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  1. D

    Cobra breath

    Right, it was your response about it being apparent (whether it is the more correct) that was discussed.  My response was not at you but at the OP.  I thought that was obvious. From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, December 12, 2010 9:55:15 AM Subject...
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    Spirtual Satanist Forum

    I'm just curious but how do you plan on stopping infiltrators at this site.  Whats stopping a kike from registering and watching us or pretending to be us? I also have a feeling that HP Maxine will not have the time to be moderating all of the Yahoo groups and your forum as well, she's busy...
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    Succubus and Incubus

    I don't feel an ache but when i focus on any of my chakras, i feel a throbbing like that of a heart.  And when i do it on my back chakras i feel as if something keeps touching me there or some movement.  This is most pronounced in my back solar plexus chakra.  Just today while doing void...
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    blocked JOS

    none worked, all blocked for "proxy avoidance" I have a copy of the website now so its all good. From: GakunGak <drgnjvnv@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, December 6, 2010 1:04:53 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: blocked JOS   Try this then...
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    Having Visualitation Problems. . .

    This happens to me as well.  If i stare at the picture for about 5 seconds another white copy (inverted?) of the image moves around the black one and I can control it to an extent.  Then when i close my eyes i can keep it for a while then it goes away and i somehow manage to bring it back from...
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    blocked JOS

    I did just that.  I sent an email saying it was a breach of my religious rights and i said that the other religions should be blocked for Violence/Hate/Racism.  I listed Religions and gave reasons why they should be blocked.  Apparently i emailed the people who own the program rather than the...
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    blocked JOS

    Lol, it blocked for "proxy avoidance" From: GakunGak <drgnjvnv@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, December 6, 2010 6:31:15 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: blocked JOS   Here you go: http://bind2.com/ Now try it :-D Just be careful, don't...
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    blocked JOS

    I'm so pissed. My school has just recently blocked the meditation/witchcraft parts of JOS. I find this funny to say the least.  The reasons were Violence/Hatred/Racism and Alternative Spiritual Beliefs. If it was for that then why can i access everything else that could possibly be related to...
  9. D


    I'm curious now! I've recently had a great conversation with a doctor of brains so to speak.  He deals with non-medicated ways of bringing people brains back to normalcy (from mild/severe concussions) through exercises.  One of these i saw in his lab was a brainwave control game.  You put the...
  10. D

    void meditation advice needed

    Sounds good, i just got done experimenting with something that seems to be working.  I actually put my awareness to my brain (ie: it physical location).  For some reason its allowing me to be more aware of things that pop up.  So when images start popping up, i noticed it, stopped it by focusing...
  11. D

    void meditation advice needed

    I am having an excruciating time with void meditation. I know i can achieve void meditation either one by focusing on nothing or concentrating on one thing. Problem is neither work. When i focus on music or a constant sound, i daydream. When i focus on a spot or something, i daydream. When i try...
  12. D

    PLEASE REPLY. soul offering

    I'm starting to think all these fame seekers and soul sellers are here just to waste our time.  Stop replying to these idiots.  If they don't have the common sense to go to JOS like it says in the main page then i have no patience. By constantly answering these idiots we are wasting our time...
  13. D


    This is why i ask... The Hathors say this about the ascension.  It sounds pretty much like the Kundalini rising... From an energetic standpoint, the ascension process begins when your life force, called <em>Sekhem</em> by the ancient Egyptians, begins its ascent up the Djed, or sacred pathway...
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    I wonder if there is any correlation between Ascension and reaching Godhead or just empowering ourselves to higher levels? Drew Hail Satan! From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 5:22:52 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Hathors...
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    Hathor (one more thing)

    i wiki'd a "Sanat Kumara" mentioned by the Hathor and found this interesting excerpt. Sanat Ku[/IMG][3] She claimed he belonged to a group of beings, the "Lords of the Flame", whom Christian tradition have misunderstood as Lucifer and the fallen angels. Drew Hail Satan!
  16. D


    Does anyone know about the Hathors?  Here is a person who claims he was contacted by these inter-dimensional beings that were in contact with the Egyptians. Here is the site: http://tomkenyon.com/who-are-the-hathors Here is the excerpt for all those like me that are to lazy to copy and paste...
  17. D

    Cobra Breath

    Yeah, i actually prefer the E-How version myself as it is simple and straight forward.  It was also the version Kai Purr used (He is the one that wrote the Philosopher's stone article).  I can't honestly tell you what i think about it as i don't know much about the Babaji versions of it.  I...
  18. D

    Cobra Breath

    I have the PDF for the Babaji Cosmic Cobra Breath but i don't have permissions to add it to the Files section.  If someone who has the power add me to it if only temporarily i can add it to the Files section. Drew Hail Satan! From: kikesmasher71 <kikesmasher71@... To...
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    I need help...continuation

    In JOS it say, "You should construct your temple during ritual, where you can ask Father Satan to bless it. Meditate for as long as you need to construct your own place. This should be done after the invocation where you write a request for Satan to bless and consecrate your temple" --If our...
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    Do you get an email saying your on moderation or something? It happens to me sometimes too (things i write not appearing), but i think that's just the lousy Yahoo groups being fickle. I honestly think you were never on moderation.  Everyone's views are important and it makes no sense to censor...
  21. D


    I do the same thing b4 i go to bed, i do the aura of protection, then create a diamond shield + an energy shield of 666 layers.  Then i do the same for my room but put Satan's sigil on all walls/floor/ceiling.  All visualized of course. Drew Hail Satan! From: LoneWolf <lonewolf69sg@... To...
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    Divide And Conquer!

    Freaking A man, i daydreamed like mad to this music.  It reminded me of Final Fantasy in-game music.  Well, done indeed.  Any music that can make me daydream is hot shit in my book.  Keep em coming. Drew Hail Satan! From: Blacklegions Of satan <blacklegionsofsatan@... To...
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    Michael Ford, any thoughts?

    Haha, yes i'm curious as well.  Someone who gets off from killing and hurting must have some good stories. I hope you only inflict to those that deserve it and not just some random person just to feel good because then i would consider you a serial hurter (lol just made it up)/killer. Drew Hail...
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    Coming soon!

    That was one of the sites i visited in my research.  I also created some sound freq with programs off that site.  But they are not as effective as using another energy format other than sound. Drew Hail Satan! From: kikesmasher71 <kikesmasher71@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon...
  25. D


    Yeah, i didn't really mean "us" i meant your idea of fantasy is limiting yourself (not the group in particular).  But it can lead to limiting others if one person says, "Oh that's not possible" then what is the group gonna think. And yes it is so hard to find specific things in JOS i don't know...
  26. D

    Coming soon!

    Ah, the piano and violin, my favorite classical instruments.  Also, have you heard about Solfeggio frequencies.  Apparently another thing the Xians have taken away from humanity or kept it hidden.  That is the True sound of frequencies and their effects on our bodies/spirits/souls.  For...
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    Sorry it HP Vovim Baghie not Vavim. From: ditto6891 <ditto6891@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, November 14, 2010 3:51:24 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: magick   I disagree, and if you have been through JOS and HP Vovim Baghie's sites you...
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    importance of mudras (ie finger positions)

    I have recently been drawn to looking at mudras and their use for some reason.  Just a short while ago i was pretty skeptical about how "weird connections" of our fingers can cause affects throughout the whole body.  I will let some sites i have discovered do most of the technical explanations...
  29. D

    what consetellation is the moon in

    Yeah it says that now to about sign (Aquarius) and Constellation (Capricorn).  Either it just changed or that was before i set the coordinates for my location in Colorado.  Thanks for the help. Drew Hail Satan! From: kikesmasher71 <kikesmasher71@... To: [email protected] Sent...
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    what consetellation is the moon in

    I downloaded it and got it set up but have a question today it says the moon is in the sign of Pisces but the constellation of Aquarius.  What's the difference?  I thought the signs were based of the constellation. Drew Hail Satan! From: kikesmasher71 <kikesmasher71@... To...
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    what consetellation is the moon in

    I was looking through the witchcraft section and came upon working magic at certain times in relations to where the moon is.  I thought such information is necessary and ChronosXP does not provide it.  The only other way to probably find it is to do an astronomy reading with your birthday being...
  32. D


    I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if not i will have to do it all astrally.  I also ordered temple supplies recently and hope they arrive b4 Saturday.  So exited, i got an athame, silver bell, silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic...
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    more proof Judeo/Christianity Plagerized

    Yet again my original email did not go through so i am writing this again.  We really need to move to a different format for our group because Yahoo just isn't cutting it. Over the weekend i found this interesting video that proves how Christianity plagerized from ancient civilizations and...
  34. D

    proof yet again that christianity is plagiarized

    Here's a video by Zeitgeist that pretty much proves in very intelligent/logical ways that Christianity was copied from much more ancient beliefs.  It also says that in many aspects the bible mentions astrological things. I thoroughly enjoyed this as i think you will as well. It's in 3 parts.  It...
  35. D

    what is more powerful

    I would also like to mention that blue-white stars are also many magnitudes more luminous than our very own sun which from what i understand is of white-gold. The question still stands with only one answer.  Can anyone else input as to why white-gold of our sun is more powerful than the most...
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    ritual to our enemy

    This was a thought that popped in my head sometime this morning as i was thinking of ways to curse or just show my hate for Satan's enemies. What if we were to do a ritual kinda like the Satanic Rituals and write curses, hate, and anything derogatory towards lets say Jehova.  Then burn it...
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    Satanism and Hndusm

    I have to disagree with you on that. What about the caste system in Hinduism.  I think that's the biggest enslavement to a human in that religion.  Oh, you were born a serf and so shall you stay a serf never to escape you duty as a serf in this lifetime.  Maybe next lifetime you can go up a...
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    Schutzstaffel-SS keeps trying to get me to join

    They sent one a while back that i ignored, and i have never gotten one since. From: anandha shankar <ashankar88@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tue, November 2, 2010 9:40:54 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Schutzstaffel-SS keeps trying to get me to join  ...
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    Third step of the Magnum Opus.

    Where in HP Voivim Bagghi's site does he talk about the Philosopher's stone? If i'm not mistaken he is the administrator of Age of Satan and also has articles on his personal site (the one with his accounts on Kundalini and other great articles).  I don't ever recall coming across an article on...
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    what is more powerful

    In JOS it says many times that the white-gold light from the sun is the most powerful. Yet, in astronomy we know that a blue-white star like Rigel, B Centauri, Deneb, and Spica (to name some common ones) are magnitudes hotter than our very own average sun.  Our sun is roughly 6,000 K on the...
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    Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door last week

    Please...you don't have to go to extremes for this. My problem is just what i said. There are many new people here and if they hear that and think its okay to do then we'll have more Satanists conforming to the Xian way of looking at us. Nobody said you had to completely stop sharing experiences...
  42. D

    New Satanic Video On YouTube- Satanic Symbols

    No, i agree. But i think its just one's taste in music.  Stereotypically i think most satanists probably like hard metal.  Before i became a satanist, everyone i knew that wore nothing but black and piercings listened to that music.  They also had emotional, parental, and life issues.  But then...
  43. D

    Re: HELP!!! ~Did Destruction Ritual Against Xtianity Tonight

    If i recall correctly i don't think Father or the gods like twin circles.  Whatever you were doing i don't think it is what they like or of Spiritual Satanism.  Your probably pissing them off.  This isn't the Neo-Pegan/Wiccan forum.  Sorry Drew From: Yoko M <faithfuldaughter888@... To...
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    Opening third eye chant

    Its like holding 'th' in "the".  Start to say 'the' and stop and add a little 'oh' into it. I put the tip of my tongue either right under my two front teeth or right where my two front teeth meet my gums.  Don't worry about the "Oh" part other than your vibrating 'th' and 'Oh' (but more 'th") at...
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    Re: HELP!!! ~Did Destruction Ritual Against Xtianity Tonight

    You speak in riddles.  How has your ritual backfired? Who are members of your small brethren?  What is your tribe?  Speak clearly.  How do you expect help if you are vague. Also you sent a friend request or something for IM Yahoo.  I turned it down b/c i don't know you. From: Yoko M...
  46. D

    Confusion About Vampirism

    This reminds me of a question.  Lets say i was in the Astral and i was attacked by a soul eater or Spiritual Vampire.  And lets say it got.  What would happen to me?  That is to my spirit or my physical body.  Or would the fear of the attack jolt me back to my body b4 any harm can happen? Drew...
  47. D

    writing on my arm

    can you show a picture by any chance? Drew Hail Satan! From: Blacklegions Of satan <blacklegionsofsatan@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, October 18, 2010 12:21:28 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] writing on my arm   Hail to you all! Let me...
  48. D

    Re: Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks

    You are aware the "the Onion" is a joke news site that is more aimed at poking fun than giving any factual information. I can't believe you actually thought it was factual.  Go talk to a researcher and they will tell you how to discern from real sources as compared to fake ones like this. ...
  49. D

    The Truth about The Serpent -

    Just wondering, about how many times a day do you do the cobra breath...like how many sets of what number. Drew Hail Satan! From: fukndetermined <fukndetermined@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 6:12:47 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Truth about The...
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    a few questions

    I don't know, if your GD Vapula told you to post i probably would.  The yahoo groups system is extremely fickle for some reason.  I really think we should move the group to another venue.  You know the problems i've been having.  And i haven't gotten your greatly anticipated email yet either...
  51. D

    Finally, Trance

    Great news Since Late August of this year i have benn practicing whenever i could (remember i live in dorms, doors are always slamming, people walking in; practice must be timed just right). Today i finally was able to do it if for a short time (anywhere from 1 min-5min i think). Interesting...
  52. D

    [No title]

    sorry, still haven't gotten anything.  This is not uncommon.  I don't know why but it seems things are either delayed or not sent/received on my end. Drew Hail Satan! From: Andrei Herciu <andreth666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sat, October 2, 2010 2:34:12 AM Subject...
  53. D

    is it ok to say satan or enki?

    That sounds really cool, are you able to go into detail? Also, did you recieve my email that i sent 2-3 days ago?   Drew Hail Satan! From: Andrei Herciu <andreth666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, October 1, 2010 5:21:14 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] is it ok to say satan...
  54. D

    Magnum Opus

    I noticed in the Magnum Opus meditations Step 1 has you circulating the ball of energy and then storing it in the Sacral Chakra, But, Kai Purr's article on it says after circulating it, take it down to the Kundalini Serpent to let Sexual energy rise and then to store it in the Heart Chakra to...
  55. D

    could you tell me what u think

    Ahhhh, its people like you that make me envious.  Only a week and you have these experiences while i stay frustrated b/c my environment won't allow me to do what i want to in order to advance.  I'm really happy for you though and hope more and more of us experience this kinda thing.  When i...
  56. D

    finding and balancing elements

    Is there a better way to balance elements than going by characteristics of those strong in them. For instance, i am strongest in Air I think but there are some things that don't match me.  It says air is very sociable while i am not at all.  I also believe i'm the weakest in water but...
  57. D

    finding and balancing elements

    Is there a better way to balance elements than going by characteristics of those strong in them.   For instance, i am strongest in Air I think but there are some things that don't match me.  It says air is very sociable while i am not at all.  I also believe i'm the weakest in water but it says...
  58. D


    Having trouble with this meditation. After the 13th step it says "For men, place your left palm on top of your right palm, both facing up." I may just be having a brain fart but if my left palm is on top of my right palm (i'm assuming palms are touching), then how can both be facing up? ...
  59. D

    Fw: MerKaBa

    I don't know why yahoo groups is so fickle with sending emails.  I'm pretty sure it just randomly picks which ones go through or not. This is the 2nd time doing this.  Please read below.  Thanks ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Drew Bolden <ditto6891@... To...
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    third eye

    Funny thing for me is i can make that pulsing and throbing feeling appear at will on my 3rd eye just by focusing on it (I trained in Robert Bruce's 'feeling energy movement' before visualization and i still can't visualize at all) but i don't think i have activated it because i don't see images...
  61. D


    If you are going to answer such a question it would be helpful to also give the "Why". Your only asking for more questions when you give a blatant answer like that. A true scholar who strives for the truth will always ask "Why". And a person who really knows the answer will always give the...
  62. D

    The Truth about The Serpent -

    Sorry another question In my search for the Cobra breath i have found the it is a very well kept secret and that it is only taught face to face. People who have had actual teaching in it say in the comments section that it is the wrong way of doing it. The fact that this is so secret makes me...
  63. D

    The Truth about The Serpent -

    I really appreciate these types of post so thank you. I am confused though. You said there were 3 elixers and you explain how to raise up the sexual energy portion of it. Forgive me but what about the Female and Male portion how do you raise that? You also mention raising Kundalini...
  64. D


    Ummm....go to JOS(www.joyofsatan.org) and read through the site.  This isn't that type of satanism and Satan/Lucifer (same entity) are not that way.     From: yp_sharon_columbus_168 <sharonpybus@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 4:02:44 PM Subject...
  65. D

    funny anti jewish cartoon

    That was halarious!  I looked for more but couldn't find any.  There should be more of these videos out there   Drew Hail Satan! From: Ariel Jhonson <bad_girl88@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 9:17:03 PM Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] funny anti jewish cartoon...
  66. D

    Latest News 9/10/10: Priest Sex Abuse Linked to 13 Suicides in Belgi

    Beat me to it...i was gonna post this earlier today but then realized since everyone had yahoo that chances are everyone will have already seen it.  It makes me smile that the true nature of these "Holy men" are being revealed. Drew Hail Satan! ________________________________...
  67. D

    perinium and base chakra

    I was just reading the Circulating energy meditation and i came upon something that confused me. On step 7 it says to focus on your perinium (spot between anus and scrotum/vagina). Then in step 8 it says to got to your base chakra.  I always thought (base on many readings of chakra...
  68. D

    Open and Closing portals.

    I'm just curious Dell, you said, "The past couple nights I have been having trouble sleeping and my guardian was stressing out."    I had to stop here and think a little.  Why would your GD be stressing out over a Doorway.  What did the doorway lead to?  What does a GD look like when he...
  69. D

    Sermon 7/27/10

    Robert Bruce talks of the Akashic records in his book Astral Dynamics.  You can either google it and a pdf will pop up or it's in the file section of one othe the JOS e-groups.   Drew Hail Satan! From: Mary <early.mary@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 6:53:58...
  70. D

    visualization trainging

    I seem to have the hardest time visualizing.  But the wierd thing is i shouldn't...I am a huge fan of daydreaming and will take anychance to just lose myself in my daydreams but when it comes to something as simple is imagining a cricle with a dot(sun) and holding it for 5 minutes then...
  71. D

    how my dedication went

    So i finally dedicated!   Due to my environment finding the time to dedicate proved quite hard.  I live in dorms and candles and inscence are prohibited.  I decided to do my ritual on the day of the Sun and the hour of the Sun(past 2:05pm) as shown by Chronos XP.  I checked for void of course...
  72. D

    Group Ritual: 210810

    What about Judaism?  Isn't that the root of the problems on earth?   Drew From: jonathon_billing <jonathon.billing@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 11:45:41 PM Subject: [HellsArmy666] Group Ritual: 210810   This is for Saturday during the hour of Saturn. If...
  73. D


    I don't know whether this helps or not but have you thought about using Orgone?  It emits positive life energy and purifies places 24/7.  There are type of orgone called chem busters, cloud busters, organite.  All involve purifiying energy in your area.  The bigger the orgone and the more layers...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
