One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on...
Stay on the RTRs everyone.
The enemy is really getting hammered right now. Now is OUR time.
All of the enemy is prevented from congregating at the most powerful and important time of year for them. Holy week and Easter.
Churches are whining on the news, their donations are dwindling, as...
Because the Jews are scared shitless. Economic collapse spells disaster for them, or even worse. They fucked up really bad this time. Everything backfired. Now, they are desperate. In a death grip, and doing anything and everything they can to try to fix the economy.
Hitler came to power when...
I hope I'm not too late in posting this. Things are getting deadly serious now.
As most of us are aware of, the Jewish controlled media gives all kinds of suicidal advice, no different from their bibles and other related crap.
The Jewish controlled press is now giving "rules" regarding how...
The truth is because very few Whites are pure White anymore.
When Ghengis Khan invaded South Eastern Europe from Asia, the Asians raped many women. This was centuries ago, but this has left many Whites with dark hair and brown eyes.
Both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler along with many...
PROOF: The True Purpose of the Bible is for Jewish Witchcraft
Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Gentiles, the true purpose of the so-called "Holy Bible" is for the Jews to use the numbered verses [In Hebrew] to curse Gentiles [and even other Jews] and to control world events.
Many Islamic males are forced to memorize the Koran. Like the bible, this proves the subliminal. I've studied Islam and I've never seen anything that is so beyond evil and so depraved. There aren't even any words to use to describe how hideous Islam is. And as I mentioned earlier, a majority...
There's really no such thing as "the Jewish star of David." That so-called "Magen David" was STOLEN from the Hindu Star of Vishnu. The Mer Ka Ba was STOLEN from Egypt. The Jews have NOTHING of their own.
The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich...
Definitely. That cube represents something taken to a very unhealthy extreme.
The Swastika has four corners, but it is flat. The Swastika symbolizes what you wrote of above. If the Swastika is amplified, it has multiple sides.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Frequently trending on the news are numerous accounts of extreme violence involving muslims, muslims living under the most brutal conditions, many in refugee camps, in tents, freezing to death, and in the worst of war zones.
I'm sure most of you here have heard the saying "You are what you...
Christianity, along with Islam are the Jewish bulwark. These programs are the Jewish power.
The Jews protect and promote these programs, while pretending to be persecuted by both.
The Jews pretend to hate Christianity, but if one is aware and does research, the opposite is the case. This...
I also want to add here, I usually don't write of such personal things, but more than one attempt on my life, and my husband's as well has been made of late.
Satan protects us, but my point in revealing this blatantly shows just how much the Jews want to shut us up.
This forum is one of the...
I woke up here to complaints. The post also attracted a reply with advice on how to bribe health officials. That's illegal.
Yes, this sort of thing is all over the web, regarding vaccines and such. This forum is not the average forum. The enemy has been working overtime to shut us down.