Religiously they are complete enemy and antithesis. In real practical life, finding some "good jews" or wathever normalcy is "normal".
We here are dealing and talking about essences, we do not care about any random jew who is astray from his inner calling towards his torah. However, collectively, in the most extreme facets of social, cultural, political, academic, economic, religious parts of life they have proven to be extremely unlikable and destructive towards our people of all races.
If random jew takes offense on this, he should do something to fix this in the eyes of humanity. Until then and until divine justice is declared, we do not and will not accept any jew, religious or not, evil or "good", supportive or not in our assembly, as a brother, as anything but a declared by nature, history and Gods, enemies: permanently. This does not imply hate, hate is a very low domain sentiment which accomplishes nothing and is based on a Karen level of reaction mind. We do not "hate", but we are logically-passionate in restoring our values and boundaries religiously that have been, to say the least assassinated and humiliated across ages by jewish souls, in all spectrum of diversity a jew was and is, he has been a declared enemy for us. They say this themselves since before we were not even born here as individuals, across thousands of years not only by doctrine but by action and spiritual violations as well. They boast, they propagandize, they create victimhood and "gas-litigations".
We love all other races of people, and we support each other. We sustain all human growth, we are not "nazis" (as a modern adjective) over human mistakes, absurdists or conspiracy theorist, but very logically and very emotionally invested in the good and in the positive. Our own people, gentiles, various gentile beings souls have also done irreparable mistakes, not only the jews, and those that did, Gods will know to enact justice upon them as well.
Our Zevist also try to educate and show people in aims to invest protection in you, to be aware. But this is not obligatory, and most fundamental it is a sign of community social bonding, they are not trying to brainwash you into any "hate", any irrationality or to force you to change your mind. That will not happen since it comes at the cost of awareness, life experience and many other things that majority of people will definetly not have, and also not need in practical life, in your own awarnes of starting to be initiated in the path. But as you pursue this path, you will become able to see and understand a larger part of human dynamic and world affairs, that will be above a reactionary instance of "bad jew, conspiracy theorists and Joe Rogan".
It is very understandable the shock factor that many will have coming here in regards to this, but the fundamental situation here that one must accept is that from a spiritual and religious stand point at least, by our authority in warning you for protection and proper initiation , the jews must be avoided and known as corrosive elements that do not desire or have empathy in growing you as a being or close to Gods. Quite the opposite.