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How best to learn from the Temple of Zeus and the High Priests?


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
I read sermons both by HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Lydia; our High Priests post very helpful sermons (VERY helpful, one could become human or advanced human just by practicing those things along with a good Meditation and Service to the Gods program). However, I guess I was never ready to read these sermons in the deep sense.

Let me explain: it often happens that maybe HP HoodedCobra666 posts a teaching on how to use an Exis, which basically is something that would change anyone's life for the better. Or that HPS Lydia explains to jot things down in a journal to keep a clear record of what is going on in our lives and manage it as best we can.

And very often people read the sermon, comment that it is beautiful (precisely because it is), but some do not integrate into their lives the teachings of the sermon that they themselves have admitted is beautiful. This happens except for when something affects us very directly. For example, when HPS Lydia publishes guides on how to handle a prominent Neptune, which is a situation that directly affects many people.

And of course that was the case for me as well. I am not an exceptional being and I do not feel superior to how I have handled this knowledge so far in my nine years in the Religions of the Gods. But now, I think I have made a little further evolutionary leap in my journey in the Assembly of the Gods and I think I can integrate into my lives really what has been published over the years, reading it well and really integrating it and not at the level of passive information.

It just scares me a little bit that it's so much information. There are really so many useful and positive things that the High Priests have shared with us during these years when Satya was evolving more and more in the Temple. I know very well that there is no need to be in a hurry because nothing is handled on a hurry basis, so more than anything I wanted to ask if you have any suggestions on how to actually read all the things.

I was thinking of not reading a sermon a day. I was thinking of reading one sermon, integrating it into my life, and then moving on to the next one in no hurry. So a schedule I already have. But if you want to suggest something since we are all different people and we all have something to say...let me know how you would proceed, please. Obviously I will evaluate if your advice works for me as well since everyone has personal strengths and weaknesses. But always better to ask. Thank you!
For me I hv always questioned life. So if I had a question about why things are what they are I found a post that answered me. Usually there are instructions on how I can proceed after ravaging through JOS with that question in mind.then I craft a plan and try to stick to it and fix it.Remember our aims is to be kings and queens of this planet acting as the direct hand of Zeus.each sermon is the answer to a life problem,we have to remember by re reading the Jos and walking in life.as we walk in life questions and pain come forth and the temple answered
I think your plan to integrate the lessons given in our HPs and HPSs sermons is a smart idea and efficient in evolving more steadily and firmly.
I for one took in too much information in the past without utilizing it in routine life and created a slight hindrance.
A good example is my store of information on exposing the jew, xianity, NWO, etc.
I amassed a large cache of information too fast and didn't organize or file it properly as I obtained it, and now I have a chaotic order about my files, images, memes, PDFs, etc. Also the sheer amount of info, files, etc is daunting.
I've done extensive covert propaganda work in my community, although I feel I could have done a better and more efficient job of it if I had done it the way you are planning now.
I have recently decided to focus on myself and your plan seems to be a great way to go about it. Thank you for your detailed and thorough posts, I really enjoy them.
Heil Satya!
And very often people read the sermon, comment that it is beautiful (precisely because it is)
... and seeing that some JG have posted many messages come to believe "Yes, yes! The more posts I have, the more legitimate I am, and later I will be able to say whateeeeever I want. Because I have many posts, I am legitimate!"

Just a warning in regards to this mentality - number does not mean legitimacy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
