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Meditation: Cleaning Repressed Emotions

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Meditation is a process that will bring you in front of yourself a lot. It will show you, if you pay attention, numerous problems, issues and gifts that are latent or active in your character.

In this topic I want to remind everyone that meditation, especially cleansing, purification and removing obstacles meditation [Munka and so on] can essentially go against long repressive programmings, wounds in the soul, or other things that are keeping you back. These will start coming out in meditation.

Keep in mind the following phrase in regards to anything that boggles you down that comes out from meditation: Accept these, follow these, do not beat yourself up in identifying with these issues, rectify these, improve from these.

Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.

After the cleaning and rectification period is over, then one will feel at peace and stronger than ever. Certain things might need to be vented out; the forums allow this [anonymously or otherwise] and that can be very cathartic. Other things might require inner reconciliation, revenge, or changes in one's mindset. All of these, will lead to inner healing - but before the healing, there might be a form of suffering involved.

It's very important for any human being to address these issues when one is "here" and "alive", because these get carried away with the soul, and unresolved issues can make you feel boggled down. One must not proceed in the cleaning procedures with shame, guilt and fear, but they should encounter them with a certain given happiness over the fact one can do this.

Unacceptable, foolish and in many other types of akward emotions will certainly arise. Emotional language is here to let you know where certain issues lie. For example, if you are improving your power via Chakra work, you might notice you do not want to do this, or that your mind constantly tries to find excuses to stop it, or you might experience feelings of wanting to stop it.

Some of you have told me, especially newer members, that you meditate and sometimes when you get angry you might hear thoughts of blasphemy towards the Gods. Psychologically, that's because the back of your mind might still have negative latent beliefs about them. This goes away with time. A lifetime of programming can go into this and cause these results.

Repressed anger towards "God" can also come into play, as for the first time in your life you are moving towards the Godly things in life; ie, meditating and so on. So the lesser part of the mind just reacts. None of this really affects your relation with the Gods and none of this is unnatural [that's a reaction to inner sickness] and shouldn't bother someone. One just should proceed and continue healing the soul.

These and other forms of non-processed emotions must be followed and should be tracked to their source, related also to other goals: Is it procrastination? Is it worry? Is it a belief that you must not empower yourself, or fear of what might be the result? The list goes. After being found, these issues can be worked on, and they will rectify themselves.

One last thing to remember, is that as you rectify one issue in one area of life, other areas will also start fixing themselves by default. That's the magick in meditation; where you are doing meditation to try to fix one thing, you might notice that other things are also being worked.

As you heal for example certain wounds in you about one issue, this will start improving your overall personality.

To give a crude example, this is like improving your physique; as you improve your physique, you will notice a confidence raising, better health, more attraction, more drive for life - all of these because you are solving a single thing. As you solve your soul, and you do the proper progression, you will notice that you advance in more than one areas, above all as a personality.

This process must be accepted and one must be happy to have embarked this. That is why our Gods are called "healers". They heal us, through increasing our self awareness.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just dream whit something very disturbing about my childhood and then i come here and i find this post. I cannot say much more, thank u again.
A very great sermon indeed.

Improving our wrong aspects and evolving, that is the key value of meditation.

May Satan bless you
I've noticed issues as I've grown in my mediation practice. I struggle with family matters but simultaneously care for them, sometimes more than myself.

I want to be my own person and live on my own, but I also don't want to leave them. It's all very problematic and I've been working on this. When I first dedicated, I remember that the constant meditation made me feel so much happier and this seemed to influence my family as well.

I know there is only so much you can do for those you care about but veer in the other direction in regards to beliefs, ethics and the like. And as much as I may love them, I need to recognize that this love shouldn't be misplaced. I want to solve this issue. Not run from it.

I'm going to go on a whim and ask for some advice. HP, I think I remember you talking about your grandmother at some point. How were you able to overcome the grief? Not necessarily the grief of the deceased, but the grief of knowing how far "gone" they are in their beliefs?
This really happened when I was sleeping earlier something attacked me pitting me against gods or goddesses and said to stop all my activities, be it meditation, cultivation and so on and continue living normally like ordinary people. So I fought back and was provoked until I blasphemed gods or goddesses to drive them away. (this happened before this sermon) so after I did that blaspheming to expel until finally I woke up in a position of blaspheming and expelling after I tried to calm down to regulate my breathing and think clearly then I opened this forum on a whim maybe there was something interesting to me and came up with this sermon that you posted hp reading understand relate the events that I just experienced and it turns out that it is true that in my soul I am still injured so the enemy easily attacks me, I consider it an attack and also a healing process for the wounds that are in my soul and try to think positively about this so that it does not happen again and continue meditation as usual.

btw big Thank's for HP hoodedcobra666 for the sermon you delivered today. and BIG THANKS FOR SATAN, LUCIFER GOD for helping me for this situation.

I will continue my meditation again as usual.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meditation is a process that will bring you in front of yourself a lot. It will show you, if you pay attention, numerous problems, issues and gifts that are latent or active in your character.

In this topic I want to remind everyone that meditation, especially cleansing, purification and removing obstacles meditation [Munka and so on] can essentially go against long repressive programmings, wounds in the soul, or other things that are keeping you back. These will start coming out in meditation.

Keep in mind the following phrase in regards to anything that boggles you down that comes out from meditation: Accept these, follow these, do not beat yourself up in identifying with these issues, rectify these, improve from these.

Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.

I don't get depressed luckily from meditation... But fear man fear. I hate fear. Its like a nihilstic fear that sometimes makes things seem meaningless. I feel like the fear is coming out. I end up fighting it because its so scary. But that just makes it worse. I try not to fight back. And I'm improving now but its still scary to let go.
All I have to do is just turn on the television set and all I see is bad news and drama! And then I sit down and meditate or I logged on to the website and it doesn't take much for me to calm down. I am thankful to be on here!❤️
Thank you for sharing this information. Brother HP
Charlotte61903 said:
I'm going to go on a whim and ask for some advice. HP, I think I remember you talking about your grandmother at some point. How were you able to overcome the grief? Not necessarily the grief of the deceased, but the grief of knowing how far "gone" they are in their beliefs?

I cannot answer on behalf of HPHC, but I can share my opinion, which is that it is only a matter of time in regards to them eventually changing, as a result of social or astral influences, which may take decades or longer.

As long as they are not actively harming themselves, then their condition is relatively stable, and shouldn't cause for a major cause of alarm. In the mean time, we continue along our path, which we help everyone in the end.

Otherwise, once you are more established and have the time and power, you can do RTRs or other deprogramming rituals or cleaning on family members who are important to you.
Whenever I get on the wrong side of people, I begin to have thoughts of people, a large crowd of people rallying against me like it's the whole world that hates me severely for that mistake. I'm dehumanized, I'm thrown to the ground and simply outcasted by the world and an ultimate nobody. I get stepped on, torn apart and burned like I'm someone who did some hideous crime in a justice-oriented society. It isn't clear but this is how it always felt like, but now my head doesn't go too static and bricked up that much any more thanks to the JoS' healing practices.

This source of all my problems in trying to relate with people, is something I kept thinking is not a normal thing at all. I ask myself on how the hell I'm born with it, despite being maybe an empath who went into many wrong ways in life and weirdly, was considered strange to eccentric growing up.

If this does not have to do with the topic then I'm just insane.
Wildfire said:

No, you are not insane, and it is possible that your past life did involve troubled relations, either with partners (as you described anger in the other thread), or with society as a whole, as you mention now. This is not uncommon for humans, but is more likely for SS, as we felt and existed out of place from others.

You have to use energies like, namely, Wunjo, as this this is one which dissolves barriers and brings joy and harmony. As I mentioned in one of my other threads, this social/emotional feminine side of our soul is very important, for exactly as you describe. How can you live your life successfully whilst always feeling like this? In reality, you have to do work to heal from this.
Thank you.

I'ts very intresting post.
The part about the gods is interesting. Why negative thoughts about them come up.
I had not thought of that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meditation is a process that will bring you in front of yourself a lot. It will show you, if you pay attention, numerous problems, issues and gifts that are latent or active in your character.

In this topic I want to remind everyone that meditation, especially cleansing, purification and removing obstacles meditation [Munka and so on] can essentially go against long repressive programmings, wounds in the soul, or other things that are keeping you back. These will start coming out in meditation.

Keep in mind the following phrase in regards to anything that boggles you down that comes out from meditation: Accept these, follow these, do not beat yourself up in identifying with these issues, rectify these, improve from these.

Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.

After the cleaning and rectification period is over, then one will feel at peace and stronger than ever. Certain things might need to be vented out; the forums allow this [anonymously or otherwise] and that can be very cathartic. Other things might require inner reconciliation, revenge, or changes in one's mindset. All of these, will lead to inner healing - but before the healing, there might be a form of suffering involved.

It's very important for any human being to address these issues when one is "here" and "alive", because these get carried away with the soul, and unresolved issues can make you feel boggled down. One must not proceed in the cleaning procedures with shame, guilt and fear, but they should encounter them with a certain given happiness over the fact one can do this.

Unacceptable, foolish and in many other types of akward emotions will certainly arise. Emotional language is here to let you know where certain issues lie. For example, if you are improving your power via Chakra work, you might notice you do not want to do this, or that your mind constantly tries to find excuses to stop it, or you might experience feelings of wanting to stop it.

Some of you have told me, especially newer members, that you meditate and sometimes when you get angry you might hear thoughts of blasphemy towards the Gods. Psychologically, that's because the back of your mind might still have negative latent beliefs about them. This goes away with time. A lifetime of programming can go into this and cause these results.

Repressed anger towards "God" can also come into play, as for the first time in your life you are moving towards the Godly things in life; ie, meditating and so on. So the lesser part of the mind just reacts. None of this really affects your relation with the Gods and none of this is unnatural [that's a reaction to inner sickness] and shouldn't bother someone. One just should proceed and continue healing the soul.

These and other forms of non-processed emotions must be followed and should be tracked to their source, related also to other goals: Is it procrastination? Is it worry? Is it a belief that you must not empower yourself, or fear of what might be the result? The list goes. After being found, these issues can be worked on, and they will rectify themselves.

One last thing to remember, is that as you rectify one issue in one area of life, other areas will also start fixing themselves by default. That's the magick in meditation; where you are doing meditation to try to fix one thing, you might notice that other things are also being worked.

As you heal for example certain wounds in you about one issue, this will start improving your overall personality.

To give a crude example, this is like improving your physique; as you improve your physique, you will notice a confidence raising, better health, more attraction, more drive for life - all of these because you are solving a single thing. As you solve your soul, and you do the proper progression, you will notice that you advance in more than one areas, above all as a personality.

This process must be accepted and one must be happy to have embarked this. That is why our Gods are called "healers". They heal us, through increasing our self awareness.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you. Its asif you know what im going through.

It's extremely painful stuff,fear for example not doing enough for the antichrist to return or things like it's too late for my soul and a LOT of anger towards the enemy. I wake up during the night or early morning with these things on my mind and do rtrs it's the only oulet,but still doesn't feel enough
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=460140 time=1693081125 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:

No, you are not insane, and it is possible that your past life did involve troubled relations, either with partners (as you described anger in the other thread), or with society as a whole, as you mention now. This is not uncommon for humans, but is more likely for SS, as we felt and existed out of place from others.

You have to use energies like, namely, Wunjo, as this this is one which dissolves barriers and brings joy and harmony. As I mentioned in one of my other threads, this social/emotional feminine side of our soul is very important, for exactly as you describe. How can you live your life successfully whilst always feeling like this? In reality, you have to do work to heal from this.

Good evening Blitzkreig,

I did some healing just to get reactions like visions of having my head being shoved into a jewsus kike statue after some torture. Perhaps it's true that the Inquisition murdered me and I am NOT happy about it. Welp, it's not like I'm doing my return of the favor already by doing RTRs and keeping my soul up and powerful enough to shoot enemy agents down, of course NOT with a gun but with immobilization curses.

I had fun using the Fehu rune to make bullies in senior high fail major exams, so I think this can be my good go-to weapon if I want to cause a lot of hilarious oopsies with their relations with their friends, family and even relatives. Or get them arrested for having future mental breakdowns trying to figure out how their lives went to total shit XD

I am someone who does not let bullshit slide. I am close to the envoys of woke agenda that they are spreading like a disease and this looks like my time to not just shine but light up like my username.
Wildfire said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=460140 time=1693081125 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:

No, you are not insane, and it is possible that your past life did involve troubled relations, either with partners (as you described anger in the other thread), or with society as a whole, as you mention now. This is not uncommon for humans, but is more likely for SS, as we felt and existed out of place from others.

You have to use energies like, namely, Wunjo, as this this is one which dissolves barriers and brings joy and harmony. As I mentioned in one of my other threads, this social/emotional feminine side of our soul is very important, for exactly as you describe. How can you live your life successfully whilst always feeling like this? In reality, you have to do work to heal from this.

Good evening Blitzkreig,

I did some healing just to get reactions like visions of having my head being shoved into a jewsus kike statue after some torture. Perhaps it's true that the Inquisition murdered me and I am NOT happy about it. Welp, it's not like I'm doing my return of the favor already by doing RTRs and keeping my soul up and powerful enough to shoot enemy agents down, of course NOT with a gun but with immobilization curses.

I had fun using the Fehu rune to make bullies in senior high fail major exams, so I think this can be my good go-to weapon if I want to cause a lot of hilarious oopsies with their relations with their friends, family and even relatives. Or get them arrested for having future mental breakdowns trying to figure out how their lives went to total shit XD

I am someone who does not let bullshit slide. I am close to the envoys of woke agenda that they are spreading like a disease and this looks like my time to not just shine but light up like my username.

Okay, am I close to them as in I work with them? I'm NOT with them, I just had to act like a normie, some guy who won't harm anyone until people who know them can give me details about my targets after making conversations a lot more trusting to them. This is just like some crazy james bond shit but I am socially blowing up people aligned with the enemy.
Meditation is a process that will bring you in front of yourself a lot. It will show you, if you pay attention, numerous problems, issues and gifts that are latent or active in your character.

In this topic I want to remind everyone that meditation, especially cleansing, purification and removing obstacles meditation [Munka and so on] can essentially go against long repressive programmings, wounds in the soul, or other things that are keeping you back. These will start coming out in meditation.

Keep in mind the following phrase in regards to anything that boggles you down that comes out from meditation: Accept these, follow these, do not beat yourself up in identifying with these issues, rectify these, improve from these.

Due to the low levels of introspection of most people [closely none at all happened in one's life] one has to really start learning how to be self aware. Certain emotions that arise from meditation, be these dread, fear, worry or anxiety, an incessant need to stop meditating, or other depressive tendencies, must be observed and followed on their roots, and addressed.

After the cleaning and rectification period is over, then one will feel at peace and stronger than ever. Certain things might need to be vented out; the forums allow this [anonymously or otherwise] and that can be very cathartic. Other things might require inner reconciliation, revenge, or changes in one's mindset. All of these, will lead to inner healing - but before the healing, there might be a form of suffering involved.

It's very important for any human being to address these issues when one is "here" and "alive", because these get carried away with the soul, and unresolved issues can make you feel boggled down. One must not proceed in the cleaning procedures with shame, guilt and fear, but they should encounter them with a certain given happiness over the fact one can do this.

Unacceptable, foolish and in many other types of akward emotions will certainly arise. Emotional language is here to let you know where certain issues lie. For example, if you are improving your power via Chakra work, you might notice you do not want to do this, or that your mind constantly tries to find excuses to stop it, or you might experience feelings of wanting to stop it.

Some of you have told me, especially newer members, that you meditate and sometimes when you get angry you might hear thoughts of blasphemy towards the Gods. Psychologically, that's because the back of your mind might still have negative latent beliefs about them. This goes away with time. A lifetime of programming can go into this and cause these results.

Repressed anger towards "God" can also come into play, as for the first time in your life you are moving towards the Godly things in life; ie, meditating and so on. So the lesser part of the mind just reacts. None of this really affects your relation with the Gods and none of this is unnatural [that's a reaction to inner sickness] and shouldn't bother someone. One just should proceed and continue healing the soul.

These and other forms of non-processed emotions must be followed and should be tracked to their source, related also to other goals: Is it procrastination? Is it worry? Is it a belief that you must not empower yourself, or fear of what might be the result? The list goes. After being found, these issues can be worked on, and they will rectify themselves.

One last thing to remember, is that as you rectify one issue in one area of life, other areas will also start fixing themselves by default. That's the magick in meditation; where you are doing meditation to try to fix one thing, you might notice that other things are also being worked.

As you heal for example certain wounds in you about one issue, this will start improving your overall personality.

To give a crude example, this is like improving your physique; as you improve your physique, you will notice a confidence raising, better health, more attraction, more drive for life - all of these because you are solving a single thing. As you solve your soul, and you do the proper progression, you will notice that you advance in more than one areas, above all as a personality.

This process must be accepted and one must be happy to have embarked this. That is why our Gods are called "healers". They heal us, through increasing our self awareness.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I been going through phases of skipping my meditation and cleaning I mean I do clean my aura but I think its because my environment I absorb energy constantly I'm a black hole I attract things to me and I'm goin through emotions that I don't try to dive in I also lie to myself again love hurts trusting is hard and difficult I guess this my karma from somebody in this forum want to feel everything I did wrong im tired its like a loop i barely talk to satan and the daemons i just be wont to blow my mind i feel these emotions make me weak and. Lead to anger idk which meditation to use

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
