I'm sorry about all my newbie questions, but I'm not seeing any search results for the topic of abortion. I know that our gods are pro-choice, but what is the moral arguments behind this? When does it become not okay to abort a baby?
There are reasons for abortion which is why our gods accept it. Ever heard of eugenics? Yeah it’s important to implement when you look at the bigger picture.Bardhonen said:I'm sorry about all my newbie questions, but I'm not seeing any search results for the topic of abortion. I know that our gods are pro-choice, but what is the moral arguments behind this? When does it become not okay to abort a baby?
The christards always say that they want to 'save' the soul of the kid but when he/she is born then they don't care anymore? They only care that he doesn't die becuse muh saving his soul. I honestly think a women should abort if she isn't ready to take care of the kid, it's better to abort than let the kid live in a bad situation.HP Mageson666 said:Abortion is simply not about the right or this or that. Its about practical reality if a women needs to have one there are reasons and the consequences of those reasons effect individuals and society.
The people who talk about adoption don't understand how dangerous and messed up this can be for the child in this system. Unwanted children are a burden to society and fill the prisons when they become adults and there are health reasons as well. Children born retarded are going to never have a life and cost millions of dollars to keep them alive in the living prison of their own life.
The argument of women having abortions as birth control if a woman is that not responsible do you want her having a child anyway.
If you ban abortion you will still have abortion and it will become costly and dangerous and cause all kinds of problems to individuals and society.
Abortion is a public health issue.
The best we can do is create a society in which people can have larger and healthier families. And the social and economic stressors are not on them for giving life to the next generation of our Peoples.
How would they get reincarnated if white people keep having abortions or just not having many children? There needs to be a body for the soul to go into. So with the number of bodies decreasing, what happens then? And even if the situation isn't perfect, you can do what you can to make the best of it and make it work. There's many places and populations in the world where living conditions are worse than we can even imagine, and they all manage to raise children still. Where did this idea come from that white people can only have children if every single detail of their lives is absolutely 666% perfect, and the slightest inconvenience and they can't do it. You don't usually see this kind of doubt against having children in other populations like jewish, muslim, black.luis said:there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.
Hey i was not talking about people that can keep their kid but they won't, i'm talking about people that have been raped or they are too young or just can't take care of a kid. I don't want to let a kid live with parents that don't want him and so they don't take care of him like they should.Ol argedco luciftias said:How would they get reincarnated if white people keep having abortions or just not having many children? There needs to be a body for the soul to go into. So with the number of bodies decreasing, what happens then? And even if the situation isn't perfect, you can do what you can to make the best of it and make it work. There's many places and populations in the world where living conditions are worse than we can even imagine, and they all manage to raise children still. Where did this idea come from that white people can only have children if every single detail of their lives is absolutely 666% perfect, and the slightest inconvenience and they can't do it. You don't usually see this kind of doubt against having children in other populations like jewish, muslim, black.luis said:there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.
If there's a situation like the potential parents are addicted to hard drugs, or have serious mental/physical problems where they really aren't able to care for the child then they shouldn't have one. But I think people exaggerate their problems, and people's slightest little problems, nothing like the ones I listed, are made like they're big.
We've been through the middle ages, thousands of years of christian/jew oppression, poverty and war, and we've managed to still keep having white children through all of this. So with living conditions some of the best there has been in centuries or even millenia for some places, what makes people think that they just now aren't able to do it anymore? It's usually all Marxist shit programming more than any actual valid reasons.
luis said:HP Mageson666 said:and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, ...
FlamingRedRose666 said:I remember last year asking a teacher (who was educating us about sex, pregnancy, man and woman, etc.) what she thinks about abortion, basically, she answered saying: "It's a horrible thing, you're killing an unborn human. And this could also cause you to be infertile in the future." Then I asked her: /What if a woman was raped, could she get an abortion because she wouldn't want the child???\ and her answer was this: "Nothing wrong would happen."
So basically, getting an abortion when you weren't raped is the biggest sin of them all, but if you get raped and have an abortion THEN, then it's all good. Like wtf?
In my personal opinion: If you can't take care of the child or something happens and you cannot go on without abortion, or if any other horrible thing happens, then I believe that Women should have THE RIGHT to get abortions, otherwise if nothing is wrong and nothing bad happened and they could take care of the child, but decide to get an abortion then they are really stupid and disrespectful to new life brought into this world...
I think that if you are 16 or you have been raped or can't take care of the kid in whatever way (because of money, mental illness or whatever serious thing) then it's better to abort. Even sending the kid to the orphanage is not a good idea, first it's an ugly place and they won't get the love of a family there.FlamingRedRose666 said:I remember last year asking a teacher (who was educating us about sex, pregnancy, man and woman, etc.) what she thinks about abortion, basically, she answered saying: "It's a horrible thing, you're killing an unborn human. And this could also cause you to be infertile in the future." Then I asked her: /What if a woman was raped, could she get an abortion because she wouldn't want the child???\ and her answer was this: "Nothing wrong would happen."
So basically, getting an abortion when you weren't raped is the biggest sin of them all, but if you get raped and have an abortion THEN, then it's all good. Like wtf?
In my personal opinion: If you can't take care of the child or something happens and you cannot go on without abortion, or if any other horrible thing happens, then I believe that Women should have THE RIGHT to get abortions, otherwise if nothing is wrong and nothing bad happened and they could take care of the child, but decide to get an abortion then they are really stupid and disrespectful to new life brought into this world...
luis said:We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.
"Also Father Satan keeps and retains our Souls for those who have not reached this
state. For better saying, he keeps and retains our "true self" which is the Soul we have had and possessed in all our lifetimes. This part of the Soul is the actual consciousness, as in pure consciousness and the real ID of the real self. This is who you really are. So long someone stays inside their womb, they are at that state, they are their pure self. The state by which this Real part of the Self is reached is called Samadhi in the East and this is the meaning of Satyan - Eternal Truth."
All consciousness that is of the Astral body [conscious consciousness] gives place to the unconscious consciousness of the Higher Part of the Soul at this point of the Soul entering the Fetus. When one enters, the "Ego" part of the Astral body that they had in the last lifetime and they went to Duat with, dissipates again and they gain a new one, the one they will be born with. This part is given to the child by the parents and directly influences the Physical body aswell and this ties into the Racial criteria aswell.
Zeffie of the Wind said:luis said:We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.
This isnt actually the case. This is taken directly from HP HoodedCobra666's sermon "The Afterlife and Reincarnation:
"Also Father Satan keeps and retains our Souls for those who have not reached this
state. For better saying, he keeps and retains our "true self" which is the Soul we have had and possessed in all our lifetimes. This part of the Soul is the actual consciousness, as in pure consciousness and the real ID of the real self. This is who you really are. So long someone stays inside their womb, they are at that state, they are their pure self. The state by which this Real part of the Self is reached is called Samadhi in the East and this is the meaning of Satyan - Eternal Truth."
From this excerpt we can infer that a person still has a soul while inside the womb.
All consciousness that is of the Astral body [conscious consciousness] gives place to the unconscious consciousness of the Higher Part of the Soul at this point of the Soul entering the Fetus. When one enters, the "Ego" part of the Astral body that they had in the last lifetime and they went to Duat with, dissipates again and they gain a new one, the one they will be born with. This part is given to the child by the parents and directly influences the Physical body aswell and this ties into the Racial criteria aswell.
From here we learn that a soul has entered even when a baby is a fetus.
From here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12411&p=43886&hilit=Soul+birth#p43794HP Mageson666 said:Its stated in the ancient texts the soul descends into the womb just at the moment of birth and this has to do with your birth chart and why its the way it is.
HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
Thank you so much for explaining this in in-depth!
I wanted to ask you, is it true that human souls reincarnate only into the same family from generations to generations (if one is unaware of the truth throughout their life or were aware, but didn't have enough time to do everything that is needed, etc.)?
And do human souls reincarnate to the same mother (of course, since she reincarnates into different bodies as stated above with examples)?
Hope these questions are legit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:FlamingRedRose666 said:HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
Thank you so much for explaining this in in-depth!
I wanted to ask you, is it true that human souls reincarnate only into the same family from generations to generations (if one is unaware of the truth throughout their life or were aware, but didn't have enough time to do everything that is needed, etc.)?
And do human souls reincarnate to the same mother (of course, since she reincarnates into different bodies as stated above with examples)?
Hope these questions are legit.
No to both questions. We just reincarnate into the same race. We can also hop into the same family line, but this is not an absolute necessity either.
Thank you! I actualy thought about this before and i thought the same thing. So parts of the soul start to devolpe at the forth month and then at the moment of birth our let's say 'true self' with all the memory of the past life get reincarnated in the physical body with the other parts of the soul that devolped in the womb. I now got the confirmation and i was right, thank you so much again!HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:The situation is true, that in the 4th month (Where the baby really starts to resemble something human) is actually then put a soul into it, but progressively. The soul at these first months is actually simplistic, and at this state, we do not yet have full existence or reincarnation. This is the first stage and is formative. One part of the total sum of the soul is taken from the actual fetus, a part of the soul which is developed on the baby itself in the first formative years.
The fetus then progressively becomes open to 'reincarnation', a process through which is decided since it's beginning. Consider this building a body where one will gradually wear like a glove. A part of the soul grows as the fetus, but that doesn't mean that if one has an abortion, but there is no actual connection to anything just yet, nor is the fetus until this point 'human' by our description of the term, nor naturally.
It is harmless for the soul, and the so called 'baby' is not murdered as many pro lifers state, as simply, at this level we do not have the life so many people envision with intelligence, very deep emotions, and very deep feelings. There is not any amount of said clear individuality yet present in anyway.
There is a limit however to this latent state which is around to 3 to 4 months, down to a max of 5 months. The 5th months is the absolute maximum.
This connection strengthens and solidifies down to the moment of birth, where the soul is then essentially expressed. A soul is attached to this 4th/5th month fetus (Gender and human mechanisms do start to exist at this state but not all that much before, women start receiving kicks and actually do experience the baby's individuality more than more past this time), which later grows, and at the time of birth, we have the actual chart of the born person, which is now fully human, and has a soul and everything.
Human life as we now it is a progressive development, and is not 'a baby' until it reaches a specific point of time after which there is a development in said state. If women knew this, they should probably abort immediately children of rapists, inferiors, and people whom will only be brought into the world to be tyrannized or live solitary and horrible lives.
From the 4th or 5th month, down to birth, we have a gestation period where the soul is on a formative stage. This is explained in my afterlife post, but without all these details which I considered un-necessary and potentially confusing, so I left out. Memories from one's womb cannot be before this, as one is not really 'into' this womb in the first place, and these tend to come on the late months of pregnancy. Typically, after the 7th month.
After the 6th and 7th or 8th month, we are basically moving towards the human, with the 9th month being the final birth of a fully operational human.
If women wait for 6 or 7 months to abort, the danger increases for abortion, and baseline becomes impossible, and maybe even highly traumatizing. This is also extremely irresponsible, and in my opinion also brutal.
This is why naturally, this procedure is totally scarring for any woman at such a developed state of birth. Any self respecting person who has a figment of intelligence and doesn't want to get scarred for life, should abort a fetus in the first 3 or 4 months, maximum of 4 and a half, maybe at worst case scenarios of enslavement, 5 months, as later any such procedure can become highly damaging and as deadly as pregnancy or worse.
I can't remember actually having read that by HPHC. So in my reply here, I was sort of correct, then? I was confident about the Soul entering the Body while a Foetus, but from what I think I just read which you quoted, the exact time of birth = the influences of energies, etc., as what I said in my reply, yes? I am also asking you, HC. I didn't say about Racial factors, though, which also adds into it.Zeffie of the Wind said:luis said:We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.
This isnt actually the case. This is taken directly from HP HoodedCobra666's sermon "The Afterlife and Reincarnation:
"Also Father Satan keeps and retains our Souls for those who have not reached this
state. For better saying, he keeps and retains our "true self" which is the Soul we have had and possessed in all our lifetimes. This part of the Soul is the actual consciousness, as in pure consciousness and the real ID of the real self. This is who you really are. So long someone stays inside their womb, they are at that state, they are their pure self. The state by which this Real part of the Self is reached is called Samadhi in the East and this is the meaning of Satyan - Eternal Truth."
From this excerpt we can infer that a person still has a soul while inside the womb.
All consciousness that is of the Astral body [conscious consciousness] gives place to the unconscious consciousness of the Higher Part of the Soul at this point of the Soul entering the Fetus. When one enters, the "Ego" part of the Astral body that they had in the last lifetime and they went to Duat with, dissipates again and they gain a new one, the one they will be born with. This part is given to the child by the parents and directly influences the Physical body aswell and this ties into the Racial criteria aswell.
From here we learn that a soul has entered even when a baby is a fetus.
Some members said this or that makes sense, but truth can often be stranger than fiction, lol.luis said:From here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12411&p=43886&hilit=Soul+birth#p43794
Wich in my opinion makes more sense because our Natal chart is 'made' at the exactly moment we are out of the womb. If the soul didn't descends at the moment we are out of the womb then we would have to take the hour when the soul descended at the forth month wich doesn't really make sense to me. Rember that even the HP learn and get updates a long the way, so it's not impossible that he was wrong when he said that the soul descends at the forth month.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:FlamingRedRose666 said:HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
Thank you so much for explaining this in in-depth!
I wanted to ask you, is it true that human souls reincarnate only into the same family from generations to generations (if one is unaware of the truth throughout their life or were aware, but didn't have enough time to do everything that is needed, etc.)?
And do human souls reincarnate to the same mother (of course, since she reincarnates into different bodies as stated above with examples)?
Hope these questions are legit.
No to both questions. We just reincarnate into the same race. We can also hop into the same family line, but this is not an absolute necessity either.
EasternFireLion666 said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:FlamingRedRose666 said:Thank you so much for explaining this in in-depth!
I wanted to ask you, is it true that human souls reincarnate only into the same family from generations to generations (if one is unaware of the truth throughout their life or were aware, but didn't have enough time to do everything that is needed, etc.)?
And do human souls reincarnate to the same mother (of course, since she reincarnates into different bodies as stated above with examples)?
Hope these questions are legit.
No to both questions. We just reincarnate into the same race. We can also hop into the same family line, but this is not an absolute necessity either.
There is anither aspect i wanted to ask but forgot at that time. From what i understand there is a limited nr of souls on the astral for each race or species. What happens in the event that the number of physical bodies surpases the number of souls corresponding to that race for example? Is the necessary energy created for a new soul during the sexual and impregnation process?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:EasternFireLion666 said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:No to both questions. We just reincarnate into the same race. We can also hop into the same family line, but this is not an absolute necessity either.
There is anither aspect i wanted to ask but forgot at that time. From what i understand there is a limited nr of souls on the astral for each race or species. What happens in the event that the number of physical bodies surpases the number of souls corresponding to that race for example? Is the necessary energy created for a new soul during the sexual and impregnation process?
New souls are created all the time, by the regular process of birth. Not all souls existing are reincarnations of previously existing souls, but actually, just brand new souls, who inherit normally from the racial line. "First life" if you will.
Zammel said:I asking: if a child is born with handicap(i say mind, because the pshic can diagnosticated,yes?), not for genetic problem, but for "birth injury " And these engages in Satanism, seriously, succeeding (after many years of course) to heal themselves from handicap and succeed in life, is not a triumph for the Satanism? That is, Satanism is love but it is also (and above all) an improvement of oneself. That is, if it is impossible to find out before birth is it right that these have the opportunity to heal themselves and improve themselves?
I think I understand ... I'm disabled ... but I was not talking about the future ... but of those who maybe here has "birth wounds" in a PDF, Maxine says that it is possible to cure them, even if it takes years. If the disease is not transmitted you have descendants (aka dies with the bearer) can it have children? I'm asking why I have some medium (mental) disabilities and since I started meditating I feel much better. I know that suicide is not an option ... because the aim is to improve one's soul to become a deity ... so I think I will live meditating ... will I wake up the kundalini snake X time after a normal satanist? I do not care! A Satanist, a Nazi, Never surrender! Satanism is the way of truth and joy ... the joy of satan! Greetings from Italy.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Zammel said:I asking: if a child is born with handicap(i say mind, because the pshic can diagnosticated,yes?), not for genetic problem, but for "birth injury " And these engages in Satanism, seriously, succeeding (after many years of course) to heal themselves from handicap and succeed in life, is not a triumph for the Satanism? That is, Satanism is love but it is also (and above all) an improvement of oneself. That is, if it is impossible to find out before birth is it right that these have the opportunity to heal themselves and improve themselves?
Satanism is not about 'love', and as for people who are born now with disabilities, they should know better, and want people in the future to not suffer.
All this kosher dreaming you write here is jewish. People do not need to be born as sufferers to be redeemed later. Health should be a first aim.
You can find through numerous medical means if your kids are going to experience problems, and health problems. If one is responsible, they should avoid giving birth.
You like to plaster compassion as many, so long you're not the sufferer yourself.
You also seem to fancy making other 'heroes' of them spending 20 years or more trying to set right what was done wrong, so one can feel the hypocritical satisfaction of love. "Maybe they suffered for 20 years, but we redeemed them, holy us!".
Zammel said:I think I understand ... I'm disabled ... but I was not talking about the future ... but of those who maybe here has "birth wounds" in a PDF, Maxine says that it is possible to cure them, even if it takes years. If the disease is not transmitted you have descendants (aka dies with the bearer) can it have children? I'm asking why I have some medium (mental) disabilities and since I started meditating I feel much better. I know that suicide is not an option ... because the aim is to improve one's soul to become a deity ... so I think I will live meditating ... will I wake up the kundalini snake X time after a normal satanist? I do not care! A Satanist, a Nazi, Never surrender! Satanism is the way of truth and joy ... the joy of satan! Greetings from Italy.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Zammel said:I asking: if a child is born with handicap(i say mind, because the pshic can diagnosticated,yes?), not for genetic problem, but for "birth injury " And these engages in Satanism, seriously, succeeding (after many years of course) to heal themselves from handicap and succeed in life, is not a triumph for the Satanism? That is, Satanism is love but it is also (and above all) an improvement of oneself. That is, if it is impossible to find out before birth is it right that these have the opportunity to heal themselves and improve themselves?
Satanism is not about 'love', and as for people who are born now with disabilities, they should know better, and want people in the future to not suffer.
All this kosher dreaming you write here is jewish. People do not need to be born as sufferers to be redeemed later. Health should be a first aim.
You can find through numerous medical means if your kids are going to experience problems, and health problems. If one is responsible, they should avoid giving birth.
You like to plaster compassion as many, so long you're not the sufferer yourself.
You also seem to fancy making other 'heroes' of them spending 20 years or more trying to set right what was done wrong, so one can feel the hypocritical satisfaction of love. "Maybe they suffered for 20 years, but we redeemed them, holy us!".
Thanks HP...I read the sermons of HP when my morale are under earth...(rarely) My date of birth(the translator use "chrismas theme") says that I have a great creativity (on JOS Italy they say) ... and I also have an intelligence very close to the Jew (I mean the IQ). If by disability, it means only extremely serious diseases ... well let's say that I can not do some things ... but I always try to know new things and one of the things that I have marked among the "things to do" is access to the "library" of Father Satan "to transmit here further conscience ... to reconstruct history, OUR REAL STORY! I want to know our story by word and by bit because that fake I know it all too well. Am I am ambitious? YES ... but if you do not give us the objectives, the life is boring ... and the closest maybe I can reach it thanks you have demons ... and the second ... well I would like to see Father Satan and tell him face to face that I love him, like a son to his father. Now I do not know if this is a Xian thought ... but I love the father! Good nigth/Day... Greetings from Italy!HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Zammel said:I think I understand ... I'm disabled ... but I was not talking about the future ... but of those who maybe here has "birth wounds" in a PDF, Maxine says that it is possible to cure them, even if it takes years. If the disease is not transmitted you have descendants (aka dies with the bearer) can it have children? I'm asking why I have some medium (mental) disabilities and since I started meditating I feel much better. I know that suicide is not an option ... because the aim is to improve one's soul to become a deity ... so I think I will live meditating ... will I wake up the kundalini snake X time after a normal satanist? I do not care! A Satanist, a Nazi, Never surrender! Satanism is the way of truth and joy ... the joy of satan! Greetings from Italy.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Satanism is not about 'love', and as for people who are born now with disabilities, they should know better, and want people in the future to not suffer.
All this kosher dreaming you write here is jewish. People do not need to be born as sufferers to be redeemed later. Health should be a first aim.
You can find through numerous medical means if your kids are going to experience problems, and health problems. If one is responsible, they should avoid giving birth.
You like to plaster compassion as many, so long you're not the sufferer yourself.
You also seem to fancy making other 'heroes' of them spending 20 years or more trying to set right what was done wrong, so one can feel the hypocritical satisfaction of love. "Maybe they suffered for 20 years, but we redeemed them, holy us!".
You will prevail. Also, many people take this to the extremes. When we say disabilities, I mean severe things, like multiple sclerosis, and other deadly diseases.
Nobody is simply 'perfect'. Health issues or inconsistencies are not extreme disabilities. Even some mental problems are not actual full blown disabilities.
We will also develop science to where these problems will not be tormenting humanity in the future, but the fastest route here is for us to work ourselves to not procure them, as much as we can.
Then, magick and meditation can heal, with science, and then with permanently healing, one can carry on healed and free from these issues. Eventually, we will get there scientifically as well.
When you do workings to even these things out, I would be more than certain that these corrections are registered genetically. This means that probably you also make it far less possible to pass a potential issue down. Meditation can heal from the inside out.
Anyone who finds themselves in such a situation must question if bringing descendants onto this world is going to do more help or harm. Consider your chances here, some things are hereditary, others are not. We have to be responsible.
One may not have a disability, but be for example, a huge drunkard, that will abuse their children for life. They must therefore spare the world and their children of this suffering, and seek first to correct and heal, before going forward. Disability is nothing different here, but us handling out our issues, whatever these may be.
Plus if one simply has one problem (Let's say a minor defect, but great intelligence) they should probably take their chances. You can also do workings to offset the result. Depending on the problem, things may not even be hereditary. In that case, and if one will make a great parent, they can go ahead.
We must have compassion towards other humans who will be our progeny and weight our chances, and ask ourselves, do we need to cause harm on our descendants? How are they going to feel about it?
One big question: don't we wish our parents had better forethought for health or other subjects? We definitely DO. So this is what we ourselves have to do.
I admire your resolve and courage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Zammel said:
Satanism is not about 'love', and as for people who are born now with disabilities, they should know better, and want people in the future to not suffer.
All this kosher dreaming you write here is jewish. People do not need to be born as sufferers to be redeemed later. Health should be a first aim.
what a retarded postBanmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.
Aquarius said:what a retarded postBanmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.
I think he has a good point. If a ritual knife represents the air element for example, well what can come closer to representing a baby than the body of a fetus? Even if there isn't a full soul in it yet, that's about as close as any "representation" could be.Aquarius said:what a retarded post
Yeah bro learn from me :mrgreen:Banmaskim666 said:Aquarius said:what a retarded postBanmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.
Im sorry. You are right. Yours just blew mine away.
Using the dolls is just a help for your mind, same as other props, if you believe that the doll is the person and everything you do to it will happen to the person then that’s what the energy programmed by your mind will do, if you just see a doll and nothing else then there is no will of associating a person to that doll, same for embryos, if you believe that aborting an embryo is sympathetic to destroying the white race then your mind will be focused on that and guess where energy will go ?Banmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.
Using the dolls is just a help for your mind, same as other props, if you believe that the doll is the person and everything you do to it will happen to the person then that’s what the energy programmed by your mind will do, if you just see a doll and nothing else then there is no will of associating a person to that doll, same for embryos, if you believe that aborting an embryo is sympathetic to destroying the white race then your mind will be focused on that and guess where energy will go ?Banmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.
Aquarius said:Using the dolls is just a help for your mind, same as other props, if you believe that the doll is the person and everything you do to it will happen to the person then that’s what the energy programmed by your mind will do, if you just see a doll and nothing else then there is no will of associating a person to that doll, same for embryos, if you believe that aborting an embryo is sympathetic to destroying the white race then your mind will be focused on that and guess where energy will go ?Banmaskim666 said:I like how so many people like to LARP with ceremonial magick. "As above so below"! Every little thing is significant to them. Every piece on their altar, every piece of clothing connects them to greater things through association. Maybe they use a poppet for black magick. Its all good and its got its place in my heart. Though Im not as big on that as some people.
But what I don't get is how nobody is considering the sympathetic magick consequences for aborting a baby. If a person can get harmed from a poppet doll being abused, for all we know Europe is destroyed at this time, via sympathetic magick from all of Americas aborted babies. If its not killing a human to abort, then its 99% of the way there. Its the closest damn thing youre going to find. And it may as well be when you consider the consequences on this level. At the least its a sympathetic gesture against creation, against the womb, against the family blood line, against all the children, against the mothers health, against our race.
There is a huge area here to explore, which is conveniently ignored by everyone that supports this. So if aborting isn't murder then your entire altar and robes and ceremonial magick is too a bullshit larp. And there are a whole lot of people that can tell you these things do mean more than nothing and can have an effect. If it were not true then erasing the Hebrew letters wouldn't work the way it does. So too your abortion means more than killing an amoeba.
The fact is we don't even hardly know what the consequences of it might be.![]()
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan