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Esoteric Marxism/Communism Thread


New member
Oct 28, 2023
(If you’re interest in the subject, please read this post entirely.)

I want to create a thread to discuss 'esoteric Marxism', as I couldn’t find any other. The sensationalistic media loves to claim that the nazis were occultists, which is true. At the same time, they ignore the occult beliefs of marxists and liberals, as if they didn’t exist. For nazis, straw man arguments; for leftists, self-declaration.

If anyone knows the basic of religion, we know the difference between exotericism (simplifications for the masses) vs. esotericism (the real, complicated experience). For example: in esotericism, angels are creepy entities with multiple eyes, circles, colors etc, something that would scare common people, unlike naked, winged blond babies or an old bearded man in the clouds.

Exoterically, nazis claimed to be Christians for the masses and to maintain social order, while secretly using occultism and Paganism to protect their country against their enemies. Communists, on the other hand, claimed to be materialists and atheists to remove every type of spirituality and power from the people, while also reinforcing some Christian counter-reaction. Christianity operates in an “antifragile” scheme. It flourishes more in times of oppression, need and desperation. Reverse psychology also plays a role, as people hated communists (this is known among Jews as dialectics and dualism). Esoterically, and secretly, the communists used witchcraft against the Russians, especially the Jewish Kabbalah (plus a bit of Freemasonry). Rabbis were master sorcerers. Bear in mind that Marx was from a family of multiple rabbis, of many generations: that’s at least blood memory kicking in. His atheism probably wasn’t sincere, as it wasn’t his conversion to Lutheranism.

It is interesting that Hitler even claimed - in a subtle way - that Marx was a black sorcerer: “Without the widespread pre-existing foundation of such a poison, the amazing political success of this doctrine would never have been possible. Among millions of people, Karl Marx was the one man who, with the sure eye of the prophet, recognized the poisons essential to his plan were already in the swamp of a slowly decaying world. He separated and identified those poisons, like a black-magic wizard, to make a concentrated solution he could use to speed the destruction of the free nations on this earth. All this was done to serve his race.”
And this is not an obscure quotation, but from Mein Kampf (Book 2, Chapter 1).

Well, one of the greatest spells that Jews cast against the Goyim was making them blame “Satan” (instead of “Israel”, i.e. the Jews). This previous phrase is meant literally: they do this through the Yom Kippur ritual. In this ritual, they try to make Gentiles be punished for Jews’ sins (literally: “scapegoating”). It’s a distraction. When people see Satanists, they don’t see Jews. I say that as a personal experience, as I remembered being divided after 9/11 conspiracy theories: if Jews or “Satanic Illuminati” are responsible. This is also visible when people blame “Satanic sacrifices” instead of “Jewish ritual murder” (“blood libel”), or a “Satanic pact” instead of the “Mosaic Covenant” between Abraham and the genocidal cacodemon Yahweh, a Jewish pact for wealth and power. Some Christians blame “Satanic Jews”, which partially exempt the Jews. That’s because these ethnic Jews don’t follow Satanism, but Jewish esotericism like Kabbalah (which praises Yahweh, and Jewish angels like Metatron). But people don’t know the difference.

[Source: CJB video]

But that’s part of the magic… the more you run the world, the less people notice it. Because you run the world, you can run people’s minds! And one does it not necessarily by the media and culture, but by occult, magical, indirect means. I remember reading in a book about some Chinese farmers being oppressed by a corrupt, communist commissar. They accused him of “not being a real communist” … but a “bourgeoisie” oppressor! See how this works? The people not only exempt the accuser, but blame his ideological enemies, while using the language of the tyrants that indoctrinated them. For short, when people blame "Satan", they don’t blame Jews.

But most of we know this. So, let’s go to the good stuff, which inspired me to create this thread.
Do you know “Richard Wurmbrand”? He was a Christian born in Romania (ethnically Jew, but whatever). He was a Lutheran priest and was tortured by the communists, for being an active Christian. But then he managed to flee to the West. He published two books (I haven’t read yet), one about his pretty miserable life while being tortured. Another book was about Karl Marx being a Satanist (Marx and Satan).

As a devout Christian, he thought Marx was so evil (he indeed was!), that he could only be a literal Satanist. Then, Communism was just the means to an end, which would be Satanism (he was close; the truth is: Communism is just a means to Judaism). It is not surprising that the evilest thing a devout Christian could think of is Satanism, Hell or Demons. Years later, Wurmbrand searched Marx’s books and found some strange, esoteric stuff. Plus dark revenge fantasies. Marx was a bit mad, but it seems to have some evidence that he was an occultist. However, to mainstream Christianity, all occultism equates witchcraft or Satanism (as all spiritual power is discouraged). And this is where he is wrong.

But I’ve found some very revealing stuff I’ve found. Look at this Christian review of his book.

Marx and Satan: A Book Review

“Wurmbrand himself felt the cruelty directly delivered at pastors in communist prison. Cruelties such as making priests serve the Eucharist where the cup was urine and the bread was feces. Christianity is hated like no other religion by Marxist or in Communist states. Even today, what is the greatest evil in the eyes of critical theorists in America? It is White, Christian nationalism. Now, they add the descriptor “White” on there, so that the average person, and even many Christians, would denounce White Christian nationalism, because it makes you picture someone in a white hood who is part of the KKK. But the attack on White Christian nationalism is simply a tactic to eliminate Christians to having any role or speaking up in politics, because Marxism hates the Church.” (Minutes 4:40 to 5:38.)

Did you get it? This is a gold mine. There’s so, so much to unpack here.

1) First of all, Jews don’t hate Christianity, they hate Christians. Christianity is just a tool for them to enslave Gentiles, mainly White Europeans. Be aware that Europeans only started seeing themselves as “Whites” in the 18th century, in contrast to dark races they found in other places in the world. So how could Jews hate us racially, as Whites? The answer is, Judaism considers us the seed of “Rome”, i.e. the descendants of the “evil” Roman Empire, meaning more “Westerner” than “White”. Jews also call us the seed of Edom-Esau, the reddish hunter that got tricked by the brother, Jacob (Gen 27:36). This deceiver is the forefather of Israelites, and the first "anti-Semite". Jacob was the first "crypto-Jew".
As for Esau (which is the same as Edom):

Rabbi Alon Anava: Esau (White Europeans) represents all the evil in the world today. #110

By the way, the tribal god of the Jews, Yahweh, has a message to us:

“‘I have loved you,’ says the Lord. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the Lord. “Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.” Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.” But this is what the Lord Almighty says: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the Lord.
Malachi 1:2-4

So much of “God loves you”! Also:

“Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”
Psalm 136(137):9

2) Yes, the Jews hate “White Christians”, like one hates a despised enemy, or hated slaves. Christianity is poison (wine, the forbidden fruit) to Judaism. It weakens the Gentile peoples; and Jews must not get high in their own supply. According to the plan, in the End of Days, Jesus will return and crush the “grapes” (beheaded heads) of the Gentiles in a winepress, making “wine”. Then, rivers of blood will flood the earth, like happened with Russians and Armenians. The Eucharist is a secret curse. Christians drink from the Cup of God’s Wrath. And, drunken and confused with it, they are damned to ruin… conducted by the pastors like sheep to the slaughterhouse (Jr 51:39-40).

3) “But the attack on White Christian nationalism is simply a tactic to eliminate Christians to having any role or speaking up in politics, because Marxism hates the Church.” No. It’s the opposite. Jews don’t want to eliminate Christian influence, only White or White nationalist influence. They fear us because we dislike them. We dislike them as Pagans, as Christians, as secular nationalists and as radical leftists pro-Palestine. It is in our blood to sense their evil. Besides, Jews don’t want Whites to worship Zeus, Thor and Jupiter, they want us to worship the Jewish rabbi Jesus, the Jew Peter and the Jewess Mary. They don’t hate Christianity. Instead, they hate us, our seed. They hate us because we, as Pagan Edom, destroyed their temple, and, when weakened, “drunk” Christians, continued to persecute them; but, this time, always losing.

4) He also said that “Cruelties such as making priests serve the Eucharist where the cup was urine and the bread was feces. Christianity is hated like no other religion by Marxist or in Communist states”. I let the best to the end, because this is, so revealing. One would think this is just a sick joke... But there’s a logic to that. That’s the clues left in the crime scene.

This is a Jewish stuff. And it’s related to Jesus and Mohammed being buried in feces in the “dung heap”, in the final war of Armageddon. This “hell” is a real place, on earth. Jesus and Mohammed represent Christians and Muslims who are tricked to mutually consume each other (Leviathan vs. Behemoth) in war and then fertilizing the tree of life/death of the Jews with their corpses. Jews will watch the massive war and won’t be affected by the war they caused.

As for the Eucharist, the wine and bread become urine and feces (which created a controversy during the Reformation), and the “Holy Grail” of the fake religion of Christianity. The cup of feces-urine that the communists forced priests and Wurmbrand to take is part of the Jewish curse. This is deliberate, it’s on Jewish books! This is not a simple mockery, but a well-thought ritual, which must have been ordered from a very high-ranking communist official. And this is VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. PEOPLE WERE TORTURED FOR LACK OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. Sources below, including the Talmud and Kabbalah quotes, by Christopher Jon Bjerknes:

CJB Books - Kabbalah of the Holy Grail Jesus Boiling in Hell

Coincidence? Well, this motif repeats. And it’s Jews, again. In Palestine, the Israelis throw “skunk water” on the natives. This is a chemical water with extremely bad smell, which can’t be removed taking showers, only by a special product that Palestinians don’t possess.

CJB Books - Boiling Goyim in Excrement in Hell a Talmudic and Kabbalistic Duty

Please watch the two videos above in full to understand it all.

This feces symbol is common in Judaism and used ritualistically. It is used to degrade people spiritually and to crush their souls. Thus, when it enters the realm of physical reality, of torture, especially when associated to other symbol in association, the Eucharist, their tracks reveal a clue about who they are. It’s Jewish stuff.
I want to create a thread to discuss 'esoteric Marxism', as I couldn’t find any other.
You couldn't find it because there isn't such thing. Marxism is materialistic and anti-esoteric. It's rotten and has zero spiritual knowledge.

I was reading your post expecting to find some evidence, but there's none. The Hitler quote you posted where he compared Marx to a black sorcerer is clearly metaphorical and not literal. And in the other quote there isn't any esotericism mentioned.

On the other hand it's well known that the National Socialists had the Thule society where they studied occult/esoteric stuff like Ariosophy. Marxists had no such organization.

There are people like Savitri Devi and Michael Serano who wrote a lot of mystical and esoteric stuff relating to Hitler. By comparison, there's not a single Marxist author writing anything similar. They are all materialists who deny everything occult/spiritual.

So, it's clear that "esoteric Marxism" does not exist.
Read the book Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Yuri Lina. This talks all about these things. You can find a free PDF on the internet.
You couldn't find it because there isn't such thing. Marxism is materialistic and anti-esoteric. It's rotten and has zero spiritual knowledge.

I was reading your post expecting to find some evidence, but there's none. The Hitler quote you posted where he compared Marx to a black sorcerer is clearly metaphorical and not literal. And in the other quote there isn't any esotericism mentioned.

On the other hand it's well known that the National Socialists had the Thule society where they studied occult/esoteric stuff like Ariosophy. Marxists had no such organization.

There are people like Savitri Devi and Michael Serano who wrote a lot of mystical and esoteric stuff relating to Hitler. By comparison, there's not a single Marxist author writing anything similar. They are all materialists who deny everything occult/spiritual.

So, it's clear that "esoteric Marxism" does not exist.
I disagree, although you are right when you say I really don't sound convincing. We need time to gather the information about the subject, and that's why this thread is for.

As for the Hitler quote, it is intended at least to seem metaphorical, as he would never say that openly. But it seem to carry a secret message, just like Freemasons hide codes. It can't be proved, but we know the Nazis were occultists, and they had the Vril and Thule secret societies (about these two, it is also hard to find information).

When I refer to spirituality, this means both black, rotten spirituality as white magic, good, positive spirituality. Supernatural forces were evoked to produce mass atrocities, and that's spiritual warfare, spiritual forces of evil. Just like a gun in the hands of the enemy is still a gun. I suspect that Marxism was a really powerful black magic program.

There are people that say that Marxism had Kabbalistic influence in its doctrines. If true, this could result in a secret spiritual doctrine, hidden from the common communists by their secret circles of initiates. If not true, it could be just philosophical materialist appropriations of spirituality, removing its character. Like a child who draws occult signs without understanding them.
[This source is in Portuguese.]

Another possibility is that Marxism was really non-spiritual/atheist, and this doctrine was picked up by Kabbalists occultist as coinciding to their plans and efused with energy. Then Marxism would serve as a front indirectly to spiritual forces.

As for occultism in Marxism, I will give an example. The writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848) was paid and commissioned by a secret society, the League of the Just.

According to Wikipedia:
Their stated goal was "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".[11] This was also referred to by the League as the "new Jerusalem".[12] The motto of the League of the Just was "All men are brothers".

This seem... a bit suspect. It looks like wanting to fulfill Kabbalistic messianic plans. Shouldn't we look further? I think we should. Anything that exposes the secrets of our enemies is positive to us.
Communism is the external political form of jewish kabbalistic magic. Internally, all of it was done with full magical effort and intentions. Especially with astrology, numerology, and doing things on specific historical dates which correspond to other events in the past that happened on the same date.

In a system of slavery, just because the slave was not knowing about something did not mean that the "master" did not have specific goals, reasons, plans, or intentions.
I disagree, although you are right when you say I really don't sound convincing. We need time to gather the information about the subject, and that's why this thread is for.

As for the Hitler quote, it is intended at least to seem metaphorical, as he would never say that openly. But it seem to carry a secret message, just like Freemasons hide codes. It can't be proved, but we know the Nazis were occultists, and they had the Vril and Thule secret societies (about these two, it is also hard to find information).

When I refer to spirituality, this means both black, rotten spirituality as white magic, good, positive spirituality. Supernatural forces were evoked to produce mass atrocities, and that's spiritual warfare, spiritual forces of evil. Just like a gun in the hands of the enemy is still a gun. I suspect that Marxism was a really powerful black magic program.

There are people that say that Marxism had Kabbalistic influence in its doctrines. If true, this could result in a secret spiritual doctrine, hidden from the common communists by their secret circles of initiates. If not true, it could be just philosophical materialist appropriations of spirituality, removing its character. Like a child who draws occult signs without understanding them.
[This source is in Portuguese.]

Another possibility is that Marxism was really non-spiritual/atheist, and this doctrine was picked up by Kabbalists occultist as coinciding to their plans and efused with energy. Then Marxism would serve as a front indirectly to spiritual forces.

As for occultism in Marxism, I will give an example. The writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848) was paid and commissioned by a secret society, the League of the Just.

According to Wikipedia:
Their stated goal was "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".[11] This was also referred to by the League as the "new Jerusalem".[12] The motto of the League of the Just was "All men are brothers".

This seem... a bit suspect. It looks like wanting to fulfill Kabbalistic messianic plans. Shouldn't we look further? I think we should. Anything that exposes the secrets of our enemies is positive to us.
Marxist philosophy comes from Hegelian dialectic

Hegel was some sort of neo-platonic christian philosopher who wanted to create a "heaven on earth"

Marxism is basically atheistic christianity in many ways, that tries to actualise the "new jerusalem" rather than wait for it to happen

Marx and Engels were both Hegelians:

I disagree, although you are right when you say I really don't sound convincing. We need time to gather the information about the subject, and that's why this thread is for.

As for the Hitler quote, it is intended at least to seem metaphorical, as he would never say that openly. But it seem to carry a secret message, just like Freemasons hide codes. It can't be proved, but we know the Nazis were occultists, and they had the Vril and Thule secret societies (about these two, it is also hard to find information).

When I refer to spirituality, this means both black, rotten spirituality as white magic, good, positive spirituality. Supernatural forces were evoked to produce mass atrocities, and that's spiritual warfare, spiritual forces of evil. Just like a gun in the hands of the enemy is still a gun. I suspect that Marxism was a really powerful black magic program.

There are people that say that Marxism had Kabbalistic influence in its doctrines. If true, this could result in a secret spiritual doctrine, hidden from the common communists by their secret circles of initiates. If not true, it could be just philosophical materialist appropriations of spirituality, removing its character. Like a child who draws occult signs without understanding them.
[This source is in Portuguese.]

Another possibility is that Marxism was really non-spiritual/atheist, and this doctrine was picked up by Kabbalists occultist as coinciding to their plans and efused with energy. Then Marxism would serve as a front indirectly to spiritual forces.

As for occultism in Marxism, I will give an example. The writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848) was paid and commissioned by a secret society, the League of the Just.

According to Wikipedia:
Their stated goal was "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".[11] This was also referred to by the League as the "new Jerusalem".[12] The motto of the League of the Just was "All men are brothers".

This seem... a bit suspect. It looks like wanting to fulfill Kabbalistic messianic plans. Shouldn't we look further? I think we should. Anything that exposes the secrets of our enemies is positive to us.
In short, Platonism is the anti-reality mental disease that keeps on giving...

You can thank Platonism for basically all of Jewish, Christian, Islamic and postmodern Marxist thought that turn abstract bullshit into "reality" and REALITY as "deception"
I disagree, although you are right when you say I really don't sound convincing. We need time to gather the information about the subject, and that's why this thread is for.

As for the Hitler quote, it is intended at least to seem metaphorical, as he would never say that openly. But it seem to carry a secret message, just like Freemasons hide codes. It can't be proved, but we know the Nazis were occultists, and they had the Vril and Thule secret societies (about these two, it is also hard to find information).

When I refer to spirituality, this means both black, rotten spirituality as white magic, good, positive spirituality. Supernatural forces were evoked to produce mass atrocities, and that's spiritual warfare, spiritual forces of evil. Just like a gun in the hands of the enemy is still a gun. I suspect that Marxism was a really powerful black magic program.

There are people that say that Marxism had Kabbalistic influence in its doctrines. If true, this could result in a secret spiritual doctrine, hidden from the common communists by their secret circles of initiates. If not true, it could be just philosophical materialist appropriations of spirituality, removing its character. Like a child who draws occult signs without understanding them.
[This source is in Portuguese.]

Another possibility is that Marxism was really non-spiritual/atheist, and this doctrine was picked up by Kabbalists occultist as coinciding to their plans and efused with energy. Then Marxism would serve as a front indirectly to spiritual forces.

As for occultism in Marxism, I will give an example. The writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848) was paid and commissioned by a secret society, the League of the Just.

According to Wikipedia:
Their stated goal was "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".[11] This was also referred to by the League as the "new Jerusalem".[12] The motto of the League of the Just was "All men are brothers".

This seem... a bit suspect. It looks like wanting to fulfill Kabbalistic messianic plans. Shouldn't we look further? I think we should. Anything that exposes the secrets of our enemies is positive to us.
Plato's allegory of the Cave is basically anti-reality.

What we see with our own eyeballs and experience is a "lie", so we have to "reason" our way to reach the "perfect state", aka jewish kabbalah, christian "heaven", islamic "jannah" and marxist "utopia" and we do that by not only rejecting the "evil, false" world but by also making everyone else's lives misreable as we try to enforce our perfectionist bullshit on them.

Thanks Plato, thank you very much...
Plato's allegory of the Cave is basically anti-reality.

What we see with our own eyeballs and experience is a "lie", so we have to "reason" our way to reach the "perfect state", aka jewish kabbalah, christian "heaven", islamic "jannah" and marxist "utopia" and we do that by not only rejecting the "evil, false" world but by also making everyone else's lives misreable as we try to enforce our perfectionist bullshit on them.

Thanks Plato, thank you very much...
You fundamentally do not understand Plato or what his messages actually were.
You fundamentally do not understand Plato or what his messages actually were.
Well Plato holds that the "perfect" exists outside of the material world, including the perfect version of everything, including chairs, love, food, ect.

What exactly is the "perfect" food? One organism's food is another's poison.

Or even more abstract things let's say, like love, what is "perfect" love? Some require gentle love, others tough love, ect, it's relative to the person's situation.

This is how we got ideas like "unconditional love" where to be "Godlike" you have to love everyone, including evil people. It's egotistical, anti-reality and dangerous.

The idea there's an ultimate concept of something runs counter to our reality, where things adapt to suit different enthronements, from organisms to feelings like love. Reality is anti-perfection as there's no such thing as "perfect". "Perfect" exists only in the conceptual minds of beings, each having different ideas of what "perfect" even means.
You fundamentally do not understand Plato or what his messages actually were.
You see this with Christians in their misunderstanding of evolution, where they think evolution is progressing to an "ultimate form", when all evolution is is the adaption of organisms to various environments, with no goal towards the "ultimate form" in mind as there is no such thing. An organism well suited for one environment is not well suited for another.

This misunderstanding of evolution is Platonic to its core, as it assumes there is a "perfect end goal" to everything.

Reality is about progression in reaction to what is, rather than progressing to an abstract "perfection".
You see this in evolution, you see this in the development of machines, in the development of governments, ect. Anything that succeeds applies an empirical understanding by fixing an "is" with another "is" to suit its environment, not "rational" fantastical ideas of what "should be".
I guess the abstract "should be" can serve as a blueprint to actualise an "is" into the world, but that "should be" should in my opinion be a well-suited reaction to what "is" already.

So like a car, there was a concept of a car, but that concept acted as a realistic reaction to the present situation (physics, distance, ect) and ultimately the designs came in to produce the car through understandings of machinery, ect, I'm not a car or engineering expert but I hope I made what I meant clear.

In contrast, a platonist inventing a car might have a faulty idea of what a car "should be" that goes against physical reality, so he might think a car "should" function without an engine as that would be the "perfect" car, but since that goes against reality he'll eternally be failing as he tries to actualise the "prefect" car in opposition to the reality of how the world works.

This is then how we get tyrannies, from Christian to Socialist, as they try to actualise nonsense that they think is "perfect", failing and harming millions in the process.
Plato was talking about spiritual advancement and moving to God Head. That by only being content with what you immediately see in front of you, you are living as an animal and not as a human on the path of Spiritual Evolution, spiritual growth and advancement, and growing to eventually become a God. Plato and all of his messages are Spiritual Satanism in its pure form.

If you claim Spiritual Satanism is the source of all confusuon, and only eventually leads to jews and christians, you are fundamentally not understanding any of the message. The christians and jews are the ones who remain firmly stuck within the cave, because they follow lies and do nothing to actually advance.

Moving out of the cave is literally the Soul moving out of the lower levels of existence, and moving into the Higher levels of existence on the path of growing to become a God. And through all of this process, the metaphor of the cave is saying that as you move out of those limitations, your psychic senses will be progressively opening and you will be seeing and sensing things that you never could have imagined when your senses were closed. And all of these new things that you are sensing for the first time, this is real life. These things have existed all along, and it was only the limitations against your soul that have blinded you from seeing these things.
What is existing outside of the cave is all physical reality. That is real life. But it is the things that you have not seen or experienced before if you remain in a degraded and animal like state of existence.

None of this is talking about any kind of "ideal world" or hypothetical imaginary thing that you wish for.

Instead of degrading and slandering one of the most spiritually advanced souls to ever exist on this world, it would be a good idea for you to think with a Spiritual Satanic mindset on what these allegories may actually be describing. Instead of just thinking of a highschool freshman level materialistic nonsense, described and repeated by people who have absolutely no spiritual advancement or understanding.
Well Plato holds that the "perfect" exists outside of the material world, including the perfect version of everything, including chairs, love, food, ect.

What exactly is the "perfect" food? One organism's food is another's poison.

Or even more abstract things let's say, like love, what is "perfect" love? Some require gentle love, others tough love, ect, it's relative to the person's situation.

This is how we got ideas like "unconditional love" where to be "Godlike" you have to love everyone, including evil people. It's egotistical, anti-reality and dangerous.

The idea there's an ultimate concept of something runs counter to our reality, where things adapt to suit different enthronements, from organisms to feelings like love. Reality is anti-perfection as there's no such thing as "perfect". "Perfect" exists only in the conceptual minds of beings, each having different ideas of what "perfect" even means.
These perfect ideas can be understood through Gods at this time if not otherwise. By perfect is not meant by what type of, but the ideal without any factors taking away from the best possible form. You know, like eternal Truth.
Plato was talking about spiritual advancement and moving to God Head.

I'm currently reading Phaedo from Plato, and Socrates talks a lot about how the physical body is unimportant, and it's not for the philosopher to satisfy physical needs. Can you comment something on his thoughts, if you have read this dialogue?
I'm currently reading Phaedo from Plato, and Socrates talks a lot about how the physical body is unimportant, and it's not for the philosopher to satisfy physical needs. Can you comment something on his thoughts, if you have read this dialogue?
I have not read about that. But I assume he is talking about basic urges and impulsive thoughts. Which tell you to immediately do something just because you want to. But this thing might not be what is best for you to do.
I mean, they are selling it to Jehovah, not the Devil. Bob Dylan said this. I made a deal with the commander in chief of the world. We can't see him, but he is in this world.
Marcelo Andrade - A prova que Marx não era totalmente materialista!

[Video in Portuguese, but it related to esoteric and kabbalistic influences of Karl Marx, even though the speaker is a Catholic. However, I think Marcelo Andrade should focus less on philosophy, which is more materialistic, and more on practical occultism in order for we to understand this subject better.]
I recommend looking at Tani Jantsang and her Red Satanists. Associated with the Church of Satan, the Cthulhu stuff, and certain orientalist trends in occultism.

Stephen Flowers has written Red Runa and Lords of the Left Hand Path, both of which discuss occultism in Russian revolutionary socialism.

And plenty of Non-Marxist Satanists are monistic materialists, as are most philosophers. I'm so tired of ancient Gnostic arguments about ghost worlds. I don't see what actual relevance it has for anything in my life.

The sympathy of the Proudhonist federalists, syndicalists, Bakuninite collectivists, Russian nihilists, Fascists and Nietzschean anarchists can be traced in intellectual history and all of them have occult and Satanic ties.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
