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Question #4148: Pyramids of Egypt


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I recently got sent these two "Tik Tok" videos on WhatsApp and was wondering what's the reality of the actual explanation for the Pyramids of Egypt, and how were they built?

Here are the transcripted versions:

Of the world's largest mysteries is how the Egyptians constructed the Great Pyramids of Giza. People refuse to accept that this ancient civilization could have constructed such massive structures, and it has even generated theories of alien technology. But is it possible that the answer to this mystery has lied right under our noses the entire time within the pages of the Quran. The pyramids are not mentioned by name in the Quran, but instead a reference is made to great buildings in Egypt in Sura Al Khasas verse 38. The pharaoh says, oh, imminent ones.

I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then ignite for me, oh, Haman, a fire upon the clay and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars. So the reason that the pyramid seems so impossible for the ancient Egyptians to construct is the massive stones that would have to be carried up extreme heights. This verse from the Quran, though, suggests that the pyramids were not constructed in this way, but instead wet clay was carried and then shaped and then it was baked in place by the sun.

What is interesting is that professor Michael Barsom, along with his colleagues, recently studied the pyramids. What they found was that they were indeed most likely made from a ancient type of concrete made of limestone, clay, and water. The stones had an unusually high water content that was not the usual occurrence with limestone found in Giza. Whether the structure that pharaoh spoke of was these pyramids or not is not made explicit. But this verse does seem to connect in a very interesting way and it should be considered.

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Would you believe me if I tell you that Quran solved a mystery before scientists could? In today's episode, we talk about pyramids. For centuries, Egyptologists and geologists thought that the Egyptian pyramids were made of limestone blocks, up to 70 tons, that were quarried by chiseling limestone. Workers then carried those blocks up the pyramids on ramps. This building procedure was thought to be so superhuman that it made the pyramids become one of the 7 wonders of the world.

However, today, electron microscopes revealed that the blocks at the top have chemistries found nowhere in nature. Those blocks at the top must have been baked and then cast like modern cement, not chiseled from existing limestone. However, 1400 years ago, Allah revealed in the Quran that pharaoh used baked clay. In the Surah Al Kasas verse 38, Allah mentions what pharaoh ordered to Haman. Pharaoh declared, oh chiefs, I know of no other god for you but myself.

So bake bricks out of clay for me, oh, Haman, and build a high tower so I may look at the god of Moses. The name Haman was not known until the decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphics in the 19th century from the Rosetta Stone. When the hieroglyphics were decoded, it was understood that Haman was a close helper of the pharaoh and was the head of the stone quarries, the head of construction workers. No one had this information except the Quran, Subhanallah.
This islam-pushing agenda is very boring and ridiculous. Egypt has nothing to do with pisslam.

Me personally, I'm not sure, others could give you a better answer but my theory is that the pyramids are much older than they say they are.

Now, could we build the pyramids now, with modern technology? Yes we could. We can make so large tools that we could easily build them, with enough people. But they are mesmerizing because the average people think that the average ancient people were cavemens.

When the pyramids was built, they probably had advanced tools for it. If not, a TON of people working on it. I don't think that it would have been possible to move so large objects with the mind, unless Godly beings worked on it.
I recently got sent these two "Tik Tok" videos on WhatsApp and was wondering what's the reality of the actual explanation for the Pyramids of Egypt, and how were they built?

Here are the transcripted versions:


There are no secrets in the Quran, it's just a piece of Jewish shit.

Islam has nothing to do with the Pyramids, which were built by the Greatest Satanic Civilization of the Pagans (Ancient Egyptians) and our Gods using the High Technology of our Gods.
I don't think that it would have been possible to move so large objects with the mind, unless Godly beings worked on it.
Of course it is possible with telekinesis, especially when there are multiple people sharing the effort. People were much more advanced back in those days.
Of course it is possible with telekinesis, especially when there are multiple people sharing the effort. People were much more advanced back in those days.
One can only imagine how advanced the High Priests were back then. I didn't do much research on this and I don't know if it's actually true, but I read that they used Telekinesis with the Kabbalah which makes it much more powerful. Appropriate Mantras and chants. Also, I think people would be surprised about how much weight you can move with regular Telekinesis when you are very advanced.
One can only imagine how advanced the High Priests were back then. I didn't do much research on this and I don't know if it's actually true, but I read that they used Telekinesis with the Kabbalah which makes it much more powerful. Appropriate Mantras and chants. Also, I think people would be surprised about how much weight you can move with regular Telekinesis when you are very advanced.
How powerful can you get it to be, realistically? Does it cause strain on the body if it's too intense? I'm not sure if it's worth prioritising that skill or something else like pyrokinesis would be more beneficial.
How powerful can you get it to be, realistically? Does it cause strain on the body if it's too intense? I'm not sure if it's worth prioritising that skill or something else like pyrokinesis would be more beneficial.
It's not easy to say how powerful exactly, but I can say much more powerful than just moving an hanged pencil like some might think. As you progress you will be able to move heavier weight, this is actually the way to improve, similar to progressive overload in the gym. Or you can also distance yourself from the object. I read that once you reach a certain point of development weight becomes less and less of a factor, meaning that it's not like a physical muscle that once you reach a limit it cannot go further, but as you progress weight is not much of a problem anymore. Again, it's very difficult to say.

There's also a different kind of phenomena called levitation, and this is done by using the Air element, but it can be used on objects also. If you consider that some Monks are able to levitate their own bodyweight, you can assume that one can levitate pretty heavy objects as well using this.

When you add the Kundalini energy to this, which really amplifies one's powers, the Kabbalah, the mastery of the elements and the effort of multiple adepts you can assume that they were able to move very heavy objects.

If you push yourself too much too soon you can feel fatigued, but it's not something dangerous or anything.

As far as Pyrokinesis goes, you can practice it when you reach a certain level of advancement, it can be very dangerous, practice it outside if possible. I've never practiced it and I will only do it when I will have mastered the Fire element in Meditation, so I cannot say much about it yet.
The blocks used to build the pyramids were not from around the area, it was brought from hundreds or thousands of miles away, people back then were very advanced and they could levitate or reduce the weight of the blocks to stack it up and build the pyramids.
Also the distance between Pyramids and North pole is 6666KM

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
