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My Guardian Daemon?


Active member
Dec 12, 2023
This was ages ago. Like, within a month or so of dedicating. Happened in January I think.

I was trying to sleep and then I started getting psychic attacked. Just being spammed in this half-asleep state with disturbing feelings/imagery.

Then, a woman with a beautiful voice said "hello" and it all cleared up, like a fog that was blown away by the wind, and everything went completely silent and I felt both calm and a little overwhelmed. At the same time when she said hello, a vague symbol flashed across my mind. It was a pink sort of sigil, and all I got from it was that it felt like "the female version of Satan's sigil". I could barely remember what it looked like as I fell asleep right after. I had a look through the demon's sigils the next day, and from the vague impression I could still remember it sort of looked (or rather, "felt") like a combination of Satan and Gremory's sigil's. I don't know how else to describe it.

Does anyone have an idea who this could possibly be?

I had an extreme, ineffable attraction to Astarte and Azazel's sigils, but I highly doubt it could be any of them.

Maybe it wasn't my GD, but someone who just decided to help?
We cannot fully interpret anyone's experience. But it made me feel like Astarte. You can try to contact her
This was ages ago. Like, within a month or so of dedicating. Happened in January I think.

I was trying to sleep and then I started getting psychic attacked. Just being spammed in this half-asleep state with disturbing feelings/imagery.

Then, a woman with a beautiful voice said "hello" and it all cleared up, like a fog that was blown away by the wind, and everything went completely silent and I felt both calm and a little overwhelmed. At the same time when she said hello, a vague symbol flashed across my mind. It was a pink sort of sigil, and all I got from it was that it felt like "the female version of Satan's sigil". I could barely remember what it looked like as I fell asleep right after. I had a look through the demon's sigils the next day, and from the vague impression I could still remember it sort of looked (or rather, "felt") like a combination of Satan and Gremory's sigil's. I don't know how else to describe it.

Does anyone have an idea who this could possibly be?

I had an extreme, ineffable attraction to Astarte and Azazel's sigils, but I highly doubt it could be any of them.

Maybe it wasn't my GD, but someone who just decided to help

This was ages ago. Like, within a month or so of dedicating. Happened in January I think.

I was trying to sleep and then I started getting psychic attacked. Just being spammed in this half-asleep state with disturbing feelings/imagery.

Then, a woman with a beautiful voice said "hello" and it all cleared up, like a fog that was blown away by the wind, and everything went completely silent and I felt both calm and a little overwhelmed. At the same time when she said hello, a vague symbol flashed across my mind. It was a pink sort of sigil, and all I got from it was that it felt like "the female version of Satan's sigil". I could barely remember what it looked like as I fell asleep right after. I had a look through the demon's sigils the next day, and from the vague impression I could still remember it sort of looked (or rather, "felt") like a combination of Satan and Gremory's sigil's. I don't know how else to describe it.

Does anyone have an idea who this could possibly be?

I had an extreme, ineffable attraction to Astarte and Azazel's sigils, but I highly doubt it could be any of them.

Maybe it wasn't my GD, but someone who just decided to help?
It can be your Guardian Demon but it doesn't have to be.
Not every Demon/ess that communicates with you is your Guardian Demon.
Try to reach out directly to your Guardian Demon.
A few years ago, I often experienced the same problem you describe. I encountered many unpleasant images and thoughts when I am half asleep. For me, Baalzebul's sigil made me feel an attraction, a feeling of joy. I want to know what exactly is this feeling? Maybe we've already met them in past lives.
that was a beautiful experience and a proof to not worry about anything
best advice i can give is not going too obsessed about it (this can be used against you)
you said you've done your dedication not long ago so there's nothing to be rush about you will know in time,
for now focus yourself, getting stronger and be sure you're totally protected even if you don't know who's you GD.
We cannot fully interpret anyone's experience. But it made me feel like Astarte. You can try to contact her

What made you think so?

I'm sure, at the very least, I had a relationship or interest of some sort in Astarte in past lives. Because before I knew anything about mythology (let alone Spiritual Satanism) and when I was still a "Xtian" I felt a feeling of 'love' and affection towards the image of Aphrodite in this Greek Mythology series:

Athough it's filled with degenerate eroticism here and there, which would normally put me off, something about her essence managed to break through my usual resistance to the notion of eros/love/romance.

I recognise it as something that needs to be heavily worked upon in regards to my soul, and I could of course see her being able to fascilitate that growth, but it's most likely because she is just an extremely popular Goddess that I am attracted to her in this way, rather than being my GD. Or at least, that's what I'm assuming for the time being.

[Someone said in here one's GD can represent their unconscious, as well as being similar to them, and the most suitable to fascilitate their growth. Now, I don't know how many of you are into MBTI, but I am an INTJ with Libra emphasis, so my unconscious is ESFP, which is also the consensus for what Aphrodite is/represents. Although, I'm pretty sure the God's are way beyond "personality type" at this point, lmao. But the whole point of Personality Typing is to figure out how to "integrate one's subconscious into being whole, and make the unconscious become conscious" (i.e., the same purpose as our GD(?))... This is pure speculation, and I'm probably just grasping at straws here, but this is my current line of thinking... This could also, more simply, just explain my innate fascination with her].

It can be your Guardian Demon but it doesn't have to be.
Not every Demon/ess that communicates with you is your Guardian Demon.
Try to reach out directly to your Guardian Demon.

Yeah, I thought as much. I've been asking them to show me clues, but I need to read more about the God's/mythology. I don't understand what they're showing me in my dreams.

I saw a dream of blowing winds, and some guy who had the ability to web people up, which I thought maybe related to Athena and the story of Arachne.

Athena/Minerva was always my favourite God, because she has the most similar personality to me, and when I played the God of War series I literally wished she could be my "guardian angel", lol.

But again, unlikely.

Try to reach out to them. Meditate on Satan's sigil in this manner.

Okay, this is my last speculation, but it's kinda got me worried.

I had another look around, and for some reason the name "Lilith" popped into mind. And I found this sigil: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/bd/9a/febd9a1c28b6122f5fb6fdf3d26b10c1.jpg

What I saw, looked very similar to this, but it was slightly different. No numbers, no circle around the sigil, and some other differences but I can't remember now.

Anyway, I read online this is a sigil to "seal" Lilith, which is making me worried some enemy entity tried to contact me or something, but I don't know... Lilith represents the Crown Chakra, and my Crown Chakra and 6th has always been naturally open/strong. The colour of the sigil was that same hot pink/bright purple colour of the crown chakra, I don't know exactly how to describe it.

But yeah, is this something to worry about?

that was a beautiful experience and a proof to not worry about anything
best advice i can give is not going too obsessed about it (this can be used against you)
you said you've done your dedication not long ago so there's nothing to be rush about you will know in time,
for now focus yourself, getting stronger and be sure you're totally protected even if you don't know who's you GD.

Yeah, I'm quite patient, which is why I haven't made this thread up until now, but I'm very keen to meet them now. I really want to connect with the God's on a deeper level.
I asked my GD again to show me signs of their identity (I basically begged this time lmao), and I got 2 or 3 indications of the planet Venus in my dream.

It says on here, it is of the demon 'Kedemel', but this name doesn't seem to relate to an actual demon but the "spirit of Venus": https://satanisgod.org/PlanetVenus.html

Who is Kedemel?

And what other Demon's are associated with Venus?

I have been actively communicating with Astarte lately, and while reading your post, I just felt it.

This is really beautiful. Kinda cringe Disney accent at times but still. Idk if it's the audio quality or what but it feels like every word is penetrating straight into my chakras.
Okay, I came across this thread: Musical communication with the God's inquiring into sounds first thing in the morning today, which coincidentally happened to be about Lady Astarte, and I just remembered that only the day before yesterday I posted an Instagram story with a song, literally titled: "Venus as a boy - Bjork" and felt a strong compulsion to do so, which further makes me thing it's either a God associated with the planet Venus, or Lady Astarte herself, because the planet Venus is also my chart ruler. Plus, the post before me in this thread is also a Hymn to Astarte.

Bjork is also seemingly a Pagan, and this song in particular has very strong Hindu undertones and I am North-Indian/Iranian/Bangladeshi myself.

For some reason, I've always had an incredible infatuation with the image/presence of Lady Astarte, but there is no words attached to this feeling. It just "is"...

There is something very "motherly love" about her and simply looking at her painting is enough to energise me somehow. The closest I can come to describing it: is like being an old man, remembering your childhood and looking back at a portrait of your mother, knowing she's still looking over you, guiding you and protecting you always, but without the melancholic feelings. It is oft followed by a "tingling" sensation throughout, similar to when you are finished doing Kundalini Yoga and resting and can feel the "ants" all over your body. I can also feel the "invisible thread" or "umbilical cord" that connects us.

Reading through her descriptions, she sounds like a perfect match for my overall development, however, I'm not in a suitable environment to do a ritual atm and my astral senses are still too weak, but I'll begin meditating on her sigil everyday and see what happens.
Okay, I came across this thread: Musical communication with the God's inquiring into sounds first thing in the morning today, which coincidentally happened to be about Lady Astarte, and I just remembered that only the day before yesterday I posted an Instagram story with a song, literally titled: "Venus as a boy - Bjork" and felt a strong compulsion to do so, which further makes me thing it's either a God associated with the planet Venus, or Lady Astarte herself, because the planet Venus is also my chart ruler. Plus, the post before me in this thread is also a Hymn to Astarte.

Bjork is also seemingly a Pagan, and this song in particular has very strong Hindu undertones and I am North-Indian/Iranian/Bangladeshi myself.

For some reason, I've always had an incredible infatuation with the image/presence of Lady Astarte, but there is no words attached to this feeling. It just "is"...

There is something very "motherly love" about her and simply looking at her painting is enough to energise me somehow. The closest I can come to describing it: is like being an old man, remembering your childhood and looking back at a portrait of your mother, knowing she's still looking over you, guiding you and protecting you always, but without the melancholic feelings. It is oft followed by a "tingling" sensation throughout, similar to when you are finished doing Kundalini Yoga and resting and can feel the "ants" all over your body. I can also feel the "invisible thread" or "umbilical cord" that connects us.

Reading through her descriptions, she sounds like a perfect match for my overall development, however, I'm not in a suitable environment to do a ritual atm and my astral senses are still too weak, but I'll begin meditating on her sigil everyday and see what happens.
Edit 1: Mod, could you pls edit and @ the user: "@Yeye95" since they wud be able to provide more insightful info on the topic

Edit 2: I typed one of the lyrics into Google, "Ól lit glatt á mér, Ól engin skil er álver", the text itself is a ***GIBBERISH** version of Icelandic/Swedish/Norwegian, but in English it wrote:

- "Ól lit happily á me
There is no difference, you elves"
- "Ol lit glatt a more, ol no part is elves"
- "Ol litt glatt a mer ol no separation is real"

And I've mentioned before, how I have weird looking ears like an elf. So this all but confirms it for me. There were other relevant lyrics, but this was the most interesting/convincing detail, especially because it is literally originally supposed to be gibberish and also my favourite part of the song.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
