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About the polytheism and monotheism?

David Chacón

New member
Jul 4, 2020
Costa Rica
Surge me one dude what is better polytheism of monotheism? Is better have many God's or I concentrate my worship in only one deity? I right now practice the polytheism I in my room have almost the sigil of the 72 demons of the göetia and many images of God's and Goddess of India, Egypt, Norway, Greek and America include i have only one image of one Chinese and I have also one image of Pazuzu that I think is sumerian. But I think is correct this? In one hand the bible of us Demons God's of hell recommended contact with the God's that one have feel attraction, but as I say I have all this images and sigils in my room so so many, is correct this? I right now reciting while 40 days mantras to eight deitys :Thor, Ram, Loki, Odin, Frigga, Kali, Buda and Cthulhu. And I do this and may be when I finalize rest for days and may be I start other round of 40 or 21 days with one of my deitys or I choose 3,4,5 or until 8 deitys as this time. So surge me the dude is this correct or could be better I practice the monotheism and I worship and recite mantras to only one deity may be Dagon, or why not Moloch I love so much Moloch. Or why not one goddess as Kali or Minerva? Or could I only render worship and only recite mantras and only recite the name of my favorite egyptian God Seth and the girlfriend of him Nephtys? Or why not be Shivaist and only chant Om Namah Shivaya, the God's of India stole my heart Shiva with their sons Ganesh and Skanda. I love also love overmuch Cthulhu, why not only listen the Enn that recorded brother Tsoker during years and also I recite mantras only to him during years of years. Or why not I only recite mantras no during 40 days if not years of years I only worship Poseidon. In resume what is better Polytheism or Monotheismus? I hope the moderator accept my post if not this is It's like in Galileo's time when they persecuted him for his ideas and lack of freedom of expression. I say this because could censured me by my love for Cthulhu and Moloch
Look, I'll start from the bottom to answer you, when there's really too much stuff that challenges me I usually prefer to do that.

I hope the moderator accept my post if not this is It's like in Galileo's time when they persecuted him for his ideas and lack of freedom of expression.

Here on the forum there is freedom of speech and no dictatorial censorship. Of course if someone posts a guide on how best to use the Torah to curse one's soul, the moderators will censor the post. This is because the post is harmful. Just like if someone writes a series of blasphemies to Zeus, the moderators censor because it goes against the forum rules. They won't put in a communist lager if you need help. On the contrary, there are people who write really crazy things and still we try to help them despite the profanity they bring.

Or why not I only recite mantras no during 40 days if not years of years I only worship Poseidon

Because it's not like if you say "Poseidon" 40 days in a row a thousand times you advance. You have to have knowledge of how to do things and what things to do. Doing so much to do is a waste of time. It is just synonymous with mismanagement.

why not only listen the Enn that recorded brother Tsoker during years and also I recite mantras only to him during years of years

Enn chantings are Jewish stuff and blasphemous to the Gods. It's not like you can just throw any number of things into the cauldron and hope it will still be good. It doesn't work that the more things you drop into the pot the more delicious the food is, no matter if you put oil, wood branches, mud and gravy in it. It will come out toxic and poisonous.

I love also love overmuch Cthulhu

Chtullu is not a real character. Then I could quote you Sauron from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Are you going to worship that one too because you heard in a book that he was a god? (For Lord of the Rings fans: I have no idea who Sauron is, I'm really making an example).

Or why not be Shivaist and only chant Om Namah Shivaya, the God's of India stole my heart Shiva with their sons Ganesh and Skanda.

For three reasons:
The Om mantra is wrong:

The mantra Om Namah Shivaya is in the wrong order:

You should not do things just to do them without understanding what you are doing:

Or could I only render worship and only recite mantras and only recite the name of my favorite egyptian God Seth and the girlfriend of him Nephtys?

There are rituals to honor Seth and Nephthys, without doing things you don't understand how they work, here are some easy rituals:

The vibrations of the Runes are based on a yogic breath called "humming breath," that is, you inspire and slowly say the word of power thereby throwing the air out of your mouth in saying the word by sounding it out letter by letter. You can find mp3s of the pronunciations of the various runes here:

goddess as Kali

Kali chooses her worshippers herself. You don't have to propose yourself. If she wants to be worshiped by you, she will get you know herself. At the limit (just as an upper limit), there is a Ritual for her as well:

About Kali:


Or why not one goddess as Kali or Minerva?

It's not that you can't worship the Gods, it's that you can't do it in wrong and blasphemous ways like the Enn Chantings. And basically you should know who the "72 Demons" are:

Stick to this site for your knowledge of the Gods, don't grab whatever comes your way no matter what:

and recite mantras to only one deity may be Dagon,

Dagon is not happy if you do something without knowing what you are doing. Dagon would be much happier seeing you doing things that are universally recognized as useful:

And I do this and may be when I finalize rest for days and may be I start other round of 40 or 21 days with one of my deitys or I choose 3,4,5 or until 8 deitys as this time

Typically 40 days is almost always the basis for making any magical and meditative work last:

I right now reciting while 40 days mantras to eight deitys :Thor, Ram, Loki, Odin, Frigga, Kali, Buda and Cthulhu

Think how much you would have achieved over the years if you had recited the mantras of opening and strengthening the chakras with the right affirmations:

with the God's that one have feel attraction

And this is not wrong, read here:

In one hand the bible of us Demons God's of hell recommended

Which Bible are you talking about?

I right now practice the polytheism I in my room have almost the sigil of the 72 demons of the göetia and many images of God's and Goddess of India, Egypt, Norway, Greek and America include i have only one image of one Chinese and I have also one image of Pazuzu that I think is sumerian

You should learn more about these Deities:

Is better have many God's or I concentrate my worship in only one deity?

Read here:
No, the Gods are not too busy for us. They are busy, but they still do something to guide us, to bring us to new knowledge, and so on.

Waiting to get to a certain point doesn't even make sense. We get to that point with the Gods. They often lead us to certain meditations we need that we might not have known would be the best for us.

Sigil meditation is one of the easiest and most effective ways. Tuning into their energy, putting the time into focusing on them. I have been lead to many wonderful things just through this. Amon Ra fixed something in my heart chakra years ago just from me meditating on his sigil. I did not summon him, he just came to me. Osiris also came to me on his own, 2 years in a row, without me summoning, just focusing on his sigil.

Also, doing the rituals for them, that HP Cobra has been making, really helps too. I have connected more with each of the Gods through their rituals. Abrasax lead me to something too.

Surge me one dude what is better polytheism of monotheism?

Read here:

I hope I have been as clear and truthful as possible. It was not psychologically easy to respond to something like this....
In case the noble Moderators let me know.
Dont want to hijack the thread lol

Zeus and satan already explained as interchanghable so we can use energy to Zeus instead keep me right guys
I put a lot of time and energy into this reply of mine....
...okay. It can't always be a winning bet just because it's worth betting.
I have the conclusion polytheism is better, I love all my God's. But in the other hand I don't know if give my entire soul to Cthulhu deity I love overmuch. Or one deity in exclusive.

Look, at this point you flip a coin and see if you get heads or tails. I think it's the same...
I love so much the literature of Tolkien but Sauron not have their own sigil, and not have their own Enn in the other hand Cthulhu have 2 sigils, I have the 2 drawn in pasteboard and I known 3 enns of him i not know any Enn from Sauron. And recite enns and mantras hindúes really are the think I most love doing. And I aclare I not have anything against the moderator.

Cthulu is nothing more than a fictional entity written about by that author "lovecraft", who was into a little bit of occult knowledge and read the necronomicon once, and then wrote fictional stories based on these entities, creating names himself and making them into cosmic monsters in these fictional stories. To make it seem more mysterious, he and later others created various lore about these fictional characters and drawn some sigils for them based on how occultists often drew sigils in freemason books or based on sigils in the necronomicon, to expand the fictional verse that some people found interesting to imagine about.

It is fiction, and always was fiction. None of these things exist, and some of them are blatant and deliberate slander towards our real Gods, such as "Azathoth". He just picked some names, merged them together (Azazel+Thoth), wrote a story about them how this thing is a terrible cosmic monster, and called it a day. Blatant slander to real Gods, and purely fictional.
Look, at this point you flip a coin and see if you get heads or tails. I think it's the same...
i don't think it's the same at all or flipping a coin!
but the more you focus (One God) the more you invoke and receive from His/Her energy,
more easier for you to embody this energy (to be a good writer or a professional athlete for example)
and more lucid will be the messages or guides for you to understand and feel, astraly, mentally, or even materially and manifested (if you are not one of Lilith's own anyway).
this is not fanaticism by my side or any thing (all Gods are great)
but what he's doing is like listening to 10 radios at the same time each one on a different station!

Azatoth also are one of my gods as Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth and Tsathoggua.

Are you able to read English? If so, Read what I said again.

These are fictional, purely written as a fictional story by a fiction writer. You understand?
It is fiction.


I hope that clarifies this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
