The content of the video is horrible and disgusting, but this video is great in its own way.
The issue about women is very present in today's society, this video will piss off a lot of people and send them against jews, who are the only and true perpetrators of all social unrest, present and past.
We also connect the verse in the new testament where it says that "jesus did not come to earth to change the jewish message."
Thus we also attack xianism.
I can imagine how disgusting it is to create these videos and replay those speeches over and over again, but if you can create more videos, even more elaborate ones that include more information besides the speech of a couple of rabbis, do it.
Something like "exit the jewtrix," but focused on women, analyzing every jewish action against women, from judaism itself, to xianism, Islam, feminism and more.
Such a video needs to go viral, but for now I will share this one you linked.