How well would it work to specifically cast a spell on a family member to get them to leave their religion, in this case, Christianity?
Is it a waste of time, or would it actually work?
I would focus on the rituals posted by HP HoodedCobra666. The group rituals that he publishes are for the good of the whole world, which means that the planet will gain at the level of the people who live on it and at the level of the planet itself.
If you force that relative against his free will you will not get too sincere conversion in most cases, but if you improve the overall situation, your relative living in it will benefit. It is right to perform the rituals published by HP HoodedCobra666 also for our loved ones who currently do not have the possibility of understanding how things really are and are victims of enemy systems (such as Christianity).
AND I WOULD ADD ONE THING OF IMMENSE IMPORTANCE: this is truly an excellent method to make the most of what I'm telling you on a global level:
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective⦠however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on. There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was...
However I assure you that I truly understand what you are going through, seeing someone you love victimized by Jewsus is painful, even very painful. Without affecting his free will, if you see that it is really worth it, you could consult the Gods. They won't interfere with the person's free will either anyway. But the person might be willing to open their mind, etc.
But the priority is on a global level, if I discovered that the girl I love was somehow victimized by a Jew (with some jewish agenda) I would behave exactly in the way I explained to you. And anyway, don't worry. The Gods still take care of our loved ones even if they are victims of Jewish systems. No Gentile of good nature is abandoned by the Gods. If you are willing to help your relative, it means that you have actually recognized his good nature. Therefore whatever happens, his soul will be protected by the Gods. No doubt about this.
When I made my first donation to JoS a week ago I was extremely happy to have supported Satan and the Gods and contributed to the progress of the universe. And knowing that in this universe there was also the girl I love made me even more satisfied and happy to have contributed to her happiness. 20% of my economic income was truly NOTHING compared to the good I did and my happiness in having done it. Hail JoS!
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