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  1. S

    Shout-out Thank You to Orobas.

    In the Orobas ritual, I meditated on his sigil. He helped me out with a matter that had been bothering me for a while. It is difficult to recall what exactly happened in this instance. I can relate the situation here, briefly. To sum it all up, there was someone who was bothering me for a very...
  2. S

    Will the physical war against the Jews begin in the age of aquarius?

    Probably not. There is already a war going in the spiritual. In that regard, we've already won. The type of fighting that is going on is in the media, on the internet, and in all types of outlets. Its a war of the mind, the emotions, and the soul of all peoples to submit themselves to a cause...
  3. S

    Has any type of magic or psychic ritual or knowledge helped you on your path?

    Rtr's help with just about everything. Also, planetary squares have helped me with somethings.
  4. S

    Would doing the rtr everyday with only 1-3 vibrations, or doing the rtr once a week with all 9 be more powerful?

    Do what you can everyday and be consistent. Even if its just 3 vibrations. Or 1. Just do it. Some of us work a lot and have to fit everything personal in a very tight schedule.
  5. S

    Final RTR jpg and pdf printer friendly

    I made a jpg file of the RTR because I couldn't find the printer friendly version someone had posted a while back. Its a scaled down version with all of the letters on one side, and the vibrations needed to deal with them on the other. So if you know what your doing and want something where...
  6. S

    I’m done with groups. I’m going it alone.

    This op is a troll. Calm down, everyone. Don't feed the trolls. Don't be getting into fights with the other members. Let's ignore it. If it gets no attention, it will get bored and leave on its own. Have a nice day.
  7. S

    Vlad the impaler and the order of the dragon

    Vlad had to fight a dire battle of survival using all if the things he knew about the Ottomans against them. The Ottomans viewed impalement as a slave's punishment, and thus feared it greatly since the majority of them were slaves.
  8. S

    Invasion In Our Planet? Recent UFO invasion files?

    I think there's simply too many dumb people around for that to work. They don't want the slavish worship of dumb people who know nothing. And the people that are dumb and oppose them would just hold everyone else back. Nah, this is our problem.
  9. S

    Racially motivated shooting spree in Alabama.

    Dear southernwhitegentile, Its not bad to think in a realistic way, especially in the short term. I advocate being prepped. If a certain group came to my neighborhood with the intent of burning and rioting, well, I have access to some arms. I have some food stocked. If the stores ran out I'd be...
  10. S

    Racially motivated shooting spree in Alabama.

    Dear southernwhitegentile, An AoP might not stop a bullet from careening its way into your skull, but mayhap it may let you avoid the situation of getting shot at entirely. Maybe you might get a little nudge to slow down on your way to work. Maybe you run into every single red light on your...
  11. S

    Racially motivated shooting spree in Alabama.

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MXf0ePCahsk Ok, y'all. We just had a black man in Alabama target white people for his shooting spree. Clown world is getting to that point now. If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late. Especially...
  12. S

    Sky news Australia - weaponizing sars like carina viruses 2015

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kuKPBur_TiI Looks like the Chinese have been looking into this for several years. Figures.
  13. S


    Alone time is good. If you can't always be alone, you can do things to suggest you want to be left alone. For example, ear buds in the ears listening to music usually let's people know you want to be left alone. You can pretend to be asleep. You can meditate in a vehicle. I do that all the...
  14. S

    Man Woman Men Women Selfish Freedom of Satanism

    I won't blast you for slapping a bitch, but consider some of the ramifications of doing so. In the western world, you can get sued and no one will take your side. Slapping a woman also makes you look bad or emotionally out of control. I would going forward keep a close eye on the red flags a...
  15. S

    It's over for white people in the US

    This is why we rtr to the moon and back. This is going to backfire. So sit down, grab some popcorn, and watch the fireworks.
  16. S

    Premature kundalini ascension

    If your genetics are really bad and mixed and all that stuff... the root is in the soul, and the soul can be cleansed and fixed. There is the SA TA NA MA mantra. If you use that and the proper affirmations you should be able to fix and repair the problems. This is in addition to all the good...
  17. S

    13,000 Dead in NY Nursing Homes.

    Whether or not jews hate the number is irrelevant. Their gematria has a meaning for most numbers. When they don't have a direct meaning for a number, they'll divide it into its components and create one. If they did hate 13, then perhaps its natural and gentile meaning is inherently toxic to...
  18. S

    13,000 Dead in NY Nursing Homes.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIskTUkJOvY&t=1604s 13,000 people died in NY as Andrew Cuomo stuffed COVID patients into nursing homes, despite having lots of other places to put them. Sounds a lot like some jewish stuff here going on... so let's analyze the numbers, shall we? 13,000 = 13 x...
  19. S

    Anyone have ant good experiences with Money spells?

    I think i was doing a wealth working, luis. Next i try, i will try for money itself.
  20. S

    David icke enemy or not?

    David Ickes "children of the matrix" book was the first book that red pilled me in regards to reality. A few years later i discovered JOS. Now, is all his info true? Probably not. I think most of his stuff needs to taken with a grain of salt.
  21. S

    Anyone have ant good experiences with Money spells?

    I have had mixed results with money spells. But then i think back and i see there's a lot of work i need to do so its a work in progress. Materially, i was able to keep an abundance of necessities. I am very comfortable. So dont be disheartened if the results are modest. I think wealth has a...
  22. S

    Message to this jos HP

    I get it, Fancy. He's a consistent troublemaker. Think of all the time and energy he wastes attacking and trolling other people. Precious time he could be buffing himself with our knowledge and doing some thing useful. I'm sure that if everyone does their AoP and reflects the random trollish...
  23. S

    Message to this jos HP

    Eh. Don't feed the troll anymore than it takes to expose itself. It makes itself look bad. Then it gets banned. That's all I got, have a nice day.
  24. S

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    I remember a few years ago when there were people doubting the high priests. I'm glad I followed my instincts and stayed out of the drama. That was around when the first forum started. I'm grateful to Maxine and all the HPs. I feel as though we all owe her a debt of gratitude.
  25. S

    Are These People Satanists?

    Haters gonna hate. If they want to dabble in the enemy's teachings while claiming to be satanists, then they will reap the result of poison. The enemy has more or less poisoned the very fabric of reality for their followers. People who follow their teaching can be considered in a very...
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    PRECIOUS SATANISTS BEWARE: "Strange Posters", Riots And Violence

    I agree %100. We should stay back and stay out of the protests. The possibility of infiltration and violence breaking out in such groups is unacceptably high. Any who shows up at a protest in the wrong place and time could very well be labelled a terrorist outright, and shut down. Even if you...
  27. S

    Why are there still posts from mageson?

    All those years. All that effort. You'd think for all that effort someone could have used our info to better themselves. :? Punching down is usually a waste of time. I can see why when we (the JOS membership) empower ourselves, the aggressors lose when they make themselves look bad and fall...
  28. S

    Everyone needs to calm down.

    There's all kinds of anxiety going around. Half the country is anxious. It helps to just do what you can. That helps to let anxiety go. Trust the gods, too. This could have gone far, far worse. It's very manageable for us. There are breathing exercises that help. Void meditation. Also, clean...
  29. S

    Everyone needs to calm down.

    The latest and greatest bit of bullshit that was the election is over... In spite of all evidence. In spite of protests. The enemy has shut it down. They are shutting everything down. They are dismantling free speech, and soon they might even dismantle the internet. So... Despite all of this...
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    Not interested in being High Priest

    I know what you mean. I've felt the "call" myself, but I also know that I'm lazy in my spare time. I'd rather not disappoint by taking on more than I'm actually inclined to do on my days off. I mostly just lurk and post when I feel like I need to. To be honest, I think it's better to just do...
  31. S

    Maanji Meditation

    I will leave this up to the moderators if they want to share it. If they want to add notes and corrections, that is also very good. I won't object to corrections. ++The Maanji Meditation++ It's a simple, but powerful meditation that I stumbled upon while doing some yoga and reiki-meditating...
  32. S

    I am a failure

    It's ok. Baby steps. Do what you can do comfortably consistently, then go from there. If you're failing then it might mean biting off too much at once. Remember, you'll be doing this for the rest of your life. So take it easy and take it consistently.
  33. S

    DHS classifies "White Nationalism" as a Domestic Terrorist Threat

    Korea and Japan have turned into very artificial and stressful societies. People are simply opting out relationships all together. It's really sad because sixty years ago they didn't have this kind of stress on constantly succeeding and performing.
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    DHS classifies "White Nationalism" as a Domestic Terrorist Threat

    Race mixing Asians aren't new. Black and Asians have been mixing together for years now. I know a lady who married a black man, and had two mixed children. Then those two had babies with black men. So the grand kids are quarter asian and mostly black. But as for the op, this isn't going to sit...
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    Professional Psychics

    My two cents: perfectly acceptable to do readings for money. I've done it. Just pretend your a new ager or something. If anyone asks where you learned it, just tell them they can the basics from books and if they practice, they can get good too. It's a service. Just like cooking and cleaning...
  36. S

    Question about a future munka working

    I have an intention to do a working to detach myself from a very negative former friend. I have done a forty day working in the past to try and do this. Maybe I did it wrong, or perhaps I didn't do it long enough. They are still very attached. What I did last time was try to use munka to detach...
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    Epstein's Temple

    RTR for the win. Let's really give them something to cry about.
  38. S

    I apologize in advance for this post it will be a one time thing

    Move on. Get a job and a hobby. Improve yourself. Be nicer to yourself. Youll have better success that way.
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    Forever Alone? (Please Read)

    If your days are full, then you'll probably be alone for a time. I would suggest finding a hobby and meet people that way.
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    On Treating Our Gods

    I try not to bother them without trying it first myself. If I can think of a way to do something, I'll try it.
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    Personal RTR Effects Thread

    The first time doing the RTR ritual was so intense for me that I could not finish nine repetitions. I didn't have any immediate effects or reactions of elation or relief. Overtime I've noticed progression is easier. I plan out my workings. I finish them. I don't get discouraged that takes six...
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    Why no one helps me

    You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece. He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
  43. S

    Why no one helps me

    The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
  44. S

    Why no one helps me

    It's hard in the beginning. Just do what you can. Meditation. AoP. RTR. Aura cleaning. Do the basics. Reflect prayers back to their sources. And Rook, bro, chill out. It's not cool to attack people who are already down when they haven't done anything to merit open hostility.
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    Jews: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Deez ebil goyiim fiht bak! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Evil goyim: kekekekekekekekekekekeke we are legion kekekekekekekekekeke bye bye! * delivers smackdown with RTR*
  46. S

    Reiki harmful?

    I think reiki is harmful when you add the crap of the enemy to it. By itself, couldn't be harmful. I only say this because I took an online course in it. So if you choose to apply reiki, use satanic principles and the energy of the sun and you'll be fine.
  47. S

    Infiltrators are here

    Chill, bro. Infiltrators stick out like a sore thumb. Infiltrators can't stand being here. Paranoia makes you crazy, and then you lash out at people cuz you think they're something they're not. What your talking about are lazy and dumb drama starting satanists who have an over abundance of...
  48. S

    This Is The End My Friend The End

    I see it already in the christians around me that most of them will not survive. They will cry out to their pathetic jewform in vain. They wonder in their ignorance why they don't get anything in life. They are utterly defeated from the onset. Life is misery for them. The best thing they look...
  49. S

    how to achieve godhead?

    Thinking you'll do it in six months is a delusion. I wouldn't rush. Take your time. Meditate. Yoga. Get your life together. Focus on your basics. When you get in a better spot, then worry about reaching for the stars cuz you ain't there yet.
  50. S

    Storing Negative Energy

    Ok. A crystal could work. Even a glass sphere could work.
  51. S

    Epstein child trafficking case

    http://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/07/18/jeffrey-epstein-bail-hearing-in-child-sex-traffic-case.html I'm surprised no ones posted this here yet. This is a jewish billionaire going on trial. He's pretty famous for basically being a damnable pedophile. This is the RTR at work, so let's keep it up!
  52. S

    300k+ People Planning to STORM Area 51 This Fall

    Uh, I think this is a desperate stunt to distract people from the Upstein trial, the billionaire serial sex offender who gets away with sexually assaulting children.
  53. S

    Storing Negative Energy

    I don't see why you would even need something to store negativity when you're already adept at black magic.
  54. S

    Its Already Happened

    I've been hearing about this for a while now. It's not a collapse, but an accelerating denegeration that has its roots in all things people have already covered: low wages, high prices, unstable homes, established poverty, people that and things that drive down wages, and the lawlessness of huge...
  55. S

    Can new agers be trusted?

    Honestly, y'all can buy crystals and stuff of wish and amazon and make your own pendulum necklaces. Also, asking for someone's zodiac info is a bit sketchy considering that has no bearing on anything the op has posted.
  56. S

    Is Orgone bad?

    I've done some looking up into orgone for a minute. It does seem like a worthwhile aether technology. I think orgone can be utilized for satanic purposes.
  57. S

    Why Satan and the Gods and Goddesses don't do our work for us

    Because achieving anything worthwhile takes effort. If we think liberation is worthwhile, then we will fight for it. If power is worthwhile, then we will strive for it. If survival is worthwhile, then we will also fight for it. Therefore we must strive that we may evolve and grow stronger.
  58. S

    Jews Bringing Ebola To America

    They'll use anything to bring about their damn dirty ends. :Shakes head: Time for another RTR ritual.
  59. S

    The Final Stages Of The New World Order Are Here

    No matter what they do, they will be shut down. The doors are closed for them. It's too late. Before the RTR, maybe. But now? Hah! RTR for the win!
  60. S

    The Youtube Internet Purge - More Censorship Incoming - #VoxAdpocalypse?

    This is indeed all true. However, we need not panic. Wanna know why? RTR winz https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uscsylJTYnQ The gov'ment is literally gonna break these big bad tech monopolies apart. Google, Facebook, and Amazon are literally about to investigated for being town forums or whatever...
  61. S

    Chinese Censorship Coming To America

    Then I suppose I will vote for him in the next election. A world without communist china is a better world. RTR and activism for the win.
  62. S

    Chinese Censorship Coming To America

    The president isn't perfect, but the simple fact that his opponents want him violently gone is an indication that he will suffice for the present.
  63. S

    How does it feel to be spiritually attacked ?

    Shitty. That's how it feels. Lol. Just meditate and do RTR. And yoga. Yoga helps. In the dark days before I became a Satanist and dedicated, I literally felt like shit all the time. Worst days of my life all the time. And now life is so much better. It's been a minute since I dedelicated. My...
  64. S

    Jews emailing people

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsa_diNura Not at all surprising that this is a thing considering the foul hypocrisy of the enemy. They use their foul egregore and it's thoughtforms as a weapon to curse and kill. Through the "power" of their written stolen language, they manipulate the world...
  65. S

    How dangerous are xians really?

    Dangerous enough to hurt you when you least expect it. You need to keep them at arm's length. The commies thrive on close people tattling on one another. In the inquistion, all they needed was an accusation to hurt and torture someone.
  66. S

    Pope promises Catholic Church won't rape little boys anymore

    ... ... ... ... If anyone else is thinking that this isn't a good enough response, remember who issued this "law": a jew. This child rape is a cornerstone of their religion. The jews, their religion, their schills, their sheep, and their tools are our misfortune. Always remember that.
  67. S

    California Synagogue Shooting

    Oy vey! They know! Shoot it down! No! We goota shootz ourzzelselves in da footz so de goyim pity us's morz!
  68. S

    why and who is fucking with me?

    Ok. Sounds like you got a typical case of the enemy messing with your head. So here's how to help that issue: 1. Stop talking about talking about your beliefs directly to people of outside Faith's.. This is fight club. The first rule of fight club is that you don't fucking talk about fight club...
  69. S

    Breaking Limits In Meditation

    It's just better to be consistent. You get more gains over time that way.
  70. S

    Passover Exposed

    No wonder I dislike this time of the year. Someday, perhaps sooner than we think, we can go through this time of year without having to deal with this christian bullshit. RTR zyklon gass 666 #hitlericecream this shit into oblivion!
  71. S

    A Massive Thank You to HP Mageson Regarding Weight Loss

    I just eat a little meat once or twice per day and try to eat more vegetables. :Shrug: vegetables are really easy to cook and season.
  72. S

    Christianity Better Than Islam?

    I guess it depends on which flavor of cancer you prefer: the that's european flavored or the one that has all that middle east in it.
  73. S

    Universal Law

    Is there any recourse that those of us born in mixed race can take?
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    Do the people in your life know you're a satanist?

    No, and unless I know for damn sure these people can keep a secret, I don't tell them. I think less than five people know what I really believe in. Every one else? I just tell them it's none of their business.
  75. S

    How can you tell when you’re too weak to stay a Satanist?

    Dude, you need to stop thinking about and talking about yourself so damn negatively. The way you talk about yourself, no one wants to touch that with a ten foot pole. Read up on lydias guide on obliterating your saturn. Then read up on hps Shannon's article on you healing yourself. Then read...
  76. S

    Bernie Will Not Win?

    Rtr for the win in 2020!
  77. S

    On Subversion Of Satanism

    I have seen many posts from the people who have no business being here. They are all incredibly obvious.
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    Learning Hebrew?

    :eyes roll: jokers to the left, clowns to the right. Stuck in the middle with you. You can learn any language you want.
  79. S

    Robert Mueller investigating Israeli and Saudi ties to Trump

    Did you really think, Alexander, that we're gonna get the perfect hero right off the bat? Trump is not perfect but he will suffice in the interim we can get someone better elected.
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    spell on lottery

    Not really. I'm not going to put it together for people. If and when I figure something out I may elaborate further later. I'm busy with my own workings
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    spell on lottery

    Well, hold on a second fellas... The big lotteries have people that have won multiple times. The common thread in all their stories is that they all pick their own numbers. So I suppose if someone was going to try to win a major lottery that person would have to work on their abilities to pick...
  82. S

    Black Magic to Destroy Your Soul Forever

    Question: Are the writings of kaipur illegitimate?
  83. S

    Black Magic to Destroy Your Soul Forever

    Continue to damage your soul with drugs and it will break down and disintegrate on its own accord. No black magic needed.
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    What would you do if you had millions of dollars?

    Right now? Nothing. I'd stuff it into a bank account and sit on it for a few months while deliberating what I needed to do with that money.
  85. S

    US voting demographics

    Do the final rtr. No conventional solutions exist because the situation's root problem is spiritual. We fix that by doing the rtr. We endure by consistency. We will prevail by the spiritual manifesting into material
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    u are all cursed

    Oh no! We've made the excrement unhappy! What's it gonna do? Rally a bunch of toilet rabbis and toss shit at everyone? So terrible! Woe and damnation that the strong and shining gentiles are rebelling! Woe! :twisted: Lol, we already got you, "friend"! Already got you!
  87. S

    I think I'm going to end it all.

    Breathe. Practice void meditation. Get your thoughts under control. Power meditate. Do a daily aura of protection. And do the latest rtr. Clean your aura. Clean your chakra. Empower your solar chakra. Baby steps. If you fail, just dust yourself off and keep trying. Start small. Breathe. It'll...
  88. S

    Aura of Good Fortune

    Aura of Good Fortune 1. Breathe in the lucky energy of the sun. 2. Affirm: "I am breathing in the lucky energy of the sun. This energy forms a powerful aura of good fortune around me. This aura brings me good luck in all ways and all times." 3. Repeat eight times. 4. Visualize lucky and good...
  89. S

    A brief question

    Does performing a "freeing the soul" working by bring out emotional issues and negativity? If so, what's a good way to deal with all the negativity??
  90. S

    Anti-semitism on the Rise!

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/old-beast-awoken-anti-semitism-stalks-europe-us-204913915.html Keep up the good fight everyone!
  91. S

    The 72 names of "God" and the 72 names of OUR God's...?

    The 72 names is derived from the torah by taking certain passages from exodus and combining them. It has nothing to do with our gods. Now, there are 33 Sanskrit letters that correspond to parts of the spine. God names have magickal applications and develop certain parts of the soul. Whether...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
