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  1. H

    How to stop being a lazy fuck

    Get off your ass. You don't need a ritual or working for everything
  2. H

    Time to say goodbye

    So I have been doing some thinking and I have decided to leave JoS. So.... laters
  3. H

    shut down 'exposing the Joy of satan'

    I report your pages because your music is shit
  4. H


    What? Am I missing something? What's going on?
  5. H

    shut down 'exposing the Joy of satan'

    Apparently they also reported angryshaman666 to the fbi
  6. H

    shut down 'exposing the Joy of satan'

    How about you just don't fuck with them? They're trolls and will be dealt with once we have power in the world. They have no power over you
  7. H

    MORE Jew jokes!

    This one always gives me a good laugh http://cdn.meme.am/instances/400x/45583490.jpg
  8. H

    Why SJW's are retarded

    Oh sorry I didn't know about the Xian shit at the end. I got too pissed off and closed it before it finished. Education system is fucked.
  9. H

    Why SJW's are retarded

    Have you seen the video of the guy walking around Harvard campus with a fake petition to abolish the 1st amendment? A lot of fuckers signed it. Isn't Harvard where presidents, big time lawyers, judges, etc.. come from? How could they not know how bad that would be? Fucking sjws, man.
  10. H

    Summoning problems

    Thank you :) I would never use him and plan to do whatever he asks of me in return. The business itself won't be able to help but when it picks up I plan to donate part of my income to jos to help pay for domains and things like that to help the spread of spiritual satanism
  11. H

    Re: This is definitely not a good sign. Tim Rifat is DEFINITELY a fi

    Damn.. I like that girl too. She could be so strong if she'd join us. Is there anything we can do to free her from his grasp?
  12. H

    Please please help

    My "chalice" is just a regular wine glass. Just use what you have available.
  13. H

    The REAL face behind facebook

    I keep reporting these people with dummy accounts but kikebook won't do anything about it. If you read their comments when people are trying to defend jos one can clearly see that they just attack you. They're in the groups too. They post pictures of our conversations on their page.
  14. H


    I watched my grandfather wither away with kemo. About a month in he couldn't talk or walk anymore. He was stuck in bed just staring at you and squeezed your hand if you put it in his. Back then I was still a xian and desperately prayed for his health. I wish that I knew then what I know now.
  15. H


    My doctor tells me that I need to go to church more every time I visit him. Has a bunch of jewsus pictures in his office.
  16. H

    Summoning problems

     Hello, I am working on starting a business with a friend and I was going to summon Abigor for some assisstance in confidence, sales pitch, etc. Anyway, I am currently suffering an unfortunate complication. I still live at my parents house and cannot use incense/candles as they forbid it...
  17. H

    Anime & Manga

    Seen them all up to 5D's. Movie too. Original is the best. Particularly the Waking the Dragons arc. Did you notice how the Orichalcos and Leviathan represents the jews?
  18. H

    ROFL this says it all! Also YES the jews really DID sink the titanic

    I also heard that tickets to go on the maiden voyage are going to be up near $1 million. Looks like they want to take all the people's money and then kill them. I don't know who in their right mind would actually spend that much money for a ride on a boat. Most millionaires I know don't even buy...
  19. H

    Anime & Manga

    I watch Yugioh. Has a lot of Satanic references in it.
  20. H

    ROFL this says it all! Also YES the jews really DID sink the titanic

    Yeah they're building a 2nd ship identical to the first one. It's maiden voyage is supposedly going to be in ice free waters but I imagine the jews are involved so it will go down again.
  21. H

    Jewish dickhead mass reporting JoS sites

    He replied to a comment of mine that I left on foster child's page but I think he deleted it because it wasn't there when I went to read it. I reported him but jewbook said that he didn't violate any rules.
  22. H

    Satan's library back online! copy what you need while you can!

    I just tried but it still says frozen :/
  23. H

    Has anyone heard of Tim Rifat?

    She told me about him also. I did not reply but I think she could be a powerful ss once we get her away from his grasp.
  24. H


    Bastards!! Thanks to Sam for showing us how to access it though. I can also still access it from the main jos page on my phone.
  25. H

    I can not do it.

    After some thought, I feel my post was a little harsh. Trust me, the deeper you get into it, the more you'll accept the truth.
  26. H

    I can not do it.

    K https://youtu.be/cepZIk0PlvM
  27. H

    RTR message and invitation FIGHT WITH US!!!

    I have a question about the rtrs. The one thing that scares me about them is whenever I think about doing them, images of people I care about being hurt or killed flashes through my mind. I put an aura of protection around the ones I care about but in the back of my mind something tells me that...
  28. H

    oh for fuck's sake, WHATS WITH ALL THE TRUMP PROPAGANDA!

    Every presidential candidate is either a jew or jew puppet this time around. Bernie I think is the worst of them all though. What really worries me about him is the fact that he has a chance because he's promising everyone free shit. No one wants to work for anything or try to better society...
  29. H

    Update on the RTR's.The enemy REALLY hates us for doing this one!

    I have a question, if while doing this the enemy gets mad and decides to attack my family members/people I care about deeply in response are they protected since I'm dedicated? I put auras of protection around them all the time. Whenever I'm thinking about doing an rtr images of loved ones being...
  30. H

    Question about rtr's

    Ok thank you :)
  31. H

    More jew lies about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis

    https://youtu.be/OjTE6R4F2S8 These are obvious lies. I can't tell if the guy in the video is jewish himself but I can feel a lot of negative energy just by looking at him.
  32. H

    Question about rtr's

    So I'm dedicated but I have not yet completed the 40 day program and I have not even started the Hell's army training. Should I still do the rituals? I want to help destroy the enemy and I'm getting excited reading about how far we've come.
  33. H

    Website down

    Doesn't work for me either.
  34. H

    Aaaand Ted Nugent has no balls. He cucked out to the jews after they

    Ted Nugent, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, they're all puppets of the jews. Donald Trump I wonder about though. I feel like he could one day betray the kikes and he's just duping them out of all their money. That'd be hilarious.
  35. H

    The libertardism in the JEWnited states is just fucking ridiculous.

    I don't know which is worse, the people calling everything racist, or the damn feminists plaguing society with their anti free speech bullshit. PC culture is fucking communism and it's going to kill everything the founding fathers stood for.
  36. H

    even MORE anti-jew allegories in games:FFVII edition

    The show "Yugioh" had a 4th season where the King of Atlantis got corrupted by a dark power called the "Orichalcos" and caused it to sink to the depths of the ocean. He was shown to return 10,000 years later and battle the protagonists collecting millions of human souls to feed a monster known...
  37. H

    My partner is cheating on me. What spell should I do?

    Leave them. If they loved you even a little bit they'll come back begging on their knees. If they don't care, they weren't worth your time anyway.
  38. H


    Could always be allergies too. Mine a really bad right now. My friend is a singer and told me that a spoonful of honey helps sooth a sore throat/cough. I'm not sure what's causing it but you could try to do that to help sooth it.
  39. H

    killing and concequences?

    If you get caught you'll be spending a lot of money on attorney/court fees and then most likely put in prison for 20+ years.
  40. H


    I'm inspired. I have a question though, do I have to do the training before I can do a ritual? And do I have to complete the 40 day starter program before I can? I'm currently on day 16 of that.
  41. H

    Fuck you mercury retrograde. fuck you hard....

    This and Jewhoo sending group messages to spam are no coincidence. The kikes are starting to get scared. The rtr's are working
  42. H

    Cartoon Network (Cow and Chicken)

    I remember watching an episode of Ed, Edd, and Eddy where they mocked the nativity scene and pretty much stuck a middle finger to xianity. It was their xmas special I'm pretty sure.
  43. H

    dedication soul

    Just leave that religion. Islam is a lie to keep Satanists down just like Xianity. You can't be both Muslim and Satanist.
  44. H

    Awesome way to end the night...THANKS JEWS

    I meet the strangest people playing Halo online but nothing quite like this.
  45. H

    fuck you too JEWhoo!

    Most of the last wave of submitted messages went straight to my spam too!! Seriously what the fuck?!
  46. H

    Anti-Racism Is Anti White

    Yep. Saw it in a related videos list on JewTube the other day. Really weird considering the video I was watching was about the Ford Mustang GT.
  47. H

    Marco Rubio is JEWISH

    Ugh I don't even know if I want to vote anymore. Everyone is either a jew or has a jews hand up their ass working then like a puppet.
  48. H

    Anti-Racism Is Anti White

    MTV made an entire documentary about white people and most of my black friends agree that it's just anti white propaganda
  49. H

    Tell me more about Satanists

    Not really much to joining the egroups. If you weren't a member you couldn't post so welcome. As for being a Satanist, read and study all of joyofsatan and then dedicate when you're ready. Don't try any rituals or power meditations before you're dedicated though. Tends to end badly because...
  50. H

    Jewish holocaust exposed in 1 hour

    https://youtu.be/ruD4I4f5LkQ It's amazing that most of the world believes this shit. You can expose it using 4th grade math!!
  51. H

    Germany:more and more Germans rise up against Merkel's invaders

    Love it!! Slowly but surely we're taking our world back! Hope the next Hitler comes soon too. This time I know we'll win! Hail Satan!!
  52. H

    Working with christians

    Are you required to pray in the group at work? That's illegal I think.
  53. H

    Looking for some satanic astrologers to take a peek at whats in stor

    Wow.. you degraded gay people and demons. No wonder no one's helping. Try being a bit more respectful. As for your problem, I'm not sure exactly what your situation is because you wrote a wall of text with zero punctuation making it almost impossible to read. I guess hire a different lawyer. You...
  54. H


    Unsubscribe from the emails. It's at the bottom of every email you receive.
  55. H

    ROFL the kikes are complaining about games now. Why?

    I mostly play Halo but I'm gonna have to go pick this game up now lol
  56. H

    fuck California

    Get out of the big cities. That's where all the libtards are. The only good thing that I see on big California cities is my dream car the Lamborghini.
  57. H

    I want to be a member

    If you want money and riches you have to aquire it yourself. Satan isn't a genie. That said, there are money workings you can do but you have to help yourself too. It won't just appear in front of you.
  58. H

    Jews Love Excrement.

    Yeah I was watching tv the other day and the jew Adam Sandler's "8 crazy nights" was on. Let's just say there was a lot of shit and shit eating going on in that abomination. Same with most of the new shit he comes out with.
  59. H

    Star WHORES: Return of the jew

    I knew that there had to be a reason that when my friend and I played Star Wars outside I always wanted to be the Sith Lord.
  60. H


    Man, I almost have pity for the thing.
  61. H

    If you live in USA they're trying to take our guns away again

    http://www.youngcons.com/president-obam ... purchases/ It's happening now. Jewbama is trying
  62. H

    Jews are getting desperate lol

    http://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/ ... telligence Take a gander at what they wrote about spirituality. I guess they realized more people are waking up and are trying to attack people in any way they can.
  63. H

    If you live in USA they're trying to take our guns away again

    I always tell everyone that the mass shootings happen in the "gun free zones". I get called an idiot and an "ammosexual".
  64. H

    If you live in USA they're trying to take our guns away again

    Ugh now ohbummer is after them too http://www.dailydot.com/politics/obama- ... ino/?fb=dd
  65. H

    "Sex headache"

    Thank you for the quick response :) this has been affecting me for about a week. The headaches only last a few minutes to an hour at the most. I don't take any illegal drugs or drink alcohol. I do take an antihistamine for allergies because I live in Texas and I'm allergic to every plant there...
  66. H

    "Sex headache"

    This is an awkward topic lol but for the past few days, whenever I'm about to orgasm either with masturbation or intercourse, I get a horrible pain in one spot in the back of my head. It feels like someone hit me with a baseball bat in that one area. The hypochondriac I am immediately thought...
  67. H

    Company plans to resurrect the dead using AI by 2045

    I saw this on jewbook today. Are they possibly trying to build their own grays? http://www.iflscience.com/brain/company ... nce-2045-0
  68. H


    Satan is not a genie. Empower yourself and you can grant your own wish.
  69. H


    Satan is not a genie. Empower yourself and you can grant your own wish.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
