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Sometimes love is a tear, always pouring it into your soul, even when tears come from your eyes.

Sometimes to love is to be patient, to be patient no matter how much trouble life throws at you.

Sometimes it is difficult to love, to be worthy of love.

Sometimes to love is to miss, to miss even if you don't know or can't see.

Sometimes love is understanding the other half of your soul.

Sometimes love is to live, to carry someone in your heart even when they are far away.

I don't like to talk about race and nationality because it causes a lot of fights, it's a sensitive subject. But I know that the extreme hatred of Turks is a subconscious Xian reaction. In the same way, strict Islamists don't like Turks because Turks don't really follow the rules of Islam, it's mostly for show. A hundred years ago some Turks didn't even know the name of Mohammed.
«Breitspurbahn» high-speed: trains and railways of Nazi Germany (Part IV).


NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude ( for German "Strength through Joy"; KdF) was a German entertainment organization run by the NSDAP in Nazi Germany.
KdF had several separate departments.

The Beauty of Work department (Schönheit der Arbeit) was dedicated to improving workplaces, from general hygiene to reducing sound pollution.

Other departments included the Office of Sport (Sportamt), the Office of Adult Education (Volksbildungswerk), the Office of Leisure (Amt Feierabend), the Office of Folklore and Homeland (Amt für Volkstum und Heimat) and the Office of Travel, Hiking and Recreation (Amt Feierabend).


The plans for future routes were drawn up personally by Adolf Hitler: Berlin – Moscow, Berlin – Stalingrad, Berlin – Leningrad, Berlin – Istanbul, etc.
In the plans, the names of the cities were written with the same names.

The distance from Berlin to Moscow is 1923 km, to Istanbul – 2429 km. to Bucharest – 1759 km. Rome is 1,627 km away.


Route map «Breitspurbahn» 1943.







am Inn-Linz-Wien-Preßburg-Budapest-Belgrad-Bukarest-Varna/Burgas-Istanbul.



East-West Part Two:


According to Gunther Wiens, Doctor of Technical Sciences, head of the «Breitspurbahn» project, and his colleagues, the main work on creating a network of broad-gauge expressways should have been completed by 1950.


A rare color photograph showing the brand new 03 1081 Reichsbahn high-speed train at Bw Amstetten / Lower Danube. 20 September 1940:

«Breitspurbahn» high-speed: trains and railways of Nazi Germany (Part III).


The «Breitspurbahn» railway network:


The «Breitspurbahn» network was supposed to be formed by unique ballastless ways at that time.

It was assumed that the rails would be based on a monolithic concrete base immersed in the ground, which would allow them to provide the necessary speeds and withstand the appropriate loads.

In the 21st century, this technology is innovative.

The width of such a path required the allocation of significant land plots for it.

This might seem like a serious obstacle to the builders, but, in fact, the idea fully fit into the development strategy of Nazi Germany.


In the capital, as part of the Welthauptstadt Germania project in Berlin, two colossal stations were conceived at once: North and South. In Munich, only one train station was planned, but with a height of 100 m and a dome with a diameter of 285 m.


«Breitspurbahn» high-speed: trains and railways of Nazi Germany (Part II).

“The construction of a wide railway may cause us difficulties, but we will not allow ourselves to be intimidated.
«Breitspurbahn» is of important strategic importance" – Adolf Hitler.


Comparison of the ultra-wide-gauge locomotive «Breitspurbahn» with a conventional steam locomotive of the early 1940s

Reich Minister of Armament and Ammunition Fritz Todt was appointed chief curator and head of the project for the construction of the broad-gauge railway and super trains «Breitspurbahn».


In September 1941, Fritz Todt received instructions from Adolf Hitler to build a high-capacity railway with a much wider gauge.

Today there are more than 113 gauge options in the world, but the most common is still the width of 1435 mm, In Finland and Mongolia the gauge is 1524 mm, in Russia - 1520 mm, In Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina the gauge is 1676 mm, in Canada — 1495 mm, in the USA — 1473 mm.

For the «Breitspurbahn», it was envisaged to use a 3000 mm gauge (initially even 4000 or 4600 mm). The rolling stock could be 8000 mm wide and 7500 mm high. The axle load was supposed to be 30-35 tc; the speed of passenger trains was 200-250 km/h. Electrification was to be carried out using a third rail.


The freight cars had a speed of 100 - 115 km/h and the carrying capacity of an ocean liner.
Taking into account the distances of future routes, it was decided to reduce the initially projected speed of the train from 400 to 250 km/h.
250 km/ h was considered sufficient speed for passengers of a giant train, because it took them less than a day to travel any distance of the calculated routes.

In total, all calculations were performed for maximum speeds of 250 km/h for passenger trains and 115 km/h for freight trains.

Problem solving:

1. The problem of air flow resistance, which is very relevant when giant trains are moving at a speed of 250 km/h or when traveling in tunnels, was solved by special streamlined shapes of trains. The radius of the 180-degree turn of the train was 500 m.

2. Even with the latest braking systems offered by Knorrbremse AG, the estimated braking distance at a speed of 250 km/h was set at 1600 m for emergency braking and 3000 m for normal braking.
At such speeds and braking distances, the optical signaling system proved ineffective, especially in case of snowfall or fog. Therefore, a new system was developed, somewhat resembling modern electronic ones: with the help of high-frequency sensors, all information was displayed on the driver's console and in the engine room.

3. The total weight of the freight train was estimated at 10,000 tons (for comparison: the weight of the heaviest modern trains is up to 2,000 tons). If necessary, three freight trains could be combined into one, with a total weight of 30,000 tons. The length of the freight train with the locomotive was 1100-1200 m (the maximum length of a modern one, but without a locomotive, is approximately 500 m).

With an increase in length of only two times, the mass increased five to seven times.
Attention was paid to new heating, ventilation, and train lighting systems, because windows, for example, can no longer be opened at such speeds.


Technical documentation:


The diesel-electric locomotive has 15800-19000 horsepower, and the maximum speed is 200 km/h/.
The Joy of Satan Poland domain service (.pl) has been down. As I have been notified they require some information which has been sent.

If not, we will buy a regular .org domain. Some domains from regional places, like "National Domains" sometimes require documentation to be filed in order to receive them and they are not like .org or .com.

I'll update on if we get to keep the domain or not.
«Breitspurbahn» high-speed: trains and railways of Nazi Germany (Part I).


Variants of locomotives of a super-wide-gauge railway train

«Breitspurbahn» - (from German - "broad gauge railway") is a project of a railway network with an ultra-wide gauge (3,000 mm), prepared by personal order of Adolf Hitler.
The Deutsche Reichsbahn was developed from May 1942 until the last days of the war in 1945.

Dr. Gunther Wiens (1901-1975), Project manager of the Ultra-wide Gauge Railways (Breitspurbahn) - prepared 10 volumes of technical documentation with drawings of 33 commercial and high-speed locomotives and several shunting locomotives
developed by companies: Krauss-Maffei, Henschel, Borsig, BBC, Krupp, SSB, RZA Berlin, Schwartzkopff, RZA München, Wien-Floridsdorf etc.


Detailed project for the construction of ultra-wide-gauge railways (Breitspurbahn).

The wagons should be able to be fitted with restaurant, cinema, swimming pool, barbershop and sauna.
Then seating and sleeping cars of three classes were provided with toilets, showers, bars, lounges, private kitchens and laundries.
Among the special cars of passenger trains there is a cinema car with 196 seats, a common car with 192 seats with a reading room, a cafe, a bar, a conversation room, a luggage compartment and 12 toilets (8 on the lower floor and 4 on the upper); a comfortable car with seating/sleeping places for workers with 480 seats and a dining room, buffet, 18 toilets, washrooms, where each seat is significantly wider and more comfortable than in modern trains of the 21st century.


For the safety of passengers, a 20-millimeter anti-aircraft gun was going to be installed on the baggage car :giggle:;)(y)

The device of the "bath" car:
Lower floor: hairdressing salons for ladies and gentlemen, 4 bathrooms, 20 showers, 2 waiting rooms, staff room, technical department, 2 laundry rooms, 4 toilets.
Upper floor: rooms for smokers and non-smokers (120 seats), a kitchen for cooking to order, a pastry shop, a pantry, 2 staff rooms, 3 toilets.

1. 2.

1. Dining car and vestibules of sleeping cars of ultra-wide-gauge railway trains.
2. Сinema car with 192 seats and an observation hall of the last carriage of ultra-wide-gauge railway trains.

Technical documentation:

With Mercury being retrograde now, and Moon will soon be in Virgo, this will be an excellent time to go through your computer documents and reorganize everything:

-Put your pictures in correct files (family, friends, travels, inspiration, etc)
-Go through your downloads and put each item you are keeping into its correct place
-Ensure all your folders make sense, so that you can easily find sub-folders and so on
-Make folders (and subfolders) for your PDFs and order them in the way that is most convenient for you
-Delete anything you don't want to keep
-Backup everything!

You will thank yourself in the future, for the time you spent doing this now :)
HPS Lydia
I spent over a solid hour just sorting through my downloads. They are all in correct folders now, some deleted (pics for posts I made, some random things I thought I needed but don't, etc). Even my mind feels more tidy now! :)

On to my other folders/files now. I made a checklist which helps the reward center of the brain, checking off each task upon completion. I am actually experiencing exhilaration from this, because it is years worth of clutter that I am fixing/tidying, and it will benefit me permanently. Of course there will be more clutter after some time, but the main bulk of it all will be tidy, and I will make sure to organize the new clutter sooner, rather than wait some more years.

And then I will put them all correctly onto my external hard disk :)
Until when we have time to do this?
HPS Lydia
Mercury is direct now. But it will go retrograde again in August. You can download the SS Calendar in your location to see the dates when Mercury is retrograde :)
Iran has a looot of hypersonic ballistic missiles, Pissrael is really gonna regret this I think
The less I meditate throughout the week the more I go fucking INSANE
You might say: "dude it's just 10 minutes a day"
10 minutes is simply not enough for me to have a satisfying meditation session, 30 minutes and more ATLEAST. I don't track time during meditation, like many people do nowadays with a smartphone app or something, I like to just escape to the astral and meditate as much as I need to.
Don't get me wrong I love meditation, but not having enough time for it is REALLY fucking bothering me.
Şeytan Baba hep benim yanımda oldu.
Ona olan sevgimi ifade edecek kelime ne Türkçe'de, ne İngilizce'de ne de dünya üzerindeki herhangi bir dilde yok.
O benim dünyamda yaşaran tek ağaç.
O olmasa şuan buraya gelemezdim.
Spritüel Satanizm, kimi zaman yorucudur, çünkü, majinin yolu basit değildir. Magnum Opus kimi zaman ulaşılmaz gibi gözükür, huzur kimi zaman ulaşılmaz gibi gözükür.
Her böyle hissettiğim zaman kolumdaki Şeytan dövmesine bakıyorum, bana yanlız olmadığımı hatırlatıyor.
Çünkü değilim, hiçbirimiz değiliz. Ve hiçbir zamanda olmayacağız.
Neden mi? Çünkü Şeytan bizimle. O hayatımda yeşeren bir çiçek misali bana yaşama umudunu verdi. Bu yüzden şükrediyor, ve Judeo-Christian "tanrısına" lanet okumaya devam ediyor.
Kayre Şeytan, hep benimle kal!
Got a New tattoo~


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Oración Satanica para Padre Satanás​

Escrito por Yeye95

Padre Satanás, Padre de la humanidad y del universo infinito.
Por quien controlas las leyes infinitas y todo en el universo.

A ti quien Padre , la humanidad aclama con fervor e intensidad.
En este día vengo a ti, me postró ante ti como un valiente seguidor de tu camino.

Dame valentía y enséñame el honor por nuestra familia en los Dioses,
Hazme un rebelde bajo tu mando, guíame y elevame para conocer tus caminos misteriosos.

Dame la fuerza y el conocimiento para navegar las aguas de la adversidad,
Dame voz cuando el mundo trate de callarme, Dame valentía para enfrentar sin temor.

¿Que seria de mi sin ti?
¿Que seria de la humanidad sin ti?

El fervoroso latir de mi corazón aclama tu presencia y sabiduría,
mi alma camina directo hacia ti.

Enséñame la libertad Padre Satanás, muestrame el otro lado de la vida!!!
Tripod Headstand
Illustration by @Heather (click to enlarge)

When practicing for the first few times you may want to do this against a wall for support, or in the corner of 2 walls for extra support. Do this on a yoga mat or folded blanket, but not too much padding. You'll need to remain centered on your head and not tip to the side. Make sure to tuck your shirt in if needed, to prevent it from falling in your face and restricting your breathing.

Begin on your hands and knees, keeping your hands at shoulder distance apart. Place the top of your head on the floor. You will essentially form a triangle from your hands to your head at the apex. Keep arms bent at 90 degree angle with palms flat on the floor, elbows over wrists and in line with your shoulders. Keep your neck long. Do not allow your shoulders to sag to your ears. Engage your core (abs).

Lift your hips and knees so you are on your toes, carefully walk your feet towards your hands until your knees can be placed on your triceps. Lift your feet to match the illustration above, then press your big toes together. Remain here as long as is comfortable.

To exit: bring your feet down, then bring your head up. Remain in child's pose for a few moments to allow your blood to circulate properly (preventing headrush).

Full extension of the above pose: From the above (as shown in the illustration), bring your heels towards your glutes, activate your core, activate your legs and extend them upwards. Keeping your core activated will stabilize your balance. Push down through your arms to take pressure off your neck, and prevent your shoulders from sagging to your ears.

To exit: bend your hips and knees, place knees back on triceps then bring your feet to the floor. Remain in child's pose for a few moments to allow your blood to circulate properly (preventing headrush).

Benefits: helps with cores strength, increases coordination, builds confidence simply by learning an inversion.

A good tip for learning headstands: Sit and/or walk with a heavy book balancing on your head. This will train your neck to be long, instead of tucking your chin or arching your neck; and you become used to the feeling of having pressure on your head.

Igualitarismo: parte 2​

Se igualó el lenguaje de la Sabiduría, con el discurso de charlatanes, que habían perdido su alma pero poseían una gran astucia demagógica. Desde ese escenario, se pudo desprestigiar y calumniar al oponente honesto y noble.

En estas argucias literalistas, lo sublime y lo arquetípico fue arrinconado, como si fuesen una superstición, ignorando que la mayor superstición es la creencia ciega en la propaganda.

Finalmente, el igualitarismo obstruyó los brotes espontáneos de la conciencia, tendentes a lo natural. Para ello se incorporaron burdos implantes conceptuales, desde donde se despreciaba lo genuino. El individuo fue así encerrado en los rediles ideológicos que el dueño de la granja requería.

Ignorando su naturaleza y sus orígenes, el individuo se mantiene ocupado en elegir, entre las variadas opciones que se le ofrecen para producir y entretenerse, y sólo alcanza a saber sobre lo que desea y lo que teme.

De esta forma obsesiva, el ser humano malgasta su tiempo vital, ignorando la profunda angustia que le acompaña, mientras su ser se va envileciendo por esta cobardía.

Algunos, quizá se atrevan a percibir que la ideologización, la conceptualización y sus posteriores etapas degenerativas, de literalismo, relativismo e igualitarismo, sólo son las respuestas defensivas que se dan, espontáneamente, en aquellas conciencias que son incapaces de asumir el sentir de su corazón.

Pero esta dificultad, para asumir la existencia, es debida al temor a hacer frente al sufrimiento que subyace y que se alberga en los pliegues del corazón. Este sufrimiento ignorado, se ha ido incrementando en la misma medida en que ha sido abandonado por la conciencia.

Todos sabemos que ese abandono se ha convertido en un nuevo dogma, expresado a través del ritual del deseo, que es sostén de nuestra civilización.

Igualitarismo: parte 1​

El igualitarismo, al igual que el relativismo, es el resultado de una concepción literalista de una cualidad originalmente sabia:

La igualdad esencial de todos los seres debe ser reconocida, para que pueda haber justicia, ya que sin justicia no existe equilibrio, y sin equilibrio todo se derrumba. Todos los seres temen el dolor y todos los seres desean ser felices. Esto merece respeto y debe ser considerado, antes de cualquier actuación propia que afecte a los demás.

Pero, cuando la conciencia inmadura e irreflexiva pretende interpretar esta actitud, ésta acaba cayendo en el igualitarismo.

Ante cualquier observador atento, sería un insulto a su inteligencia ignorar las enormes diferencias que existen entre los diferentes niveles de conciencia que afectan a todos los seres.

También es evidente que aquellos de mayor conciencia poseen una mayor ecuanimidad, afectividad, generosidad, sabiduría…, que aquellos otros cuya estrechez de conciencia está restringida a las necesidades de su cuerpo.

Estos últimos, siendo incapaces de percibir mayores amplitudes, necesitan la protección de aquellos de mayor capacidad, si quieren desarrollarse afectivamente y protegerse de los numerosos depredadores, físicos y mentales, que forman parte de esta existencia.

Este sistema de protección es una ley natural que emana, espontáneamente, en los grupos que se mantienen fieles a su naturaleza.

En la naturaleza, aquellos que han alcanzado una mayor ecuanimidad, generosidad y entereza, sienten la vocación de proteger a quienes apenas son conscientes de su entorno inmediato. Estos últimos, conocedores de sus limitaciones, buscan humildemente la protección que generosamente se les ofrece.

Esta jerarquía no solo sucede con los seres humanos, sino también con otros seres.

En la naturaleza, cualquier grupo está jerarquizado según el desarrollo de la conciencia, asegurando así su supervivencia. A este equilibrio dinámico de la naturaleza, se le llama Jerarquía Natural de la Conciencia.

Sobre esta jerarquía, se fundamentaron y desarrollaron las más sólidas civilizaciones, durante milenios.

Posteriormente (empujado por un devenir codicioso y tras haber sido cruelmente destruida la Jerarquía Natural) el individuo se encontró desprotegido y a solas con sus depredadores. Fue entonces cuando surgió el igualitarismo.

Este igualitarismo, al igual que el relativismo, carece de cualquier defensa lógica, no pudiendo sobrevivir ante un diálogo reflexivo y honesto. Por esta razón se presenta ataviado de una fuerte defensa reactiva, a modo de filiación emocional, impidiendo de esta forma que se produzca una mayor profundidad en la reflexión.

Este proceso de desnaturalización, al que conduce el igualitarismo, sería semejante a lo que sucede en las granjas de animales. Los animales de una granja, cuando ya han sido capturados, domados y sus líderes sometidos, son todos iguales (ante el dueño de la granja, al menos).

Ahora ya no tienen que obedecer a los líderes de la manada (como cuando eran libres). Ya sólo obedecen a su dueño, que es quien les da la comida y las medicinas (y que luego les llevará al matadero). También él se apropia de sus crías, liberándoles del trabajo de la crianza y la educación, y asegurando de esta forma que, en el futuro, estén bien integrados en la vida de granja, sin rebeldías atávicas, que perjudicarían el sistema productivo.

En la sociedad actual, el igualitarismo ha sido incorporado a la dieta psíquica del individuo, quien carece de los recursos internos y la libertad para poder desarrollar un sistema espontáneo de Jerarquía Natural. Esto ha propiciado el surgimiento de un nuevo tipo de líderes, que son presentados como un producto más, en este supermercado de marketing y propaganda, tan lleno de ilusorias libertades de elección.

De esta forma (con la ayuda de una hiper-desarrollada ingeniería social) fueron sustituidos los verdaderos líderes (aquellos que eran reconocidos por su honestidad y coraje) por otros más elaborados. En esta elaboración, se utilizan hábiles escenificaciones mediáticas y eslóganes propagandísticos, surgidos de equipos profesionales, dedicados a la creación de opiniones.

La sacralidad del sexo fue destruida, utilizando una insistente y larga campaña de banalización (ahora llamada libertad). Tras ello, el sexo fue presentado como otro entretenimiento, para la grandeza de la libertad del mercado.

Así mismo, la virilidad o la feminidad, fueron reinventados y convertidos en un accesorio, adquirible bajo elección. Ahora pretende ofrecerse como un producto más, expuesto en este supermercado democrático, que ha suplantado y destruido a la verdadera democracia.

Al sabio se le igualó con el necio y con el astuto, y se le apartó del escenario, manteniéndolo en el anonimato (en el mejor de los casos) y privando a la humanidad de su sabiduría.
I made my dedication 1 year and half ago approximately, during the cold winter days from january. My spiritual 'mentors' opened my eyes and show me the real truth. After that they left me alone to do my individual search and growth. I've been reading so many things and advices from here in the last one year. I opened my chakras one by one until the third eye (i opened my third eye 2 weeks ago, during the deep meditation) that's why I've started to have migraine. In the previous weeks I was so tired because of work and i did a mistake to avoid my meditation. Due to that I've been so anxious and i lost my concentration for a while. And as well with the kudalini meditation. Now i am feeling very good. I asked here because I felt alone, and confuse. I appreciate enormous that you took from your time to give me an good advice. I am so glad to be here and share my story with you all. From now I'll be active on these forums almost all the time when I am off of work and I am at home. I am a dedicated and loyal person and I want to spend a part of my time here and learn things, otherwise I'll only slow down the process of personal growth. 🖤
Love the profile picture Brother
Jewish people are genetically diffrent from us.
Race is not something you can detect under a microscope; The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race.
But when it comes to Jews, things are diffrent; These analyses make clear that individuals with full Jewish ancestry are a genetically distinct group from those having no (self-reported) Jewish ancestry. Of the subjects that self-identified as Jewish and knew their type, almost all were Ashkenazim.

I was always thinking about diffrenation between Jews and Gentiles was on a spritual plane but now i can see it is not only on a spritual plane.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
