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What is it that changed our beauty standards?


New member
Feb 27, 2022
Hello everyone this will be my 1st post after a very long time. I was wondering..
Would anyone else like me want the old standards for men and women to return? What is it that has changed a lot what attracts us and what is considered beautiful in today's film industry. Not only the film industry, but in general? I miss the way we used to dress. Why has everything somehow become simple nowadays and, in my opinion, very ugly? Look at ancient Greece and their way of dressing, it made sense. What changed us so much. Also, why is it impossible today to achieve a body like the Spartans and Athenians once had? Did Jews really manipulate us to this point it changed what we like? Yes you can say fashion evolved and this is normal I AGREE. But look for example at Balenciaga because what is this?
Some places are still traditional in their dress.
Hello everyone this will be my 1st post after a very long time. I was wondering..
Would anyone else like me want the old standards for men and women to return? What is it that has changed a lot what attracts us and what is considered beautiful in today's film industry. Not only the film industry, but in general? I miss the way we used to dress. Why has everything somehow become simple nowadays and, in my opinion, very ugly? Look at ancient Greece and their way of dressing, it made sense. What changed us so much. Also, why is it impossible today to achieve a body like the Spartans and Athenians once had? Did Jews really manipulate us to this point it changed what we like? Yes you can say fashion evolved and this is normal I AGREE. But look for example at Balenciaga because what is this?
Because we have Jewish movements like feminism body positivity and sexual Marxism to think for this. These have Foster the culture where people have simply become coddled and told that they are enough always no matter what unconditionally physically mentally and spiritually allowing them to become complacent lazy and downright useless and unsightly, and ultimately on average as a whole very unhealthy. Especially Americans. As Someone who has lived in Europe who is American,
Because we have Jewish movements like feminism body positivity and sexual Marxism to think for this. These have Foster the culture where people have simply become coddled and told that they are enough always no matter what unconditionally physically mentally and spiritually allowing them to become complacent lazy and downright useless and unsightly, and ultimately on average as a whole very unhealthy. Especially Americans. As Someone who has lived in Europe who is American,
Mercury retrograde hooray I was not ready to press send yet.

Anyways as I was saying as someone who has lived in Europe who is American I can tell you that there is a stark contrast as to how people present themselves and it is really sad. Both my girlfriend and I have actually lived in Europe before we met and the habits of style and dress and taking pride in one's appearance has actually really rubbed off on us and it stuck. We literally get compliments everywhere we go about our outfits, and are often told we look much younger. The obesity rates rising in America is absolutely disgusting. Don't get me started on the alt culture with people putting gauges in their ears and bones in their nose etc basically making a point to look like freaks to spite "muh patriarchy " and feminism or whatever else they see as a perceived oppressive norm.
Because we have Jewish movements like feminism body positivity and sexual Marxism to think for this. These have Foster the culture where people have simply become coddled and told that they are enough always no matter what unconditionally physically mentally and spiritually allowing them to become complacent lazy and downright useless and unsightly, and ultimately on average as a whole very unhealthy. Especially Americans. As Someone who has lived in Europe who is American,
On the other hand you also have plastic culture, never feeling enough, BBLs, body dysmorphia, etc.

It’s not really only laziness and “body positivity” the other side of this is also being so obsessed with beauty/health/fitness and being good enough you end up a monstrosity with big tits, ass, and abs.

I agree with you regarding the US really having the worst of this, to OP going to Europe especially Norse, Germanic, and Scandinavian countries should be better for this. America is too far gone on both sides of men and women, fat and fit. (Fit involves heavy use of steroids everywhere it seems)
Would anyone else like me want the old standards for men and women to return?

My answer for once will be just a personal emotional outburst and not something actually useful:

It would be enough for me if people, when evaluating whether a guy like me is attractive or not, would go back to giving value to heroism, compassion, combat skills and military strategy, intelligence and cunning, knowledge, rectitude and justice, spiritual power, education and ethical principles, good deeds, one's own resources acquired by studying that give the hero an advantage in understanding situations and how to make the most of every context, courage and finally the perseverance to never give up...

...instead when some girl judges me as cute or not she mainly focuses on whether I'm "tough" enough to get drunk until I pass out, to smoke until I pass out and to dance like a loser in a disco for 6 hours straight. And since I'm never willing to do even half of these disgusting things, I'm often easily judged as "that boring one".

I literally have thousands of stories to tell about people whose lives I literally saved, experiences with the Gods (I don't like to tell them, but if I wanted to I potentially would), deadly situations with people who only wanted to hurt me and me only saving myself with cunning, how I come out victorious in martial arts fights against people much taller and bigger than me, all the knowledge I've acquired, all the pain I've never given up on and faced, all the good deeds I've done in life, etc. but apparently all of this isn't interesting enough.

For others it's much more interesting to talk about "the other night I got drunk and almost called an ambulance, bro! Have you heard the new album by [insert trap "artist" here]? I mean it's fucking awesome, let me list all the parts of my new motorcycle!"
My answer for once will be just a personal emotional outburst and not something actually useful:

It would be enough for me if people, when evaluating whether a guy like me is attractive or not, would go back to giving value to heroism, compassion, combat skills and military strategy, intelligence and cunning, knowledge, rectitude and justice, spiritual power, education and ethical principles, good deeds, one's own resources acquired by studying that give the hero an advantage in understanding situations and how to make the most of every context, courage and finally the perseverance to never give up...

...instead when some girl judges me as cute or not she mainly focuses on whether I'm "tough" enough to get drunk until I pass out, to smoke until I pass out and to dance like a loser in a disco for 6 hours straight. And since I'm never willing to do even half of these disgusting things, I'm often easily judged as "that boring one".

I literally have thousands of stories to tell about people whose lives I literally saved, experiences with the Gods (I don't like to tell them, but if I wanted to I potentially would), deadly situations with people who only wanted to hurt me and me only saving myself with cunning, how I come out victorious in martial arts fights against people much taller and bigger than me, all the knowledge I've acquired, all the pain I've never given up on and faced, all the good deeds I've done in life, etc. but apparently all of this isn't interesting enough.

For others it's much more interesting to talk about "the other night I got drunk and almost called an ambulance, bro! Have you heard the new album by [insert trap "artist" here]? I mean it's fucking awesome, let me list all the parts of my new motorcycle!"
Don't think that after a certain age, Andrapod people get better, on the contrary, after 35 or 40 it's even worse: women will only be interested in knowing about your job and what car you have to get a quick idea of how much money you manage and have and going bars to drink, watch football and get them gifts.
And if you tell them that you don't like going out to partie, bars or the football, you hate wasting money on useless things and prefer to spend your free time going to the gym, doing yoga and meditating, they will tell you that you are boring and dull and "you don't know how to live life."

Who needs Andrapods in their life? At least I don't.
On the other hand you also have plastic culture, never feeling enough, BBLs, body dysmorphia, etc.

It’s not really only laziness and “body positivity” the other side of this is also being so obsessed with beauty/health/fitness and being good enough you end up a monstrosity with big tits, ass, and abs.

I agree with you regarding the US really having the worst of this, to OP going to Europe especially Norse, Germanic, and Scandinavian countries should be better for this. America is too far gone on both sides of men and women, fat and fit. (Fit involves heavy use of steroids everywhere it seems)
Don't worry i dont disreguard the toxic plastic industry either, nor obsession with unrealistic standards. this is the other extreme, but the topic here is about people who have stooped so low that they don't care at all. Back when i had a tiktok account people would make fun of my eye brows and thinner lips, because everyone expects white women now to have gorilla asses and thick lizard lips which is not natural for people of their own race. The people that expect this are rediculous.
I think there are a few factors here. Personally, I am glad people have the choice to dress how they want in their personal lives. Fashion is part of glamour, a highly Satanic form of magic.
Sometimes, dressing simply is the best suiting fashion choice for one's body type. It is also better to dress this way in professional environments.

Some of this phenomena comes from the "quiet wealth" aesthetic, emulating the whole "money talks, wealth whispers".
On the other hand, we do also have to consider the economy we are in. If we all go dressing in designer and show off our jewelry, or even dress loudly/eclectically, unfortunately, we will probably be a target.

Even though it's not beauty standards, one can of course, totally emulate Ancient Greek clothing. If you like the flowy, breezy robes and togas for example, these days, there's probably a fashion style out there like it. Maxi dresses, sun dresses and gladiator sandals for example remind me of this style, without being outdated. Yes, this can look beautiful and modern. Men can also find tops that have similar silhouettes as the robes without wearing a full robe [generally seen as a dress these days].
Because we have Jewish movements like feminism body positivity and sexual Marxism to think for this. These have Foster the culture where people have simply become coddled and told that they are enough always no matter what unconditionally physically mentally and spiritually allowing them to become complacent lazy and downright useless and unsightly, and ultimately on average as a whole very unhealthy. Especially Americans. As Someone who has lived in Europe who is American,
I think ( as a perspective of a young woman) that feminism has totally screwed the way men and women should act. I thought for long I won't find anyone to fit what I like because I'm so grossed out when I see what my generation wears. I myself dress something like 70s.. It feels so wrong to see how we look now and before. I can't believe I open TikTok or Twitter (both disgusting apps) just to find some frustrated feminist woman complaining how muscular men are bad, how we should be independent. Meanwhile I'd give everything for my future husband and my only goal is to finish uni, travel and have kids. Never had an opinion that I'm higher than a man or something. This is way I'd love old culture to be back but maybe I am too old fashioned? Sorry for some mistakes too sleepy
Because we have Jewish movements like feminism body positivity and sexual Marxism to think for this. These have Foster the culture where people have simply become coddled and told that they are enough always no matter what unconditionally physically mentally and spiritually allowing them to become complacent lazy and downright useless and unsightly, and ultimately on average as a whole very unhealthy. Especially Americans. As Someone who has lived in Europe who is American,
Why was feminism created in the first place were women really se*ualized after Gods left the Earth?
Why was feminism created in the first place were women really se*ualized after Gods left the Earth?
The original feminism was just to give women basic human rights. In America, a woman couldn't even be told her results from a doctor, it had to go to her husband or father, and he had the right to not tell her. This broke out big when an American senator's wife died from cancer because he wouldn't tell her the results of her tests, he let her die. And in other countries a woman couldn't even have her own money, it went to the husband and he could legally spend it on whatever he wanted to. Domestic abuse was also legal as long as the woman didn't end up in the hospital too often. But the jews hijacked it like they hijack everything, and made feminism to be what it is now.
As for fashion, trillions of dollars are made every year from it, so that's why cheap quality clothing of all styles are mass-produced. When the world begins to value quality and craftsmanship again, everything will be better. Fortunately there are a lot of stores that sell items like this, you just have to know where to look. Evidently a lot of good clothes can be found on places like Etsy.

I personally like how there are many different styles of clothes, because clothes reflect the personality. As we enter the Age of Aquarius this will remain, but hopefully be better quality and not made by child slaves in China.

Also, why is it impossible today to achieve a body like the Spartans and Athenians once had?
It's not impossible, people just have to spend the time exercising and avoiding heavily processed junk food.
As for fashion, trillions of dollars are made every year from it, so that's why cheap quality clothing of all styles are mass-produced. When the world begins to value quality and craftsmanship again, everything will be better. Fortunately there are a lot of stores that sell items like this, you just have to know where to look. Evidently a lot of good clothes can be found on places like Etsy.

I personally like how there are many different styles of clothes, because clothes reflect the personality. As we enter the Age of Aquarius this will remain, but hopefully be better quality and not made by child slaves in China.

It's not impossible, people just have to spend the time exercising and avoiding heavily processed junk food.

Thank you for replying ^^ however isn't now everyone wearing what they find popular and not something which will define their personality? A lot of people buy something just because it looks expensive whether or not it looks good on them. I hope we will soon start valuing old architecture, fashion way of living and quality over just copy pasting same things every year.
Thank you for replying ^^ however isn't now everyone wearing what they find popular and not something which will define their personality? A lot of people buy something just because it looks expensive whether or not it looks good on them. I hope we will soon start valuing old architecture, fashion way of living and quality over just copy pasting same things every year.
A lot of people wear what is popular, and that in itself shows their personality: of a sheep. Which is fine, because those of us who will be leaders in the Satanic era will have people to lead. This is why I never really criticize sheeple, because they will be the future followers of the future Satanic influencers.

There are always masses (sheep), and they need leaders to follow. So once more SS become in positions of influence, the better off the masses will be.
Honestly, you have to be something of a politician to truly get along with them, lol.

You have to learn how to speak their language, however it has to also be authentic to your personal style, because trying to "fit in" will only cause depressive thought's and self-hatred.

I think we're similar, in that we're probably both the "brooding introvert" type obsessed with self-development and acquiring skills/knowledge.

You can treat this type of socialising as a new skill to learn and a game in and of itself, rather than an ugly chore.

You have to make at least a tiny bit of effort to connect with them, but never appear desperate to do so.

I'll watch their stupid show's or whatever on 2-4x speed to save time just to "stay in the loop".

But I don't care at all if they find me interesting, so my happiness is not tied to this outcome, but only whether or not I can learn something new from observing them or myself.

Andrapod's are so retarded it's actually fascinating to hear their stories sometime's.

I used to have the same problem as you but recently my experience has become the complete opposite, simply because I am now indifferent to their opinion's, as long as I'm able to freely act according to my authentic self... I'll throw in a bit of charm/diplomacy in there, but that's it.

Before I used to try and "fit in", but this only destroy's your confidence and causes depressive thought's and/or self-hatred. And this loop feed's into itself to cause further social isolation from the masses.

Now, I am just "me" and you can get f***ed if you don't like it - and they seem to be attracted to this attitude anyway, even if you have NOTHING in common.

They respect you, and this respect filter's their perception of you, and therefore make's them agreeable and open to your more "niche" interests. You can actually see the curiosity in their eyes. But if you come in from a weak angle, they don't want to know shit about you at all. Even if you're super handsome, lol.

I dress in the same way OP describes, because I think the masses dress like modern-day peasants which I cannot tolerate at all, even if I look totally out of place. And ppl are just automatically interested anyway, because you're a pleasure to their senses and emit an aura of authenticity and mystique. I just act exactly as I wish, regardless. Only being careful not to make totally catastrophic social blunders.

If you're relaxed, approachable, and carry yourself with a certain "royal bearing" as well as having charm and speaking ability, they'll usually consider you a breath of fresh air compared to the retards they're used to... And also, they'll give you a "pass" on basically anything lol, but I think that's also to do with physical attractiveness and style.

It really is just about being aware of perception, and how to mould it.

They're still usually boring and retarded, but with this skill socializing with normies become's a confidence booster rather than a cause for depressive thought's.

I think if you can find a way to *genuinely* be interested in them, it's easier. I kind of find it fascinating to observe andrapod behaviour sort of like a zoologist or anthrapologist, lol.

I will sometimes connect with their chakras to build that empathy/connection which wouldn't naturally occur otherwise.

But maybe it's also because of the places I frequent. I'm usually at a "workshop" or some other event which I have an actual interest in, so the mutual activity itself serves as an ice breaker. And I am quite knowledgeable on the topic, such as book clubs and philosophy.

I don't try to approach them at all, but I'll chime in every now and then to add something intelligent to the discussion, of which my detachment seem's to only further intrigue.

And so they'll ask me question's on their own. At that point, I could tell them I was a circus juggler and they'd probably still want to get to know more.

I think it's more so about the location's you're going to and how you present yourself. The girl's/guy's at a chess club are very different to the one's at the "night" club, lol.

And everything else is presentation and authenticity. Andrapod are shallow, it doesn't take much to interest them if you know how to do these thing's properly.

I think learning oratory/speaking ability will help you a lot, and just cultivating a feeling of relaxation and not giving a f**k.

You might find it helpful to have a celebrity or something which is SIMILAR enough to you, to which you can adopt some of their success by moulding aspect's of yourself.

I'm a strong blend of Venusian and Plutonian, masculine and feminine, and for me Alain Delon perfectly captured my natural style but he had a greater refinement of it which I learnt from:

When I had an office job, I was always super smartly-dressed. Suit and hat and everything.

Dressing like it's the 1930-40's in 2023 took me a bit of courage, lol. You get looked at a lot, and you hear people gossiping about you when you walk past them. But, I got used to it, and you learn to stop caring what people think. And do you know: while it's true a couple of people laughed at me and mocked me, it was surprising how many people came up to me and genuinely complimented me. The vast majority of people seemed impressed.

Then I lost my job, and I stopped dressing smart, because I only dressed up for work. But, I really miss it and feel bad, because I share the OP's sentiment about people dressing like slobs, these days.

I've found another job now, but it's blue-collar work and not office-based, so obviously I cannot dress so smart like I used to. But, perhaps I can still at least on days off. I really miss it. Dressing well not only makes you look good, but it makes you feel good. People who don't make the effort don't seem to understand this. At the very least, I think people should at least make some effort, perhaps smart-casual level. It boggles my mind how anybody can turn up to an office job in shorts and a t-shirt.
As for fashion, trillions of dollars are made every year from it, so that's why cheap quality clothing of all styles are mass-produced. When the world begins to value quality and craftsmanship again, everything will be better. Fortunately there are a lot of stores that sell items like this, you just have to know where to look. Evidently a lot of good clothes can be found on places like Etsy.

I personally like how there are many different styles of clothes, because clothes reflect the personality. As we enter the Age of Aquarius this will remain, but hopefully be better quality and not made by child slaves in China.

It's not impossible, people just have to spend the time exercising and avoiding heavily processed junk food.
I love Etsy! I get all my jewelry from there everything is custom made ❤️
When I had an office job, I was always super smartly-dressed. Suit and hat and everything.

Dressing like it's the 1930-40's in 2023 took me a bit of courage, lol. You get looked at a lot, and you hear people gossiping about you when you walk past them. But, I got used to it, and you learn to stop caring what people think. And do you know: while it's true a couple of people laughed at me and mocked me, it was surprising how many people came up to me and genuinely complimented me. The vast majority of people seemed impressed.

Then I lost my job, and I stopped dressing smart, because I only dressed up for work. But, I really miss it and feel bad, because I share the OP's sentiment about people dressing like slobs, these days.

I've found another job now, but it's blue-collar work and not office-based, so obviously I cannot dress so smart like I used to. But, perhaps I can still at least on days off. I really miss it. Dressing well not only makes you look good, but it makes you feel good. People who don't make the effort don't seem to understand this. At the very least, I think people should at least make some effort, perhaps smart-casual level. It boggles my mind how anybody can turn up to an office job in shorts and a t-shirt.
I'm blue collar and I still clean up nice and put in the effort when I got to work
I'm blue collar and I still clean up nice and put in the effort when I got to work
It's harder, because clothes get ruined easily by grease, nails/screws, paint, slag, etc. But work clothes can be stylish, especially if you can coordinate color.

The most important thing is to have a good body because that's really what makes the clothes. The clothes are just icing on the cake.
It's harder, because clothes get ruined easily by grease, nails/screws, paint, slag, etc. But work clothes can be stylish, especially if you can coordinate color.

The most important thing is to have a good body because that's really what makes the clothes. The clothes are just icing on the cake.
Exactly. My work cloths get holes and burns on them but I still make a point to come in clean
Honestly, you have to be something of a politician to truly get along with them, lol.

You have to learn how to speak their language, however it has to also be authentic to your personal style, because trying to "fit in" will only cause depressive thought's and self-hatred.

I think we're similar, in that we're probably both the "brooding introvert" type obsessed with self-development and acquiring skills/knowledge.

You can treat this type of socialising as a new skill to learn and a game in and of itself, rather than an ugly chore.

You have to make at least a tiny bit of effort to connect with them, but never appear desperate to do so.

I'll watch their stupid show's or whatever on 2-4x speed to save time just to "stay in the loop".

But I don't care at all if they find me interesting, so my happiness is not tied to this outcome, but only whether or not I can learn something new from observing them or myself.

Andrapod's are so retarded it's actually fascinating to hear their stories sometime's.

I used to have the same problem as you but recently my experience has become the complete opposite, simply because I am now indifferent to their opinion's, as long as I'm able to freely act according to my authentic self... I'll throw in a bit of charm/diplomacy in there, but that's it.

Before I used to try and "fit in", but this only destroy's your confidence and causes depressive thought's and/or self-hatred. And this loop feed's into itself to cause further social isolation from the masses.

Now, I am just "me" and you can get f***ed if you don't like it - and they seem to be attracted to this attitude anyway, even if you have NOTHING in common.

They respect you, and this respect filter's their perception of you, and therefore make's them agreeable and open to your more "niche" interests. You can actually see the curiosity in their eyes. But if you come in from a weak angle, they don't want to know shit about you at all. Even if you're super handsome, lol.

I dress in the same way OP describes, because I think the masses dress like modern-day peasants which I cannot tolerate at all, even if I look totally out of place. And ppl are just automatically interested anyway, because you're a pleasure to their senses and emit an aura of authenticity and mystique. I just act exactly as I wish, regardless. Only being careful not to make totally catastrophic social blunders.

If you're relaxed, approachable, and carry yourself with a certain "royal bearing" as well as having charm and speaking ability, they'll usually consider you a breath of fresh air compared to the retards they're used to... And also, they'll give you a "pass" on basically anything lol, but I think that's also to do with physical attractiveness and style.

It really is just about being aware of perception, and how to mould it.

They're still usually boring and retarded, but with this skill socializing with normies become's a confidence booster rather than a cause for depressive thought's.

I think if you can find a way to *genuinely* be interested in them, it's easier. I kind of find it fascinating to observe andrapod behaviour sort of like a zoologist or anthrapologist, lol.

I will sometimes connect with their chakras to build that empathy/connection which wouldn't naturally occur otherwise.

But maybe it's also because of the places I frequent. I'm usually at a "workshop" or some other event which I have an actual interest in, so the mutual activity itself serves as an ice breaker. And I am quite knowledgeable on the topic, such as book clubs and philosophy.

I don't try to approach them at all, but I'll chime in every now and then to add something intelligent to the discussion, of which my detachment seem's to only further intrigue.

And so they'll ask me question's on their own. At that point, I could tell them I was a circus juggler and they'd probably still want to get to know more.

I think it's more so about the location's you're going to and how you present yourself. The girl's/guy's at a chess club are very different to the one's at the "night" club, lol.

And everything else is presentation and authenticity. Andrapod are shallow, it doesn't take much to interest them if you know how to do these thing's properly.

I think learning oratory/speaking ability will help you a lot, and just cultivating a feeling of relaxation and not giving a f**k.

You might find it helpful to have a celebrity or something which is SIMILAR enough to you, to which you can adopt some of their success by moulding aspect's of yourself.

I'm a strong blend of Venusian and Plutonian, masculine and feminine, and for me Alain Delon perfectly captured my natural style but he had a greater refinement of it which I learnt from:

According to my personal observation, there are many Andrapods who have two faces. In formal places like work or the gym, they show you one face and then in their free time, for example when they go out to party, they let down their attitude and show their lower side.
That's why to really know what someone is like, you have to observe what they do and how they behave in their free time when they relax from their responsibilities.
Hello everyone this will be my 1st post after a very long time. I was wondering..
Would anyone else like me want the old standards for men and women to return? What is it that has changed a lot what attracts us and what is considered beautiful in today's film industry. Not only the film industry, but in general? I miss the way we used to dress. Why has everything somehow become simple nowadays and, in my opinion, very ugly? Look at ancient Greece and their way of dressing, it made sense. What changed us so much. Also, why is it impossible today to achieve a body like the Spartans and Athenians once had? Did Jews really manipulate us to this point it changed what we like? Yes you can say fashion evolved and this is normal I AGREE. But look for example at Balenciaga because what is this?
Fashion does evolve on it's own through the ages, as you mentioned, for many different reasons. However, I fully agree with you. What it has degraded into today is just awful. 90% of modern "fashion trends" are just so tacky and ugly. It mirrors the modern art movement, and we all know who is behind pushing this ugliness on society.

Another huge issue with clothing today is the quality. So-called fast fashion (like Shein and Temu) is nothing short of grotesque. Not only is it made by modern day slave-labor who are quite literally worked to death in the worst conditions, but it is also extremely low quality. The material itself is cheap, synthetic and full of toxic chemicals. You're basically walking around wearing styled poison. It boils my blood when I see people ordering from these awful places. But in this society, cheap and convenient is placed above health & quality, unfortuantely. Also, even the affordable clothing sold in most stores is low quality. Not as bad as shein & company, but still bad. So it's all that many people can afford.

What differed in previous centuries going back to our ancient ancestors, was that all garments were made from natural materials like cotton, linen cloth and silk, etc and dyed with natural dyes. It was also handmade, so the quality was very high and attention to detail was on point. The clothing was designed to accentuate the body and was a work of art in itself. Most would only own a very few items of clothing and mend them as needed, but these few items lasted. Unlike today, where an item will last a few months at best and then be virtually worthless.

When it comes to brands like balenciaga, these are all owned and operated by jews. Hence the degeneracy. Again, exactly like the modern art movement. They purposefully promote degeneracy and ugliness. The jews even brag about how they "re-designed" the modern fashion industry and shaped it into what it is today, after world war 2. This is why we have ended up with the ugliness that we have today. The jew Ralph Lauren stated that jewish immigrants to the US post 1945 were very quick to take over the whole garment industry. They infiltrate everywhere that they are able to push their degeneracy.

Even the 1930s/40s fashion was a lot better than what we have now. It was elegant and well made. Look at the beautiful designs of Hugo Boss, who also designed the Nazi Party and SS uniforms specifically. After the 1940s, everything went downhill.
What is happening is that the fucking stupid retard enemy is putting their shitty long noses in humans plans with their shitty system and misinformation's they're spreading , using people's potent spiritual energy to enslave trough occult and use their shity technological weapons to keep the manipulation going.

The world went to fucking shit and very bad way, mostly with relationship and genders as you're asking because of this fucking in-human lower creatures who are nothing , not even to wipe your ass with , pure sickness they are. They made this shit retard world we live in being the way it is and we are the only hope to restore the good old days and make the entire world great ,otherwise we are lost forever.

idiots identifying as cats and lgbt 300 genders bullshit, stupid! People kind had enough of this shithole of a show about genders, mass immigration , the shit they put in our food, the shit they share on tv, nobody trust their Gov's anymore , literally nobody.
What is happening is that the fucking stupid retard enemy is putting their shitty long noses in humans plans with their shitty system and misinformation's they're spreading , using people's potent spiritual energy to enslave trough occult and use their shity technological weapons to keep the manipulation going.

The world went to fucking shit and very bad way, mostly with relationship and genders as you're asking because of this fucking in-human lower creatures who are nothing , not even to wipe your ass with , pure sickness they are. They made this shit retard world we live in being the way it is and we are the only hope to restore the good old days and make the entire world great ,otherwise we are lost forever.

idiots identifying as cats and lgbt 300 genders bullshit, stupid! People kind had enough of this shithole of a show about genders, mass immigration , the shit they put in our food, the shit they share on tv, nobody trust their Gov's anymore , literally nobody.
I agree with you. Many people don't want war but is politicians that start it. Look at Ukraine and USA for example. No one is profiting from this but jews themselves. We can pray for better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
