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  1. WrathOfKouros


    Although there are many questionable things about ISKCON, and I would not recommend getting involved with the organization, the leader Srila Prabhupada is one of the few Indians who is honest about the Vedic origins of the Europeans. He admits that the Europeans were Aryans descended from the...
  2. WrathOfKouros

    About Aion Otherwise Known as Narasimha

    I thought to comment on this thread because the night that Neptune entered Aries I had a dream that was very profound. As I mentioned before Narasimha appeared in my dreams as a child and I had no idea what this was at the time. I was talking to an Indian kid in a school and he was telling me...
  3. WrathOfKouros

    Other #77034 God's to aid you as a new sales consultant

    MONEY Money Meditation Lucifius Focalor Andromalius [Finds it] Amy [Shows the way to fortune and wealth] Belphagor Bune Mammon Raum
  4. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76991 Difference between a Daemon and a God/Goddess?

    Read this sermon by HPHC https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-ranks-of-humans-demons-gods.290657/
  5. WrathOfKouros

    Just changed my name from WrathOfVishnu to WrathOfKouros on the forums because I'm not Indian...

    Just changed my name from WrathOfVishnu to WrathOfKouros on the forums because I'm not Indian, I'm Greek and German man so this made much more sense.
  6. WrathOfKouros

    Family #76961 Is my name Solomon accepted?

    Just as much as Schlomo and Chaim, or any other comically jewish name, I would suggest another name change.
  7. WrathOfKouros

    Astrology #76966 Astrological chart ruler

    Look at your Ascendant sign. Your ruler is the planet that rules the sign of your Ascendant. For example, if your Ascendant is Aries then your ruler would be Mars.
  8. WrathOfKouros

    Other #76946 How to tell if someone’s lying to you?

    Energetically speaking, if their words do not align with the energies they are putting out, tone of voice, or manner of speech, there could be something they are trying to hide, or they might not revealing the full story. Using your intuition is a big help here; when someone is trying to deceive...
  9. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76953 Satan's Wives Allegory (?)

    Yes this allegory represents the five elements, Lilith is the aether and she is directly related to the Crown chakra the thousand-petalled lotus, or Lily.
  10. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76954 Fear/resistance towards GD

    If anything you should feel more protected and safe when thinking about your GD they are the daemons that are directly assigned to protect and care for you. Acknowledge this fact and it should comfort you. When shit hits the fan you are going to need your GD, take pride in your relationship with...
  11. WrathOfKouros

    Other #76941 The meaning of the word “occult”

    It means things that are unseen that can only be viewed through spiritual eyes. Much of the occult is directly related to spirituality.
  12. WrathOfKouros

    Other #76947 Acceptance

    Yes as long as you completely denounce christcuckery and embrace the great and mighty Zeus. Come back to your roots and leave the jewish poison behind!
  13. WrathOfKouros

    Relationships #76930 Why does sexual past matter?

    Thanks for clearing things up, I did not mean to cause any confusion, I was not aware that this was a Christian study which certainly makes it less credible. I was just trying to explain to OP why a guy might leave because of these reasons. It is not my perspective, I have nothing against sex or...
  14. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76921 How to prove Zeus/Satan is more powerful than "Jesus"

    Jewsus is simply the amalgamation of the energy of manipulated gentiles praying all day and night giving all their psychic energy to materialize their own demise. Zeus is an extremely powerful extraterrestrial and interdimensional God whose powers cannot be comprehended by a mortal man. All of...
  15. WrathOfKouros

    Rituals #76935 Heart pain

    Yeah, it could also be a heart blockage, and a sign to work on the area that is hurting and pay more attention to it.
  16. WrathOfKouros

    Relationships #76930 Why does sexual past matter?

    It is a fact that the more sexual partners a man or woman has the less likely they are to stay in a marriage, and the higher likelihood of divorce. Sex is one thing marriage is another and men and women are selective with whom they are going to marry. Some men see that a woman has had multiple...
  17. WrathOfKouros

    Happy Spring Equinox!

    Happy Ostara High Priestess Lydia! Today is a significant day for me, it marks the beginning of my spiritual journey, one of our Gods, I still don't know who but since it is her day I have a feeling it was Lady Astarte, who came to me on this day last year to tell me to prepare and that...
  18. WrathOfKouros

    Sexuality #76901 Female Orgasm, My Problem

    No man is going to be perfect, everyone has flaws you have to be somewhat realistic. Waiting until marriage is completely okay, it is ultimately up to you. Work on your Sacral chakra a little more and really try to explore your sexuality, what turns you on about a man and what does not. Since...
  19. WrathOfKouros

    Ritual Schedule 18th of March - 30th of March

    Very excited to do these rituals, I can't wait! Thanks HPHC Hail the Gods!
  20. WrathOfKouros

    Want Deeper Spiritual Connection? Watch This Now - Dreams

    Thanks for this video. I dream multiple times a night, I have anywhere from 3-5 dreams each night, some of them on random astral planes, and others prophetic messages or visions of what might come the day after. I have always been curious about the nature of dreams and was wondering if they are...
  21. WrathOfKouros

    Family problem

    Well, a pretty obvious one is how the bible refers to the throne of Zeus in Pergamon as "Satan's throne in Pergamon" and many other examples. https://freegrace.in/but-i-do-believe-in-zeus/ This website literally explains how the Christians vie the pagan Gods and Zeus as "Satan and his Demons"...
  22. WrathOfKouros

    #76842 Kabbalah

    I see your point, it depends what kind of parents they are, if they won't listen or get angry and kick him out, then yes don't show it. However, if they are open-minded and since they already gave up kabbalah, there is a chance they might change their ways or even become Zevists, then it is...
  23. WrathOfKouros

    Family problem

    You don't have to approach it from a lens of Satanism anymore. You can tell her we are Zevists now to clear up the confusion. We worship Zeus and the pagan Gods. This argument is not worth losing your wife over. Many people are opposed to Satanism due to all of the Hollywood brainwashing like...
  24. WrathOfKouros

    #76842 Kabbalah

    Reading sites like these were a wake up call for me. Very useful resources for people unknowingly trapped in this jewish system, so they can understand why what they are doing is wrong. Not offering this website to someone who is having such direct struggles with kabbalah would be a great mistake.
  25. WrathOfKouros

    Sexuality #76850 Ed

    Do you watch porn? If so, cut it out now, this causes ED in many people. If not, have you done any work on your sacral chakra? Often times, these sexual issues can be caused by improper lifestyle, drug use, diet, exercise, porn use, and many other factors. You need to try fixing these things...
  26. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76843 Doubt

    I and many others here can tell you from personal experience that it is all REAL, there's no reason that every single one of us here would be making this up and wasting our time. You just have to keep trying until you feel the presence of the Gods, yes it takes time, but let me tell you it is...
  27. WrathOfKouros

    Other #76840 Men and Love

    Yes, it is certainly possible to find a caring man, though not every single men possesses the capability to love gently. Maybe the men you have dated in the past are not good for you, try being more selective with who you choose to love. If you sense that someone is not caring enough or might...
  28. WrathOfKouros

    #76842 Kabbalah

    https://kabbalahexposed.com show them this
  29. WrathOfKouros

    Health, Prana, Chi, Dosha, Qigong for Organs

    Thank you for this post, High Priestess, It is very insightful. Of course, all the foods I eat every day and love are the ones that are explicitly bad for my dosha lol.
  30. WrathOfKouros

    Ancient Runes Decoded: Full Magickal Runes Masterclass

    This is a spectacular video! All of the runes being explained like this in a video is the first of its kind on youtube, hopefully it gets the views it deserves.
  31. WrathOfKouros

    Climb To The Gods: We Won't Dumb It Down

    Thank you HPHC, your patience and wisdom is enlightening, your transparency and thoughtfulness to our members will not be taken for granted. We will grow as a community as a result of this, you are highly appreciated. Power to all of the Gods!
  32. WrathOfKouros

    Health #76812 Sending energy through prayer to a sick (christian) grandma

    The Gods will understand if you do this. As long as she is a good person and not a Jew, the Gods protect our family and understand that many people have been brainwashed by these awful religions. My grandma was Christian and I did a ritual to Lord Anubis when she was on her death bed and I know...
  33. WrathOfKouros

    Relationships #76808 I don't want to communicate with people and interact in any way

    If you want a servant then hire a maid. Women are not your slaves, get rid of this immature kike mentality. She might cook and clean but this does not make her your slave. You have to find someone who is compatible on an energetic level if you are concerned about dirtying your energies. Someone...
  34. WrathOfKouros

    Our Head God: Updated With All Identities

    This is great, it is interesting to read through all the different identities of Zeus. I was wondering if Shiva Brahma and Vishnu will be included on this list as they have been mentioned to be identities of the tripartite nature of our head God as well.
  35. WrathOfKouros

    Other #76805 I heard someone called me by my former Jewish name with a voice of my mother

    Usually, your guardian will not give you a fearful response and instead make you feel comforted. This was most likely the enemy or some random spirit. Do aura cleaning and aura protection every day.
  36. WrathOfKouros

    Good Workings for the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse?

    What would be some examples of beneficial workings to start during this time? The blood moon total lunar eclipse in virgo?
  37. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76774 About 36, and also Thoth

    The 36th Triangular Number is 666. Triangular numbers are a sequence of numbers representing the number of objects that can be arranged in the shape of a triangle with three sides of equal length. Also, 36 = 6 X 6 = 6+6+6 + 6+6+6, showing a double 666.
  38. WrathOfKouros

    SS Calendars FAQ & Information

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for working on the calendars; they have helped me so much, and honestly, I don't know what I would have done without them. Also, the color-coded days of the week, matching the color of the chakras, are an awesome touch on the new 2025 calendars. Thank you...
  39. WrathOfKouros

    Mystery Schools from Demigods

    Imagine how amazing it would be to become an initiate in the ancient mysteries of Egypt or Greece, it seemed so extraordinary and magical. The Freemasons originally were modeled after the Ancient mysteries but they have become so jewish and corrupted it is sad. I wish for the initiates of the...
  40. WrathOfKouros

    ToZ - Section Update: The Afterlife

    The content was great, it helped me learn a lot about the afterlife! It also confirmed one of my experiences that I had in a vivid dream. I was on a very dark beach with a bunch of random people who I never met before and there was a demonic blue light illuminating the sky where the sun would...
  41. WrathOfKouros

    Why doesn't Odin use magic to regrow his eye?

    I believe it is because the act of losing an eye was a sacrifice for greater knowledge. Once you sacrifice something you can no longer have it back, this is the law of nature. It could also be an allegory for the 3rd eye, sacrificing your physical sight or eyesight by focusing on your spiritual...
  42. WrathOfKouros

    Must Read: Understanding The Gods - Esoteric & Exoteric Knowledge Of The Gods

    This is an outstanding sermon! Thank you for writing this, it cleared up many questions I had about the Gods. Be Blessed High Priest!
  43. WrathOfKouros

    Workings #76701 Courage in the face of danger

    You could try doing a ritual for Andras, and ask respectfully for help with this.
  44. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76704 Torah in my room

    Maybe you should clean your room so it is a more comfortable space to live in for you and for the Gods, and so you can get rid of that piece of garbage. I had a bible laying around in my room a while ago and I found it and threw it in a dumpster as soon as I had the thought.
  45. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76694 On the gods

    Yes, you do not have to use candles to summon, what matters more is approaching the Gods in the utmost respect. You can use different colored candles as well they don't have to be black.
  46. WrathOfKouros

    Helping Others, Helps You

    I would like to donate but I accidentally put in the wrong email in donors when I tried. Could I re-apply?
  47. WrathOfKouros

    Gods & Their Aspects: Heavenly and Chtonic Gods

    Well that explains it then, I have a prominent Neptune placement. This has been a recurring theme in my life where I show to much mercy at the wrong time, then it comes back to haunt me.
  48. WrathOfKouros

    Gods & Their Aspects: Heavenly and Chtonic Gods

    Thanks for the sermon, it is very necessary to explain this. There have been times where I should've used my dark side and instead I just did nothing and moved on with my life, because I thought it was the "right" thing to do. Looking back on it these people needed punishment and I should have...
  49. WrathOfKouros

    Inside High Priest Initiation – Humanity’s Hidden War Revealed

    Outstanding video loved the graphics, really puts it into perspective how important the High Priest is and why he was chosen to lead the ToZ. May he and all of the other members who contribute to this great organization be eternally blessed. Hail ZEUS!
  50. WrathOfKouros

    Sexuality #76613 Sex between black and white people

    Get rid of this jewish mentality, your ancestors will be rolling around and screaming in their graves seeing you wasting your genes like this.
  51. WrathOfKouros

    Christianity is Dead!

    The christkikes are in shambles
  52. WrathOfKouros

    About Metrics Of Opinion & Improvement

    I think the new symbols page is great, detailed descriptions of symbols, much more organized, and easier on the eyes. Be Blessed High Priest.
  53. WrathOfKouros

    Official Live AMA Video from ToZ

    Thank you for this, I enjoyed listening. I am looking forward to more of these in the future hopefully I can be around for the live AMA next time. Some great information here.
  54. WrathOfKouros

    My Life Journey to Our Gods

    Thank you for sharing your journey High Priestess, it was very inspiring. It makes me want to connect with our Gods, and hear their voices, I am determined to make this happen.
  55. WrathOfKouros

    They Observe Us: Our Eternal Gods

    Thank you High priest for this sermon. Power to all of the Gods!
  56. WrathOfKouros

    Sexuality #76503 A love of masochism

    This could be from past lives. Just because you didn't do anything degenerate in this life does not mean destructive tendencies could not carry over from a past life. Keep cleaning as much as you can and do a specific working to alleviate this unhealthy desire.
  57. WrathOfKouros

    Important Notes From High Priest Hooded Cobra

    The Tengri and other question about Satan and Beelzebul is the same thing. Let me explain, you will see what I mean. The world is divided in two aspects: Created Universe, Uncreated Universe. Satan and anything Spiritual, does fall under the uncreated universe (supernal, transcedental...
  58. WrathOfKouros

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    Blessed be the Temple of Zeus! Zeus is king!! Hail Zeus!!! ⚡⚡
  59. WrathOfKouros

    The Tripartite Nature Of Zeus: Satan/Beelzebul & Satanic Lore

    I was wondering the same thing. Satan from what I gather is Kronos. And this is sort of the formless Nirguna Brahman beyond the universe. While Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are his different manifested forms with attributes Saguna Brahman. Satan when manifested into form is the Trinity Zeus...
  60. WrathOfKouros

    Happy Imbolc (2025)

    Thanks HPS Lydia for all your hard work. Happy Imbolc to all! 🔥
  61. WrathOfKouros

    Chinese New Year 2025: Year of the Snake & Chinese Serpentine Deities

    Cool thanks for the recommendation! I have been looking to get into more Chinese based alchemy as they seems to really explain the different practices and describe different alchemical experiences in such a precise manner. I will be sure to ignore all that new age crap, there is much of that in...
  62. WrathOfKouros

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

    Good to know thank you! So I am assuming then that the Trimurti is the same as the Tri-partial nature of Zeus as well? (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades), = (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma)
  63. WrathOfKouros

    Chinese New Year 2025: Year of the Snake & Chinese Serpentine Deities

    Yes, they may very well try something, Like on 9/11 they always try to desecrate the most important numbers in Satanism. Taoist numerology seems fascinating I need to look into it more. In Tantric Numerology 9 is also representative of the Subtle Body, which is how it ties into spirituality, the...
  64. WrathOfKouros

    Meditations #76300 Power meditations

    Do Aura of Protection every day!
  65. WrathOfKouros

    #76291 Is sleeping with a gay white guy okay for me, as a Turk guy?

    If you are full-blooded white, then yes, if you are at all mixed then no this is not good as you will be mixing racial karma by having interracial sex and the Gods do not approve of this.
  66. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76297 How to act? How to think?

    The Gods want us to advance and evolve spiritually so they do care what we do and the decisions we make. We have free will but you reap what you sow and if you spend all your days doing crap and eating crap then you are just gonna be that, crap. The Gods do not want this for us, they want us to...
  67. WrathOfKouros

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

    Indeed I thought that using these names that have been so corrupted by the enemy would deter many people away who did not know any better from The JOS. For example many stupid people always blame the crimes of the jews on Baal, so they would see that name here and then immediately get scared...
  68. WrathOfKouros

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

    Yes! I've been looking forward to this ever since I got here. I was always confused why we insisted on using the very same names and words that were used to insult and blaspheme the gods instead of using their actual divine names. This is great news and a much needed adjustment. Thank you HP I...
  69. WrathOfKouros

    Chinese New Year 2025: Year of the Snake & Chinese Serpentine Deities

    Yes, indeed it is going to be a good year for Spiritual Satanists all around the globe! I can remember at the start of last year around this same time the masses really started to get exposed to the jews evils. It is also a 2+0+2+5=9 year another one of Satan's numbers which symbolizes...
  70. WrathOfKouros

    How Does The Enemy Lose?

    Thanks HP it has been an honor to do the RTRs for the short time I've been here. I wish I got here in my earlier years so I could have helped with undoing the curses more but thanks to you and all of the other members here I can now focus on empowering myself more and not having to worry about...
  71. WrathOfKouros

    Astrology #76249 Should I be worried?

    Worrying is not the answer here, I would see what the 4th house rules over and make an assessment on which area of your life you should pay more attention to so you can prevent or alleviate anything negative from happening.
  72. WrathOfKouros

    Astrology #76232 7th house

    "Seventh House There can be marriage to a younger or intellectual partner. The partner can have strong a Gemini/Virgo or Mercury emphasis in his/her chart. Open and free communication in love relationships is very important to these people. People with a seventh house Mercury are usually at...
  73. WrathOfKouros

    Health #76230 F*ck*ng cervical osteochondrosis

    This could be due to some bad planetary placements, check your natal chart to see if thats the case and then maybe do some workings to lessen the impact of the planet. Even if meditation is difficult I would keep trying it will help you majorly with mental problems, or stress, depression from...
  74. WrathOfKouros

    Meditations #76224 Chakras and attitude of people

    This means you are radiating better energy from your aura now that you have worked on your soul. It means you are progressing keep it up.
  75. WrathOfKouros

    Where do J*ws go when they die?

    The gods came to earth some thousands of years ago and mated with human women to form the white race.
  76. WrathOfKouros

    Trump highlights partnership with Sam Altman and Larry Ellison investing $500 billion in AI for "Project Stargate"

    I don't know if you guys saw this but it seems there is really no better time for the RTRs. Larry Ellison (JEW) unveiled plans for an AI-driven cancer vaccine system that could deliver personalized treatments within 48 hours, speaking at a White House briefing alongside Sam Altman (JEW) and...
  77. WrathOfKouros

    Elon Musk is back to business

    Elon is literally retarded, confirmed by his parents. I would not trust a kike slave who wants to put microchips inside everyone's brain to turn them into greys while he pretends he's a cool guy nazi.
  78. WrathOfKouros

    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action

    Thank you High Priest I needed to hear this, people all my life have said "you have so much potential." but I need to start really striving for it, or it means nothing. There's certain areas of my life I need to start putting more effort into that's for sure.
  79. WrathOfKouros

    jew candles from the grocery store

    The anthrax wax from the kikedle smoke will slowly kill you as you breathe in the fumes of gafiltefish and matza ball soup. Jokes aside I wouldn't touch it unless you plan on shattering it somewhere. Stop filling jew pockets, pay the extra dollar for a better candle there's probably a reason...
  80. WrathOfKouros

    Fey Folk of the Sidhe

    The Tuatha Dé Danann will live on!
  81. WrathOfKouros

    Health #76181 This is a serious question about genitalia and cosmetic procedures.

    Unless it is causing serious health problems, I would not recommend doing this procedure. Work on accepting and loving yourself it is a big part of the spiritual path, if not you will just keep finding new things you hate about yourself to keep obsessing over.
  82. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #76175 Why can't I contact the Gods?

    It takes consistent practice and daily meditation to be able to actually hear the gods, it can take anywhere from months to years. Keep working hard and be realistic and eventually you will be able to communicate with them.
  83. WrathOfKouros

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Kikes and Xians worship Lucifer as Jesus because Lucifer was a title that means "light bringer" and they stole it and associate that with their kike. We worship Lucifer as Satan, the true bringer of light and God of the Gentiles.
  84. WrathOfKouros

    Health #76034 headaches

    Another thing to add to what others have said and offer a more metaphysical perspective if you have been over-stimulating your 3rd eye or 6th chakra region of the brain headaches and painful migraines can possibly occur. If this is the case it would be wise to ease up on those areas for a little
  85. WrathOfKouros

    Goetia tarot

    The Tarot of the Golden Wheel is a great deck that's inspired by Pagan folktales I recommend this tarot deck the most.
  86. WrathOfKouros

    Astrology #76167 6th house

    Virgo naturally rules the 6th house and the planet that rules Virgo is Mercury.
  87. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Hello Voice of Enki, after further reflection and empowering my chakras, I figured out what the problem was. After I empowered my solar chakra my kundalini shot up my spine and got stuck at the second granthi right at the bottom of the back of my neck right where the bone is. The knot is still...
  88. WrathOfKouros

    #76004 The soul doesn't exist

    Neil Degrasse Tyson is a kike-employed pseudointellectual retard high off his own farts. That guy has no credibility even in the jew dominated field of mainstream "science" there is nothing of value in listening to his talks.
  89. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Thanks for the kind words! Blessings to you
  90. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Yes I was going to begin KY in a couple of days, I drink plenty of water, I don't have indegestion unless I eat fried foods which makes sense.
  91. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    I am not on any antibiotics or medications, and I do not do any kundalini yoga as of yet, I was planning to start soon though because I believe my kundalini has activated as I have had pretty much every one of the symptoms listed by HPS Maxine. The sensation has not occurred at all today, only...
  92. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Okay I will do the ten reps on each top to bottom, bottom to top and 3 for the heart each time. And also try to empower my solar chakra because I believe you're on the money when you said my body prefers the heart chakra as the powerhouse of the soul, energy usually pools there instead of the...
  93. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Yeah teeth and gums are all healthy, no cavities or plaque or gum problems. The taste randomly manifests sometimes when I have high energy levels so I thought it was more of a spiritual problem. I will continue to do alternate nostril breathing and balance my chakras as much as possible. Is...
  94. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    I just went to the doctor a week ago and they said all my vitals and levels in the blood were okay. As far as I'm aware there are no health problems that could be causing this I am perfectly healthy. I think might just have an overactive heart chakra that could be pumping too much mercury.
  95. WrathOfKouros

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Hello, I have recently been experiencing over the past couple of days a bitter metallic taste in my mouth. I have read on the forums that this could be the "Cup of Poison" and this is a poisonous taste. "Now, there is the "Cup of Poison." This results from those who are without following New...
  96. WrathOfKouros

    The Gods #75959 Godhead

    Yes, both men and women have the ability to reach godhead. There are definetly women who have reached godhead, we have female Goddesses and Demonesses for a reason. Each soul has a unique mission on earth so it depends on the person. Meditation and realizing the full capabilities of the soul are...
  97. WrathOfKouros

    Other #75970 Terrifying nightmare

    First off, glad to see that you're still with us. Many of these movies that were created by the enemy are deliberately intended to cause fear or mental anguish specifically related to the topics of Satan, spirituality, Demons, and psychic powers. While this dream could have been an attack from...
  98. WrathOfKouros

    Other #75971 The fears

    These unexplained fears that come out of "nowhere" could be from past life traumas or fears that are resurfacing and causing the given fear. Cleaning your auras and chakras and working to overcome the fears are your best bet to heal completely.
  99. WrathOfKouros

    Sexuality #75974 Orgasm Quality

    Yes, as you continue to grow spiritually and meditate you are able to feel your energies better and this extends to the sensation of orgasm. Especially if you work on your Sacral Chakra.
  100. WrathOfKouros

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Absolutely amazing information! I really love these deep-dive write ups that you do, they brighten my day every time I see them. Thank you very much JG Karnunnos for this great work.
  101. WrathOfKouros

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Happy New Year everyone! I am quite excited about this new ritual, Osiris has always fascinated me very much. I noticed in the ritual one of his names was Osirius and it brought to my attention the star Sirius, I was wondering if he has any connection to Sirius?
  102. WrathOfKouros

    Odin and Vishnu one and the same.

    Vishnu was a part of the original Vedic gods who were Aryan. The Ancient Greeks recognized one of Vishnu's avatars Krishna as Hercules and Rama as Dionysus. The Ancient Greeks recognized that many of the figures worshipped Ancient India were a long line of Aryan Greek kings that went back...
  103. WrathOfKouros

    Odin and Vishnu one and the same.

    Many know the the story of Odin sacrificing an eye to obtain the knowledge of the runes. This story of Odin is also echoed in one of the stories of Vishnu who we know is Satanas who sacrificed his eye to Shiva. Not many have heard this story about Vishnu however I believe it is important because...
  104. WrathOfKouros

    Dream Interpretation

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me interpret this dream I had last night. I was walking down a road thats near my house and all of the sudden 100 or so GIANT human-sized white owls flew towards me and landed in the trees in front of me. A couple of them landed right in front...
  105. WrathOfKouros

    Some Interesting Hindu paintings

    Was browsing through some older Hindu paintings and realize that some of them accurately depict reptillians. Even though they falsely call these beings "Asuras" which actually used to be a title of a lord of the gods during the Vedic times, the artistic depictions of these beings are still quite...
  106. WrathOfKouros

    About Aion Otherwise Known as Narasimha

    The image above depicts the story of Prahalada and his unwavering devotion to Narasimha. "Unlike the evil and vile Hiranyakshipu, Prahlad, his son, was a big devotee of Lord Vishnu and prayed to him all the time. Once while talking to Prahlad, Hiranyakshipu was surprised to hear him sing the...
  107. WrathOfKouros

    Question about my girlfriend

    Self-hating jews are common but this does not make them any less corrosive to your being, I suggest cleaning your soul and finding someone in your own race who is more soul compatible.
  108. WrathOfKouros

    Personal outburst about Jews.

    I hear you, jews have been out to get me ever since I could remember, a jew also ruined my relationship with the girl I was with and gloated about doing so, like parasites they are attracted to people with good energy, because they will always be deprived of it. Keep spamming those FRTRs...
  109. WrathOfKouros

    About Aion Otherwise Known as Narasimha

    I have not seen anything on the forms about this wonderful form of Father Satan so I decided I would make my first real contribution on the forums on this topic as it is quite personal to me. As many may know the fourth avatar of Vishnu(Satan) is Narasimha, the man with the head of a lion. This...
  110. WrathOfKouros

    Happy Yule 2024 + Schedule for Father Satanas Dec 21-23

    Have a wonderful Yule everyone! 🧙‍♂️🎄🎅
  111. WrathOfKouros

    Can this happen during rituals?

    That’s good to know! It only happened with Mother Lilith, could this mean she is my GD? I have been trying to find out who it is.
  112. WrathOfKouros

    Can this happen during rituals?

    Hello everybody, As I was doing a ritual for a certain goddess, as I was wrapping up and chanting her names, there was a very feminine voice that was chanting them with/through me. It felt like my voice with the voice of the goddess overlaying it or speaking through it. This was extremely...
  113. WrathOfKouros

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    Great rituals! Thank you to everyone who makes these and puts effort into them. The Forcas ritual was the more intense ritual out of the two for me the energy made me optimistic about our future The Eligos ritual also felt good especially removing the Jewish curse, I felt a shift in my...
  114. WrathOfKouros

    Is President Joe Biden of the USA trying to start WWIII?

    I'm sure it's just a cohencidence that they are trying to ramp up WW3 just in time for Trump to take office. Many countries have already stated that if Trumo imposes tariffs they will send all their troops to Ukraine, essentially starting WW3. It will be interesting to see how this all plays...
  115. WrathOfKouros

    #75548 Do we "inherit" traits from our GD?

    If you are talking about physical traits many people have said I look very similar to the God in my profile, this could be related to how close you are to your GD.
  116. WrathOfKouros

    I feel retarded for ever supporting Trump, and you will as well after you watch this:

    Yes I believe many of us are feeling this way, especially after seeing his recent cabinet picks. While they are mostly not biologically jews, they might as well be because almost all of them are boot-licking brainless shabbos goys. The dumb piglet Pam Bondi who says that any Americans, and...
  117. WrathOfKouros

    First post, new here

    Hello everybody, I am excited to say that this is my first official post here. I have been a lurker on this site for awhile and already have asked many questions to the ask-satan forum, but I feel it is finally time to make an account and truly become a part of this community, engage more in the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
