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If the exact time the esbat begins is during the early morning would it better to perform a working before the esbat when the moon is out or during the dawn when the esbat begins?
Also any suggestions for how best to utilize an eclipse?
Thank you for the reminder regardless High Priestess!
HPS Lydia
There's a 1 hour window on each side for the power, even a few hours on each side but it will be weaker. We're lucky this time that the Moon doesn't go Void immediately after like it sometimes does.

For utilizing an eclipse, you can begin a working at that time, or a new Aura of Protection. Some people might find it difficult to meditate, communicate with the Gods, or do divination during eclipses because the energy can be overwhelming and it can feel unstable.
Concerning the Sabbat, since it is a full moon, it's best to to do a one day clean, but I noticed the instructions say that the very accuarte time to start a full moon, 1 day cleaning is to start on the Friday night and end Saturday. Does that mean I can do cleaning on Friday night and then also when I wake up on Saturday, or is it only once, either Friday night or Saturday morning or afternoon? Thanks HPS
The Founding and Establishment of the Aristocratic Family🦄👑

"The Aristocratic Family is available to everyone SS" - Aristocratic Dragon

The wisdom and knowledge of the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek priests of our Gods was passed down by word of mouth and was known only to the initiated, which also included the Pharaohs and members of their Families.

The peculiarity of true and sound traditions is that they include knowledge and wisdom that are universal, practical and easily applicable in any era and can never become obsolete.

The same is true of family traditions, which should be in line with the above and passed on from generation to generation, from parents to their children, by word of mouth.

For the correct and adequate upbringing of their children, including the ability to educate them, to teach them something, and the ability to interest the child (and not just because it is necessary) - the responsibility lies with the parents themselves:

"Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself" – Marcus Aurelius


During the time of Ancient Egypt and in other Empires (later periods), there were entire dynasties of rulers who were upbringing and educating by their parents (in addition to teachers), even if they were adopted children, such as Octavian Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire and the First Emperor, who was the adopted son of Julius Caesar.

“From my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper. From the reputation and remembrance of my father, modesty and a manly character. From my mother, piety and beneficence, and abstinence, not only from evil deeds, but even from evil thoughts; and further, simplicity in my way of living, far removed from the habits of the rich" – Marcus Aurelius

"...Love of family, love of truth, love of justice, and (thanks to him!) to know Thrasea, Helvidius, Cato, Dion, Brutus; and the conception of a state with one law for all, based upon individual equality and freedom of speech, and of a sovereignty which prizes above all things the liberty of the subject" – Marcus Aurelius

If we take dynasties of the Russian Empire, for example the Romanov dynasty, it ruled for about 300 years, dynasties in other empires ruled more and less, but despite this almost every dynasty in history was not always at the throne and even at court, but at the same time all successful Aristocratic dynasties developed their state (in different historical periods) and were a reliable pillar of society, even if they were removed from political power, because they were engaged in other activities - for example, business, trade, industry, educational activities (creation of schools), they did it all also thanks to their upbringing and traditions, because their parents showed them that instead of sitting in front of the TV and watching Netflix, or if they had a lot of money, losing money in casinos (accumulated by the family) by snorting cocaine and fucking whores, instead of this it is possible to live a decent, creative life, to develop, benefiting themselves, their family, state and society, as well as to be able to influence the world globally and change something in it.


Swastika on the hood of Russian Emperor Nicholas II's car.

Historical Information:
Russian Emperor Nicholas II was overwhelmingly of German and Danish bloodlines.


The diary of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova (wife of Nicholas II). The Swastika was embroidered by her daughter Tatiana.

Serious approach to parenting and taking responsibility for the life and development of children on the part of parents (until they grow up and become adults) from the point of view of creating and further developing a family tradition, using which parents will take into account the manifestation of the interests and inclinations of the child (which come from past lives), is the key to creating Your dynasty.

"The Gods gave me a father who ruled over me and rid me of any trace of arrogance and showed me that one can live in a palace without bodyguards, extravagant attire, chandeliers, statues, and other luxuries. He taught me that it is possible to live instead pretty much in the manner of a private citizen without losing any of the dignity and authority a ruler must possess to discharge his imperial duties effectively" – Marcus Aurelius


Best wishes, AristocraticDragon666 🎃
i hope you don't find this rude or mocking your EXCELLENT work but
it's just hilarious how you keep mentioning and quoting "Marcus Aurelius" a person i respect a lot, seeing him as the living manifestation of "The Emperor" tarot card,
besides his book was a huge turn in my journey and myself.
however giving a look upon "Commodus" His Son!
can't help but gives a huge interrupting thoughts with the idea of your post.
Rocca, Brother, how well do you know the story of Marcus Aurelius' family and Commodus outside of the context of the slander that christian and jewish historians write about the Roman emperors?

Marcus Aurelius had 13 children, had six sons and seven daughters, only one son, Commodus, and four daughters survived their father. Of the 12 children of Marcus Aurelius, 6 died in childhood, only Commodus, Lucilla, Faustina, Sabina, Fadilla and Cornificia survived to adulthood.

Commodus was in many ways the opposite of his father, for example, he liked gladiatorial fights, in which he himself liked to participate, while Commodus himself was well trained as a gladiator in the use of a roman gladius sword. Gladiatorial combat was Commodus' hobby.

At the beginning of his reign, Commodus showed every honor to his father's friends and used their advice in all matters.

Subsequently, the son of one of the best emperors quickly tired of public affairs (he completely withdrew from political life and government - a fatal strategic mistake) and entrusted the conduct of his state, military and political affairs to his close associates, who were not distinguished by upbringing, education, or mercy - they were very cruel (the second fatal strategic mistake) and who eventually did everything to discredit Commodus, to take his place on the throne.

The emperor himself preferred to spend most of his time among gladiators.

Attempts were made against Commodus by his entourage. The assassinations during the last period of Commodus' reign undermined his mental health (made him paranoid), and the lack of experience in exposing real conspiracies (which most Emperors, civil servants and politicians at court had) led to Commodus executing people who were not real conspirators and who were framed by real conspirators.

The execution of the wrong people hit Commodus' reputation hard, the main conspirators of Commodus were at large and eventually organized a new conspiracy in which Commodus was killed.

In the days before the assassination of Commodus, a wave of executions swept through Rome on the slightest suspicion of malice against Commodus.

The legionnaires of the Praetorian Guard, on the orders of the prefect (participated in a conspiracy against Commodus), arrested the most respected and influential people of Rome, took away their lands and property, after which almost all the senators and respected people of Rome wanted to kill Commodus.

I'm not justifying the Commodus, but I ask you not to forget that in addition to Marcus Aurelius having one son, Marcus Aurelius also raised his daughters.

I think if Marcus Aurelius still had sons alive, he would have made another son Emperor instead of Commodus.
Thank you. It looks exciting, I've already watched two episodes.
For March 8th, International Woman's Day, I would like to thank all our female warriors under Zeus and all our Goddesses for all they have done for us. Being a true feminine in this world means to be loving, motherly and a guide for everyone. With all this Jewish bullshit, many Gentile women have forgotten their roots and true meaning in this world. We as women, bring life into the world by carrying a soul for 9 months, and then feeding the child with our very own body. Having the ability and job to raise the next generation is one of the most important things a woman can do in her life. We are all sacred in the eyes of the Great Mother herself. Big thanks to HPS Maxine, as without her we wouldn't have been here in the first place, big thanks and respect to all the Goddesses of the Heavens who have guided us as their own children and are bringing us back to the Truth. Thanks to Mother Gaîa, who has replenished our needs and has taught us all her lessons through nature.

May all our future daughters be blessed by Astarte and Lilith. Guided and protected by the Divine and raised with true values of what it means to be a woman. May every woman here learn her true value and never forget her Divine nature. Thank you to all the men and husbands who have respected their women and treated them with the most tender and loving touch. Behind every great man, is a even greater and supportive woman. May everyone today remember both the value a woman brings into this world, but also the future generation of SS warriors.

Thank you all, HAIL ZEUS!!
Things are finally getting better, and it will change both my husband’s and my life. But it also means we might have to leave the apartment we’ve lived in for over ten years.

This place has given me so many feelings because it’s where my husband and I started over—me, after leaving everything behind for a fresh start, and him, after his divorce.

It’s the place where I dedicated myself to Father Zeus and where I got married. It has been my home, but in life, we must move on—and I think I’m ready.

For what the gods plan for me and my husband
Backbends have a stimulating effect, forward bends have a cooling, calming effect; twists provide balance, and inversions are clarifying and support the meditative experience.

How do you feel during yoga? Do you feel agitated? Then go for a slower routine.
Do you feel lethargic? Go for an energizing routine.
Since I dedicated myself in 2017 and discovered that I have some power, I have always waited for the right time to increase my intelligence. To increase my fighting ability. To increase my physical beauty. To increase every other characteristic of mine that I already possess greatly increased.

In my greed to want to achieve more than I already had in these areas, as if there was so much more to achieve, I lost my goals. I no longer knew what I really wanted. I didn't even know where to start and which ones I should prioritize because I didn't even know what to do.

But now I realized that I didn't want to improve my being pleasant to others since others already find me pleasant or the charisma I already had, it was never a matter of talent.

What I really wanted was vision. The vision of what exists, the understanding of how I could best use what I already had and not acquire it since it was already part of me. That was what I wanted, space in which to be, not simply to be.

So, without the slightest second thought, I officially declare the start today of my new Yoga and Meditation program that will empower my soul daily, and then use this power with a spell of EIHWAZ + PERTHRO + DAGAZ the same day. May God approve my choices, favoring them with compassion, guiding and correcting them as Zeus the Wise dictates.
Today I opened a Turkish topic. Out of curiosity. I was done with the white peoples' topics-there were no others posted. The question was quite simple. I answered it in Turkish. I felt really happy after I answered the topic. I experienced the feeling at the frontal heart chakra and it extended all over the chest area. I did not experience it in the throat. It was very positive, though. I am happy with it.

Of course if you see any translation errors, please let me know and let me know if it would be better for me to stop responding to the Turks. It really felt so good to help a Turk, though. Really priceless when you do a good thing and you really do it without making excuses--if I can continue please let me. Otherwise please point it out to me. I accept A LOT of criticism for improvement, especially if it comes from you my Brothers and Sisters and not from an andrapod. :)
MEDITATION PATH UPDATE - Limitations and overcoming them, workings and backlash

I ran into some financial issues recently. Nothing insane, just mini-disasters that required some spending that I frankly didn't have the income to fix, by having some emergency cash.
I asked a Guardian how to deal with this problem, and got the advice to ask the Gods, and do a basic Runic working for money. This is the first time I did a working in order to genuinely enact change in my life, so this is likely beneficial info to some people here.

I initially did a Ritual to Lucifius, with the goal of asking for help in this process. There was a sum of money I had to gather, a few methods that could work, some brainfog on my end, some pessimism on my end because of the situation, and a little bit of hope.
After Ritual, I breathe in the energy of Lucifius, and enter into a communication session, with just me, the sigil and a piece of paper.

I was able to put together a small plan to get about 90% of the money I needed, with one of the methods to gain the money requiring pure luck as it was sales-based. I only had 90% of the money even if things worked properly.

The working was simple. 111 FEHU vibrations, some affirmations, some visualization. I've grown to be able to feel energy and other similar things, and this working showed me a lot of my power.
When vibrating, after a little while, I entered trance, everything was a little bit more colorful and quiet, and I felt the power of being able to laser focus on something, feel the energy all around me, and raise it using the mechanism that the rune offered. These words will likely only make sense if you've used energy for a working before, and it really is a beautiful click moment.
Then I did the affirmations, and then visualization. I saw myself succeeding, my mind was on the goal, and visualization was beautiful. I felt a powerful energy buzz while laying down and visualizing, and so many things clicked. The amount that thoughts control consciousness, the energy buzz itself, everything was blissful. Frankly, not much can be said here as far as words. If you do it, you will know what I felt.

I am doing a 40 day working, and I'm just done with being halfway.

I had 6 days to make the money, and I didn't make it via the selling related option. I got my money easily, partially with a paid favor to an old friend. I had full confidence that what I was doing was going to alter my path and lead me to a positive direction. I just knew.

In the end, when push came to shove, I paid everything I needed to pay, in a very surprising way.

I did feel pushback, I had no money and no food for a couple days, learned some tough lessons of money management, and knew deeply that the Gods were going to help me and I was going to achieve what I needed.

Now, writing this post, these events are about a week old. I got a few extra projects in my side gig that gave me some extra money, me and the missus have had some upgrades in terms of income, and I have cash to spare. I'll definitely set up an emergency fund, then do another working in some time after finishing this one. Hopefully we'll have some real disposable income to donate to the ToZ.

Frankly, I can't talk about this working as much as I want to. Things are often quite personal, and we each have our own path.

But I want to throw a suggestion onto the people reading this. TRUST THE GODS, AND TRUST YOUR OWN POWER.

Mentally, and intelectually, I'm quite an advanced individual. But I still have so much work cut out for me to truly become a full human. This working taught me quite a bit, and it taught me something very interesting that I must stress.
ENERGY IS BLISS. A fundamental understanding of the underlying principles of reality is bliss. Knowing your human spirit can achieve what it sets out to achieve is bliss.

Life is genuinely an amazing adventure, with its challenges and issues. If you anchor yourself in the Gods, you will go quite far. I'll definitely keep speaking about my experiences, and I hope my enthusiasm intoxicates others. If my writings are to do anything for you, they must make you a devout follower of the Gods and of this path. All else is just meaningless details, and the mysteries this path offers are amazing. I am ultimately a beginner. The things that can be achieved on this path are infinitely larger than what I can see, and thinking about that is pure delirium. You will climb, you will fall, and you will enjoy it, if you understand the purpose behind it.
I been having tooth pain and the only way I can get some relief is by sleeping and I meant to put that in my post but the sleeping pill kicked in.

I am thankful for all the advice brothers and sisters
i'm sorry you had to go thru such pain.
when it's horrible get a piece of clove and slowly chew it,
another method is (search for the usage of myrrh for toothache)
this might taste horrible but will relieving the pain immediately..
get well soon
Estou nos ribeiros de água, sou poço, sou jarro
Estou na montanha mais alta, sou pássaro, sou livre
Estou nos raios de sol, sou fogo, sou brasa viva

Estou em cada chegada em cada saída
Eu sou o pó, sou o tudo, sou o nada
Estou na primavera, sou o ventre, sou o coração

Estou nas profundezas, sou escuridão, sou luz
Estou na brisa suave, sou o vento forte e tempestade
Estou em cada canção, sou nota, sou mantra, sou tom
Estou na chuva, sou gota, sou mar.

Estou no amanhecer, sou a luz das estrelas, sou Lúcifer
Sorry for the outburst--it's taking me an hour to search for my text on the original Vedic legislature--due to the lack of order of a library with really a lot of stuff I can't find it in the Vedic books section. Not even in the spiritual books section. Not even in the Law one. Not even in the Political one. And even in Ethics, Etiquette and Elegance--

I don't know where that book went anymore--but on the other hand, many Vedic books don't fit in the Vedic section. My tomes on Vedic Mathematics Explained are sandwiched between a CIA Handbook of Psychological Techniques (a handbook for CIA agents by the way--sorry, I like to brag about owning this stuff from time to time) and an all-encompassing treatise on poly-military strategy and dialogue. I really have no idea where it went and by this time I could have easily started and finished reading given my IQ, fast reading and analytical study skills...
The search on templeofzeus.org has been upgraded. It should be faster and account for misspellings.
Oh pássaro de fogo
Cobre com tuas asas da liberdade, toda a Criação!
Divino mestre, Onipotente Lúcifer

Voa ave de rapina, veloz e fugaz
Imperador de todas as nações
Reine por todo espaço
Que tua Glória se manifeste
Oh! Lúcifer oh! Satya

Os covardes te negam
Eles têm medo do teu poder
Eles têm medo da sua força
Oh! Imundos cobertos...
Jamais verão tua cara
Jamais terá teu amor... meu Senhor!

Dilacerados serão os corações
Sem tua presença.
oh! Ave Soberana
Voa e voa nos céus e nos espaços
Pela eternidade!
Grande pássaro de fogo
Grande Estrela Solar
I'll talk about some meditation updates here, since I'm journaling anyway, and it'll help keep me accountable as I'm leveling up my routine.

For today, an interesting thing I noticed is how a formed habit can manifest.

I did my morning meditation, as usual, and after some extra tasks I had to do throughout the day and a tiring workout session, I felt completely out of it for evening meditations, and I just didn't feel like doing my regular AoP (18 ALGIS and 18 SOWILO). I wanted to just do my bare minimum of 9 and move on, because I just "didn't feel it".
But, wouldn't you know it, when I started, I got completely in the vibe and did my usual 18 vibrations just fine.

Early on in my meditation routine, I didn't really feel that snowball effect when starting. Starting took mental effort, pursuing took mental effort.
Now, I've formed a bit of a mental habit, so my mind would find it weird to do less after starting, and I've also begun to feel energy a lot more, which makes meditation far more fun. It's like when you eat and you can't stop until you're satiated.

It's still a slight mental effort to start meditating, but I can feel it becoming less and less of an effort over time. I might drop my current routine here sometime in the future, but let this post be a motivator. And hey, maybe people who see this should also start talking about their meditation journey on the Forums.

Many people have this problem.
Have you ever made a mental movie? Maybe while listening to a romantic song, you imagined some scene where you were spending time with who you wished was your partner, during adolescence it happens often, and then you fantasized about it again and again involved with the music in your headphones?

If you think about it what you visualized there was really more than just a little pyramid. So what does this limitation that you are experiencing depend on? On the hemisphere you are using to visualize. You don't ask yourself if while you are fantasizing about your first kiss you are visualizing well, is that color just the right shade, are you seeing it well? Maybe we should remark a little bit on the twisted brightness of the thing, etc., etc. No, that stuff is just all left hemisphere stuff.

Fantasizing, the music itself. It's right hemisphere. When you try to visualize you take it seriously, and that automatically leads you to think that since meditation is a serious thing, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing it right. But this is false. Rest assured that if you do something in itself it just works. Of course it may always work better as you progress. But it works.

We use the term visualize when we imagine a body chakra to indicate that that is not just a fantasy, but the chakra is really there. But what you have to do is not visualize the body chakra, but fantasize about the body chakra. Yes, by doing that you will be able to visualize it.

The chakra is really there obviously, the human mind is connected with the universal mind and can direct the energy of which the ether of this universe is made up. Even if you don't see this energy with your eyes, but just visualize it, or even only feel it at the level of physical sensation, the energy moves. Of course precise meditations require precise visualizations or sensations, but basically managing energy is naturally part of what the power of the mind can do. So there's no use worrying about it too much.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." -Satan

Satan doesn't want war between us. Love each other, praise each other, accept each other because every member of the family must be respected.
We have been fighting a war for years and to find true peace we need unity among ourselves.

Hail Temple of Zeus!
Hail dear brothers and sisters!

"I don't know why you think that committing suicide will change your life today or in subsequent reincarnations as if it were "an option to consider," but it won't. It will make your eternal situation worse in the next lives even by a lot because the birth chart you will be reincarnated with (the state of your soul) will be a direct consequence of the life you are doing today.

People do not understand what HPS Maxine Dietrich meant when she explained that suicide must be a last resort. The only real circumstance in which suicide is okay and indeed recommended is when you are in a situation where you are suffering in anticipation of death and not suffering during a lifetime.

An example is euthanasia. Or being captured in a Russian lagher where they torture you to death until you collapse and actually die. In these cases it is really suicide that is the only option. In all others I can guarantee you that suicide harms you far more in terms of suffering than staying alive in this way"

- from a reply of mine under a topic

Look at him:

He will help you because of this:
I made this image in honor of our beloved Goddess Astarte. She has helped me with so many things since I joined this path, and I can't thank her enough. Hail Astarte!!


(the one above was upscaled with AI, this is the original: https://ibb.co/JP9Vs2X )
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Greetings, HP HoodedCobra666!
Can I ask you a personal favor?
I know you have already done this and are doing it more and more, but if you could bring back all the complete knowledge of what Zeus himself is, I would be personally very grateful. I have always loved this God. That is why I have done various paintings of him over the years.

And I never understood why before your updates. When you started talking more about Zeus, I noticed how He is really the most complete manifestation of Power. Understood not only as spiritual power, but as the very essence of divine "to be, to act". I know there is already a lot of material on this subject, but since ToZ is the only reliable source on these things, please, I would really be grateful to read entire PDFs on Zeus if they came from you.

Zeus has always been my most precious Deity. I have been attracted to Anubis and Athena since childhood. And very much so. But I never felt like painting either of them spontaneously. Zeus is different for me.

Please, thank you!
I really care about this... truly ❤️
Hello everybody! I had been looking for SS wallpapers for a long while, and have decided to make my very own! I would like to share them with all of you, so if anyone is interested please feel free to use them! I am not very good at these kind of arts, so forgive me for the bad quality 😅


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Today someone I knew died. He became literally ill with "too much Christianity" which degenerated his mental health condition. When I would try to point out that they needed to take care of him because he was obviously degenerating more and more and stop it in time, people would respond to me with memes and really bullshit jokes. In a totally superficial way. And this disinterest was not reciprocated since this dead guy was always doing his best to make everyone happy.

Yes, he was a Christian, but he was a really good person who cared about having fun and being with the people he loved made him really happy. But these people did not love him; they saw him as mentally ill and mocked him. The result was that he died and people are being hypocritical like few things in the world. I only hope that Anubis will take care of him. I never cared about anything like that, but truly this man cared very much about making everyone happy and was really good natured. A cheerfulness broken by Christianity. Christ-killer.

Please, let's try to remember that people get sick from these things. We must try to do good to them. Even when someone on the forum has hallucinatory illnesses. If he is in good faith, he should be helped. And that's it. He should be helped where we can to the best of our ability because then this happens. And that sucks just like it sucks that people are acting sorry without realizing that they could have done even one little thing for years, but they were too busy making fun of it.
I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.
I reject them and put them in the past.
I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.
My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.
We are the Masters.
What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

- High Priest HoodedCobra666

I had to post them since these words made me cry from their beauty and grandeur.
Hail High Priest HoodedCobra!
My experience

There are two kinds of purely immediate needs that man asks of the Gods. Guidance on how to act to obtain a thing, and more direct higher help in obtaining the thing itself when the situation is out of control and the thing beyond our reach.

Contacting an aspect of a God by visualizing the Sigil of the God and vibrating the hieratic name connected to the aspect of the God's power will put you in contact with him if you have a problem, I tried this. This is very effective.

However, I think a prerequisite is not to ask for help in prayer in a standard andrapoda way. The God or Goddess knows your situation perfectly, and if the God decides to give you the helping miracle you ask him for, it will be because his will and wisdom lead him to want to give you the requested thing.

If by insisting you see no results, you may want to understand whether the thing itself is really good regardless of whether it is your desire, whether you have brought good things into your life to ensure fertile ground for what you want to reside there and grow, or whether you need to continue exploring the thing on your own under the guidance of the Gods.

It does not work with insistence or even as the andrapods do with "accusing the Gods of not listening to me." It works according to yourself and the thing. Rather, if you see that the Gods seem unwilling to help you obtain the thing you think you need with this urgency, ask the God for guidance in better understanding that thing, its role in your life, and how best to approach it.
Better grammer then that previous post.. however "autocorrect" changed the word Rises into "roses" hahah but perhaps Rose can work too...along with what had text from my phone was meant to be a *sage is a blank page, however it changed it to "safe"..anyways...will eventually get a computer and not be using a tiny phone keypad to write these...also perhaps proof reading will be better so less of confusion..and adjusting the settings so that it doesn't change my words like this ;)🌹
Dark Night Roses! Tonight is Mahashivrati! A night to stay with in sitting pose with your energies rising upwards with added benefit in this night especially Northern hemisphere and though I only know so much....a safe...is a blank page ;)
Also on a personal update..have been getting through multiple struggles which had come from different directions and am very thankful for having begun the 40 day mediation program which I will actually be starting over as had a slight interruption within the first couple of weeks recently and will look forward to having it as a lifetime incorporation to daily/nightly overall health and well being.
I had been temporarily seized in fear for some situations of recent and past which seemed to threaten or attempt to threaten ..however this is not anything to ever stop me from my own growth and dedication regardless of what some might like to think they had power over me with.
I am extremely juggling lots of changes that are in the midst which now are actually showing me that my Kali arms are real and I can handle this and am becoming fearless and patient ..learning when to be in silence and when to speak or take action.
Also attached is a video from a couple weeks ago (was at a hotel but this happens wherever I am)..I could film endlessly but there's some of the light Orbs that from my observations seem to come through me are hovering around me and come back into me that I like to think of as faeries ..there is more to this all but another time will write about this..
Thank you JoS/ToZ! Hail victory!


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Ο ελληνικός πληθυσμός στο μέλλον:

Ο αριθμός των μαύρων και των ασιατών θα μειωθεί δραστικά.
Οι Έλληνες μετανάστες του εξωτερικού θα πεισθούν να επιστρέψουν στην πατρίδα τους.
Οι φιλέλληνες από τα βόρεια/δυτικά θα ενθαρρυνθούν να μεταναστεύσουν στην Ελλάδα.
Όλοι οι υπόλοιποι που επιθυμούν να γίνουν Έλληνες πρέπει να αποδείξουν φιλελληνικά χαρακτηριστικά και να είναι κατά κύριο λόγο λευκοί.
Οι γηγενείς πρέπει να είναι και να παραμείνουν η πλειοψηφία.
The populations of asians and blacks among white nations must be drastically decreased, they only complicate things, we don't want them, we tolerate them.
White muslims are fine when kept in check, they are racially closer.
We want to heave peace and fully develop in our spaces and fully express our souls without feeling restricted.
They can come as friends and tourists, their best can stay and their most beautiful females can stay as well.
I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

- A Nazi Opinion of Mine -

The thing I love most about the Black Race is the natural pride of this Race. I have never seen a white person be happy to be white and go out and promote the fact that he belongs to whites. I have not liked that, although it is not typically related to the White Race, but to certain problems in our society.

But I got to see in the Black Race, despite a lot of trauma from the past and how people consider it an insult to be black, because "we have to eliminate differences, a black person is more or less a white person, there is no such thing as blackness per se. It is a crime to even think that someone is black, etc." The black people I have seen have ALWAYS been proud of that. And proudly many say, "I'm black!" They also have special traditions associated with that. So there is no complaining about it. Black people are proud members of a truly beautiful race with incredible lore in which they have ALWAYS shown resilience, strength and determination..

Black people have never been anyone's slave. The Jews who sold them as slaves in their trades only increased their sense of pride and unity. The Blacks, on the contrary, always proved that they were the Masters. The Masters of themselves, superior to any Jewish attack. The Jews never had power over them except for some passing nonsense in the cotton fields clearly not intended to last more than a truly insignificant number of years.

Thank Zeus my husband is ok he went to the ER this last Friday .
one of his co workers took us to and from the ER at 12:30 at night so she is getting a gift basket with assorted stuff in it from candy to meat,nuts , crackers .

Without her my husband would still be sick
- Note -

I discovered something regarding the importance of our Gods of the universe, and I wanted to put it out there to hear your opinions about it. I was going to open a new topic on this, but since I've noticed that my topic on the importance of donations is doing very well and in fact is getting up to 500 views, so I think it has priority as far as things I personally write about, I don't want to take away visibility from a topic as serious as donations to express another personal opinion of mine. So if you haven't opened it yet, you can read it here:

However, expect me to open a topic on something I thought about regarding the universal nature of the Gods. :)
My new signature banner.
The Caduceus is a symbol that I've always enjoyed ever since I was a little child, and while I am not sure about who my Guardian Daemon is, Lord Thoth has been the God (besides Zeus Himself) that I've had the most intense experiences with during His Ritual.
Zeus Ammon is there as my favorite portrayal of Father, as a testament to my love for Greek and Egyptian culture specifically, and because I personally love horns as a symbol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
