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You're Not Taking Advantage of Your Power as a Satanist

Betelgeuse said:
I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days and I've been wanting to make a topic like this but I never got around to it because I've been going through major changes spiritually, mentally, and physically. This topic is meant to be both an inspirational speech and a short story of my past as a Satanist that's struggled to find a place in life. I guess this is sort of aimed towards newer members as well. Maybe it'll help someone out there find themselves while on this path.

Guess I'll start off with Astrology.
We're all individual. We're all born with different influences and energies from the planets and our Birth Charts
are Maps of our Souls that determines what kind of life we'll have, and how good of a quality said life will be.
The planets in our solar system each give off their own unique vibrational frequency. When we are born, a chart is cast. Wherever the planets are in our charts and what houses they are in, the combined vibrational frequencies of the planets and their positions create a unique vibration at a certain point/area and time on the earth - and this vibration at a certain point/area and time is YOU, your birth place, your time of birth - your Birth Chart, and it is the Vibrational frequency of your Soul, which I like to call the 'Base Fate'.
The majority of humanity right now is living with 'Base Fate' as they don't have the same level of knowledge on the occult that we have, nor do they know how to change their fate and lives for the better by using the Occult obviously, and are always totally at the mercy of planetary influences and things that they have no clue about.

We are all born with sort of a set fate and vibration that'll mostly stay the same for our entire lives, which will continuously attract the same quality of life to us until we die, unless of course we use occult magic to change it for the better.
There are other factors that can change a persons fate like the progressing planets and when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move into our different houses, this can cause drastic and permanent changes in a persons life. Fate however is always changing for us all on an individual level. Our minds and our thoughts, even though humanity has been stripped of occult knowledge and teachings, still generate power on the astral and are constantly changing and influencing the world around us, even if it is at a tiny and Unnoticeable level.
Meditation and empowering the soul also empowers our thoughts and our ability to change and influence the world around us.
The stronger your soul, the easier it is to manifest your desires in life.

Astrology isn't just for people either. You can in fact use astrology to start your own business or career
and take a look at your business/career's own birth chart. The moment it was created or signed into existence, this also creates a unique chart for your business, which you can read and see if it'll be successful and popular or not.

I remember when I first started studying astrology and I remember HPs Maxine stating in the JoS Astrology section on the main site that learning astrology will really change the way you view life and reality on this world, and she was absolutely right. Learning astrology really has caused me to look at the world differently, because learning astrology can also be a double edged sword.
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart. I still hate it. In fact, the recent major changes I've made and are currently making to my life, is because of this hatred.

I was always a lazy slob and I always held the fact that I was a Satanist in the back of my mind just to keep myself pumped up and feeling that I was better than everyone that I hated, but I never really made any major changes, and I never took my spiritual progress seriously enough to break out of the depressing mindset and situation that I was in for years.

But recently I've been really making progress to change my life for the better. I always felt like I was weak and
my magic just wouldn't work, and I was a pessimist and always emotionally tortured and insulted myself because I felt so low.
I was also one of those types of Satanists that believes that Satan and the gods will handle everything for me
and would always protect me and have my back no matter what. That's the wrong mindset to have. Satan and the gods are there for us at all levels, but they want us to empower ourselves and learn how to manipulate our lives and fate for the better and without help from outside sources. They'll only step in if we're in catastrophic situations that we cant handle on our own.

About a month ago was when I started trying to make serious changes to my life using the occult.
Why did I suddenly start making extreme changes to my life?
Because I had a headache.
I had a headache about a month ago that was a little too painful for me to handle and I was pretty
much begging Satan and the gods to stop the pain - which they didn't. But then I opened a PDF file of the Runic Kabala that I have saved on my PC, wondered what Rune would be best to help stop the pain, and I picked the Wunjo rune because it was the best thing that I saw that could help with pain. The whole time this was happening my head was still throbbing, and I couldn't really think straight at the time or know whether or not Wunjo would be the best thing to use.
Regardless, all I knew was that I was in pain that I couldn't handle, and that it needed to F*cking stop.

I managed to vibrate the Wunjo rune x40 and affirmed that the energy of the rune was stopping all pain from the headache - in a positive way of course. I Visualized my head glowing white-gold, with white-gold Wunjo Runes also circling my head. The pain from my headache immediately started to dissipate, and was completely gone about 30 minutes after using Wunjo.

At that moment I started having more confidence in my workings that I could actually DO things. I also felt like Satan and the gods were proud of me finally taking action and handling a bad situation on my own. Even if it was something as small and simple like that, it still affected me in a positive way.

About a week afterwards I ran into another situation, but this time there wasn't any pain to deal with, but rather it was shame. It was a bit of a emotionally embarrassing awkward moment. But this shit is in the past now, so I don't mind sharing it.
I was actually masturbating and watching porn, I know that porn is bad for you because it can mess with your mind and cause issues and hang ups regarding sex, but I naturally have a really strong sexual drive because In my birth chart I also have a bunch of planets in my 8th house, planets that can cause a strong desire for sex.

Anyways, I was just sitting there jacking it, lol, and I don't know what the fuck happened, there was probably a grey or something messing with me (which I believe was most likely the case), because I suddenly started feeling like shit, and then started having negative thoughts about myself. I started feeling low and pathetic again.
The woman in the video I was watching was mind blowingly gorgeous, but here I was sitting here in a dirty room, out of shape and unattractive, completely broke. And I was sitting there thinking to myself why can't I just have a happy, wealthy life, and have a gorgeous woman like that. I've always gotten myself down and depressed by constantly asking myself that, and I've frequently had sad moments like this in the past.
This time however, was a bit different. I sort of got a bit too angry with my situation and in that moment and finally snapped, and I was just done with taking all the abuse and misfortune in life.

That was when I decided that I wouldn't take this shit anymore. I was sick of living like that, poor and depressed and lonely all the time, while people around me are now literally making millions from bullshit websites we have these days like onlyfans, and youtube, and twitch, whatever. It sickens me that I have to be stuck and trapped in certain lifestyle and quality of life that 'fate' has provided me with.

I've made changes to myself. I am working out way more than I ever usually have. I've been taking meditations and advancement more seriously. I feel like my soul is changing for the better, and with it, my physical body is changing for the better, along with my mentality and emotional state. I feel like I've built more muscle in the past month than I have in the last 3 years.

And my Solar Plexus Chakra has been occasionally going wild and giving me that 'butterflies' feeling in my stomach
that actually feels really good, and makes me want to giggle and laugh and is overall an extremely pleasant feeling. It feels like I'm getting really exited happy for no reason, which causes me to get the butterflies feeling.

I want new members reading this to understand that you have power, and the power to change your lives for the better. You just have to put in the work and energy to get things moving. Don't be lazy and unmotivated like I was for most of my life. I've sat and waited and wasted years of my life away just boiling over with hate and depression and always kept asking Satan for help over and over and I never really used the powers that I personally had to change things in my life other than spamming money spells, which all have failed in the past because of my own negative mentality and pessimism when it comes to wealth and my bleak view of the world and life in general.

You're not just powerful. In the world of the Occult and Magic, JoS Satanists are pretty much at the top of the food chain and the knowledge and power gap between us and what you would call 'regular occultists or magicians' that you can find all over social media, youtube, or whatever, is fucking enormous, and you'll never understand how powerful you are until you start practicing the meditations on JoS and using the occult teachings on the site to manifest your desires in life, and to remove all past life karmic issues and negativity. We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential. Teachings that can literally save your life in some situations, and overall change your entire fate and quality of life.

I remember years ago in the old yahoo groups where I recall a woman who made a topic saying she was homeless and pregnant and she needed urgent help and if I recall correctly she mentioned Lucifuge Rofocal and she wanted to summon him for help with money. That seems like a legit situation where the gods may step in and help, and I hope she and the child are doing well. In those kind of panic and extreme situations, its hard to focus and think straight and know what to do. Its in these types of situations too, where our inner power can truly shine. Don't allow panic and sadness to wreck your mind and emotions in those moments. Void it out and take charge of the situation. Keep a positive mindset, because negative thoughts and emotions will just worsen your predicament. Find whatever problem your having at its source and use the teachings that JoS has to remove those problems from your life.

Also keep in mind we are at war. We have enemies out there that practice the same level of occult teachings that we have. As Hoodedcobra said in one of his posts, there's only really two groups of people who practice and have this level of occult teachings in this world. One of them is Us, the other is the jews that are in the upper echelons of our Governments, Media, and Hollywood, and of course the ones that stay hidden behind the scenes and control everything.

And even though I don't want to give the jews any inch of ground or shit like that, I have to say it here to inform you all, especially the newer members here, the same way Hoodedcobra also had to say on his own post, that the majority of jews, especially the kind of jews that are deep in our Government, Hollywood, and that Control the media, are way more powerful than any 'normal' person on the earth, spiritually and materially. They have their own form of occult magic, and they sure as hell practice it constantly. This is the reason why all SS must take spiritual advancement seriously. If you don't, then it wont be a pretty sight if you ever find yourself under a REAL spiritual assault by the enemy. It's really bleak to say that this is a 'Survival of the Fittest' scenario, but it is the reality. Souls will always be at the mercy of more powerful souls, and that's just a brutal and universal law of nature.
And if we are to survive both individually and together as a race, then we must be powerful and continuously improve upon ourselves, and instead of always hiding behind an AoP and asking our GD's or Satan to help and handle any attacks we receive, we need to learn to defend ourselves and to attack back on our own.
The jews are constantly trying to spiritually attack and curse us on a daily basis to remove all wealth, love, and happiness from our lives. You have to become powerful and swim against the tide of negativity and curses if you ever want to live a full and happy life, and when you finally achieve your goals, you can look back and notice the power and spiritual progress you've gained along the way.

If you take a look around you and you're upset with the life that you have, you have all the power and teachings you need to change your life for the better here at JoS. So don't wait and waste time lingering on doubt and depression. I've waited for too long and suffered for it. But age wise I'm also still a bit on the younger side, so I still have more than enough time to change my life.
Don't let doubt stop you from achieving your dreams and goals in life. When you finally start using the teachings here at JoS seriously and with full purpose and intent to make changes for the better, you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

I've stunned myself with the things that I'm capable of doing with the Occult recently. Things that I never thought that I could ever do. I always thought I was just a weak, then I found out that I was not.
And that I can be an absolute monster whenever I wanted to be.

And as for hollow and manic assholes out there in the world, certain individuals like Andrew Tate, who we have already discussed on the forums - and Hoodedcobra even made an entire topic giving him a message to stop slandering Satan, I'm done with these types of individuals.
People like Andrew Tate, with their snob ass attitude, shit-eating grin, and superiority complex when it comes to money and everyone else around them, really gets under my skin and always have. A little too deep.
There are no laws against black magic in our world. Both HPs Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra have stated this before. I've never really cursed or tried to spiritually harm anyone with full intent before, other than just being angry and sending out negative energy in the spur of the moment.
But I think around the beginning of next year, whenever Mars goes direct again, the gloves are coming off.

Don't take your frustrations out on Tate for being objectively better than you, at least on values recognized by NPC society. The legality on curses goes both ways, bro. Often times celebrities with have at least a reflective egregore and Rabbi handlers similar to what Kanye exposed.
653262725725724 said:
Betelgeuse said:
I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days and I've been wanting to make a topic like this but I never got around to it because I've been going through major changes spiritually, mentally, and physically. This topic is meant to be both an inspirational speech and a short story of my past as a Satanist that's struggled to find a place in life. I guess this is sort of aimed towards newer members as well. Maybe it'll help someone out there find themselves while on this path.

Guess I'll start off with Astrology.
We're all individual. We're all born with different influences and energies from the planets and our Birth Charts
are Maps of our Souls that determines what kind of life we'll have, and how good of a quality said life will be.
The planets in our solar system each give off their own unique vibrational frequency. When we are born, a chart is cast. Wherever the planets are in our charts and what houses they are in, the combined vibrational frequencies of the planets and their positions create a unique vibration at a certain point/area and time on the earth - and this vibration at a certain point/area and time is YOU, your birth place, your time of birth - your Birth Chart, and it is the Vibrational frequency of your Soul, which I like to call the 'Base Fate'.
The majority of humanity right now is living with 'Base Fate' as they don't have the same level of knowledge on the occult that we have, nor do they know how to change their fate and lives for the better by using the Occult obviously, and are always totally at the mercy of planetary influences and things that they have no clue about.

We are all born with sort of a set fate and vibration that'll mostly stay the same for our entire lives, which will continuously attract the same quality of life to us until we die, unless of course we use occult magic to change it for the better.
There are other factors that can change a persons fate like the progressing planets and when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move into our different houses, this can cause drastic and permanent changes in a persons life. Fate however is always changing for us all on an individual level. Our minds and our thoughts, even though humanity has been stripped of occult knowledge and teachings, still generate power on the astral and are constantly changing and influencing the world around us, even if it is at a tiny and Unnoticeable level.
Meditation and empowering the soul also empowers our thoughts and our ability to change and influence the world around us.
The stronger your soul, the easier it is to manifest your desires in life.

Astrology isn't just for people either. You can in fact use astrology to start your own business or career
and take a look at your business/career's own birth chart. The moment it was created or signed into existence, this also creates a unique chart for your business, which you can read and see if it'll be successful and popular or not.

I remember when I first started studying astrology and I remember HPs Maxine stating in the JoS Astrology section on the main site that learning astrology will really change the way you view life and reality on this world, and she was absolutely right. Learning astrology really has caused me to look at the world differently, because learning astrology can also be a double edged sword.
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart. I still hate it. In fact, the recent major changes I've made and are currently making to my life, is because of this hatred.

I was always a lazy slob and I always held the fact that I was a Satanist in the back of my mind just to keep myself pumped up and feeling that I was better than everyone that I hated, but I never really made any major changes, and I never took my spiritual progress seriously enough to break out of the depressing mindset and situation that I was in for years.

But recently I've been really making progress to change my life for the better. I always felt like I was weak and
my magic just wouldn't work, and I was a pessimist and always emotionally tortured and insulted myself because I felt so low.
I was also one of those types of Satanists that believes that Satan and the gods will handle everything for me
and would always protect me and have my back no matter what. That's the wrong mindset to have. Satan and the gods are there for us at all levels, but they want us to empower ourselves and learn how to manipulate our lives and fate for the better and without help from outside sources. They'll only step in if we're in catastrophic situations that we cant handle on our own.

About a month ago was when I started trying to make serious changes to my life using the occult.
Why did I suddenly start making extreme changes to my life?
Because I had a headache.
I had a headache about a month ago that was a little too painful for me to handle and I was pretty
much begging Satan and the gods to stop the pain - which they didn't. But then I opened a PDF file of the Runic Kabala that I have saved on my PC, wondered what Rune would be best to help stop the pain, and I picked the Wunjo rune because it was the best thing that I saw that could help with pain. The whole time this was happening my head was still throbbing, and I couldn't really think straight at the time or know whether or not Wunjo would be the best thing to use.
Regardless, all I knew was that I was in pain that I couldn't handle, and that it needed to F*cking stop.

I managed to vibrate the Wunjo rune x40 and affirmed that the energy of the rune was stopping all pain from the headache - in a positive way of course. I Visualized my head glowing white-gold, with white-gold Wunjo Runes also circling my head. The pain from my headache immediately started to dissipate, and was completely gone about 30 minutes after using Wunjo.

At that moment I started having more confidence in my workings that I could actually DO things. I also felt like Satan and the gods were proud of me finally taking action and handling a bad situation on my own. Even if it was something as small and simple like that, it still affected me in a positive way.

About a week afterwards I ran into another situation, but this time there wasn't any pain to deal with, but rather it was shame. It was a bit of a emotionally embarrassing awkward moment. But this shit is in the past now, so I don't mind sharing it.
I was actually masturbating and watching porn, I know that porn is bad for you because it can mess with your mind and cause issues and hang ups regarding sex, but I naturally have a really strong sexual drive because In my birth chart I also have a bunch of planets in my 8th house, planets that can cause a strong desire for sex.

Anyways, I was just sitting there jacking it, lol, and I don't know what the fuck happened, there was probably a grey or something messing with me (which I believe was most likely the case), because I suddenly started feeling like shit, and then started having negative thoughts about myself. I started feeling low and pathetic again.
The woman in the video I was watching was mind blowingly gorgeous, but here I was sitting here in a dirty room, out of shape and unattractive, completely broke. And I was sitting there thinking to myself why can't I just have a happy, wealthy life, and have a gorgeous woman like that. I've always gotten myself down and depressed by constantly asking myself that, and I've frequently had sad moments like this in the past.
This time however, was a bit different. I sort of got a bit too angry with my situation and in that moment and finally snapped, and I was just done with taking all the abuse and misfortune in life.

That was when I decided that I wouldn't take this shit anymore. I was sick of living like that, poor and depressed and lonely all the time, while people around me are now literally making millions from bullshit websites we have these days like onlyfans, and youtube, and twitch, whatever. It sickens me that I have to be stuck and trapped in certain lifestyle and quality of life that 'fate' has provided me with.

I've made changes to myself. I am working out way more than I ever usually have. I've been taking meditations and advancement more seriously. I feel like my soul is changing for the better, and with it, my physical body is changing for the better, along with my mentality and emotional state. I feel like I've built more muscle in the past month than I have in the last 3 years.

And my Solar Plexus Chakra has been occasionally going wild and giving me that 'butterflies' feeling in my stomach
that actually feels really good, and makes me want to giggle and laugh and is overall an extremely pleasant feeling. It feels like I'm getting really exited happy for no reason, which causes me to get the butterflies feeling.

I want new members reading this to understand that you have power, and the power to change your lives for the better. You just have to put in the work and energy to get things moving. Don't be lazy and unmotivated like I was for most of my life. I've sat and waited and wasted years of my life away just boiling over with hate and depression and always kept asking Satan for help over and over and I never really used the powers that I personally had to change things in my life other than spamming money spells, which all have failed in the past because of my own negative mentality and pessimism when it comes to wealth and my bleak view of the world and life in general.

You're not just powerful. In the world of the Occult and Magic, JoS Satanists are pretty much at the top of the food chain and the knowledge and power gap between us and what you would call 'regular occultists or magicians' that you can find all over social media, youtube, or whatever, is fucking enormous, and you'll never understand how powerful you are until you start practicing the meditations on JoS and using the occult teachings on the site to manifest your desires in life, and to remove all past life karmic issues and negativity. We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential. Teachings that can literally save your life in some situations, and overall change your entire fate and quality of life.

I remember years ago in the old yahoo groups where I recall a woman who made a topic saying she was homeless and pregnant and she needed urgent help and if I recall correctly she mentioned Lucifuge Rofocal and she wanted to summon him for help with money. That seems like a legit situation where the gods may step in and help, and I hope she and the child are doing well. In those kind of panic and extreme situations, its hard to focus and think straight and know what to do. Its in these types of situations too, where our inner power can truly shine. Don't allow panic and sadness to wreck your mind and emotions in those moments. Void it out and take charge of the situation. Keep a positive mindset, because negative thoughts and emotions will just worsen your predicament. Find whatever problem your having at its source and use the teachings that JoS has to remove those problems from your life.

Also keep in mind we are at war. We have enemies out there that practice the same level of occult teachings that we have. As Hoodedcobra said in one of his posts, there's only really two groups of people who practice and have this level of occult teachings in this world. One of them is Us, the other is the jews that are in the upper echelons of our Governments, Media, and Hollywood, and of course the ones that stay hidden behind the scenes and control everything.

And even though I don't want to give the jews any inch of ground or shit like that, I have to say it here to inform you all, especially the newer members here, the same way Hoodedcobra also had to say on his own post, that the majority of jews, especially the kind of jews that are deep in our Government, Hollywood, and that Control the media, are way more powerful than any 'normal' person on the earth, spiritually and materially. They have their own form of occult magic, and they sure as hell practice it constantly. This is the reason why all SS must take spiritual advancement seriously. If you don't, then it wont be a pretty sight if you ever find yourself under a REAL spiritual assault by the enemy. It's really bleak to say that this is a 'Survival of the Fittest' scenario, but it is the reality. Souls will always be at the mercy of more powerful souls, and that's just a brutal and universal law of nature.
And if we are to survive both individually and together as a race, then we must be powerful and continuously improve upon ourselves, and instead of always hiding behind an AoP and asking our GD's or Satan to help and handle any attacks we receive, we need to learn to defend ourselves and to attack back on our own.
The jews are constantly trying to spiritually attack and curse us on a daily basis to remove all wealth, love, and happiness from our lives. You have to become powerful and swim against the tide of negativity and curses if you ever want to live a full and happy life, and when you finally achieve your goals, you can look back and notice the power and spiritual progress you've gained along the way.

If you take a look around you and you're upset with the life that you have, you have all the power and teachings you need to change your life for the better here at JoS. So don't wait and waste time lingering on doubt and depression. I've waited for too long and suffered for it. But age wise I'm also still a bit on the younger side, so I still have more than enough time to change my life.
Don't let doubt stop you from achieving your dreams and goals in life. When you finally start using the teachings here at JoS seriously and with full purpose and intent to make changes for the better, you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

I've stunned myself with the things that I'm capable of doing with the Occult recently. Things that I never thought that I could ever do. I always thought I was just a weak, then I found out that I was not.
And that I can be an absolute monster whenever I wanted to be.

And as for hollow and manic assholes out there in the world, certain individuals like Andrew Tate, who we have already discussed on the forums - and Hoodedcobra even made an entire topic giving him a message to stop slandering Satan, I'm done with these types of individuals.
People like Andrew Tate, with their snob ass attitude, shit-eating grin, and superiority complex when it comes to money and everyone else around them, really gets under my skin and always have. A little too deep.
There are no laws against black magic in our world. Both HPs Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra have stated this before. I've never really cursed or tried to spiritually harm anyone with full intent before, other than just being angry and sending out negative energy in the spur of the moment.
But I think around the beginning of next year, whenever Mars goes direct again, the gloves are coming off.

Don't take your frustrations out on Tate for being objectively better than you, at least on values recognized by NPC society. The legality on curses goes both ways, bro. Often times celebrities with have at least a reflective egregore and Rabbi handlers similar to what Kanye exposed.

To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
653262725725724 said:
Don't take your frustrations out on Tate for being objectively better than you, at least on values recognized by NPC society. The legality on curses goes both ways, bro. Often times celebrities with have at least a reflective egregore and Rabbi handlers similar to what Kanye exposed.

To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

Yes, Tate is obviously on our level, considering that he joined pisslam.

mhm. yep. I can totally see what you see.

SUCH wisdom!

Totally not weird and appalling with only a few correct opinions but an otherwise dumb mind, that decided to join the very religion that literally preaches rape and bloodshed and pedophilia, and is basically one of the weapons of the jews.

12 year old boys see this guy and honestly the only good thing that they could potentially learn is to be more knowledgeable about women, develop masculine traits, and perhaps learn the difference between motivation and discipline. IF they don't end up with the same path as this guy, following pisslam or turning into another entitled, insecure and worthless "SIGMUH MALE"...

However just because this guy was someone who went against the absolutely retarded tide of leftists, doesn't suddenly make him a super-saiyan-risen-serpent-guru, you know.

He has slandered Satanism quite a few times.

High Priest Cobra even concluded that this guy is merely yet another fad controlled by jewish forces and a jewish way of thinking:
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
653262725725724 said:
Don't take your frustrations out on Tate for being objectively better than you, at least on values recognized by NPC society. The legality on curses goes both ways, bro. Often times celebrities with have at least a reflective egregore and Rabbi handlers similar to what Kanye exposed.

To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

I didn't say I was going after 'Tate' specifically or something, lol.
If I ever decide to Curse someone, it'll be someone who I truly hate, or if they're trying to do the same to me.
Average morons that practice the occult outside of what the JoS teaches are pathetically weak 90% of the time. Also, I don't have to worry that much over "The legality of curses goes both ways", I've been going through some drastic and positive changes spiritually and physically, and my energy and aura has been a fortress for the past month, and I have also been working to ward off negative energies anyways and I intend to keep it that way. I won't be letting my guard down.
I'm taking advantage of the tools that JoS provides to manifest a positive and happy life for myself, and I also have any tool necessary to defend myself from all curses and enemy attacks, as well as attack back viciously.

In fact, I do believe that certain individuals are trying to spiritually attack me. But unfortunately for them, they picked the absolute wrong time to do so. Mars is currently retrograde, so I'm just sitting here laughing at them.
In Hinduism they are three types of Karma.
1.There's sanchita karma which is store house karmic seeds yet to manifest.
2. Prarabdha Karma which is the current seeds manifesting,these are in the subconscious mind. This is the natal chart of astrology.
3. Then there is Kriyamana karma , future karmic seeds created on how you are reacting to your current situational karma, your prarabdha Karma.
When one achieves the yoga ,which simply put is the withdraw of Awareness from the physical body into the Supreme Soul , Atma Consciousness that's powering you and going Beyond God Consciousness into the Void or ParaSiva or Ultima Thule. This corresponds to Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. The sanchita store house karmic seeds are all burnt and you no longer create future Karmic seeds the Kriyamana karmic seeds,as your mind gets liberated and so currents seeds of Karma are quickly resolved. But the current natal chart , prarabdha Karma has to be lived through,this is quite fixed ,adept or not.
Now you are Atma. This is very important ,why? Because it's God Consciousness that's never affected by changes in creation ,in Maya ,in the illusion. It's remains a virgin , detached but supporting all creation and is the Source of all attributes. Yes even the impure ,evil attributes. But it IT ,Atma always remains pure. It's pure Bliss.
So the way to deal with life is not to identify with the events happening in your life,these are just Karmic seeds,it's illusion,a show. You need to learn to be a Watcher,by withdrawing into your own Inner Atma, which is always in Bliss. This is your most natural state. Pain and suffering these are polarity of the intellectual mind,from a strict Vedanta point of view ,it's illusion. The natural core Essencse of everything is Blissful Atma. Pratyahara which is withdraw of Awareness into Atma ,to meditate on Atma within is key ,to bearing your own self created karma, teaching you eventually to be a watcher and detached that's the aim. Thus creating less Karmic seeds.
And is definitely a part of the 8 limbed Yoga of Patanjali.
All problems stem from identification with the physical body because one then seeks refuge in the physical body senses ,which only externalise Awareness and therefore keep you from the Bliss of Atma within and from the Yoga itself. This also keeps you in ignorance and subjugates you to the animal nature of the physical body. It's this animal nature ,that we struggle with and is the source of greed, excessive lust, anger,fear, jealousy, depression and so on.
The Atma is the refuge ,for all creation from the lowest to the highest of beings.
It being Uncreated, Eternal Bliss. It is what it is. It's accomplished ,the Silent Witness ,and doesn't evolve and all pervasive. The beginning and the end of all creation. In an eternal cycle of creation , preservation (evolution) and dissolution (pralaya or Ragnarok). The whole creation is already accomplished it is just unfolding in the illusion of time.
Tuning into your own inner Atma is the refuge and the yoga itself. The Eternal Light that never dims. Practice this. Probably the most powerful meditation, because what's higher than Atma. Many people even stop doing it ,not because it doesn't work but because the Atma meditation will shine a light on repressed issues in your soul and bring them out into your immediate consciousness,to be deal with and so on. Many people stop because of this. The path is not for weak people.
In short MEDITATE ON YOUR INNER SUNLIGHT powering your soul,that's the secret.
The results will speak for themselves.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

Tate doesn't meditate!!!!

A celebrity like him that slander Father Satan, says Islam is good and other stuff like this... it clearly doesn't smell like very good meditation progress to me.

If someone meditates, he / she is more educated than usual to find out the hidden powers of the soul, the chakras and the Kundalini Serpent, and on a physical level, to find more about the lies and misery relating certain "religious" paradigms.

You should meditate and elevate by the help of our Gods and the useful advices from our valorous members. And the meditations on our website.

You have no idea what situation Tate is in or how he feels about things on a personal level. He sold out, that's entirely obvious, what might not be obvious to you and others is that he certainly didn't have a choice. He had to pick between lesser evils or his death, there wasn't a good option granted to him. You think he could seriously just hop on this forum and start making JoS publicly known, become an actual Satanist or even go against the true enemy narrative in anyway with his level of influence? He'd be killed instantly and replaced with either a different person or a doppelganger.

I guarantee that Andrew Tate meditates in his own way, not the same system that's presented on the JoS, but something. Meditating is a larger term than just the power meditations offered on the JoS website.
Betelgeuse said:
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

I didn't say I was going after 'Tate' specifically or something, lol.
If I ever decide to Curse someone, it'll be someone who I truly hate, or if they're trying to do the same to me.
Average morons that practice the occult outside of what the JoS teaches are pathetically weak 90% of the time. Also, I don't have to worry that much over "The legality of curses goes both ways", I've been going through some drastic and positive changes spiritually and physically, and my energy and aura has been a fortress for the past month, and I have also been working to ward off negative energies anyways and I intend to keep it that way. I won't be letting my guard down.
I'm taking advantage of the tools that JoS provides to manifest a positive and happy life for myself, and I also have any tool necessary to defend myself from all curses and enemy attacks, as well as attack back viciously.

In fact, I do believe that certain individuals are trying to spiritually attack me. But unfortunately for them, they picked the absolute wrong time to do so. Mars is currently retrograde, so I'm just sitting here laughing at them.

Good then.

Most people even here aren't that advanced either, get mad about it if you want to that's fine, but at least here there's enough information that people have the potential of growth. In other places people aren't given the information they require to grow. The problem here is that people don't having discipline or the financial freedom / free time to actually use it in a meaningful way.
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
653262725725724 said:
Don't take your frustrations out on Tate for being objectively better than you, at least on values recognized by NPC society. The legality on curses goes both ways, bro. Often times celebrities with have at least a reflective egregore and Rabbi handlers similar to what Kanye exposed.

To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

Lol and now you are defending Tate who just converted to islam the worst of the triad of jewish founded religions. Yeah I'm sure he "meditates in his own way" considering he just joined a religion that actively discourages such practices like all abrahamic faiths. I knew something was off about you from your first post and now from your subsequent replies to other members. No accusations are necessary as of yet, but I am sure these will come in time.
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
653262725725724 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
To consider values recognized by the NPC society? Tate's better than an SS? No I'm not even gonna object as it's clear you're either a kike or a shill talking. Brother Betelgeuse, just keep up the RTRs if you're also cursing Tates, remember, the jews are our main target.

If someone attacks another person in the way they intended to, it directly implies they're inferior. Being an SS doesn't guarantee you're superior to everyone else, Tate obviously meditates in his own way. If you're both too stupid to see this, then that's your problem I guess.

Lol and now you are defending Tate who just converted to islam the worst of the triad of jewish founded religions. Yeah I'm sure he "meditates in his own way" considering he just joined a religion that actively discourages such practices like all abrahamic faiths. I knew something was off about you from your first post and now from your subsequent replies to other members. No accusations are necessary as of yet, but I am sure these will come in time.

I wouldn't say I'm defending Tate. I don't approve of attacking people out of jealousy.

You can hold whatever suspicions you want. Tate "joined islam" because he got pressed by some top tier jews, if you think you'd have done otherwise then you're not being realistic.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
653262725725724 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Tate doesn't meditate!!!!

A celebrity like him that slander Father Satan, says Islam is good and other stuff like this... it clearly doesn't smell like very good meditation progress to me.

If someone meditates, he / she is more educated than usual to find out the hidden powers of the soul, the chakras and the Kundalini Serpent, and on a physical level, to find more about the lies and misery relating certain "religious" paradigms.

You should meditate and elevate by the help of our Gods and the useful advices from our valorous members. And the meditations on our website.

You have no idea what situation Tate is in or how he feels about things on a personal level. He sold out, that's entirely obvious, what might not be obvious to you and others is that he certainly didn't have a choice. He had to pick between lesser evils or his death, there wasn't a good option granted to him. You think he could seriously just hop on this forum and start making JoS publicly known, become an actual Satanist or even go against the true enemy narrative in anyway with his level of influence? He'd be killed instantly and replaced with either a different person or a doppelganger.

I guarantee that Andrew Tate meditates in his own way, not the same system that's presented on the JoS, but something. Meditating is a larger term than just the power meditations offered on the JoS website.

Oy vey! I am the one who doesn't know how Tate feels. How can you say he had to sell himself out, or choose lesser evils, when he is a too wealthy person, came to Romania because he said he likes to enjoy the corruption that is in Romania, just like other rich individuals, and, after making a lot of attention schemes, whoooo, we find out that he joined pisslam along with other celebrities that are in it.

I didn't say at all that Tate should make the JoS public, but he could have joined here and stay anonymously under a username and learning spiritual things from the forums and the JoS websites, and our Gods.

From the readings I've done on him and the information other Satanists have told me privately I conclude my statements.

If you would refuse to consider that as evidence I think that's fine, but would recommend you try yourself without holding biases while doing so.
VoiceofEnki said:
Hello to all my satanists brothers in the World. ⚡
Please, which prayer to use to be able to invoke father satan in an invocation ritual?
Please help me please help me🙏🙏🙏.


The standard ritual to use would be this:


This is the standard invocation to Satan which can be used to tune into him and to greet Him, to invite His power and influence unto yourself.

Meditating upon His sigil, focusing intently on His energy and vibrating words of Power which invoke His energies, such as Satanas or Satanama can also be used effectively.

If you want to do something more ceremonial, read also this page from the Joy of Satan (read the Joy of Satan website entirely in your own time, almost all your questions towards this path have an answer there):


Hail Satan!

Is it okay to meditate? invocation To satan.. I don’t got any ritual tools like standard ritual.
Ayedoubles said:
Is it okay to meditate? invocation To satan.. I don’t got any ritual tools like standard ritual.

That is no problem.

Maxine herself has written on those pages that ritual tools or props are unnecessary for making contact with the Gods.

The props in the standard ritual are also material allegory for the true meanings of these steps in the standard ritual, which Maxine explains on that page.

However, I linked it because many people enjoy a more ceremonial ritual, and it can feel good to do a bit of ceremony to set the right mood for yourself when trying to summon the Gods and communicate with them.

If you don't have any props, just do it through meditation and your intention.

Make sure you are bathed/clean and your environment is tidy, out of respect for the Gods, this should always be done before trying to summon or communicate, no matter which way you choose to do it.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:

Maxine herself has written on those pages that ritual tools or props are unnecessary for making contact with the Gods.

The props in the standard ritual are also material allegory for the true meanings of these steps in the standard ritual, which Maxine explains on that page.

However, I linked it because many people enjoy a more ceremonial ritual, and it can feel good to do a bit of ceremony to set the right mood for yourself when trying to summon the Gods and communicate with them.

If you don't have any props, just do it through meditation and your intention.
Personally, I have never liked ritual props,because it's predominantly just a formality.
It's really the intention that I think is important.But still I do have my ritual props and I use my ritual props if when I perform a ritual,except rtrs and the rituals of the current war scheudle(agenda).

Make sure you are bathed/clean and your environment is tidy, out of respect for the Gods, this should always be done before trying to summon or communicate, no matter which way you choose to do it.

Hail Satan!
I think this is the most important part of what your text has to say.

I also do this almost all the time before the rituals(perhaps the environment I neglect it a bit).
But I not do this for RTRs and the rituals of the current war scheudle(agenda).
Absolutely beautiful testimony. I've been meditating consistently every day for almost a full year now and just completed a 40 working to attract the perfect partner using Gebo. I've established rudimentary communication with Father Satan and I've been receiving many positive signs from him, ie seeing 666 everywhere

For all newcomers, that may be reading this, start meditating ASAP! Start with the 40 day program and then you can customize your meditation schedule to your liking and start doing runic workings too! It may seem daunting but like OP said, you have it in you to achieve your goals!

I read your post and I see a great resolve to use all we got and also a resolve to stop bad habits because the stop growth...that I fully understand since I started doing the Rituals of the Gods...I must say, I give full credit and appreciation for it. Combination with the FRTR heavily effective.
Secondly it's great to see other brothers take a resolve and damn all excuses from now on, I'm fired up too as I have same daily task as you, and I think about whr I want to be, it adds to the fire in preparation for the test of my new devotion or decision.
We can drop all regrets and make the time we got count, use to the fullest is the goal.
For example I did not make use of the sun square this year and I for sure knows it was very important, so what's my excuse? When I think about it, I say fuck the excuse, I would have been better off if I gave my all to make sure I did it for 36days.
We got bigger , bigger knowledge now. We've got to apply and partake in the blessings and power of the Gods.

Lylithium87 said:

Most people at JoS have direct experience fighting the enemy and using magic, so you cannot convince us what we are doing is either wrong or ineffective. There are also loads of information supporting our claims within the various JoS websites.

Putin is either a Jew or supported by them, therefore our removal of their influence will benefit humanity not just with Ukraine, but by bringing Satanism to the masses.

Jews attack our systems of magic, which we have experience with, therefore they seek our ruin. That is why we oppose their influence.

I replied to you out of courtesy, but it seems like your mind is already made up. I doubt the mods will allow your post to remain, if that is the case.
Lylithium87 said:

I was nice to you and provided sources for my beliefs, which you demanded. Of course you have already made up your opinion without knowing what JoS actual stood for, but also you remain stubborn even after I elaborated this information for you. Then you have the audacity to say "quit believing nonsense bro" as if I would value your opinion after you admitted to not valuing mine.

Whatever problems Hitler may or may not have had do not take away from the larger philosophical or spiritual reasons which we drive our fight against the enemies of humanity. Hitler is only one character of our side, and of one out of many time periods. You would understand this better if you read what I provided.

Next you will try to tell me that Hitler once tripped, or maybe he misread something at one time in his life, and therefore I should dump the spiritual system which is actually the result of tens of thousands of people and also provides direct benefits to those who actually partake within it.

You may go about your life and believe you are correct here, but you can no longer say that someone from JoS did not try to be nice and answer your questions, despite knowing that you would most likely refuse to give them the same respect.
Lylithium87 said:

In regards to your other posts:

All of what you say does not actually disprove the tangibility and benefit one gets through practicing Spiritual Satanism. That is why your arguments fall flat, because you think this is simply an intellectual fight, but instead it is one with a spiritual/energetic aspect as well.

In this way, you think that telling me HPS Maxine is withholding the Magnum Opus is some sort of awesome attack to crack my resolve. In reality, HPS Maxine has already provided and taught the basic steps of our spiritual path which lead there. When one gets to the point of completing the MO, after many decades of work, the Gods will assist with this. At any point before this, the "formula" of the MO would not be useful in a practical sense, and not as valuable as the beginning practices.

As far as your attacks on the other clergy members, JoS does not condone any of this immoral or illegal behavior. Regardless, it is silly to conflate the behavior of one individual with that of the entire philosophy, which I explained before. Your arguments are centered around simply attacking and not on an actual exchange of ideas, otherwise you would reject such an illogical approach to evaluating an organization.

We are on a path of growth, so I do not care what sort of mistakes others have made, whether they real or imagined by you. I only care that they correct them and make amends, and therefore grow past them.

HP Mageson was also revealed to be Jewish, and this can give additional insight to his behavior, not the fact that he cloaked himself within our movement.

National Socialism is simply a path centered around growth of the individual and race, based on natural law. Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual basis to this political system. Both lead to extreme prosperity for those who practice, not "hate" or whatever silly memes people slander it with. This runs directly counter to the massive growth of Germany and its people during this period.

If you are simply a confused Gentile, then I hold no ill will against you. However, it is not a great use of my time to continue entertaining such harsh attacks against me. I have provided answers to you in the best of my ability, in the hopes that something positive comes out of our exchange. I hope that you actually read it and attempt some sort of understanding, unlike what happened before.

Lylithium87 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398536 time=1667990365 user_id=21286]
Lylithium87 said:

Please view the specific sources, as well as feel free to browse their parent sites for more information.

Parent Source 1: Exposing Jewish Kabbalah
Specific source 1a: Jews Openly State They Have Cursed Gentiles Spiritually
Specific source 1b: Why The Shema Prayer Of The Jews Is Death And Destruction For Gentiles
Specific source 1c: Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles

Parent Source 2: Death of Communism Website: Judeo-putinism: Soviet Union of the 21 Century
Specific Source 2a: Putin the Jew
Specific Source 2b: Jewish Owned Russia Marching Into Jew World Order

*bunch of nonsense*

If you are here to troll, then please, fuck off.
The door is wide open.

We have heard enough of this bullshit. If you don't care enough to research or find out the truth, then you do not belong here, and you are not welcome here.

Leave at once.
Lylithium87 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398536 time=1667990365 user_id=21286]
Lylithium87 said:

Please view the specific sources, as well as feel free to browse their parent sites for more information.

Parent Source 1: Exposing Jewish Kabbalah
Specific source 1a: Jews Openly State They Have Cursed Gentiles Spiritually
Specific source 1b: Why The Shema Prayer Of The Jews Is Death And Destruction For Gentiles
Specific source 1c: Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles

Parent Source 2: Death of Communism Website: Judeo-putinism: Soviet Union of the 21 Century
Specific Source 2a: Putin the Jew
Specific Source 2b: Jewish Owned Russia Marching Into Jew World Order

Sadly for you, I don't have that kind of wanmabe a NeoNazi knowledge you stupidly posses.

From where did you get that photos, :lol:, from what it seems it sounds like you are illegally accessing systems from all over the world.

Stop.believing Nazi Nonsense, but I doubt you will do this as your profile pic and signature say a lot ahout you :lol:

You praise Hitler but you never know about the gypsies he killed, and other, wohowhow, surprisw, surprisex non-Jewish individuals he killed.

And yeahx skull analysis I saw on Hitler clearly show how much of a cocaine addict he was as his nose presented a lot of deformities from one nostril being covered by that finger of his when he was snorting crack and dusty cocaine.

Lacking in constructiveness, lacking in communication skills. You'll need to work how to communicate your points. You need to work on your mind.
muriceias said:
Norse 88 said:
Awesome post

Excuse me.

Hi Norse. I remember a long time ago you replied to me. We were talking about how magic works in a scientific manner and you shared some links about physics.

I hope you are doing well.

It is good to see you in the forums.
Hi, muriceias.

How are you? I'm glad to hear from you, too.

I did a quick search on a conversation of ours from years ago to jog my memory and, yes, you are quite right. I haven't forgotten about certain topics, such as magic and science, which used to dominate the content of many of my posts back in the year 2018, but I needed a quick reminder as to what we said specifically. It's nice to be reminded of that conversation, if I'm to be honest with you. Along the way these past few years I have actually lost a lot of confidence in the area of science after some changes took place in my life. I have wanted to get back into that sort of academic lifestyle again and make myself more useful to the JoS but have found it hard to get started. Your bringing it up, and my subsequent reading of what was said back then, has really helped. Thanks for saying hi, man.

I never left the forums, or the JoS, or Satan or the Gods, for that matter. The general content in my posts may have changed, but I'm still here. I'm glad to see you are still here, also, and I hope you are also doing well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
