I know my reply to this is late, but April brought up this mantra in the Outreach group, and I was unaware of the Sanskrit origin of the mantra and it's meaning. Very informative, Seguace! I need to dive deeper into this mantra, as it seems like it could greatly benefit all of us to practice...
This made me emotional, I truly appreciate and admire you, HPS Lydia, as we all do!
I've been going through a rather dark time lately, so I definitely needed to hear this. I thank you for sharing with us!
🤍 🥰
I appreciate the clarification with this article, High Priest!
I also have a question: I was looking into the Primordial Gods from the Pantheons, and what you are describing in this article sounds similar to the way the Ancients described their Primordial Gods. For the Egyptians, Ptah was the...
I want to say, first and foremost, the website looks PHENOMENAL! I adore the lighter feel of the environment it brings. The Clergy did an outstanding job on this update, May the Gods bless you all!
As I watched the video, a beaming sense of pride illuminated within my soul. It fills me with...
I am excited for this upcoming shift to the Assembly of the Gods!
Thank you as always, High Priest, for this illuminating information!
I do have a question about the upcoming update to the website: Will the Clergy be revising the list of Gods/Goddesses to exclude the "demon" "hell"...
I personally needed to hear this, so I thank you for this inspiring sermon, High Priest!
I think my main issue is that I lack discipline, due to my upbringing. I know I can overcome this, my partner tells me all the time "You just need discipline, the rest will fall into place."
I admire and...
I was unable to participate in the schedule due to things going on in my own life, but it fills my soul with immense joy to see how successful everyone was in this!
The warriors whom participated in this, in my humble opinion, are Einherjar in the All-Fathers eyes; "Army of One", meaning the...
Thank you for this post, HP Hooded Cobra! I have had beautiful interactions with people online who feel called to the Gods, but there are always the select handful who say things such as what you quoted in the post. I literally had one woman on X call us a CIA psy-op, lmao. In my honest opinion...