JoS Is a Cult Meme
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".
And these are only a few.
I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.
Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.
But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.
The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.
You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.
Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?
Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?
What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...
But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?
I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.
Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.
The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!
If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.
That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.
Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?
Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.
Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.
Literally, even IF dear HPHC here was brainwashing us, as absurd as it is, what would he be brainwashing us into?
Being healthy, fit, and good people?
Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).
In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.
I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL
Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666