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- My Opinions -
Being Zevist is the beginning. The next part is acting as a Zevist. The final goal is to prove that we are worthy Zevists. What goes beyond this and is Divine is to generate a perpetual cycle of new Zevists, proud Zevists who will eternally generate the same situation as before.

I hate this concept that people have about how Nazism always has to worry about dealing with the Jewish Problem. Nazism has to support the evolution of Our People and advance Our Nations and their Races to expand what we are under Zeus in the universe because Zeus is the Supreme Good and the whole universe deserves to function as the supreme Zeus would like.

I don't see what the Jew has to do with this since he has always been genetically and spiritually created to be the antithesis of the universe. People do not know what true Nazism is. It is not the party of 1940. It is not a wave of anti-Semitism. It is literally the greatest service we can give to Zeus working to improve the universe whose Gods embody the greatest perpetual truths. I find it ridiculous that people see Nazism by the way a communist middle school teacher explains it in 4 paragraphs.

"[The Jews] They are NOT my people!"
- Zeus Pater Familias


I realistically realize the contribution I bring to the Temple of Zeus by my activity on this Ancient Forum in the questions posted by Our People in the topics. Lately the situation has been improving, and so I again had the doubt (which this time, however, was more of an intrusive thought and not a paranoia) as to whether I will ever be able to live up to the situation in which I have placed myself at the level of personal advancement. I have improved at the level of personal power and awareness of what I am, but evolving also requires a sense of responsibility to be able to maintain good use of that evolution. So I responded to this intrusive thought with these words that I officially publish before us today, a sacred Oath before you in the Temple of Zeus:

As long as I have an internet connection and a decent state of health, I will do good things for this Place sacred to ZEUS. And if someday I ever become a useless, or even harmful presence, I officially declare that I will gladly accept to be banned in case, and this is my stated will affirmed now in full mental clarity that I may then maintain or lose. Indeed, Lord Zeus Himself, if this is His Will, would banish me forever from His Temple if I one day begin to harm It whether willingly or unwillingly, even attempting to do something good but failing. But as long as this is not the case, I swear eternal loyalty to Zeus, the Temple and the High Priests, forever. I am fully aware of what I have just stated and published and I take full responsibility for it. HEIL!

- SeguaceDiSatanas
I wanted to talk about my (personal) view of the Temple of Zeus. Not only with respect to what I think about it, I have already expressed myself sufficiently on this point. Instead, I wanted to explain how I see the Temple. I don't want to do that now, though. I will wait a few days to post the topic. I will take the opportunity to prepare it well then and not superficially on the spot. Of course it will be my personal view of it and nothing more than that. HAIL ZEUS!
Hello everyone! This is the first time I've written on my “profile posts” because I never know what to write on them but I finally found the perfect reason!
Today is my anniversary since I dedicated myself to Father Satan, to the Gods and to ToZ. I am very happy and proud of myself and the progress I have made.
I am happy to have met you, I can tell you so proudly that without you I would not be who I am today. Thank you all so much.
Thank you Father Satan for never leaving me alone. ⚡

Hail Satanas
Hail Zeus
Hail the Gods of Hell
Man kann den Nazismus nicht töten.
Der Nationalsozialismus ist eine universelle Kraft, die das Universum nach den Gesetzen von Satya funktionieren lässt, der ultimativen Wahrheit, wie die Dinge funktionieren. Sie können eine politische Partei der 1940er Jahre abschaffen, wenn Sie wollen. Aber man kann den Nationalsozialismus nicht beseitigen, denn solange das unendliche Universum existiert, wird es mathematisch gesehen immer mindestens einen einzigen Planeten geben, auf dem der Nationalsozialismus vollständig manifestiert ist. Man kann den Nazismus nicht besiegen, man kann sich ihm nur unterwerfen.

I have to be offline for possibly 30-90? Days for my and my daughter's safety also as have just found out today that there are some certain ones still looking for me who have made very serious threats to our lives and I found out today they are still looking for me..I was checking an old channel of mine and the comment was fairly recent left on it from one of them and it's no joke and so even when back online I probably will have to restart all new name channel for our protection. I love you all. I was able to make another small donation last night and my heart is here even if I'm not here brothers and sisters. I love you. ⚡⚡
Henu the Great
Henu the Great
Please establish and maintain an aura of protection so that the threats you face become worthless as they hold no power. Many negative things have the potential to be mitigated or completely avoided. That is the main point of an aura of protection: to stay safe. We have the tools; it is time to use them.
Thank you comrade 🙏🏼💀⚡⚡
Sunday the 2nd is a good time to start a protective aura work, for example with the Algiz rune with golden energy, you can make an affirmation similar to this: "I am always safe, secure and protected in each and every way."
This time I tried to be focused on oil painting aesthetic and how AI can achieve that. Different subtle style of each artist cannot be replicated.


So if somebody doesn't understand, yes, Satan and Baalzebul are two name for ONE entity, person, being, God. They are NOT two different Gods, entities, he is one. Yes this is contradictory to what we believed until now, it took me a hard minute also but JG Alexandros Iowno explained it clearly. God is one being and he is named Satan, Zeus, Beelzebul, Wotan, etc.

No allegories here, or anything, it is as said.
However, Satan and Zeus are two aspects of God, they are not separate entities but separate aspects, just as we all know well, Gods have multiple aspects in pantheons.
Now it turns out that Satan and Zeus are two aspects of one being, even though we thought they are two separate Gods. They are not.

Excuse me guys, do any of you have experiences regarding this: I was staring at a white wall. There was something in front of me. It wasn't an object, I don't really know how to explain it. It was a kind of transparent nothing, like a glass, but kind of outlined. So I focused on this transparent circle. I stared at it. For not even a minute. It started to turn blue. I was a minute staring at this blue. I don't know how to explain what kind of blue it was, but it wasn't like having a blue spot in front of it. It was like it was an optical effect more than like it was blue paint. The fact is that after I finished I started to feel pressure just above my eyebrows in a way very similar to when I opened my third eye. Now, I would like to ask you what it is, but I know that to say as an answer "it's the third eye" is very easy. I could give myself that answer, but since I have a scientific mindset I would like to rule out hypotheses and guarantee what it might be.
Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
My first guess is that it's eye floaters, because I haven't experienced anything similar.
I used to see a blue iris, when I closed my eyes, a long time ago after I dedicated. It's not floaters, I have those too and they're completely different. It's probably something to do with the 3rd eye because that's what I was doing at the time.
I am having a hard time understanding this. Were you blinking, or just staring at it? If you were blinking throughout the experience then it wasn't something on your eyeball.. that's not very likely imo, at least.

But, if it was perfectly circular and from your perception it was closer to you than the ether we can see (the static / air moving), and tiny, then that does sound like something on your eyeball. I once in a while see like "cells" of things on my eyeballs, sometimes 1 circle, sometimes 2 or 3 connected. Looks similar to when you look at something under a microscope.. I assume they are cells lol.

Don't want to discount your experience at all, however I must just ask for clarification to understand it better. And the object (the circle) stayed stationary the whole time, or did it drift in a direction, but then if you blinked (or even if you didn't), it would move back to the exact spot you originally noticed it in? If that were the case that does sound like something on your eyeball. I hope you figure it out.
Sorry, but where does the live chat go?
Some things are being removed from my life right now ..I would like to detail some time but will keep this short. I refuse to tolerate bullshit any longer and will never allow myself to be flattered into submission by cunning words of those who like to APPEAR woke & interested about the truth but they actually despise it and in fact are pathetic cuckold kike lovers!!! It's interesting how truth always does reveal itself...reminding me also of something someone told me once...ONE TRUTH REVEALS A THOUSAND LIES.
When trump said "Make Greece Great Again", he probably meant becoming something like a second israel of europe. Fucking Idiot.
Your idea of greatness differs from our understanding, you grandpa of jewish children.

We don't need to mix ourselves with jerusalem or bow to anything to be great.
We can also be more cunning than any jew and his rabbi if we want to and will never accept african-greeks or some retarded shit like that.
israel being able to continue what it's doing and netanyahu still smiling arrogantly in public, is like a big "fuck you" to all of Humanity, to everything.
They are so sure of themselves and have no regard for anything.

Gentile trump is such an israeli ass-kisser, that he even connects his assassination attempt to Iran.

Again it is the weakness and corruption of "influential" Gentiles that these things can do what they want and can get away with it.

Natural law should update itself in the future and never allow any corrupted rat to have any influence or power anywhere.
It's cringe to still see this.
This is literally my favorite genre of music. I really love that these songs are finally being brought back with English subtitles as well....

After a lot of time, I find my recent Venus material square, performed to attract money, getting easier. I asked Satan for a sign. And I had many sources coming my way, with the message that a karma is concluded. Coincidences where small amounts of money are coming -even if not directly to me- are happening. These small amounts of money, rejoice me, not for the money itself as it is very little, but for the fact that I see my efforts were not in vain.
I hope things will get better.
I started putting more effort in feeling my results, and I am developing the habit of dedicating 30 minutes to talk to myself, as if my results are already here. I feel beautifully when doing that, and I remember why I always wanted to make money. And when I am talking about it, I feel as if I am talking about the true myself. This is helping me understand myself even more, and go beyond what others have installed into my mind, or what my karma could be. I had many brief imaginations during my life, and now I am understanding I can and I have to realise them.
It is incredible how, after years and years, some events are unveiling to me, my mind is getting clearer and clearer. I know this is strongly related to my money efforts.
One of the greatest feelings ever is waiting for your husband or wife to come home. Those who are married can attest to it—the anticipation of seeing your best friend and love again is out of this world. For me it's

The moment he walks through the door, the world feels right again, as if the missing piece of my heart has returned. His embrace is my safe haven, his smile the warmth that lights up even the darkest days.
He’s not just my husband; he’s my best friend—the one who knows my heart better than anyone, who laughs with me, dreams with me, and stands beside me through it all. No matter how long we've been together, that feeling never fades—it only grows stronger.
*MY Experience*: Absorbing energy from the Sun is truly POWERFUL.

I got into the habit every morning of going out on the terrace and absorbing sun energy into every aspect of my soul (chakras, aura, light body, specific aura empowering, minor chakras, etc.) for 40 breaths each. You can use the colored energy here as well since the sun contains all the colors of the spectrum. It also helps with vitamin D. It only takes a little more than 15 minutes (I wasn't actually timing, but it was short), but I assure you that getting into the habit every morning of doing this for 15 minutes or so at the same time will really help you to strengthen the constancy and sense of just getting off the couch and doing something worthwhile.

More info:
Is it normal to hate andrapoda? Because I really despise them so much
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Personally, more than wasting time on andrapods, I would rather try to solve the general situation in the andrapodic world.
Hate is normal but with time and information we have available here, upon fully digesting and accepting it, that feeling should be channeled focused and directed where it is more rightly placed. The source of that state is their own weakness combined with spiritual and mental poison from the enemy.

Disgust may be more appropriate but even that or pity fade away after a while. Given the right conditions and enough time even they can be miraculously transformed into aspiring human beings.
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Henu the Great
Henu the Great
Hating the state of people, sure, but people themselves, no. Unless, of course, we are talking about instances where grave injustices have happened. I think this is a reasonable approach. What do you think?
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I had a final parting with the cousin who took his life and I asked lord Anubis to safe guard him to the Elysium fields.

Don't come after me I don't know the Egyptain version I told lord Anubis he was a great person and listed other things and that I vouch for him being a good person.

To be honest I feel like he is finally moved on completely and I said once my journey is over I will see you again ❤️

This commercial was allegedly banned in the U.S. , the name "Billy" caused me to think of the post regarding "21 predictions" & "New World Order"

...I'm probably reading too much into it, but I've noticed while deprogramming over the years there is a startling (!) amount of subtle content that's "in your face" to Those Who Are Without. They have no idea and think most of it funny. But I wonder about 'Billy' in this commercial in more ways than one. Like the underlying possibilities....

Keep advancing, breathe deep, cleanse your aura and remember to balance your humor and healthy skepticism.
If your father was a murderer, and your mother said what he was doing was to “fix the world”, the chances of you becoming a murderer, and following your father, would double. Children always look up at the parents as their source of light and see them as beings with holy wisdom. Why would your father, who is so strong and holy, hurt the world? So, that means what he is doing is the right thing! For Jews, this goes down to their genetic level. They were made and born to kill. It happens automatically. That is their sole purpose, even if some don’t consciously realize it. Many don’t know they are genetically prone to cancer, yet they still have it. Jews work exactly like a virus would in the human body. Enter, pretend you are good bacteria, and then attack. Without knowing the code of the bacteria you cannot figure out if it is bad or not. That is why the Jews hide everything they can about their own nature. Now, they are always in your body, their genetic filth forever indent into your metabolism. That is why, for so many innocent Gentle souls, it is so hard to let go of the lies and filth, as it is indent into them. With spiritual awakening and meditation, this filth disintegrates and vanishes. With spirituality, all can be fixed. This is why the Jews put an emphasis on making sure that none had the access to true spirituality and knowledge. That is what Year Zero was all about. In darkness it is hard to walk, and eventually you stop as you see it as hopeless. But, you can learn how to walk again. This is what Spiritual Satanism is about, learning how to walk again and leave the darkness.

Now it is time to help others remember how to walk, and join the path back to God's. HAIL ZEUS and the GOD’S!!!
Regarding the Evil Eye.

I think I have noticed that, for those who can do it, the Evil Eye is very good for getting out of addictions. Premise: I always try to feel the energy. This is fine for me, but it is effective my Evil Eye when I project the energy through my eyes I feel them pinch from the energy (not in a painful way. Also, the tingling becomes real and not just imagined with time).

Of course, my experiences are SUBJECTIVE, but I will tell you. First of all, I did this kind of test. In a standard situation where I felt nothing, I used red energy to stimulate with the Evil Eye sexual arousal (lust). After that I tried the colors black and silver to turn it off, first one and then the other in that order.

It is* MY* EXPERIENCE, but I noticed that black was very powerful as far as self-control was concerned. For example, to managing sexual passion without wanting to carry it through. But the arousal was still there, just, I was controlling it. With silver I was able to quell it. It is an extreme experiment of course and there are less dangerous exercises for the Evil Eye than playing with sexual urges of course. But yes. Using black to self-control and silver to appease the feeling seems to have been most effective....

Some people do not understand the difference in visualizing gray or silver. So did I in the early days. When you become practiced with colors, you will understand the difference just as you can tell if a souvenir photo of your grandmother is in a gray frame or a shimmering silver one.

However, I need to keep trying it. When I have numerous sessions I may be more methodologically precise.
Hello SeguaceDiSatanas!

Could you describe the extreme experiment of Evil Eye and there are less dangerous techniques, how exactly did you use the example of lust?

In my experience, for love magic, or arousing lust, as if you are doing it to your aura, or to the aura of a young girl (20-24 years old), it usually takes time to see the result and a lot depends on the time you spend together.
@AristocraticDragon666 I've noticed that there are 4 things that are very useful for the Evil Eye, despite the fact that people often think they don't do much good and that they can do without them. 1) Using specific colors 2) Going into Trance (this can also be a deep state of calm and relaxation) 3) Feeling the energy, eyes tingling as you direct the energy for example. 4) Don't rush, take time to accumulate energy to project as you would in meditations to direct the energy or circulate it that develop Ki feeling. Don't use this for love spell, please.

New Class Sequence! ( 10.02.2025 )

  • Targeting Entire Body, Complete Sequence ( helps a lot with muscle soreness/after gym )
  • Alleviates Spinal Issues, such as Kyphosis ( be cautious, don't overstep your doctor's advice and stop immediately if something feels wrong )
  • Better Sequence Flow ( Smooth Transition between Asanas, not Breaking your state of Relaxation )

✅ Checked by @HPS Lydia before publishing.

‼️ Note : Adjust this according to your needs.
Playing around with a certain artistic style in image generation.

People who have been exposed to christian imagery can recognize what this style is mirroring, and it insidious to me that this beautiful Hellene artstyle, inherently European in its nature, is associated with so much evil and ugliness. I want to make a dent in this.

Just generating these images and seeing this style used for positive imagery was cathartic to me. So expect more to come.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
