the worship of this Genius, because the latter had a religious dimension. We also wanted to make a connection between the Lares (the minor gods and tutelaries of the home) and the Genius.

- The Genius is the visible and invisible structure of man. He is the deified personality of a man, as he came into the world, from a series of other men, each of whom had their own Genius. This man is called to bring into the world, through the sons, another sequel, each term of which will also have its own Genius. It is the continuity of generations, and therefore that of the Genii.

This whole linguistic approach allows us in fact to understand the religious importance that the race and the blood line question had for our pagan ancestors. All the modern delusions of some pseudo-pagans will not change that. In contrast, pagans faithful to the vision of our ancestors will have understood that an ethnocultural heritage is respected and cultivated.

Hathuwolf Harson

Sources :

«Le vocabulaire indo-européen / Lexique étymologique thématique», X. Delamarre
«Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española», Bárbara Pastor y Edward A. Roberts
«La religion romaine archaïque», George Dumézil

Étymologies :

Gène=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/gène
Gens=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/gens
Genre=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/genre
Générer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/générer
Dégénérer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/dégénérer

I am deeply grateful for your time invested in this research. As some of us know, language evolve and change as groups of people evolve and change. Sadly, since studying things like etymology can lead a person to their roots and, ultimately, the truth, this is why the Jews and their lackeys wish to officially change the meaning of certain words or outright censor them.
On another note, I realized that the root word 'kin' can be found in the word 'kind', which denotes nobility of some sort. I also thought of the word 'genie' and how a genie is portrayed as grating wishes, and how in Pisslam our Gods/dresses are referred to as 'Jin'. I feel like this somehow ties into the enemy creating negative subliminals against Godhood itself (the ascended state of being), as it ties into correcting our genetic code and perfecting it. As for a genie granting wishes, not sure about that one, but it feels to me like a externalization of one's own personal ability to manifest things into reality. There's also the common trait of grating 3 wishes, 3 being a magical number. Please excuse any ignorance on my behalf and for the late reply. Just thought I would bring this up as a subject of discussion. Again, much thanks. ☺️
Necrorifter said:
This makes me wonder, we know there is a difference between white, black, and Asian via gene. and the difference between humans and jews via soul array. Is there a difference between white, black, Asian via soul array. For example, can we see other people's souls and identities not only if they are jews or human, but what race they are? or do all races of humans have the same soul array and you need a physical identifier to spot which race they are?
Race IS in the soul. You are never gonna reincarnate in something different, you're always gonna reincarnate in your own race. With practice you're most likely gonna be able to differentiate people's race with their soul.
SeaGoat_666 said:
Utterly complete selflessness, without any sense of self for a healthy sense of balance and individuality, is the very definition of a slavish Borg. *shivers*
I remember when I used to get dragged to church as a kid. Everyone sounded like a hoard of zombies from a horror movie repeating the same self-hating phrases. One of the things I hated most was hearing them beg for approval from their "God". It was like watching a bunch of yes-men cater to a psychopathic narcissist.

I felt the same way after one too many two hour Catholic masses. If I ever have to say another "Hail Mary" ever again I'm going to curse someone until they're a puddle of crimson.
Rodulf said:
You have nothing to be ashamed of. There is more to race than just genetics. Your soul memories can be pure Aryan. I am Celtic, Norse and Saxon and I identify as an Aryan man, but, through my mother, I also have a bit of Native American blood.
I have had dream contact with the old Native Grandfathers a few times over the years. For some reason they take an interest in me. However, I do not "play Indian". I am Aryan and I expect to see my North European Kin in the Halls of the Gods when I leave Midgard. But I acknowledge my Native ancestors, too. They were noble warriors.
Other than Jaguars being my favorite animal, I was never much interested in Native Americans. On the contrary, I have always felt a strong admiration for ancient Americans, Greeks, Romans, Spartans, Vikings, Europeans. I was able to trace back my direct lineage to 1066 AD when the Normans reclaimed the throne of England. I am a very prideful person and am determined to never have any regrets, but I will accept my past mistakes and learn from them.

SeaGoat_666 said:
I know how you feel for the most part. But perhaps you could use your mixed heritage to your advantage, for Satan's cause. For example, knowing more than one language to spread the truth to more than one group of people. As for children, well it all boils down to which racial heritage could be corrected the fastest (not over 2 generations). Having a child and building a family is like passing a baton in a race. It all comes down to what are you going to pass on to tomorrow's generations. We are our ancestors. We are their reincarnation in this present lifetime. And tomorrow you'll be someone else's ancestor. Your place of belonging is a mix of objective genetic reality and your own individually subjective approach to life. How we respond to our environment gets recorded in our DNA and this is transmitted as instinct to our descendants. I'm far from an expert on this subject, but remember that your head is not separate from your heart. Your desires for building a family could be your soul instinctually attempting to correct its bloodline to have an easier time reincarnating in the future. You have value. Don't forget that.
Well the family I was raised up in has strong Aryan traits, Other than my generation, they are all of mostly pure white blood. I am glad to have my family, and despite being mixed me and my siblings are some very strong willed individuals. I am proud that they are my siblings. My sister has two kiddos and in a way I have been a better father to those kids then their own. I have always felt the importance of passing on my lineage, and since 1st Grade I always had crushes on girls.
I have always been greatly motivated to improve myself, so that I could some day be the perfect Husband for a wonderful lady. Being an SS made me want to be a father.
I guess im just being hard on myself as per usual.. I like to force myself into tough situations so that I can become a stronger person.
jrvan said:
Put your faith in the potential future of genetic engineering, and do the best you can in the meantime to advance your soul. At least you're not ashkenazi. Be grateful for that.
Im very nature oriented and would never consider manipulating my bloodline or the bloodline of my children with technological means. I must learn to take the hand im dealt with, and being the strong competitor that I love to be, I will be successful under any circumstances.

Originally writing this post I became very emotional, and instantly regretted posting it. But I see it was important for me to discuss this issue. I know I can find the root to the problem and will eliminate it.
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
This makes me wonder, we know there is a difference between white, black, and Asian via gene. and the difference between humans and jews via soul array. Is there a difference between white, black, Asian via soul array. For example, can we see other people's souls and identities not only if they are jews or human, but what race they are? or do all races of humans have the same soul array and you need a physical identifier to spot which race they are?
Race IS in the soul. You are never gonna reincarnate in something different, you're always gonna reincarnate in your own race. With practice you're most likely gonna be able to differentiate people's race with their soul.

Make sense, if you always reincarnated as same sex and race, then it makes sense that there is bound to be something in the soul that is set up for that, so if I can find what is that, then I can use that to find out which race are they if they are of mixed race, primary races should be obvious from a physical standpoint where mixed races may be difficult, but look into soul will allow me to identify which one they are mainly of. Thanks for your answer.
MrIntrepid said:
SeaGoat_666 said:
Utterly complete selflessness, without any sense of self for a healthy sense of balance and individuality, is the very definition of a slavish Borg. *shivers*
I remember when I used to get dragged to church as a kid. Everyone sounded like a hoard of zombies from a horror movie repeating the same self-hating phrases. One of the things I hated most was hearing them beg for approval from their "God". It was like watching a bunch of yes-men cater to a psychopathic narcissist.

I felt the same way after one too many two hour Catholic masses. If I ever have to say another "Hail Mary" ever again I'm going to curse someone until they're a puddle of crimson.
And then you could collect it into a ball of red energy and offer it up to the Powers of Hell for psychic warfare purposes, followed up by 666 Hail Satan's to purge the place. 😆
Bravera said:
Rodulf said:
You have nothing to be ashamed of. There is more to race than just genetics. Your soul memories can be pure Aryan. I am Celtic, Norse and Saxon and I identify as an Aryan man, but, through my mother, I also have a bit of Native American blood.
I have had dream contact with the old Native Grandfathers a few times over the years. For some reason they take an interest in me. However, I do not "play Indian". I am Aryan and I expect to see my North European Kin in the Halls of the Gods when I leave Midgard. But I acknowledge my Native ancestors, too. They were noble warriors.
Other than Jaguars being my favorite animal, I was never much interested in Native Americans. On the contrary, I have always felt a strong admiration for ancient Americans, Greeks, Romans, Spartans, Vikings, Europeans. I was able to trace back my direct lineage to 1066 AD when the Normans reclaimed the throne of England. I am a very prideful person and am determined to never have any regrets, but I will accept my past mistakes and learn from them.

SeaGoat_666 said:
I know how you feel for the most part. But perhaps you could use your mixed heritage to your advantage, for Satan's cause. For example, knowing more than one language to spread the truth to more than one group of people. As for children, well it all boils down to which racial heritage could be corrected the fastest (not over 2 generations). Having a child and building a family is like passing a baton in a race. It all comes down to what are you going to pass on to tomorrow's generations. We are our ancestors. We are their reincarnation in this present lifetime. And tomorrow you'll be someone else's ancestor. Your place of belonging is a mix of objective genetic reality and your own individually subjective approach to life. How we respond to our environment gets recorded in our DNA and this is transmitted as instinct to our descendants. I'm far from an expert on this subject, but remember that your head is not separate from your heart. Your desires for building a family could be your soul instinctually attempting to correct its bloodline to have an easier time reincarnating in the future. You have value. Don't forget that.
Well the family I was raised up in has strong Aryan traits, Other than my generation, they are all of mostly pure white blood. I am glad to have my family, and despite being mixed me and my siblings are some very strong willed individuals. I am proud that they are my siblings. My sister has two kiddos and in a way I have been a better father to those kids then their own. I have always felt the importance of passing on my lineage, and since 1st Grade I always had crushes on girls.
I have always been greatly motivated to improve myself, so that I could some day be the perfect Husband for a wonderful lady. Being an SS made me want to be a father.
I guess im just being hard on myself as per usual.. I like to force myself into tough situations so that I can become a stronger person.
jrvan said:
Put your faith in the potential future of genetic engineering, and do the best you can in the meantime to advance your soul. At least you're not ashkenazi. Be grateful for that.
Im very nature oriented and would never consider manipulating my bloodline or the bloodline of my children with technological means. I must learn to take the hand im dealt with, and being the strong competitor that I love to be, I will be successful under any circumstances.

Originally writing this post I became very emotional, and instantly regretted posting it. But I see it was important for me to discuss this issue. I know I can find the root to the problem and will eliminate it.
Good to hear your awareness on the matter and your uphill attitude. That's the spirit. I'm sure that you'll be a great father, and the more you work on yourself, the better you'll attract a wife of similar values. The issue must mostly be subconscious. Although, I have a hunch you're the type with high standards, and you're hardest on yourself because you believe change in the world starts with yourself. Let's keep marching up that hill together. SS for life! 🐺
Bravera said:
This topic in particular is still on the forefront of my mind...

I have been told by my Grandmother that we are mixed among many European Races as well as Native American.
This is just on my mothers side, my father is Supposedly Spaniard, but looking at his relatives they look more Latino than White.

If i must be honest, this is extremely frustrating for me, I didnt ask to be mixed, I dont feel like I should have Children because I dont want to pollute the white race anymore, I look in the mirror and although I am a handsome young man I feel ugly because of being mixed =/ I have always been very "self conscious", and I feel like this is my biggest internal struggle right now.

I take pride in my White Ancestral heritage, but I am ashamed that I am mixed... I want to build a big Family, my family is slowly falling apart, and I am beginning to feel like I am alone in this world.

I am lucky to have my SS family, and I consider Satan as my Father, but still this makes me feel terrible.

I know how you feel, but you don't have to torture your mind for this, it will please the enemy too much and prevent you from moving forward. On the contrary, go and draw strength from the pagan past of your different roots! I did the same for myself. I saw that I had Dutch ancestors, so I drew strength from Germanic paganism, I saw that I had ancestors from the Iberian Peninsula, so I drew strength from the Celtic and Basque paganism, I saw that I had Slavic ancestors, so I drew strength from Slavic paganism. You see what I mean ? I know that I am one hundred percent European over several generations, but who knows what root I have beyond?

So SS comrade, it's another SS comrade across the Atlantic telling you, don't brake yourself because of your mixed blood, your Gentle soul matters just as much, GO FORWARD AND LET NOT STOP YOU !

"The soul is naturally pagan." E.M. Cioran.
"You are worth what you want." Quotes of Paratroopers.

SeaGoat_666 said:
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:

History of a Race ...

Despite the fanaticism of the Reds and other hypocritical pseudo-humanists, the human races are a reality and evidence it would be foolish to deny. The human races constitute, moreover, all the richness of our ethnocultural diversity in this world, a diversity that disturbs the followers of mixism at all costs. Ethnocultural heritage is the very foundation of an identity, something everyone should be proud of. But it would seem that this pride is a shame for the traitors who have so much hatred for the question of identity. They would rather see all of humanity plunged into one formless magma with no past and no future, which, according to their logic, is understandable, given that such a humanity without identity would be so much more manipulable. Clans united and united with each other, proud of a thousand-year-old past, do not allow themselves to be manipulated like isolated individuals without identity. For us pagans proud of our roots, it is therefore important and urgent to claim and preserve what our ancestors gave us as a heritage.

This article is not a scientific study of the race question, but an etymological analysis of the same question. Fanatics who deny racial realities need only turn to archaeologists or the scientific police to verify how false and outdated their arguments are. We will continue to be motivated by love, not hate. Our love is that of our own, and contrary to what some sub-normals and other self-righteous fashion traitors say, this love of his does not automatically imply a hatred of others. But this is something their atrophied neurons cannot understand because their brainwashing is so deep and irremediable. After this necessary introduction, the subject is so controversial these days, let's get back to the subject of this article.

But what do words like Genes, Genetics, Genius, People, Gender, Genital, Son-in-law, Beget, Degenerate, Eugenics, Father and Generation have in common? The answer is simple and dense at the same time. All of these words are based on the root GEN, a root that dates back to our earliest linguistic heritage as it comes directly to us from Indo-Europeans. This origin gave several Indo-European words, the most important of which is that of * genos-, which means "the race", "the lineage", "the family". It is this Indo-European root that has given our modern versions for genes and genetics. This same root is found in other Indo-European languages ​​such as Sanskrit (jánas), ancient Greek (genos), Latin (genus), and Armenian (cin). In the first three languages ​​cited, the translation is also that of "Race", "Lineage", and "Family". In its Armenian version, the word means "Birth". In all cases, we can see the fundamental link that exists between the notion of Genes and that of Race.

Other Indo-European roots are therefore also based on this notion of race and blood line. Here are a few :

- "Progenitor" which comes from the Indo-European * genetor, which translates to "procreator". The progenitor is therefore the one who participates in the creation of a racial line. In Sanskrit it gives "janitár", in Greek "genétôr", and in Latin "genitor". The Indo-European female version is * genetri.

- *gnotos in Indo-European which means "relative [of the blood line]". The notion of kinship is therefore also closely linked to that of race and blood line. This term is found in Greek (gnôtós) which means parent, brother; in Latvian (znuots) translated as brother-in-law, son-in-law; in Welsh (gnawt) translated as parent; the same translation into Old High German (knuot), Gothic (knoths), and Sanskrit (jñatís).

- * gntis in Indo-European which means "kinship", root which gave in Sanskrit "jatis", in Latin "nati-o", and in Anglo-Saxon "cynd".

- “Eugenics” which comes from the same Indo-European root * gen- with the following translation nuance: Race, Origin, Birth. The prefix -eu gives another interesting nuance, that of "good race", that is, eugenics is "good reproduction of the race". And indeed, eugenics was present in many pagan traditions of antiquity. The objective was clear: by selection at birth an attempt was made to prevent the blood line from degenerating. And since we're talking about it ...

- “Degenerate”… comes from the same Indo-European root * GEN with the private prefix –de. Degeneration is therefore the deprivation of race, it is an element of bad lineage, of a loss of racial identity. The etymological dictionary leaves no room for doubt, because it defines this term as “losing the natural qualities of one's race”.

- "Genealogy" ... the reason for a race. Term which in this same linguistic context would translate as the sacred whole of a blood line.

- "People", "people" ... another term that comes from Indo-European * GEN. So people are beings of the same bloodline, of the same race.

- "Gentleman" ... a noble man, a man of good race.

- "Generation" ... a time series of the same race, the same bloodline.

- "Gender" ... which is the same type, the same race.

- “Genius”… this term deserves a special detour, because it is very rich in information. He too is related to the blood line in that he is a link in the chain of that line. In pagan Rome, the Genius (Genius) represented as the soul of a person, his protective spirit, what Christians call a guardian angel. In this it is somewhat comparable to the Fylgia of the German-Nordic tradition. Genius comes from the Latin Gigno / Geno, which is understood as "to beget, to be born [in a blood line]". The Genius is the one who "crumbles", that is to say who has the faculty to engender. The marital bed was also called "lectus genialis". But this does not mean that the Genius would have a symbolism linked to fertility. No. The symbolic aspect here is really limited to the principle of bloodline and race. This is confirmed by another etymology, that of "Ingenium" which is understood as "that which gives birth in ...". That's why the Genius party wasn't anything sexual, it was just his Dies Natalis, his birthday. The whole family participated in the worship of this Genius, because the latter had a religious dimension. We also wanted to make a connection between the Lares (the minor gods and tutelaries of the home) and the Genius.

- The Genius is the visible and invisible structure of man. He is the deified personality of a man, as he came into the world, from a series of other men, each of whom had their own Genius. This man is called to bring into the world, through the sons, another sequel, each term of which will also have its own Genius. It is the continuity of generations, and therefore that of the Genii.

This whole linguistic approach allows us in fact to understand the religious importance that the race and the blood line question had for our pagan ancestors. All the modern delusions of some pseudo-pagans will not change that. In contrast, pagans faithful to the vision of our ancestors will have understood that an ethnocultural heritage is respected and cultivated.

Hathuwolf Harson

Sources :

«Le vocabulaire indo-européen / Lexique étymologique thématique», X. Delamarre
«Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española», Bárbara Pastor y Edward A. Roberts
«La religion romaine archaïque», George Dumézil

Étymologies :

Gène=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/gène
Gens=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/gens
Genre=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/genre
Générer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/générer
Dégénérer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/dégénérer

I am deeply grateful for your time invested in this research. As some of us know, language evolve and change as groups of people evolve and change. Sadly, since studying things like etymology can lead a person to their roots and, ultimately, the truth, this is why the Jews and their lackeys wish to officially change the meaning of certain words or outright censor them.
On another note, I realized that the root word 'kin' can be found in the word 'kind', which denotes nobility of some sort. I also thought of the word 'genie' and how a genie is portrayed as grating wishes, and how in Pisslam our Gods/dresses are referred to as 'Jin'. I feel like this somehow ties into the enemy creating negative subliminals against Godhood itself (the ascended state of being), as it ties into correcting our genetic code and perfecting it. As for a genie granting wishes, not sure about that one, but it feels to me like a externalization of one's own personal ability to manifest things into reality. There's also the common trait of grating 3 wishes, 3 being a magical number. Please excuse any ignorance on my behalf and for the late reply. Just thought I would bring this up as a subject of discussion. Again, much thanks. ☺️

It is a pleasure for me to share with you.
May the kingdom of our Father Odin return as quickly as possible. :)

Heill Odin !
Heill Thor !
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:
SeaGoat_666 said:
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:

History of a Race ...

Despite the fanaticism of the Reds and other hypocritical pseudo-humanists, the human races are a reality and evidence it would be foolish to deny. The human races constitute, moreover, all the richness of our ethnocultural diversity in this world, a diversity that disturbs the followers of mixism at all costs. Ethnocultural heritage is the very foundation of an identity, something everyone should be proud of. But it would seem that this pride is a shame for the traitors who have so much hatred for the question of identity. They would rather see all of humanity plunged into one formless magma with no past and no future, which, according to their logic, is understandable, given that such a humanity without identity would be so much more manipulable. Clans united and united with each other, proud of a thousand-year-old past, do not allow themselves to be manipulated like isolated individuals without identity. For us pagans proud of our roots, it is therefore important and urgent to claim and preserve what our ancestors gave us as a heritage.

This article is not a scientific study of the race question, but an etymological analysis of the same question. Fanatics who deny racial realities need only turn to archaeologists or the scientific police to verify how false and outdated their arguments are. We will continue to be motivated by love, not hate. Our love is that of our own, and contrary to what some sub-normals and other self-righteous fashion traitors say, this love of his does not automatically imply a hatred of others. But this is something their atrophied neurons cannot understand because their brainwashing is so deep and irremediable. After this necessary introduction, the subject is so controversial these days, let's get back to the subject of this article.

But what do words like Genes, Genetics, Genius, People, Gender, Genital, Son-in-law, Beget, Degenerate, Eugenics, Father and Generation have in common? The answer is simple and dense at the same time. All of these words are based on the root GEN, a root that dates back to our earliest linguistic heritage as it comes directly to us from Indo-Europeans. This origin gave several Indo-European words, the most important of which is that of * genos-, which means "the race", "the lineage", "the family". It is this Indo-European root that has given our modern versions for genes and genetics. This same root is found in other Indo-European languages ​​such as Sanskrit (jánas), ancient Greek (genos), Latin (genus), and Armenian (cin). In the first three languages ​​cited, the translation is also that of "Race", "Lineage", and "Family". In its Armenian version, the word means "Birth". In all cases, we can see the fundamental link that exists between the notion of Genes and that of Race.

Other Indo-European roots are therefore also based on this notion of race and blood line. Here are a few :

- "Progenitor" which comes from the Indo-European * genetor, which translates to "procreator". The progenitor is therefore the one who participates in the creation of a racial line. In Sanskrit it gives "janitár", in Greek "genétôr", and in Latin "genitor". The Indo-European female version is * genetri.

- *gnotos in Indo-European which means "relative [of the blood line]". The notion of kinship is therefore also closely linked to that of race and blood line. This term is found in Greek (gnôtós) which means parent, brother; in Latvian (znuots) translated as brother-in-law, son-in-law; in Welsh (gnawt) translated as parent; the same translation into Old High German (knuot), Gothic (knoths), and Sanskrit (jñatís).

- * gntis in Indo-European which means "kinship", root which gave in Sanskrit "jatis", in Latin "nati-o", and in Anglo-Saxon "cynd".

- “Eugenics” which comes from the same Indo-European root * gen- with the following translation nuance: Race, Origin, Birth. The prefix -eu gives another interesting nuance, that of "good race", that is, eugenics is "good reproduction of the race". And indeed, eugenics was present in many pagan traditions of antiquity. The objective was clear: by selection at birth an attempt was made to prevent the blood line from degenerating. And since we're talking about it ...

- “Degenerate”… comes from the same Indo-European root * GEN with the private prefix –de. Degeneration is therefore the deprivation of race, it is an element of bad lineage, of a loss of racial identity. The etymological dictionary leaves no room for doubt, because it defines this term as “losing the natural qualities of one's race”.

- "Genealogy" ... the reason for a race. Term which in this same linguistic context would translate as the sacred whole of a blood line.

- "People", "people" ... another term that comes from Indo-European * GEN. So people are beings of the same bloodline, of the same race.

- "Gentleman" ... a noble man, a man of good race.

- "Generation" ... a time series of the same race, the same bloodline.

- "Gender" ... which is the same type, the same race.

- “Genius”… this term deserves a special detour, because it is very rich in information. He too is related to the blood line in that he is a link in the chain of that line. In pagan Rome, the Genius (Genius) represented as the soul of a person, his protective spirit, what Christians call a guardian angel. In this it is somewhat comparable to the Fylgia of the German-Nordic tradition. Genius comes from the Latin Gigno / Geno, which is understood as "to beget, to be born [in a blood line]". The Genius is the one who "crumbles", that is to say who has the faculty to engender. The marital bed was also called "lectus genialis". But this does not mean that the Genius would have a symbolism linked to fertility. No. The symbolic aspect here is really limited to the principle of bloodline and race. This is confirmed by another etymology, that of "Ingenium" which is understood as "that which gives birth in ...". That's why the Genius party wasn't anything sexual, it was just his Dies Natalis, his birthday. The whole family participated in the worship of this Genius, because the latter had a religious dimension. We also wanted to make a connection between the Lares (the minor gods and tutelaries of the home) and the Genius.

- The Genius is the visible and invisible structure of man. He is the deified personality of a man, as he came into the world, from a series of other men, each of whom had their own Genius. This man is called to bring into the world, through the sons, another sequel, each term of which will also have its own Genius. It is the continuity of generations, and therefore that of the Genii.

This whole linguistic approach allows us in fact to understand the religious importance that the race and the blood line question had for our pagan ancestors. All the modern delusions of some pseudo-pagans will not change that. In contrast, pagans faithful to the vision of our ancestors will have understood that an ethnocultural heritage is respected and cultivated.

Hathuwolf Harson

Sources :

«Le vocabulaire indo-européen / Lexique étymologique thématique», X. Delamarre
«Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española», Bárbara Pastor y Edward A. Roberts
«La religion romaine archaïque», George Dumézil

Étymologies :

Gène=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/gène
Gens=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/gens
Genre=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/genre
Générer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/générer
Dégénérer=> http://www.cnrtl.fr/etymologie/dégénérer

I am deeply grateful for your time invested in this research. As some of us know, language evolve and change as groups of people evolve and change. Sadly, since studying things like etymology can lead a person to their roots and, ultimately, the truth, this is why the Jews and their lackeys wish to officially change the meaning of certain words or outright censor them.
On another note, I realized that the root word 'kin' can be found in the word 'kind', which denotes nobility of some sort. I also thought of the word 'genie' and how a genie is portrayed as grating wishes, and how in Pisslam our Gods/dresses are referred to as 'Jin'. I feel like this somehow ties into the enemy creating negative subliminals against Godhood itself (the ascended state of being), as it ties into correcting our genetic code and perfecting it. As for a genie granting wishes, not sure about that one, but it feels to me like a externalization of one's own personal ability to manifest things into reality. There's also the common trait of grating 3 wishes, 3 being a magical number. Please excuse any ignorance on my behalf and for the late reply. Just thought I would bring this up as a subject of discussion. Again, much thanks. ☺️

It is a pleasure for me to share with you.
May the kingdom of our Father Odin return as quickly as possible. :)

Heill Odin !
Heill Thor !
Hail Odin the All-Father!
May Odin's spear pierce the enemy at their core, and Thor's hammer smight the enemy as a lighting bolt cuts down a sickly tree!
I wonder if gods create humanwith genetic engenering, why only one race looks like gods. Gods are white and blond right ? Then who create other races ?
ASDF said:
I wonder if gods create humanwith genetic engenering, why only one race looks like gods. Gods are white and blond right ? Then who create other races ?

Seriously? You can't paint a picture in your mind of the Gods creating other races.

The White Nordic's like Satan procured current Humanity. Not just through it's upgunning of genetic engineering and Soul engineering i.e. think things like Chakra, Kundalini. Proto-Human might have a soul as all entities reach a level whereby their soul develops to a higher level(such as gaining certain aspects like Kundalini) at some point but it was Satan who created the advanced souls and infused it into our civilization.

As for other races Satan created Whites, Blacks, and Asian(Euro-Asian). All three major root races were created by him. As for their establishment and their progenitors whereby the Gods since they avoid race mixing at all costs. Probably had situations whereby other races of the Gods in regards to their race interacted with humans.

Just like Humanity that has different races. The Gods have different races, species(other E.T.s think like Gargoyle Demons or Lucifuge Rofocal's green-Nordic hybrids). It's safe to assume the Gods of other races interacted with respective to the Human races. Asiatic Gods with Asians and Black Gods with Black Humans.

Of course Africa is unique to this planet so the Black Gods are not African descent UNLESS they were Humans upgunned, meditating and achieved a high level. For example Vapula/Naphula is a Black Goddess though it doesn't specify if she is of African(Human/DemiGod) descent or she is part of the Blacks in the Empire of Orion.

I recall someone pointing out a planet run by the Gods whereby 97% is Black and the remaining 3% is White, Asian, Extra-terrestrial.

For some reason Satan created humanity this way and viewed our existence in a higher level. He saw for some reason Whites, Blacks, and Asians should cooperate and work as a team for our civilization. For some reason he created Whites, Blacks, and Asians probably to model his civilization and work together to form a better Universal template.

It begs the question what is the higher aim of 3 main races in regards to each other and as a civilization as a whole. Why indeed did the Gods procure the root races in said way.
ASDF said:
I wonder if gods create humanwith genetic engenering, why only one race looks like gods. Gods are white and blond right ? Then who create other races ?

The Gods used genetic engineering and genes from different apes and humanoid beings and some of their own to create first the non-white races. Then they had children with the non-white races and that's how the white race came about. The white race wasn't genetically engineered like the other races.
I remember like , in this forum you guys talking about an asian god and asian people came from him/her. Is this true ? As ı understand from your reply all gods are white and white peoples came from them and other races are just genetic engenirig, right ?
ASDF said:
I remember like , in this forum you guys talking about an asian god and asian people came from him/her. Is this true ? As ı understand from your reply all gods are white and white peoples came from them and other races are just genetic engenirig, right ?

Not all gods are white. Set is dark looking. Some Demons are half-greys. But this is how it came to be: the non-whites were genetically engineered and the whites are the children of non-white races interbreeding with Gods. Whites were the last race to be created, and are not normal humans like the others. That's why their genes are recessive.
Rational Satanist said:
Not all gods are white. Set is dark looking. Some Demons are half-greys. But this is how it came to be: the non-whites were genetically engineered and the whites are the children of non-white races interbreeding with Gods. Whites were the last race to be created, and are not normal humans like the others. That's why their genes are recessive.

Man, you do know this doesn't make sense, right?

You are basically saying "Satan, a White Nordic God, created two non-white races with other White Nordic Gods, then, knowing that race mixing is harmful to one's soul, they INTERBRED with non-white races to create the white race."

Where is the logic in this?
SonOfSatan666 said:
Man, you do know this doesn't make sense, right?

You are basically saying "Satan, a White Nordic God, created two non-white races with other White Nordic Gods, then, knowing that race mixing is harmful to one's soul, they INTERBRED with non-white races to create the white race."

Where is the logic in this?

The logic is that they are Gods. Black, white and asian are different human races. Human races don't apply to gods. They have superior, perfected genes and interbreeding with inferior species like humans only make humans stronger with no harm to themselves. While humans mixing with each other weakens their genes because they aren't perfect. HP Maxine has explained that before.

And I didn't say that the Gods had sex with other Nordic gods to create the non-white races. They took genes from different types of apes as well as a little bit of their own, then did genetic experiments in a lab or some place like that and ended up creating the non-white races in this way. The non-white races differ because they used genes from different ape and proto-human species to create each one.

It doesn't make sense to you because you made a strawman of my post and tried to refute the strawman version of it. Next time try to read and comprehend what I'm actually saying.
Interesting question.

If Adapa(stereotypical named Adam) is considered the first or one of the first or first White-Aryan Human. Then what about the 50/500 theory that states there requires about 50 people to greatly reduce if not outright eliminate genetic depression. And 500 for there to be stable population growth so the people who don't reproduce, there is still procurement of the species. Non-the less the Gods aren't petty people who don't want Humans to reproduce nor the humans they taught would fall into petty "modern day lifeskills".

My question is whom were the first Human group/s that were created and made into the core of human species so they can propagate into a civilization? In other words what occurred on the dates in question to make the first mass batch of humans to generate the civilization?

I'm assuming Satan must have collected the best Nordics kinda like Lilith with Adapa and changed their Nordic female egg into a Human-Hybrid egg and had their lover/s impregnate them to create a number of prototype humans. Gets a little sci-fansy but I assume the first batch of humans were probably Hybrids until they themselves could inter-reproduce without genetic issues i.e. inbreeding and mass produce humans.

The blacks always espouse they were the first humans and even believe their propaganda of "We blacks are more primitive and closer to the species which became the first Humans".

I'm not sure whether to believe that or laugh at their assessments. But I'm assuming the first Humans were White-Aryan and I assume the darker races were mass produced by darker aliens of ours and basically the 3 or so major sub-races were procured relatively within a small time period within each other.

So whom is the first human? Blacks whine they are the closest to the progenitor but just because blacks are closest doesn't necessarily make them first. I'm sure as hell beings of higher power aren't petty.
Rational Satanist said:
because you made a strawman of my post and tried to refute the strawman version of it
First of all, what I meant was that our Gods created us as a collective, not that "they had sex to create non-white races".
Secondly, explain how this

The Gods used genetic engineering and genes from different apes and humanoid beings and some of their own to create first the non-white races. Then they had children with the non-white races and that's how the white race came about. The white race wasn't genetically engineered like the other races.

And this

But this is how it came to be: the non-whites were genetically engineered and the whites are the children of non-white races interbreeding with Gods.

did not imply the Gods had sex with non-white human races. I understood your post, that's why I refuted it.
1. Explain why they wouldn't have genetically engineered the white race if they could do it with two other races
2. "Quoting" a HP does not automatically give you credibility. Please, link the article in which HPS Maxine states that White Gods having sex with Black and Asian humans is not harmful to the latters' soul, but actually empowering, because I think soul compatibility matters even in a human-god relationship.
SonOfSatan666 said:
1. Explain why they wouldn't have genetically engineered the white race if they could do it with two other races

The white race is closer to the Gods than the others and their genes are recessive, unlike other humans. Blond hair, blue eyes and other "aryan" characteristics are recessive. Moreover, unlike other races where you can trace their origins, the whites seem as if they have appeared out of nowhere. Even Europe some hundreds of thousands years ago wasn't inhabited by white people. So, the whites must be their direct children, somewhere between the human races and the Gods rather than created via genetic engineering than the other races.

The concept of soul degeneration by race mixing hasn't been mentioned by HP Maxine at all, in fact (unless I miss something), she only focused on the genetic aspect. Other HPs have mentioned it. But that doesn't mean that it isn't true.

SonOfSatan666 said:
2. "Quoting" a HP does not automatically give you credibility. Please, link the article in which HPS Maxine states that White Gods having sex with Black and Asian humans is not harmful to the latters' soul, but actually empowering, because I think soul compatibility matters even in a human-god relationship.

She didn't say such thing, but she said that their genes and souls are perfect. She did explain the mythologies of the Gods having children with their brothers and sisters, and said that because their genes are perfected they can't give birth to defected children via incest. She also said that the whites, unlike the other races are the children of the Gods, and referenced the myths in Sumerian mythology of Gods having children with humans. It's clear then that if the whites were created that way the Gods must have had children with non-white races to create the white one.

A perfected being who has reached immortality can't degenerate spiritually. If he could, he would not be perfect. When you reach the Magnum Opus, your soul can't degenerate or die, no matter what you do. If it did, there wouldn't be any point in completing it. Human souls are corrupted by race mixing because they are unstable and imperfect and get influenced by tendencies from other races. A God's soul can only influence human souls for the better and it's too strong to be influenced by human souls.

You think of Gods' souls as incompatible because you humanize them. You think human limitations and races apply to them. They are a different species than humans, no matter what your race is. A white person is closer to a non-white than a God (since both are humans, even though whites have more Gods' DNA than other races), so by your logic the Gods' souls are incompatible with even a white human's.

SonOfSatan666 said:
Secondly, explain how this
did not imply the Gods had sex with non-white human races. I understood your post, that's why I refuted it.

They did have sex with non-white human-races. I never denied that. You see, I only denied that sex was involved in genetic engineering.
Rational Satanist said:
SonOfSatan666 said:
1. Explain why they wouldn't have genetically engineered the white race if they could do it with two other races

The white race is closer to the Gods than the others and their genes are recessive, unlike other humans. Blond hair, blue eyes and other "aryan" characteristics are recessive. Moreover, unlike other races where you can trace their origins, the whites seem as if they have appeared out of nowhere. Even Europe some hundreds of thousands years ago wasn't inhabited by white people. So, the whites must be their direct children, somewhere between the human races and the Gods rather than created via genetic engineering than the other races.

The concept of soul degeneration by race mixing hasn't been mentioned by HP Maxine at all, in fact (unless I miss something), she only focused on the genetic aspect. Other HPs have mentioned it. But that doesn't mean that it isn't true.

SonOfSatan666 said:
2. "Quoting" a HP does not automatically give you credibility. Please, link the article in which HPS Maxine states that White Gods having sex with Black and Asian humans is not harmful to the latters' soul, but actually empowering, because I think soul compatibility matters even in a human-god relationship.

She didn't say such thing, but she said that their genes and souls are perfect. She did explain the mythologies of the Gods having children with their brothers and sisters, and said that because their genes are perfected they can't give birth to defected children via incest. She also said that the whites, unlike the other races are the children of the Gods, and referenced the myths in Sumerian mythology of Gods having children with humans. It's clear then that if the whites were created that way the Gods must have had children with non-white races to create the white one.

A perfected being who has reached immortality can't degenerate spiritually. If he could, he would not be perfect. When you reach the Magnum Opus, your soul can't degenerate or die, no matter what you do. If it did, there wouldn't be any point in completing it. Human souls are corrupted by race mixing because they are unstable and imperfect and get influenced by tendencies from other races. A God's soul can only influence human souls for the better and it's too strong to be influenced by human souls.

You think of Gods' souls as incompatible because you humanize them. You think human limitations and races apply to them. They are a different species than humans, no matter what your race is. A white person is closer to a non-white than a God (since both are humans, even though whites have more Gods' DNA than other races), so by your logic the Gods' souls are incompatible with even a white human's.

SonOfSatan666 said:
Secondly, explain how this
did not imply the Gods had sex with non-white human races. I understood your post, that's why I refuted it.

They did have sex with non-white human-races. I never denied that. You see, I only denied that sex was involved in genetic engineering.

I don't you know if you are playing sophist or something, but nothing you said proves your point and you're only making it more confused.

I'd like to receive confirmation by a HP or some acknowledged member like Lydia, Jack or Stormblood on this, but:

1. In genetic engineering the concept of "recessive gene" doesn't matter, because you can activate and inactivate genes by acting upon them, and it was Gods that did it, not normal human scientists. You think they couldn't engineer a White man if they wanted to?

2. The Gods did have children with the human race, our God Asmodeus is proof, but it still was by race, because mixing would still harm the human side, because, as you said, our genes are not perfect. I can agree with the empowering stuff, but only if race is compatible. That's why you need soul compatibility for relationships with Demons like Succubi or Incubi.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
