Active member
- Joined
- Oct 9, 2021
- Messages
- 756
Per chi fosse interessato, la lista che trovate qua sotto ricomprende gli scritti non ancora tradotti del Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 relativi al periodo che decorre da marzo 2014 ad agosto 2015. Anche se ho cercato più volte e più volte, non escludo però che qualche traduzione mi sia sfuggita. Quindi nel caso si volesse prenotare i Sermoni di cui sotto, consiglio sempre comunque di ricercare lo stesso la relativa traduzione e accertarsi.
- The Final War
- Nazism Has Won, Communism Has Died
- Women and Nazism
- Important Message for Our People
- Do you want a new future?
- Satanic Respect
- 9/20/2014 Complaints About ''Enemy Attacks'' and the Xian Mind
- Science
- About 2015 and the Impending Crisis
- TOTAL Spiritual War
- Loyalty, Faith and War. [Organized working]
- EVERYONE MUST SIGN! End Animal Abuse at Natural
- The World the Enemy Wants
- Story: The Dream of the Jew World Order and…
- The Spiritual Attacks and Curses of the Jews
- News: Americans Becoming Less Christian, More Secular
- YOU Are Here to Win This War!!
- Gentiles - Jews, Recent History to Present
- Rip Them Apart, to Victory and BEYOND!
- The Desperately Brainwashing Enemy
- Prepare for a Victorious Battle!
- Satanists, We Must ATTACK!
- Master Sloth's Guide in Living a Happy Life [Part 1] – Satire
- The Racial Matter and Combating Enemy Attacks
- The New Man of Satan
- "Futuristic" Jewish "Freedom" and Judgment Day, Too!
- The Reality You Live In – A Jewish Owned "Pig Farm"
- The Satanic Spreading of Truth and Freedom, Revealing the Jewish Race for What It Is.
- Rabbi Admits it indirectly: The Joy of Satan says the Truth
- Satanic Freedom and Obedience
- Dealing with Xians, Effective Internet Warfare etc.
- Jew: The Central Cause of ALL World Problems
- Story: The Wolves and the Rats
Infine lascio un altro elenco di Sermoni e scritti più recenti che ad oggi risultano non tradotti, per il quale ringrazio AgniSarp 666 per averlo scritto:
- Something About Learning Astrology (Transits, SRs)
- The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil
- Banishing Misconceptions 1: Getting Rich In Spiritual Satanism - A Response To A Young SS
- JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement []
- JoS Projects : New JOS Site Annoucement []
- Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality
- Problems in anyway? Call Me At +1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT
- Fair Treatment Of Knowledge
- Write Down Your Problems
- The Sins Of Israel & Iran War
- Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays
- Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]
- About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"
- The Final War
- Nazism Has Won, Communism Has Died
- Women and Nazism
- Important Message for Our People
- Do you want a new future?
- Satanic Respect
- 9/20/2014 Complaints About ''Enemy Attacks'' and the Xian Mind
- Science
- About 2015 and the Impending Crisis
- TOTAL Spiritual War
- Loyalty, Faith and War. [Organized working]
- EVERYONE MUST SIGN! End Animal Abuse at Natural
- The World the Enemy Wants
- Story: The Dream of the Jew World Order and…
- The Spiritual Attacks and Curses of the Jews
- News: Americans Becoming Less Christian, More Secular
- YOU Are Here to Win This War!!
- Gentiles - Jews, Recent History to Present
- Rip Them Apart, to Victory and BEYOND!
- The Desperately Brainwashing Enemy
- Prepare for a Victorious Battle!
- Satanists, We Must ATTACK!
- Master Sloth's Guide in Living a Happy Life [Part 1] – Satire
- The Racial Matter and Combating Enemy Attacks
- The New Man of Satan
- "Futuristic" Jewish "Freedom" and Judgment Day, Too!
- The Reality You Live In – A Jewish Owned "Pig Farm"
- The Satanic Spreading of Truth and Freedom, Revealing the Jewish Race for What It Is.
- Rabbi Admits it indirectly: The Joy of Satan says the Truth
- Satanic Freedom and Obedience
- Dealing with Xians, Effective Internet Warfare etc.
- Jew: The Central Cause of ALL World Problems
- Story: The Wolves and the Rats
Infine lascio un altro elenco di Sermoni e scritti più recenti che ad oggi risultano non tradotti, per il quale ringrazio AgniSarp 666 per averlo scritto:
- Something About Learning Astrology (Transits, SRs)
Something About Learning Astrology (Transits, SRs)
Not everything can be learned solely from reading books. For many things, you need to actually see and examine charts of people you know, transits during important life phases, and so on. If you want to become skilled in astrology, you need to put in the time to actually learn, not just read...

- The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil
The NPC Mind: Why The JoS Is Falsely Seen As Evil
I still don't understand why after all these sermons posted on the JoS forum by HP HoodedCobra, outside people keep looking at us as: "the bad guys who hate everyone and are willing to do really, really bad things", when, in reality, the Jews have literally and study many books also written by...

- Banishing Misconceptions 1: Getting Rich In Spiritual Satanism - A Response To A Young SS
Banishing Misconceptions 1: Getting Rich In Spiritual Satanism - A Response To A Young SS
First of all before we begin... Thank you for your time, I know how busy you must be and I appreciate your attention. I am a young Satanist in terms of age, so when I came here was in my adolescence and immaturity stage, I did not believe in you so I invoked one of our gods and my life changed...

- JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement []
JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement []
Hello Brothers and Sisters, It is with great pleasure that I officially announce the JoS Wiki! Based on the MediaWiki software, our Wiki serves as the central hub of organized JoS knowledge. Although far from finished, it is a platform where multiple editors can work to organize JoS content...

- JoS Projects : New JOS Site Annoucement []
JoS Projects : New JOS Site Annoucement []
Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with a profound sense of honor and joy that I officially announce the JoS Projects platform! This platform is a solid foundation for a multitude of future projects, the goal is to support collaboration and innovation across various projects. As of now, two...

- Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality
Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality
It’s been said before here in the JoS about how humanity has fallen to a low level. The Sacral chakra rules sexuality, creativity, pleasure. Blockages here result in neuroticism, and this has manifested as a neurotic obsession over physical appearance. When people have no access to their higher...

- Problems in anyway? Call Me At +1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT
Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence. Now on to another rant-inducing subject...

- Fair Treatment Of Knowledge
Fair Treatment Of Knowledge
Generally one of the reasons I am almost of the opinion the JoS should be closed off from the outside world is that human beings are very weak and they cannot easily internalize certain knowledge. That was always the dillema of these things. Certain "organizations" who provide 1% of what the...

- Write Down Your Problems
Write Down Your Problems
Greetings everyone, As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating. Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive...

- The Sins Of Israel & Iran War
The Sins Of Israel & Iran War
I have to open the internet again and see the news and here we go again, more jews who bombed Iranian generals, after a whole cycle of time of attacking and killing babies and children while they claim it was "Hamas" which all of Israel and even it's military members admit it's all lies...

- Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays
Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays
. Israel attacking innocent people. There are many videos of them shooting children, babies, random people, same as the other video where they killed 3 seven year old children for literally no reason. Everyone that is not a jew is Hamas and we know the rest of it, the Europeans are Hamas, the...

- Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]
Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]
Обновление: 17 июня 2024 г. Форумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены. Мы все еще находимся на 80 % обновления, но теперь все желающие могут зайти на форумы. Мы сообщим вам, когда обновление будет полностью завершено. Наслаждайтесь новыми форумами. Предыдущий домен

- About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"
About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"
A few people appear to think still that "violence" could be a solution to bring people back to any Gods. These Gods, would certainly not be our own. Only if something as simple as "violence" could be the answer, humanity would not have many of the problems it has today. But for most fundamental...