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  • You guys, LMFAOOO. Please look at this, because it's seriously the funniest shit I've seen on X whilst doing Outreach:
    Okay, so a little context first; I have found many like-minded people on X, and have had many reach out for translations, or information regarding the JOS, to which I have helped all who have asked.
    So, the other day, I get a message from this woman on X, "Aryan Priestess". She's been following me, and I returned the follow upon seeing her views seemed to align, at first (lmao, notice how I said "at first" lolol)
    Anyways so she messages me and says "Please sister, before you block me, hear me out. I have been observing the JOS for months now, and it doesn't look good. I'm sorry to say this, as I know you are fond of the JOS. But, it seems to me that they appear to not have the FULL truth". She was being incredibly vague, so I replied saying "what's on your mind, sis? I don't block people for differing views alone, so speak your mind." She continues to say more incredibly vague shit, then says "I'm going to be making a thread soon, posting my observations and concerns about the JOS, I hope you'll give it an honest read, and 'I hope to meet you in Truth, Sat Nam, sister'".
    So, I was thrown off by this, but I thought that she was just another person who didn't like our stance on the Jews maybe, or maybe it had something to do with the Gods? BOY, WAS I WRONG. LMFAO
    I'm gonna post the screenshots I captured of her post, then the comments that were underneath it. One of her posts had one guy outside of JOS mention some "MAGA/Masonic" bullshit, but two JOS devotees commented on her first post, and I thought it was HILAROUS how she didn't reply, because they proved her wrong, immediately. LMAO, take a look at this.
    Screenshot 2025-01-06 105058.png

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    Welp, the jig is up, guys. We've been found out. Time to report back to the CIA and tell them to shut 'er down. LMFAOOOOO :ROFLMAO:

    I thought it was very telling how she had no proof for such a claim, and when questioned by two of our devotees, the SILENCE was DEAFENING ✨🙃
    Just had to post this so you guys could get a cackle out of it as well.
    Also, to the two devotees, you guys are ROCKSTARS. Lol, I laughed so hard at seeing your replies, and seeing her silence in response.
    The audacity of some people on X, man...
    the naked gun facepalm GIF
    I am going to start writing poetry again. I have always adored the art of poetry, but now I feel a fire reignited within my soul.
    I want to start composing pieces for the Gods, for our Heroes, and for us as well. I will start sharing them on my profile, and within the art section once I've composed a few, and will continue to post them for everyone as I write them.
    This community inspires me to become greater, not just in my spiritual journey, but in life as well as my talents.
    I look forward to sharing my pieces with you all, and I hope you guys will give me your honest thoughts as well. 🤍
    Much love to you all, and I hope everyone is having a blessed day.
    Hail the Elder Gods! ✊
    So, I seen a forum member on X post a link to the BlackSun666 website, and was reading the page about Jewish ritual murder, and in one part it mentions how a Roman historian described the Jews in his book called Histories. I immediately went to archive.org to find the book to read it for myself.
    So, I pulled up the PDF and just typed in the word "Jews" into the search feature where it'll highlight all pages where the word is shown. (The link I shared should pull up the book with the "jews" stuff highlighted already for you all.)
    I had to fucking pick my jaw up off the FLOOR after reading this. In ancient times, these motherfuckers were JUST AS BLATANT about their hatred of us as they are TODAY, and showed NO remorse, which is typical of their kind.
    In one section, Tacitus says " The Jews regard as profane all that we hold sacred; on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor. They dedicated, in a shrine, a statue of that creature whose guidance enabled them to put an end to their wandering and thirst, sacrificing a ram, apparently in derision of Amon. They likewise offer the ox, because the Egyptians worship Apis."
    Notice how Tacitus calls their "god" a CREATURE?! That section was just insane to read, because if it was THIS obvious in the ancient world, how in the FUCK do people not see it now?! Granted, most are waking up to their vile ways, but the amount of andrapoda they have in their grasp is NOT good.
    Here's another excerpt: "Whatever their origin, these rites are maintained by their antiquity: the other customs of the Jews are base and abominable, and owe their persistence to their depravity. For the worst rascals among other peoples, renouncing their ancestral religions, always kept sending tribute and contributions to Jerusalem, thereby increasing the wealth of the Jews."

    The list goes on and on! When I searched the book for the term "Jews", 22 results came up, but that isn't to say Tacitus didn't further elaborate on them, calling them "they" or whatever else. So there is probably MORE within the book of this wonderful man Tacitus just unloading on these fucks, LMFAO. It is both appalling to me, and all the same not surprising, that these literal scum have been scourging the Earth since they first set foot onto it. What absolute CHAOS they caused, and still continue to cause.

    But yeah, I highly recommend reading this. Viewing the Roman world through the lens of a historian who refused to let these fucks go unnoticed, I SOLUTE YOU, TACITUS! 🫡
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    Started my 40 day meditation program today! Super excited to begin this journey of growing my vril and reclaiming my Divine gifts of the Gods!
    One issue I'm having though, is trying to meditate in a house with a very blatant andrapoda (my MIL is currently staying with us until further notice...)
    As soon as I began meditating today, she comes to the doorway and interrupts my focus... and this isn't the first time she's intervened during my focus, whether it be studying, meditating, yoga, etc.
    I know I'll overcome this, and once my AOP is established, it should repel her, hopefully.
    Wish me luck, you guys 🤗 💛
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
