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Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn. The SH is like the word "shush".

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
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you may not believe it, but i have been praying to the Gods for days that I missed HPS Lydia's sermons.
first thing on monday i will start this study and continue for 100 days. i am very happy and delighted.
iam also looking forward to your sermon on lies told to women part2.
i love you very much HPS and as i read your writings, i am motivated to become strong again as i remember the personal help you have given me in the past.
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you for this High Priestess.

I have a question, what’s the difference between the soul, aura, and the astral body?
Thank you for writting this, I will start it on September 16th.
As for crystals, is it okay to use them after I start the working as I do not have those yet?
I'm aware I shouldn't change them during the working but if it is okay to start using them few days after the start?
Yes, you can begin using them when you get them, no problem :)

Thank you for this High Priestess.

I have a question, what’s the difference between the soul, aura, and the astral body?
To explain it very basically, as this will be explained in depth as time goes on and the JoS expands with more knowledge: the aura is around you (you can see the aura around a person), the soul is in you, and the astral body is a part of the soul that is able to project. During astral projection, the rest of your soul stays with your physical body.

But all these are a part of your soul, including chakras. There are more layers to the soul, but this is a basic explanation.
Yes, you can begin using them when you get them, no problem :)

To explain it very basically, as this will be explained in depth as time goes on and the JoS expands with more knowledge: the aura is around you (you can see the aura around a person), the soul is in you, and the astral body is a part of the soul that is able to project. During astral projection, the rest of your soul stays with your physical body.

But all these are a part of your soul, including chakras. There are more layers to the soul, but this is a basic explanation.
When we do cleaning, especially when we include cleaning chakras with bright white-gold light, which one are we working on?
When we do cleaning, especially when we include cleaning chakras with bright white-gold light, which one are we working on?
For beginners through intermediate, focus on your aura and chakras, and the sweeping light method goes through the entire soul.

As you advance, your GD will guide you to work on other areas of the soul, when the time is right for you. Experimenting and blasting mantras when a person is not at the right level yet can be detrimental. The soul needs time to develop, so even if someone considers themselves to be advanced, it might not be the right time yet.

^Answering in general for everyone else reading this :)
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thanks HPS Lydia...
Now this is something I'll definitely try out in 2days. 🤗
The timing of this is amazing. When I recently did the God rituals of Lady Astarte, Lady Maat, and Lady Agares I felt deeply emotional and things I had bottled up came to the surface.

I think they were all showing me that I have more emotional healing to do, and were helping to get the healing started. Then along comes this post. Incredible. I can't count how many times over the last couple of years that I have had an issue, question, or need, and someone just happens to make a post about the topic.

Thank you Hps. Lydia. You are a blessing to the JoS that keeps on giving.
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)

Thank you for sharing this very beautiful guide for healing our emotional bodies!

I am sure I will benefit a lot from it. May you and your family be blessed
The timing of this is amazing. When I recently did the God rituals of Lady Astarte, Lady Maat, and Lady Agares I felt deeply emotional and things I had bottled up came to the surface.

I think they were all showing me that I have more emotional healing to do, and were helping to get the healing started. Then along comes this post. Incredible. I can't count how many times over the last couple of years that I have had an issue, question, or need, and someone just happens to make a post about the topic.

Thank you Hps. Lydia. You are a blessing to the JoS that keeps on giving.
I cannot wait for the proper conditions to do some rituals..
In many ways, we are experiencing the same battles.
May the God's be with us all
Hail Satan!!
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Durata : puoi provare un piccolo ciclo per vedere come funziona per te, ad esempio 7 giorni. Altrimenti, vai per 40 o 50 giorni, e poi decidi se pensi che potresti trarre beneficio da 100 o più giorni. Puoi fare più cicli nel corso del tempo di cui hai bisogno.

Affermazione : sii diretto, non troppo complicato. Qualcosa come "Il mio corpo emozionale sta guarendo in ogni modo. Sono emotivamente sano in ogni modo, ora e per sempre". Ripetilo 5 volte mentre ti immagini avvolto nella luce blu (o oro, o bianco-oro).

Facoltativo: i cristalli aiutano a sintonizzare l'energia e a sintonizzarti con il lavoro che stai svolgendo. Ci sono altri cristalli oltre a quelli elencati di seguito, ma questi sono molto efficaci e abbastanza facili da ottenere.
- La celestina è perfetta per questo lavoro, ma può essere piuttosto costosa
- La pietra di luna è un'altra ottima opzione, ma per coloro che hanno un Nettuno o una Luna prominenti, può aggravarsi dopo un certo periodo di tempo (maggiore mancanza di concentrazione e sogni ad occhi aperti)
- L'ametista è buona se hai molta rabbia
- Opale (va bene anche l'opale comune, non le costose gemme iridescenti, a meno che non ne abbiate una)
- Selenite
- Il quarzo rosa è un'ottima scelta se sei stato abbandonato o hai vissuto un lutto, non sei stato amato dai tuoi genitori o hai avuto problemi d'amore; questo cristallo è molto conveniente e abbondante

Per gli uomini, puoi prendere la Sunstone e semplicemente tenere quel cristallo in altri momenti della giornata per l'equilibrio. La Sunstone aumenta la mascolinità negli uomini (non ha questo effetto nelle donne). Per entrambi i sessi, puoi usare questi cristalli in altri momenti della giornata tramite questa operazione, poiché trasmetterà allegria e un atteggiamento positivo, e compenserà la tristezza e la depressione.

Ulteriori cose da tenere a mente : non tenere le cose dentro o reprimere i tuoi sentimenti. Se hai un problema, trova qualcuno con cui parlarne, come un genitore o un buon amico. Alcune persone traggono grandi benefici da un terapeuta. Se non hai nessuna di queste opzioni, allora inizia un diario e lavora su tutto da solo.

Ci sono persone tossiche nel mondo. Non lasciare che ti influenzino, meriti di meglio. Puoi usare la magia per impedire a queste persone di stare vicino a te, e puoi usare la magia per far entrare persone migliori nella tua vita.

Trova un hobby che ti renda felice. Fai esercizio, sfogati. Ricordati di mantenere dei limiti forti. Sviluppa l'autodisciplina in modo da non andare nella direzione opposta: dal soffocare le emozioni al piagnucolare di fronte a tutti quelli che incontri (lol).

Diventa la versione migliore di te stesso, in ogni modo:)
Grazie per il tuo prezioso post Alta Sacerdotessa !!!
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
I really enjoyed this sermon
I sometimes think I'm
Dumb about certain things
But I understand I have
To look after myself
And not be so hard on myself
Things will workout just got
To be patient
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you! I definitely will apply this! I feel like this was something I need to read/hear on a male perspective
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank for this great advice. This is much appreciated thoughts/advice. Much appreciated!
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you HPS Lydia

As always I really love reading your sermons of knowledge and advice I have saved this sermon to my notes so I can access it easily when I want to do them, once again thank you HPS Lydia ❤️
Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

Great sermon, HPs Lydia! You laid out your working in an easy-to-understand format. And included a general sense of cohesion in your introduction and closure, with really valid examples you shared, and a twist of humor.

The part I quoted was a little strongly worded for my sensibilities. It was somewhat negative as it seems to depict that every last one of us fits in the category of being emotionally weak. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had a knee-jerk reaction to the quoted part above. However, as you gave a solution for combatting this inherent weakness, it was, overall, a very successful sermon. Bravo!!!

For my Satanic Family, while we work on strengthening our emotional body, keep in mind you need some solitude time for reflection and introspection during the duration of this working. You need to see where you're coming from and eventually need to visualize where you're going to, as you heal all of those unwanted emotions and reactions......P.S. I can personally recommend Diamond Art Painting (sticking gemlike "Dots" on a sketched picture) as a relaxing hobby! Amazon has some really cool Dragon ones, also. I use push pins and hang them on my walls as art. (without frames! LOL!!!)

Hail Satan!!!!
as it seems to depict that every last one of us fits in the category of being emotionally weak.
I meant people in general, not SS specifically. Thanks for bringing this up, I am editing it now to clarify :)
For translators, I altered the line: "Being emotionally weak, as sadly most people are,"

to: "Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today,"
Valued HPS Lydia! You have published a very beautiful sermon on the healing of the emotional body. Your sermon is also very simple. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. I will definitely start working according to the calendar for SS. Thank you so much for your effort to support us helpfully.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you Lydia, I have been going though some emotional issues and this is exactly what I needed. Thank you so for helping us. Last night I kinda already did the light blue aura thing so I’ll just improve on it tonight.
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you for this High Priestess.
I just want to ask about this in relation to the Healing Traumas working you gave us in the past.
In terms of effects/results, how are the two workings the same and how are they different?
Is this just a better version of the same thing?
High Priestess Lydia, this came right in time. I needed to hear and know of this. I'll be doing it and thank you!!

Also, what Crystal should be okay if you are experiencing fears of persecution or something to calm your mind with? Would Howlite do the job for this working?

Also, can you hold both the Moonstone and a Rose Quartz during this working?

Can you do more than 100 days of this working, like 180 or something?
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
What if I want to kill myself, or engage in self harm? Would anybody care?
Thank you.

In today's world, dealing with emotions, dealing with trauma, has become the most messed up area.

Psychology is a misdirection, rather than a pointing to the way of the Gods.
There may be cases where it helps.
But my own general experience is that it is not worth much.
The jews want a mentally ill and mentally damaged world. For them, it's normal.

So initiatives like this are life-saving, like this post.
Thank you.
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Thank you so much for this post HPS Lydia! I will start this working right way tomarrow! It's no coincidence i saw this post as i have been taking personal steps to heal my own very damaged emotional body. Regulating anger properly or lack there of has always been my biggest red flag and has affected various important aspects of my interpersonal connections, career and personal life. It has come to my attention that to remove alot of problems and blockage that this needed to be resolved. For one I have held alot of anger and rage from mistreatment from various people over the years. For two I have always had a knee jerk reaction of irritability to minor annoyances and obstacles. To help tackle the first aspect I did a catharsis ritual to vent my hate and anger against all who wronged me. I have honestly felt like my Guardian was working with me on this as I was given a thought to someone who could help me that would be sent to me. Sure enough One of our SS brothers showed me a woman, a gentile doctor who works with the mind and emotions and she has a technique that she calls "CPR for the amygdala" which is mean for reprogramming the brain to perceive stress and threats properly. She had some good meditation excercises for regulating anger and for CPTSD. This was an enormous help. Alot of sadness and grief came out when the anger was gone. After doing all of this i am finding tackling the second source of my anger dysregulation to be easier in terms of handling obstacles and being more mentally resilient. It is not 100 percent but is already so much better than before. I will add on your working to amplify this <3. I feel i have been told that i will not find my life partner untill i learn to properly control this and until i work on myself more. My jupiter return is also more than a year a way and i want to remove as much blockage as possible to allow the best possible manifestations for everything.
Thank you so much for this post HPS Lydia! I will start this working right way tomarrow! It's no coincidence i saw this post as i have been taking personal steps to heal my own very damaged emotional body. Regulating anger properly or lack there of has always been my biggest red flag and has affected various important aspects of my interpersonal connections, career and personal life. It has come to my attention that to remove alot of problems and blockage that this needed to be resolved. For one I have held alot of anger and rage from mistreatment from various people over the years. For two I have always had a knee jerk reaction of irritability to minor annoyances and obstacles. To help tackle the first aspect I did a catharsis ritual to vent my hate and anger against all who wronged me. I have honestly felt like my Guardian was working with me on this as I was given a thought to someone who could help me that would be sent to me. Sure enough One of our SS brothers showed me a woman, a gentile doctor who works with the mind and emotions and she has a technique that she calls "CPR for the amygdala" which is mean for reprogramming the brain to perceive stress and threats properly. She had some good meditation excercises for regulating anger and for CPTSD. This was an enormous help. Alot of sadness and grief came out when the anger was gone. After doing all of this i am finding tackling the second source of my anger dysregulation to be easier in terms of handling obstacles and being more mentally resilient. It is not 100 percent but is already so much better than before. I will add on your working to amplify this <3. I feel i have been told that i will not find my life partner untill i learn to properly control this and until i work on myself more. My jupiter return is also more than a year a way and i want to remove as much blockage as possible to allow the best possible manifestations for everything.
All the best to you!!

Is the Gentile doctor somebody irl you've been directed to? Or is she on the forums?
If the latter, could you direct me to her, please? If the first option then don't worry!

Thank you for sharing your experience and observation. Good luck to you! :)
Thank you for this High Priestess.
I just want to ask about this in relation to the Healing Traumas working you gave us in the past.
In terms of effects/results, how are the two workings the same and how are they different?
Is this just a better version of the same thing?
They are different. For some cases, both should be done. The one you mention with Wunjo is more for the mind and psyche. The workings do have different effects, so some people might need one and not necessarily the other.

High Priestess Lydia, this came right in time. I needed to hear and know of this. I'll be doing it and thank you!!

Also, what Crystal should be okay if you are experiencing fears of persecution or something to calm your mind with? Would Howlite do the job for this working?

Also, can you hold both the Moonstone and a Rose Quartz during this working?

Can you do more than 100 days of this working, like 180 or something?
For calming the mind, Howlite is great. You can sleep with it under your pillow for the added benefit of improved sleep.

Yes, Moonstone and Rose Quartz compliment each other well, you can use both.

If, after 100 days, you decide more is needed, then continue for as long as you feel is needed.

What if I want to kill myself, or engage in self harm? Would anybody care?
There are people who feel this way. There can be many factors that cause this. To overcome it, clean your aura and chakras daily, build an aura of protection, and open and empower your chakras. Working on your Base, Sacral, Solar chakras especially will help.
I also need to do this work, despite having done several long-term healing works with the Wunjo rune and the Valefor´s ritual.
I still notice that there is a trauma that comes from many past lives and that has been accumulating that I have not been able to heal and I still have identity problems.
They are different. For some cases, both should be done. The one you mention with Wunjo is more for the mind and psyche. The workings do have different effects, so some people might need one and not necessarily the other.
Oh yes of course, it was titled Healing Psychological Trauma. I forgot that, hence the silly question. Thanks again.
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
Wonderful post :)(y)

It is very important to be able to restore the emotional body, and it is better not to injure it.

All emotions must come out.
Thank you for this HPS Lydia,
This felt extremely powerful and has also helped with my intrusive thoughts pretty much instantly, it seems much better than ISA in that regard at least for me, quick question when it comes to Shakti Mantras like Shreem, can you give any details as to their use, obviously their is a lot of information online but its wishwashy at best for instance how does Shreem compare to Kleem?
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.

Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.

If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.

To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.

Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.

Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.

When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out

Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.

If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.

Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.

Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn.

Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.

Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.

Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).

Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant

For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.

Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.

There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.

Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).

Become the best version of yourself, in every way :)
This is the time i needed to read this,but i read it too late as it is alredy past september 16.

Kind of fighting hard emotional well being sometimes i almost crack but still holding it i guess as the times are hard but my faith in the Lord is harder.
I will try to fix it till octobar 14 comes.

Also where is the best place to buy stones which i would know are authentic?And in the mean time what’s the best way to stop feeling sad.(void meditation just dosent do it for me enough).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
