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I want to share this video from Gaia, it says there a seven day free trial. You can cancel it before the trial ends. If you listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza, he has great information to help reprogram oneself in healthy manners.

My intention is to share the knowledge. But Gaia kind of sucks in that there's the trial. I strongly feel the information should be free.

Anyways, here's the video link. The information about chakras gives the brain something refreshing to chew on. If you soft through the information on Gaia, remember: "...All the information of Jews, Christians & Muslims, as of Such As Are Without, accept these teaching SO FAR AS THEY AGREE WITH & CONFORM TO MY STATUTES..." ..."reject all the teachings & sayings of such as are without. I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. "

Please be mindful & watch with the Satanic eye.
A blessed day to you all. 🤍

Today I learned that raising energy is not only applicable in doing before a ritual or a working. It can be applied to all your endeavours. Be it before taking an exam, before a job interview, or anything that needs to be done in a possible scenario where you get the best results. I am amazed that I only learned this. I will be applying this from now on to whatever endeavours require the energy to be raised.
I finally decided to finally block my adopted family from my life once and for all . Even if it means I will be alone at the end of my life .

I can no longer stand by and beg for their approval or wait for them to call me . I am done wasting my life on people who don't care
Wondering if anyone has mp3 for Jewish soul shattering. Uncertainty about proper annunciation has previously deterred me from this ritual.

If you have one, please share ! 🙏

Remember to cleanse your aura after attacking. 🤍✨

Sitios Web de JoS en PDF​

Febrero 13, 2025
  • El mal Islámico

20 de Enero, 2025
  • El verdadero Holocausto
  • El Tercer Reich y el Satanismo

19 de Enero, 2025
  • El Sol Negro 666


  • Sol Negro 666.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 68
    2.6 MB · Views: 80
  • El Tercer Reich y el Satanismo.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 56
  • El mal islámico.pdf
    7.2 MB · Views: 65
I broke my elbow, and i dont know how i will continue my work regarding translations, they will be delayed for sure.
Donation addresses have been updated again. Always, ALWAYS, double check your crypto address. Refresh the page a few times if you have to. If you ever need to double check if an address is good to use, just ask.

I know I shouldn't blame myself for my cousin's death. He chose to leave this world. I keep telling myself there's nothing I could have done, yet in the back of my mind, I still hear:

"You could have done something but you didn't I looked up to him and I just want to scream
It was a surprise, many times people commit suicide without any hint that they had an intention to. There's nothing you could have done then, but there are things you can do now. Do a ritual to Anubis and ask for his help & guidance. Use the death of your cousin as a reminder of the sanctity of life, of how anybody's time could come at any moment, so relish the time you have with the people you love. Therapy can help you grieve and move on.
I had been feeling really down recently, with lots of negativity, depression, bad dreams, etc. But last night I did the FRTR with all my focus and concentration, and it was really like a weight was lifted off my shoulders; it all went away and I felt happy.

It was a reminder to me of how important this Ritual still is, and how it works on us directly.
My comment in Element Temple chat:

"As JG Power of Justice said, it is advised to clean the aura of your loved ones. When I was new, I did this daily for everyone in my life, and then cut down after a while, but I kept it up for 2 years on the most important people in my life, and then did a cleaning/AoP whenever I sensed it was needed.

Today, Moon is full in Cancer, which is a good time to do workings on our family (including pets). You can do a daily cleaning and AoP (doesn't have to be every day, doing it most days of the week is fine).

You don't have to spend much time doing this, I only spent about 1 or 2 minutes per person. A short cleaning/AoP is much better than nothing. If you can't do the extra vibrations, just do the scanning with light. This will help them a lot."
C. Kret
C. Kret
I would like to know if I can teach Complete yogic breath & AoP to my mother & brother. My mom doesn't actively practice xtianity, but does identify as one :( my brother is atheist. My little sister is also SS but just starting, only 14. I encourage and remind her to cleanse her aura. Should I try to teach my Mom & brother? Or cleanse for them?
HPS Lydia
Someone who identifies as xian is unlikely to do AoP, as it is working with energy and is magick, which they often see as evil. Breathing exercises can be done, but she might have bad reactions from enemy attacks, since it will raise her bioelectricity which can be adverse to xians. Same with cleaning and AoP. If she shows an interest you can show her a few things, and see how it goes. But most xians and atheists are not interested in these things, and if they have no interest, their ability to perform it will be extremely low.

That's good that your sister is an SS, and that you encourage her :)
C. Kret
C. Kret
She's likely to dedicate sometime this year. I love her dearly. 🩷
Thank you for responding & helping me High Priestess. I appreciate you taking time.
Last version of the graphics for Lord Azazel + what I've started for Lord Valefor

last version 1.png
last version 2.png

Untitled design (2).png
I owe a favor to the God Valerefontis. A few months ago a girl who is really close to my heart had a very high fever. So I wanted to put a healing spell on her (she allowed it). Since I was really worried about her because her fever was really quite high (besides a normal fever), I preferred not to risk it and asked Valefor to help me in my healing spell. I then performed His Ritual of Power. Subsequently I put healing energy into her for 200 affirmations. It took me a long time, but after I did it she told me that her fever had completely passed. She was still a little sick (my work was simply focused on lowering the dangerous fever), but she was finally safe. I am truly happy, it is beautiful what you do for Valerefontis, remember how friendly he really is. He will surely appreciate that you are making an effort to do something so nice for him. ❤️
“Is this the Region, this the Soil, the Clime,”
Said then the lost Arch Angel, “this the seat
That we must change for Heav’n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is Sovran can dispose and bid
What shall be right:
farthest from him is best
Whom reason hath equall’d, force hath made supreme
Above his equals.
Farewell happy Fields
Where Joy for ever dwells: Hail horrors, hail
Infernal world,
and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang’d by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom Thunder hath made greater?
Here at least
We shall be free; th’Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:

Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.

But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th’associates and co-partners of our loss
Live thus astonish on th’oblivious Pool,

And call then not to share with us their part
In this unhappy Mansion, or once more
With rallied arms to try what may be yet
Regain’d in Heav’n, or what more lost in Hell?”

“Bu bölge, bu toprak, bu iklim mi,” diye sordu Baş Melek,
“Cennet’le ikame etmemiz gereken?
Bu yaslı karanlığı mı koyacağız o semavi ışığın yerine?
Peki öyleyse, zira her kimse egemen,
Neyin doğru olduğunu o kararlaştırıp bildirir.
Uzak durmak en iyisi, akılca başkalarına eşit,
Gücüyle eşitlerinden üstün olandan.

Sevincin eksik olmadığı çayırlara elveda;
Selamlayın korkuları, selamlayın şeytanlar diyarını,
Ve sen, derin Cehennem, kabul et yeni efendini;

Zamanın ve mekânın değiştiremeyeceği
Bir zihin taşıyanı. Zihin kendi başına bir mekândır;
Kendi içinde cenneti cehennem kılar,

Cehennemi cennet. Nerede bulunduğumun
Ne önemi var hâlâ aynıysam; neden farklı olayım
Yıldırımların daha yüce kıldığından?
Burada özgür olacağız en azından; Yüce Rab
Kötülük için inşa etmedi bu yeri, bizi buradan göndermez.
Hüküm süreriz kendimizden emin ve bana göre,

Hükmetmek arzu edilir şeydir, Cehennemde bile:
Cehennemde hükümdarlık yeğdir Cennet hizmetkârlığına.
Fakat niçin sadık dostlarımızı, yoldaşlarımızı,
Kaybımıza ortak olanları, unutkanlık veren bu gölde
Şaşkına dönmüş yatar halde bırakalım;
Niçin onları da çağırmayalım, bu gamlı meskeni

Bizimle paylaşmaya ve tekrar silahlanmaya;
Deneyip anlamak için: Ne kalmış Cennet’ten geri alabileceğimiz,

Yahut kaybetmemiz mümkün ne var Cehennemde?”

-Satan, Paradise Lost by John Milton

Was reading about Azazel on the JoS, went to click the links on Azazel's Psalm & both links state that the information is no longer available, am curious if anyone knows what's up with that?

Web link: https://satanisgod.org/AzazelHC.html
If one clicks on the psalms, it says 404.
What's going on? Is this information available elsewhere? If si, please share.
So, a few months after doing a Gebo working to attract an ideal partner, there's this cute girl that I've been running into occasionally.
I think she might like me. The moment our eyes meet, we gaze at each other, or I might make eye contact with her and she'll quickly look away. When I look away, I've caught her checking me out from afar. She's so pretty. She has short hair, she's younger than me, she embraces the emo/goth culture. I want to make an effort to speak to her.
Should I? The voice of my higher self in my mind tells me I should. I've seen what appear to be positive indicators from Father Satanas and Lord Set (Who I have prayed to for guidance) that she may very well be the girl manifested by my working from long ago. (Like seeing the number 666 everywhere, in youtube comments, videos, 4chan post numbers, in video games etc)
I could really use some advice and insight from you my brothers and sisters.
Drafts and designs I experimented with for Lord Azazel.

first part.png
version 2 first part.png
Cinzel Decorative (5).png

maybe this.png
new version pls help.png

Until I settled on this (probably) final template:

final final final version.png


  • Cinzel Decorative (2).png
    Cinzel Decorative (2).png
    473.5 KB · Views: 44
Rama is described as having said the following: “The universe is established in Truth. The highest Dharma is Truth. Truth is the lord of the Universe. All have their roots in Truth. There is no position or abode higher than Truth. The Vedas have their foundation in Truth. Therefore, one should be devoted to Truth”. This implies the Veda teaches truth and hence its authority."

¿Todo el mundo tiene derecho a todo el conocimiento?

Sumo Sacerdote HC 666
Marzo 4, 2022

Hungaryan dijo:

Pero lo que no está claro es si no compartir el conocimiento es algo malo, ¿o es que todo el mundo tiene derecho a todo el conocimiento?

Esta discusión ya ha tenido lugar en los foros y es constante.

La respuesta sencilla es que nadie tiene derecho a nada y menos a la sabiduría o al conocimiento. Derecho significa que uno tiene derecho a algo por defecto. «Porque sí».

El conocimiento tiene capas y niveles, estas capas se reciben con esfuerzo y tiempo.


  • Todo el mundo tiene derecho a todo el conocimiento.pdf
    44.6 KB · Views: 41
Tomorrow is a great day to begin a money working! Waxing Moon in Taurus, Venus strong in exalted sign, Day of Jupiter. Have a look through the Money PDF in the JoS or browse these forums for more ideas.

Don't let a bad mindset hold you back from expanding in your life!

These "Universal Spiritual Laws" have been helpful for my spiritual growth, putting things into perspective.
If the content is helpful for you, you are welcome to pass it on.

Be sure to read with the Satanic Eye.
Is there an mp3 available for Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual? I would like to add this but want to have the proper announciation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
