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  1. S

    Third Eye Meditation?

    you werent sarcastic enough, do please try again
  2. S

    Third Eye Meditation?

    im just writing some notes in my journal, and the section on the JoS site about the Third Eye, the example picture of the finger positions are not clear enough for me, and whoever wrote the description did a not as ideal job on it, but im not judging.All i want to know is if the the thumbnail is...
  3. S

    The show "Lucifer" on Fox

    i didnt have the patience to read all 22 messages, im going to assume there are a few negative thoughts on the show, to which i say that its really only a tv show, simply a work of art, so dont let it get to you eh? i will admit that it is rather fitting that the role of Lucifer somewhat to our...
  4. S

    Other satanist

    oh good shit dude, i live not far from Boston myself. In fact, i've been to Montreal, but i dont know the map of Canada though. Im in the process of getting a car, and if you're comfortable with it i'll totally drive up there. I've been wanting a good reason to explore Canada.
  5. S

    Other Satanists?

    no fucking waaaay, i'm originally from Albany. I moved down to Boston for college, i'm getting a car hopefully soon so as to visit my family in Albany, just one more reason to go back to new york haha. If you're cool with it
  6. S

    specific questions: learning my strengths

    ok well, wiki says aryan has something to do with Iran or some shit, apparently a translation of it means "noble"?. I doubt thats what we consider aryan, in fact i've never been too clear on what you guys mean by that. This whole race thing is rather confusing and concerning at the same time, i...
  7. S

    Master your mind first...

    i certainly did not take that lightly, there were a lot of examples that i could relate to, and i like to think one day i will eventually utilize everything you just said.It was also quite up lifting, so thank you for that, as well as for posting something rather original. Not that i'm judging...
  8. S

    Ok what the FUCK is this! I HATE potheads!

    im going to take the silence as approval more or less
  9. S

    specific questions: learning my strengths

    hey, so i was look through the JoS site because i figured i should plan somewhat ahead as to what i should focus my efforts on, aside from contributing to the psychic attacks against the enemy, just to try things out that i might be interested in, and also partially more in depth follow up...
  10. S

    Ok what the FUCK is this! I HATE potheads!

    yeah, i sort of anticipated that, im definitely guarenteed to get some flak about meditating. However, if i play my cards right, i might be able to down play how they perceive my meditation. Which of course is to act as though i'm anything BUT a satanist, like pretend to be a taoist at the very...
  11. S

    what a time

    1. ok, im gonna be honest silas isnt my real name, this is the fucking internet, how fucking old are you? I just like the way it rolls off the tongue, sue me(HINT HINT FIGURE OF SPEECH). i wasnt aware that the accumulation of all my life experiences is suddenly forfeit because i didnt know the...
  12. S

    Ok what the FUCK is this! I HATE potheads!

    Fake Name, do you mind telling me why? i mean like, support your opinion at the very least.In my defense, the way i view military is like the modern day version of the old definition of Kung-Fu which is "great skill achieved through great effort" or something like that. I value that very much...
  13. S

    Is it OK to rejoin the group?

    Aldric, i completely agree, there are many people here who feel like they need to put their own two cents in for shit that potentially doesnt effect them yet does because they chose to be effected by it, this is what i think the root of a lot of negativity here. I usually try to keep shit...
  14. S

    Ok what the FUCK is this! I HATE potheads!

    hey guys, i myself have a few questions of my own. Heads up and apologies in advances, absolutely no hostility towards anyone here. Except only to as before mentioned, to gently prod the pool of all these ideas in this thread. Possibly to constructively debate so that i might obtain a more...
  15. S

    Is it OK to rejoin the group?

    before any of you panic, im only speaking portuguese because i take it in college and i see we have here a portuguese and/or brazilian dudewell actually, how do you private message someone? it will make things so much easier, but i still havent figured it out yet. Theres gotta be an entire list...
  16. S

    How to get help from satan and channel him for my artworks

    and thats a wrap, you can take that shit to the bank
  17. S

    Is it OK to rejoin the group?

    not that im experienced or anything, but i remember you i think....yeah, you're cool with me.thats about the only reassurance you're going to get from these people, not that they're assholes, but its more that they're cold individuals....in a good wayi think the fact that your post made it to...
  18. S

    "White" race

    hey guys, i could be wrong, but as opposed to the diversity of races we have now. Is it like bad if you yourself is a mix of races? it mightve been the context i was reading it but i remember someone mentioned something negative about race mixing? Obviously other than the jews, i myself am a...
  19. S

    what a time

    hello friends, i hope some of you remember me, which shouldn't be hard because i believe i made myself something of a trouble maker here. I completely expect you to shame me when i tell you that in the recent months i've been in a drug addiction, marijuana, and i am reeeeally out of shape...
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    regarding money

    i think he was getting more towards the 2nd example, he just didnt elaborate further. he did kind of say "my vision with satanist becoming wealthy would help turning our world faster" 
  21. S

    regarding money

    wait, so what the bigger priority here? spiritual improvement or winning the war against christianity? i know i have a rather aggressive opinion on this, but the way i see it is unless we focus more than we are currently on the war, which might or might not include acquiring money and other...
  22. S

    Share your demon summoning expierience

    i understand how you're interested in it yet still apprehensive, you probably prayed one too many times to a god that never answered, right? me too, and take it from me, being skeptical is only going to make it worse. Also, its apparently taboo to ask for others personal experiences with just...
  23. S

    why would someone want to leave?

    if someone learned about satanism and went through the motions, the dedication, the training. Then suddenly decided to leave? How does that make sense? I mean, they meet their guardian demon, other demons, actually FEEL their own energy and just decide its false? because i've heard people...
  24. S

    Glad to join here!

    wow, thats pretty cool, to be able to get that powerful so soon. you must be living the life dude. i hope to be on par with everyone else here. its rather complicated but long story short i havent been able to go through completely with my training and i dedicated in february, im very much...
  25. S

    lose deeper christian ties

    i will certainly keep this advice in mind, it really helped. i will get around to that stage as soon as possible, i havent exactly finished my training yet, its complicated. but believe me, my GD is the first person i will go to as soon as i get the chanceagain, thanks and HAIL SATAN
  26. S

    What is known of Lao Tzu?

    Im not quite sure what sources you're reading from to form such an opinion, and i dont know how knowledged you are on the Tao Te Ching, but based on the vibe im getting it seems you think its just a bunch of jargon. Unless IM the one mistaken, since im no professional either, but from what i do...
  27. S

    Iniltrator filths and more

    I greatly appreciate this post, it certainly gave me an important perspective on things, the perspective of one of my superiors in fact. I have to say, compared to most of the information i get from a good deal of superiors here, this has been the one post simply purposed for educational insight...
  28. S

    lose deeper christian ties

    so im starting to realize some more deeper christian ties i have, which is to be expected i suppose, but i think the deeper ones are the worst because they are buried deeperso without telling you guys specifically these ties of mine are, because that would reveal something about my personal life...
  29. S

    Bruce Lee was a true genius.

    hey guys, whats a YOD? and how do i learn more about them? from what i read in this post, i assume they are astrological charts of some sort? just give me a link and i'll be on my waythanks and/or sorry, im probably going to get an earful 
  30. S

    the conditions of reincarnation?

    wow, so you will be reborn EXACTLY with the same spiritual strength as your previous life. Also meaning, if you were a SS for several lifetimes then you have a lot of experience under your belt figuratively. Whats a past life regression? Im all for empowering myself in the present, but tell me...
  31. S

    the conditions of reincarnation?

    so i remember reading on the JoS site that because we are SS's, our reincarnation into the next life will not be the same as all the 'sheep', especially the jews. There are so many questions that are opened up considering our next lives and our previous ones. 1. if we are SS's in one life, is...
  32. S

    thoughts on tai chi?

    the perspective from the mind of a senior of course, maybe not necessarily from you though, because if you were a senior you would notice the fact that it was ME that laid down all that i know about the subject from the start, i was asking about in relation to satanism and how the two might...
  33. S

    World War 2? tell me more

    ok, as much as i appreciate you giving all these links to me, i would kind of feel better if someone actually told me, i feel like its an important story to be learned and i would understand it better from the words of a senior
  34. S

    Ars Goetia

    now before the majority of you get all worked up about it being another christian lie to downplay the power of the old gods, i know that part and i feel you on this completely, and for the sake of progression lets not go there.Instead lets focus on the facts of the situation, the main one being...
  35. S

    thoughts on tai chi?

    i've read recent posts revealing light on buddhism, and this was really enlightening, no pun intended(badum ss)but it got me thinking, whats our stance on tai chi? i was kind of interested in it, but it is partially affiliated to buddhism, although i always thought it was more similar to yoga...
  36. S

    World War 2? tell me more

    i remember seeing a few posts about the Nazi's and Hitler, naturally i was a little curious. I mean, everyone here knows the deal about the Jews, and i connected the dots, WW2 killing like a looooooot of jews, fucking c-c-c-c-combo breaker. At this point, i have to consider almost everything i...
  37. S

    found an anime with stunning anti-jew allegories

    YO, thats some shit, i heard a lot of good things about magi but i already had a lot on my plate as far as animes when i first heard about it. So now its definitely moved up to top 5 to watch on the list
  38. S

    disrupted training?

    what happens if you miss a day in the 40 day training? how should i proceed if this happens?
  39. S

    open demon relationship

    if you have an open relationship but change your mind about it, and want to switch to a monogamous, is such a thing possible? would i have to discuss this with my open relationship demon? also, unrelated, how do i get my hands on a satanic rosary? im told it will greatly help me with meditations...
  40. S

    since the dedication ritual

    ever since i performed the dedication ritual the other day, i've felt more full, if that makes sense?can someone validate this for me? or is it just me? because now im getting a bit paranoid and the doubt is sort of eating at me, like, im doubting my doubtim not sure if i did the ritual wrong or...
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    i've just dedicated guys

    im already started on the training in factin the event that i miss a day, should i restart from the beginning? anyway, i look forward to making strong friendships with fellow SS and demons alike, and to see my potential
  42. S

    Incubi and Succubi

    also, a few more questions, sorry1. since you can have either a monogamous or open, in the case that you have an open relationship. does that mean they're not as sincere or caring as a demon in a monogamous relationship with you?2. can you have a monogamous with one demon and an open one with...
  43. S

    Incubi and Succubi

    if i may, i have a few questions of my own to ask, some that came to mind as i was reading this thread. firstly, im very newly dedicated, literally yesterday so i wouldnt know what a succubus would be like. 1. after you raise your spirituality enough, you can sense your demon. i've read it can...
  44. S

    i've just dedicated guys

    yeah, although im not advanced spiritually and maybe its just me, but i do feel different ever so slightly. i cant really describe it, i mean, its a good different of course. the feeling is like an inner satisfaction that im finally now part of a higher power, and the right one too. i followed...
  45. S

    Does Satan care?

    so what you're most confidently saying is that, the simple idea of a movie can flip the switch on a dedicated ones mind? even a childrens comedy where Father is portrayed as evil will actually program even the most advanced follower to fall in with the enemy?and of course i assume you speak for...
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    subject on dreams

    thanks a lot guys, you really helped outim sorry if some of you were offended, yeah i was pretty aggressive, of course i dont look down on you guys as servants, i will remember to keep my head down from now onin my defense, when i started here i saw this place as a place of knowledge and...
  47. S

    subject on dreams

    as vague as dreams can be, i've always wanted to master lucid dreaming, which im sure is very possible with the help of demonsbut what about entering other peoples dreams? is such a thing possible and if so, then to what end and in what way do you interact and influence a dream?spare me your...
  48. S

    Goetic demon summoning fo rlove

    HAHA as far as personal experience, this is the wrong place to ask for that, you're better off actually trying yourself for the first time even if you are in the dark about itthese guys will do anything BUT give you personal experience, watch, they're probably going to refer you to the site...
  49. S

    Does Satan care?

    wow, great, another quality answer Yogyou're on a fucking roll i think you should ask Father yourself, see if he's ok with it, we're all different, but i cant speak for himkeep in mind that it basically boils down to your intentions for reading such a thing, if its a battle of faith then never...
  50. S

    post dedication ritual note?

    thanks guys
  51. S

    post dedication ritual note?

    so i know about the dedication ritual and what it pertains to, and then on the site i know of another more standard ritual than generally addresses Father, could be a prayer, a question, a simple hello if hes alright with it, just something personalbut would Father be alright with it if i add a...
  52. S

    mind sharing discussions with demons?

    yeah, i read the site, thats how i discovered this yahoo communityi dont remember the site providing me with any personal accounts with interactions with demons, thats why i joined the community, and you know how much content is on the sitei dont know if i insulted anyone, im sorry, but i did...
  53. S

    go through Father Satan before doing ANYTHING?

    i keep on hearing this a lot, and im not entirely sure what this means? maybe im not completely understanding the Joy of Satan site, but i figured this means a ritual to contact Satan and so i looked for something like that in the site and if i were to guess, the thing im looking for is under...
  54. S

    mind sharing discussions with demons?

    i mean, unless its not too private, does anyone mind sharing what their experiences and discussions with demons, and especially Father Satan himself? since im not yet able to summon any at all, i'd like to know what they're like before i tryim aware you have to be respectful, thats not a problem...
  55. S

    greetings, im new here

    also, one more thing, if you will: should i follow the initiation ritual thats on the site? i've read about so many various rituals and i want to do this correctly
  56. S

    greetings, im new here

    wow, i didnt know that even the smallest fear like that is connected to christian tiesim not so much afraid of harassment, as far back as i remember i've always been some blacksheep to them, so im confident i've had my fair share, in fact im getting really tired of their shitim very sure of my...
  57. S

    How come my posts are not making it through here?

    Then i guess that even if your post gets approved by an admin, its still up to the community to actually reply to your postin that case, i hope i didnt come off as too over bearing! haha Hail Satan!
  58. S

    How come my posts are not making it through here?

    Then i guess even if your post is approved by an admin, its still up to the community to actually reply to itin that case, i hope i didnt come off as too over bearing! haha...i might've originally replied the wrong way, sorry Hail Satan!
  59. S

    How come my posts are not making it through here?

    im entirely sure MY messages get out there whether it be new posts or adding to conversations
  60. S

    greetings, im new here

    Im sorry if this is inappropriate, im aware that most topics here are more in depth discussions about more experienced things, and i cant say i have something better to offer. I'll try not to make this a sob story, but i feel i'll need to explain some things for you best to understand me. This...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
