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The binding ritual didn't work :(

May 3, 2024
Greetings to everyone,
I have updates on the issue of my former friend who was defaming and stalking me on social media.

I followed your advice and performed the binding ritual in my astral temple (unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to do it "in real life"). Once I performed it I thought everything was over, until this happened: I had a dream where I was in the shadows and next to me I saw her watching me with a mean look and I felt a very strong negative energy. Behind her I could see her mother, a little brighter, telling me, β€œ *myname*, be very careful of C.” (her name).

When I woke up, I thought it might just be a joke from my subconscious mind, so I let it go.
The problem arose when I noticed that I was having more or less the same dream at night, which is that she was somehow coming back to bother me and I was blocking her.
From there I started to think that maybe my ritual didn't go as I hoped, so I decided to investigate with the tarot and indeed cards came out that kinda confirmed my suspicion, for example the Tower, the 10 of Wands, 8 of pentacles reversed, the High Priestess reversed and others that I don't remember right now.

Is there something else I can do to eliminate this person from my fucking life? I am sick and tired of this situation. I was thinking about doing the Detaching spell but I'll have to wait for the next month since I am already doing it to detach another person.

Thank you and Hail Satan 🫢
Is there something else I can do to eliminate this person from my fucking life? I am sick and tired of this situation. I was thinking about doing the Detaching spell but I'll have to wait for the next month since I am already doing it to detach another person.

There are many things you can do about it to increase your protection. :)
Those are based on your specific issues.

Read here:

Behind her I could see her mother, a little brighter, telling me, β€œ *myname*, be very careful of C.” (her name).

Useful means:


In addition to this:
- You want/need protection:
Breathe in powerful white-gold light. With the inhale, breathe in the light to meet in the middle of your body, packing it in brighter and brighter. With the exhale, keep expanding it. The energy should grow brighter and brighter.
Affirm: β€œMy aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times.”
This is a good exercise to do on a regular basis for building a strong, protective energy field. -

- For keeping unwanted individuals away:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
β€œMy aura is repelling, [inspiring fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.” -


I followed your advice and performed the binding ritual in my astral temple (unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to do it "in real life")

Try to use the ISA Rune vibration without the full binding ritual:

Clean yourself from her negativity:

IMPORTANT: Since it is Mars retrograde, modify the affirmations by replacing the purpose of destroying the person with the negative energy you send back, perhaps just state that the negative energy goes away from you or is repelled, without specifying that it destroys the person.

Detaching spell but I'll have to wait for the next month since I am already doing it to detach another person.

Note: I included it in my reply anyway. Maybe if you think it's a priority, or if you really need to do two, etc. Anyway, consider that you can also contact... obviously... the police (they're there for that).
Is that person an ss or just a witchcraft practicer ?
If no then I why not curse her ? If yes then you can't and need to deal with this trough God Beelzebul.

I had one situation with an SS before and I am telling you for a fact that the God's showed and all was sorted.
There are many things you can do about it to increase your protection. :)
Those are based on your specific issues.

Read here:

Useful means:


In addition to this:
- You want/need protection:
Breathe in powerful white-gold light. With the inhale, breathe in the light to meet in the middle of your body, packing it in brighter and brighter. With the exhale, keep expanding it. The energy should grow brighter and brighter.
Affirm: β€œMy aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times.”
This is a good exercise to do on a regular basis for building a strong, protective energy field. -

- For keeping unwanted individuals away:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
β€œMy aura is repelling, [inspiring fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.” -


Try to use the ISA Rune vibration without the full binding ritual:

Clean yourself from her negativity:

IMPORTANT: Since it is Mars retrograde, modify the affirmations by replacing the purpose of destroying the person with the negative energy you send back, perhaps just state that the negative energy goes away from you or is repelled, without specifying that it destroys the person.

Ho letto in altri post che parli la mia lingua quindi ti risponderΓ² in italiano :)
Allora, io sto giΓ  facendo il rimandare indietro le maledizioni (parte 1 e 2) da luglio ed effettivamente sono venuta a sapere tutte queste cose esattamente dopo che ho iniziato a fare questo Lavoro, (calcola che non avevo notizie di lei da un anno, da quando litigammo) un po' come se i Surya mi stessero portando a galla tutte le schifezze che lei combina.
L'aura di protezione la faccio giΓ , non ho mai smesso da quando ho iniziato il programma di 40 giorni a marzo sino ad ora.
Penso che andrΓ² quindi con il detaching o con gli altri lavori che mi hai consigliato. Mi potresti suggerire in che fase lunare sarebbe meglio farli e in che segno? Grazie mille!!
Is that person an ss or just a witchcraft practicer ?
If no then I why not curse her ? If yes then you can't and need to deal with this trough God Beelzebul.

I had one situation with an SS before and I am telling you for a fact that the God's showed and all was sorted.
As I said in my previous post, She's not a SS, not even in her wildest dreams she could be a SS. She defines herself a "psychic medium/Witch" Who venerates Hekate and "Is the favorite of the Gods Seth and Anubis".
She also used to say that Father Satan and Baphometh are the same thing and that, when She was a """"Satanist"""", Father Satan gave her incredible powers. At the same time she works with angels and christian shit, just so you know how screwed her mind is.

Back then I knew absolutely nothing about the JOS and real magick and spirituality, so I couldn't talk back.
I had one situation with an SS

In this case, I highly recommend consistently performing the Enlil (Beelzebul) Ritual for as long as it takes. Perform the ritual and once it is finished, focus on his Sigil and mentally explain your situation to Enlil. Enlil actually takes care of this and anyone who has a problem with another Satanist should really turn to Enlil (better with his Ritual in my opinion).

Ho letto in altri post che parli la mia lingua quindi ti risponderΓ² in italiano

I am truly honored that you have read my other posts, and I am sincerely glad that you want to speak to me in Italian, but this is the main English section of the Forum, being public, it is necessary to speak in English :) If you ever make some kind of post in the Italian section, I will be really curious to be able to answer you in Italian, though. Really.

Mi potresti suggerire in che fase lunare sarebbe meglio farli e in che segno? Grazie mille!!

For the detaching work, also tomorrow checking the Moon voids, you are still in the waning Moon phase.

Hello Brother SeguaceDiSatanas,

What I was trying to say and mean is that the other person got already fucking fucked for all it's life times and existence. The situation has been dealt with. The God's made Justice as we speak for me with that specific case.

It was a very extremly kind of case I would say at least, let's just say that the other person was not giving me peace at all, contacting me even after years just to mock me and make bad stuff , my story is that after I did contacted God Belzebul as I was screaming of agony because I couldn't do shit as the other person was SS and this are dealt only trough GOD Beelzebul.

This very person called me and said " I don't know who cursed me but it done it well" as in the most perfect way she was expressing with the voice.

Silly , how those very people put so much accent on "who did it to me?" instead of asking themselves " why would anyone curse me ? " , too blind to their own very action, I think this SS knew I will be a good "boy" and not take any action because I respect the God's too much and I would never do anything beyond their own words and rules but Justice in it's fulliest has been served. That's why I brought the above message but thank you tho for trying to help me with this, I appreciate !
Back then I knew absolutely nothing about the JOS and real magick and spirituality, so I couldn't talk back.
Oh but you can surely talk back now, oh yes. Especially now bro.
Excited Oh Yeah GIF by First We Feast
I am truly honored that you have read my other posts, and I am sincerely glad that you want to speak to me in Italian, but this is the main English section of the Forum, being public, it is necessary to speak in English :) If you ever make some kind of post in the Italian section, I will be really curious to be able to answer you in Italian, though. Really
Sometimes my brain stops braining, I'm so SorryπŸ˜…
In this case, I highly recommend consistently performing the Enlil (Beelzebul) Ritual for as long as it takes. Perform the ritual and once it is finished, focus on his Sigil and mentally explain your situation to Enlil. Enlil actually takes care of this and anyone who has a problem with another Satanist should really turn to Enlil (better with his Ritual in my opinion)

Yes if the person Is a SS asking Enlil for help is the right choice

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
