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Testosterone and Alcohol


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Academy of the Dragon, Dinas Ffaraon
Many men underestimate the effects of alcohol on their body. They love to pretend that drinking alcohol makes them more masculine, and that alcohol is inherently a male-bonding activity. I am writing this article to prove all of these claims are exclusively enemy brainwashing, and I will do so by explaining the effects of alcohol on the male reproductive system and on relevant hormones. Each claim will be backed up by a medical study. Let's get this started.

List of Claims
  1. Alcohol increases aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen.
  2. Alcohol leads to fat accumulation. Fat tissue contains aromatase, so this will increase the conversion from testosterone to oestrogen even further.
  3. Alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep you get at night. REM sleep is the sleep phase where the highest amounts of testosterone are produced.
  4. Drinking alcohol damages Leydig cells by increasing oxygen species that cause oxidative stress, which leads to cellular damage.
  5. Alcohol increases anxiety and stress. Stress leads to lower testosterone levels.
  6. Alcohol also disrupts the hormonal balance by affecting the HPG axis, reducing the secretion of GnRH and LH, which are essential for stimulating testosterone production in Leydig cells.
  7. Some drinks, mainly beer, contain phytoestrogens. These compounds can bind to oestrogen receptors, and exert oestrogen-like effects.
1-2. Aromatase
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts androgens (like testosterone) into oestrogens (like oestradiol). It plays a crucial role in the balance of male and female hormones in both men and women. This enzyme is found in various tissues, including the ovaries, testes, adipose tissue (body fat), brain, and skin.

Alcohol consumption can influence aromatase activity in several ways. It has been shown to increase aromatase activity, leading to higher levels of oestrogen. This can disrupt the balance between testosterone and oestrogen, leading to various hormonal imbalances. Alcohol-induced liver damage can also affect hormone metabolism because the liver is responsible for breaking down excess oestrogens. So liver dysfunction can lead to elevated oestrogen levels. Finally, alcohol promotes inflammation and oxidative stress, which can further stimulate aromatase activity, particularly in adipose tissue (aka body fat).

Fat tissue is one of the primary sites of aromatase activity outside the gonads. In obese individuals, the elevated aromatase activity in adipose tissue can lead to a significant imbalance in sex hormones, contributing to conditions like gynecomastia in men and irregular menstrual cycles in women.

3 & 5. REM Sleep and Anxiety/Stress
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is one of the five stages of the sleep cycle, characterized by rapid movements of the eyes, vivid dreams, and increased brain activity. It usually occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs multiple times throughout the night, becoming longer with each cycle. REM sleep is crucial for various cognitive functions, including:
  1. Memory Consolidation: REM sleep helps consolidate and process information, aiding in learning and memory.
  2. Emotional Regulation: It plays a significant role in managing emotions and stress.
  3. Brain Development: Particularly important in infants and children, REM sleep contributes to brain development.
  4. Overall Health: REM sleep is essential for mental health, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function.
Alcohol has a significant impact on sleep architecture, particularly on REM sleep. First of all, it disrupts the sleep cycle by suppressing REM sleep in the first half of the night, leading to a rebound effect later on. This reduction of REM sleep can impair cognitive and emotional functioning. The how is self-explanatory. Alcohol also increases the likelihood of sleep fragmentation, leading to frequent awakenings and less restful sleep overall. It alters brain activity patterns, impacting the restorative functions of sleep. That's why nobody ever wakes up rested after having drunk moderate or high amounts of alcohol.

Insufficient REM sleep has been proved to lead to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, and emotional instability in general as REM sleep when your body processes your emotions. Needless to say, by impacting your cognitive abilities you are also decreasing your problem-solving skills, creativity, and learning in general which is not as simple as memorising a block of text or a theorem.

If you continuously disrupt your sleep cycles on a habitual basis, this behaviour leads to additional adverse health effects, such as weakened immune function and increased risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

It takes an average of 2 hours to process a unit of alcohol, so you're denying yourself 2 hours of REM sleep every time you drink a unit of alcohol. Guess what happens if you drink four units... you get no REM for the whole night. Congratulations!

Alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism for anxiety and stress, but its effects can be both short-term and long-term, leading to more harm than good.

Short-term effects:
  1. Temporary Relief: Alcohol can initially produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria by enhancing the effects of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which has inhibitory effects on the brain, and by reducing the activity of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.
  2. Reduced Inhibition: It lowers social inhibitions, making people feel more confident and less anxious in social situations.
  3. Stress Hormone Suppression: Alcohol temporarily reduces the secretion of stress hormones like cortisol.
Long-term effects:
  1. Increased Anxiety: Over time, regular alcohol consumption can lead to increased anxiety. As the body adapts to the depressant effects of alcohol, it becomes more difficult to achieve relaxation without it, leading to increased baseline anxiety levels.
  2. Rebound Anxiety: Once the effects of alcohol wear off, anxiety can return even stronger. This rebound effect is partly due to the brain's compensatory increase in excitatory neurotransmitter activity after the depressant effects of alcohol subside.
  3. Sleep Disruption: We already mentioned this. Poor sleep quality can exacerbate anxiety and stress.
  4. Hormonal Imbalance: Habitual alcohol consumption can lead to hormonal imbalances, including elevated cortisol levels, which can increase anxiety and stress over time.
  5. Dependence and Withdrawal: Regular alcohol use can lead to dependence. Withdrawal symptoms, which include severe anxiety and panic attacks, can occur when alcohol consumption is reduced or stopped.
  6. Neurotransmitter Imbalance: Long-term alcohol use alters the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing the natural production of GABA and increasing the activity of stress-related neurotransmitters, leading to heightened anxiety and stress.

4 & 6. Leydig Cells
Leydig cells, also known as interstitial cells, are located in the testes. These cells are primarily responsible for producing testosterone, the primary male sex hormone. They are found in the interstitial tissue of the testes, situated between the seminiferous tubules where sperm is produced.

Leydig cells play a crucial role in male physiology, including:
  1. Testosterone Production: Testosterone is essential for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair, deepening of the voice, and muscle growth.
  2. Spermatogenesis: Testosterone produced by Leydig cells supports the production and maturation of sperm within the seminiferous tubules.
  3. Libido and Sexual Function: Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for maintaining a healthy libido and normal sexual function.
  4. Bone Density and Muscle Mass: Testosterone helps maintain bone density and muscle mass, contributing to overall physical strength and health.
  5. Mood and Energy Levels: Testosterone influences mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
Alcohol consumption can have several detrimental effects on Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone levels and associated health issues. Alcohol metabolism generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause oxidative stress and damage cellular components such as lipids, proteins, and DNA in Leydig cells. This oxidative damage can impair their function and lead to cell death.

Alcohol disrupts the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. This impairs energy production in Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone synthesis. Ethanol and its metabolite acetaldehyde are directly toxic to Leydig cells. They can alter cell membranes and disrupt cell signalling, leading to apoptosis (cell death).

Alcohol interferes with the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, leading to reduced secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH). LH is essential for stimulating Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Lower LH levels result in decreased testosterone production. GnRH is crucial because it stimulates the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

Chronic alcohol consumption promotes inflammation, which can lead to further damage and scarring (fibrosis) in the testes, affecting Leydig cell function and reducing testosterone levels.

7. Phytoestrogens in Beer
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that are structurally similar to oestrogen. They can bind to oestrogen receptors in the body and mimic or modulate the effects of endogenous oestrogens. This can disrupt the hormonal balance, particularly in men, by increasing the relative amount of oestrogen activity. Beer, especially those made from hops, contains significant amounts of phytoestrogens. The primary phytoestrogen in hops is 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), which is known for its potent oestrogen-like effects. Increased phytoestrogen intake from beer can contribute to hormonal imbalances, potentially leading to conditions such as gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men) and reduced testosterone levels.

Some medical studies for you
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7171663/ proves aromatase converts testosterone into oestrogen.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1558307/ proves that alcohol increases oestrogen levels
Sleep, sleepiness and alcohol use
Alcohol and Sleep I: effects on normal sleep
The effects of binge drinking behaviour on recovery and performance after a rugby match
Alcohol disrupts sleep homeostasis
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data
Alcohol's effects on male reproduction
Alcohol and Prostate Cancer: Time to Draw Conclusions
Effects of alcohol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in the male rat
Reversal of ethanol-induced testosterone suppression in peripubertal male rats by opiate blockade

Remember medical studies are facts and facts are superior to any opinion. Why? Because facts are supported by evidence, opinions are not.

All 7 points have been proven by facts. All that it remains is for you to accept and realise you're harming yourself as a man by drinking alcohol. Alcohol is inherently yin anyway, aka very feminine in nature. It makes you less of a man to drink alcohol, not the other way around. All the promotion of alcohol is, in fact, originally by kikes.

The enemy popularised alcohol through xtardanity. Before that, drinking alcohol was a niche hobby for the lowest-quality people of the lowest class. You can see the pattern there. Xtardanity rose to power first by empty promises to the lowest-quality individuals, then by that uneducated mob waging literal war on everybody else, thanks to the approval of Roman Emperors that had married kikes or had their children married to kikes, or were kikes themselves. Your offspring is fully jewish if your significant other is jewish. Your child being married to the enemy is leverage against you. Your spouse being jewish makes you jewish overtime through sex and other exchange of bodily fluids. That's a tangent anyway.

Many of the studies mention "moderate alcohol consumption" either by saying it directly or by mentioning amounts that are moderate. Some mention occasional use as well.

This post should show you how drinking alcohol is nothing by another social psyops of the enemy. It was never Gentile, and it will never be. It's better you detach from it now, then when people's minds will shift and start to frown upon you for this NPC habit. There is nothing to glorify or celebrate about it. If you interact with other SS, whether it's one-on-one or on group chats, and you drink alcohol, please refrain from making it known unless you're trying to overcome this addiction. Nobody healthy cares, and it only ends up annoying people like me who want to protect this community from any kind of harm, as you are effectively promoting self-harm. Nothing to be enthusiastic about.

Be a man, and go alcohol-free.
Great article, worth reading and exposing people to this information in case they're unsure if the relatively small quantity of poison they consume is acceptable.

Thank you for caring.

Extremely high quality post with sources. It's so hard to convince peers my age of how bad alcohol is, at least here in Spain, the age kids start to consume alcohol is lowering drastically. While they can't purchase it directly, a lot of clubs have a silent rule to sell them alcohol anyway during peak hours when they go partying. I've noticed they also consume a lot of energy drinks that smell terribly in a 5km radius, packed with Gods know what chemicals, which are just as harmful, if not more. I've seen 12 year olds drinking Red Bulls like it's water, and a lot of them have been exposed to alcohol as well. I remember when I was 12 I didn't even know what a Red Bull was, my life was spent playing football outside or video games when no friend wanted to play, and I was pretty happy lmao.

I can recall an anecdote, happened to me in first year of uni about 4 years ago, I was invited to a party throwin in a guy's apartment and it was obvious alcohol was going to be a big part of it. Now, I don't like parties in general, let alone if alcohol is involved, so I asked if there was going to be drinking and he said that there was going to be. I then told him that alcohol is extremely bad for the health, especially for the liver. The guy replied, and I quote literally "But you think it's bad because you haven't drank, you need to train your liver to get used to it, you know?". My brother in Satan, that is not the liver "getting used" to anything, it's the liver gradually losing its ability to filter shit because you're overworkig it with heavy drinking. His answer absolutely boggled my mind, it was insane xD.

Anyway I went on a tangent there, hope the stories light up your day a bit and thank you for the quality post, it will be bookmarked.
It's so hard to convince peers my age of how bad alcohol is, at least here in Spain, the age kids start to consume alcohol is lowering drastically.
It's hard to convince people even with medical studies because many don't have the necessary level of literacy to understand what a study says, let alone how it's relevant to the point you're trying to make.

Alcohol is brainwashed into people's lives that even the smart ones can outright reject medical studies, and downplay what happens in their body.

I've seen YouTube channels and Instagram pages of athletes were they mentioned they don't like the taste of alcohol (normal, since it's an acquired taste) but the peer pressure is so high they don't think they can say no without damaging their images and reputation. It's disgusting.

I heard of countries where they make things like true cider, which doesn't even have alcohol in it. It's different from those with alcohol removed because it was never there in the first place, and it tastes different from juice.

I wouldn't be surprised if the original beer, wine, and mead actually had no alcohol whatsoever in them. And only came to have it when the enemy overtook the supply chains.

The only use for alcohol is disinfecting wounds. The level of enemy cancer is entrenched literally in everything around us, not just in spirituality and politics. It would be naive to think there is an area of life that they haven't corrupted.
Extremely high quality post with sources. It's so hard to convince peers my age of how bad alcohol is, at least here in Spain, the age kids start to consume alcohol is lowering drastically. While they can't purchase it directly, a lot of clubs have a silent rule to sell them alcohol anyway during peak hours when they go partying. I've noticed they also consume a lot of energy drinks that smell terribly in a 5km radius, packed with Gods know what chemicals, which are just as harmful, if not more. I've seen 12 year olds drinking Red Bulls like it's water, and a lot of them have been exposed to alcohol as well. I remember when I was 12 I didn't even know what a Red Bull was, my life was spent playing football outside or video games when no friend wanted to play, and I was pretty happy lmao.

I can recall an anecdote, happened to me in first year of uni about 4 years ago, I was invited to a party throwin in a guy's apartment and it was obvious alcohol was going to be a big part of it. Now, I don't like parties in general, let alone if alcohol is involved, so I asked if there was going to be drinking and he said that there was going to be. I then told him that alcohol is extremely bad for the health, especially for the liver. The guy replied, and I quote literally "But you think it's bad because you haven't drank, you need to train your liver to get used to it, you know?". My brother in Satan, that is not the liver "getting used" to anything, it's the liver gradually losing its ability to filter shit because you're overworkig it with heavy drinking. His answer absolutely boggled my mind, it was insane xD.

Anyway I went on a tangent there, hope the stories light up your day a bit and thank you for the quality post, it will be bookmarked.
I am also Spanish and what you say is totally true, many times if I go for a walk on a Saturday afternoon some of those teenagers approach you and offer you money in exchange for you to go to the nearest store and buy them alcohol, when that happens I always answer "No, I'd better call your parents and tell them what you are doing".
Also alcohol consumption is so ingrained that it is extremely difficult to meet someone without them telling you to go to a bar to drink "echar unas cañas" as they call it here.
I heard of countries where they make things like true cider, which doesn't even have alcohol in it. It's different from those with alcohol removed because it was never there in the first place, and it tastes different from juice.

I wouldn't be surprised if the original beer, wine, and mead actually had no alcohol whatsoever in them. And only came to have it when the enemy overtook the supply chains.
I tasted beer, cider and wine before (of course with the alcohol and all), and all of them disgust me, especially beer. At least the other 2 have a sort of flavor, but beer is just plain vomit material, I can't digest it at all, and it bloats my stomach too. I'd be curious to try these beverages without a single hint of alcohol in them, I bet they'd taste at least decently. In fact, wine is basically grape juice that is left to mature, essentially, and cider is fermented apple (or whatever fruit you want, but apple cider is probably the most common) at a low temperature. The lower the temperature, the lower the amount of alcohol, as far as I've read around. I wonder how they make it without a single bit of alcohol in it.

Also alcohol consumption is so ingrained that it is extremely difficult to meet someone without them telling you to go to a bar to drink "echar unas cañas" as they call it here.
This is so relatable, I don't even like beer, so going for a caña is just impossible for me. I did overcome the social pressure, though. I went for beers in that social context only twice, and in both instances I felt like shit physically and also felt disappointed in myself because I didn't say no. Nowadays I either don't meet people over cañas or just simply let them order the beer and I drink water. I've had people look at me weird but at this point I believe my smile disarms them pretty well. I have classmates who even tell me that I do well for not drinking. It always makes me wonder why they don't just follow their own advice then.
I've seen YouTube channels and Instagram pages of athletes were they mentioned they don't like the taste of alcohol (normal, since it's an acquired taste) but the peer pressure is so high they don't think they can say no without damaging their images and reputation. It's disgusting.
This is just sad. It can harm their performance as athletes, too.
Alcohol is brainwashed into people's lives that even the smart ones can outright reject medical studies, and downplay what happens in their body.
It would be interesting to document when all of this started. Smoking can still be looked down upon, but alcohol is much, much more normalized, while being just as bad of a poison. I have met very few people who dislike alcohol, and ironically all of them have been women. It's definitely pushed more on men as a sign of masculinity, as you wrote.
Many men underestimate the effects of alcohol on their body. They love to pretend that drinking alcohol makes them more masculine, and that alcohol is inherently a male-bonding activity. I am writing this article to prove all of these claims are exclusively enemy brainwashing, and I will do so by explaining the effects of alcohol on the male reproductive system and on relevant hormones. Each claim will be backed up by a medical study. Let's get this started.

List of Claims
  1. Alcohol increases aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen.
  2. Alcohol leads to fat accumulation. Fat tissue contains aromatase, so this will increase the conversion from testosterone to oestrogen even further.
  3. Alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep you get at night. REM sleep is the sleep phase where the highest amounts of testosterone are produced.
  4. Drinking alcohol damages Leydig cells by increasing oxygen species that cause oxidative stress, which leads to cellular damage.
  5. Alcohol increases anxiety and stress. Stress leads to lower testosterone levels.
  6. Alcohol also disrupts the hormonal balance by affecting the HPG axis, reducing the secretion of GnRH and LH, which are essential for stimulating testosterone production in Leydig cells.
  7. Some drinks, mainly beer, contain phytoestrogens. These compounds can bind to oestrogen receptors, and exert oestrogen-like effects.
1-2. Aromatase
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts androgens (like testosterone) into oestrogens (like oestradiol). It plays a crucial role in the balance of male and female hormones in both men and women. This enzyme is found in various tissues, including the ovaries, testes, adipose tissue (body fat), brain, and skin.

Alcohol consumption can influence aromatase activity in several ways. It has been shown to increase aromatase activity, leading to higher levels of oestrogen. This can disrupt the balance between testosterone and oestrogen, leading to various hormonal imbalances. Alcohol-induced liver damage can also affect hormone metabolism because the liver is responsible for breaking down excess oestrogens. So liver dysfunction can lead to elevated oestrogen levels. Finally, alcohol promotes inflammation and oxidative stress, which can further stimulate aromatase activity, particularly in adipose tissue (aka body fat).

Fat tissue is one of the primary sites of aromatase activity outside the gonads. In obese individuals, the elevated aromatase activity in adipose tissue can lead to a significant imbalance in sex hormones, contributing to conditions like gynecomastia in men and irregular menstrual cycles in women.

3 & 5. REM Sleep and Anxiety/Stress
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is one of the five stages of the sleep cycle, characterized by rapid movements of the eyes, vivid dreams, and increased brain activity. It usually occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs multiple times throughout the night, becoming longer with each cycle. REM sleep is crucial for various cognitive functions, including:
  1. Memory Consolidation: REM sleep helps consolidate and process information, aiding in learning and memory.
  2. Emotional Regulation: It plays a significant role in managing emotions and stress.
  3. Brain Development: Particularly important in infants and children, REM sleep contributes to brain development.
  4. Overall Health: REM sleep is essential for mental health, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function.
Alcohol has a significant impact on sleep architecture, particularly on REM sleep. First of all, it disrupts the sleep cycle by suppressing REM sleep in the first half of the night, leading to a rebound effect later on. This reduction of REM sleep can impair cognitive and emotional functioning. The how is self-explanatory. Alcohol also increases the likelihood of sleep fragmentation, leading to frequent awakenings and less restful sleep overall. It alters brain activity patterns, impacting the restorative functions of sleep. That's why nobody ever wakes up rested after having drunk moderate or high amounts of alcohol.

Insufficient REM sleep has been proved to lead to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, and emotional instability in general as REM sleep when your body processes your emotions. Needless to say, by impacting your cognitive abilities you are also decreasing your problem-solving skills, creativity, and learning in general which is not as simple as memorising a block of text or a theorem.

If you continuously disrupt your sleep cycles on a habitual basis, this behaviour leads to additional adverse health effects, such as weakened immune function and increased risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

It takes an average of 2 hours to process a unit of alcohol, so you're denying yourself 2 hours of REM sleep every time you drink a unit of alcohol. Guess what happens if you drink four units... you get no REM for the whole night. Congratulations!

Alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism for anxiety and stress, but its effects can be both short-term and long-term, leading to more harm than good.

Short-term effects:
  1. Temporary Relief: Alcohol can initially produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria by enhancing the effects of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which has inhibitory effects on the brain, and by reducing the activity of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.
  2. Reduced Inhibition: It lowers social inhibitions, making people feel more confident and less anxious in social situations.
  3. Stress Hormone Suppression: Alcohol temporarily reduces the secretion of stress hormones like cortisol.
Long-term effects:
  1. Increased Anxiety: Over time, regular alcohol consumption can lead to increased anxiety. As the body adapts to the depressant effects of alcohol, it becomes more difficult to achieve relaxation without it, leading to increased baseline anxiety levels.
  2. Rebound Anxiety: Once the effects of alcohol wear off, anxiety can return even stronger. This rebound effect is partly due to the brain's compensatory increase in excitatory neurotransmitter activity after the depressant effects of alcohol subside.
  3. Sleep Disruption: We already mentioned this. Poor sleep quality can exacerbate anxiety and stress.
  4. Hormonal Imbalance: Habitual alcohol consumption can lead to hormonal imbalances, including elevated cortisol levels, which can increase anxiety and stress over time.
  5. Dependence and Withdrawal: Regular alcohol use can lead to dependence. Withdrawal symptoms, which include severe anxiety and panic attacks, can occur when alcohol consumption is reduced or stopped.
  6. Neurotransmitter Imbalance: Long-term alcohol use alters the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing the natural production of GABA and increasing the activity of stress-related neurotransmitters, leading to heightened anxiety and stress.

4 & 6. Leydig Cells
Leydig cells, also known as interstitial cells, are located in the testes. These cells are primarily responsible for producing testosterone, the primary male sex hormone. They are found in the interstitial tissue of the testes, situated between the seminiferous tubules where sperm is produced.

Leydig cells play a crucial role in male physiology, including:
  1. Testosterone Production: Testosterone is essential for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair, deepening of the voice, and muscle growth.
  2. Spermatogenesis: Testosterone produced by Leydig cells supports the production and maturation of sperm within the seminiferous tubules.
  3. Libido and Sexual Function: Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for maintaining a healthy libido and normal sexual function.
  4. Bone Density and Muscle Mass: Testosterone helps maintain bone density and muscle mass, contributing to overall physical strength and health.
  5. Mood and Energy Levels: Testosterone influences mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
Alcohol consumption can have several detrimental effects on Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone levels and associated health issues. Alcohol metabolism generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause oxidative stress and damage cellular components such as lipids, proteins, and DNA in Leydig cells. This oxidative damage can impair their function and lead to cell death.

Alcohol disrupts the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. This impairs energy production in Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone synthesis. Ethanol and its metabolite acetaldehyde are directly toxic to Leydig cells. They can alter cell membranes and disrupt cell signalling, leading to apoptosis (cell death).

Alcohol interferes with the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, leading to reduced secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH). LH is essential for stimulating Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Lower LH levels result in decreased testosterone production. GnRH is crucial because it stimulates the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

Chronic alcohol consumption promotes inflammation, which can lead to further damage and scarring (fibrosis) in the testes, affecting Leydig cell function and reducing testosterone levels.

7. Phytoestrogens in Beer
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that are structurally similar to oestrogen. They can bind to oestrogen receptors in the body and mimic or modulate the effects of endogenous oestrogens. This can disrupt the hormonal balance, particularly in men, by increasing the relative amount of oestrogen activity. Beer, especially those made from hops, contains significant amounts of phytoestrogens. The primary phytoestrogen in hops is 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), which is known for its potent oestrogen-like effects. Increased phytoestrogen intake from beer can contribute to hormonal imbalances, potentially leading to conditions such as gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men) and reduced testosterone levels.

Some medical studies for you
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7171663/ proves aromatase converts testosterone into oestrogen.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1558307/ proves that alcohol increases oestrogen levels
Sleep, sleepiness and alcohol use
Alcohol and Sleep I: effects on normal sleep
The effects of binge drinking behaviour on recovery and performance after a rugby match
Alcohol disrupts sleep homeostasis
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data
Alcohol's effects on male reproduction
Alcohol and Prostate Cancer: Time to Draw Conclusions
Effects of alcohol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in the male rat
Reversal of ethanol-induced testosterone suppression in peripubertal male rats by opiate blockade

Remember medical studies are facts and facts are superior to any opinion. Why? Because facts are supported by evidence, opinions are not.

All 7 points have been proven by facts. All that it remains is for you to accept and realise you're harming yourself as a man by drinking alcohol. Alcohol is inherently yin anyway, aka very feminine in nature. It makes you less of a man to drink alcohol, not the other way around. All the promotion of alcohol is, in fact, originally by kikes.

The enemy popularised alcohol through xtardanity. Before that, drinking alcohol was a niche hobby for the lowest-quality people of the lowest class. You can see the pattern there. Xtardanity rose to power first by empty promises to the lowest-quality individuals, then by that uneducated mob waging literal war on everybody else, thanks to the approval of Roman Emperors that had married kikes or had their children married to kikes, or were kikes themselves. Your offspring is fully jewish if your significant other is jewish. Your child being married to the enemy is leverage against you. Your spouse being jewish makes you jewish overtime through sex and other exchange of bodily fluids. That's a tangent anyway.

Many of the studies mention "moderate alcohol consumption" either by saying it directly or by mentioning amounts that are moderate. Some mention occasional use as well.

This post should show you how drinking alcohol is nothing by another social psyops of the enemy. It was never Gentile, and it will never be. It's better you detach from it now, then when people's minds will shift and start to frown upon you for this NPC habit. There is nothing to glorify or celebrate about it. If you interact with other SS, whether it's one-on-one or on group chats, and you drink alcohol, please refrain from making it known unless you're trying to overcome this addiction. Nobody healthy cares, and it only ends up annoying people like me who want to protect this community from any kind of harm, as you are effectively promoting self-harm. Nothing to be enthusiastic about.

Be a man, and go alcohol-free.
Great article!

I’m totally with you on the no alcohol.

All my family drink alcohol, it’s so silly, they are just killing themselves. I imagine there are a whole host of detrimental effects for women also?
This post should show you how drinking alcohol is nothing by another social psyops of the enemy. It was never Gentile, and it will never be.

Everything written is beyond exhaustively explained and compelling, thank you for this post, it's very helpful.

I really don't want to come off as arrogant, however there's this phrase in particular , which I find exaggerated when taking it literally or out of context , after all we as Gentiles have long history with alcohol along with it's very discovery , and it's use in ancient rituals ( though in a very calculated amount and only in very few occasions during the year ).

Not to say this should be seen as an excuse for aimlessly consuming it as promoted nowadays. And also by the way, compared to the way the ancients served alcohol , which was very diluted to a 1/4 rapport whine to water for example , today's alcoholic concentration is just pure poison.

In parallel we can compare the same phenomena with sugar for example, both substances have very similar effects on the organism, and both started being refined to the extreme for a shekle during the industrial revolution, causing one of the ugliest social landscapes ever in Europe, with long-lasting repercussions for the whole world.
Thanks for sharing this, Brother Stormblood. I feel a little silly having posted a picture of the mead I’d been drinking now. I didn’t realize this about alcohol until now, thank you for helping raise awareness. I won’t be drinking anymore now.

Great job. Thank you for your contribution and dedication. So much work to put it all together and write it down. He consciously gives up alcohol in his life. I took a month off, and now I will continue to stay sober. I will save your post and show it to a few people so that they can also learn these words. Thank you.
Thanks for the informative post. It's always good to get affirmation on not going back to the jewish liquid poison.
Uh, interesting. Thank you for your research Brother Stormblood.

I guess there's really not much arguing with this.
To be completely honest, I don't think I will completely remove alcohol from my life for now, but I will be consuming less and less.
I am only now aware of this notion. It's the same point as cigarettes--even if you smoke once in a year, it's still a net negative. Pointless.
I already consume only occasionally and in generally moderate quantities, I might slowly stop altogether.

Let's also not forget this post from HPS Maxine that I found pasted in a thread (https://ancient-forums.com/threads/question-5306-is-coffee-good-for-you.290481/post-1080916):
There is a thread in the main JoS e-group concerning cigarettes, tobacco use, now caffiene and energy drinks, marijuana use and so forth. Ok, everyone knows cigarettes are extremely bad. My point of this post is through meditation, when you get to a certain level, you will no longer have cravings for things that are harmful for you.

I eat and drink as I please, though in moderation. I know this is a touchy topic, but trying to fight an addiction isn't always the best way to go. If there is a serious problem, then try working on the addiction by affirming you are completely free from the desire for whatever it is you are addicted to. Do the 40 day Satanic rosary working beginning during a waning moon.

As for eating and drinking habits, hatha yoga will offset a lot of things regarding health, no different from working out and weightlifting; as these make your body system stronger and heighten your immune system.

If someone wants to cut out certain foods or drinks from one's diet, this is a personal choice and is fine. Drinking energy drinks [I love these, like black mamba Venom is my favorite], drinking coffee and such...I can assure you, these won't affect your powers. I am sitting here right now with a high caffiene mountain lightning soda and chocolate bar. I have also found caffiene can amplify the energy buzz and the aura at times. I like caffiene and will drink it for the rest of my life. Like I said, I eat and drink as I please and always will.

Satanism is not about abstinance. If someone chooses to abstain, this is free thought and free choice, but definitely not manditory or required for spiritual advancement. Abstinance is of the enemy programs. What good is power meditation if you have to give up pleasure, or getting what you want? With the plethora of enemy writings and crap out there that is corrupted trash and tons of not only wrong, but outright deadly advice regarding opening the soul and spirtiuality, this bleeds over into people believing they have to completely abstain in order to make any spiritual progress. Then the endless bullshit of can't do this; can't do that in the way of using your powers, in order to keep true power in the hands of the enemy at the top.
Not with Satan's way.

HP Vovim has a risen serpent. He eats as he pleases, for one. There is an old saying 'the tightest grip is with an open hand.' Freedom is the key to spiritual advncement.

Abuse and consistent overindulgence of recreational drugs, alcohol, and such will obviously cause one problems, not to mention addiction, which DOES put holes in the aura. Use common sense. Again...if there is a serious problem or any problem where one wishes and desires to be free from anything...use the 40 day working. This may even have to be repeated. Trying to use force and fighting an addiction is not the best way to go. Same as there is a lot to be said about the soft martial arts. Force is not always necessary. It feels so much better when the desire for something harmful is completely gone forever, instead of using so much energy fighting the addiction every day. Ridding the desire is what power meditation is all about, as much as getting what you want and your desires fulfilled. Never forget this, as this is reaching the godhead...masterting your own life and destiny. This is the essence of True Satanism.
So don't feel like an absolute idiot if you feel like wanting to consume things not generally good for your health.
Do not revel in it either, but do not beat yourself over it.

I have witnessed myself, strongly, how harmful it is to beat ourselves over something "wrong" we do, that it can actually harm our advancement (through demoralization) more than the actual wrong thing itself. In my specific case, laziness. I've always beat myself over it, self-hated me for it, but I now accepted that I have it and "it's fine" but I just need to overcome it. So not an acceptance directed to ignore or let the issue be, the wrong thing must be corrected with time, but there is no point in feeling bad about it. Feeling bad about it can demoralize you and harm you more than the thing itself, so it is better to think "it's fine that for now I'm like this, but I will correct it".

Back to the idea of dropping alcohol: yeah, absolutely, it feels weird "socially".
I've been struggling with that. I am 100% aware than, at least spiritually speaking, that everyone around me can't do nothing but drag me down.
My friends and partner are good people and I love them, but I am aware that I am the most spiritually advanced person, but it's not like I can cut ties with people I love and care about.
I guess the easy solution would be to just gain ALSO new friends that I can learn from without necessarily leaving the old ones.
But I am not that social. And also, where do I even find someone more spiritually advanced than me other than here? The only people who are more advanced than even a newbie SS are other, more advanced SS (except some exceedingly rare outside cases), no? And it's not like we can make IRL friends here.
So, if we are to exclude other SS for safety reasons, who even is someone who I can consider better than me that I'd want them around?

At the same time, I also don't like the idea of being the one that could drag someone else down.
I'm curious @Stormblood how have you dealt with this?
This whole discussion I've brought up stems from another post of yours that I've read, so I guess you could have some experience.
Back to the idea of dropping alcohol: yeah, absolutely, it feels weird "socially".
Simple. Drink water or some other non-alcoholic beverage when others consume alcohol. It will be really easy to make a point about obvious health hazards, and for someone to make a point about you being a "Debbie Downer" for that choice implies that your social circles are perhaps not best suited for you because any real acquaintance or friend will not make a fuss about such things.
Simple. Drink water or some other non-alcoholic beverage when others consume alcohol. It will be really easy to make a point about obvious health hazards, and for someone to make a point about you being a "Debbie Downer" for that choice implies that your social circles are perhaps not best suited for you because any real acquaintance or friend will not make a fuss about such things.
Of course, no one would make a "fuss" about it. They'd just be weirded out of it initially. Such a sudden behavioral change IS weird, from someone who doesn't know the context.
It's definitely not such a big deal. I just used this an example to talk about this social issue I have, about the whole thing of not knowing how to surround myself with better people and how to deal with having friends that are beneath me spiritually but that I can't just leave because there's affection involved.
Of course, no one would make a "fuss" about it. They'd just be weirded out of it initially. Such a sudden behavioral change IS weird, from someone who doesn't know the context.
It's definitely not such a big deal. I just used this an example to talk about this social issue I have, about the whole thing of not knowing how to surround myself with better people and how to deal with having friends that are beneath me spiritually but that I can't just leave because there's affection involved.
It is sudden for sure. And that can be handled with an explanation based on truth. How people react is another matter and not your concern, really.

I don't think a seeming position of superiority is going to be helpful in human relationships. Sometimes it is what it is and it does not mean contacts need to be cut just because. A valid reason should be driving such a though process.

To find people of higher quality not only magick can be utilized (Venusian and Mercurial type comes to mind at first), but also going out and about. Because that's how people meet each other. Where excactly, that's for you to solve.
Many men underestimate the effects of alcohol on their body. They love to pretend that drinking alcohol makes them more masculine, and that alcohol is inherently a male-bonding activity. I am writing this article to prove all of these claims are exclusively enemy brainwashing, and I will do so by explaining the effects of alcohol on the male reproductive system and on relevant hormones. Each claim will be backed up by a medical study. Let's get this started.

List of Claims
  1. Alcohol increases aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen.
  2. Alcohol leads to fat accumulation. Fat tissue contains aromatase, so this will increase the conversion from testosterone to oestrogen even further.
  3. Alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep you get at night. REM sleep is the sleep phase where the highest amounts of testosterone are produced.
  4. Drinking alcohol damages Leydig cells by increasing oxygen species that cause oxidative stress, which leads to cellular damage.
  5. Alcohol increases anxiety and stress. Stress leads to lower testosterone levels.
  6. Alcohol also disrupts the hormonal balance by affecting the HPG axis, reducing the secretion of GnRH and LH, which are essential for stimulating testosterone production in Leydig cells.
  7. Some drinks, mainly beer, contain phytoestrogens. These compounds can bind to oestrogen receptors, and exert oestrogen-like effects.
1-2. Aromatase
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts androgens (like testosterone) into oestrogens (like oestradiol). It plays a crucial role in the balance of male and female hormones in both men and women. This enzyme is found in various tissues, including the ovaries, testes, adipose tissue (body fat), brain, and skin.

Alcohol consumption can influence aromatase activity in several ways. It has been shown to increase aromatase activity, leading to higher levels of oestrogen. This can disrupt the balance between testosterone and oestrogen, leading to various hormonal imbalances. Alcohol-induced liver damage can also affect hormone metabolism because the liver is responsible for breaking down excess oestrogens. So liver dysfunction can lead to elevated oestrogen levels. Finally, alcohol promotes inflammation and oxidative stress, which can further stimulate aromatase activity, particularly in adipose tissue (aka body fat).

Fat tissue is one of the primary sites of aromatase activity outside the gonads. In obese individuals, the elevated aromatase activity in adipose tissue can lead to a significant imbalance in sex hormones, contributing to conditions like gynecomastia in men and irregular menstrual cycles in women.

3 & 5. REM Sleep and Anxiety/Stress
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is one of the five stages of the sleep cycle, characterized by rapid movements of the eyes, vivid dreams, and increased brain activity. It usually occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs multiple times throughout the night, becoming longer with each cycle. REM sleep is crucial for various cognitive functions, including:
  1. Memory Consolidation: REM sleep helps consolidate and process information, aiding in learning and memory.
  2. Emotional Regulation: It plays a significant role in managing emotions and stress.
  3. Brain Development: Particularly important in infants and children, REM sleep contributes to brain development.
  4. Overall Health: REM sleep is essential for mental health, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function.
Alcohol has a significant impact on sleep architecture, particularly on REM sleep. First of all, it disrupts the sleep cycle by suppressing REM sleep in the first half of the night, leading to a rebound effect later on. This reduction of REM sleep can impair cognitive and emotional functioning. The how is self-explanatory. Alcohol also increases the likelihood of sleep fragmentation, leading to frequent awakenings and less restful sleep overall. It alters brain activity patterns, impacting the restorative functions of sleep. That's why nobody ever wakes up rested after having drunk moderate or high amounts of alcohol.

Insufficient REM sleep has been proved to lead to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, and emotional instability in general as REM sleep when your body processes your emotions. Needless to say, by impacting your cognitive abilities you are also decreasing your problem-solving skills, creativity, and learning in general which is not as simple as memorising a block of text or a theorem.

If you continuously disrupt your sleep cycles on a habitual basis, this behaviour leads to additional adverse health effects, such as weakened immune function and increased risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

It takes an average of 2 hours to process a unit of alcohol, so you're denying yourself 2 hours of REM sleep every time you drink a unit of alcohol. Guess what happens if you drink four units... you get no REM for the whole night. Congratulations!

Alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism for anxiety and stress, but its effects can be both short-term and long-term, leading to more harm than good.

Short-term effects:
  1. Temporary Relief: Alcohol can initially produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria by enhancing the effects of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which has inhibitory effects on the brain, and by reducing the activity of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.
  2. Reduced Inhibition: It lowers social inhibitions, making people feel more confident and less anxious in social situations.
  3. Stress Hormone Suppression: Alcohol temporarily reduces the secretion of stress hormones like cortisol.
Long-term effects:
  1. Increased Anxiety: Over time, regular alcohol consumption can lead to increased anxiety. As the body adapts to the depressant effects of alcohol, it becomes more difficult to achieve relaxation without it, leading to increased baseline anxiety levels.
  2. Rebound Anxiety: Once the effects of alcohol wear off, anxiety can return even stronger. This rebound effect is partly due to the brain's compensatory increase in excitatory neurotransmitter activity after the depressant effects of alcohol subside.
  3. Sleep Disruption: We already mentioned this. Poor sleep quality can exacerbate anxiety and stress.
  4. Hormonal Imbalance: Habitual alcohol consumption can lead to hormonal imbalances, including elevated cortisol levels, which can increase anxiety and stress over time.
  5. Dependence and Withdrawal: Regular alcohol use can lead to dependence. Withdrawal symptoms, which include severe anxiety and panic attacks, can occur when alcohol consumption is reduced or stopped.
  6. Neurotransmitter Imbalance: Long-term alcohol use alters the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing the natural production of GABA and increasing the activity of stress-related neurotransmitters, leading to heightened anxiety and stress.

4 & 6. Leydig Cells
Leydig cells, also known as interstitial cells, are located in the testes. These cells are primarily responsible for producing testosterone, the primary male sex hormone. They are found in the interstitial tissue of the testes, situated between the seminiferous tubules where sperm is produced.

Leydig cells play a crucial role in male physiology, including:
  1. Testosterone Production: Testosterone is essential for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair, deepening of the voice, and muscle growth.
  2. Spermatogenesis: Testosterone produced by Leydig cells supports the production and maturation of sperm within the seminiferous tubules.
  3. Libido and Sexual Function: Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for maintaining a healthy libido and normal sexual function.
  4. Bone Density and Muscle Mass: Testosterone helps maintain bone density and muscle mass, contributing to overall physical strength and health.
  5. Mood and Energy Levels: Testosterone influences mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
Alcohol consumption can have several detrimental effects on Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone levels and associated health issues. Alcohol metabolism generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause oxidative stress and damage cellular components such as lipids, proteins, and DNA in Leydig cells. This oxidative damage can impair their function and lead to cell death.

Alcohol disrupts the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. This impairs energy production in Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone synthesis. Ethanol and its metabolite acetaldehyde are directly toxic to Leydig cells. They can alter cell membranes and disrupt cell signalling, leading to apoptosis (cell death).

Alcohol interferes with the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, leading to reduced secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH). LH is essential for stimulating Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Lower LH levels result in decreased testosterone production. GnRH is crucial because it stimulates the pituitary gland to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

Chronic alcohol consumption promotes inflammation, which can lead to further damage and scarring (fibrosis) in the testes, affecting Leydig cell function and reducing testosterone levels.

7. Phytoestrogens in Beer
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that are structurally similar to oestrogen. They can bind to oestrogen receptors in the body and mimic or modulate the effects of endogenous oestrogens. This can disrupt the hormonal balance, particularly in men, by increasing the relative amount of oestrogen activity. Beer, especially those made from hops, contains significant amounts of phytoestrogens. The primary phytoestrogen in hops is 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), which is known for its potent oestrogen-like effects. Increased phytoestrogen intake from beer can contribute to hormonal imbalances, potentially leading to conditions such as gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men) and reduced testosterone levels.

Some medical studies for you
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7171663/ proves aromatase converts testosterone into oestrogen.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1558307/ proves that alcohol increases oestrogen levels
Sleep, sleepiness and alcohol use
Alcohol and Sleep I: effects on normal sleep
The effects of binge drinking behaviour on recovery and performance after a rugby match
Alcohol disrupts sleep homeostasis
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data
Alcohol's effects on male reproduction
Alcohol and Prostate Cancer: Time to Draw Conclusions
Effects of alcohol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in the male rat
Reversal of ethanol-induced testosterone suppression in peripubertal male rats by opiate blockade

Remember medical studies are facts and facts are superior to any opinion. Why? Because facts are supported by evidence, opinions are not.

All 7 points have been proven by facts. All that it remains is for you to accept and realise you're harming yourself as a man by drinking alcohol. Alcohol is inherently yin anyway, aka very feminine in nature. It makes you less of a man to drink alcohol, not the other way around. All the promotion of alcohol is, in fact, originally by kikes.

The enemy popularised alcohol through xtardanity. Before that, drinking alcohol was a niche hobby for the lowest-quality people of the lowest class. You can see the pattern there. Xtardanity rose to power first by empty promises to the lowest-quality individuals, then by that uneducated mob waging literal war on everybody else, thanks to the approval of Roman Emperors that had married kikes or had their children married to kikes, or were kikes themselves. Your offspring is fully jewish if your significant other is jewish. Your child being married to the enemy is leverage against you. Your spouse being jewish makes you jewish overtime through sex and other exchange of bodily fluids. That's a tangent anyway.

Many of the studies mention "moderate alcohol consumption" either by saying it directly or by mentioning amounts that are moderate. Some mention occasional use as well.

This post should show you how drinking alcohol is nothing by another social psyops of the enemy. It was never Gentile, and it will never be. It's better you detach from it now, then when people's minds will shift and start to frown upon you for this NPC habit. There is nothing to glorify or celebrate about it. If you interact with other SS, whether it's one-on-one or on group chats, and you drink alcohol, please refrain from making it known unless you're trying to overcome this addiction. Nobody healthy cares, and it only ends up annoying people like me who want to protect this community from any kind of harm, as you are effectively promoting self-harm. Nothing to be enthusiastic about.

Be a man, and go alcohol-free.
I have just re read this stormblood and saved it. Superb information as im aware this is a forte of you'res.

I havent drank since well maybe twenty years now. I could never understand people who i trained with go straight to the pub after the workout.

Its a poison, im glad i dont do that, there is a drinking culture where im from i decided against it as it made me get into alot of bother.

Back to the testosterone part i understand you loose so much after turning 30 it declines every year.

looking for things to boost it, you can get Zinc and maybe tribulus.

Right now i havent trained as much as i like, need to get back into it.

Steroids are frowned upon, especially on here, i wouldnt want to take them again, im looking to go for the natural way health wise.

What would you suggest for natural test boosters bro.
Simple. Drink water or some other non-alcoholic beverage when others consume alcohol. It will be really easy to make a point about obvious health hazards, and for someone to make a point about you being a "Debbie Downer" for that choice implies that your social circles are perhaps not best suited for you because any real acquaintance or friend will not make a fuss about such things.
It is very easy as you said Henu to stop, my family are all drinkers, alcoholic mum and grandparent, so its a history of it in the lineage. One of the reasons i cant do it. (nor want to)

When my daughter was born me and the wife decided not to drink at all even "sociable".

We were brought up around it and no way was my kid being brought up around that and taking to "party house" which was common in Scotland.

It is a poison also if you see what it does to the brain, there is no talking to my mum to stop her, its a shame.

You dont need a drink when out, and you are right bro when i go out no one cares that i dont drink, they know not to ask i can sit with a soft drink, and i have as much a laugh as any, so bang on no debbie downers :cool:
I'm curious @Stormblood how have you dealt with this?
This whole discussion I've brought up stems from another post of yours that I've read, so I guess you could have some experience.
The choice of whether to give something up completely or just restrict it or whatever is completely yours. One can inform you but cannot tell you what to do with your life. This applies both to positive and negative advice/pressures. If you decide to stop drinking, it's nobody else's business to pressure you into getting back to it. Not your friends', not your partner's, not your family's. People nowadays need to learn that other people can make different choices that you disagree with, and that you need to respect them, especially if it's the healthy choice.

In general, for finding friends, there's absolutely no need to find someone more spiritually advanced than you. The type of friends that are most compatible with you depend on what planets you have in your 11th house, the sign on the cusp of this house, and where the ruler of this house is placed. It's only in some cases, like having Sagittarius on the cusp of that house and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th house, that you would need someone to share your beliefs and values. In many cases, this is absolutely not necessary.

I generally try to be around people I can learn something from, and this doesn't need to be something spiritual. For example, at the moment I'm learning a new sport. Being a beginner allows you to have meaningful interactions with people who are more experienced, more skilled and more knowledgeable at something than you are. You can learn a lot from them, and there will surely be something about yourself that people can learn from in exchange or some other value you bring that can balance the friendship out. Learning from each other is a great way to bond, and deepen a relationship with someone. It isn't limited to sports, of course. That was just an example. It can be anything like learning to play an instrument, or to program using a specific language, etc.

Being constantly learning something on all levels of your being (i.e. spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, etc) is a good mindset to have. It's what keeps your brain, body, and other aspects of yourself from stagnating and becoming disabled like they are in other people.

Of course, there are people who may approach friendships and other types of relationships from a different point of view. I'll let other people expand on that because I don't have much experience with that. Friendship for me is Pythagorean and Platonic. I don't believe in inferior, interest-based 'friendship', and friendship based on shallow small talk and nothing else. That's just being acquaintances. Many people nowadays call their acquaintances 'friends' and their real friends 'best friends', which is contradictory because 'best' can only be one person, not multiple. There's only one gold medal. True friends can only be up to 5 people, in my opinion. Those who think they have a lot of 'friends' are delusional and just lying to themselves (and others), in my opinion.

I also understand not being very social. I'm not very social myself. I'm different from other people. My idea of a good social time is playing sports with other people, rarely sharing a meal (on holidays, for example) and karaoke, and I don't do very well with crowds of people in small spaces. Nightlife is possibly the most stupid modern invention, due to the adverse effects on health by reducing the amount of deep sleep you get.

I have just re read this stormblood and saved it. Superb information as im aware this is a forte of you'res.

I havent drank since well maybe twenty years now. I could never understand people who i trained with go straight to the pub after the workout.

Its a poison, im glad i dont do that, there is a drinking culture where im from i decided against it as it made me get into alot of bother.

Back to the testosterone part i understand you loose so much after turning 30 it declines every year.

looking for things to boost it, you can get Zinc and maybe tribulus.

Right now i havent trained as much as i like, need to get back into it.

Steroids are frowned upon, especially on here, i wouldnt want to take them again, im looking to go for the natural way health wise.

What would you suggest for natural test boosters bro.

I get it. Since I moved to Britain, I've seen how much worse the drinking culture is compared to Italy. Here I found even parents and people around that age and older get drunk often, which was a cultural shock for me. And how the heart of social life here is pubs. What I was used to from observing my parents in my birth country was the heart of social life being people's houses: having people over for a meal, nobody getting drunk but only drinking in moderation. Most of the time everybody would cook and bring stuff, rarely ordering things like pizza and pastries. I've never seen my parents (and step-parents) drunk, and they confirmed they have never been, except once or twice in their early 20s. So it was a bit of a shock when I came here and my ex's parents were drunk on a daily basis, and I saw adults drunk in pubs. People sieging pubs on holidays, etc.

Anyway, there's many things that boost testosterone production naturally. It's all about what you eat and how you train.

Definitely red meat and eggs are staples. Whole eggs, not just the whites. Cholesterol being bad is a myth, and same is the link between red meat and cardiovascular disease. What actually cause those issues are seed oils. If you cook using beef tallow, lard, duck fat, or even unsalted butter, it's fine. You'll get none of those issues. Evo oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil are for dressing salads, and in general to be consumed raw. Rapeseed oil, canola oil and sunflower oil are those which will hurt your health.

Zinc is definitely good to boost production, especially if you ejaculate a lot. Picolinate should be the best form, but it needs to be taken with copper. Otherwise, you'll have a copper deficiency.

Magnesium is important. There are different forms that help with different things, except magnesium oxide which is just shit. I take magnesium glycinate in the evening to help with sleep and recovery, as well as magnesium malate in the morning (or early afternoon) to help with energy levels.

There are many influencers on instagram that have interesting information about boosting your testosterone levels naturally. I don't know how much you use social media but, if you have instagram, I suggest you have a look. Always double-check the information. Pubmed and other websites with research studies and academic journals are your friends. Always check the sponsors of the studies, and the background of the researchers for further validation.

From the exercise point of view, you need to find what works best for you. For me, top-end sprints, acceleration sprints and certain bodyweight leg exercises do the trick very well. In general, also participating in a competitive activity (preferably sports) and gaining small victories in those activities is shown to improve your testosterone levels. The rune Uruz and Sowilo correlate to this.

There are some types of therapies that are gaining popularity with athletes that also work well in raising testosterone naturally (and also with faster recovery and healing). Namely things like infrared light therapy, and red light therapy. If you can afford, taking ice baths regularly for a very short amount of time also helps. If you can't, cold showers can help. I found the breath of fire to help as well. Any yoga asana for the lower chakras will help. Absorbing red energy, especially during the hours of Mars and the Sun, for at least 10-15 minutes and programming it for the purpose helps too. The more focus you put into colour breathing, the better.

If you take any herbal supplements, I recommend charging it with energy at specific times of the day before taking them. This helps boost the effects and bring their properties out fully. I think one of our beloved Guardians regularly posts information about herbs on his/her profile. I don't remember which ones. I think HPS Lydia also suggested sunstone for boosting masculinity. It should be in her emotional healing sermon. Masculinity at the biological level literally translates to testosterone, dht, etc.

If you have successfully made the male part of the elixir, you circulate it and let it saturate your soul, you shouldn't have any issue with testosterone ever, regardless of age. In fact, you should have better testosterone levels than any teenager and 20 year old.

I hope this helps. This is not by any means complete.
It is sudden for sure. And that can be handled with an explanation based on truth. How people react is another matter and not your concern, really.

I don't think a seeming position of superiority is going to be helpful in human relationships. Sometimes it is what it is and it does not mean contacts need to be cut just because. A valid reason should be driving such a though process.

To find people of higher quality not only magick can be utilized (Venusian and Mercurial type comes to mind at first), but also going out and about. Because that's how people meet each other. Where excactly, that's for you to solve.
In my case I cut all ties and contacts with my old friends from before being a SS, in my 20s and early 30s I was the typical metalhead and all my friends and acquaintances were metalheads and punks, they are very unhealthy people and hanging out with people like that is totally contrary to the ideals of a dedicated SS who strives to improve and lead the healthiest life possible.

Also as Stormblood says I am a person who does not need to have a social life all day and the only way I like to socialize is by training at the gym or doing activities that make you work as a team to learn things.

I also dislike and totally hate going to bars or pubs where there are only people drinking and smoking.
Of course, there are people who may approach friendships and other types of relationships from a different point of view. I'll let other people expand on that because I don't have much experience with that. Friendship for me is Pythagorean and Platonic. I don't believe in inferior, interest-based 'friendship', and friendship based on shallow small talk and nothing else. That's just being acquaintances. Many people nowadays call their acquaintances 'friends' and their real friends 'best friends', which is contradictory because 'best' can only be one person, not multiple. There's only one gold medal. True friends can only be up to 5 people, in my opinion. Those who think they have a lot of 'friends' are delusional and just lying to themselves (and others), in my opinion.
This brings back in my mind an old saying that I've found somewhere: "Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen."
The choice of whether to give something up completely or just restrict it or whatever is completely yours. One can inform you but cannot tell you what to do with your life. This applies both to positive and negative advice/pressures. If you decide to stop drinking, it's nobody else's business to pressure you into getting back to it. Not your friends', not your partner's, not your family's. People nowadays need to learn that other people can make different choices that you disagree with, and that you need to respect them, especially if it's the healthy choice.

In general, for finding friends, there's absolutely no need to find someone more spiritually advanced than you. The type of friends that are most compatible with you depend on what planets you have in your 11th house, the sign on the cusp of this house, and where the ruler of this house is placed. It's only in some cases, like having Sagittarius on the cusp of that house and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th house, that you would need someone to share your beliefs and values. In many cases, this is absolutely not necessary.

I generally try to be around people I can learn something from, and this doesn't need to be something spiritual. For example, at the moment I'm learning a new sport. Being a beginner allows you to have meaningful interactions with people who are more experienced, more skilled and more knowledgeable at something than you are. You can learn a lot from them, and there will surely be something about yourself that people can learn from in exchange or some other value you bring that can balance the friendship out. Learning from each other is a great way to bond, and deepen a relationship with someone. It isn't limited to sports, of course. That was just an example. It can be anything like learning to play an instrument, or to program using a specific language, etc.

Being constantly learning something on all levels of your being (i.e. spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, etc) is a good mindset to have. It's what keeps your brain, body, and other aspects of yourself from stagnating and becoming disabled like they are in other people.

Of course, there are people who may approach friendships and other types of relationships from a different point of view. I'll let other people expand on that because I don't have much experience with that. Friendship for me is Pythagorean and Platonic. I don't believe in inferior, interest-based 'friendship', and friendship based on shallow small talk and nothing else. That's just being acquaintances. Many people nowadays call their acquaintances 'friends' and their real friends 'best friends', which is contradictory because 'best' can only be one person, not multiple. There's only one gold medal. True friends can only be up to 5 people, in my opinion. Those who think they have a lot of 'friends' are delusional and just lying to themselves (and others), in my opinion.

I also understand not being very social. I'm not very social myself. I'm different from other people. My idea of a good social time is playing sports with other people, rarely sharing a meal (on holidays, for example) and karaoke, and I don't do very well with crowds of people in small spaces. Nightlife is possibly the most stupid modern invention, due to the adverse effects on health by reducing the amount of deep sleep you get.

I get it. Since I moved to Britain, I've seen how much worse the drinking culture is compared to Italy. Here I found even parents and people around that age and older get drunk often, which was a cultural shock for me. And how the heart of social life here is pubs. What I was used to from observing my parents in my birth country was the heart of social life being people's houses: having people over for a meal, nobody getting drunk but only drinking in moderation. Most of the time everybody would cook and bring stuff, rarely ordering things like pizza and pastries. I've never seen my parents (and step-parents) drunk, and they confirmed they have never been, except once or twice in their early 20s. So it was a bit of a shock when I came here and my ex's parents were drunk on a daily basis, and I saw adults drunk in pubs. People sieging pubs on holidays, etc.

Anyway, there's many things that boost testosterone production naturally. It's all about what you eat and how you train.

Definitely red meat and eggs are staples. Whole eggs, not just the whites. Cholesterol being bad is a myth, and same is the link between red meat and cardiovascular disease. What actually cause those issues are seed oils. If you cook using beef tallow, lard, duck fat, or even unsalted butter, it's fine. You'll get none of those issues. Evo oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil are for dressing salads, and in general to be consumed raw. Rapeseed oil, canola oil and sunflower oil are those which will hurt your health.

Zinc is definitely good to boost production, especially if you ejaculate a lot. Picolinate should be the best form, but it needs to be taken with copper. Otherwise, you'll have a copper deficiency.

Magnesium is important. There are different forms that help with different things, except magnesium oxide which is just shit. I take magnesium glycinate in the evening to help with sleep and recovery, as well as magnesium malate in the morning (or early afternoon) to help with energy levels.

There are many influencers on instagram that have interesting information about boosting your testosterone levels naturally. I don't know how much you use social media but, if you have instagram, I suggest you have a look. Always double-check the information. Pubmed and other websites with research studies and academic journals are your friends. Always check the sponsors of the studies, and the background of the researchers for further validation.

From the exercise point of view, you need to find what works best for you. For me, top-end sprints, acceleration sprints and certain bodyweight leg exercises do the trick very well. In general, also participating in a competitive activity (preferably sports) and gaining small victories in those activities is shown to improve your testosterone levels. The rune Uruz and Sowilo correlate to this.

There are some types of therapies that are gaining popularity with athletes that also work well in raising testosterone naturally (and also with faster recovery and healing). Namely things like infrared light therapy, and red light therapy. If you can afford, taking ice baths regularly for a very short amount of time also helps. If you can't, cold showers can help. I found the breath of fire to help as well. Any yoga asana for the lower chakras will help. Absorbing red energy, especially during the hours of Mars and the Sun, for at least 10-15 minutes and programming it for the purpose helps too. The more focus you put into colour breathing, the better.

If you take any herbal supplements, I recommend charging it with energy at specific times of the day before taking them. This helps boost the effects and bring their properties out fully. I think one of our beloved Guardians regularly posts information about herbs on his/her profile. I don't remember which ones. I think HPS Lydia also suggested sunstone for boosting masculinity. It should be in her emotional healing sermon. Masculinity at the biological level literally translates to testosterone, dht, etc.

If you have successfully made the male part of the elixir, you circulate it and let it saturate your soul, you shouldn't have any issue with testosterone ever, regardless of age. In fact, you should have better testosterone levels than any teenager and 20 year old.

I hope this helps. This is not by any means complete.

Brilliant Stormblood always look forward to your replies my man. yeah we stay away from bad social circles and happy with our own company and my daughter hasnt seen us drink so hope she takes that on board as it is a toxic culture here worse in scotland.

Im looking for natural test boosters and foods due to high cholesterol, now i dont know if thats perhaps due to AAS use. Im of the age it has to be "natty" as they say.

I enjoy training as have done for around 20 years.

Whole point is health no use without it, i will have a look at these supplements Zinc and magnesium i have had under the ZMA banner. Very good for what you say.

Yes the elixir of life is what we want, not the gym rats version of take this HGH :ROFLMAO:

Thanks for in depth fast reply

All the best
I drink like 2 or 1 beers at the weekends is it okay or I should stop this????
Up to you. The warning bells have been provided. If you want deep sleep, adjust the timing of those beers accordingly, and the time you go to sleep, which should ideally be before 11pm (otherwise your pineal gland gets impaired over time, and that can take time to heal). Your pineal gland is responsible for secreting the sleep hormone.

1 unit of alcohol takes 1 hour to be processed. A pint of beer has 2 units of alcohol. A British pint is roughly 500ml (I specify this for those that don't live in Britain). So, if you have 2 pints, it's best to have the 4 hours before going to bed. So by 7pm at the latest.

This is a general indication. It's still poison and not everyone is a true night owl (vs an an impaired one) that gets deep sleep by going to bed at 11pm. Most people benefit from going earlier.

Without the pineal gland producing properly, you cannot hope to get enough deep sleep. Your quality of sleep is more important than the quantity of sleep. If your pineal gland is impaired, it would be good to take inositol and those two forms of magnesium I mentioned earlier. Other forms of magnesium don't really help with sleep and energy levels.

Sleep is one of the basic bricks of your health. I would argue it's the most basic, even more than food and water. Most problems and health issues people have are solved by these 3 basic things, as well as being out in the sunlight (sunrise, midday, sunset) for about 10 minutes.

This includes emotional regulation.

At some point, one needs to make a choice of what's a priority to them: owning their health or being at the mercy of harmful habits (yours and other people's). For some people it's a no-brainer. Others struggle in varying degrees.

I say 'at some point' because some people don't have the luxury of making this decision. For example, some may be working slave jobs that involve night shifts, some may be working too many hours a day and be literally split between work and sleep as they work like 14 hours a day plus commute and can't improve their situation because they live in an ultra capitalistic/communistic country that praises this type of detrimental behaviour and incentivates by not having strong employment laws that set proper wages. In some cases, it may be your fault that you chose to live beyond your means, for example jumping to early into having a studio or 1-bed apartment, when really you should've just shared with other people until you built enough capital. Or you left your parents' house too early without thinking of the consequences or because of an abusive living situation.

But I digress. Many Europeans, Americans, and Oceanians have the luxury of being able to make healthy choices, and they should take advantage of it, instead of defaulting to what subhumans do. They're at a lower level of advancement: it doesn't mean you need to regress just because of misplaced feelings.
Up to you. The warning bells have been provided. If you want deep sleep, adjust the timing of those beers accordingly, and the time you go to sleep, which should ideally be before 11pm (otherwise your pineal gland gets impaired over time, and that can take time to heal). Your pineal gland is responsible for secreting the sleep hormone.

1 unit of alcohol takes 1 hour to be processed. A pint of beer has 2 units of alcohol. A British pint is roughly 500ml (I specify this for those that don't live in Britain). So, if you have 2 pints, it's best to have the 4 hours before going to bed. So by 7pm at the latest.

This is a general indication. It's still poison and not everyone is a true night owl (vs an an impaired one) that gets deep sleep by going to bed at 11pm. Most people benefit from going earlier.

Without the pineal gland producing properly, you cannot hope to get enough deep sleep. Your quality of sleep is more important than the quantity of sleep. If your pineal gland is impaired, it would be good to take inositol and those two forms of magnesium I mentioned earlier. Other forms of magnesium don't really help with sleep and energy levels.

Sleep is one of the basic bricks of your health. I would argue it's the most basic, even more than food and water. Most problems and health issues people have are solved by these 3 basic things, as well as being out in the sunlight (sunrise, midday, sunset) for about 10 minutes.

This includes emotional regulation.

At some point, one needs to make a choice of what's a priority to them: owning their health or being at the mercy of harmful habits (yours and other people's). For some people it's a no-brainer. Others struggle in varying degrees.

I say 'at some point' because some people don't have the luxury of making this decision. For example, some may be working slave jobs that involve night shifts, some may be working too many hours a day and be literally split between work and sleep as they work like 14 hours a day plus commute and can't improve their situation because they live in an ultra capitalistic/communistic country that praises this type of detrimental behaviour and incentivates by not having strong employment laws that set proper wages. In some cases, it may be your fault that you chose to live beyond your means, for example jumping to early into having a studio or 1-bed apartment, when really you should've just shared with other people until you built enough capital. Or you left your parents' house too early without thinking of the consequences or because of an abusive living situation.

But I digress. Many Europeans, Americans, and Oceanians have the luxury of being able to make healthy choices, and they should take advantage of it, instead of defaulting to what subhumans do. They're at a lower level of advancement: it doesn't mean you need to regress just because of misplaced feelings.
Sorry for my late respond(I see it and forgot to reply), you have such a great knowledge in some aspects of life, I am very happy to have you here in this community, thank you for the valuable information, be blessed my friend 🙏🏻 ❤️.
some studies of scientists are made on people who are dependent on drinks and substances, therefore daily use such as cigarettes, precisely because average people become dependent on any substance, sugar, or alcohol, or tobacco .. the reality is that all drinks that they sell are toxic if drunk too frequently, but carbonated drinks with orthophosphoric acid and 35 grams of sugar,they are perhaps more toxic (especially for bones) than a can of beer that contains only 15 ml of 5% alcohol (calculates the good substances of the plants refonforce the body).
I am also Spanish and what you say is totally true, many times if I go for a walk on a Saturday afternoon some of those teenagers approach you and offer you money in exchange for you to go to the nearest store and buy them alcohol, when that happens I always answer "No, I'd better call your parents and tell them what you are doing".
Also alcohol consumption is so ingrained that it is extremely difficult to meet someone without them telling you to go to a bar to drink "echar unas cañas" as they call it here.
Czechia is not this blatant but ya we do want our beer culture to be UNESCO

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
