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  1. Shining Force

    Leviticus 26:29 - In your grocery shelves, fast food restaurants and meat supply chain........

    It's messed up hey. Years ago when I did eat that stuff it always gave me stomach aches. Never knew why that was. maybe it was my body trying to tell me to stop eating your own kind..gross. Surely this will be become mainstream at some point in the years to come when the jews are more exposed.
  2. Shining Force

    Nigeria: worshippers gunned down during church service

    I'm surprised there isn't more of this going on at mosques.
  3. Shining Force


    Didn't maxine say that Satan was doing everything possible to use the Muslims against Israel? From what I've seen in the media the jews seem to be losing their minds worried Muslims are trying to take over.
  4. Shining Force

    How do you know someone is jew when it is hard to tell from his facial features

    Like others have mentioned. The eyes usually have a feeling of no empathy. Cold and empty. The Soros family is a prime example of this.
  5. Shining Force

    They want to kill everyone you love.

    Thank you for this sly. I'm glad to hear that our side is going to be holding strong. I guess some days where I'm sensing bad energy it does sometimes cause a bit of stress as to how that energy is about to manifest in the world. Then causes unnecessary worry. Then you see the crap in the media...
  6. Shining Force

    They want to kill everyone you love.

    What do you think the chances are of most of us SS surviving all the crap that's ahead of us? Some days I feel like we will be ok then others I feel like we are toast. Feels like the worst is still to come.
  7. Shining Force

    At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

    I've had to do the RTRs a few times in my mind due to people near me that are asleep. Are they still just as effective as saying it out loud? Raising energy prior has to be done out loud still? Thanks
  8. Shining Force

    Health Working for a group of people

    Thank you Red and thank you blitz.
  9. Shining Force

    At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

    How far do you think the enemy will get with their plans before things are reversed? The latest videos from WEF show Klaus pretty confident in his plans. Do you think his secretly shitting himself or perhaps he still thinks he can win?
  10. Shining Force

    Doorway found on Mars(Underground Bunker)

    Musk gives off weird vibes. Sometimes he seems ok then sometimes he seems very jewish.
  11. Shining Force

    Health Working for a group of people

    Hello all. hope you are doing well today. I was wanting to do a health working for a group of family members approx 5 people who may potentially get some vaccines soon. My question is. Can one health working be done on one group or do you have to do a separate one for each individual person...
  12. Shining Force

    At This Point, One Must Be A Fool To Not Believe These Things [Monkeypox etc etc...]

    This sermon has got me amped up for some serious RTRs. Until every single one of em is no longer. Thank you High Priest. We will be victorious!
  13. Shining Force

    Punishment system in Satanism

    So what happens when the gentiles get fed up with the jews and start removing them from society? If people start taking matters into their own hands after they learn what the jews are.
  14. Shining Force

    Belgium introduces 21-day quarantine for all monkeypox cases

    You best go live in a quarantine facility. Its for the greater good. While your there read the Bible it will save you. Man I'm so sick of these fkwits. More RTR fuel.
  15. Shining Force

    Spiritual Satanism - So That You Will Crawl No Longer

    The Australia One party is probably controlled opposition. Riccardo gives off the same disgusting energy that the typical jew gives off. Plus he promotes Christianity and Judaism and is always blaming the evil in this world on either China or the Satanists. They even say prayers at the protest...
  16. Shining Force

    Doorway found on Mars(Underground Bunker)

    Oh I thought people were basically struck on their respective planets. So they can actually be reincarnated onto different planets that's cool. So you think if worse case say earth was to experience mass casualties or Samson option some of us would reincarnate onto a different planet too? Or...
  17. Shining Force

    The importance of drinking CLEAN water

    It never even crossed my mind before about filtering shower water! Far out that's frustrating. All this time having nice long hot showers and it's most likely causing more harm than good. Thanks for the heads up. This also reminds me my filter for our drinking water needs changing :D
  18. Shining Force

    The Blood Moon and Solar Eclipse last Sunday

    Thanks sly. I'll make sure I hit it hard.
  19. Shining Force

    The Blood Moon and Solar Eclipse last Sunday

    Can something like that cause sickness? I was crook as mon/tue out of no where. Feel alright today but. Less it was an enemy attack. As we know the RTRs are very powerful at this time. I actually couldn't perform any RTR because I was so I'll.
  20. Shining Force

    Jews afraid of Are gods arrival

    Still trying to work out how exactly the jews won't be here anymore soon. From what I've read their demise is going to be unique. Maybe it's beyond my ability to comprehend what's coming for them.
  21. Shining Force

    Joy Of Satan: Positivity In This World

    This is very well written. Thank you HP.
  22. Shining Force

    Others Gentiles (those without) not facing curses?

    Can mixed bloodlines be fully cured or are they forever tainted?
  23. Shining Force


    This is an immense amount of work. Thank you to everyone involved.
  24. Shining Force

    Prepare for the 9th of May

    Elections in Australia at the moment also.
  25. Shining Force

    Prepare for the 9th of May

    Yeh I remember covid energy was nasty as before it hit. It made me feel very uneasy at the time. This time though I feel better hopefully there plan won't manifest as bad.
  26. Shining Force

    Prepare for the 9th of May

    Driving on the highway yesterday and there was like hardly any cars on the road which is usually heavy traffic. Felt this weird sort of silent feeling in the air. Was eerie.
  27. Shining Force

    Spiritual Attacks From The Enemy - Defend Yourself With The Satanic Mind!

    Thank you very much for this. I think it's something that's been bothering me also lately. All of a sudden when I start an RTR or say are halfway through a working i get super tired out of nowhere. or when I'm focusing on a sigil all of a sudden all these bs thoughts start blocking my focus.
  28. Shining Force

    BEELZEBUL'S RITUAL: BLESS UP FOR THE SATANIC NEW YEAR! (30th April - 10th of May Ritual Schedule)

    I think it feels a little worn out because I'm currently doing 2 workings at once (with a couple hours in between) I'm usually ok with most of the runes but the trickier ones are just too hard to vibrate properly and perhaps like u said I might be forcing it too hard. I'll try lower shorter...
  29. Shining Force

    Russian foreign minister calls out jewish race on prime time worldwide [Jews deny Hitler being jewish ]

    Thank you for helping me understand the situation further. Made my blood boil initially hearing more lies about out beloved Hitler. More fuel for the RTRs!
  30. Shining Force

    Feeling "Yes/No" During Astral Communication (Method)

    Thank you very much for this. Initially when I was knew I used a candle for yes and no answers. Which gave mixed results. I think I was talking to much. I wasn't aware you could use more simpler feelings or emotions instead. I will try this next time .
  31. Shining Force

    Is Everyone Entitled To All Knowledge?

    Wonderful Sermon. I've always wondered what type of technology was withheld from us by the enemy. Knowing that it's being carefully crafted offsite for humanity to eventually reach fills with me a great joy.
  32. Shining Force

    Russian foreign minister calls out jewish race on prime time worldwide [Jews deny Hitler being jewish ]

    Yes the more I learn about them the more I see there lies and deception has no bounds.
  33. Shining Force

    Confusion Just For The Sake Of It

    I personally know people who have had bad reactions to the vaccines and then they go on to tell me I should get one because it's the safest way to protect ourselves and get back to normal. They literally sound like a vaccine commercial. Dealing with such people is extremely frustrating. They are...
  34. Shining Force

    Russian foreign minister calls out jewish race on prime time worldwide [Jews deny Hitler being jewish ]

    It's interesting I've seen quite a few videos now of jews bragging about how zelensky is jewish. But What's the point in them saying Hitler is jewish? Is this to somehow lay the groundwork for Russia to invade Israel and get the US involved?
  35. Shining Force

    BEELZEBUL'S RITUAL: BLESS UP FOR THE SATANIC NEW YEAR! (30th April - 10th of May Ritual Schedule)

    My throat is a little worn out from doing an intelligence working atm and im struggling to pronounce some of the runes. This makes me sad as I feel like my words have no power and I can't fully show my gratitude properly. Does speaking the runes normally still work without dragging out the...
  36. Shining Force

    Articulation working for speech

    I never knew it was caused by those things. I always thought I was stuck like that. This has brought a huge smile to my face knowing there is a way to start mending. Thank you very much.
  37. Shining Force

    Australia told to prepare for war against China

    I should have stated conventional war sorry. You summed it up perfectly. informational, economical and political. Many don't see this in Australia which is sad, but there are also alot who do. I doubt with the elections coming up much will change. I have a feeling shit will start hitting the...
  38. Shining Force

    Articulation working for speech

    Thank you so much for replying back so quickly. In regards to nervousness I do have a bit of complex about my speech nowadays and I'm always worried I'm going to sound like a simpleton when I engage in a new conversation with someone. I think that has effected my confidence to talk to people...
  39. Shining Force

    Articulation working for speech

    Hello friends. I'm wanting to start a rune working for articulation for speech. Sometimes when I am trying to explain something to someone the words don't exactly come out how I would like. Often my speech ends up jumbled and it's extremely frustrating trying to construct a sentence without...
  40. Shining Force

    Australia told to prepare for war against China

    Seeing more and more news about this. What are people's thoughts? What time frame are we expecting for China to start making moves? Would not surprise me if Australia makes some stupid move first to start it off.
  41. Shining Force

    chaos in israel

    I am itching with excitement to see what transpires there. What ever news comes out of that shithole I'll be grabbing the popcorn for sure!
  42. Shining Force

    Is what's happening on Earth also happening on other planets?

    Do you have an email I can contact you on? I have a few questions if that's ok
  43. Shining Force

    How To Interpret & Understand The Messages Of The Gods

    Ive always been an aethiest and never been into signs. It wasnt until Corona hit that things changed for me. I remember sensing a huge amount of negative energy in the air when corona came to the point it overwhelmed me and for about 2 weeks I was super depressed. It was such a heavy feeling I...
  44. Shining Force


    Yep same here. I watched the whole season years ago thinking it was a well written show. Now when I see it pop up on social media I can't stand it. I'm actually wondering if the race awakening rituals had something to do with this. Now when ever I see a TV show or movie, i pick up every...
  45. Shining Force

    Is what's happening on Earth also happening on other planets?

    Thank you for this. Much appreciated.
  46. Shining Force

    china lock down 2.0 no food,lockdown,death

    The videos emerging out of China are really disturbing. How much longer can the Chinese hold on until they revolt?
  47. Shining Force

    Is what's happening on Earth also happening on other planets?

    Yeah it sounds pretty nasty from what you describe about this nightmare planet. Wish i could remote view it. While I can sense the enemy's disgusting energy on their major holidays I'm yet to sense much from other planets. Is there a certain method you recommend?
  48. Shining Force

    Is what's happening on Earth also happening on other planets?

    Their downfall will be ever so sweet to see. Though how much damage will they do until that time arrives..Really hope all of us SS will bare witness to the whole event. How cool would it be getting carted off in a spaceship to help other planets and interacting with other humans there.
  49. Shining Force

    Is what's happening on Earth also happening on other planets?

    So fascinating and wonderful to know that there are other planets with humans on them. I wonder which planet will be next to break free from kosher supervision or will they all break free at once?
  50. Shining Force

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Good Evening everyone. Hope you are doing well. I have a question regarding health workings for loved ones. We have a 12 month baby in the family that's about to get their first lot of vaccines required to get into child care. Would visualizing white gold energy into them with affirmations be...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
