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The Gods #76967 Gods and Incubi/Succubi Question

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
just a question i want to ask.

if hp.hoodedcobra stated that it's not that easy to obtain an incubi/succubi since they are not here to date the members who ask for one, then how come other members talked about experiences of them having one? the legitimate members i mean. i'm curious how that can be called an exception.

and if so, how will they know that they have one?
just a question i want to ask.

if hp.hoodedcobra stated that it's not that easy to obtain an incubi/succubi since they are not here to date the members who ask for one, then how come other members talked about experiences of them having one? the legitimate members i mean. i'm curious how that can be called an exception.

and if so, how will they know that they have one?

The Demon Lover may manifest himself to you in non-obvious manners such as your Guardian God or Zeus, etc. People should not expect to "get" such a relationship on demand, but like all positive relationships, they are cultivated by natural processes of mutual interest, respect and affection.

Basically you should be attractive in some way, it's not enough that you breathe, if then to your ethics you are repulsive and extremely dirty and negative spiritually. But it also doesn't go to playing "who's better than who? You are inferior!" rather like all healthy relationships it should push you forward and not remain an andrapod. Certainly don't expect sexual relationships with Deities of the Highest Rank because you write in the prayer, "I make sure I want a good rank that I must feel superior in a delusional way."
if hp.hoodedcobra stated that it's not that easy to obtain an incubi/succubi since they are not here to date the members who ask for one, then how come other members talked about experiences of them having one? the legitimate members i mean. i'm curious how that can be called an exception.

Advanced practitioners can have an incubus/succubus, but most new or inexperienced people who ask for one are immature/delusional. What he said is a word of caution for those immature people, who are the vast majority.
just a question i want to ask.

if hp.hoodedcobra stated that it's not that easy to obtain an incubi/succubi since they are not here to date the members who ask for one, then how come other members talked about experiences of them having one? the legitimate members i mean. i'm curious how that can be called an exception.

and if so, how will they know that they have one?
You should be quite experienced in human love relationships, until you achieve success in this area, you should not think about relationships with Demons, which are much more advanced than any of the people.

just a question i want to ask.

if hp.hoodedcobra stated that it's not that easy to obtain an incubi/succubi since they are not here to date the members who ask for one, then how come other members talked about experiences of them having one? the legitimate members i mean. i'm curious how that can be called an exception.

and if so, how will they know that they have one?

This does not depend upon how many partners you had in the past, but rather upon your maturity and loyalty, personal path and choices. Maturity does not necessarily depend upon having or not having previous partners. Everyone is different, not everyone needs go whoring when they are new. One can be virgin for many lifetimes and be very mature and loyal. HP did not say that no one here might ask for Demon lovers - the Ritual is there for a reason. He said that those who say "they were already given one" in most cases were just imagining ones. This does not mean though they could not have them in reality. Rather right then they did not see the astral or sense it in any way or form, so even if they had one they still would have talked to their own imagination, whether with or without real God behind the scene. This also goes for alleged communications with the GD and other Gods. Gods are eternal beings and relationship with them demands such thing as constancy in your own decisions. I mean your soul should be really and permanently searching for a God, not "for somebody, not sure maybe a God". Some people, who are today here tomorrow there, jacks of all trades, do not in reality even want or appreciate such relationship. They asked for them merely out of loneliness. Then the girl enters the scene and they forget the Goddess. Some atrocities ask for them then quit in several years - their so called "love" was a joke and but for a season. Others underestimate them and treat them as "equals". Those who wish human or "equal" relationship but chose Succubi only because of obstacles with humans, should instead try to overcome their obstacles and realize their true desire. Gods see our true desire and do not come if we are dishonest.

A lot of people out there are not decided of what they really want.

But there are also those of us who made their decision and who's decision is permanent, because some souls search for the One they could worship and treat as their God, stay loyal to eternity beyond any death, do not need any human or "equal" relations or anything they entail, do not need any physical reflection of relations, do not need 3-dimensional part, only immense eternal universe-dispersed Divine Being to eternally worship and crave for. And eternally serve, as we serve Zeus. For these are dedication-like relationship, Godly and eternal.

Gods do not demand worship, they earn it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
