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Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
I was thinking about something I wanted to share publicly in a visible way. Sorry to bother you :)

Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.

Do you know that today while responding to the usual topic about suicide I realized the value of your words? I realized that helping people here is not just a good deed. When you support some of us who are struggling with something you are helping to strengthen the members who make up this place and therefore this place itself.

So since this place is your initial and final goal and also the life in between that connects the two, because the Temple supports us and we want to be in the Temple, then by supporting this place you are supporting yourself. So to help someone here is to help yourself.

The goal of an anonymous user on AskSatan is somehow your goal. And that makes sense of the fact that you were explaining that avoiding donating to the Temple of Zeus affects your Karma by damaging it, because it's the same thing that happens when you don't take care of yourself, you let yourself wither away and self-harm.

This damages you on a spiritual level since the physical body and astral body are connected. That's why for my talk earlier, not taking care of the Temple with donations is harmful to yourself. Basically, money is our investment, and if you don't invest in yourself, you will be programmed to back down. It is not "Christian charity," but a law of nature.

PS I sincerely hate to abbreviate such a beautiful and so proud Name as "Temple of Zeus" in ToZ, but I understand that for some reasons it is sometimes okay to use the abbreviation...

I was thinking about something I wanted to share publicly in a visible way. Sorry to bother you :)

Do you know that today while responding to the usual topic about suicide I realized the value of your words? I realized that helping people here is not just a good deed. When you support some of us who are struggling with something you are helping to strengthen the members who make up this place and therefore this place itself.

So since this place is your initial and final goal and also the life in between that connects the two, because the Temple supports us and we want to be in the Temple, then by supporting this place you are supporting yourself. So to help someone here is to help yourself.

The goal of an anonymous user on AskSatan is somehow your goal. And that makes sense of the fact that you were explaining that avoiding donating to the Temple of Zeus affects your Karma by damaging it, because it's the same thing that happens when you don't take care of yourself, you let yourself wither away and self-harm.

This damages you on a spiritual level since the physical body and astral body are connected. That's why for my talk earlier, not taking care of the Temple with donations is harmful to yourself. Basically, money is our investment, and if you don't invest in yourself, you will be programmed to back down. It is not "Christian charity," but a law of nature.

PS I sincerely hate to abbreviate such a beautiful and so proud Name as "Temple of Zeus" in ToZ, but I understand that for some reasons it is sometimes okay to use the abbreviation...

It's always good, and very interesting to hear your views, but donating, as so many here do, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your personal opinion!!
It's always good, and very interesting to hear your views, but donating, as so many here do, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your personal opinion!!
Actually, are you bi-polar? You are exhibiting a lot of the symptoms? Very long posts, fixating, with over explanation of things. It's alright, we will understand 😊
Actually, are you bi-polar?

No really hahaha, fortunately I am fine

Very long posts

I have too many things in my head, I don't do superficial thinking XD

I love to fixate on the right things given all the unnecessary stuff that exists that you can generally focus on.

with over explanation of things

I have always preferred not to leave anything to chance. There are people who post threads where they would need in-depth explanations about things and that a simple "you do this because in general ___ and I think that ____" is too superficial to really change things in the life of someone who only knows how to cry and be afraid of the worst things by asking for shelter at the Temple of Zeus even if only to shelter from the storm.

It's alright, we will understand

Don't worry lol fortunately I'm really fine in that respect, but you honestly made me laugh with this bipolar story hahahaah. Thanks for the smile. :)
Besides being generous or not It's also a question of having money or not.
Now, for the more serious question here..


Lol sorry anyways I would donate millions if I could. Money workings and affirmations should therefore be essential for any Zevist.
No really hahaha, fortunately I am fine

I have too many things in my head, I don't do superficial thinking XD

I love to fixate on the right things given all the unnecessary stuff that exists that you can generally focus on.

I have always preferred not to leave anything to chance. There are people who post threads where they would need in-depth explanations about things and that a simple "you do this because in general ___ and I think that ____" is too superficial to really change things in the life of someone who only knows how to cry and be afraid of the worst things by asking for shelter at the Temple of Zeus even if only to shelter from the storm.

Don't worry lol fortunately I'm really fine in that respect, but you honestly made me laugh with this bipolar story hahahaah. Thanks for the smile. :)
Sorry, glad you're laughing about it. I didn't wish to upset you😢
You're a valued member here, and I like you, as I think so many others here do too.
Lol sorry anyways I would donate millions if I could. Money workings and affirmations should therefore be essential for any Zevist.

It is not a question about donating millions or donating billions. If our salary was 10 billion a month and everyone was sane, obviously a billion at least would go to the Temple. But the Temple of Zeus is not only sustained on billions or not, it is sustained on what their members do for the Temple. Conceptually, it is good for the Temple if everyone donates what amount of money they can.

Perhaps people think that if there was one billionaire donor and everyone else could avoid donating, that would be even more positive for the Temple in terms of gain and for the members who can continue not to invest in it. But this would actually destroy the Temple and its members. Because everything is formed on a cooperative concept between entities that has always been the basis of building the most beautiful and positive things for everyone.

How many men would build a pyramid? One or more than one? How many worshipped Horus? One or more than one? How many to build ancient Greece? One or more than one? And so on and so forth. And that is why it always disgusted me to see the old trolls explain how Hp. HoodedCobra666 was a "money-grubber." Hp HoodedCobra666 has ALWAYS shown that he did not want extra donations when that extra hurt the livelihood of the members themselves and their families.

This is not only because HP HoodedCobra666 did not want to endanger others. True, he did not want to endanger them by donating over the limit. But going deeper we see why this is even more important than we think: supporting the Temple should not be a detriment to ourselves, but a way to benefit ourselves.

You can work 100 hours straight without ever resting a second to build the best statue of Zeus. And after you've completed it, fatigue makes you keel over and die, perhaps undernourished or simply having a heart attack. This will not allow you to worship the statue you have built. And Zeus looking at you would be sorry that someone with a good heart who really loved Him enough to build a statue in His honor would now not even be able to admire His masterpiece because it lies dead on the ground. So donate as much as you really can and this is the greatest donation you could ever make!

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
I didn't want to try to make you say things you didn't mean. So if I misinterpreted what you meant please point it out to me. I don't think I said the wrong things, but since I'm talking about how I think you meant something, it's only fair to point out that I'm saying it so that you know whether or not to correct me. Thank you!
Sorry, glad you're laughing about it. I didn't wish to upset you

Don't worry about it. This concept of always being afraid to say something because maybe the other person might get upset has never been effective. Say the things you want to say with good intentions toward this place, so say them. After a certain level, hearing someone say something that to others might be offensive no longer attacks what you see about yourself or how you think others therefore see you. So I was amused by this, don't worry. You were nice and in general everytime you show to us that you are a good, willing person. This tends to make you a very good Zevist and gives you every "right" to speak and express yourself. So don't hesitate: we are pleased!
Don't worry about it. This concept of always being afraid to say something because maybe the other person might get upset has never been effective. Say the things you want to say with good intentions toward this place, so say them. After a certain level, hearing someone say something that to others might be offensive no longer attacks what you see about yourself or how you think others therefore see you. So I was amused by this, don't worry. You were nice and in general everytime you show to us that you are a good, willing person. This tends to make you a very good Zevist and gives you every "right" to speak and express yourself. So don't hesitate: we are pleased!
It is not a question about donating millions or donating billions.
Never said it was either..

Then we have this aspect:
if you take a look at my profile here you will see a lot of projects I've made for ToZ.
However; with a top computer I would be able to work much much faster, and create projects for ToZ in Unreal Engine 5.5 instead of 4.27.
That would mean higher realism, higher quality overall and higher framerate - thus higher quality ToZ projects.
Now.. should I donate money to ToZ or save that money to buy a better computer?

Money workings is key.
should I donate money to ToZ or save that money to buy a better computer?

Economic Management (I also have a degree in this lol).

You need to prioritize how to support the Temple.

The need to sleep is not as much of a priority as the need to dress. Both needs are necessary.

Donating to the Temple to build it has priority. Managing the Temple to improve it is a secondary priority. Promoting the spread of the Temple is a tertiary priority.

That's how I see it, and I hope I'm not too wrong, since this would be the first time I use the degree in Economic Management.
Economic Management (I also have a degree in this lol).

You need to prioritize how to support the Temple.

The need to sleep is not as much of a priority as the need to dress. Both needs are necessary.

Donating to the Temple to build it has priority. Managing the Temple to improve it is a secondary priority. Promoting the spread of the Temple is a tertiary priority.

That's how I see it, and I hope I'm not too wrong, since this would be the first time I use the degree in Economic Management.
Yes, and interestingly enough when I improve myself I also indirectly improve the donation effort. For example; faster typing speed plus slightly more knowledge than yesterday in comparison to yesterday's effort = ToZ has become more powerful even if I have not spent any other asset than time for myself and for serving others.

Time is money, and it is also considered a form of donation.
Yes, and interestingly enough when I improve myself I also indirectly improve the donation effort. For example; faster typing speed plus slightly more knowledge than yesterday in comparison to yesterday's effort = ToZ has become more powerful even if I have not spent any other asset than time for myself and for serving others.

Time is money, and it is also considered a form of donation.

This is normal. The phrase that HP HoodedCobra666 often repeats which is that no one is ever left behind of our people refers to this. You stay in the Temple and therefore if the Temple advances you in the Temple also advance and you by advancing advance the Temple. You are embedded in a system that works through a virtuous circle. :)
I donated too HP Cobra. I sent you email with transaction number.

I read your donor sermon:

But what do I do? Keep sending you the transaction numbers?
I donated too HP Cobra. I sent you email with transaction number.

I read your donor sermon:

But what do I do? Keep sending you the transaction numbers?
That's the right link:
I donated too HP Cobra. I sent you email with transaction number.

I read your donor sermon:

But what do I do? Keep sending you the transaction numbers?

I think this is to you, Commander
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
But what do I do? Keep sending you the transaction numbers?

Actually I can answer you too however lol.
First of all, thank you from me and from all our members whether aware or not of your beautiful gesture for this courage of yours! Keep up the good work! Heroes and heroines deserve opportunities to show what they are really worth.
Follow this site and try to post a screenshot showing that you donated in the appropriate "donations" section.
The screenshot is proof of the donation. I usually send the transaction history page on my card open to the one made that day. Because I can buy crypto coin directly from my bank. So to tell you what you need to screenshot in general.
This is the site:

Promoting the spread of the Temple is a tertiary priority.

That's how I see it, and I hope I'm not too wrong, since this would be the first time I use the degree in Economic Management.

You hope.. So there is a certain uncertainty here? :giggle:

Well, you have some points about balance and how the small droplets make the ocean etc. I know that.. think I have some points also, hehe.
Seemingly having convinced someone here to actually donate is impressive work though I must say, and especially after that same person questioned whether you are "bi-polar".

Seemingly having convinced someone here to actually donate is impressive work though I must say

And still no. I didn't convince her. She just realized it was the right thing. She is a good person and has always been willing to act well for others and for the Gods. I did not convince her after I explained this to her. She was a good person even before I posted the topic. I just showed her how effective some ways of expressing what she already was: a good-hearted person.

I never convinced anyone, I just pointed out the best ways for people to do good for themselves. Many manners were not known or available before. Today they are. I have been dedicated for 9 years. And I'm glad I only started contributing at this time when information is becoming available and it is no longer necessary that every time something right is shown, that right thing has to go through the review of a thousand Talmud stories before it is accepted.

@Valkyrie you have done the right thing. I am SO proud of you!
And still no. I didn't convince her. She just realized it was the right thing. She is a good person and has always been willing to act well for others and for the Gods. I did not convince her after I explained this to her. She was a good person even before I posted the topic. I just showed her how effective some ways of expressing what she already was: a good-hearted person.

I never convinced anyone, I just pointed out the best ways for people to do good for themselves. Many manners were not known or available before. Today they are. I have been dedicated for 9 years. And I'm glad I only started contributing at this time when information is becoming available and it is no longer necessary that every time something right is shown, that right thing has to go through the review of a thousand Talmud stories before it is accepted.

@Valkyrie you have done the right thing. I am SO proud of you!
Yes, I should've gone to the donor's site.
Thanks 😍
I have now donated $44 to ToZ, even though currently being unemployed and struggling here mind you. And having debts.
Damn you SeguaceDiSatanas. :LOL:
No I think ToZ and the Gods will appreciate it and it feels good to have given some form of actual money here for a change.

I do have some major Unreal Engine plans in the pipe also.

Cannot wait to get back to:

Damn I'm posting much right now.

Just want to add here that I did donate out of my own complete free will here, and to have it done for once ffs

Even HPS Maxine pushed the importance of donations to JoS back then. Actually she was the first one to do that, and I'm actually almost a bit ashamed of not having done so before.
So many shit things I've spent money on before instead of donating.
I have gradually become more and more dedicated though, and now even to the point of donating money I barely even have.
currently being unemployed and struggling here mind you. And having debts.

Give as much as you can. Truly. If you think $44 once a month is good, donate that amount once a month. If you think $20 a month is the maximum positive, that's good too. If you prefer to donate $44 but see that you can't every month, you can opt for $44 every two and half month. Just so you know you can handle it :)
Thank you for taking care of the place of the Gods, may they bless you :D
I will be quite a "critic" and I this is nothing personal but you're acting like a truly xian extremist or brain wash muslim.

You donate, you do that and that, stop flexing, this is quite cringe, like grow up, you're doing thins for the Gods or only to gain admiration of others for your doings? Honestly now, the whole topic it's a joke.

Whoever doesn't donate would have a life exactly as normal as before, but it is true that by contributing to the Gods, one gets blessed but stop with this nonsense and pushing and stuff, nobody cares about your opinions, especially on this.

As I said, this is nothing personal, you had your freedom to post this and I have mine to comment on it as I done. Wish you well!🌠
The way I see it; nobody is forced to donate, or to contribute in any other way to ToZ for that matter.

Those who don't are not looked down upon by ToZ or the Gods, but rather - appreciated if they do. Not hated upon if they don't.

I personally feel I should give something back when having received so much, and have done so primarily by contributing with work for ToZ.

However, neither work or donations were ever a forced thing here. But rather - something appreciated by the organization.

Give and you shall receive.
You donate, you do that and that, stop flexing, this is quite cringe, like grow up, you're doing thins for the Gods or only to gain admiration of others for your doings? Honestly now, the whole topic it's a joke.

I have never said how much my regular donation is or how regularly I make this donation. This is known to HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Lydia precisely and only to them. The fact that it is known that I am a donor is fine, because in itself people deserve to have good examples. When Amon Ra appears bright and shining to you in evocations, he does not do it to exhibit "I am a God and you a mortal fool. Do you like my wings? You'll never get them lol."

And to engage people to do positive things is not a stupid thing since people have every right to know how they can evolve even if in evolving they are not doing it exclusively for themselves but also for something other than their own egopathy, and to see a well-known member who is not clear about this concept, that's the delusional thing. But I wanted to reassure you that outside of the forum I get all kinds of slander from all kinds of people I know for what I do for the forum, so if it's any consolation I'm certainly not going to be "adored" for that. Don't worry, they will continue to slander me despite your comment and this response of mine to it.

Whoever doesn't donate would have a life exactly as normal as before, but it is true that by contributing to the Gods, one gets blessed but stop with this nonsense and pushing and stuff, nobody cares about your opinions, especially on this.

It is completely FALSE to say that doing good things for the Gods leads to nothing further good. Especially with Zeus himself telling HPS Maxine Dietrich years ago that those who think only of themselves "are of no importance to me." And I think it's okay for people to care about the opinion of others if the opinion of others is confirmed by the leaders (see HP Hooded Cobra and HPS Lydia's likes), especially considering that a lot of people are new members or otherwise people who are looking for an effective way to do positive, good and REALLY SIGNIFICANT things like even just donating that is really within the reach of all people.

I don't know how you took something like that with "SeguaceDiSatanas wants people to applaud him because he donated." Look into the concreteness that people really now are donating. And so the ToZ will be able to evolve more and grant these same people who believed in the ToZ the best possible spiritual knowledge to make them evolve and justly reward them for the fact that they really loved this place. That they have REALLY loved the GODS.

Not hated upon if they don't.

In fact, I don't know how this thread could be seen as "discriminating hatred toward non-donors" when literally the only sane way something like this could be seen is as a way of supporting people to take care of their own universal good, the only one they will ever have that is truly positive and will last forever. The hangover from overindulging at the bar is not going to last forever, and it's certainly not going to be a good thing for people, who if they're sane can never see these things as "a nice reward for doing well in the club." What I did here was to take care of my people (and now I am speaking regardless of my race) and certainly not to make my people hate my people themselves. I really don't know how it was possible not to understand such a simple concept for what it is.
you're doing thins for the Gods or only to gain admiration of others for your doings?
For ToZ and the Gods?..
I don't see why it would be seen as bragging about stuff here. Rather about caring for the future of ToZ.

The topic is not cringe unless ToZ is cringe. Which it is not. Money is important whether we like it or not in this crazy world, which we all want to make less crazy and more sane. ToZ is here for that.
The way I see it; nobody is forced to donate, or to contribute in any other way to ToZ for that matter.

Those who don't are not looked down upon by ToZ or the Gods, but rather - appreciated if they do. Not hated upon if they don't.

I personally feel I should give something back when having received so much, and have done so primarily by contributing with work for ToZ.

However, neither work or donations were ever a forced thing here. But rather - something appreciated by the organization.

Give and you shall receive.
Indeed , nobody said that one is forced or anything like that but haven't you seen what the above guy said and ? The how I call it SpokerMan of ToZ , exactly like a extremist muslim/xian , trying to somehow plant fear and delusions in people minds if they do not donate exactly as the enemy say ' If you do not believe in jewsus then you're damming your life overall and will eternally boil up in whatever other world if not following their system , similar to the below :
makes sense of the fact that you were explaining that avoiding donating to the Temple of Zeus affects your Karma by damaging it, because it's the same thing that happens when you don't take care of yourself, you let yourself wither away and self-harm.

This damages you on a spiritual level since the physical body and astral body are connected. That's why for my talk earlier, not taking care of the Temple with donations is harmful to yourself.
HPS Lydia never explained or said this, it is only you [Seguace] who understood it as such, seems like more of a obsessives non thinking mental rather then truth [ in my OpInIoN ].
I personally feel I should give something back when having received so much, and have done so primarily by contributing with work for ToZ.

However, neither work or donations were ever a forced thing here. But rather - something appreciated by the organization.

Give and you shall receive.
True, same. Only difference is with the outreach, where is quite a history , as it seems that there's kind of a 'favorization' of people rather then the one who truly want to help , been put on pending for quite a while, but yea, I can just wait and 'suffer' I guess , I know at least I done my part and waiting for the 'guide' to finally come up to me , meessaged and wanted 6 months ago, one guy got it first day , makes no sense. I ask 6 months ago , been ignored 3 months I over reacted got shit on as in ... BAD WAY for it , only cuz t I wanted to join and when I haven't been invited or looked upon after quite a long time and I over reacted due to it..yea , anyways.

It is completely FALSE to say that doing good things for the Gods leads to nothing further good
I don't know where you took this from or why probably you're trying to put things into my mouth or/and direct and deviate it from the real subject but I literally said that 'If one do not donate, all good ,he will not be cursed or whatever as you've misunderstood what HPS Lydia had said and that my quote was this > [ Whoever doesn't donate would have a life exactly as normal as before, but it is true that by contributing to the Gods, one gets blessed but stop with this nonsense ] seeing this, I don't know where you took the above phrase, honestly.

especially considering that a lot of people are new members or otherwise people who are looking for an effective way to do positive, good and REALLY SIGNIFICANT things like even just donating that is really within the reach of all people.
That's the whole thing that I am trying explaining to you , many are new and many will come , but do not self inflict into their mental by fear that if they do not donate that they will somehow be damaged in their lives or whatever, this is xian fucked up nonsense and lies. I don't think you understand what I am saying or why I am saying it , but you literally implant this ideea into the peoples heads if they are dedciated or here , and all is good and they read and meditate and birds are singing and all is well , somehow , if they found out by YOU that they do not donate then 'their life is damaged' that's what I would understand at least.
I have never said how much my regular donation is or how regularly I make this donation.
You did , I ain't getting into details of when and how and whatever but you did publicy flexed about this , and this is not very smart thing to do so.
I don't know how you took something like that with "SeguaceDiSatanas wants people to applaud him because he donated.
I wonder where the Hell I took it from , since I always see a guy, you, who always flex , makes 1000000x threads , give himself ego self massively importance based on just mostly quotes of others and whatever , I wonder where would I pick this one from , true . Trust , many would have like this message but they won't cuz they do not want 'troubles' but there's people watching this whole thing and many will say I am right , regardless of how much delusion you're leaving yourself into .
In fact, I don't know how this thread could be seen as "discriminating hatred toward non-donors"
By saying that if one does not donate his life is damaged or fucked.
I have now donated $44 to ToZ
That 44 dollars is almost priceless at the moment. Let me explain why.

Until the rebranding of JoS to ToZ, every donation has indeed been priceless as JoS has been in dire need of capital to run itself. Frankly, not many people donated until HPHC made a public point about this in the past few years leaving Cleargy with most of the burden. Even then, there was a lot of opposition, but I sensed things had taken a turn in that regard. Fast forward to today when the JoS Donors platform has been running for months and the rebranding has occurred: The number of donations has skyrocketed with great acceleration recently. Now, in this moment donations are still very important, and every donation is basically a person laying bricks to the temple. This is still very priceless as ToZ needs expansion. HPHC has mentioned publicly* that 'we have won" around 2032 and I predict that donations will be priceless until that moment, not any longer. That moment can be sooner as well, but very likely not later than that. That still leaves many years of important brick laying ahead. When this phase is behind, your 44 dollars becomes 'worthless' (not literally) as ToZ does not need it with the same intensity as the Temple has been built. HPHC has mentioned that any donors' perks will be left behind closed doors for most people after this moment (only the very rich would be able to unlock the door), and thus we are in a very interesting position. Kind of like early investors who can get a thousandfold return for their investment. Reminds me of the fact that when I joined in 2020 and made my first small donation of less than 30 dollars when I received a thank you message from HPS Maxine. Only later I realized how priceless that moment was, not that it was not exciting at the time, because it was.

So with all this in mind, be happy to give whatever you are giving because it is once in a lifetime opportunity and something that will be forever remembered. It is not an ordinary organization we are building, after all.

* I saw no one comment on that little mention which was interesting to note.
Indeed , nobody said that one is forced or anything like that but haven't you seen what the above guy said and ? The how I call it SpokerMan of ToZ , exactly like a extremist muslim/xian , trying to somehow plant fear and delusions in people minds if they do not donate exactly as the enemy say ' If you do not believe in jewsus then you're damming your life overall and will eternally boil up in whatever other world if not following their system , similar to the below :

HPS Lydia never explained or said this, it is only you [Seguace] who understood it as such, seems like more of a obsessives non thinking mental rather then truth [ in my OpInIoN ].

True, same. Only difference is with the outreach, where is quite a history , as it seems that there's kind of a 'favorization' of people rather then the one who truly want to help , been put on pending for quite a while, but yea, I can just wait and 'suffer' I guess , I know at least I done my part and waiting for the 'guide' to finally come up to me , meessaged and wanted 6 months ago, one guy got it first day , makes no sense. I ask 6 months ago , been ignored 3 months I over reacted got shit on as in ... BAD WAY for it , only cuz t I wanted to join and when I haven't been invited or looked upon after quite a long time and I over reacted due to it..yea , anyways.

I don't know where you took this from or why probably you're trying to put things into my mouth or/and direct and deviate it from the real subject but I literally said that 'If one do not donate, all good ,he will not be cursed or whatever as you've misunderstood what HPS Lydia had said and that my quote was this > [ Whoever doesn't donate would have a life exactly as normal as before, but it is true that by contributing to the Gods, one gets blessed but stop with this nonsense ] seeing this, I don't know where you took the above phrase, honestly.

That's the whole thing that I am trying explaining to you , many are new and many will come , but do not self inflict into their mental by fear that if they do not donate that they will somehow be damaged in their lives or whatever, this is xian fucked up nonsense and lies. I don't think you understand what I am saying or why I am saying it , but you literally implant this ideea into the peoples heads if they are dedciated or here , and all is good and they read and meditate and birds are singing and all is well , somehow , if they found out by YOU that they do not donate then 'their life is damaged' that's what I would understand at least.

You did , I ain't getting into details of when and how and whatever but you did publicy flexed about this , and this is not very smart thing to do so.

I wonder where the Hell I took it from , since I always see a guy, you, who always flex , makes 1000000x threads , give himself ego self massively importance based on just mostly quotes of others and whatever , I wonder where would I pick this one from , true . Trust , many would have like this message but they won't cuz they do not want 'troubles' but there's people watching this whole thing and many will say I am right , regardless of how much delusion you're leaving yourself into .

By saying that if one does not donate his life is damaged or fucked.

Such extremist reasoning as, "You don't donate, SeguaceDiSatanas has condemned you to eternal flames; do you donate? SeguaceDiSatanas opens the gates of Heaven for you" are not practical, and comparing any kind of "don't mix with other races because it's harmful" as a "hahahah you gave the excuse to a Jew to chain you in the middle of the fire!" is simply misleading. I have not condemned anyone.

As far as I'm concerned people can sit on the couch and read Torah; or attack me as you do right now and I guarantee you I don't feel the need to attack them back. This kind of "I always have to justify myself even when no one is accusing me" without even being called out on it is strange and absurd. And promoting "you can do whatever you want, you don't do anything wrong, after all there are no universal judgments, that was a Bible thing" is morally misleading.

No one is obligated to do good things either, people here can see my post, put up the oven reaction (which I'm about to put up to you just in case as soon as I finish writing you) and block me and that won't condemn you to suffering. But to say that avoiding doing something good when you can doesn't determine in the small or the large a chance to advance would be a lie and I'm not here to tell lies that make people feel better.

I saw no one comment on that little mention which was interesting to note.

Greetings Brother!!!!
I would love to reply you, but now I can't even read your reply lol. I'm quoting you now so as soon as I reread the replies I remember that I still have to read you! Don't hold it against me hahaha
trying to somehow plant fear and delusions in people minds if they do not donate exactly as the enemy say ' If you do not believe in jewsus then you're damming your life overall and will eternally boil up
That particular "affects your karma" thing I can actually agree on was a bit over the top perhaps.

So no, I don't think it affects your karma. I just think donating helps ToZ - that's it.
Not donating is fine.

But, I assume he meant rich people who call themselves Zevists and very well can afford donating, yet choose to buy a new car instead etc. Not people like me who are unemployed. That's just how I see it.

Not that not donating "hurts your karma" necessarily though, but having millions and not donating a dime while calling yourself Zevist is a little cheap I would say.
As for Outreach - I do my own things here and post it on my own channels and I'm fine with that. I usually get so much feedback from here anyways.

It all depends on the quality of your work and not the channel it's presented from.
Nothing wrong with Outreach though. I just do my own things.
Years ago I came across money that would be considered a lot for some people. Like actually a lot, buy big house in center of city, type of money.

I thought to myself, what difference will it make that if I buy a house, versus, what showed up at the time, further the progression of the JoS to become great?

On route 1, it would help millions of people and also HPS Maxine at the time.

On route 2, I would just have a house, like so many other people that have a house on the planet, but have done nothing great in their existence when the time opportunity appeared, as a result. Nothing satisfactory for the Gods or anything, nor for others in the community. It would be me, inside a very nice house, nothing else.

Dillemas like these were part of all my life. I always chose to give things away. It does not mean I don't exist in a fair way now, but it means that the Temple is more important than myself, for example, to live on and to evolve. I therefore chose to invest in the JoS, buy books and this is it.

I chose route 1 as I believe in the abundance and power of the Gods, especially when they are shown one has the power to do what is right.

5-6 years later, I never regretted that choice at all, given the progress and where things will be soon for our side. I am a thousand steps ahead because of that choice, what is important to be one thousands ahead too for what is most meaningful, ie, the community which has thrived ever since in quality.

If only 3-4 people thought of things in this way, we would be truly on the path for becoming a powerfully instated religion where you could walk outside and exist very strongly. But most people are not.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
