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Zelensky: "Holocaust The Whole Planet" - The Jewish Kabbalistic Ritual Is Ongoing

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently in the News and on the information world many people are confused why Zelensky literally said a few hours ago that we need to start Nuclear WW3 on the whole face of the earth.

News like this are airing today:

U.S. has sent private warnings to Russia against using a nuclear weapon


People are looking baffled over why this should even happen, how we got here, or why anyone would so openly espouse this. We here know exactly why this happened, but these people have no clue. They just call Zelensky "Insane", same as they do for Putin.

This is because people are at loss to justify any LOGICAL reason why we are here, over a shit dispute over two Jews somewhere in Eastern Europe. You will not find any. Even the sleeping cattle has no explanation at this point, and not even television or anyone else can artifically create a lie enough big to be believed.

Nobody can find a valid reason. So simple people say that these people are just "insane" and try to let it go.

But these people are NOT just "insane". Although they are clearly medically insane, they are merely serving other more darker interests.

Everyone here has been following the posts and news so you know that the Jewish President "Zelensky" is actually appointed by the Jews to literally cause WW3.

The above sounds totally insane, but it sounds insane only insofar that you understand that there is a global conspiracy of literally alien origins taking place on this earth.

Part of this, is based on the so called "Biblical prophecy" that was written by the jews. Jews, treat the planet, especially in positions of power, as a stage of theatrical act with real consequences in their attempts to usher about what we know as the "New World Order", which is basically the "Jewish World Order".

During this "Order", their holy books dictate that most of humanity has to be eliminated, all of humanity has to be racially mixed, a global plantation has to be created, and on this plantation the jews have to be the "masters", who will rule over the rest of the human beings as a form of a slave force. The Jews refer to this as the "Messianic Era".

In order for this "promised" [jewish fapping dreams] Era to be ushered, WW3 and even WW4 must happen as part of "prophecy", so that all governments and people's of the world are brought to their knees. Any opposing powers or Nations that belong to their enemies, such as the people of "Esau" or "Amalek", that stand as obstacles, should be eliminated for this to manifest.

This includes Nations in the Middle East, Russia, the United States, Europe and China. All of these have to be eliminated or brought to their knees. Until that is feasible, the Jewish plan is to hijack key positions of other Nations through the "Diaspora", and shaping the global policy of these Nations to serve Jewish interests, whatever interests these might be.

Eventually, this "Global Community" of Jews will user the dream of their head Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, who said that Judaism is Communism, and instate the so called "Messianic Era of the Jewish People". This will occur through jews taking key positions of power, and even sacrificing in the process to usher this "Messianic Era".

During this era and after brutal chaotic global wars, any surviving humans must become slaves of the Jews, and this is "God's promise" to the Jewish people, so long the Jewish People do fulfill their "obligations" which are a series of attacks against Gentiles.

Then, jews finish their wet dream session by envisioning they have a global technocracy where everyone is enslaved, and ruled over by one singular ruler, which they call their "Messiah" and the reincarnation of the soul of "Ben David" from the "Davidic lineage" of the Jewish People, from which they also claim "Rabbi Yehoshua" or "Jesus Christ" also descended.

Zelensky himself is a jew and likely coddled and raised on the furthering of this agenda from a very young age, as are most other jewish people on the earth. They consider the above "a granted" for their culture, and do not even view this as abnormal. It's normal for them.

Some of them don't take it seriously, but all of them know all of this pervades their whole culture of course.

He is a very loyal adherent and Jew himself, whom the Jewish media frequently celebrated as yet another "David" fighting his own Racial Brother and Russian Jew Putin, as "Goliath".

First, Zelensky was skiing 3 days before the Russian invasion and ignoring his own borders, while probably allowing NATO to do nefarious operations in the Region, where apparently Russia with Putin was also doing the same thing.

Great up until now. Then pay attention to the...Cohencidental Timing in all of this.

Exactly as Co-Vid is "over", Zelensky Jew and the general amalgam of Jewish Kabbalists decided finally it was time to pull another card to destroy everything, namely what HPS Maxine has related before as a high possibility event, WW3.

Many people think we are making a joke or using hyperbole when we say the enemy wants to extinct the planet and kill as many people as possible, but the reality is that this is what they are here for.

Recent data from Europe does show a rise in mortality about 16% since the last few years. They are actively killing people. "Reasons why" are always covered up. They keep making new and new reasons.

But Zelensky doesn't really feel like the pace is fast enough. He wants the situation to go faster, probably because Arch-Rabbi Klaus is also losing his patience and you are not eating your bugs.

Jewish Ignoramus and Careless president Zelensky, is also well known for using CGI software and pretending he is in Ukraine and in other places where he is not, and everyone knows as well he is a paid actor that is clearly playing his nice act while Russian and Ukrainian people die and are living lives of deprivation on the daily, by the tens and tens of thousands.

Certain members here have also posted before about the disgusting CGI that was used for Zelensky. Anyhow, the Western Media is busy kissing the reptilian's ass here, constantly extolling him as a hero and as a defender and so on.

Meanwhile, Zelensky and his close entourage are cashing in who knows how thousands in Bitcoin and billions of dollars, while effectively nobody even knows if actual war is taking place anymore. The Western Media has been getting caught over and over again promoting and sharing fake videos. Not all are fake, but some of these were.

What is even stupider, is that the Jewish Reptilian Zelensky is also busy saying nonsense during the whole war, to drive Kabbalistic Rituals of the Jews in, such as saying "Oy vey, Russia Hitler Putin desecrated the graveyard of Holocaust Survivors"
and other nonsense of this same tier. Equally, the Jewish Authorities of Russia are pampering also nonsense that "The West is Hitler" and so on.

All of this nonsense war, is actually just a huge Kabbalistic Ritual meant to kill people. But the recent statements from Putin and Zelensky do take the Kabbalistic Ritual to another level.

Recently, Zelensky in yet another super Ritual they were conducting on the Eve of the end of the Jewish Semitah Year, and the Autumn Solstice, succinctly called the whole planet into WW3 and Global Retaliation.

"The other nuclear states need to say very firmly that as soon as Russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes on foreign territory—in this case the territory of Ukraine—there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroy the nuclear launch sites in Russia," Podolyak was quoted by The Guardian.


The reptile knows it will go into a bunker of course during all this, but it will not hesitate to espouse a global holocaust of all people on earth, because it's a reptile.

Most people are really still looking at these events and not seeing anything suspicious. On the literal year of the major Jewish Holiday, and on the day of Autumn Solstice [a Pagan Holiday] the super Jew is literally coming out to espouse a global holocaust.

Over here, we know.

One must take a moment to contemplate that this Jew, literally told everyone globally to press the red button on Russia, which would in turn press the red button on everyone else. That would cause the collapse of the planet basically, as Russia is the largest Nuclear power.

When psychopathic jews in positions of power are liberally throwing these statements, they reveal how little they care about the life of the Goy.

So long Israel is out of this, they literally boastfully declare and DEMAND, that we start WW3 and Nuclear ourselves to death for literally no reason other than a Jewish Fake Kabbalistic War, not different than WW1.

Regardless, Jews like Zelensky clearly fantasize and want to materialize this scenario, in which they envision China, the US and Russia, will essentially co-retaliate and therefore all the "Whores of Babylon" are going to fall, which is what they boastfully declare as their innermost desire in Jewish prophecies.

Needless to say, if anyone still wonders why jews need to be removed immediately from any position of power, influence, and global control, then you must be mad. Even worse, you are evil people for even indicating this ongoing trend of death should continue.

The danger of keeping them in a position of seriousness or power is simply too high. They are agitating all of humanity and causing most of the wars of the recent centuries, one on top of the other, for literally no reason.

They also recently caused economic collapse and catastrophe by overplaying a low danger flu. This plunged major economies into recession. Then, they want to holocaust everyone for no reason, other than maybe their own personal benefits.

As they have no viable position in this world, all they want to attain is through death, misery and destruction.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, Zelensky in yet another super Ritual they were conducting on the Eve of the end of the Jewish Semitah Year, and the Autumn Solstice, succinctly called the whole planet into WW3 and Global Retaliation.

Just to point out Jack, whom recently returned in a recent post.

Explains this very well.


On why this is happening on this exact time. It seems like for the enemy they have mountains of plans that go well or go awry.

As a little statement I made a while back in my mind. Can they get away with it kabalistically?

Sure they can do stuff but can they get away with it.

BTW HP.Cobra not to turn this too sci-fi/sci-fantasy -ish.

But and I say this very carefully as I don't want to seem like a fool. Albeit I had another person reiterate "Hey yeah that was posted".

But wasn't it said in some sermon of yours that if SHTF does occur where a major issue cannot be resolved. Not just our side but the Human civilization that broke out of kosher supervision recently. Would arrive to meet this threat?

It was said "If the enemy tries something that really seems out of bounds this civilization has permission to interfere".

Again it's from a sermon pre-coof or right before coof was officially announced.

BTW What are your thoughts on Alex Jones stating in the next 6 months February or March war in Ukraine will occur. Do you believe there is a leaker or some person or entities working on understanding this existential threat and feeding information out to move things around and mess with the enemy?

Many are like man Jones was right the whole time. Whoever told him knows some serious shit.
Brilliant sermon!

Jews are up to meet an entire list of things in order to bring their Messiah, buy all the property of the world, creating misery and suffering and other nonsense, because they live for their saviour to come or something.
Their mind doesn't function like ours in any regards they don't have any 'common sense', they are able to mimic emotions and pretend big time, but that's it.

When the conflict with Putin began, he said something about 'denazifing' Ukraine which for me was translated in " too many white people' in one place.

My heart breaks for the 100000 of dead Russian soldiers so far.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Problem : imminent nuclear war
Reaction : extreme fear in the populace
Solution : dissolution of nations and handing over of all power to the jews
For anyone that doesn't believe us, just look how the enemy try to start their shitty things during days of power like today or during their holidays. Its quite obvious at this point.
This is a serious call to all real SS to work to rise to power as outlined in our charter for this decade. For one, when we have our people in governments, we can prevent them from going to senseless wars or launching nukes for nations that have them.

These creatures are criminally insane. They did not hesitate to conduct terror bombing and turn German cities to lakes of fire. Or to slaughter tens of millions in the USSR. Let us keep up with our rituals and all other forms of struggle. Feels like we're back to the 1920s again.
jews are the real virus of Our World for thousands of years!

They are basically an enemy alien entity which was given a Human shape to infiltrate Our World/Humanity.
This is how every Human should treat them, show them no Humanity!
No matter where it is and what name and persona it uses, treat it like an alien enemy entity.
Throw the mask away,
fight it, curse it, take its power away in every way possible and go hard on it through Our Spiritual Warfare.

Our World, Our Humanity is at stake!
Never capitulate against an alien world-hating, human-hating tyrant!

Death to 💀judaism💀 in all its forms!
Nuclear bombs on pissrael! Nuclear bombs on the greys/reptilians and their worlds!
We overthrow the jewish "throne"!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?
Gear88 said:
It was said "If the enemy tries something that really seems out of bounds this civilization has permission to interfere".

I've always had a "strange feeling" that either benevolent ETs or "future humans" would disable the nukes should it come down to that. How it would be accomplished or even if it would necessary, I'm not sure. Unknown flying craft in Antarctica suggests there may be a "secret base" down there, but it's a friendly one not run by Jews or Reptilians.

Bottom line, the fate of the Jews has been closed. We keep up our spiritual war effort and they'll go down. The Gods have told me we're basically waiting for time as we humans perceive it to "catch up".
What is it about these Jews.... and who was in control of them? To make them think that they want to be this destructive against the human race? And why are they like this and why do they think they have to be this way? Some kind of a hunger that they have? The type of hatred they have towards other people is unbelievable! And the fact that they're an aggressive people! And how they just want to take take and destroy everything around them! And ruin everything not only for themselves laugh out loud but for other people! Do they not realize that if they fucking do away with the human race like this that? They are going into their life as well so it's going to backfire on them! And it's going to hit them just as hard as it's going to hit the human race!
QUESTION.? Why do Jews hate? And the personality of a Jew? I don't know these people very well except for what I've read about them and what I have studied about them! I wasn't raised Jewish! I was never around Jewish people growing up? And I didn't really know a lot of them growing up as a child either except for maybe a few... in a grocery store usually in the back room counting the money or something! Hollywood celebrities and game shows and talk shows and such! People like Richard Simmons..and Barbra Streisand.. I know that they are a self-centered people! I know that they whine and complain all the time because nothing is good enough for them! Talking about Jews and from what I have witnessed watching movies and TV shows based on Jews and would you think about the human race! And Jews acting out parts of gentile people and TV shows and movies and their variation of how a person should be in their daily life! Especially that of Christians and Muslims! And what they think of the gentile people and how they look at them! Acting out the role of a white person and how they sexualize women! And how they think white women should be especially when it comes to Playboy modeling and pornography! And the woman has to be some kind of a sex object according to the Jew especially if she wants to be rich and famous in hollywood! And these type of things always hurt me and pissed me off! Making the woman look like she's nothing but a sex object when she obviously has brains enough to make her choices! And live her life as she wants to. And the hatred that Jews have for people as it is and common! Considering the personality that Jews have of themselves? Other than being destructive and hateful to the Gentile populace! And the world that we live in as we speak! And the Damage that the Jews have done to this world as it is introducing hatred and religion! Considering the Jews themselves and not just individuals! But how these Jews all have something in common? The fact that they love war and destruction! And the fact that they hoard treasures and things from other people! They love the idea of stealing what other people have! And using it for their own benefit! Obsessive and aggressive! Does not exactly complete the personality of a Jew that there is more to them than just being aggressive and possessive! What is it about these fucking jews? The fucking personality they have! They all have in common is the fact that they hate the human race! But there is so much more to a fucking jew? The fact that they love money? And they monopolize everything! They just straight everything around them and try to make it more suitable for themselves! And even at that they know very well it's not going to work or get them very far or get them anywhere! Being destructive! The personality that they have? And what is obviously a typical Jewish personality or a Jewish trait? Everything about the Jew that makes and creates them? The upbringing that they have at home and in their surrounding communities? Why they think they have to be so obnoxious? It never ceases to amaze me with these Jews and the type of things they come up with to destroy the world? It is far beyond that there is just a lot of things about jews? That a lot of us don't know about? They're just like a chameleon they change their attitude and their personality according to the environment they put the good mask on their face and give people the impression that they're a good person and act like they give a shit when they don't! And their personalities? The type of mind that they have? And everything about the Jew that fucking stands out? Is what fucking stumps me!?... and it gets even more crazy..with these people 🙄
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Nero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?

This is the reality of governments and wars. During these times, the situation is not really as clear. For most Russians, it appears that Putin is actually thought of as defending them, which he "kind of" does. This defense however was taken too far.

Zelensky is perceived likewise by most of the Ukrainians, who cannot even imagine that this comedian actor might be literally planted there to cause this event. And people fight because it's both embed into human psychology and also because of survival reasons, on both sides.

The war therefore is not perceived as meaningless, especially on the part of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are heroic people, but so are Russians, and the enemy has created a situation where the mutual feeling of these people has been assaulted. So both were more than ready to take arms and defend what is theirs.

Generally why this happens is because people have no clue that a conspiracy is being run. And even if people are aware, there is still a way for them to actually be able to act on this on a State level.

For example, if you "deny to fight", they have many prisons they can put you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Are there lineages still like this on our side? It's known Julius Caesar claimed descent from Venus. I've wondered if this was literal, or if lineages like this are even still continued on to this day?
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Are there lineages still like this on our side? It's known Julius Caesar claimed descent from Venus. I've wondered if this was literal, or if lineages like this are even still continued on to this day?

That is a rather complex subject, but yes, there "are". These lineages however do not only have to do with physical offspring, but they have to do with spiritual qualities as well.

Jews basically copied this as they found this from previous civilizations. This also exists in India and in all other Pagan belief systems.
Zelensky is an asshole! and so is Putan. Who is an enemy! and working with the jews... obviously!! And he is supporting Zelensky !! Partners in crime trying to take down the Ukraine 🇺🇦 and wipe it off the map. And doing it on purpose because they are both blood thirsty ✡ jews who hate people!! And don't care whether who survives or not! After other people's Goods! For their own benefit! Out stealing other people's artifacts stealing people's money.. and collecting Insurance on any dead person out there they fucking kill! Laugh out loud it's all a big fucking game to these evil people
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Are there lineages still like this on our side? It's known Julius Caesar claimed descent from Venus. I've wondered if this was literal, or if lineages like this are even still continued on to this day?

That is a rather complex subject, but yes, there "are". These lineages however do not only have to do with physical offspring, but they have to do with spiritual qualities as well.

Jews basically copied this as they found this from previous civilizations. This also exists in India and in all other Pagan belief systems.

I know it was said here that the jews tried to hunt down powerful gentile bloodlines to either infiltrate or kill, so it at least feels good news at least some of the physical bloodlines did survive. I figured of course the spiritual offspring would include all Gentiles, or at the very least the nordic peoples.
The fact that through all of this, through all of Jewtin and Jewlensky's media policing attempts for their stupid New Jerusalem project, Russian JoS and forums is still up, is proof that Father Kolliada (Satan), Perun/Perkunas (Beelzebub), Mother Vesna (Lillith) and Radogast (possibly Azazel), and all the great Demons of the Orion protect their own! In-time, once Ukrainians wake up, JoS Ukraine will be up and running! In Kolliada/Satan's will.

The Great Rus' will rise again! Hopefully the Rurikovich or Romanovs will reclaim Russia, but I'm getting WAY ahead of myself.

Stay strong Bratva!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, Zelensky in yet another super Ritual they were conducting on the Eve of the end of the Jewish Semitah Year, and the Autumn Solstice, succinctly called the whole planet into WW3 and Global Retaliation.

"The other nuclear states need to say very firmly that as soon as Russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes on foreign territory—in this case the territory of Ukraine—there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroy the nuclear launch sites in Russia," Podolyak was quoted by The Guardian.


The reptile knows it will go into a bunker of course during all this, but it will not hesitate to espouse a global holocaust of all people on earth, because it's a reptile.

As far as I can see, the rate of fear and insecurity in people is alarming; i have never felt such a high level of stress and chaotic energies in the mass mind (excess of air element, causing high stress and quick unpredictable actions). As a consequence I see a very high rate of aggressiveness between Gentiles themselves, very "war-like" energies.
Those news are hammered into our heads daily, with heavy mental consequences.

I think they are both pushing to trigger WW3, but also trying to collapse social structure as perceived, causing social collapse and consequent unpredictable aggression.
Nero said:
Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is the reality of governments and wars. During these times, the situation is not really as clear. For most Russians, it appears that Putin is actually thought of as defending them, which he "kind of" does. This defense however was taken too far.

Zelensky is perceived likewise by most of the Ukrainians, who cannot even imagine that this comedian actor might be literally planted there to cause this event. And people fight because it's both embed into human psychology and also because of survival reasons, on both sides.

The war therefore is not perceived as meaningless, especially on the part of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are heroic people, but so are Russians, and the enemy has created a situation where the mutual feeling of these people has been assaulted. So both were more than ready to take arms and defend what is theirs.

Generally why this happens is because people have no clue that a conspiracy is being run. And even if people are aware, there is still a way for them to actually be able to act on this on a State level.

For example, if you "deny to fight", they have many prisons they can put you.
These articles may be interesting or informative. Despite

Russia details chilling plan for ‘new world order' with China after Ukraine invasion

we have

Russians join global protests against Putin’s Ukraine invasion despite warnings

Russians say 'no' to Putin’s war on Ukraine by protesting on streets, hundreds arrested

Thousands of Russians arrested for protesting against Putin's war on Ukraine, human rights group says

Mass arrests reported as Russians protest Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Russians take to streets, brave riot police to protest Putin's Ukraine invasion

Russians Are Taking to the Streets to Protest the Invasion of Ukraine

Russians turn on Putin: Police drag unconscious woman away as protests break out in St Petersburg with crowds chanting 'no to war' and demanding an end to invasion of Ukraine

Putin cornered as Russian people step up protests, world leaders, businesses turn on him - 'Is he losing it?'

Thousands of Russians are protesting against the war with Ukraine. Putin’s not likely to listen.

Russia's jailed opposition leader urges global protests of Putin's brutal Ukraine war: 'We cannot wait any longer'

Russian Police Reportedly Arrest, Jail Children Protesting War Against Ukraine

Alexei Navalny calls for Russians to protest 'obviously insane tsar' Putin every day

Russian businessman places $1m bounty on Vladimir Putin’s head

Ordinary Russians pay a high price for protesting Putin

Russia-Ukraine war: United Nations approves resolution condemning Putin, Russia

Russia could be guilty of starvation crimes in Ukraine. We must act

Russian armed forces struggling because they 'don't like fighting in the rain', Western officials claim

(Possibly unrelated or false reason to arrest?)
Russian hypersonic flight scientist arrested for treason
Shipliuk is the director of the Siberian Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and becomes after his arrest the third Russian scientist arrested on suspicion of treason in recent months.

His detention follows the June 27 arrest of the institute's chief researcher, Anatoli Maslov, suspected of transferring secret state data related to hypersonic missiles.

Russians make plans to flee, while 1,300 arrested protesting Putin's war

How Putin is being pushed to the brink by his ultra nationalists
selected comment
Russia does not tolerate "Ultra Nationalists" unlike like the American funded ukranazis?
Russia has a 400,000 a year conscript system that has been in place since 1978. That is why they can call on so many reservists, 2 million at the last count.
Service is mandatory for 18-27 year olds who do 6 years training, before they are sent into any conflict, therefor they are experienced and professional...
Reservists are all professional ex soldiers, not 70 year old men, grannies and women?
Whatever you read on MSM about the shortcomings of the Russians, replace with "Ukrainians" who are finished, that is why nato troops have taken over.. but we are not supposed to do that for that means "World War" where your menfolk will be required to lay down their lives for Zelensky..........

...aaaaand why not, one about the jew directly -

The Jewish Russian community is falling apart - senior Jewish leaders
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Nero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?

This is the reality of governments and wars. During these times, the situation is not really as clear. For most Russians, it appears that Putin is actually thought of as defending them, which he "kind of" does. This defense however was taken too far.

Zelensky is perceived likewise by most of the Ukrainians, who cannot even imagine that this comedian actor might be literally planted there to cause this event. And people fight because it's both embed into human psychology and also because of survival reasons, on both sides.

The war therefore is not perceived as meaningless, especially on the part of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are heroic people, but so are Russians, and the enemy has created a situation where the mutual feeling of these people has been assaulted. So both were more than ready to take arms and defend what is theirs.

Generally why this happens is because people have no clue that a conspiracy is being run. And even if people are aware, there is still a way for them to actually be able to act on this on a State level.

For example, if you "deny to fight", they have many prisons they can put you.

I think the Russians are unlucky with the government, always unlucky. In the entire history of Russia, there has never been a more or less adequate regime that would not torment the people. I really want the population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to have all the benefits that Estonia, Latvia and Poland have (at least), I'm not even talking about France, Italy and Norway. When you live in Russia all your life, you see all this from the inside, what is happening, and you understand why it is so difficult for ordinary people to change everything for the better. Most people in Russia live very poorly, take out mortgages and make ends meet, most ordinary people frankly don't give a shit about politics, people are just trying to survive. In fact, many people in the West cannot even imagine what the majority of those living in Russia face on a daily basis and how badly they live. Even when tourists from Europe and the United States come to Russia, it seems that they only go along the tourist routes that were paintedto them in North Korea. Many people in Russia (I emphasize that it is white, hardworking, educated people) cannot even leave Russia, not because of the lack of money that can still be exchanged for dollars or euros, but precisely because of the lack of visa restrictions and the lack of programs migration, which for some reason is in the European Union only for Africans and Arabs, but not for white people from Russia. If you are trying to change something in Russia, go to rallies, the Jews put you in jail, or simply kill you. If you are trying to change something, being inside the system, even holding a state or municipal position, Jews come to you and simply kill you. Russians cannot even freely travel to normal, civilized countries, they need to get a visa for everything. There is a lot of injustice in Russia, at all levels. I hope that the majority of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian people will be reincarnated in Western countries (exactly the people who really want this) just to at least live a normal life, the life they live in Western Europe and the USA. For me, the very idea that I will be reincarnated in a post-Soviet country is unbearable!!! I have a positive attitude towards patriotism, I like Americans and American patriots, I like the history, culture and structure of the US political and state system, especially the legal system with its really working laws, the Constitution. When I studied at the institute, I felt a very strong attraction to all this. If we talk about history, I like the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire the most, I like both the democratic institutions in Ancient Rome, and individual dictators and military leaders. Of the Greek states, I like Athens the most with its democracy. I don't really like Sparta, probably because of the too ascetic and limited way of life. Of the states of the 20th century, I like Nazi Germany and Fascist Spain the most. Of the eastern countries, I like Japan most of all, both during the years of the samurai and the Second World War, when Japan, together with Hitler, helped the Indian nationalists in the struggle for an independent India.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Nero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?

This is the reality of governments and wars. During these times, the situation is not really as clear. For most Russians, it appears that Putin is actually thought of as defending them, which he "kind of" does. This defense however was taken too far.

Zelensky is perceived likewise by most of the Ukrainians, who cannot even imagine that this comedian actor might be literally planted there to cause this event. And people fight because it's both embed into human psychology and also because of survival reasons, on both sides.

The war therefore is not perceived as meaningless, especially on the part of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are heroic people, but so are Russians, and the enemy has created a situation where the mutual feeling of these people has been assaulted. So both were more than ready to take arms and defend what is theirs.

Generally why this happens is because people have no clue that a conspiracy is being run. And even if people are aware, there is still a way for them to actually be able to act on this on a State level.

For example, if you "deny to fight", they have many prisons they can put you.

Does Putin want to rebuild USSR by taking over CIS countries?
Gotta say this whole situation is looking quite grim, but I’m not afraid, our Gods are with us, and the day will come when the Jew will pay.
It is indeed crunch time hopefully another war won't errupt I don't take china's threats seriously anymore they keep on talking shit but never actually do anything and their population has had a massive gut full of their regime and since their economy relies on trade I doubt they will actually try anything not unless they want a very quick end made of them and with winter coming in the northern hemisphere they really don't want to fuck around right now.

I feel like this will be our tipping point so many people are talking about spirituality right now true 95% of what they say isn't correct but it's a massive step in the right direction from the closet to the light people are beginning to work it out.

When they fail by the end of the year to start another big war it's all down hill from here for them I feel especially after doing the demonic authority ritual that they are on the way out now after all this time indeed their reign over us was for but a short time.

Undoubtedly they will keep trying their real life matrix garbage but they will fail.
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Do you believe the Davidic lineage is real?

No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Nero said:
Why do so many Russians go to fight against their brotherly Ukrainian people? They could overthrow their jewish government instead of going to the meaningless war. Is this because of jewish magic ?

This is the reality of governments and wars. During these times, the situation is not really as clear. For most Russians, it appears that Putin is actually thought of as defending them, which he "kind of" does. This defense however was taken too far.

Zelensky is perceived likewise by most of the Ukrainians, who cannot even imagine that this comedian actor might be literally planted there to cause this event. And people fight because it's both embed into human psychology and also because of survival reasons, on both sides.

The war therefore is not perceived as meaningless, especially on the part of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are heroic people, but so are Russians, and the enemy has created a situation where the mutual feeling of these people has been assaulted. So both were more than ready to take arms and defend what is theirs.

Generally why this happens is because people have no clue that a conspiracy is being run. And even if people are aware, there is still a way for them to actually be able to act on this on a State level.

For example, if you "deny to fight", they have many prisons they can put you.

I think the Russians are unlucky with the government, always unlucky. In the entire history of Russia, there has never been a more or less adequate regime that would not torment the people. I really want the population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to have all the benefits that Estonia, Latvia and Poland have (at least), I'm not even talking about France, Italy and Norway. When you live in Russia all your life, you see all this from the inside, what is happening, and you understand why it is so difficult for ordinary people to change everything for the better. Most people in Russia live very poorly, take out mortgages and make ends meet, most ordinary people frankly don't give a shit about politics, people are just trying to survive. In fact, many people in the West cannot even imagine what the majority of those living in Russia face on a daily basis and how badly they live. Even when tourists from Europe and the United States come to Russia, it seems that they only go along the tourist routes that were paintedto them in North Korea. Many people in Russia (I emphasize that it is white, hardworking, educated people) cannot even leave Russia, not because of the lack of money that can still be exchanged for dollars or euros, but precisely because of the lack of visa restrictions and the lack of programs migration, which for some reason is in the European Union only for Africans and Arabs, but not for white people from Russia. If you are trying to change something in Russia, go to rallies, the Jews put you in jail, or simply kill you. If you are trying to change something, being inside the system, even holding a state or municipal position, Jews come to you and simply kill you. Russians cannot even freely travel to normal, civilized countries, they need to get a visa for everything. There is a lot of injustice in Russia, at all levels. I hope that the majority of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian people will be reincarnated in Western countries (exactly the people who really want this) just to at least live a normal life, the life they live in Western Europe and the USA. For me, the very idea that I will be reincarnated in a post-Soviet country is unbearable!!! I have a positive attitude towards patriotism, I like Americans and American patriots, I like the history, culture and structure of the US political and state system, especially the legal system with its really working laws, the Constitution. When I studied at the institute, I felt a very strong attraction to all this. If we talk about history, I like the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire the most, I like both the democratic institutions in Ancient Rome, and individual dictators and military leaders. Of the Greek states, I like Athens the most with its democracy. I don't really like Sparta, probably because of the too ascetic and limited way of life. Of the states of the 20th century, I like Nazi Germany and Fascist Spain the most. Of the eastern countries, I like Japan most of all, both during the years of the samurai and the Second World War, when Japan, together with Hitler, helped the Indian nationalists in the struggle for an independent India.

I feel you brother. The more you see of the injustice, the greater the pain. Life of Slavic people under the oppressor is tragic indeed. A once great nation remembers its time of glory after all the shit we have been through with communism and now this whatever it is. I've seen the past as it truly was and the future as it will be after we've had our victory although at a heavy price. I remember for all those that have forgotten and will collect payment in full and with interest. Even if they kill me a thousand times I will return to finish the job. Anyways, got a bit carried away by rage and thirst for revenge. What I was trying to say is that they will pay for all the horrible things they did to our peoples. Despair not and persevere. Our time is not that far away. Maybe not in this life but soon. Trust me (if not me than trust Satan) not only will the jews mercilessly be dealt with but their masters will regret sorely going against humans for we are of Satan's bloodline.
Nero said:
Does Putin want to rebuild USSR by taking over CIS countries?

From what I'm seeing, yes and no. He's trying to create a schizophrenic Russian [Jewish] superstate that attempts to combine Tsarist and Soviet ideology. Yes, he played the Tsarist and nationalist card during his early tenure as "president", lambasting the Soviets for their persecution against the Orthodox Christians (spiritually-speaking, "their own"), exposing communism as being a Jewish leftist religion in of itself, and even exposing the Soviet elite as being Jews.

The next minute, he defends Soviet maniac monsters, gentile-murderers like Jew-sef Stalin, referred to the USSR's collapse as a "disaster" (it was, for the people, not the kike elites). Claims that we're just "slandering and overplaying" the horror of the Stalinist regime in the 1930s, and the Holodomour, the REAL Ukrainian holocaust, the holocaust nobody talks about because "Stalin was our ally".

They know that Russians today are still quite divided over the issue of neo-Sovietism, therefore they need to feed Russians different types of kool-aid when convenient.

If they feel it makes Russians feel "patriotic" about the stories of fables of the [Jewish] Red Army, then so be it. If they feel that the Orthodox Church and stories of the Tsar's victories against the Sultan will do it, so be it.

If this succeeds, basically you'll see a neo-Soviet, neo-communist state, only using the Tsarist flag and proclaiming Rabbi Jebu's name, since Patriarch Kiril is HEAVILY involved in Russian politics, and is Putin's BF, and is pretty much Russia's "national pope" at this point.

Kiril also supports the war in Ukraine, makes outlandish statements against other "fellow Orthodox", like claiming that Ukrainians and Romanians didn't fight in the Russo-Ottoman wars, or that Bulgaria needs to become Russian territory. This for the sole purpose and intent of spreading chaos between the Orthodox and/or Slavic-speaking peoples. The recent schism that occured between the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches also was for this very purpose.

If Russia (as well as Ukraine and Belarus) truly wants to advance, they NEED to de-communize and de-Sovietize their countries, COMPLETELY, AND eliminate their leadership of kike filth. Ukraine may be anti-communist and anti-Soviet, but the kikes have managed to set up fake Satanic/Odin groups like the Azov Battalion and Right Sector, with the latter having openly expressed their support for Pissrael.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, it's just more nonsense from the jews. But they believe their own lies and they are forcing them on everyone else.

Are there lineages still like this on our side? It's known Julius Caesar claimed descent from Venus. I've wondered if this was literal, or if lineages like this are even still continued on to this day?

That is a rather complex subject, but yes, there "are". These lineages however do not only have to do with physical offspring, but they have to do with spiritual qualities as well.

Jews basically copied this as they found this from previous civilizations. This also exists in India and in all other Pagan belief systems.

I often wonder if Peter the Great was also a demi-God, since this topic concerns Russia. Though he isn't free of controversies, nor perfect, but he was known to be very different from the other Tsars, namely in that he was very tall, and brought the gifts of Westernization and modernization to Russia, he basically connected Russia to the rest of Europe and made them known to the rest of Europe to where they joined the broader European community.

In addition, Peter also didn't seem like he was a fan of the church at all, took over to the church to limit its influence over the people (using the Satanic tradition of secrecy) previous Tsars were all about feeding Rabbi Jeebu, whereas Peter truly to benefit Russian society and the Russian state.

Many even say he was almost an early form of Hitler, which I wouldn't doubt.
FancyMancy said:
Russia details chilling plan for ‘new world order' with China after Ukraine invasion

This is basically Hegelian solution for all the "politically incorrect nationalist conspiracy theorists" who have been exposing the decades upon decades of war crimes committed by the kikes in New York City. I'm seeing an alarming rate, of so-called "loud-mouthed" patriots praising Russia and China......yeah.....China.

So they prop up Russia and China as "controlled opposition" to "evil America". Essentially, their plan is to have America and NATO collapse, while Jewish Russia and Jewish China fill in the void. The world celebrates that the evil democratic world touring machine is gone.

Russian and Chinese soldiers arrest war criminals (in reality, the so-called "war criminals" will be the poor goyim slaves that took orders from the kikes, the kikes themselves will just flee to some safe haven) - once again, the world will celebrate, and see Russia and China as heroes.

However........they'll be in for a brutal surprise when they begin seeing boots on their front lawns, or when they their "heroic governments" begin preaching that evil Syria, evil Arabia, or whatever, needs to be taken down, and by the time they realize that all the war crimes committed by the U.S., will simply be "transferred over" to Russia and China, it'll be too late.

The Southeast Asian countries will have Jewish China to deal with. The Eastern European nations will have Jewish Russia to put up with. The Middle East will have Jewish Turkey (via Islamist Erdogan) to deal with.

All of the war criminals in NYC and Israel will be relocated safely to the depopulated Ukraine, which by that point, has been emptied of all gentile Slavs, and replaced for their "New Jerusalem" project.

Patriarch Kiril is a HUGE cheerleader for the Grey NWO agenda, all the other Orthodox leaders don't even like him, but they keep their mouths shut.

This is not just a "chilling scenario" - it is something that Satan's warriors need to aim their energies towards either combating, or blunting.

Proof that Putin and all of his cohorts in the Kremlin are NOT nationalists!
It's wonderful! We know about it. So does it mean that all our rituals against jews is bullshit? Why it is not work? Why every post you talk about danger and death?
I'm so angry maybe you should stop to TALK ABOUT IT everyone can talk! Better to find the way how to save the world. It is nuclear war and informaton about zelencki is shit and jew don't save me and don't help. What about real actions?
So much informaton about jews and danger and only one post with rituals. So do it work or not!? Why nothing not chanche!? Or I should die with thinks about jews and memory that I did the ritual against all this fucking jews shit but anyway it is nuclear war
Ramses said:
It is indeed crunch time hopefully another war won't errupt I don't take china's threats seriously anymore they keep on talking shit but never actually do anything and their population has had a massive gut full of their regime and since their economy relies on trade I doubt they will actually try anything not unless they want a very quick end made of them and with winter coming in the northern hemisphere they really don't want to fuck around right now.

I feel like this will be our tipping point so many people are talking about spirituality right now true 95% of what they say isn't correct but it's a massive step in the right direction from the closet to the light people are beginning to work it out.

When they fail by the end of the year to start another big war it's all down hill from here for them I feel especially after doing the demonic authority ritual that they are on the way out now after all this time indeed their reign over us was for but a short time.

Undoubtedly they will keep trying their real life matrix garbage but they will fail.
One possible outcome I see is that the armies themselves will not go along with the enemy's plan. In Russia alone, many men are fleeing the country after Putin's move involving conscription. They don't feel obligated to fight in a war so senseless. Their women and children aren't endangered by any enemy. This is just jewish insanity.

I can bet that many soldiers also feel the same way but can do little about it.

In China, people are fed up. They know their government is tyrannical and wants to spread its poison to the rest of the world. If China can collapse internally due to the Chinese people rejecting communism and its plan for World domination, the enemy's wet dream of conquering the world using China will have failed.

Same case with Russia. If enough Russian people rebel, and hopefully even men in the army, USSR 2 will be a failed Jewish dream. You can't expand into other nations with your own soldiers and the people against you.

This is a very possible outcome. People in these nations don't even support their governments. The RTRs pave way for them to have a higher chance at succeeding in internal revolutions.

The Soviet Union collapsed as it was first prevented by Hitler from expanding to the whole of Europe and the rest of the world, and eventually by internal rebellion.

Viktor Suvorov who was a jew that defected from the Soviet Union and exposed their secrets in various books wrote that the Soviet Union was such a tyrannical nation, it had to spread and engulf the world or it was bound to fail if kept contained within its boundaries alone. He exposed how Stalin had brought his armies to Germany's border and was planning to destroy Germany in a blitzkrieg, conquering Germany and the rest of Europe in 1941.

But Hitler performed the surprise attack first and ended Stalin's dream. From that point, the Soviet Union was fated for collapse as they couldn't expand their tyrannical society quick enough.

China can't keep doing what it's doing forever, and the CCP is bound to collapse. This is also a reason why the CCP wants to conquer other nations soon because their own citizens are getting tired of the endless tyranny. And for all we know, there are probably soldiers who also don't want a war that can turn nuclear, and some are also probably not too fond of the CCP.
Nero said:
Does Putin want to rebuild USSR by taking over CIS countries?
I don't know what you mean by "CIS", but apparently.

We don't wanna put in the negative move
it's killin' the groove
I'm a-tryin' to shoot in some disco tonight
boogie with you
FancyMancy said:
Nero said:
Does Putin want to rebuild USSR by taking over CIS countries?
I don't know what you mean by "CIS", but apparently.

We don't wanna put in the negative move
it's killin' the groove
I'm a-tryin' to shoot in some disco tonight
boogie with you

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional intergovernmental organization in Eastern Europe and Asia. It was formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. These countries were members of the former USSR
I heard zelensky may want to join nato soon,which was one of the things jewtin said if he did it would start ww3,one jew fighting another but I'm sure it is all planned that way by the jewish plague (oy vey hes join nato I guess we war go goyims feed jew thoughtform with your life when jew in sky will come he will enslaveses I mean helpses you soon)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
