You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on.
Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.
If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.
To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.
Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.
Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.
When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out
Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.
If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.
Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.
Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn. The SH is like the word "shush".
Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.
Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.
Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).
Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant
For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.
Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.
There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.
Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).
Become the best version of yourself, in every way
Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes, frustration, and juvenile attention-seeking behavior. Much of this comes from various deprivation of basic emotional needs. Being emotionally weak, as sadly many people in the world are today, can cause overall weakness of character, but can also cause mayhem to one’s personal life.
If you disregard your emotional well-being, you will suffer. And to men, I don’t mean suffering in a “manly what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” sort of way. A lot of weakness in certain types of men come from emotional problems.
To both genders, if you are not emotionally strong and healthy, you will have a difficult time maintaining a stable relationship and friendships, and raising children. You will also have a difficult time achieving goals in life and career, and finding happiness and contentment in general.
Heal and strengthen yourself emotionally, and you will be taking a large step forward in becoming a more actualized human on the way to Godhood.
Important, especially for men: this working is quite Lunar. You might want to compensate by ensuring you do physical activity or something else Solar or Martial in your day for the duration of this working.
When doing this working, there may be a period of time when you feel like your heart is breaking like a loved one has died, or perhaps feelings of abandonment will crop up. If this happens, you can:
-vibrate the mantra Sananda (Sanskrit for “Joy”)
-do extra cleaning
-meditate on the feeling to try to determine what caused it
-tough it out
Begin: Any day when the Moon is Waxing or Full, and in Cancer or Pisces; preferable a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Download our SS Calendar of your location to find these dates. Monday September 16 is the soonest date, or October 14, or any following month that works better for you.
If possible, try to direct it to your Emotional Body; if you can’t, then just will it (use your intention) and know that the energy is going where it needs to. Before you begin, tune in to yourself, and tell yourself that the energy is healing your emotional body; and then begin.
Color: To use when breathing in energy and/or while stating the affirmation. Blue, light blue or sky blue. Gold is fine, or white-gold if you’re not yet competent with colors.
Mantra: Shrim, pronounced SH-RR-EE-MM. If you can’t roll the R’s that’s fine, just make the sound normally, but you can find videos on youtube to learn how to roll them, it won’t take long to learn. The SH is like the word "shush".
Repetitions: If you’re less experienced, 18. Otherwise 50, or 80, or 100.
Duration: You can try a small cycle to see how that works for you, such as 7 days. Otherwise go for 40 or 50 days, and then determine if you feel like you’d benefit from doing 100 or more days. You can do multiple cycles over the course of however long you need.
Affirmation: Keep it too the point, not too complicated. Something like “My emotional body is healing in every way. I am emotionally healthy in every way, now and forever.” State this 5x while imagining yourself engulfed in blue light (or gold, or white-gold).
Optional: Crystals help to attune energy, and attune you to the working you are doing. There are other crystals than the ones listed below, but these ones are very effective and fairly easy to obtain.
-Celestite is perfect for this working, but can be quite expensive
-Moonstone is another great option, but for those who have a prominent Neptune or Moon, it can be aggravated after a period of time (increased lack of focus and daydreaming)
-Amethyst is good if you have a lot of anger
-Opal (common opal is fine, not the expensive iridescent gems unless you happen to have one)
-Rose Quartz is a great choice if you’ve been abandoned or experienced grief, weren’t loved by your parents, or experienced problems from love; this crystal is very affordable and abundant
For men, you can get Sunstone and just hold that crystal at other times in your day for balance. Sunstone increases masculinity in men (it does not have this effect in women). For both genders, you can use this crystals at other times in your day through this working, as it will impart cheerfulness and a positive attitude, and offset gloominess and depression.
Additional things to keep in mind: Don’t bottle things inside or repress your feelings. If you have a problem, find someone you can talk about it with, like a parent or good friend. Some people benefit massively from a therapist. If you have none of these options, then start a journal and work through everything yourself.
There are toxic people in the world. Don’t let them affect you, you deserve better. You can use magick to prevent these people from being around you, and you can use magick to get better people into your life.
Find a hobby that makes you happy. Exercise, let off steam. Remember to keep strong boundaries. Build self-discipline so you don’t go in the opposite direction: from stifling emotions, to blubbering in front of everyone you meet (lol).
Become the best version of yourself, in every way
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