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Question #4694: Pay attention to this, should we be worried? Brazilian Jew with great influence throughout Latin America


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
For those who don't know, Brazil is currently suffering one of the biggest climate catastrophes in history (the result of the eclipse, unfortunately), this Jew [CENSORED] said that this is the wrath of his false God, Brazilians seem to have their own groups outside the forum, in these groups there are many Satanists, I have already found groups of 9 thousand registered members, back to the subject, this Jew said that this catastrophe is because of the satanists """neo-Nazis""", today 08/05 this Jew said that he will do a live on [CENSORED] exposing us, he has great influence and this live will be watched by thousands of people, although he has not mentioned us directly, for me it is obvious who he is talking about, obviously he will lie and a lot, so much so that the lies have already started when he called us neo-Nazis

Tell me what you think about this, this Jew made a pact with the Jewish God, kills innocent animals and has a gigantic Jewish group, he worships some demons, why didn't the Gods just destroy him? At first I thought it was because he promised to wipe out Christianity in Brazil, but now what?


Para quem não sabe, o Brasil está sofrendo atualmente uma das maiores catástrofes climáticas da história (resultado do eclipse, infelizmente), esse judeu [CENSORED] disse que isso é a ira do seu falso Deus, os brasileiros parecem ter seus próprios grupos fora do fórum, nesses grupos existem muitos satanistas, já encontrei grupos de 9 mil membros cadastrados, voltando ao assunto, esse judeu disse que essa catástrofe é por causa dos satanistas """neonazistas""", hoje dia 08/05 esse judeu disse que vai fazer uma live no [CENSORED] nos expondo, ele tem grande influência e essa live será assistida por milhares de pessoas, embora ele não tenha nos citado diretamente, para mim é óbvio de quem ele está falando, obviamente ele vai mentir e muito, tanto que as mentiras já começaram quando ele nos chamou de neonazistas

Digam-me o que pensam sobre isto, este judeu fez um pacto com o Deus judeu, mata animais inocentes e tem um grupo judeu gigantesco, adora uns demónios, porque é que os Deuses não o destruíram? No começo eu pensei que era porque ele prometeu acabar com o cristianismo no Brasil, mas e agora? Esse judeu tem um dos maiores, se não o maior grupo judeu da América Latina, isso pode ser uma preocupação? Tenho algum receio de me concentrar apenas nele, pois há tantos outros judeus e "goyim" ao lado dele

channel where he will do the live (9pm Brasília time at night)

Video where he says all this:
A jew and their cohorts are not a threat to JoS. The Joy of Satan keeps growing, expanding, and getting better, just like the members are. A jew is a jew and can do absolutely nothing about this, do not worry.
This is a psychotic freak.

None of these groups off site have anything to do with us; they have everything to do with judaea. All groups under the Gods are led by HP Cobra only.

If Brazilian members here are actually involved with this, STAY AWAY.
For those who don't know, Brazil is currently suffering one of the biggest climate catastrophes in history (the result of the eclipse, unfortunately), this Jew [CENSORED] said that this is the wrath of his false God, Brazilians seem to have their own groups outside the forum, in these groups there are many Satanists, I have already found groups of 9 thousand registered members, back to the subject, this Jew said that this catastrophe is because of the satanists """neo-Nazis""", today 08/05 this Jew said that he will do a live on [CENSORED] exposing us, he has great influence and this live will be watched by thousands of people, although he has not mentioned us directly, for me it is obvious who he is talking about, obviously he will lie and a lot, so much so that the lies have already started when he called us neo-Nazis

Tell me what you think about this, this Jew made a pact with the Jewish God, kills innocent animals and has a gigantic Jewish group, he worships some demons, why didn't the Gods just destroy him? At first I thought it was because he promised to wipe out Christianity in Brazil, but now what?


Para quem não sabe, o Brasil está sofrendo atualmente uma das maiores catástrofes climáticas da história (resultado do eclipse, infelizmente), esse judeu [CENSORED] disse que isso é a ira do seu falso Deus, os brasileiros parecem ter seus próprios grupos fora do fórum, nesses grupos existem muitos satanistas, já encontrei grupos de 9 mil membros cadastrados, voltando ao assunto, esse judeu disse que essa catástrofe é por causa dos satanistas """neonazistas""", hoje dia 08/05 esse judeu disse que vai fazer uma live no [CENSORED] nos expondo, ele tem grande influência e essa live será assistida por milhares de pessoas, embora ele não tenha nos citado diretamente, para mim é óbvio de quem ele está falando, obviamente ele vai mentir e muito, tanto que as mentiras já começaram quando ele nos chamou de neonazistas

Digam-me o que pensam sobre isto, este judeu fez um pacto com o Deus judeu, mata animais inocentes e tem um grupo judeu gigantesco, adora uns demónios, porque é que os Deuses não o destruíram? No começo eu pensei que era porque ele prometeu acabar com o cristianismo no Brasil, mas e agora? Esse judeu tem um dos maiores, se não o maior grupo judeu da América Latina, isso pode ser uma preocupação? Tenho algum receio de me concentrar apenas nele, pois há tantos outros judeus e "goyim" ao lado dele

channel where he will do the live (9pm Brasília time at night)

Video where he says all this:
I think if this Jew you are writing about persists in his evil deeds and continues to brag that the Gods can do nothing to him, one day he may not wake up, just as Rodschild did not wake up one day.

He may also have a cardiac arrest, or worse.
Rothschild was once photographed in front of Satan's painting as a way to mock the conquered Gentile populations of the world. In 2024, he died, his fellow rats were shoven out of their tunnels, and his entire parasitic race is being held accountable for their war in Gaza. The jews have been exposed so hard just this last year that it's actually insane. Every year, things keep getting better for the Joy of Satan, and our RTR's are being manifested to the maximum.
I watched the whole live, he didn't mention us
But he cited several other neo-Nazi "types of Satanism" that really kill animals and people, he showed sources from the police and the government itself, many sacrificial rituals in Rio Grande do Sul, many of these are anti-cosmic Satanism, ONA and [CENSORED] of the retard [CENSORED], are Satanisms that promote a Jewish agenda
He argued that these people wanted the destruction of the world, that the world belonged to the demiurge and that they could only escape by destroying the world, they are allies of terrorist groups, the rituals they perform open clifonic portals, according to him they are portals that bring bad spirits and energies, which cause destruction, it even makes sense, it's no wonder their leaders always kill each other lol

But anyway, [CENSORED] is an outspoken Jew, he also does weird rituals with animals, where he passes on his karmas to an animal and then kills it, he says that this is a very old Jewish ritual and that it's not wrong (hypocrisy obviously, Jews are always the only right ones), he also worships various demons, such as Azazel, Paimon and baal, he has the largest school of magic in Latin America, according to him many politicians and celebrities are in his school and make pacts, [CENSORED] has a blood pact with Elohim (adonai), he visits several satanic temples such as the temples of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persian etc. he has personally visited all these temples, another interesting thing, not long ago, he made a promise to Brazil, that he would radiate Christianity throughout Brazil, is that why the Gods allow his worship? And use satanic magic? On the forum I remember people saying that unfortunately the Gentiles needed the Jews to achieve their goals, is that still true?

In short, in the south of Brazil there are many satanists who fulfill Jewish agendas, kill children (this is official, he showed articles and investigations by the Brazilian government and police) and animals, these satanists open portals to catastrophes, the live is on [CENSORED] but he said it probably won't be for long, because it deals with heavy subjects the platform could crash

He spoke of the demiurge and showed images, I thought it was similar to the kundaline, Plato said that the world belonged to the demiurge, a fallen creature, he didn't say it was good or bad, he just said it was fallen, this creature had the shape of a serpent with the head of a lion
There is really no reason to concern yourself with these random people, no feel worried about them or anything. The manner in which you are reported these facts appears to me almost as if you partially believe it or something. However, what this guy says are just ramblings relative to what you find here.

The transformation of our world will not come immediately, therefore that can explain why such people exist. Such people can also exist as negative examples for the world to enlighten itself by, or maybe the guy will turn against his masters, and so on. It is not like every situation has only two options as far as how it proceeds, or that his current existence means he has the approval of the Gods.

Keep working on yourself and work on JoS. There is no need to be personally concerned about these random crazy people. He will likely fall out of relevance eventually.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
