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Cult Test: What's The Cult?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
JoS Is a Cult Meme

Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Literally, even IF dear HPHC here was brainwashing us, as absurd as it is, what would he be brainwashing us into?
Being healthy, fit, and good people?

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was just thinking to myself a few hours before this post was made "Am I in a cult?" then it took me 5 seconds to realise that everything that we are, do and stand for is the absolute opposite of cults. You'd have to have studied cults to understand this.

Religions today are cults, yes, but so are many other things people don't notice, religions are the most "in your face" about it. Workplace environments employ cult-like tactics. Many restrict heavily what you do at work. Armies also employ cult-like tactics, to ensure loyalty. The Progressive crap is also all very cult-like, with progressive teachers turning kids trans behind their parents' backs and some progressive areas threatening to rip kids out of their parents' custody if they don't "affirm their gender", taking people away from their families is cult 101. And this is all in the "free" West. East Asia has it much, much worse, the Islamic world too, but at least those places don't have the progressive nonsense which in many ways is worse.

Honestly, anyone who calls the JOS a "cult" is most likely in some sort of cult-like state themselves since they can't tell the difference between an organisation that promotes individual freedom and one that doesn't.
People these days also call any minor religion a "cult". There is some merit to that as many of these minor creeds often employ cult-like tactics since they start as small communities. But now the word "cult" basically means any religion that doesn't have millions of followers or as HPHC said, any idea or group you don't like for whatever reason.
I was just thinking to myself a few hours before this post was made "Am I in a cult?" then it took me 5 seconds to realise that everything that we are, do and stand for is the absolute opposite of cults. You'd have to have studied cults to understand this.

I studied many religions and many things before coming here and had the unfortunate experience of seeing many cult-like individuals, especially in Abrahamism. You cannot even reason with them. Even in diet, they try to control you and tell you if you eat certain things you will burn in hellfire for having a cheeseburger, or that because you yawn, Satan has entered your mouth or something. Then one day you want to go and they send you 100 messages to get you back and who knows what else, you have to change your city in order to survive. Emotional coercion such as you will lose your family or they aim for your children if you go, and other crazy things like that are commonplace.

I know people who were seriously molested for decades nowadays as "priests" to these programs, promoting the same death and damnation to the next generation.

"Very Good people" according to society, of course. I am the Vigilante around here in the goyim village for not accepting these things.

I turned to Lord Satan on my own free will, decision and because I studied, not because of any force equal to 1% of the above as these cults deployed. I found the Gods practiced none of these methods whatsoever. Nobody told me "stay here OR...(insert fear of eternal damnation)".

And yes, everyone who believes in anything else than the programs of insanity is a "cultist" today and "evil" without no explanation; just because they aren't following along and "God will burn them". But loves them too or something.

As you say, the biggest cults, ie, Abrahamic programs, literally deploy this in plain sight.

It's just some people need either to study or see first-hand experience with cults.
One may read here to have clear ideas about what a cult is.


I spent years and years researching a so-called religion that threatens, in its holy book, to BUTCHER whomever leaves. An apostate from Islam is the worst of the worst. Even if you were born into this filth without your consent, you leave - YOU ARE KILLED. It isn't a joke. Yes, this does happen, copiously.

In Russia, a so called 'based' country that officially has nothing to do with Islam, a man burned the Qu'ran in protest. Putin's stooges put him on a train to Chechnya. He has been tortured on camera repeatedly and sentenced to life in prison (while the state media lies about "three years").

In the West, where certain people fought for hundreds of years to discard the evil program of Christianity, overwhelmingly so-called 'progressive' morons in power along with a few malcontents of an ultraconservative variety now copiously defend the 'right' of Muslims to butcher nonbelievers, along with handing them the keys to everything else.

Communists enacted much of the same tortures and even worse for anyone who attempted to leave their glorious paradise... or anyone attempting to cross regional borders without an 'internal passport', for that matter.

No one has ever forced me to do anything on the Joy of Satanas. The only times I felt remotely coerced on this path was from a user telling me to unalive myself for not wanting refugees in my country and another person who sent me death threats for not liking the castration of children. Neither of these 'contentions' were ever advocated by the High Priests or Priestesses. Quite the contrary, in fact.

Do you know where I can make an account, state that I dislike the castration of children or the influx of refugees, or criticise Islam itself that matter... and get tons of death threats in a few hours? Do you know where public figures and celebrities can be harassed by a mob of lunatics if they so much as deviate from 'consensus'?

Any social media site going.

If you think the JoS is a cult at this point, reality is not staring you in the face!

Unlike the lie of the Soviet Union that claimed 'freedom of conscience' and Islam's fake 'no compulsion in religion' clause, we are the real deal.
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I love this group people here you all are
Family to me ! I was in church
When younger to and I grew
To hate it they one night in
A church they had a foul holy Spirit
I felt something go into me it made
Me feel sick feeling and it was i
Tried to make speak I told it to get
The fucking goddamn fxck in thing
Get out of me loud on the inside
And when 17 I would Prayed to
Satan I came here on my own
Free will Satan gave me happiness
For he will always be my friend my
God and I want to thank you for
Allowing me to be here this High Priest HoodedCobra I appreciate
This Sermon
Hail Satan and the Gods! !!
"JoS is a cult" = Your medicine -> Criticize Islam in London and tell them the same things you write here about the Gods. See how long you survive.
I was just thinking to myself a few hours before this post was made "Am I in a cult?" then it took me 5 seconds to realise that everything that we are, do and stand for is the absolute opposite of cults. You'd have to have studied cults to understand this.

Religions today are cults, yes, but so are many other things people don't notice, religions are the most "in your face" about it. Workplace environments employ cult-like tactics. Many restrict heavily what you do at work. Armies also employ cult-like tactics, to ensure loyalty. The Progressive crap is also all very cult-like, with progressive teachers turning kids trans behind their parents' backs and some progressive areas threatening to rip kids out of their parents' custody if they don't "affirm their gender", taking people away from their families is cult 101. And this is all in the "free" West. East Asia has it much, much worse, the Islamic world too, but at least those places don't have the progressive nonsense which in many ways is worse.

Honestly, anyone who calls the JOS a "cult" is most likely in some sort of cult-like state themselves since they can't tell the difference between an organisation that promotes individual freedom and one that doesn't.
The way out of this line of thinking is honestly to question what is cult-like about the JoS.

Other filth who will be punished exhort their followers to abuse themselves, innocents and others to initiate. This is very serious and these mongrels are being destroyed. I'm not just talking about wacko cults here: even the echelons of the 'standard' Abrahamic religions can be like that, like the Catholic Church and grooming gangs of Muslims. If not that, they run rings of abusing hundreds of thousands of innocents per mid-sized country just because. The secular phenomena of grooming minors into extreme mutilation applies here as well. As HPS Maxine said before, these individuals are predatory like the angelic thoughtforms by essence.

You are not forced to contribute. The majority of information to make yourself into an amazing being is on the site. We do not force people to attend extremely costly dianetics sessions or anything of the sort.

Information about the Gods, insofar as it is comprehensible to all, is not pay-walled.

We do not force anyone to do anything in their diet or sexually or any of the navel-gazing obsessions of other religions. There are no dietary rules (beyond horrors like cannibalism or avoiding dangerous foods). We do not psychologically abuse people with endless threats to stay in the dietary circle to enhance the delusion of self-abuse being valid as 'pro-ana' or fat positive people do, nor do we force children into horrible stunting diets like incompetent parents across the West and militant vegans. We encourage real knowledge about food and its spiritual properties.

We do not force our followers to cut the frenulum of their tongues, fast to the point of brain damage, drown in ice holes or whip themselves. We do not make children cut themselves open like Shia Muslims do during the so-called 'Ashari'. We do not sacrifice animals and butcher them en masse while abusing them and laughing at them. These are abominable. None of these will get you to any point of spirituality, while our practices will.

The only sexual things banned are abominations against innocents of no sexual faculty, incest and heinous acts against animals, alongside rape which is properly universally regarded as a crime.

We advise against mixing of the races and against minor degrees of incest like first cousin marriage in line with what the Gods instructed of us but we provide evidence and rationale for this, nor do we condemn people 'to hell' who have done these as these are out of ignorance.

So what is cult-like exactly?
Ironically, the JoS is probably one of the few places on Earth NOT under the grips of the biggest cult in the world known as Judaism.

The world in its current state is basically Jewtropolis, people are so accustomed to living in filth they have an allergic reaction to cleanliness.

Without the proper development of a "spiritual immune system" this is the only reaction you can expect of these animal's.
I have not met anything more balanced than JoS, there is no extreme degree of abdication of responsibility as in some new age cults where you are told that your whole life is a dream, a simulation, you just get experience and don't worry, go inject heroin in the back alley.

But there are no cruel schizo-rules in the style of “”Religions“” that are recognized in society as official and where quite natural things are considered as sin, making neurotics and slaves out of people.

Also anyone who will show enough attention and diligence will be easily convinced, will get a colossal mystical experience and a lot of confirmations that everything that is written is pure truth.

I have been an initiated member for about 7 years, actively participating in rituals, my life and I have changed only for the better, all the negativity that I have experienced during this time was from myself or my own delusions.

Yes it is not an easy path, a lot of trials (and sometimes failed), you see your own mistakes and can not always correct them, as well as a lot of things that used to like can be disgusted as you see how much everything is ruined by the enemy. But this path gives much more than it takes.

Unlike cults and “”religions“” where you get ripped off, brainwashed, and all you get in return is a sneeze.
The way out of this line of thinking is honestly to question what is cult-like about the JoS.

Other filth who will be punished exhort their followers to abuse themselves, innocents and others to initiate. This is very serious and these mongrels are being destroyed. I'm not just talking about wacko cults here: even the echelons of the 'standard' Abrahamic religions can be like that, like the Catholic Church and grooming gangs of Muslims. If not that, they run rings of abusing hundreds of thousands of innocents per mid-sized country just because. The secular phenomena of grooming minors into extreme mutilation applies here as well. As HPS Maxine said before, these individuals are predatory like the angelic thoughtforms by essence.

You are not forced to contribute. The majority of information to make yourself into an amazing being is on the site. We do not force people to attend extremely costly dianetics sessions or anything of the sort.

Information about the Gods, insofar as it is comprehensible to all, is not pay-walled.

We do not force anyone to do anything in their diet or sexually or any of the navel-gazing obsessions of other religions. There are no dietary rules (beyond horrors like cannibalism or avoiding dangerous foods). We do not psychologically abuse people with endless threats to stay in the dietary circle to enhance the delusion of self-abuse being valid as 'pro-ana' or fat positive people do, nor do we force children into horrible stunting diets like incompetent parents across the West and militant vegans. We encourage real knowledge about food and its spiritual properties.

We do not force our followers to cut the frenulum of their tongues, fast to the point of brain damage, drown in ice holes or whip themselves. We do not make children cut themselves open like Shia Muslims do during the so-called 'Ashari'. We do not sacrifice animals and butcher them en masse while abusing them and laughing at them. These are abominable. None of these will get you to any point of spirituality, while our practices will.

The only sexual things banned are abominations against innocents of no sexual faculty, incest and heinous acts against animals, alongside rape which is properly universally regarded as a crime.

We advise against mixing of the races and against minor degrees of incest like first cousin marriage in line with what the Gods instructed of us but we provide evidence and rationale for this, nor do we condemn people 'to hell' who have done these as these are out of ignorance.

So what is cult-like exactly?
Abrahamic religions are disgusting
They live on guilt disease murder
I have not met anything more balanced than JoS, there is no extreme degree of abdication of responsibility as in some new age cults where you are told that your whole life is a dream, a simulation, you just get experience and don't worry, go inject heroin in the back alley.

But there are no cruel schizo-rules in the style of “”Religions“” that are recognized in society as official and where quite natural things are considered as sin, making neurotics and slaves out of people.

Also anyone who will show enough attention and diligence will be easily convinced, will get a colossal mystical experience and a lot of confirmations that everything that is written is pure truth.

I have been an initiated member for about 7 years, actively participating in rituals, my life and I have changed only for the better, all the negativity that I have experienced during this time was from myself or my own delusions.

Yes it is not an easy path, a lot of trials (and sometimes failed), you see your own mistakes and can not always correct them, as well as a lot of things that used to like can be disgusted as you see how much everything is ruined by the enemy. But this path gives much more than it takes.

Unlike cults and “”religions“” where you get ripped off, brainwashed, and all you get in return is a sneeze.
I can also attest to becoming more positive since joining the JOS, and I've only been here for about 5 months.
I'm glad you're posting more often.
to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

This part is beautiful. In this 2025 I focus on this. These are not all very simple things, but they are all doable through commitment. Come on. 2025 has just started, I have time if I work hard at it.
Mom! A mention to a post of mine made it to the front page!
Jokes aside, I'm glad to see this stupid meme exposed once more.
I am still too lazy for the gym, damn it would be EASIER if I could get brainwashed into it, instead I have to fight my inner issues to even just consider starting it.
"JoS is a cult" = Your medicine -> Criticize Islam in London and tell them the same things you write here about the Gods. See how long you survive.
People be informed and realistic, don't talk bullshit, at least not here. If you don't know ask, the best thing one can do is asking.
When I think back to how I was before the dedication and look at myself now I can't believe how much I have changed for the better thanks to JoS, you literally saved my life High Priest, just by reading your incredible wisdom and knowledge, I will thank you eternally for this.

Only 3 years have passed and I can already experiment a lot, many times I wonder who knows what I will be like in 10 years following this line upwards and never downwards. People who criticize JoS have extremely limited conscience, or are completely clouded by the enemy's agenda.

Before criticizing, read the whole site carefully, with an open mind, you know nothing about reality, about life, and everything that was put in front of you was to make you a slave. You just have to learn and here you can finally do it, without limits.
Yeah, some random NPC comes and "u b cult HAAAAHAHAHA, u b cult HAAAAHAHAHA"... Ah well, but I'm grateful that there is a post debunking those brainless dolts. Not that it will make ANY difference - but thank you High Priest nonetheless =]
Mom! A mention to a post of mine made it to the front page!
Jokes aside, I'm glad to see this stupid meme exposed once more.
I am still too lazy for the gym, damn it would be EASIER if I could get brainwashed into it, instead I have to fight my inner issues to even just consider starting it.
Oddly specific 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The model I and many other people validate as a good model is Steven Hassan's BITE model.

Behavioral control - Does the JoS enforce any sort of behaviors on people, restricting certain actions or making certain actions mandatory? Nope.
Information control - Does the JoS limit people's access to information, threatening ostracization or shunning from researching certain material? Nope.
Thought control - Does the JoS label certain thoughts as evil, promote thought-terminating routines, or punish "thought crime"? Nope.
Emotional control - Does the JoS label certain emotions as evil, or punish the manifesting of certain emotions? Nope.

Coincidentally, the religion that scores the HIGHEST on these is jehovah's witnesses.
Down below is a result by OpenAI restricted ChatGPT, which is still heavily jew-biased, about comparing JWs and JoS. Pretty telling even on an AI that's built to hate us.
Do this in various parts of the UK especially London as you said HPHC.

You are one of the best mate

Fcuck this fool.
Well , with all due respect to you t's full of them in the UK , you can barely if not at all meditate due of them , they could over hear you and who the fucck knows what weirdo will come with a machete at the door step [ah the religion of peace], so 'freedom' and things as such where those monkeys are can't be freedom in itself. Then again the exact same andropedas if you try to lets say be a christian in their country and build a church they will chop you down but then they demad rights and stuff in Europe by using fear and even crime , Europe needs to get back where it once was , soon ;) Most of people know that they are using force and fear and many other things, but mostly illegal immigration shall be banned and if a war were to start so let it start , we had enough of those andropeads on our streets already doing bad shit , what could be worse then them multiply and living on benefits while the average guy work his ass off and others having 2 names and on benefits , not right is it ?

They rly started taking the piss on a big level and people had enough , from all of Europe.

Btw , look what I've found online:

"The first one represents a collective mental problem and the second one is of an individual.." that's so golden! Dayuuum
The model I and many other people validate as a good model is Steven Hassan's BITE model.

Behavioral control - Does the JoS enforce any sort of behaviors on people, restricting certain actions or making certain actions mandatory? Nope.
Information control - Does the JoS limit people's access to information, threatening ostracization or shunning from researching certain material? Nope.
Thought control - Does the JoS label certain thoughts as evil, promote thought-terminating routines, or punish "thought crime"? Nope.
Emotional control - Does the JoS label certain emotions as evil, or punish the manifesting of certain emotions? Nope.

Are these even enforceable on the internet?

Take the case of "behavior control", how do you even control people's behavior through an online forum, so more for SS who don't even participate in this forum? You can only suggest certain things to do for spiritual empowerment or things to avoid like drugs, but ultimately you don't really know what they do in their private lives. They can lie to you and tell you they meditate every day, you don't even know if they are seriously doing what you tell them.

That's why the entire talk of an online organization being a "cult" is so dumb.

As a famous tweet (slightly changed) said: "Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is An Internet Cult Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha"
This shows how foolish people can be, and it further proves why Satanism only accepts strong individuals. By 'strong,' I mean those who choose to reason, to reflect. The moment a person starts questioning and reflecting on their own beliefs, worldview, and life, it naturally leads them to Satanism. Thank you, HP Cobra, for this post.

Some people are walking memes... They descended to the level where work and study are too hard so they rely on labels and name calling to achieve their perceived social validation. After a certain point in life one cannot change their character, it is in their nature. This is why in life, in history differences are settled in all sorts of ways...

I wish we could all agree on this way and make a global, peaceful transition towards this vision, but nature teaches us it is not that easy...
I studied many religions and many things before coming here and had the unfortunate experience of seeing many cult-like individuals, especially in Abrahamism. You cannot even reason with them. Even in diet, they try to control you and tell you if you eat certain things you will burn in hellfire for having a cheeseburger, or that because you yawn, Satan has entered your mouth or something. Then one day you want to go and they send you 100 messages to get you back and who knows what else, you have to change your city in order to survive. Emotional coercion such as you will lose your family or they aim for your children if you go, and other crazy things like that are commonplace.

I know people who were seriously molested for decades nowadays as "priests" to these programs, promoting the same death and damnation to the next generation.

"Very Good people" according to society, of course. I am the Vigilante around here in the goyim village for not accepting these things.

I turned to Lord Satan on my own free will, decision and because I studied, not because of any force equal to 1% of the above as these cults deployed. I found the Gods practiced none of these methods whatsoever. Nobody told me "stay here OR...(insert fear of eternal damnation)".

And yes, everyone who believes in anything else than the programs of insanity is a "cultist" today and "evil" without no explanation; just because they aren't following along and "God will burn them". But loves them too or something.

As you say, the biggest cults, ie, Abrahamic programs, literally deploy this in plain sight.

It's just some people need either to study or see first-hand experience with cults.
Bless You HPHC!!
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You're right, High Priest!

Example of cult practices is a rule of Jewhovah witnesses that it's members are forbidden to do blood transfusion even though not doing blood transfusion will lead to his/her members death!

But we at the Joy of Satan are pro-life and working towards immortality!

Hail Satan!!
Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.
this part of the thread particularly struck me! The Joy of Satanas cannot be called a cult and if someone called like it...well...they highly do not know what a REAL cult is.
I fortunately have never been a victim of them but I have heard so many true crime stories in my life that it was enough for me to realize that a cult can even lead to death.
For all the people who think the Joy of Satanas is a cult: which cult teaches you yoga to elevate yourself? Which sect gives you advice to achieve your own well-being in your daily life? Which sect gives you the ability to make you feel at peace with yourself and understood through the experiences of others?
No one here is obliged to stay, you are free to leave whenever you want, and for those who would like to join instead, you are welcome.
But never, ever say that the Joy of Satanas is a cult.

Instead, it would be a case of thanking the High Priests and all those who strive to bring toward us the right knowledge so that we can finally call ourselves free from all mind control 💪
Study DARPA methods and what the mass media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. The apparatuses of cults are very extensive, they aren't forums where you can literally log off tomorrow and let it go. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing".

And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding like governments do or torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

Cults use violence, sex, money, abuse, political terrorism, isolation, attacks, drugs, psychological enslavement, removal of personality, threats and anything else of that caliber to keep people enslaved under them. It's not as easy as log in and log out and study on your own accord. Judaism and the cohorts of the enemy use all of these on a consistent basis.

But most people are literally animals who don't even study about cults and they just log in here totally uneducated on this and they say that people who have common convictions or opinions [borne out of perspective, experience etc, that no, didn't come out of mass media brainwashing either] are very strange for having this. Imagine this.

The average football team practices more "brainwashing" than anything here. About the average Church or Mosque, one has to be a member to understand. Centuries and centuries.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it. One must actually want to join a cult to see how it is. We have members who were Jehovah's witnesses and locked in rooms to hear recordings about how much they love God and what sinners they are for 10 years. These people knew firsthand.

Nowadays, any opinion that people agree upon that others do not like, you call this a cult. Has our "cult" contacted you, extorted you, told you to leave your family, abandon your wife, waterboarded you and practiced any such methods to get you in?

Or our "Cult" operates literally by just existing and you come around like bimbo's to complain that you fell upon another "evil millionaire" that you went on your own accord thinking it was Christian Grey or something?

What is the penalty of leaving Spiritual Satanism, unlike cults, which rob your life and destroy your or even kill you for leaving them, or threaten you with eternal hellfire in a roasting place if you leave? We call your job and tell you your contract is over because you didn't obey Satan or something? Or it's the usual society that if you say you are even debating this, your life is instantly gone the next day? Yeah...

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

I am familiar with cults personally as I was raised in a heavily Christian background. We were forced to listen to at least 3 hours of Jewish verses from the Bible all day long. This was entry level also. About higher levels? You don't exist.

Serial child molesters, violence, supernal threats for no reason and for the slightest disobedience, buying and selling souls and way more is what I saw everyday. That's the regular "religion" many of you follow or your peers do, but I don't see you very vocal about it. Just cowering on the side against the mafia probably, the usual.

The average daily level of violence in a medium-high "pious" Muslim household of 4 people is about all the arguments in volume that transpire in the whole forums here, per year. Wow, imagine the violence right? Cultism!

If one is bitter people like me or each other here, or the Gods or because I like my people more than anything, then you will have to join a local cult to see how that truly goes with cults. They deserve the love they are given and my existence, I wasn't forced by anyone of them in this process. Conscious choices.

That's far from brainwashing and in fact, the antipode of it. Snowflake worthless arguments we will hear again, but let's focus on objectivity.

Is anyone with a whip around to threaten you for hellfire if you don't meditate, or tell you you will lose your job if you don't worship the Chosen People here (like the Jews do constantly?). Is anyone threatening you with stoning on public like Islam does? Are you threatened with reputational damage and the loss of your family if you literally just have any other opinion, like Christian Communities do all the time to their followers?

Go study brainwashing or enlist in a local Mosque, and you will see brainwashing in full power. Rise the echelons of the Vatican church and let us know how that went.

Empty instagram heroes and TikToker's, if you want to save people from cults, start from the actual ones who have the world on shackles and have all the power and the largest brainwashing apparatus. But you will go to Mosque in fear of Mohammed and burning in eternal hellfire like a cuckboy, and you will probably come to us here to complain that we exist at all or believe in our Gods. Enjoy your whip and please refer to actual cult methodologies for improving your understandings.

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of through and choice, be brave, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, meditate on your own free will for increase of power and self capacity, bringing out your talents, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power so that you become something way better than anything it was planned in life (which plans us all as slaves and cogwheels).

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.

I have applied for brainwashing by the community and I love everyone who brainwashed me over the years to become a better brainwashed person in all of the above. Best brainwashing of my life, I would wish for nothing else really. LOL

Keep brainwashing me everyone I love me a strong dose of brainwashing, since all the people out there in the world are "Free", I want to be permanently brainwashed as a Spiritual Satanist, it just feels great.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Alot, of people out there are still in the dark. When it, comes to mind the things we do and teach. And, the Information we share. And, still they being ignorant assume the worst ? Or go along with somebody's fear of what they hear . Not, understanding the concept? What's real and what isn't. And what they can learn. If they give themselves, a chance to walk away from there silly xtian believes and learn something that makes sense and elevate the mind and soul. And heal themselves in the process. With out, some thought that something bad is going to happen thinking that we are a cult and make a big fool out of themselves and completely miss out on an opportunity to learn something or many things of value and self worth.
I think that "cult" is weaponized word just like "heretic", "witch", "satanist", "racist", "nazi", "antisemitism", "islamophobia", "toxic masculinity", "extremism"...

Christians, jews and marxist have used this tactics for centuries against their enemies. You can shut down your enemies with meaningless words.

If you are not christian or atheist in West, you must be in "cult":eek:
Normies will refer to the JoS as a cult (or by any other variety of denigrating means) and yet shrug their shoulders when they stroll past a Scientology HQ in their capital city. You know, the building with a visible surveillance setup almost on par with the Pentagon, with staff trained to record and report people who look suspicious outside so that they can be put on file, with yet more staff ready and waiting to offer you a supposedly harmless "personality test" which is nothing more than a gateway into getting suckered into their program?

The normies would cordon off us into obscurity while an actual cult like Scientology has literal billions of dollars in wealth, celebrity figureheads, and untold fortunes in property and asset wealth (including a fleet of military grade super yachts which are battle ready for some reason and nobody seems to care?)

Nevermind of course, how farcical their beliefs are, with ancient earth being called Teegeeack and trillions of people in a galactic empire being rounded up for tax file inspections only to be dumped at the foot of a volcano and blown up with an atom bomb before their ghosts are forced into cinemas to watch 3D movies - and no, not a single word of this is made up, but this is an active hostile organization which partakes in literal modern day slavery. They actually have a piece of doctrine called "fair game", where you're compelled to harass and destroy the lives of anyone who even may be hostile to the church.

But hey, at least they're not anti-semitic, right? That's why there's a big budget Hollywood movie that shills for the religion. Meanwhile you can't go five minutes without a new horror movie besmirching the Gods. With regards to religion, you can get away with anything so long as you don't offend the status-quo. Nations will tell you they'll defend the lives of women, gay people, and so on, only to welcome in Islam with a smile on their face, despite the Quran telling its adherents to commit violence and oppression on these groups. And then they shrug their shoulders some more when the inevitable happens.

Frankly, getting called a cult by your average garden variety Abrahamic can really only be seen as complimentary. A Christian will preach you some Biblical communism about the evils of wealth and then go sit in a front row at a megachurch's billion dollar gospel concert and laser show. If they can't even be bothered to rid their own faith of the most repugnant sects, anything they have to say about anyone else is utterly meaningless.
So if according to this logic of Andrapoda teaching people to be better people and move forward in their lives is a cult, then going to university and studying a career or taking a course to learn a profession is also a cult.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
