Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:
sonnenkraft said:
lower races always have a mental disorder , and the jews are in the first place for eating humans
She is Korean, which I would easily have bet, as I read the first line of this thread.
And this is no wonder to me: Koreans are among the most disgusting people on Earth.
Note that I wrote "among the most disgusting", and not "the most disgusting people".
As I wrote when introducing myself: many similarities can be found between the most disgusting people and among the most disgusting people!
A quick look at this tells a lot about them: http://www.howitzer.jp/urinara/web12.html
In a multi-ethnic nation like America, I've had contact with Korean-American communities, so far they been very welcoming and hospitable. I remember during a stop-over in South Korea, there was an emergency situation on the bus (won't go into detail, it was health-related) and the tour guide stopped by a store to go buy us what we needed, with HIS OWN money. During a trip to a Buddhist monastery, the monks offered us tea, and some food using veggies grown from the garden. All for free.
Personally, I've never seen that kind of hospitality among fellow westerners, ESPECIALLY around cuck-servative Xians. Quite just opposite exactly, Churches do the exact opposite, curse/hate mankind, rob, steal, fraud and cripple people, and prey off of poor people, then point a gun in your face and call you a communist for being homeless, grow gardens and and raise livestock to feed the pig priests/pastors, and even after than, STILL demand tithes from congregations.
But hey...thank Yahwisheewashee they can hand out free delicious bibles made with imported occultism to the poor people of Africa!
Point is, don't be too hard on your people "as a whole", people all races do abominable shit like this, or do shit that makes the Gods unhappy, or destroy their connection with the Gods, since the Jew leads/influences pretty much over all Gentile nations on the Earth. In Africa they practice cannibalism and eating raw beef.
Mudslimes do this stuff as well, making threatening and insulting posters against all non-Mudslimes, stomping flags of non-Mudslime nations. They too, practice cannibalism and pedophilia, eating raw flesh of sacrificed non-Mudslimes, a completely kosher practice (or rebranded as "halal").
Go check out Death to Communism, it's JoS-affiliated, the stuff described in that article you shared happens all over Asia, and the world, not just Korea or limited to Koreans.
I mean in Russia, and the former USSR, during anniversaries of the Red Jewish Revolution ( :roll: "Russian Revolution" :roll: ), and World War II, hardliner communists slander Hitler all the time.
Even my own people, I have strong reservations and criticisms against ("loving" someone doesn't just mean pretending like they don't do anything wrong), Christianity made me hate My people, and it seems like Jew influence is also affecting your perception of your own.
Also just know, that that hatred between Koreans, Japanese and Chinese is/was completely fabricated by the Jews, or the Asian-Jewish factions at least, to conquer, divide and destroy the children of Ba'al, the Father God of the Asiatic peoples.
The Jesuits would bully Japan into starting wars with China and Korea, during I believe the Meiji Period (not sure on the exacty period), and again during World War II. Not sure about the Russo-Japanese war, but I wouldn't be surprised if that war too, was of Jewish doings.
They do it with the Whites as well, via the German-French wars of the Two World Wars, and with the Russians via World War II and the Cold War. Now, they're pulling it off between Russians and Ukrainians. The Czar and Kaiser never hated each other, not to mention they were cousins of Germanic bloodline.
Hating your nation is a Jewish ideology, and something that the Jews want now, before and forever.