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  1. W

    Donations FAQ

    For those of you who want to do something but are unsure just how much is appropriate to donate, I once had a conversation with a jewish aquaintence of mine. I asked him how the synagoges pay for everything when, unlike the catholic churches, they don't pass out those baskets. He told me that...
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    Thinking of making the dedication ritual...

    Scroll down to the "JOS Specific Forums" in the main forums page, they have "Black Satanist Community", "Blacksun666" (Aryan specific), and the "Oriental Satanic Alliance". You will find plenty of non-white Satanists in the non-white forums, though I would advise not to leave the forums when...
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    Doorway found on Mars(Underground Bunker)

    The obsession with mars is pretty damning imo, along with the fact all of the jews keep trying to screw him over (it just came out that Bill Gates put millions into destroying elon). It could easily just be another ruse (playing both the good guy and bad guy) but the whole obsession with mars...
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    Doorway found on Mars(Underground Bunker)

    Holy shit, 200 IQ, Obsession with getting to mars, I guess now we finally know what Elon Musk actually is.
  5. W

    Runic Work for Love

    Actually now I have a question, say you want to use a Venus number for this (lets go with 49), but you also want to empower with Sowilo, would you do 49 Gebo and then, say, 16 Sowilo? Or would you have to make the total of them 49? In which case would 33 Gebo and 16 Sowilo really be more...
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    Any pharmacists here? And software engineers? Do you like it?

    It isn't that I didn't like it persay, but it was just a job, I showed up, worked in a lab, followed protocols, rinse and repeat, it really wasn't anything glamorous. With Software Dev though not only do I work remote but I really do control my own destiny. If I wanna build my own...
  7. W

    Any pharmacists here? And software engineers? Do you like it?

    I have been in both the Pharma and Software Developer fields and I can say with 100% certainty that you want to go into software development. Heres why 1) Your value is totally dependent upon you, in SE you can increase your value, your software dev abilities by spending time learning more...
  8. W

    Quick Witches Sabbath Question

    Does the Witches Sabbath 28 full-cleaning cycle have any special rules regarding the timing of when to do the workinf each day/night? For instance, I started a full clean friday night abd have been doing so nightly every day, but recently, circumstances have made it very difficult to continue...
  9. W

    Increasing another's virtue

    I have a few questions regarding the concepts of empathy/goodness/moral virtuousness/honor/whatever you would call it. From where does it eminate? Surely it must come from somewhere within the soul, which brings me to my next question. ...Could one use magic... to alter anothers soul, to have...
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    Serbons Astrology Readings - NEW! [Not verified yet]

    I sent the key from "[email protected]" Feel free to put mine at the back of the queue, I'm in no hurry, thank you so much for doing these!
  11. W

    Sowilo for Cleaning?

    As we all know, the Witches Sabbat is coming this saturday, so I wanted to ask the ministry a question about the different words of power for cleaning: 1) is sowilo a good rune for cleaning? I've heard because it is the rune of the sun that it can be used with the same effectiveness as Raum or...
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    Serbons Astrology Readings - NEW! [Not verified yet]

    What is the Astro Key? I've never heard the term before
  13. W

    The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself....

    “My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.” ^ Will this affirmation get rid of the things from returning curses? (I.e. curses, negative thoughtforms, ill will, and bindings as well?)
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    Serbons Astrology Readings - NEW! [Not verified yet]

    Hi Serbon! Do you mind if I send my chart? Also, do you still need the birthdate and location after the chart has been generated? I take those out for security but before I send such I wanna know if those are still important for the reading after the chart has been generated
  15. W

    Is there a reason we do Kundalini yoga in the morning and Hatha at night?

    For me I personally would prefer it the other way around (or at least Kundalini in the days latter half) Is there a reason maxine suggested the current order of Kundalini morning and Hatha night?
  16. W

    Full Chakra Meditation, why Thaum and not Yaum for the 6th Chakra?

    Thaum is the mantra for the 3rd eye, which is an extension of the 6th chakra yes, but why does the full chakra meditation use it for the 6th chakra as a whole in the full chakra meditation?
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    Sanskirt vs Necronomicon

    For my own reasons, for the Full Chakra meditation I am considering switching from the full Sanskirt mantras (Yaum, Vaum, Aum, etc) to the Necronomicon mantras (Marduk, Inanna, etc). However I heard they are not as powerful, can anyone tell me how much less powerful they are than the full...
  18. W

    Right side of mouth is fucked, can't roll R's, plz help

    For reasons I wont go into, for the next 48 hours the right side of my mouth is fucked, and I can't roll any R's. I have a rune working I need to do tonight that has an R in it (Uruz) and as we know those have to be rolled, is there anything I can do to save the working? Using the non-rolled...
  19. W

    Squares vs 40-day workings

    So the Spring Equinox will be coming around the corner soon right on the day to potentially start a sun square. This had me at a decision, should I start a sun square, far easyer to screw up, but far more powerful? Or perhaps should I do a 40 day working and play it safe with a guarantee it wont...
  20. W

    Mars Square Tuesday March 1st interesting energies

    What kind of interesting energies are we talking here? I was considering using this mars square to bring me a proper sexual parterner, so that might be a bit important to know lol
  21. W

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    Oh I've never considered it, I just found it strange so much emphasis was put on not doing that even outside of the reproductive factor when it seemed like something that can just be put in the "clean your soul after" bucket, similar to what is done when performing black magic. The physical...
  22. W

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    You know I never really got this, what stops someone from having interracial sex and then either extensive cleaning or programming an AOP to block out the energy mixing as a whole?
  23. W

    Did I mess up this square?

    According to HP cobra, as long as you did not affirm that new mercury energy towards the affirmation of your mercury square, and had a decent amount of time spaced between it and your square meditation, your good. An hour seems to be the magic number for how long to space things out but the link...
  24. W

    Did a Square Rep at the wrong hour, how bad is it?

    Thanks VoiceOfEnki! I will do such
  25. W

    Did a Square Rep at the wrong hour, how bad is it?

    Accidentally thought it was friday and did my mars square repitition on the hour of the moon instead of the hour of mars, is this a problem? Maxine said it isn't "ideal" but still valid, so I believe it isn't a big deal if you botch the hour for one day but I would like confirmation of if this a...
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    Doing workings close together

    Is there any issue with doing a Raum-vibrated cleaning, a "Returning-Curses-01", a rune-vibration-powered AOP, and then Chakra opening/empowering vibrations all one after another? I've heard most workings should be spaced out to prevent spent energy reserves weakining the workings, but does...
  27. W

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    This doesn't answer your question, but the way I prevent this is that I have the mantra written out (on my phone) in front of me for my eyes to follow while vibrating, never once have I mixed any words up since.
  28. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    Ok thank you Lydia, I was worried what I should do if attempt a word and the r just doesn't roll, it puts alot of worry to rest having a definitive answer on this.
  29. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    I've actually gotten pretty good at them, and learned recently a trick (tilting your head upwards at the start of the roll) that's given me a pretty solid 90% success rate. Problem is, what should I do when that 10% squeaks through and I botch the rolled R on one of the words? Should I do the...
  30. W

    Self improvement for women

    Just my two cents on the weight loss bit, the strongest and most effective strategy I have ever used to lose weight was to put a rule in of "I do not eat a single thing until I finish work (around 4:30ish)" This ended up slashing my calorie consumption by around half without the usual...
  31. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    Hi Lydia, I have another question, if I am doing the jupiter square, and I try to roll the R but it doesn't roll, should I start the word over and try again? Or should I try to roll the R again and pick up from there?
  32. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    Wait isn't the rolled R a must for the planet squares? I thought the exception was for cleaning and raum, where does it say you don't need to roll the R's?
  33. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    No WinterWarrior will not be able to tell or not because WinterWarrior is terrible at feeling energy like that lol My biggest issue with the squares and these kinds of problems is that you never quite know if say, that failed roll of an R, or that occasional cough, ruined the mantra, and then...
  34. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    Yeah this is why I have begun doing the shortened versions for those with reps above jupiters. I do have a question though blitz, some of the squares have rolled R's associated with them, what should I do if I attempt to say the word but the R doesn't roll? Should I stop and try to get a rolled...
  35. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    Ok, you sound like you clearly have experience in the specifics of this. I ended up redoing the square (using the shortened version now since the original took way longer than I expected for the time I had to slip away and do them) but now I have another question thats been eating at me...
  36. W

    Would this ruin a Square?

    I was attempting the 5th day of a spiritual mars square and I am not sure if it worked or not. At a point of around the late teens/early 20's in reps I ended up coughing in the middle of a word's vibration and had to stop and do that particular word over. Normally I wouldn't see it as an issue...
  37. W

    tired brains

    Do a Mercury Square, I'm going to be starting one on wednesday for the SAME ISSUE. The squares are some of the most powerful workings and they are PERMANANT! A Spiritual Mercury Square for about 2 months, yeah it's long but if you want a real change, thats what will do it. You could also do...
  38. W

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    Wait, material squares dissipate after a while if not worked on? I thought the squares were permanant?
  39. W

    fRtR Timings Question

    I have a question regarding the final RtR and the two accompanying rituals (Killing the Tetragrammaton and Shattering Jewish Soul Protection) If you do the final RtR I know it is advised to do the other two rituals right after (otherwise they don't work as well), but say if you are short on...
  40. W

    A few Cleaning Questions

    So I've been trying to get serious about cleaning out my soul and I've considered doing a working with the RAUM mantra (54x) for 40 days to clean my aura/soul completely. I have a few questions though: 1) If one does the above, where they "Vibrate it into their entire soul" like the...
  41. W


    Can you explain how this works to me? I can see how the soul would affect DNA expression through light interactions that tell the DNA what new cells to generate, but how does the energy in your soul passively affect the entire universe to make it easyer for you to, say, gain wealth via having...
  42. W

    My Experience so far 2 differnt planitary Squares at same time

    Ok thanks for the clarification I got scared for a second there lol And yeah I considered material because I had experience with certain stimulents before (Adderal, Ritalin, etc) and they did have the kind of effect I was hoping for to a degree (wakefulness, alertness, improved cognition) and...
  43. W


    So I recently had a question on whether a spiritual or material square was better for altering me such that I had more energy in the day. Spiritual and Material seemed like a solid divide, bur HPS Maxine for some reason put in "Health" in Spiritual, this confused me so I wasn't sure. I asked A...
  44. W

    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    I have a question. I noticed the typical separation is NAMA for material goals, and SVAHA for spiritual goals, but on the JOS page it mentions health for the spiritual mantra. For a working that improves an aspect of the self, say more energy to get things done in the day for mars, or becoming...
  45. W

    My Experience so far 2 differnt planitary Squares at same time

    Wait, so your saying that two different planet squares done on the same days also need to be different in material/spiritual? I planned to do a Jupiter square for good luck on my projects (material) and a mars square for higher levels of energy to get things done (material). Are you saying this...
  46. W

    How to never sleep?

    On the multiple squares, I thought that was the case but I see Slyscorpion tried this and then reported the effects to be alot weaker, others have done such with no issue though, I secretly suspect the reason for some of these weakenings is because they do them too close together. Do you have...
  47. W

    My Experience so far 2 differnt planitary Squares at same time

    Question, at what times were you doing them each day when you were doing two different squares at once that were both spiritual/material and they got watered down? I've heard some people say it works just fine and others (like you) noticing it waters down the squares alot. I hypothesize (from...
  48. W

    How to never sleep?

    I'm going to do an experiment myself, and if the working yields any noticable results I will make a post detailing how it was done so others can also do such. I'm currently doing the Jupiter square at the moment and since you can only do one square at a time (it apparently drastically weakens...
  49. W

    Rolled "R"s and planetary squares

    Yeah I know it's vibrated at the G (and all other letters as well by extension) I was merely trying to show where it is things often screwed up. I do need to clarify though I wasn't repeating the whole mantra if wrong, I just didn't finish the word with the screwed up R and tried only that...
  50. W

    Rolled "R"s and planetary squares

    Holy shit this was super helpful.I thought I had it and could get it most days but this taught me a part that makes it feel alot more reliable, thank you very much.
  51. W

    Spinning Heart Chakra

    How do you spin the heart chakra? The whole Yoni? Just the diamond-shaped-part? Or top-diamond clockwise and bottom-diamond counterclockwise? (Or vice versa?) Yes, you spin all chakras. They should be spinning all the time unless you stop them. It doesn't matter which way you spin them.
  52. W

    Spinning Heart Chakra

    While doing the Chakra spinning meditations, do you spin the Heart Chakra? It just says it is shaped like a Yoni, I've heard somewhere it has some kind of dual spin or something but I can't seem to find any post that definitively answers this.
  53. W

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    For point 4 about mispronounciations, what if I'm doing a jupiter square, and while vibrating "Guruave" I try to roll the "R" but the roll doesn't happen, what should I do in this case? I assume the answer would be stop trying to vibrate the word once the roll doesn't happen and try to vibrate...
  54. W

    How to never sleep?

    Really? That's incredible! Can you please tell us exactly how you did such? Particularly what affirmation you used? I couldn't imagine how much easyer it would be to advance with 2 extra hours to pour into meditations.
  55. W

    Rolled "R"s and planetary squares

    Hi everyone, Is anyone else having trouble with rolled R's and planet squares? Currently I'm doing a Jupiter Square and sometimes the roll of the R in "Guruave" just doesn't happen when I try to do it, does anyone else have this problem? If so how did you solve it? On a related note, if you do...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
