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  1. O

    Question #165: Femdom

    Thank you, it is interesting to talk about these topics in a more spiritually advanced way, and in a positive light. Generally out there it's just nonsense talk. Compared to the common thinking on the subject, it is about love expressed in a deep but also playful way, where free self-expression...
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    Meditazioni per l'apprendimento

    Io avevo fatto questo lavoro in passato, mi sono trovato bene, non ho sperimentato con l'elemento aria. Per migliorare basta anche solo concentrarsi su ciò che si vuole ottenere Intelligenza e Memoria: Mannaz Kenaz, Dagaz × 64 Mann, Ken, Daeg affermare 9 volte: "Le energie delle rune Mann...
  3. O

    Question #165: Femdom

    A lot of what you find online is crap, but femdom or various domination fetishes can be very good. Online you find nonsense like humiliation, chastity, cuckolding, and a lot of other nonsensical crap. Most people would not be able to practice it properly at deep levels, they would end up...
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    The Hatred of Rabbis Towards Women [Must Watch]

    The content of the video is horrible and disgusting, but this video is great in its own way. The issue about women is very present in today's society, this video will piss off a lot of people and send them against jews, who are the only and true perpetrators of all social unrest, present and...
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    What do you think about this?

    If this model is taken as the standard, it could be turned into something horrible. Imagine those two strips of buildings, repeated 50-100-500 times, would manage to keep the entire population of a nation in one area. Then that's always the idea, subtle communism, stacking people on top of...
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    What do you think about this?

    What do you think of this kind of projects? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nRXtHjJnza0
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    2023 Calendar release?

    https://www.jos-astro.com/#/astro-calendars here Select 2023
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Messaggio inviato, grazie mille! Ave Andras! Ave Astarte!
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    Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

    Thanks for that, what date could I start the job? You had created a couple of works to improve yourself as a Satanist, in everyday life, but I can't find the post, could you link it to me?
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Puoi lasciare la tua mail nella firma? Dovrei poterti scrivere tra le 19:00 e le 19:30 di Martedì 20 Dicembre.
  11. O

    Animali nei Sogni

    Quel ragazzo ha una visione superficiale su molte cose, ed è un sostenitore dell'alimentazione a base di insetti. I video sulla disney forse forse facevano ridere un'pò. Ma alla fine si tratta della mentalità che trovi online, dove si ride di cazzate. *video completamente a caso delle torri...
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    Animali nei Sogni

    ... Se si tratta di persone, ho già un'idea e questo potrebbe ricollegarci all'altro thread.
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Si penso dovremmo sentirci in privato, dato che si tratta di dati non troppo generici riguardanti la mia famiglia, e il nemico osserva qui, quindi... Controllando, a quanto pare ho queste callosità su entrambi, leggermente di più a sinistra.
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    Animali nei Sogni

    Sai qualcosa al riguardo di zanzare giganti sparse ovunque nella propria abitazione?
  15. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    L'ultimo sogno era interessante, ma non lo considero una priorità. Mi è capitato molte volte di fare sogni dove venivo attaccato in qualche modo dal mio "padre" biologico, che finivano solitamente con io che lo sconfiggevo in un certo senso, in altri lo uccidevo. Mi svegliavo provando paura e...
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    Retro games

    Here my favorite: Click me! 1 click = 1 play Enjoy! :D
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Io recentemente ho fatto questo sogno, ero in una strada giro l'angolo e sono in una piazzetta, lì c'era l'entrata di una sinagoga abbastanza nascosta, anche se era intuibile da alcune scritte in ebraico. Stavo aspettando che passasse uno di quegli schifosi per piantarli un martello in testa...
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    Share Your Artwork

    In a future post I will explain some meanings that I have given to it. I'm however open to suggestions to improve it. It's a coat anyway.
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    Retro games

    I sent you another message, I don't know if this or the previous one will be approved first. Double-checking your signature refers to a cult of human sacrifice in India (possibly a jewish-gypsy infiltration of the time in India). A cult of thieves and human sacrifices, who knows who might...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    In questo sogno c'erano delle api che seguivano una persona, e poi questa persona me le manda contro (in un certo senso), le api mi vengono vicino, ed io non potevo scappare ed ero a tratti spaventato dalla loro presenza, come se dovessero punirmi per rendere giustizia. Le api mi ronzavano...
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    Retro games

    I realize it's a waste of time, but some games seem to be a creative outlet. The bad part is that creativity is limited by the limitations of the game itself, and basically any progress I make stays in the game and is itself useless. How could I express my creativity? Advice?
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    Donation Competitions Idea

    Yes, crowdfunding.
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    Donation Competitions Idea

    The first post was just an idea, and it's probably wrong. I explain my second idea, then. (example) JoS wants to reach a donation record for April. When the event ends the total donations will be counted, no leaderboard, just the total number of donations collected. Maybe as preparation for a...
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    Donation Competitions Idea

    The idea is that in one period of the year we collect donations in a more concentrated way. Do you prefer to do a collective competition? It's just a way to get donations, I'm not interested in proving that I "have the biggest dick". It is an idea, as such it is modifiable. You should be more...
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    Donation Competitions Idea

    I was thinking of an annual event, basically at the most appropriate astrological moment we do (example) 7 days of wealth and prosperity rituals and also other rituals focused on wealth. During the second part of the rituals (for example the last 4-5 days) we open the donation competitions, and...
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    I will go to the mountain today with the intention of disconnecting from the world and getting closer to the gods.

    All you need to get in touch with the Gods is your mind, and therefore you can communicate at any time and in any place. But your idea shouldn't be underestimated, it can turn out to be a beautiful experience that brings inspiration. Make sure they haven't fought wars or anything in these...
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    How long to achieve Godhead

    It can be variable, many factors must be considered. But in the future it will be much easier and faster, I mean when the world is free and at a higher level of vibration.
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    Can i get a demon as a sexual partner?

    When you are physically together and you have achieved godhood and immortality, then you can have children. Having a Demon Lover does not mean giving up having children. You can also consider adopting a child, there's nothing wrong with that. Make sure it has a male and a female reference...
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    Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

    One thing can be astrology, there are only methods to interpret planets in signs or aspects to people. It would be nice to have them for other things too, like business, sports, warfare, and more.
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    Year 0

    What year is it exactly? Counting the years since the alleged and false birth of "jesus" seems extremely wrong to me. Are we in the year 2798? According to the Greek calendar, yes. But I wonder what's the point of counting the years from the first Olympics, what's the point? What year is it...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Grazie infinite! Le tue interpretazioni si rivelano sempre molto veritiere, vedrò come procedere.
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    Question for Experienced Meditators about Demon Lover

    No, your Demon Lover may be your guide, but your Guardian Demon is something more different and profound, probably the best example you have to perfect yourself. It is also not possible to have sexual relations with the high crowns of Hell. In regards to this, I wonder if it's possible to have...
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    How to stop being needy forever.

    It depends, in my case I've had a lot of bad luck in relationships, primarily due to the inability to find a partner. But this choice has brought me the greatest joys, even if I feel pain for not physically having her here with me, but this is only temporary. There are many other reasons why I...
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    Question about ka'ba

    I read in a book that the jewish imposter mohammed eliminated the idols from the ka'ba, so logically the ka'ba was originally a pagan/gentile element? I don't know how reliable this information is, having read it in a history book. Does anyone know more?
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho fatto questo sogno dove c'era questo gruppo di persone che sgozzavano dei cani, come per ridurne la popolazione, c'erano anche dei gatti, ma quelli non gli hanno toccati. Sempre in questo posto c'era una ragazza che ci provava spudoratamente con me e mi voleva, io sono quindi stato con lei...
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    Google Group for Satan's Friends

    Here are a couple of good reasons why you shouldn't expose yourself physically or in public places online. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles This is a small example, according to wikipedia we are opponents of this sick and murderous jewish cult, now look at their allies...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Io ho avuto l'impressione di dover meditare più profondamente, magari in trance. Forse è il modo migliore per gestire le energie di nettuno. Aspetto comunque il significato, sono sicuro che ci siano preziosi consigli.
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    Caput Algol

    Does anyone know what is the mystical meaning of the star Caput Algol? A hebrew element called "rosh ha satan" which means "head of Satan" was mentioned on wikipedia. muslims also have something similar. There was also a related article about Perseus. Could someone knowledgeable explain the...
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    How to stop being needy forever.

    Same thing happened to me, maybe an emotional relationship with a Demoness can be a good idea.
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    Consecrate ritual tools

    I have read on JoS the procedure for consecrating an instrument and I understand quite well how to do it. But I have a question, what element does the cloak belong to? Knowing the element, in what period should I do the ritual (besides the full moon)?
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Qual'è il significato di sognare droghe, o di farsi di droghe?
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    Ritual cloak ideas

    I wanted to ask about the ritual cloak. I was fascinated by the taled (jewish ritual cloak) for its accuracy and allegorical structure and for all its energetic functions. And so I thought of a ritual cloak similar to the taled but without the hebrew references but with the addition of the...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Grazie mille di nuovo, per caso hai tempo per un'altro sogno, oppure ti disturbo?
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    I confess I have hidden this truth my whole life.

    I have no idea where you got this stuff from, but in the exodus it doesn't say Satan is God. It is written that you should not name the names of other Gods, the next verse says that you must praise "the lord" three times a year. There is no trace of what you said. What version of the bible did...
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    I confess I have hidden this truth my whole life.

    Literally all modern high school history books say that xianity stole the philosophical doctrines of ancient Greece in an attempt to "correct" earlier doctrines. xianity is an ultra cuck slave cult, centered around yeoshua and the jews. However, you have a strange name, jah (jehovah) + bulon...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di essere attaccato da due orsi bruni per strada, in un posto dove è impossibile trovarne. Mi stava per attaccare, ma dopo che ho pronunciato il nome di Satana, lui si è fermato. Sono scappato, ad un certo punto riesce a mordermi la mano sinistra, non tanto forte, visto che neanche...
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    Invocation to Satan

  48. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    https://www.josita.org/X%20DEMONI/DEMONI%20E%20PROBLEMI.html Dovrai fare un rituale in cui chiedi a Satana di parlare e fare una proposta ad un Dio/Dea. Evocazione o Invocazione.
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    Invocation to Satan

    Can Someone provide me the invocation to Satan, written in Latin and in ancient Greek? As correct as possible.
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    How do you get a succubus?

    Can you ask something more precise?
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    Jew Baruch Explains Jewish Superiority

    So said the jew who never owned anything of his own and who stole everything. So said the jew who brags only about the thefts of his racial cousins. So said the jew with a load of over 50 genetic diseases, whose fate is only death, both in victory and defeat. I don’t see what you can brag...
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    How do you get a succubus?

    Ignore that site, it says nothing but blasphemous nonsense. First of all, I’m telling you that you can’t summon Lilith, but the best you can do is she shows up, and you won’t need to talk to her about the ritual. For the ritual follow the link they sent you, and avoid any information outside of...
  53. O

    L'onestà e il rispetto prima di tutto nel rapporto con Satana e i Demoni

    Sono d'accordo con il discorso, ma eviterei di sprecare energie per procurarmi una birra.
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    La mia ascesa di Kundalini

    Vorrei comunque ricordarti che le tecniche ebraiche sono contro-natura, ma in questo caso se il libro è scritto bene può dare quella spinta in più, nella misura in cui il mondo segue quel libro. Ho sempre voluto scrivere un libro del genere, ma sarebbe incompleto in quanto non sono arrivato...
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    Wall of Shame ideas

    The first time I saw you I thought about this, I was hoping you would also create "GoyVeyIII", the opportunity to show the meme would be served on a silver dish.
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    A Dream

    The most disturbing part was that of the gray chariot, similar to that of Apollo, it seemed to emphasize "their power", of course it was more of an idea as they are now weaker than ever. But I would not consider it an attack, this experience reminded me of the reptilian origins of the Jewish...
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    RTR Schedule - Oct 6 to Oct 15 [Yom Kippur Counterattack] - [Schedule Finished]

    Global affairs appear to have less protection and weaker resistance. I am obviously referring in spiritual terms
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    A Dream

    In this dream there is an image of a human being but in the shape of gray, which is falsely attributed to cleopatra by a voiceover. The situation becomes more annoying because gray statuettes start to appear, then a wagon appeared with the front in the shape of a gray head (which was the most...
  59. O

    Ho trovato questo

    https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beleth Ho trovato questo, sembra abbastanza insolito per wikipedia. Per caso è opera nostra?
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    Demons in Love

    I know the real name and even if I wanted to, I could not tell it to any living being and I could not write it down anywhere. In some cases names can be more than one and there can also be variants of each name. The reason is simple, imagine what happens if her name is revealed, it could start...
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    Demons in Love

    Hi, it's me again Verità, glad to hear you enjoyed it. There are only simple words in the text, I think there are no words in our current languages to describe how beautiful and wonderful an emotional relationship with a demon is. Online it's all crap, they either talk about filthy jewish...
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    About Extramarital sex

    Satanic marriage is similar to a dedication in importance, if the marriage is monogamous then you cannot have other partners, if it is open then you can. The freedom of the individual remains sovereign, but breaking a covenant will still have its negative consequences, but you still remain free...
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    About "moses"

    I was on the forum yesterday and read a short comment by HPHC about writing the bible. So out of my curiosity I opened a pdf of the book of genesis to see if it would be easy to change the meanings or the story. At one point I scrolled with my finger at random and stopped at a point and read...
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    A year has past._.._

    Great keep up the good work!
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    Sadly currently under severe attack from a group of jews and christians still

    Reread the title and answer yourself. Do you want to quit? Do it then, no one will treat you. Probably the protection of the Gods was the only thing that prevented your enemies from killing you or worse. I wonder if you will die on your knees before them or die with pride, or maybe in the best...
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    Christianity diminishing in US

    But does it have to be modified slightly or profoundly? Does it have to become a pro-Satanism book by literally rewriting the entire bible, or does it only need to remove the meaning and also what empowers the enemy, making it a book without meaning and power.
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    question about wife/partner

    You asked for advice on how to look more decent when naked and then asked for advice on how to satisfy our partners. What do you care?
  68. O


    I couldn't wait to get involved! SIEG HEIL!!!
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    question about wife/partner

    I have always considered shorts to be not very elegant, at best to be worn at home, at the beach/pool or for a sport. I personally avoid jeans because I consider them to be poor clothes, just look at its origins. I wanted to put these two points to you, what do you think?
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    Discorse generale sulle donne

    Infatti solitamente non invio energie negative contro altri Gentili in quanto sarebbe contro producente, ma mi schifano ugualmente.
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    on "praying" to demons.

    If you feel attracted to any particular Gods try talking to them, there must be a reason if you feel attraction.
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    Reverse Soul Dedication

    You can simply walk away, there are no reverse rituals. It will most likely lead you to confusion, it would be wiser to take charge of your own life instead of leaving it to 'fate'.
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    question about wife/partner

    What do you care about other people's partners? You don't stand a chance. To look good you just have to work out and stay clean and groomed.
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    Sadly currently under severe attack from a group of jews and christians still

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10979&p=316198&hilit=How+To+Free+Your+Soul+From+Enemy+Influences#p316198 This will help you free yourself, do it on all the chakras and the soul. For the jews don't worry, they always look at the Gentiles as if they were aliens, just ignore...
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    Discorse generale sulle donne

    Basta guardare noi SS che combattiamo quotidianamente per il futuro, oppure tutti i veri soldati delle SS nella WW2, oppure un'altro esempio che mi piace prendere è la battaglia delle termopili. Sono esempi abbastanza buoni di sacrificio per la libertà, in generale i bianchi ma specialmente gli...
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    The "Exploding Head" Phenomenon, Sleep Problems - Self-doubt And Its Treatment

    I don't know if you have already seen, but I wrote to you on protonmail.
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    Discorse generale sulle donne

    Ah. Ora si spiegano i vari errori, mi sembrava letteralmente di non aver letto questa parte rel messaggio.
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    Queen Elizabeth is a druid priestess

    Hanging is too quick, these abominations deserve worse, don't you think?
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    Discorse generale sulle donne

    Ci si può ricredere, basta guardare chi ha un'amante dei Demoni, comunque basta solo avere la giusta connessione con qualcuno di compatibile astrologicamente per vedere il proprio partner come meraviglioso e bellissimo. La cosidetta libertà viene percepita solo come l'occasione per essere una...
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    Don't No Fap, Go Fap

    No fap is quite unhealthy, I am at a level where I experience homicidal feelings if I don't masturbate for a prolonged time. At least once a day to reduce stress and relax, sometimes I skip a day, but it's becoming quite rare. Sometimes I get to 2-3 but only out of pure lust, in fact the...
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    The "Exploding Head" Phenomenon, Sleep Problems - Self-doubt And Its Treatment

    And why would you? You are such a beautiful soul, it would have been a great waste. Then you would not solve the problems in this way, on the contrary you would make the situation worse and you would face more difficulties in the next life. Many times suicide is idealised (Nakedpluto's comment...
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    White People Banned from Common Areas?

    How can we do 100 times more? It doesn't feel good to get glory for only making ineffective symbolic gestures, so how can we make up for it? Should we wait for more efficient rituals? In terms of FRTR, it is not possible to do 100 times more, perhaps by doing FRTR non-stop all day.
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    Sadly currently under severe attack from a group of jews and christians still

    Do the power rituals of the Gods. Do that of Satan, Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel. You must direct the energies and focus them on their meeting place, or if in doubt on the whole neighbourhood and city. The qlipoth is based on cursing the Gods, but also in general those who practise enemy...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
