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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4883: Humanity Endgame, fear of success, fear of peace

    This is going to be a messy and long post with some questions. I apologise in advance if it's hard to read. It seems that the jewish globalists and their puppets are slowly losing their grasp on this world, and a new order will come along. Not the jewish new world order, but rather an order...
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4882: Sun square during pregnancy

    Hi. Can I do sun square during pregnancy or any other meditation to get energy? anything that can make me physically stronger Had a miscarriage before , any precautions for that
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4880: Slavery in the Golden Age?

    Hi, I have a question about the Golden Age, and that is that I have heard and read that supposedly there were slaves. Don't get me wrong, I perfectly understand the Truth, I love being in the satanism and I did the dedication ritual 3 years ago; but I have doubts about the main subject. So...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4879: Why did I growl like an animal during meditation and rip my poster?

    When I was meditating the other day I started to growl like an animal. I also happen to have a picture of durga on the wall and while I was growling I went over to it and ripped it while in this deep meditative state and went back to meditating afterwards.
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4878: Feeling disgusted and dirty after watching porn

    I know that porn is bad but sometimes (very rarely) I watch it and then feel disgusted and dirty. It has always been this way even when I was clueless about the damages of porn. Now It's a feeling that can last all day long. Why do we feel like this? Even if I meditate and clean my aura I still...
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4877: Can my Root Chakra be blocked?

    I know that the Root Chakra is one, that is normally open for everyone, because without it people couldn't be alive. Though, I've wondered if it's possible to have a partially blocked Root Chakra, or one which malfunctions. I don't know the correct term, not a native speaker but hope it comes...
  7. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4876: Xtains claiming this

    I have seen these so-called born-again Christians dance speak in tongues say they were overpowered and felt the Holy Spirit. What are they feeling? Is it gray aliens? I know some of them are full of shit, but some of them I know and believe because I’ve witnessed it. So what are they tapping...
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4875: Square's question

    Did you ever failed a square but it still manifested? I wonder what happens if one does a square but maybe does something wrong half way or near the end.
  9. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4874: What is this sharp pain/pressure I feel between the back of my neck and head during meditation? Is it Kundalini? What should I do abou

    Hey JOS forum I feel a sharp pain/pressure pushing upwards against the back of my neck and head. Sometimes I can feel it in my throat pushing against my adam's apple up as well. This happens only when I meditate and sometimes lingers after I meditate.
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4873: Why I only see in one color the aura of all?

    I been cuestion me for a cetain time that to me and i had tried whit different objects and persons but I can only see green aura and sometimes blue in what I see , I don't know what hapens to me
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4872: Pressure in the Third Eye

    Hello, Since I performed the Third Eye opening about a year and a half ago I have been feeling the pressure constantly and I don't know when it will go away. Please, I would like you to suggest what I can do as this pressure is a distractor for me. Thank you in advance. Have a nice day.
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4871: love hurts so much

    How to forgive yourself? I let someone disrespect me because I loved them
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4870: Quitting nicotine

    All I want to do is sleep! Is this normal? I feel unable to focus as well. How long does this last and is it really worth it?
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4869: Difficult case. Excessive sexual drive and fantasies.

    I have a problem with excessive drive and fantasies. I know it's harmful. I would also like to have intercourse, I can, but something is stopping me. I'm trying to fight it all, but it works very slowly. What job should I start to break this cycle?
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4868: After the mantra, my head shoots electric shock,An injection in the head

    I started to make a program and after I made a vibration in the lunar chakra, I lay down and felt an injection in my head, is this normal?
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4867: Xians and Satanists

    Should we always support someone who says they're a Satanist and be against xians regardless of their beliefs? I feel I have more in common with dissident right-wing xians who know the truth about jews and are against mass immigration and globalism than with the Satanic Temple and the average...
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4866: About nicknames and feelings good after a trance.

    Hello. 1) Is it normal to use my flaw as a nickname or surname? In my case, the word is "lame". 2) Quite often after I meditate in a deep trance, I feel much better (my joints, which, by the way, are why I limp, and my lower back work better). Also, my temperature is usually slightly (a...
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4865: Help interpreting a dream

    I dreamt that I summoned a Daemon and it appeared to me, its name was Dzilil or zihil something like that, I don't remember exactly He appeared with a purple aura (I believe it was ether), he was very similar to the guardian lions of the temple of astarte, except he was smaller and had wings...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4864: PhD research topic

    I’m done MA Business & Marketing and now I’m trying to pursue PhD but I don’t know which field do I want to go in. I can make myself interested in every field. So could anyone please give me topics for research ? In all fields. That is worth researching for
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4861: What does Satan think of Christians

    What does Satan think of those zealot Christians who are day and night thumping Bible and who believe "Jesus is coming soon ..So all of you should repent of all sins and if u don't repent ,u will go to hell " How would Satan save such brainwashed Christians
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4857: what does satanism say on womanisers

    Question #4862: Doubt about certain men Certain men pretend to love a woman and then after using such women throw them out and go for other women to do the same rotten thing.Are our gods happy with such men ?Should not such sick men be punished ?
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4860: About fatal familial insomnia.

    Hello. The question is asked purely out of curiosity! Hail Father Satan, I don’t get sick like this (and I REALLY hope I never get sick). They say that this disease is incurable. Is it possible to cure it by cleansing and strengthening the crown chakra? And how quickly could it be cured...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4859: Mars square for a sexual relationship?

    Can it be used like this? Not for love just sex with someone compatible.
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4858: which chakra rules teeth

    which planet and chakra rules teeth? My front tooth is paining a lot since few days ,,what spiritual working do i need to do to heal from it?
  25. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4857: what does satanism say on womanisers

    is satanism in favour of men who just uses women for pleasure but pretending to love them and use them and throw them..Because maxine says all sex is fine in satanism -homo,hetero,bi,etc etc ..So does that mean a man can just pretend to a woman that he loves her and then use her and throw her...
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4856: Selfishness regarding the Gods

    Due to cynicism, doubts, or simply disinterest, I can honestly confess that I do not really care about the Gods, at least not as much as I'm supposed to. I am interested in the occult in order to accomplish my goals while using magic and spirituality in the process. Moreover, I do not think the...
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4855: respect is it earned or given by force

    as the question says is respect truly earned or just given since people keep saying "respect your elders" "my culture is entitled to respect simply for existing" and many of these people openly hate other cultures and countries or people weaker than them such as children or Women! as far is i'm...
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4854: My polyamorous boyfriend

    My boyfriend claims he loves me,but also says he wants to have sex with other women .This is hurting me as I believe in loyalty and monogamous and commitment till death .Is there any ritual or magical spell that can change his mind so that he sticks only with me and becomes loyal only to me
  29. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4853: [Safety] السلامة

    أنا أخاف من الآلهة ولا أريد أن اتعرض لأذى من أي آلهة أنا الى الآن مسلم لكني لا أريد لسيدي ابليس أن يغضب علي اريد ان ارضيه كيف استطيع ارضاءه انا من سوريا اعيش في مصر في دهب [I am afraid of the gods and I don't want to be harmed by any gods I am still a Muslim but I don't want my master Iblis to...
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4852: If I'm weak

    Promised not to use drugs anymore - used. Promised to go to work if there was something suitable - didn't go. (just couldn't bring myself to do it after realizing what it was like) And a lot of other little things that reflect the weakness of my personality. (Sometimes I even have thoughts...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4851: Motivation

    What do you guys recommend for motivation. There is a lot of things that I would like to do but can't because of procrastination.
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4849: The Root Chakra

    I am numb down there, I feel nothing. And I also have sciatic pain up and down my right leg feels like needles. Stabbing all over.☹️ And I can't sit for very long in meditation because of it.
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4848: Jera

    Jupiter cannot be used as a square because it is in gemini fight now, does a jupiter related rune like jera affected by this placement?
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4847: 2 questions.connection to someone

    1.first question,What can I do if I want to attract a certain thing like friends or a lover but I don't know who they are how can I connect to them 2. Second question is,What if I didn't want to involve the god's in a spell, what should I do, should I invoke or involve elements etc to connect a...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4846: exorcism

    Do God rituals help with exorcisms if so what god should one turn to I'm only asking as a question I'm not possessed but would love to fight back if ever needed or future generations need be
  36. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4845: magic for my skin

    I lost the Venus square and it will take a few months before I can do it again (I saw it on the map) any magic for skin? It's giving me a lot of acne and I don't understand why. My routine is the same, the only problem is that I had a break up less than a month ago and that even affected my...
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4844: Devolution

    I feel like I’m going through consistent degeneration. I’m eating like shit and gaining more weight everyday because of binge eating I feel like I’m getting uglier every day I’m losing hair and balding even though I had such good hair, I feel like my chin is receeding. Everyday I feel like...
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4843: Medicine and Satanism, how to manage it?

    I say this because nowadays the vast majority of medicines have side effects, they give you a solution and in return you get 3 more problems, I was taking isotretinoin (acne medicine) at a very low dose, and even so I had numerous side effects, dry eyes, muscle pain, etc. besides I felt that...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4842: Finding love in a world full of tragedy.

    So for the last week or so my entire world has changed, in the realm of being a SS. I believe I may have found someone from my past life and it's really hitting off. The way I looked them in the eyes filled me full of emotions while giving me pure tunnel vision with all the clarity. Does anyone...
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4841: Specificity of racial compatibility based on phenotype and not background

    Can a person who is of a similar admixture start a relationship with someone who shares the same admixture but not necessarily from the same location? For example, someone who is European + Asian, such as a Japanese or Filipino person, mixing with a North East Indian person - who basically...
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4840: High Priest Hoodedcobra

    Is High Priest Cobra an incarnation of someone important in the past?
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4839: cursed, need help

    Hello, so i might be cursed by my (btw jewish) boss. i have no finished education, so i feel trapped in this job. every time there is a big event/income to the leadership in my workplace someone from my famy dies or i get sick. idk how it connects but its very suspicious. maybe they are sucking...
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4838: About the hand chakras

    Hey everyone, quick question. Today I am opening my 7th chakra, after that I will be going on to the 8th and 9th. I saw that the hand chakras are coming next on the warface program, but in order to open them, you have to go into a trance. I haven’t done that before due to me focusing on other...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4838: About the hand chakras

    Hey everyone, quick question. Today I am opening my 7th chakra, after that I will be going on to the 8th and 9th. I saw that the hand chakras are coming next on the warface program, but in order to open them, you have to go into a trance. I haven’t done that before due to me focusing on other...
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4837: A Question about Transiting Jupiter contacting the Chart Ruler

    If Jupiter is currently making an aspect to my Natal chart ruler, will I have positive effects from this? Or does this only apply whenever Jupiter goes retrograde and contacts the chart ruler? Also if transiting Jupiter is moving through a natal house like my 5th house will I feel the effects of...
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4836: What happens if we use different colors for the protection aura?

    I didn't want to start a new thread for this, but I have no idea how to put it in the other thread. For example, as the other person said, how about using purple with Berkano, Tyr and Thurisaz? It has been said that blue can be useful for protection. Would changing the colors we use for...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4835: Canaanite religion and yhwh

    hi everyone, my question concerns Canaanite paganism, I state that I don't want to bring misinformation, however why is the cult of yhwh found in their religion if it is only an egregore and if the Canaanites were Gentiles? the jews would never use a name of a pagan or sacred god for gentiles...
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4834: Obsession

    Hello. I have a lot of scorpio placements in my chart. My ascendant is also scorpio. Unfortunately, I am a very obsessive person, I never stop until I know what I am curious about. This can go as far as not caring about people's privacy. I don't do it for malice or blackmail, I just want to...
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4833: Jewish sense of humor?

    Jokes about other people. Especially when it comes to comedy, how they always make slams on us people and insults What they find humorous when it's not normal. To laugh at.
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4832: How to get rid of koran

    what's the best way to annihilate the koran? It's from my middle school times, they were teaching us reading and writing arabic even it's a non-religious school. So i had to buy a koran, but after i've done with it, one year later, we put that thing in a drawer and didn't care about it since...
  51. AskSatanOperator

    templo astral [astral temple]

    olá, gostaria de pedir a ajuda me tirando uma dúvida sobre o templo astral, aqui no artigo da nossa comunidade diz que ele precisa ser consagrado, que convém pedir a Satã para que ele consagre o nosso templo, alguém sabe me dizer como fazer isso? [Hello, I would like to ask you to help me with...
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4830: Did Jesus exist? Historical Jesus

    I've always believed not, and I've even refuted several Christians. The myth of Jesus arose in the library of Alexandria and was supposed to be a concept/symbol, a reproduction of 20 pagan gods, and somehow, after the destruction of the library, people began to spread a Christianity I used...
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4813: Racial Compatibility Between Arabs/Middle East

    Is it a problem if, for example, a North Indian and a Dravidian person were to get together? Technically, they are both Indian and share the same "Desi" racial knowledge, and so, how does one know in the case of Pakistani's and Arabs? Is it really as superficial as "we look similar"? For...
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4828: Sun square affirmation

    would this work? "This energy of the sun is now and permanently enhancing and increasing my magickal powers in the best way possible for me"
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4827: Pluto Second house current transit

    Hi togeather, i have a question regaurding pluto in the 2nd house, since il have this transit for the next 10+ years. Is this a aspect that prevents you from financial gain? Since i have a apartment that im trying to sell/rent but every time i come near to concluding a job something stupid...
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4826: is it possible to read the Bible and disassemble it into spiritual allegories stolen

    is it possible to read the Bible and disassemble it into spiritual allegories stolen
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4825: Sketchy jos freind

    I joined the jos in 2019 and in the summer of 2020 I discovered a freind from the jos he's the exact same age as me but he acts like a shady stalker scammer guy he claims he's lord of this alien race called the katherzars and that he will liberate me from my troubles when we fight yahweh and one...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4824: What is the significance of 13 and 4?

    I read that these are Satan’s numbers. What’s the reason? Please forgive my ignorance, I’m still learning.
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4823: Third Eye Buzzing

    My third eye has been irritating me for three days now. This has happened several times in the last 12 months. It comes and goes. It feels intentional, as if to make me aware of something. I want it to stop. I gave up on the path a long time ago. My third eye shouldn't be active anymore. I don't...
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4822: Rtr and jewish

    I suspected my friend was Jewish and sent negative energy to him while doing RTR. My goal was for him to get hurt, but I got sick. Did it backfire?
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4821: Cousin has Jewish partner

    I went to visit with my male cousin & his partner. Our visit went well, his partner is ill and has lost her hair. We were all having a conversation about religions & spiritual things & she mentioned her ... background? Heritage? Whatever you'd call being Jewish. But she doesn't practice. She...
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4820: Can dark energy be used to build the AOP?

    Since the beginning, I've used white-gold energy to build my AOP, as taught by Maxine, and I also combine the runes ALGIZ, SOWILO and THURISAZ to make the AOP even stronger. But a while ago, I had the idea of increasing my protection by creating a fire elemental as a servant to help protect me...
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4819: remove negative energy

    I have a theory I want to try what mantras can I use (EXTERNALLY)to remove enemy programing from something or someone - it has to be an external mantra
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4818: Acne at the age of 16

    Hello, I'm 16 years old (guy) and I have a mild acne. I actually lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly 7-8h of sleep, take vitamin d, omega 3 and ashwagandha and exercise. I also do some yoga exercises in the morning or evening (depends on the day) and of course, meditate (aura cleansing, chakra...
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4817: Problem with the neighbor

    Although I warned our neighbor 3 times, they continue to disturb us. I am constantly restless in my own house. Sometimes I can't even sleep at night because of the neighbor. There is no solution in our country with the police or the courts. I am not strong enough to cast a spell myself because I...
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4816: Spanking?

    Isn't Spanking a forum of Sex abuse? Especially when.. it has to do with the hand being next to the genitals down there? Even if the power of the beating is on the cheeks of the buttocks.
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4815: Satanic Icons

    How would Lord Satan feel about me making icons of him and his demons? Is this tradition originating in xianity?
  68. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4814: Is this an attack?

    When I was much younger I was forced to go to the Catholic church and I hated everything about it and it was at a time when I was starting to enter puberty so I had a lot of that sexual thing, you know? discovering myself, what I liked or didn't like...etc. and I hated all that so I imagined...
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4813: Racial Compatibility Between Arabs/Middle East

    I'm Pakistani, but everyone thinks I'm Middle Eastern. Am I racially compatible with Middle Eastern women?
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4812: Is my girlfriend a jew?

    I have a question about my girlfriend she is very nice and everything so I didn’t suspect anything or think she is Jewish but the thing is she sort of looks middle eastern a bit even though she’s supposed to be white only. So I’m a little concerned if that is an indication of a white Jew? She...
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4811: I think it's impossible

    ok this might seem a little complicated. I saw a very handsome man riding a motorcycle in my city, I don't know his name, where he's from or anything like that, but I was very enchanted by him. How do I "get" him? create some situation where he appears to me again and talks to me? It's been a...
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4810: dreaming with demons

    I dreamed of a very beautiful woman, pale with long black hair and somewhat gothic clothes. She was always with me and told other people that she was my guardian, but I already know who my GD is. I read a while ago that GDs can be changed but I believe they are in certain situations and I also...
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4809: Why is negativity more powerful than positivity?

    For example, an oath for love from a past life which binds you is more powerful than a money working you did for 40 days. The love oath which is harmful when unbroken for the next lifetimes stays while the money working is not enough to stay even for one lifetime, you have to repeat it. Same...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4808: Moving to a new OS

    I plan to move from windows 10 to windows 11. But before i take action, is it really wise that I move to windows 11? Should I consider other options?
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4807: Lack of air during Kundalini Yoga

    When I breathe quickly, I start to lack oxygen and I start yawning
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4806: Mixed relationship

    i am black, i met a girl who is mixed white & black. her mother is white - will it damage either of us to start a relationship? is this a bad idea for an SS?
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4805: Death instead of old age

    I do not wish to know old age, I am ready to accept even early death, ruin, accident. Anything but a slow and painful old age. Is it possible to address Satan and Demons with such a request? Will they be able to grant an easy and quick departure from life, at the moment when the body can no...
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4804: Patron Gods/goddesses of videogames

    Hi, I always wondered if there is a god/entity patron of videogames. I asked in many sources, I even asked this to an AI, but no luck :/ I am aware my question may be silly, but I know there are patron gods who rule a subject/aspect of life/profession (agriculture, gambling, women) and...
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4803: I'm fed up

    I came too this website with a genuine respectful interest of satan I was loyal did my rtrs did my part and even embarrassed myself defending Satan too my community and in awkward social situations and I have been helplessly victimized with no hope of relief or justice and I would just like too...
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4802: What can I do to get rid of shyness

    looking for things i can do to help me to stop being shy. i am introverted to the point that it is starting to effect my relationships in real life, and some days i struggle with coming out of my room. What can i do to help with this.
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4801: I want Belial back

    Can I have him?
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4800: I want to be able to talk to this person

    How to appear in someone's dream? and the dream is the only place I would get
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4799: Am I jewish?

    I've been doing meditations and yoga for couple of years and I feel significantly better after meditations. I did RTRs hundreds of times too. Because of my middle eastern ancestry, sometimes I am having thoughts like "What if one of my distant ancestors was jewish? or what if a jew secretly...
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4798: square visualization

    Can I change the visualization of the square affirmation, or is my square ruined? is it that important? ( I changed the colour, that's all i changed in the visualisation while i am affirming the affirmation)
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4796: Cabalistic square of jupiter

    Would it help to do a cabalistic square of jupiter to correct the effects of retro jupiter in my birth chart? Which one should I do and what kind of affirmation should I use?
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4795: Saturn and exercising

    I'm 33. I have Saturn in the 6th House, in Aquarius. For all my life, whenever I've started working out, something health-related has started that prevented me from doing so. Right now, I have issues with both feet. The problem will go away in time but has currently disabled me from even going...
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4794: Pingala

    How to stimulate Pingala? I always have a blocked right nostril and in general I always feel “Lunar”, I would like to be more active, awake and in balance, is there any specific work to strengthen and balance specifically the right channel? I do Sun-Lunar breathing, but sometimes it is...
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4792: Mercury Square for Intellect

    I was thinking of a potential affirmation for a Mercury Square: "In a positive and happy way for me , all my intellectual abilities, including my memory, are becoming expanded and strengthened." Mercury in Gemini is coming around June 3rd in my area and I wonder if the material square and...
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4746: Past life. How to find out?

    Okay, then tell me please - where is from this my fear? Maybe, someone is killed me when I slept? Or something other? I think, the something other, because I was afraid that I feel asleep and... Suffocate? Or just won't wake up? It was a long time ago - I'm already forgot. But my fears were...
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4790: The jew

    What will happen if some jew will love Satan I mean like what Satan will do ?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4789: I don't know what to do

    I'm spending every day alone in my life, I still haven't found a job to occupy my time, I don't have friends and sometimes that's boring, I wake up and do things over and over again. ( the same things everyday) No matter what I do, I try to change something in my routine, it ends up becoming...
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4788: tarot

    Does a tarot card (any card) if turned upside down change the meaning? Or is this a new age thing?
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4787: Pregnancy

    Hi. What meditations can I do during first months of pregnancy and later ? My legs (calfs) ache all the time and cannot stand more than 5 mins. What vitamins should I take ? Doctor has not yet prescribed me vitamins ? I had a miscarriage last year and it has made me internally weak. That’s why...
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4786: Isn't Food Satanic and Spiritual too?

    Considering that the Gods talk about feast and celebrations Heath and abundance.
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4785: Stye Remedy HEALTH

    Does anyone know of a stye treatment that has worked for them or prevention advice? It seems I get them every time my skin barrier becomes impaired by baseboard heating and fans, possibly making the air dry and dirty . I have done warm moist compresses often with some eurythmycin ophthalmic...
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4784: Problems with Anger

    Hello brothers and sisters Over the years I have realized that certain emotions, whether extreme or prolonged, can affect our body. I have a particular problem with anger. Is anger an unhealthy emotion? Does being emotionally balanced and peaceful mean suppressing excessive emotions? How can I...
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4783: Tarot and ritual of the Gods

    1. How can I use the tarot to find out about my past life? What kind of questions can I ask? 2. Is it possible to use the tarot to talk to a God? For example, do I invoke Amon and play the tarot at the same time, like this? 3. What spiritual care should I take with the tarot? 4. Maxine said...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4782: What should you do if you've race mixed prior to finding spiritual satanism?

    is this damag permanent and what can u do to fix it? if it's possible. will there be some permanent damage forever?
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4781: talisman's

    Look I understand talismans get a bad rap from the seals of Solomon, an it turns people away,but they can be used for testing mantras out, i-ching for instance one could test it out an have energy show you some signs you succeed look, I know someone have external an others it's otherwise, but...
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Is this image apropriate

    You will heal. I have a family member who had a similar problem with the intestine from the seat belt during a car crash and had the same surgery. You might have to be careful about what kinds of food you eat. But you will heal fine.
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4779: Can I redo my dedication ritual?

    I recently became a Spiritual Satanist, but when I did the dedication thing, I used a pink candle instead and sort of did everything right, but in the wrong way because if strict parents. Am I able to redo my dedication ritual so it's more proper for Satan?
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4778: Trans and Gender Dysphoria

    Are there any legitimate reasons for gender dysphoria and/or being trans? Not the typical brain-mush modern form, but of a healthy and natural existence - from a karmic perspective. I am not talking about homosexuality, but specifically transgenderism irrespective of sexual orientation. I'd...
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4777: Rituals of the Gods

    At the end of the rituals, when we finish vibrating the runes, the names of the gods follow, should they be vibrated as runes or only read?
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4776: Hollywood

    I always wanted to be famous and it's in my chart, I couldn't see deeper because I'm not very good with astrology. I would like to be a famous actress in Hollywood but it is run by Jews, I don't know if one day I will be a famous actress, should I give up? Well, I live in a place where it...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4775: File sharing

    Looking for a way to share some PDFs and books. Where I could upload them and then share the link so people can download them. Should be free and encrypted and easy to use. I don't like Mega. It gives only a small amount of storage for free. Thank you.
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4774: Emotional Healing Working by Lydia

    If I do this, will it heal all traumas I have? Even those that I don’t know about?
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4773: Have anyone else seen blue flowers?

    I just remembered an experience I had long years ago, when I was new in Satanism, and just started to meditate for the first time. I deepdived into all of the avaliable things I could find in Satan's library, and read a tremendous amount of pdfs back then, so Satanism and the Gods were in my...
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4772: Магия [Magic]

    Приветствую Братья и Сестры Подскажите какую работу можно сделать для открытия новых денежных каналов!? Спасибо. Слава Богам. [Greetings Brothers and Sisters Can you tell me what work can be done to open new money channels? Thank you. Praise the Gods. ]
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4771: what happens after u activate ur pineal gland

    and how long does it take for most people doing consistent meditation
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4770: Part of Fortune

    I have the Part of Fortune in 1st house... What could be its meaning? In scorpio, scorpio ascendant. Thank you all
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4769: About the minor chakras

    Hello, regarding the chakras after the 7th one. How long should I do the mediations? 2-3 days like I did for the main chakras? I am talking about the hand, feet, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th chakra, clairaudience chakras and astral eyes chakra. And after I have opened these, will I be able...
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4767: reincarnation for xians

    We all know that after we die we reincarnate, but what about Satan's enemies, xians? do they reincarnate too?
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4766: I have a question for Satan

    Can I sell my soul
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4765: The height of my soul.

    Hello. During meditations where I need to go through something (for example, through a door leading to a past life. I’m practicing right now), I have to bend down a lot. Or even kneel down in order, as I wrote in parentheses, to pass through the door. Is this the height of my soul (which...
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4764: Chakra opening

    Hey for many years I was trying to do a full soul opening, but I always end up doing the upper chakras till the crown but when I get to throat and below I always tend to get busy with life, studies, and work. Now a question, can I just do chakra openings starting from root chakra and upwards...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4763: the soul

    if the astral body doesnt have shape according to jos so why its also stated that if i want to astral travel i first get out with my astral hands.. how gods appear to us by all their unique looks on the astral i want to understand the astral how we look when we die
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4756: The trance

    What will happen if I go to the elavtor and than somone will press for me on the floors I will start to inhele and than he will press again and will exhele and than he will press the last button and I will focus on the falling down the elavtor it's good to enter to a trance stete?
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4761: Putin visit to China

    Why is he visiting China ? What’s really going behind the scene ? How is it going to be detrimental to India?
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4753: Can negative feelings get chanelled into square

    I don't think it's that, because it hasn't happened with any of my previous squares
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4759: Curious about Astrology

    I keep reading things that say "if this planet is in rising/falling" position, this planet is in this of this/that house in proportion to some other planet, etc when truth be told I only know a few things about the 12 zodiacs and the planets. I also haven't gotten my birth chart yet as my birth...
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4758: corrupt dedication

    i did a corrupt dedication while beign a teenager and wrote my own things on a paper and didnt get blood at all and then set the paper on fire and had some really bad feeling. i did it because ive seen too many new age material and later when gothered all the info and realized the mistake i made...
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4757: Soul entering Fetus When?

    When does soul enters womb/fetus? Please answer
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4756: The trance

    For example I doing like this I inhele and I think in my head that I stay in the elavtor I exhele and I think that the elavtor is going down after this if I think that the elavtor fall freely without stop it's good to enter to a trance stete?
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4754: How can you tell if your chakras are spinning?

    I have been practicing chakra opening and closing the past three months. And cant figure out if my Shockers are spitting? Or if it's just my heart beating.🤔
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4753: Can negative feelings get chanelled into square

    I've been afraid of being heard doing mantras by my parents, whilst doing squares. Does this negative energy (fear/anxiety) get chanelled into the energy of the vibrations? Because I've been having constant nightmares of being persecuted ever since. And once, streets filled with snakes fearing...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4752: Improved well-being if you don't get enough sleep/disrupted sleep patterns

    Sometimes it happens that I sleep a little less than usual, say 5 or 6 hours, or disrupt my sleep schedule, and I feel just disgusting, periods of too much excitement and a feeling of overflowing energy are replaced by a terrible state. I have experimented with stimulants in the past, at the...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4751: Sacral chakra after sex

    After having sex, my sacral chakra hurt terribly and my whole body started to tingle, why could this be? Is there a problem with my sacral chakra? Thanks for answers
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4750: Martial Arts

    I love Martial Arts, I want to be Martial Artist but death? As a Satanist, should we step into ring with risks of death? Should I keep going on my fighting way or give up? I am always thinking about fighting, I love it but I am afraid of a knee which can break my skull and kills me...
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4749: I get into a state of affect easily.

    Hello. I can get into a state of affect very easily and in general I am VERY easily angered. Regarding the second, sometimes it’s enough just to accidentally push me slightly... Regarding the first - on the 15th, before my eyes, they insulted me in every possible way and accused a person of...
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4748: I am still afraid

    I am going towards the ritual, step by step, learning and reading everything (reading JoS for ~5 months), meditating. Years before I was learning astral projection and having various experiences, I have used pendulum and it felt incredible. But I am still afraid to dedicate myself. I afraid that...
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4746: Past life. How to find out?

    Hello. I have already tried several times to find out my past life. But so far I haven’t achieved anything other than a very realistic view of an opening door, which really scared me (and then, most likely, I just started falling asleep)... Maybe I’m not relaxed enough? Or maybe I just don’t...
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4744: Will the Forces of Hell be mad if I intermarry with Arabs, Indians or other Mulattos?

    Okay, so I'm partially "native american" (well asian really given that there is no such race of "native american"). No, I don't plan on race-mixing with Whites. However, I find myself ultra-attracted to women of the Arab and Indian subraces, as well as other Mulatos like the Hispanic subrace. If...
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4743: How do we know the Gods aren't lying to us?

    Fair disclaimer, I am new. From the perspective of an outsider, what makes this belief special compared to other mainstream options? How do we know we're on the right path exactly? Do we trust someone's judgement? If so, wouldn't that be like christianity but with extra steps and changed...
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4742: Does Lord Azazel have his own day of dedication?

    I see that the Demons and Gods have their own days of being blessed, and doing rituals and etc. I was wondering if the Summer Solstice is Azazel's day, given to his association with Solar energy? I tried searching but couldn't find anything.....assuming that my search attempt was deep enough.
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4741: About the heart chakra and kundalini yoga

    I just got 2 short question: 1. The meditation for opening the heart chakra lasts 3 days. I have started on the first day, but i skipped the second day due to powerful headaches. So my guess will be that I will have to start all over again right? I also think this is going to take a bit longer...
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4740: Does it still count?

    I did a Square, but I wasn't really always concentrating. Some reps I was, some reps I wasn't, and some day's I didn't concentrate at all. I no longer have this problem, but it was my first square, and I want to know if it counted at all. The numerology was correct, and I completed the...
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4739: Dealing with the Energies of Saturn

    Hello everyone, I hope this inquire finds you all well. I was hoping that someone might be able to help me figure out how to deal with the energies of Saturn that have been afflicting me. I wont speak of it's placement but the main problems that I have revolve around self-destructive...
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4738: About Cleansing

    I would like to know how much i need to clean myself spiritually. I was born in an islamic country but i never believed pisslam, my parents either. But i live in a city full of zealot muslims. Besides, im spiritual satanist for years but not dedicated yet. I'm saying these because i wanna know...
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4737: Weird beliefs

    I have a fellow SS friend who was intorduced to a man who claims to be more advanced in spirituality. This man said some weird things I'd like to share and ask about. What my friend has been told by this person, and seemingly started to believe in some of them are: - using runes halt the...
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4736: Masturbation vs sex which feels good

    I am a woman and a beginner in Satanism .I never had sex in my life till now .Just masturbation once a week .Being a woman which feels very good masturbation or sex as I am satisfied with masturbation as I donno about sex ,But for the woman and men who do both masturbation and sex,which orgasm...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4735: Swollen vein in testicle

    Hi everyone, I have a pretty embarrassing problem that I really need help with. I have a condition called a varicocele, a varicose vein in one of my testicles. Basically it's just a swollen vein in there, but it's incredibly painful and becoming increasingly difficult to manage. I've seen and...
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4734: Jewtube is a C-U-Next-Tuesday!

    I know this is a silly post but I wanted to ask if you have experienced this. After responding to a comment YT suddenly doesn't allow me to post comments anymore without a rhyme or reason. In the past I've noticed that even leaving links makes your comment toast as some users' channels choose to...
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4733: Is Satan against tabbo sex

    Is Satan against me having multiple sexual partners in non-commital relationships
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4732: How a Jew looks like

    Hello, I am a Spiritual Satanist. There is an old man who tries to help me but I am worried about is he a Jew or not. How can I understand is he Jew? He is rich and old man. His physical traits: He has white skin, very red face, big ears, white hair, big face and a glasses. But he is 190 cm...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4731: How to cultivate faith

    When envisioning a goal, a scene, an item, a person, anything for a spell, I feel like an impostor, as if I'm deluding myself. The best way to explain it I have figured out is using the placebo effect. Say I am under a placebo, because I do not know the inner workings of said placebo, or because...
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4730: Existence

    I have been SS for years, neither Hindu nor Christian. I said on another thread that I want to disappear directly without reincarnating. And I still think so. I want to free my soul from pleasures, emotions, pleasures and everything else. Like everyone else, I love beautiful things: sunrise...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4729: I'm tired of suffering

    I am suffering immensely. I am persevering on the purification journey. There is a relationship in my life that makes me suffer immensely, I am in a stuck situation, financially and socially. I'm working for the financial aspect. But all the work I do seems, and I stress *seems*, to have an...
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4728: Matrix trilogy

    Hi, if the matrix movie were made by 2 jew brothers why would they make something that hints at the true reality of things
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4727: A question about Yahweh

    Is YAH really a name for JHVH or isn't another stolen name?
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4726: Amaymon

    I could find almost no information about him, I feel a strange attraction to him and I want to know how to call the amaymon.
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4725: Make another person totally blind and deaf. Is this possible?

    Hello. I want to make another person totally blind and deaf. Not kill him - I need him - but to make him blind and deaf. Is this possible? Maybe I can suck all the air element out of this person's soul or apply gray energy with a certain affirmation? Answer please. Thank you.
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4724: My urine has a burning smell

    I meditated in the sun for half an hour, and when I went to the toilet, at first I thought that my stove was burning, but then I found out that it was the smell of my urine after meditation.I'm wondering what exactly my body is cleansing itself of
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4723: White soul trapped in a mixed body

    I have often felt like a white soul in a mixed body. However, I am not mixed race as a result of interracial marriage, but rather a subrace of Indo-Aryan origin. At the same time, I do not match the racial profile or appearance of this subrace, and thus, I do not "fit in" with them either. I...
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4722: 12th house stellium

    hello! my sun, mars and jupiter are all in my 12th house in virgo with conjunction, so what does that exactly mean? is it something good or bad? i read that the 12th house could bring misery so i‘m a bit worried now
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4720: Holocaust

    If the holocaust was a lie how do we have thousands upon thousands of first hand accounts from survivors some still alive now and all of them say that indeed the Germans were extermination them by means of gas chambers firing squads torture malnourished beating etc? Are all those survivor...
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4719: fixed star

    where can I see my exact fixed stars, I can't read the map properly
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4718: Which zodiac sign is suitable for friendship with Pisces

    I need a friend with the earth element ~50% and multitasking. What zodiac sign should a person have? I have fish and I have ~50% fire of the element
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4717: Israelites

    What are Israelites
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4716: Saturn in ascendant

    When Saturn is in your ascendant for the first time ,does it reflect your past life karma ??like if a person meets a severe accident during Saturn in ascendant time ,does it mean your past life karma is getting manifested ?Lets say it a person met a severe abuser during this Saturn in...
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4715: Breathing exercises

    Thoth says "life is in the breath".I am a beginner in spiritual Satanism . It seems manthras and literally any spiritual work have complete power only when one does inhalation and exhalation .My doubt is When doing Breathing exercises ,Do I need to inhale very forcefully or slow passive...
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4714: Meeting people

    Do all the people whom u meet in life for either good or bad ,whether they hurt u or whether they make u happy are all already predestined
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4713: Is it important to know when you were conceived?

    Every time I do my natal chart it asks for the Birthday and time. And also the hour you were conceived? And a lot of people don't even know the moment they were conceived. So how important is it to know ?
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4712: Ideas/more money spells

    I do comprehensive work with money, squares, all variations from the book (Money Spells). Money has appeared, but not much of it. I am facing a moral choice to go to work (having minimized my schedule of meditations and development) or to sit on the neck of my parents for the most part...
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4711: Mentally vibrate the runes

    Is it possible to mentally vibrate runes, vibrate and not pronounce?
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4710: How to understand? Two questions.

    Hello. 1) How to understand that the information received through the astral senses is valid? Indifference, for example, seems to me to be light blue and a little cold to the touch, happiness is a hybrid between orange and yellow, it has... I don’t know how to describe the smell, but it...
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4709: Online activism safe

    I want to start doing online activism but I want to be safe and anonymous I don't want mossad at my doorstep, how do I go about this? Thank you
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4708: Fear

    I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality. Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told...
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4707: For Donations

    I wanna to ask how many donations minimum to donate if using USD and i know using a crypto but i wanna know for accepting krypto for donations how many dollars minimum for donate thanks
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4694: Pay attention to this, should we be worried? Brazilian Jew with great influence throughout Latin America

    I watched the whole live, he didn't mention us But he cited several other neo-Nazi "types of Satanism" that really kill animals and people, he showed sources from the police and the government itself, many sacrificial rituals in Rio Grande do Sul, many of these are anti-cosmic Satanism, ONA and...
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4704: Do the Gods speak to us?

    HP Cobra just wrote a sermon "Learning Respect and Freedom" where near the end he says not to go to the Gods for trivial matters. In that sermon it kind of feels like Cobra was roasting me for what I said to him in an email, and in a way that isn't a very fair representation of what I told him...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4703: I'm in a very confusing time, because of one person.

    Hello, I want to ask you a question. There is someone with whom it is not clear exactly what my relationship is and with whom I cannot understand my feelings. He is a man, Sun in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, Ascendant in Leo, Saturn in Aries. My sun is Aquarius, my Venus is Pisces, my ascendant...
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4702: No Structure

    I'm currently in my 20's but have serious problems with actually establishing structure in my life. I'll do good for a bit with something and then completely fall off of the tracks. I'm well aware that this is my responsibility and whining about it isn't going to make things any better but I...
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4701: Question about an adult film star

    hi my friend showed me an adult star, her name is shona river, she says she's hungarian but the name shona is hebrew origin and she has a hooked nose. her face is kinda weird. is she jewish? i know porn isnt good but im trying to quit but i just wanted to make sure shes not a jew.
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4700: what happened to southernwhitegentile?

    title. What happened to him?
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4699: divulgar nossas doutrinas [spreading our doctrines]

    Saudações irmãos... Eu gostaria de fazer páginas nas redes sociais para divulgar o reino e a doutrina e a verdade de nosso Deus ... Posso usar nas redes o nome da jos.... Pensei em colocar o nome das páginas de Joy of satan Brasil... Lá produzirei conteúdos acerca do material disponível no site...
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4698: I don't know what to title this

    I still say stuff like "Fucking Hell" or "Jesus Christ" out of instinct, and sometimes cos it makes a joke sound funnier. Do the God's (or other user's) take offense to this? And how can I stop? Because sometimes it is an automatic response.
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4697: Salem Burke's Talismans

    What are your thoughts about Salem Burke's talismans? I couldn't find anything about them in JoS library. I would like to learn more
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4696: Please some Help Me With Tips or Rituals to Enhanced Luck in Politics...

    I became interested in politics lately...I pray Help Me...
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4695: Teeth

    Is there any spiritual consequence in getting your tooth extracted? Are teeth significant spiritually? I have to get a tooth extracted and I'm really depressed about it I know there are waaay worse things but im worried about my health and my future.
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4694: Pay attention to this, should we be worried? Brazilian Jew with great influence throughout Latin America

    For those who don't know, Brazil is currently suffering one of the biggest climate catastrophes in history (the result of the eclipse, unfortunately), this Jew [CENSORED] said that this is the wrath of his false God, Brazilians seem to have their own groups outside the forum, in these groups...
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4693: me being mixed (white and asian)

    so with me being mixed (specifically 20% asian and 80% white) am i still considered "white" or Aryan if not what am i considered? also if it helps the type of white i am is this: Polish and Irish
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4692: Blue skinned gods

    Are there violet/blue skinned alien species allied to Satan actively involved on Earth affairs?
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4691: I feel a connection to reptiles.

    Hello. I feel some kind of connection with reptiloids, I often dream about the eyes of one of them - cat-like, with vertical pupil, yellow-orange. I don't know what to do, but I'm drawn to them. It feels like he's the only one I'm safe with. By the way, I am not Jewish, as I committed myself to...
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4690: Intrusive disrespectful thoughts

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. I know that similar questions have already been asked, I looked for them and their replies. I still decide to send this because I feel this is still a serious problem for me to handle. I experience unwanted and intrusive thoughts that are offensive towards our Gods...
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4689: Couple

    How bad is a marriage partner/marriage, if the man has jupiter retrograde in leo in the 8th house, it is aspected by his wife's saturn retrograde, opposite (his wife's saturn is in her sixth house).
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4688: About astral vision.

    Hello. I'm working on my astral vision, and I noticed that if I suddenly close my eyes, then within a second or half a second I continue to see the same picture that I saw. Afterwards, it blurs even more or dissolves in the darkness, and you can no longer make it out. This is fine? And is it...
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4687: Serious concern about my purity

    Hello guys. So basically what happened is I heard a rumor that there might have been a Jew somewhere way back in my family's lineage. For some reason I never suspected this and I even dedicated about a year ago. I haven't made much of any spiritual progress on this path but I blame that due to...
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4686: What's up with the Shriners and why do they use Islamic themes?

    Are they a corrupted enemy Masonic or leitimate Satanic secret society? I've also noted that they somehow love using Arabic, Ottoman and Islamic themes and names, such as Medina, Mecca, Sultan, and the literally refer to themselves as an "Arabic Order" though almost none of their members are...
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4685: hello again guys

    Hi, I'm the person who submitted question #4640 I broke up with my boyfriend and I'm very shaken, I'm crying all day, every day. I loved him very much, but he treated me like a piece of trash, I didn't tell you half of the things that happened, the horrible sentences and all the things I went...
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4655: Is it possible to have Lillith as your GD?

    Really, how did you figure that out? And what signs did you receive?
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4682: Mental and Spiritual burnout

    I've been practicing this path for nearly six years now. I've been doing an average of 5 hours of meditations every day since dedication (up to 6 and 7 hours daily if I add scheduled warfare). I still can't void properly, i still can't fall into a trance no matter how hard i try. I feel nothing...
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4681: anonymity beng an SS

    so im thinking of starting a black metal project, if i do this should i stay anonymous?
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4680: opinion on cremation?

    is it viable? or nonsense? some hindu's did it, and apparently the SS in Germany with Himmler
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4659: Question about Astrology Chart Co-Rulers

    what if i have both moon and sun conjunct in the 1st house
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4678: Beginner astrology questions

    I thought I'd make a collection of questions instead of littering the forum with separate threads. 1. What kind of effects does jupiter transiting over natal personal planets planets have? I'II have one in the near future where jupiter gonna transit through my natal 9th house, transiting over...
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4677: Space travel/ Fractions/Enemies

    Hello there, this may get wierd for the some, . I have some questions but before them I have to share two stories which relate to each other. I hope someone can clarify and sorry for the long text, but I really do not want to share this in the public forum, I hope you understand) 1. On first...
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Question #4676: sex with a joy

    will ppl who have sex with a jew become a mixed jew in future reincarnation

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
