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Repeated Jewish Tactics

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Frequently trending on the news are numerous accounts of extreme violence involving muslims, muslims living under the most brutal conditions, many  in refugee camps, in tents, freezing to death, and in the worst of war zones. 

I'm sure most of you here have heard the saying  "You are what you think."

Islam has a long and vile history of fixation on depravity and extreme violence. Muslims attract this sort of thing as they are steeped in it. They draw these brutal conditions onto themselves as they worship brutality. 

It is so sad how the US gave champion dogs, highly trained to sniff bombs and related, to Jordan. This had a short in the news a while back. Photos revealed the dogs were emaciated and many died from severe neglect. The remaining were too weak to stand and continue their jobs. Islam hates dogs.


I also want to add here regarding Islam,  that goddamned cube they so slavishly worship symbolizes the artificial. 

The square shape, in contrast to other shapes, is practically nonexistent in nature, with the exception of a small number of crystals. The cube amplifies this, as anything cubed is increased mathematically. Like 4×4×4.

This represents the artificial,  like the microchip implants and related to enslave humanity. 

Christianity, along with Islam are the Jewish bulwark. These programs are the Jewish power.

The Jews protect and promote these programs, while pretending to be persecuted by both.

The Jews pretend to hate Christianity, but if one is aware and does research, the opposite is the case. This is to fool the populace.

The Jews will protect these programs to an extreme. I've written before how I highly suspect the disaster weather, the viruses and related are all artificially created to give credibility to biblical prophecies. It is a known fact that science has progressed to where they can control the weather. These disasters are not normal. Of course the Jewish controlled media claims "global warming," yes there is global warming, but I believe the Jews are behind all of this weather phenomenon.

Some Jews even go as far as to claim they are of Satan in order to deceive Gentiles.

The Jews have a modus operandi. They have used the same tactics for centuries. These tactics have worked for them.

One major tactic is what a rabbi called "conquering from within."

What the Jews cannot gain control of, they infest and work to destroy from the inside.

The topic of taking supplements here of late is a prime example. I remember reading how "Gottlieb" and some other goddamned kikes were working overtime to get control of the supplements industry and put a stop to people freely purchasing vitamins, herbs and related.

The Jew works to get control. By pushing often dangerous and addictive prescription drugs on the populace, the Jew has control over life and death, along with the coerced trillions of dollars they take in. Many diseases are too profitable to enact a cure.

Because the Jews have repeatedly failed in gaining control over supplements, they have been adding toxic waste to a number of over the counter treatments. Nearly all come from China. Again, rice powder listed in the "other ingredients" is a dead giveaway.

The Jews also take control of both opposing sides, such as with the former USSR and the Arabic countries.

When the Arabs were at war with Israel, the USA took Israel's side, while the Soviet Union supplied the Arabic countries with weapons.

Now, people who don't have the knowledge or education would be confused as to why a communist power would be going up against Israel if the Jews are really a bunch of communists.

Well, if we do the research, it becomes apparent. The Jewish controlled USSR sold the Arabs defective weapons, such as guns with no sights, weapons that wouldn't fire and other junk that obviously wasn't any threat to Israel. Taking control of both sides...

On one side, Israel is allied with the USA. Under the table, Jews being the communists they are, (ever hear of a kibbutz)? worked secretly with the former Soviet Union. This is another communist country they whined around the world about, claiming they were being "persecuted." Another total crock of shit. Truth be known, most Jews in the former USSR and other communist countries enjoyed special privileges that were off limits to Gentiles.

Again, one must do the research.

I also want to add something here. Not too many people are aware of the extent of the power of US agencies such as the CIA, the NSA, Military Intelligence and related.

What Snowden exposed was a day late and a dollar short. The spying has been going on for decades. The NSA claimed they owned "5 acres of computers."

Computers used to be large before nanotechnology and related. This was used to spy on the world. *

The deal is, ALL OF THESE US AGENCIES ARE INFESTED WITH JEWS!! Many Jews are in important positions of authority within these agencies and are privy to extremely sensitive information.
The Israeli Mossad and government know everything.

Years ago, as revealed in the fact based 2001 movie "A Beautiful Mind," the communists in the USSR would secretly communicate with Jewish communists here in America. This was done through Jewish journalists passing back and forth secret codes within the news articles such as the New York Times and other publications.

My own opinion of the movie and what I know about the Jews, strongly indicates to me, John Forbes Nash Jr, was not originally insane. He was a brilliant mathematician and somewhat eccentric, but there is no way I personally would believe he was insane, until the NSA Jews deemed him as a threat, convinced his wife he was insane, forced him into a mental hospital where he was forcibly given loads of shock treatments, shot full of potent psychiatric drugs, that caused irreversible changes in his brain, and from there, real insanity ensued.

Ever hear of "punitive medicine"?
Very common in communist countries. Anyone against the Jewish agenda is "insane."

The normal person is forcibly committed to a mental institution, where he/she is forcibly injected with massive amounts of antipsychotic medications that rapidly produce the most hideous and permanent side effects.

In closing, there are people who are deceived into believing their texts, conversations and such can be private, with having special software. Most people are unaware of the extent the NSA and other related agencies are able to decipher nearly everything. This all filters into Israel.

"Silence is Golden" is a Satanic adage. Remember this.

* The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford. 1983

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
There are many films made by communists that make communism look good and forcibly conceal their crimes from their opponents like Nazi Germany. Cruel and deadly experiments like draining blood completely, memory loss experiments with electricity and psychiatric drugs... They are all from communism and in the films made by the communists, the Nazis are blamed for all this. They are the communist concentration camps where forced labour and experiments on people are done. I'm sure communist China and Russia and North Korea still do these things but they keep them well hidden as communists have always done.
The black cube the imbeciles worship and pray around can be equated to the very same cube there is surrounding the atmosphere of planet Saturn. The infamous Saturn Cult the kikes and their cohorts worship on a daily basis has to do with all this, of course Saturn has good traits so does every planet in astrology having both bad and good qualities whether it be Mercury, the Sun or the Moon. With Saturn the jews have a craze with it since it is the planet that rules the material world as it is the planet ruler of the first chakra (our root where the serpent begins to ascend. Without a strong ground you cannot build a good building. Neither can you raise your serpent without a strong ego and a pleasing sexuality that's why nefarious religious dogma attack relentlessly sexuality even on atheist. Guilt, shame and the denigration of women's body is usual. But then again the most important chakra is the root one as it keeps you grounded)Saturn rules: wealth, power, wisdom, knowledge, authority and resilience on its good aspects but when it comes to talking about the negative aspects of Saturn: karma, boundaries, illness, death, hindrances, poverty and suffering are its keywords. Unbeknowst to many, unless you committ yourself to Satan, everybody praises Saturn(on its negative side) the world is made for guillible stupid gentiles to worship Saturn bringing damnation to them and alluring all the drawbacks Saturn can cause to them depending on where their natal Saturn is placed upon their chart. Suffice to say that fucking christianity and pisslam both are Saturn cults. But even if you are an atheist for example when you graduate at university you will have to wear a mortarboard which resembles to the black cube on your head (crown chakra). The cube cult is everywhere you go it is almost impossible to get away from it. Of course high ranking jews those at the top and even those who are in lower positions but are hasidim, ultra ortodox kikes wear a little cube on their foreheads when they pray(they are cursing gentiles) at that fucking wall Emperor Titus left standing to mock them when he defeated them in the First Jewish Roman War. Judaism no matter whether it is ultra ortodox, ortodox, liberal, conservative, askenazim, mizrahi etcetera benefits from the good aspects of Saturn. All kikes are same fucking shit another day.
The cross where the spiteful nazarene is said to have been murdered is the cube but opened. The sign of the cross not only does it tie you to the bad energy of Saturn but also it seals your chakras= heart, solar plexus, third eye...
Not sure if this will be allowed but I have analyzed in a fair amount of depth the (((psycho))) tactics of jews on this channel:
White Philosophy bitchute channel

It contains over 500 , 5-10 minute discourses related to these issues. Hopefully I will be able to put it in book form soon for people to read/download for free. Check the website in the coming months as I intend to update it with continual additions. It is my contribution to this movement
I remember as I was a kid that the numbers 444 was the number of death. I see now that I was right.

4 was considered by me as the number of death for some odd reason. I even went to public school with a bus which possessed the numbers 444.

I feel bad for our dogs. I have cats...8 of them. I love animals. Animals are usually better than people from my experience...and I'm a people's person!

Thank you for this sermon, HP Maxine. May the Gods and Goddesses be with you.
Jews are also pushing things such as protonmail saying it is secure. Encrypted systems are honeypots to them because they know you will send important stuff on there with illusion of privacy. Encryption is a worthless and dead technology.
Master said:
There are many films made by communists that make communism look good and forcibly conceal their crimes from their opponents like Nazi Germany. Cruel and deadly experiments like draining blood completely, memory loss experiments with electricity and psychiatric drugs... They are all from communism and in the films made by the communists, the Nazis are blamed for all this. They are the communist concentration camps where forced labour and experiments on people are done. I'm sure communist China and Russia and North Korea still do these things but they keep them well hidden as communists have always done.
This is called propaganda. If you google for "pro nazi propaganda" you'll find nice pics of Reich time posters though.
There is also no need to look as far as North Korea to look at inhuman treatments on people, just look at what the CIA has done through the years or the US experimentation of radioactive material's effect on humans and stuff like that. There's plenty of info online, even though it's only a little part being documented
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
The black cube the imbeciles worship and pray around can be equated to the very same cube there is surrounding the atmosphere of planet Saturn. The infamous Saturn Cult the kikes and their cohorts worship on a daily basis has to do with all this, of course Saturn has good traits so does every planet in astrology having both bad and good qualities whether it be Mercury, the Sun or the Moon. With Saturn the jews have a craze with it since it is the planet that rules the material world as it is the planet ruler of the first chakra (our root where the serpent begins to ascend. Without a strong ground you cannot build a good building. Neither can you raise your serpent without a strong ego and a pleasing sexuality that's why nefarious religious dogma attack relentlessly sexuality even on atheist. Guilt, shame and the denigration of women's body is usual. But then again the most important chakra is the root one as it keeps you grounded)Saturn rules: wealth, power, wisdom, knowledge, authority and resilience on its good aspects but when it comes to talking about the negative aspects of Saturn: karma, boundaries, illness, death, hindrances, poverty and suffering are its keywords. Unbeknowst to many, unless you committ yourself to Satan, everybody praises Saturn(on its negative side) the world is made for guillible stupid gentiles to worship Saturn bringing damnation to them and alluring all the drawbacks Saturn can cause to them depending on where their natal Saturn is placed upon their chart. Suffice to say that fucking christianity and pisslam both are Saturn cults. But even if you are an atheist for example when you graduate at university you will have to wear a mortarboard which resembles to the black cube on your head (crown chakra). The cube cult is everywhere you go it is almost impossible to get away from it. Of course high ranking jews those at the top and even those who are in lower positions but are hasidim, ultra ortodox kikes wear a little cube on their foreheads when they pray(they are cursing gentiles) at that fucking wall Emperor Titus left standing to mock them when he defeated them in the First Jewish Roman War. Judaism no matter whether it is ultra ortodox, ortodox, liberal, conservative, askenazim, mizrahi etcetera benefits from the good aspects of Saturn. All kikes are same fucking shit another day.
The cross where the spiteful nazarene is said to have been murdered is the cube but opened. The sign of the cross not only does it tie you to the bad energy of Saturn but also it seals your chakras= heart, solar plexus, third eye...

This was a good read, thank you :eek:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jews are also pushing things such as protonmail saying it is secure. Encrypted systems are honeypots to them because they know you will send important stuff on there with illusion of privacy. Encryption is a worthless and dead technology.

Encryption is like locks. It keeps honest people honest, in short. And like physical locks there is no impenetrable encryption.

The goal of both is to make it harder for others to gain access to something, and while encryption may make your internet traffic more interesting and likely to be logged. Rest assured, you're already being monitored 24/7.

It should be a personal goal to encrypt everything you value (if not everything you can) and use TOR when needed. (Though NOT only for browsing suspicious sites or places like the forums)

Also, as to being on a 'list' or some such. Everyone is already on a list. The only difference is how big of a list some people are in relation to others. And you reading this right now are probably on a very small list just by visiting this site. Let alone if you're a dedicated SS who does 2+ Final RTRs a day.

And for all of this we have returning curses workings, aura cleanings, and many other ways of keeping away trouble. You're a SS, use the tools at your disposal and keep on keeping on.

Finally, as for Protonmail. It's not perfect, but it sure beats Gmail in terms of security.
EgyptianStar666 said:
4 was considered by me as the number of death for some odd reason.
4 is one of Satan's numbers.

If anything, only the combination of 444 is what is harmful.
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.

Definitely. That cube represents something taken to a very unhealthy extreme.
The Swastika has four corners, but it is flat. The Swastika symbolizes what you wrote of above. If the Swastika is amplified, it has multiple sides.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
I haven't read all of your post but about the makeup part, it's the Gods that gave us make up, and right now many women are just abusing it using so much of it, when they take it off they look like gollum! Lol but it's not bad per se.
Shael said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
4 was considered by me as the number of death for some odd reason.
4 is one of Satan's numbers.

If anything, only the combination of 444 is what is harmful.

I see, let me rephrase myself. As a child, I thought of Samael as 4. As for 444 it was simply death.
The number 4, among many other things too lengthy to write in a reply such as this, has to do with what we do on top of nature, such as for example, we take a rock, and we cut this into slabs, through human effort. This can be called "artificial" but this has nothing to do with the enemy and how they are artificial.

The enemy's version of "artificial" is for all intents and purposes is disharmony in every level, and therefore, this goes at war with nature principles and balance. It's also fundamentally quite unhealthy, and those who have looked into the Greys and similar garbage, can see this.

The full manifestation of their version of "Artificial" is the case where they even state that Nature is just evil and disgusting, which is the modus operandi they use to mentally destroy living beings who happen to be assaulted by their borg. All natural ways and the connection of the being with nature is discarded, and the only natural laws the enemy may apply, is to pervert and ruin every natural perception.

What you mention here as "Artificial" is solely technical by the meaning of the word. What HPS Maxine means, is a deeper meaning, as the enemy, their borg, how they destroy planets.

Adding makeup or making a building has nothing got to do with creating a microchip that makes a species a slave species, such as the greys. This is fully artificial in the bad sense, and no matter what the species, these things aren't even in nature or anywhere else to that unnatural extent. The enemy uses nature to destroy nature, not to be take instruction from it for anything better.

What you say is the application of natural laws for the improvement of life which is the basis of science. Man made progress. The version of the enemy is a similar process but with another end to it entirely.

Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.

Definitely. That cube represents something taken to a very unhealthy extreme.
The Swastika has four corners, but it is flat. The Swastika symbolizes what you wrote of above. If the Swastika is amplified, it has multiple sides.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The cube doesn't belong to the enemy any more than the six-pointed star does. Regardless of what shapes, numbers and other powers the enemy uses, the most important thing is their intentions. The enemy uses the number 9, uses 666, and uses many other things. It is unnatural, negative, and deadly for us and any other life form being subject to what has happened to the creatures that are now the enemy's grey slaves. Zombies, without free consciousness, without free will. It is terrible.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The number 4, among many other things too lengthy to write in a reply such as this, has to do with what we do on top of nature, such as for example, we take a rock, and we cut this into slabs, through human effort. This can be called "artificial" but this has nothing to do with the enemy and how they are artificial.

The enemy's version of "artificial" is for all intents and purposes is disharmony in every level, and therefore, this goes at war with nature principles and balance. It's also fundamentally quite unhealthy, and those who have looked into the Greys and similar garbage, can see this.

The full manifestation of their version of "Artificial" is the case where they even state that Nature is just evil and disgusting, which is the modus operandi they use to mentally destroy living beings who happen to be assaulted by their borg. All natural ways and the connection of the being with nature is discarded, and the only natural laws the enemy may apply, is to pervert and ruin every natural perception.

What you mention here as "Artificial" is solely technical by the meaning of the word. What HPS Maxine means, is a deeper meaning, as the enemy, their borg, how they destroy planets.

Adding makeup or making a building has nothing got to do with creating a microchip that makes a species a slave species, such as the greys. This is fully artificial in the bad sense, and no matter what the species, these things aren't even in nature or anywhere else to that unnatural extent. The enemy uses nature to destroy nature, not to be take instruction from it for anything better.

What you say is the application of natural laws for the improvement of life which is the basis of science. Man made progress. The version of the enemy is a similar process but with another end to it entirely.

Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
What the enemy does with the microchip is, take control, exploit and discard. Of course, they do that to the races they defeat. HP Hooded Cobra 666, please, when you have time to write something about enemy reptilians. I would like to know something about them, they are the only important and valuable ones in their empire, all the others who are under them, they are just slaves.
The swastika when rotated creates an octagon which corresponds to the counter-rotating pyramids of the merkaba medita tion from thoth. The star of astaroth when it is looked down from top. Also, the 8 sides of the Octagon matches of to the inifinity sign or immortality as the number 8 on its side reflects this.

Also, the Jewish Merkaba generates the cube as per the metatrons cube. This is identical to the Jewish Kabbalistic tree looked at sideways eith each sephiroth corresponding to a planet and making a cube.

As such, the Jewish Star of David generates the cube and acts as a filter for planetary energies as it corresponds to Saturn - the planet of death, destruction etc.

Please give your insights on this.
Aquarius said:
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
I haven't read all of your post but about the makeup part, it's the Gods that gave us make up, and right now many women are just abusing it using so much of it, when they take it off they look like gollum! Lol but it's not bad per se.
I agree. First I'll tell you something about women and then men about make-up. You should focus more on skin care and not paint it. Makeup should be in smaller and lighter amounts. There are several factors involved here, understanding, culture... But Chinese women exaggerate a lot with makeup, transformation, face mask. You can watch an Asian makeup video out of curiosity. Cosmetics and beauty is not only for women but also for men. The difference are the characteristics, feminine for women and masculine for men to improve and take care of. The makeup for men do not know if it is necessary and to what extent, but the hair, like women also give men a lot of beauty. The beard also gives a lot of beauty, it is also an exclusively male characteristic. Uniform beard => long, medium, short ... mustache and many other beard models. Of course it is necessary to take care of the beard in the same way as the hair.
Master said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.

Definitely. That cube represents something taken to a very unhealthy extreme.
The Swastika has four corners, but it is flat. The Swastika symbolizes what you wrote of above. If the Swastika is amplified, it has multiple sides.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The cube doesn't belong to the enemy any more than the six-pointed star does. Regardless of what shapes, numbers and other powers the enemy uses, the most important thing is their intentions. The enemy uses the number 9, uses 666, and uses many other things. It is unnatural, negative, and deadly for us and any other life form being subject to what has happened to the creatures that are now the enemy's grey slaves. Zombies, without free consciousness, without free will. It is terrible.
I want to make what I want to say clearer. When you start a war there's no turning back. When you defeat a species, you can't be naive and let it go free. If you attack and defeat a species, you do injustice, and if you set it free, it will try to do justice and take revenge and set itself free. If you are a parasite like these enemy reptilians, then you will think that it is appropriate and useful to exploit the defeated before destroying them and/or using them as cattle or slaves. If you are very advanced like our Gods, you don't need to do such a weak and useless thing. In any case, when you start a war, either you win or lose, there is no middle ground, and of course the stronger and superior wins.
Tomland68 said:
The swastika when rotated creates an octagon which corresponds to the counter-rotating pyramids of the merkaba medita tion from thoth. The star of astaroth when it is looked down from top. Also, the 8 sides of the Octagon matches of to the inifinity sign or immortality as the number 8 on its side reflects this.

Also, the Jewish Merkaba generates the cube as per the metatrons cube. This is identical to the Jewish Kabbalistic tree looked at sideways eith each sephiroth corresponding to a planet and making a cube.

As such, the Jewish Star of David generates the cube and acts as a filter for planetary energies as it corresponds to Saturn - the planet of death, destruction etc.

Please give your insights on this.

There's really no such thing as "the Jewish star of David." That so-called "Magen David" was STOLEN from the Hindu Star of Vishnu. The Mer Ka Ba was STOLEN from Egypt. The Jews have NOTHING of their own.

The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Tomland68 said:
The swastika when rotated creates an octagon which corresponds to the counter-rotating pyramids of the merkaba medita tion from thoth. The star of astaroth when it is looked down from top. Also, the 8 sides of the Octagon matches of to the inifinity sign or immortality as the number 8 on its side reflects this.

Also, the Jewish Merkaba generates the cube as per the metatrons cube. This is identical to the Jewish Kabbalistic tree looked at sideways eith each sephiroth corresponding to a planet and making a cube.

As such, the Jewish Star of David generates the cube and acts as a filter for planetary energies as it corresponds to Saturn - the planet of death, destruction etc.

Please give your insights on this.

There's really no such thing as "the Jewish star of David." That so-called "Magen David" was STOLEN from the Hindu Star of Vishnu. The Mer Ka Ba was STOLEN from Egypt. The Jews have NOTHING of their own.

The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is the Star of Vishnu seen in some heart chakra petal images also a corruption. I opened a thread here and was told that this is not so. And that it is merely a symbol for workings of sorts, NOT chakra geometry. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19447&p=79715&hilit=vishnu#p79715

Here's the image with the Star of Vishnu in the heart chakra.


In many other images it can be seen. In the center it has the Diamond shape found on the JoS though, because with the six pointed, if you omit the 2 triangles on each side, a diamond(the heart chakra shape) is all that is left. Just thought I'd ask, since its been brought up... As it's known to be stolen, the fears of using such and what they mean in vedic yantras should it be totally avoided and ignored just because some kikes decided to use it as "their" symbol. It is also found in some vedic yantras that have some connecting mantras as well.

I'll use extreme caution though, as I know not if perhaps the symbol itself has morphed to serve the jewish purpose and agenda at this point. So the above mentioned and the thread linked above were mainly inquiries and definitely NOT something I've ventured in or would without having certain guidance from the Gods.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Frequently trending on the news are numerous accounts of extreme violence involving muslims, muslims living under the most brutal conditions, many  in refugee camps, in tents, freezing to death, and in the worst of war zones. 

I'm sure most of you here have heard the saying  "You are what you think."

Islam has a long and vile history of fixation on depravity and extreme violence. Muslims attract this sort of thing as they are steeped in it. They draw these brutal conditions onto themselves as they worship brutality. 

It is so sad how the US gave champion dogs, highly trained to sniff bombs and related, to Jordan. This had a short in the news a while back. Photos revealed the dogs were emaciated and many died from severe neglect. The remaining were too weak to stand and continue their jobs. Islam hates dogs.


I also want to add here regarding Islam,  that goddamned cube they so slavishly worship symbolizes the artificial. 

The square shape, in contrast to other shapes, is practically nonexistent in nature, with the exception of a small number of crystals. The cube amplifies this, as anything cubed is increased mathematically. Like 4×4×4.

This represents the artificial,  like the microchip implants and related to enslave humanity. 

Christianity, along with Islam are the Jewish bulwark. These programs are the Jewish power.

The Jews protect and promote these programs, while pretending to be persecuted by both.

The Jews pretend to hate Christianity, but if one is aware and does research, the opposite is the case. This is to fool the populace.

The Jews will protect these programs to an extreme. I've written before how I highly suspect the disaster weather, the viruses and related are all artificially created to give credibility to biblical prophecies. It is a known fact that science has progressed to where they can control the weather. These disasters are not normal. Of course the Jewish controlled media claims "global warming," yes there is global warming, but I believe the Jews are behind all of this weather phenomenon.

Some Jews even go as far as to claim they are of Satan in order to deceive Gentiles.

The Jews have a modus operandi. They have used the same tactics for centuries. These tactics have worked for them.

One major tactic is what a rabbi called "conquering from within."

What the Jews cannot gain control of, they infest and work to destroy from the inside.

The topic of taking supplements here of late is a prime example. I remember reading how "Gottlieb" and some other goddamned kikes were working overtime to get control of the supplements industry and put a stop to people freely purchasing vitamins, herbs and related.

The Jew works to get control. By pushing often dangerous and addictive prescription drugs on the populace, the Jew has control over life and death, along with the coerced trillions of dollars they take in. Many diseases are too profitable to enact a cure.

Because the Jews have repeatedly failed in gaining control over supplements, they have been adding toxic waste to a number of over the counter treatments. Nearly all come from China. Again, rice powder listed in the "other ingredients" is a dead giveaway.

The Jews also take control of both opposing sides, such as with the former USSR and the Arabic countries.

When the Arabs were at war with Israel, the USA took Israel's side, while the Soviet Union supplied the Arabic countries with weapons.

Now, people who don't have the knowledge or education would be confused as to why a communist power would be going up against Israel if the Jews are really a bunch of communists.

Well, if we do the research, it becomes apparent. The Jewish controlled USSR sold the Arabs defective weapons, such as guns with no sights, weapons that wouldn't fire and other junk that obviously wasn't any threat to Israel. Taking control of both sides...

On one side, Israel is allied with the USA. Under the table, Jews being the communists they are, (ever hear of a kibbutz)? worked secretly with the former Soviet Union. This is another communist country they whined around the world about, claiming they were being "persecuted." Another total crock of shit. Truth be known, most Jews in the former USSR and other communist countries enjoyed special privileges that were off limits to Gentiles.

Again, one must do the research.

I also want to add something here. Not too many people are aware of the extent of the power of US agencies such as the CIA, the NSA, Military Intelligence and related.

What Snowden exposed was a day late and a dollar short. The spying has been going on for decades. The NSA claimed they owned "5 acres of computers."

Computers used to be large before nanotechnology and related. This was used to spy on the world. *

The deal is, ALL OF THESE US AGENCIES ARE INFESTED WITH JEWS!! Many Jews are in important positions of authority within these agencies and are privy to extremely sensitive information.
The Israeli Mossad and government know everything.

Years ago, as revealed in the fact based 2001 movie "A Beautiful Mind," the communists in the USSR would secretly communicate with Jewish communists here in America. This was done through Jewish journalists passing back and forth secret codes within the news articles such as the New York Times and other publications.

My own opinion of the movie and what I know about the Jews, strongly indicates to me, John Forbes Nash Jr, was not originally insane. He was a brilliant mathematician and somewhat eccentric, but there is no way I personally would believe he was insane, until the NSA Jews deemed him as a threat, convinced his wife he was insane, forced him into a mental hospital where he was forcibly given loads of shock treatments, shot full of potent psychiatric drugs, that caused irreversible changes in his brain, and from there, real insanity ensued.

Ever hear of "punitive medicine"?
Very common in communist countries. Anyone against the Jewish agenda is "insane."

The normal person is forcibly committed to a mental institution, where he/she is forcibly injected with massive amounts of antipsychotic medications that rapidly produce the most hideous and permanent side effects.

In closing, there are people who are deceived into believing their texts, conversations and such can be private, with having special software. Most people are unaware of the extent the NSA and other related agencies are able to decipher nearly everything. This all filters into Israel.

"Silence is Golden" is a Satanic adage. Remember this.

* The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford. 1983

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Repeated Jewish Tactics

Aquarius said:
Master said:
I want to say one thing about the relationship nature - creatures and I would like your opinions. The artificial is obtained by technical devices or processes that imitate or replace the appearance, product or natural phenomenon. Like beauty obtained with cosmetics and make-up, fake flowers, imitated with fabric or colored paper or plastic. The artificial is art. The artificial is our manifestation, all sorts of construction, order, creation, life. The artificial is creativity, life would not be possible without the artificial. The artificial is natural, because if it were not, it would not work, laws of physics and chemistry. The artificial is our creation and construction imitating nature and according to the laws of nature. Nature, that is to say, the universe, will not build us houses, machines, computers, vital medical equipment, etc., but will build us. Nature makes life possible on a higher scale like the case of the Sun and the position of our planet plus the role of the moon and many other things involved. Without the artificial which is inevitably based on science, we would be monkeys, primitive life forms destined for death. Through the artificial we can follow nature and live in harmony with it. The artificial is not a bad thing. Jews can use anything to their advantage, science, spiritual, that does not mean that these things are bad. I understand Maxine's point of view but I think it is not correct to label what the enemy does with the term artificial.
I haven't read all of your post but about the makeup part, it's the Gods that gave us make up, and right now many women are just abusing it using so much of it, when they take it off they look like gollum! Lol but it's not bad per se.

Smeegul's makeup is his precious
Braun666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Tomland68 said:
The swastika when rotated creates an octagon which corresponds to the counter-rotating pyramids of the merkaba medita tion from thoth. The star of astaroth when it is looked down from top. Also, the 8 sides of the Octagon matches of to the inifinity sign or immortality as the number 8 on its side reflects this.

Also, the Jewish Merkaba generates the cube as per the metatrons cube. This is identical to the Jewish Kabbalistic tree looked at sideways eith each sephiroth corresponding to a planet and making a cube.

As such, the Jewish Star of David generates the cube and acts as a filter for planetary energies as it corresponds to Saturn - the planet of death, destruction etc.

Please give your insights on this.

There's really no such thing as "the Jewish star of David." That so-called "Magen David" was STOLEN from the Hindu Star of Vishnu. The Mer Ka Ba was STOLEN from Egypt. The Jews have NOTHING of their own.

The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is the Star of Vishnu seen in some heart chakra petal images also a corruption. I opened a thread here and was told that this is not so. And that it is merely a symbol for workings of sorts, NOT chakra geometry. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19447&p=79715&hilit=vishnu#p79715

Here's the image with the Star of Vishnu in the heart chakra.


In many other images it can be seen. In the center it has the Diamond shape found on the JoS though, because with the six pointed, if you omit the 2 triangles on each side, a diamond(the heart chakra shape) is all that is left. Just thought I'd ask, since its been brought up... As it's known to be stolen, the fears of using such and what they mean in vedic yantras should it be totally avoided and ignored just because some kikes decided to use it as "their" symbol. It is also found in some vedic yantras that have some connecting mantras as well.

I'll use extreme caution though, as I know not if perhaps the symbol itself has morphed to serve the jewish purpose and agenda at this point. So the above mentioned and the thread linked above were mainly inquiries and definitely NOT something I've ventured in or would without having certain guidance from the Gods.
The six-pointed star is a symbol representing the power of the number six. The universal powers of the universe belong to no one. But there are things built, designed, and programmed that belong to their creators. To the jews belongs their alphabet (i.e. kabala, which they copied and stole from us). However, their alphabet and the power of their alphabet belongs to them and works only for them, because they have infused it with power and designed and programmed it to work for them and put curses on those outside of them. I don't think they infused it with power and programmed the six-pointed star as their symbol of power, they just have a fixation on the power of the number six, that's all. But I can tell you for sure that universal things like numbers, energies, the astral, don't belong to them.
So you can use the number six freely. It's certainly an important and powerful number. The power of number six is bonding.
Master said:
Master said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Definitely. That cube represents something taken to a very unhealthy extreme.
The Swastika has four corners, but it is flat. The Swastika symbolizes what you wrote of above. If the Swastika is amplified, it has multiple sides.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The cube doesn't belong to the enemy any more than the six-pointed star does. Regardless of what shapes, numbers and other powers the enemy uses, the most important thing is their intentions. The enemy uses the number 9, uses 666, and uses many other things. It is unnatural, negative, and deadly for us and any other life form being subject to what has happened to the creatures that are now the enemy's grey slaves. Zombies, without free consciousness, without free will. It is terrible.
I want to make what I want to say clearer. When you start a war there's no turning back. When you defeat a species, you can't be naive and let it go free. If you attack and defeat a species, you do injustice, and if you set it free, it will try to do justice and take revenge and set itself free. If you are a parasite like these enemy reptilians, then you will think that it is appropriate and useful to exploit the defeated before destroying them and/or using them as cattle or slaves. If you are very advanced like our Gods, you don't need to do such a weak and useless thing. In any case, when you start a war, either you win or lose, there is no middle ground, and of course the stronger and superior wins.
In actual fact nothing is natural or unnatural these are human conceptions nothing is outside the ALL what we term as "natural"is acts that enhance us humans towards self realisation Godhead that is and "unnatural" the opposite this is part of Law of Polarity the enemy knows and understands universal laws theses are the same laws that can enhance you but can also do the opposite the enemy uses these same laws to enslave you as nothing is outside the ALL.
Swastika is also "point of origin " or "starting point" in the physical/material realm which is the centre of any physical object and corresponds to the centre of gravity in any physical object and when one transfers their consciousness to that point they will go to the Ethereal realm or fourth dimension aspect of that object in humans this point is obviously the navel this is the point the wise Greek mathematician Archimedes referred to when he said "Show one point on the universe and I show move the Earth!" Satan is also known as "earth shaker" for the reason that He can literally do this by transferring His consciousness to the centre of the earth and shake it............
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:
Ever hear of "punitive medicine"?
Very common in communist countries. Anyone against the Jewish agenda is "insane."

The normal person is forcibly committed to a mental institution, where he/she is forcibly injected with massive amounts of antipsychotic medications that rapidly produce the most hideous and permanent side effects.

In a few sentences right there you have pretty much described exactly what happened to me. This is very real. I stood up to the enemy. I was bashed, beaten and tortured. They even tried to interrogate me to see if I had any spiritual powers,For hours in a tiny room. When they couldn't get what they wanted out of me, I was then taken to court on ramped up charges. Court ordered and forced to take anti-psychotic drugs. If I refused to take the drugs. They would then threatened to pin me down and inject me with it if I refused it orally. I was thrown in a mental institute and declared insane. I was left to basically rot. Lucky for me Father Satan helped me Come through it. When it came to medication time. I hid the pills right at the back of my tongue. So when they checked, it looked like I swallowed them. I would then go straight to my room spit them in a cup. Then flush them down the toilet at an appropriate time. This went on for months. I had to play the game and pretend that I was going insane in order for them to make the decision In their minds to allow me to integrate back into society. So they throw you in the mental institute. Force you to take a cocktail of drugs. Keep you in there long enough to a point where they see that the drugs have fucked you up to a point where you are not the same person you were before you got put in there. I tell you this very real...and it has been a very traumatic experience for me. But with Father Satans help and the Gods I was very fortunate and extremely Lucky. If there is ever a Time for me to give thanks to Father Satan and my Guardians. It is now! for the help they gave me when I was basically down and out. So a Huge Thank you from me to Lucifuge Rofocale, Agares and Margas. I am forever grateful. I was saved.
likman666 said:
Master said:
Master said:
The cube doesn't belong to the enemy any more than the six-pointed star does. Regardless of what shapes, numbers and other powers the enemy uses, the most important thing is their intentions. The enemy uses the number 9, uses 666, and uses many other things. It is unnatural, negative, and deadly for us and any other life form being subject to what has happened to the creatures that are now the enemy's grey slaves. Zombies, without free consciousness, without free will. It is terrible.
I want to make what I want to say clearer. When you start a war there's no turning back. When you defeat a species, you can't be naive and let it go free. If you attack and defeat a species, you do injustice, and if you set it free, it will try to do justice and take revenge and set itself free. If you are a parasite like these enemy reptilians, then you will think that it is appropriate and useful to exploit the defeated before destroying them and/or using them as cattle or slaves. If you are very advanced like our Gods, you don't need to do such a weak and useless thing. In any case, when you start a war, either you win or lose, there is no middle ground, and of course the stronger and superior wins.
In actual fact nothing is natural or unnatural these are human conceptions nothing is outside the ALL what we term as "natural"is acts that enhance us humans towards self realisation Godhead that is and "unnatural" the opposite this is part of Law of Polarity the enemy knows and understands universal laws theses are the same laws that can enhance you but can also do the opposite the enemy uses these same laws to enslave you as nothing is outside the ALL.
Swastika is also "point of origin " or "starting point" in the physical/material realm which is the centre of any physical object and corresponds to the centre of gravity in any physical object and when one transfers their consciousness to that point they will go to the Ethereal realm or fourth dimension aspect of that object in humans this point is obviously the navel this is the point the wise Greek mathematician Archimedes referred to when he said "Show one point on the universe and I show move the Earth!" Satan is also known as "earth shaker" for the reason that He can literally do this by transferring His consciousness to the centre of the earth and shake it............
I agree. You also spoke of the fusion of consciousness, but on a much higher level. I like the fusion of consciousness, it's a very useful thing but it's advanced and dangerous.
likman666 said:
Master said:
Master said:
Swastika is also "point of origin " or "starting point" in the physical/material realm which is the centre of any physical object and corresponds to the centre of gravity in any physical object and when one transfers their consciousness to that point they will go to the Ethereal realm or fourth dimension aspect of that object in humans this point is obviously the navel this is the point the wise Greek mathematician Archimedes referred to when he said "Show one point on the universe and I show move the Earth!" Satan is also known as "earth shaker" for the reason that He can literally do this by transferring His consciousness to the centre of the earth and shake it............

Great post! it makes me wonder if the black sun, is in the center of the earth/ethereal realm

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
