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You're Not Taking Advantage of Your Power as a Satanist


New member
Jan 16, 2021
I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days and I've been wanting to make a topic like this but I never got around to it because I've been going through major changes spiritually, mentally, and physically. This topic is meant to be both an inspirational speech and a short story of my past as a Satanist that's struggled to find a place in life. I guess this is sort of aimed towards newer members as well. Maybe it'll help someone out there find themselves while on this path.

Guess I'll start off with Astrology.
We're all individual. We're all born with different influences and energies from the planets and our Birth Charts
are Maps of our Souls that determines what kind of life we'll have, and how good of a quality said life will be.
The planets in our solar system each give off their own unique vibrational frequency. When we are born, a chart is cast. Wherever the planets are in our charts and what houses they are in, the combined vibrational frequencies of the planets and their positions create a unique vibration at a certain point/area and time on the earth - and this vibration at a certain point/area and time is YOU, your birth place, your time of birth - your Birth Chart, and it is the Vibrational frequency of your Soul, which I like to call the 'Base Fate'.
The majority of humanity right now is living with 'Base Fate' as they don't have the same level of knowledge on the occult that we have, nor do they know how to change their fate and lives for the better by using the Occult obviously, and are always totally at the mercy of planetary influences and things that they have no clue about.

We are all born with sort of a set fate and vibration that'll mostly stay the same for our entire lives, which will continuously attract the same quality of life to us until we die, unless of course we use occult magic to change it for the better.
There are other factors that can change a persons fate like the progressing planets and when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move into our different houses, this can cause drastic and permanent changes in a persons life. Fate however is always changing for us all on an individual level. Our minds and our thoughts, even though humanity has been stripped of occult knowledge and teachings, still generate power on the astral and are constantly changing and influencing the world around us, even if it is at a tiny and Unnoticeable level.
Meditation and empowering the soul also empowers our thoughts and our ability to change and influence the world around us.
The stronger your soul, the easier it is to manifest your desires in life.

Astrology isn't just for people either. You can in fact use astrology to start your own business or career
and take a look at your business/career's own birth chart. The moment it was created or signed into existence, this also creates a unique chart for your business, which you can read and see if it'll be successful and popular or not.

I remember when I first started studying astrology and I remember HPs Maxine stating in the JoS Astrology section on the main site that learning astrology will really change the way you view life and reality on this world, and she was absolutely right. Learning astrology really has caused me to look at the world differently, because learning astrology can also be a double edged sword.
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart. I still hate it. In fact, the recent major changes I've made and are currently making to my life, is because of this hatred.

I was always a lazy slob and I always held the fact that I was a Satanist in the back of my mind just to keep myself pumped up and feeling that I was better than everyone that I hated, but I never really made any major changes, and I never took my spiritual progress seriously enough to break out of the depressing mindset and situation that I was in for years.

But recently I've been really making progress to change my life for the better. I always felt like I was weak and
my magic just wouldn't work, and I was a pessimist and always emotionally tortured and insulted myself because I felt so low.
I was also one of those types of Satanists that believes that Satan and the gods will handle everything for me
and would always protect me and have my back no matter what. That's the wrong mindset to have. Satan and the gods are there for us at all levels, but they want us to empower ourselves and learn how to manipulate our lives and fate for the better and without help from outside sources. They'll only step in if we're in catastrophic situations that we cant handle on our own.

About a month ago was when I started trying to make serious changes to my life using the occult.
Why did I suddenly start making extreme changes to my life?
Because I had a headache.
I had a headache about a month ago that was a little too painful for me to handle and I was pretty
much begging Satan and the gods to stop the pain - which they didn't. But then I opened a PDF file of the Runic Kabala that I have saved on my PC, wondered what Rune would be best to help stop the pain, and I picked the Wunjo rune because it was the best thing that I saw that could help with pain. The whole time this was happening my head was still throbbing, and I couldn't really think straight at the time or know whether or not Wunjo would be the best thing to use.
Regardless, all I knew was that I was in pain that I couldn't handle, and that it needed to F*cking stop.

I managed to vibrate the Wunjo rune x40 and affirmed that the energy of the rune was stopping all pain from the headache - in a positive way of course. I Visualized my head glowing white-gold, with white-gold Wunjo Runes also circling my head. The pain from my headache immediately started to dissipate, and was completely gone about 30 minutes after using Wunjo.

At that moment I started having more confidence in my workings that I could actually DO things. I also felt like Satan and the gods were proud of me finally taking action and handling a bad situation on my own. Even if it was something as small and simple like that, it still affected me in a positive way.

About a week afterwards I ran into another situation, but this time there wasn't any pain to deal with, but rather it was shame. It was a bit of a emotionally embarrassing awkward moment. But this shit is in the past now, so I don't mind sharing it.
I was actually masturbating and watching porn, I know that porn is bad for you because it can mess with your mind and cause issues and hang ups regarding sex, but I naturally have a really strong sexual drive because In my birth chart I also have a bunch of planets in my 8th house, planets that can cause a strong desire for sex.

Anyways, I was just sitting there jacking it, lol, and I don't know what the fuck happened, there was probably a grey or something messing with me (which I believe was most likely the case), because I suddenly started feeling like shit, and then started having negative thoughts about myself. I started feeling low and pathetic again.
The woman in the video I was watching was mind blowingly gorgeous, but here I was sitting here in a dirty room, out of shape and unattractive, completely broke. And I was sitting there thinking to myself why can't I just have a happy, wealthy life, and have a gorgeous woman like that. I've always gotten myself down and depressed by constantly asking myself that, and I've frequently had sad moments like this in the past.
This time however, was a bit different. I sort of got a bit too angry with my situation and in that moment and finally snapped, and I was just done with taking all the abuse and misfortune in life.

That was when I decided that I wouldn't take this shit anymore. I was sick of living like that, poor and depressed and lonely all the time, while people around me are now literally making millions from bullshit websites we have these days like onlyfans, and youtube, and twitch, whatever. It sickens me that I have to be stuck and trapped in certain lifestyle and quality of life that 'fate' has provided me with.

I've made changes to myself. I am working out way more than I ever usually have. I've been taking meditations and advancement more seriously. I feel like my soul is changing for the better, and with it, my physical body is changing for the better, along with my mentality and emotional state. I feel like I've built more muscle in the past month than I have in the last 3 years.

And my Solar Plexus Chakra has been occasionally going wild and giving me that 'butterflies' feeling in my stomach
that actually feels really good, and makes me want to giggle and laugh and is overall an extremely pleasant feeling. It feels like I'm getting really exited happy for no reason, which causes me to get the butterflies feeling.

I want new members reading this to understand that you have power, and the power to change your lives for the better. You just have to put in the work and energy to get things moving. Don't be lazy and unmotivated like I was for most of my life. I've sat and waited and wasted years of my life away just boiling over with hate and depression and always kept asking Satan for help over and over and I never really used the powers that I personally had to change things in my life other than spamming money spells, which all have failed in the past because of my own negative mentality and pessimism when it comes to wealth and my bleak view of the world and life in general.

You're not just powerful. In the world of the Occult and Magic, JoS Satanists are pretty much at the top of the food chain and the knowledge and power gap between us and what you would call 'regular occultists or magicians' that you can find all over social media, youtube, or whatever, is fucking enormous, and you'll never understand how powerful you are until you start practicing the meditations on JoS and using the occult teachings on the site to manifest your desires in life, and to remove all past life karmic issues and negativity. We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential. Teachings that can literally save your life in some situations, and overall change your entire fate and quality of life.

I remember years ago in the old yahoo groups where I recall a woman who made a topic saying she was homeless and pregnant and she needed urgent help and if I recall correctly she mentioned Lucifuge Rofocal and she wanted to summon him for help with money. That seems like a legit situation where the gods may step in and help, and I hope she and the child are doing well. In those kind of panic and extreme situations, its hard to focus and think straight and know what to do. Its in these types of situations too, where our inner power can truly shine. Don't allow panic and sadness to wreck your mind and emotions in those moments. Void it out and take charge of the situation. Keep a positive mindset, because negative thoughts and emotions will just worsen your predicament. Find whatever problem your having at its source and use the teachings that JoS has to remove those problems from your life.

Also keep in mind we are at war. We have enemies out there that practice the same level of occult teachings that we have. As Hoodedcobra said in one of his posts, there's only really two groups of people who practice and have this level of occult teachings in this world. One of them is Us, the other is the jews that are in the upper echelons of our Governments, Media, and Hollywood, and of course the ones that stay hidden behind the scenes and control everything.

And even though I don't want to give the jews any inch of ground or shit like that, I have to say it here to inform you all, especially the newer members here, the same way Hoodedcobra also had to say on his own post, that the majority of jews, especially the kind of jews that are deep in our Government, Hollywood, and that Control the media, are way more powerful than any 'normal' person on the earth, spiritually and materially. They have their own form of occult magic, and they sure as hell practice it constantly. This is the reason why all SS must take spiritual advancement seriously. If you don't, then it wont be a pretty sight if you ever find yourself under a REAL spiritual assault by the enemy. It's really bleak to say that this is a 'Survival of the Fittest' scenario, but it is the reality. Souls will always be at the mercy of more powerful souls, and that's just a brutal and universal law of nature.
And if we are to survive both individually and together as a race, then we must be powerful and continuously improve upon ourselves, and instead of always hiding behind an AoP and asking our GD's or Satan to help and handle any attacks we receive, we need to learn to defend ourselves and to attack back on our own.
The jews are constantly trying to spiritually attack and curse us on a daily basis to remove all wealth, love, and happiness from our lives. You have to become powerful and swim against the tide of negativity and curses if you ever want to live a full and happy life, and when you finally achieve your goals, you can look back and notice the power and spiritual progress you've gained along the way.

If you take a look around you and you're upset with the life that you have, you have all the power and teachings you need to change your life for the better here at JoS. So don't wait and waste time lingering on doubt and depression. I've waited for too long and suffered for it. But age wise I'm also still a bit on the younger side, so I still have more than enough time to change my life.
Don't let doubt stop you from achieving your dreams and goals in life. When you finally start using the teachings here at JoS seriously and with full purpose and intent to make changes for the better, you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

I've stunned myself with the things that I'm capable of doing with the Occult recently. Things that I never thought that I could ever do. I always thought I was just a weak, then I found out that I was not.
And that I can be an absolute monster whenever I wanted to be.

And as for hollow and manic assholes out there in the world, certain individuals like Andrew Tate, who we have already discussed on the forums - and Hoodedcobra even made an entire topic giving him a message to stop slandering Satan, I'm done with these types of individuals.
People like Andrew Tate, with their snob ass attitude, shit-eating grin, and superiority complex when it comes to money and everyone else around them, really gets under my skin and always have. A little too deep.
There are no laws against black magic in our world. Both HPs Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra have stated this before. I've never really cursed or tried to spiritually harm anyone with full intent before, other than just being angry and sending out negative energy in the spur of the moment.
But I think around the beginning of next year, whenever Mars goes direct again, the gloves are coming off.
This I believe, is a very great and high value post.
This should be in the announcements.
Betelgeuse said:
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart.

I absolutely understand you, I looked at people I considered successful for a while, and the SHIT I saw, were they simply THE REGENCES? I was very angry, but this served as an immense, gigantic fuel to destroy and make LUCK, with my effort, fuck them.
Great post, this deserves a pin.

Whenever my mind tries to bait me into self pity, I remember this scene as to not fall for it:

I am also waiting for the return of Mars. After 4 years of pure development and construction, I destroy a giant.
I'm bored that I could do anything and yet I don't because I don't invest my time in black magic.
by the way, beautiful writing bro! very inspiring ! :D
Powerful post bro.

Very true and motivational.

I must too must take heed because for years I've been into Personal Growth but the years just fly by without progress.

Life is too short for procrastination. And in reality nature is harsh. So in this war let those who want to live fight.

We are very lucky to have our occult knowledge back compliments of JOS.

Hail Satan and I Love The Joy of Satan.
This post is very truthful and very heartfelt, so it's an announcement now.

Well in regards to me I just say the truth as it really is. Trying to do my best in that with anyone else in mind as the center of this. The wake up call is up to everyone to truly follow. No matter what anyone does, one chooses by themselves to apply and so on.

For example one is free to follow the full path here and become their best version and so on. Or not.

After one does this it looks self explanatory and self evident. You just sit here asking why not earlier.

In regards to my case I just do my work here to make sure nobody will have an excuse of not knowing about this path or not knowing about aspects in it etc etc. After this then no excuses, one must face themselves and think if they want to move towards the Gods or remain unfulfilled, only to find later this decision was totally bad, or to find when doing so this completes them more and more in a form of an evolutionary progress.
Oh wait it actually made it to the announcements :lol:
Holy shit :lol:
This post is beautiful and I really want to thank you especially that it speak to me soo much, the Gods will trully give you attention if you put effort into it, you just need to be serious about and mentally into it too.
Sadly now my idiotic scumbag brother that made my childhood shitty had a divorce (i am not surprised) and now I am obligated to have him in my room, so my spiritually advance and doing the final rituals had been drastically decreased, now I can barely do the final rituals, i can barely meditate anymore.

Sorry for off topic, even so I am happy for your progress, it also reminds me to stop guilt tripping my self.
Weassel said:
This post is beautiful and I really want to thank you especially that it speak to me soo much, the Gods will trully give you attention if you put effort into it, you just need to be serious about and mentally into it too.
Sadly now my idiotic scumbag brother that made my childhood shitty had a divorce (i am not surprised) and now I am obligated to have him in my room, so my spiritually advance and doing the final rituals had been drastically decreased, now I can barely do the final rituals, i can barely meditate anymore.

Sorry for off topic, even so I am happy for your progress, it also reminds me to stop guilt tripping my self.

Use ISA to block him for interfering with you, or use Ansuz to free yourself from him. You can use Raidho on him to induce him to want to find freedom from your room, too.

Also start telling him that you need your privacy and want him to sleep on the couch or something. Just make up anything here, which can be serve as something for the ritual energy to go off of.

Otherwise, you will have to start leaving the house, if you have a car or something. Anything is better than nothing.
If you have schoolwork or something, just say you are going to the library.
This post really hit me, I'm not powerful to change what I am in now, not even in control of crap that happens spontaneously, but if I die at least making an effort out there or is suffering even more for wanting to get my vices over with, I can at least leave this world knowing that I have done something under the faith of a truly loving and caring god and his entire pantheon under him. Thesis defense is soon and the last time it ruined me back in grade 12, I thought of throwing myself off a bridge drunk, thinking I'd never make it in life as anything I wanted.

But now, I won't really care about any other consequence of getting myself to pass with the use of our entire occult library because that would be the enemy playing fools at my head or some stupid leftover enemy programming all over again, telling me that "I'm violating laws" - OH WHO'S LAWS DUMBASS?!?!?!? HASHIT'S!?!?!?.

My spiritual endgoal after I get over where I am now is to ensure that the reptards and their lackeys are all brutally genocided for the worst kinds of rape they did on our planet. I'm done playing the doom series, and maybe it is time I try to manifest something of that equivalent on pissrael someday if ever I get to attain any level of power closer or totally godhead.
What timing! I was just struggling with and doubting a Working I'm undergoing!
I wish you the best of your Will in this journey! Brother, we're the heralds of this new era, it sometimes feels almost unreal to say it but we can do this!
Well done now set the bar higher bit by bit and get there friend.
Thank you all. I was going to add more to this topic but when I posted it I felt like I was overcharged and my mind was also wandering a bit.

The Sun is in Scorpio, and tomorrow is the perfect time to start more workings for success and obtaining a career and a sort of social status. Been waiting for the Sun to move out of Libra so I can start using Surya again.
Jupiter is also still retrograde over my chart ruler, so I should still have a bit of good fortune and luck coming from Jupiter. Not too long from now Jupiter will go direct and will pass back over my chart ruler. Its a really good time to take advantage of.

I'm worried about the near future, and I'm not sure how to handle it too well, but I'll soon have my first Saturn return, but that's not the problem I'm worried about. My Saturn and Chart ruler are placed closely together. They're not in conjunction, but they're close enough to where I'll be having a Saturn return and have Saturn move over my chart ruler back to back.

And to make it worse I'll be getting jumped by a tag team of Saturn and Neptune. Both of them progressing and retrograding over my Chart ruler at the same time. Pretty fucking bad situation I see coming. I wanna make some money, get a stable life and get prepared for this while I still have plenty of time.

One thing I've noticed about myself is that I'm starting to get more drawn towards and intrigued by Scorpio/Pluto energies. But that's something I don't want to be playing around with. It can cause some pretty extreme harm if your not careful. However Scorpio is the Occult sign of the zodiac, so maybe there's a spiritual reason why I feel this way now that I'm trying to make extreme changes, but at the same time I can't really say its just because of my recent actions that's causing me to be drawn to Scorpio, as I've kind of always been curious about it since I started learning astrology and looking at other peoples birth charts.

I don't really have any strong Scorpio/Pluto influence in my chart, however my IC falls on Scorpio, and I also have Pluto in my 4th house. I never really learned the real significance and meaning of the IC. If I remember right, someone said it has a lot to do with fate from a past life other than just ruling the home, family, and things like that but I'm not sure.
Truly beautiful post, its very inspiring and thank you brother
Thank you for this post it was very inspiring. It made me look more into my astrology chart. I have Jupiter in my second house and mars in my eighth house. I hope I'm not reading it wrong but this is causing worry and I hope I don't get depressed.
Thank your this post. It's very helpful and I wish you the best.
Prima di tutto grazie per questo post ,volevo un consiglio importante martedì 8 novembre 2022 la luna e in toro ♉ ed e piena.
Volevo sapere se si può cominciare la tavola della luna di martedì visto che e piena in toro anziché iniziare di lunedì come scritto .grazie fratelli in SATANA per le vostre risposte e consigli.
Wildfire said:
My spiritual endgoal after I get over where I am now is to ensure that the reptards and their lackeys are all brutally genocided for the worst kinds of rape they did on our planet. I'm done playing the doom series, and maybe it is time I try to manifest something of that equivalent on pissrael someday if ever I get to attain any level of power closer or totally godhead.

I know you are speaking of nonhuman enemies on the astral here, but please be careful for mentioning anything that can be taken as illegal, such as killing or murdering someone.

This is to protect the forum from legal consequences or other attacks based on this.
Thank you very much for this post... I am actually in tears.
It's been a long time now since I've been questioning the reason of my existence. I'm still here, of course, because I know that any "drastic desicion" would just lead to another lifetime of problems, residues from past lives; in other words it would take me, not just back to zero, but even below that.

It makes me sad to know that other people suffer in their own ways, but at the same time it gives me strength to know that my Brothers and Sisters, my spiritual Family is fighting and trying to overcome their struggles. I truly felt empowered while reading your post, but also other people's comments.
In the end, we need to do one step at a time, a little bit of progress each day, until we finally triumph out of all this suffering.

I will also try to get out of this swamp I've been drowing in for so long.

Thank you wholeheartedly for your post and for everyone who has commented and shared their own insight and experiences. I wish the best for everyone and may the Gods' and Goddesses' wisdom and power shine upon us all. :)

Hail Satan!!!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=396526 time=1667164755 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:
My spiritual endgoal after I get over where I am now is to ensure that the reptards and their lackeys are all brutally genocided for the worst kinds of rape they did on our planet. I'm done playing the doom series, and maybe it is time I try to manifest something of that equivalent on pissrael someday if ever I get to attain any level of power closer or totally godhead.

I know you are speaking of nonhuman enemies on the astral here, but please be careful for mentioning anything that can be taken as illegal, such as killing or murdering someone.

This is to protect the forum from legal consequences or other attacks based on this.

Yep, and that’s the last I’d spit out anything morbid out of whatever more resides in my mind for those reptard hybrid motherfuckers.

But whatever though, if those superpower videos in youtube back before 2010 were real then they should have put their abilities to REAL good use instead of showing off.
Betelgeuse Thank you! for sharing this sermon. This was very beautiful and inspirational. ❤️ I I believe we all have been tested from time to look at our lives. And take a good look at ourselves for who and what we really are! And be thankful and proud, for the better choices we make. And having a better attitude towards the things that we learn! And to learn to look at ourselves in different perspectives! And being able to give ourselves that second chance that we deserve and become the better person that we are!.. and there's nothing wrong with improvement! And it doesn't matter how old you are at any age male or female! We all have our problems and we all have made our mistakes! And we've had our problems as children growing up as well and we carry these problems with this everywhere we go and people wonder why they have so many problems in the business world! The insecurities where they want want and to spend money on things they can't have or things that you don't want and things that are not necessary! Trying to fill.. when we could be doing and trying something that is better! And every day we get tried and tested and we get reminded of how thankful we are or how thankful we should be! We either overestimate ourselves or underestimate ourselves? And there's nothing wrong with questioning and there's nothing wrong with looking into yourself! And developing a better attitude! :) and taking that chance and that challenge to make changes!💥 and Satan will always be there to take care of us! But nothing pleases him more and more when you take the time to figure things out! And show him what a warrior you are! And how independent! You can be taking care of things on your own and showing father Satan how strong you are and letting him know that you're not going to quit and you're not going to give up! And that you can be a better person! And we change everyday! And we learn things everyday! And that old saying laugh out loud you can't teach an old dog new tricks! That is an old Christian term used on the housewife just because she wants to go out and do something!? How many times have these old Housewives went out and got a job and prove their husband wrong? That just because you're an older person doesn't mean you can't take on a job and show responsibility! And to develop that character and that gratitude and knowing that you're capable of working anywhere and having a job! Opening your own job running your own business! And having that determination knowing that you can do it! Developing that self-esteem! Is priceless and knowing that you can do anything and that you're capable of doing anything you carry that with you till the day you die! Because it is something that we learn and it's something that we find out as individuals on our own taking the time to figure things out and taking that next step forward! With the right attitude in mind! And being positive about it! Everything seems to fall into place and doors begin to open up! And that is when your realize that father Satan has always been there and you're working together as a team! And you're letting him know how worthy you are! To yourself and that you're worth it!! :) and that he was there watching you the whole time going through these different changes! And knowing that anybody is anybody can learn whatever they want to learn to their hearts content! That it feels good to know that you can do anything! And to know that you can enjoy being challenged and tested! Mentally and spiritually and to know that you've got the strength to knock down walls and to fight any enemy that gets in your way. And this is something that everybody should consider doing! Is taking the time to write about their own personal experiences! And the things that they had to overcome and learn! And just sit down and share it and read it! This is very helpful! To me and others. And it speaks volumes!! HAIL SATAN!! 💫⚡
Awesome!! I love this.🙏❤️
Betelgeuse said:
We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential.

Very true. We're basically playing on 4x EXP and receiving secret guidance from the "Admins", but of course we still have to put in the actual work to train, grind and advance.

Not doing anything with all this, is an unfathomable waste of our powers and privileges.
OhNoItsMook said:
Very true. We're basically playing on 4x EXP and receiving secret guidance from the "Admins", but of course we still have to put in the actual work to train, grind and advance.

Not doing anything with all this, is an unfathomable waste of our powers and privileges.

You are so right about this! You can really feel the difference when you meditate everyday. I've been experiencing a stronger feeling of energy around me and experience better outcomes out of the blue, such as running into family, catching every bus within a couple minutes or less (I don't like those horrid cellphones), experiencing random acts of kindness, etc.

I used to meditate here and there, starting and stopping and bouncing between escapism/research and spiritual advancement.

I'll make it my life mission to improve myself everyday, even if I may also be in the same situation as the OP. Life really is an emotional mirror - we should focus on the divinity in ourselves, always.

PS - I wanted to ask about your sig. What does vaht mean? I know Aum is an affirmation/closing chant, as used in the rituals, though I'm not familiar with the other one yet. :oops:
sublimestatanist said:
PS - I wanted to ask about your sig. What does vaht mean? I know Aum is an affirmation/closing chant, as used in the rituals, though I'm not familiar with the other one yet. :oops:

It's the first word of the FRTR
Powerofjustice said:
sublimestatanist said:
PS - I wanted to ask about your sig. What does vaht mean? I know Aum is an affirmation/closing chant, as used in the rituals, though I'm not familiar with the other one yet. :oops:

It's the first word of the FRTR

LOL, that's right (silly me)! Thank you.

That's a great way to start the day. I tend to do all my meditations at night and I probably should spread them out more.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=396345 time=1667108363 user_id=21286]
Weassel said:
This post is beautiful and I really want to thank you especially that it speak to me soo much, the Gods will trully give you attention if you put effort into it, you just need to be serious about and mentally into it too.
Sadly now my idiotic scumbag brother that made my childhood shitty had a divorce (i am not surprised) and now I am obligated to have him in my room, so my spiritually advance and doing the final rituals had been drastically decreased, now I can barely do the final rituals, i can barely meditate anymore.

Sorry for off topic, even so I am happy for your progress, it also reminds me to stop guilt tripping my self.

Use ISA to block him for interfering with you, or use Ansuz to free yourself from him. You can use Raidho on him to induce him to want to find freedom from your room, too.

Also start telling him that you need your privacy and want him to sleep on the couch or something. Just make up anything here, which can be serve as something for the ritual energy to go off of.

Otherwise, you will have to start leaving the house, if you have a car or something. Anything is better than nothing.
If you have schoolwork or something, just say you are going to the library.
Thank you, i also seen your working for opportunities and money, i could try that i suppose.
The thing is if i make a working for freeing my self from that man child it could result with him going to the old house where my family stayed before, the thing is after that idiot refused to move there with his kike (i think she had some kike blood in family) that house was destined to be mine... and now with this situation it could be his... And i am kinda afraid you know...
Perhaps ISA or that working of yours are the best, i could use more of your advice if you don't mind. Also if i choose a singular rune what affirmation i could use while avoiding him to take the old house for himself?
Betelgeuse said:
I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days and I've been wanting to make a topic like this but I never got around to it because I've been going through major changes spiritually, mentally, and physically. This topic is meant to be both an inspirational speech and a short story of my past as a Satanist that's struggled to find a place in life. I guess this is sort of aimed towards newer members as well. Maybe it'll help someone out there find themselves while on this path.

Guess I'll start off with Astrology.
We're all individual. We're all born with different influences and energies from the planets and our Birth Charts
are Maps of our Souls that determines what kind of life we'll have, and how good of a quality said life will be.
The planets in our solar system each give off their own unique vibrational frequency. When we are born, a chart is cast. Wherever the planets are in our charts and what houses they are in, the combined vibrational frequencies of the planets and their positions create a unique vibration at a certain point/area and time on the earth - and this vibration at a certain point/area and time is YOU, your birth place, your time of birth - your Birth Chart, and it is the Vibrational frequency of your Soul, which I like to call the 'Base Fate'.
The majority of humanity right now is living with 'Base Fate' as they don't have the same level of knowledge on the occult that we have, nor do they know how to change their fate and lives for the better by using the Occult obviously, and are always totally at the mercy of planetary influences and things that they have no clue about.

We are all born with sort of a set fate and vibration that'll mostly stay the same for our entire lives, which will continuously attract the same quality of life to us until we die, unless of course we use occult magic to change it for the better.
There are other factors that can change a persons fate like the progressing planets and when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move into our different houses, this can cause drastic and permanent changes in a persons life. Fate however is always changing for us all on an individual level. Our minds and our thoughts, even though humanity has been stripped of occult knowledge and teachings, still generate power on the astral and are constantly changing and influencing the world around us, even if it is at a tiny and Unnoticeable level.
Meditation and empowering the soul also empowers our thoughts and our ability to change and influence the world around us.
The stronger your soul, the easier it is to manifest your desires in life.

Astrology isn't just for people either. You can in fact use astrology to start your own business or career
and take a look at your business/career's own birth chart. The moment it was created or signed into existence, this also creates a unique chart for your business, which you can read and see if it'll be successful and popular or not.

I remember when I first started studying astrology and I remember HPs Maxine stating in the JoS Astrology section on the main site that learning astrology will really change the way you view life and reality on this world, and she was absolutely right. Learning astrology really has caused me to look at the world differently, because learning astrology can also be a double edged sword.
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart. I still hate it. In fact, the recent major changes I've made and are currently making to my life, is because of this hatred.

I was always a lazy slob and I always held the fact that I was a Satanist in the back of my mind just to keep myself pumped up and feeling that I was better than everyone that I hated, but I never really made any major changes, and I never took my spiritual progress seriously enough to break out of the depressing mindset and situation that I was in for years.

But recently I've been really making progress to change my life for the better. I always felt like I was weak and
my magic just wouldn't work, and I was a pessimist and always emotionally tortured and insulted myself because I felt so low.
I was also one of those types of Satanists that believes that Satan and the gods will handle everything for me
and would always protect me and have my back no matter what. That's the wrong mindset to have. Satan and the gods are there for us at all levels, but they want us to empower ourselves and learn how to manipulate our lives and fate for the better and without help from outside sources. They'll only step in if we're in catastrophic situations that we cant handle on our own.

About a month ago was when I started trying to make serious changes to my life using the occult.
Why did I suddenly start making extreme changes to my life?
Because I had a headache.
I had a headache about a month ago that was a little too painful for me to handle and I was pretty
much begging Satan and the gods to stop the pain - which they didn't. But then I opened a PDF file of the Runic Kabala that I have saved on my PC, wondered what Rune would be best to help stop the pain, and I picked the Wunjo rune because it was the best thing that I saw that could help with pain. The whole time this was happening my head was still throbbing, and I couldn't really think straight at the time or know whether or not Wunjo would be the best thing to use.
Regardless, all I knew was that I was in pain that I couldn't handle, and that it needed to F*cking stop.

I managed to vibrate the Wunjo rune x40 and affirmed that the energy of the rune was stopping all pain from the headache - in a positive way of course. I Visualized my head glowing white-gold, with white-gold Wunjo Runes also circling my head. The pain from my headache immediately started to dissipate, and was completely gone about 30 minutes after using Wunjo.

At that moment I started having more confidence in my workings that I could actually DO things. I also felt like Satan and the gods were proud of me finally taking action and handling a bad situation on my own. Even if it was something as small and simple like that, it still affected me in a positive way.

About a week afterwards I ran into another situation, but this time there wasn't any pain to deal with, but rather it was shame. It was a bit of a emotionally embarrassing awkward moment. But this shit is in the past now, so I don't mind sharing it.
I was actually masturbating and watching porn, I know that porn is bad for you because it can mess with your mind and cause issues and hang ups regarding sex, but I naturally have a really strong sexual drive because In my birth chart I also have a bunch of planets in my 8th house, planets that can cause a strong desire for sex.

Anyways, I was just sitting there jacking it, lol, and I don't know what the fuck happened, there was probably a grey or something messing with me (which I believe was most likely the case), because I suddenly started feeling like shit, and then started having negative thoughts about myself. I started feeling low and pathetic again.
The woman in the video I was watching was mind blowingly gorgeous, but here I was sitting here in a dirty room, out of shape and unattractive, completely broke. And I was sitting there thinking to myself why can't I just have a happy, wealthy life, and have a gorgeous woman like that. I've always gotten myself down and depressed by constantly asking myself that, and I've frequently had sad moments like this in the past.
This time however, was a bit different. I sort of got a bit too angry with my situation and in that moment and finally snapped, and I was just done with taking all the abuse and misfortune in life.

That was when I decided that I wouldn't take this shit anymore. I was sick of living like that, poor and depressed and lonely all the time, while people around me are now literally making millions from bullshit websites we have these days like onlyfans, and youtube, and twitch, whatever. It sickens me that I have to be stuck and trapped in certain lifestyle and quality of life that 'fate' has provided me with.

I've made changes to myself. I am working out way more than I ever usually have. I've been taking meditations and advancement more seriously. I feel like my soul is changing for the better, and with it, my physical body is changing for the better, along with my mentality and emotional state. I feel like I've built more muscle in the past month than I have in the last 3 years.

And my Solar Plexus Chakra has been occasionally going wild and giving me that 'butterflies' feeling in my stomach
that actually feels really good, and makes me want to giggle and laugh and is overall an extremely pleasant feeling. It feels like I'm getting really exited happy for no reason, which causes me to get the butterflies feeling.

I want new members reading this to understand that you have power, and the power to change your lives for the better. You just have to put in the work and energy to get things moving. Don't be lazy and unmotivated like I was for most of my life. I've sat and waited and wasted years of my life away just boiling over with hate and depression and always kept asking Satan for help over and over and I never really used the powers that I personally had to change things in my life other than spamming money spells, which all have failed in the past because of my own negative mentality and pessimism when it comes to wealth and my bleak view of the world and life in general.

You're not just powerful. In the world of the Occult and Magic, JoS Satanists are pretty much at the top of the food chain and the knowledge and power gap between us and what you would call 'regular occultists or magicians' that you can find all over social media, youtube, or whatever, is fucking enormous, and you'll never understand how powerful you are until you start practicing the meditations on JoS and using the occult teachings on the site to manifest your desires in life, and to remove all past life karmic issues and negativity. We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential. Teachings that can literally save your life in some situations, and overall change your entire fate and quality of life.

I remember years ago in the old yahoo groups where I recall a woman who made a topic saying she was homeless and pregnant and she needed urgent help and if I recall correctly she mentioned Lucifuge Rofocal and she wanted to summon him for help with money. That seems like a legit situation where the gods may step in and help, and I hope she and the child are doing well. In those kind of panic and extreme situations, its hard to focus and think straight and know what to do. Its in these types of situations too, where our inner power can truly shine. Don't allow panic and sadness to wreck your mind and emotions in those moments. Void it out and take charge of the situation. Keep a positive mindset, because negative thoughts and emotions will just worsen your predicament. Find whatever problem your having at its source and use the teachings that JoS has to remove those problems from your life.

Also keep in mind we are at war. We have enemies out there that practice the same level of occult teachings that we have. As Hoodedcobra said in one of his posts, there's only really two groups of people who practice and have this level of occult teachings in this world. One of them is Us, the other is the jews that are in the upper echelons of our Governments, Media, and Hollywood, and of course the ones that stay hidden behind the scenes and control everything.

And even though I don't want to give the jews any inch of ground or shit like that, I have to say it here to inform you all, especially the newer members here, the same way Hoodedcobra also had to say on his own post, that the majority of jews, especially the kind of jews that are deep in our Government, Hollywood, and that Control the media, are way more powerful than any 'normal' person on the earth, spiritually and materially. They have their own form of occult magic, and they sure as hell practice it constantly. This is the reason why all SS must take spiritual advancement seriously. If you don't, then it wont be a pretty sight if you ever find yourself under a REAL spiritual assault by the enemy. It's really bleak to say that this is a 'Survival of the Fittest' scenario, but it is the reality. Souls will always be at the mercy of more powerful souls, and that's just a brutal and universal law of nature.
And if we are to survive both individually and together as a race, then we must be powerful and continuously improve upon ourselves, and instead of always hiding behind an AoP and asking our GD's or Satan to help and handle any attacks we receive, we need to learn to defend ourselves and to attack back on our own.
The jews are constantly trying to spiritually attack and curse us on a daily basis to remove all wealth, love, and happiness from our lives. You have to become powerful and swim against the tide of negativity and curses if you ever want to live a full and happy life, and when you finally achieve your goals, you can look back and notice the power and spiritual progress you've gained along the way.

If you take a look around you and you're upset with the life that you have, you have all the power and teachings you need to change your life for the better here at JoS. So don't wait and waste time lingering on doubt and depression. I've waited for too long and suffered for it. But age wise I'm also still a bit on the younger side, so I still have more than enough time to change my life.
Don't let doubt stop you from achieving your dreams and goals in life. When you finally start using the teachings here at JoS seriously and with full purpose and intent to make changes for the better, you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

I've stunned myself with the things that I'm capable of doing with the Occult recently. Things that I never thought that I could ever do. I always thought I was just a weak, then I found out that I was not.
And that I can be an absolute monster whenever I wanted to be.

And as for hollow and manic assholes out there in the world, certain individuals like Andrew Tate, who we have already discussed on the forums - and Hoodedcobra even made an entire topic giving him a message to stop slandering Satan, I'm done with these types of individuals.
People like Andrew Tate, with their snob ass attitude, shit-eating grin, and superiority complex when it comes to money and everyone else around them, really gets under my skin and always have. A little too deep.
There are no laws against black magic in our world. Both HPs Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra have stated this before. I've never really cursed or tried to spiritually harm anyone with full intent before, other than just being angry and sending out negative energy in the spur of the moment.
But I think around the beginning of next year, whenever Mars goes direct again, the gloves are coming off.

I don’t know how much is satanist power holds I’m still wondering myself you know like how much power do we hold you know like how and why are we so powerful
sublimestatanist said:
You are so right about this! You can really feel the difference when you meditate everyday. I've been experiencing a stronger feeling of energy around me and experience better outcomes out of the blue, such as running into family, catching every bus within a couple minutes or less (I don't like those horrid cellphones), experiencing random acts of kindness, etc.

I used to meditate here and there, starting and stopping and bouncing between escapism/research and spiritual advancement.

I'll make it my life mission to improve myself everyday, even if I may also be in the same situation as the OP. Life really is an emotional mirror - we should focus on the divinity in ourselves, always.

PS - I wanted to ask about your sig. What does vaht mean? I know Aum is an affirmation/closing chant, as used in the rituals, though I'm not familiar with the other one yet. :oops:

It's a truly interesting phenomenon observing life itself around us change in our favor, isn't it. To me, meditation feels like tuning our very existence to higher, refined levels of vibration (actually, I think that's straight up what it is), and as a result, the way the universe's energies manifest in our personal lives improve, to suit us and our desires, too. It is an invaluable, fundamental element of our being.

To some newcomers, meditation may initially be incredibly difficult, or even be mistakenly perceived as pointless.

It is an intriguing thought to consider that we are capable of improving (or even maximizing) the quality of our individual lives through "simply" closing our eyes, breathing and focusing in certain ways.

Many people seek external stimuli just to feel even remotely alive, when focus should be directed inwards, instead. If the knowledge and practice of meditation and Satanic fundamentals were to reach the majority of the populace, every Gentile on Earth could potentially live a life of fulfillment, no longer borne of that which bogs down their existence.
Betelgeuse said:

Awesome post, mate. Thanks and well done. If anything, you've certainly got a knack for astrology. You've inspired me to take control in certain ways, too, namely getting myself in to gear and studying astrology regularly again! Wishing you all the best as you advance.
Norse 88 said:
Awesome post

Excuse me.

Hi Norse. I remember a long time ago you replied to me. We were talking about how magic works in a scientific manner and you shared some links about physics.

I hope you are doing well.

It is good to see you in the forums.
I just want to thank you for writing this post. It is very inspirational. You also have mature and deep understanding of the overall situation of the planet and the jews. I'm currently reading Kaballah Exposed, from page 90 and forth, there are extremely revealing information on the occult methods of the jews. The Saddak is a jewish word stolen from the Sanskrit Siddha and means someone who has developed superhuman powers through meditation and yoga. The jewish kaballah is full of yoga: asana, mantra, meditation, and I bet also Pranayama and other limbs of yoga as found in the Lurian Kaballah.

I am glad that you have found true inner power. I hope other members get encouraged to follow suit.

Void meditation on a daily basis can change your life, reprogram your mind, and give you great inner strength. This clean vacancy is the fertile soil where inner transformation happens.

Another favorite meditation of mine is sitting in the sun every day and absorbing sun energy from the front, back, both sides, top, and bottom of my body separately and all together, empowering and expanding my aura with sunlight. Blissful as I feel, I can't help understanding why the Egyptians worshipped the sun. There is hardly equal energy to that of the Sun. I also direct the raised energy into programming my aura for a certain wish.
Hello to all my satanists brothers in the World. ⚡
Please, which prayer to use to be able to invoke father satan in an invocation ritual?
Please help me please help me🙏🙏🙏.
Hello to all my satanists brothers in the World. ⚡
Please, which prayer to use to be able to invoke father satan in an invocation ritual?
Please help me please help me🙏🙏🙏.


The standard ritual to use would be this:


This is the standard invocation to Satan which can be used to tune into him and to greet Him, to invite His power and influence unto yourself.

Meditating upon His sigil, focusing intently on His energy and vibrating words of Power which invoke His energies, such as Satanas or Satanama can also be used effectively.

If you want to do something more ceremonial, read also this page from the Joy of Satan (read the Joy of Satan website entirely in your own time, almost all your questions towards this path have an answer there):


Hail Satan!
Osiris Silvio said:
I just want to thank you for writing this post. It is very inspirational. You also have mature and deep understanding of the overall situation of the planet and the jews. I'm currently reading Kaballah Exposed, from page 90 and forth, there are extremely revealing information on the occult methods of the jews. The Saddak is a jewish word stolen from the Sanskrit Siddha and means someone who has developed superhuman powers through meditation and yoga. The jewish kaballah is full of yoga: asana, mantra, meditation, and I bet also Pranayama and other limbs of yoga as found in the Lurian Kaballah.

I am glad that you have found true inner power. I hope other members get encouraged to follow suit.

Void meditation on a daily basis can change your life, reprogram your mind, and give you great inner strength. This clean vacancy is the fertile soil where inner transformation happens.

Another favorite meditation of mine is sitting in the sun every day and absorbing sun energy from the front, back, both sides, top, and bottom of my body separately and all together, empowering and expanding my aura with sunlight. Blissful as I feel, I can't help understanding why the Egyptians worshipped the sun. There is hardly equal energy to that of the Sun. I also direct the raised energy into programming my aura for a certain wish.

So when you do that meditation outside in the sun is that energy meditation or foundation meditation
Betelgeuse said:
I've had a lot of things on my mind for the past few days and I've been wanting to make a topic like this but I never got around to it because I've been going through major changes spiritually, mentally, and physically. This topic is meant to be both an inspirational speech and a short story of my past as a Satanist that's struggled to find a place in life. I guess this is sort of aimed towards newer members as well. Maybe it'll help someone out there find themselves while on this path.

Guess I'll start off with Astrology.
We're all individual. We're all born with different influences and energies from the planets and our Birth Charts
are Maps of our Souls that determines what kind of life we'll have, and how good of a quality said life will be.
The planets in our solar system each give off their own unique vibrational frequency. When we are born, a chart is cast. Wherever the planets are in our charts and what houses they are in, the combined vibrational frequencies of the planets and their positions create a unique vibration at a certain point/area and time on the earth - and this vibration at a certain point/area and time is YOU, your birth place, your time of birth - your Birth Chart, and it is the Vibrational frequency of your Soul, which I like to call the 'Base Fate'.
The majority of humanity right now is living with 'Base Fate' as they don't have the same level of knowledge on the occult that we have, nor do they know how to change their fate and lives for the better by using the Occult obviously, and are always totally at the mercy of planetary influences and things that they have no clue about.

We are all born with sort of a set fate and vibration that'll mostly stay the same for our entire lives, which will continuously attract the same quality of life to us until we die, unless of course we use occult magic to change it for the better.
There are other factors that can change a persons fate like the progressing planets and when the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move into our different houses, this can cause drastic and permanent changes in a persons life. Fate however is always changing for us all on an individual level. Our minds and our thoughts, even though humanity has been stripped of occult knowledge and teachings, still generate power on the astral and are constantly changing and influencing the world around us, even if it is at a tiny and Unnoticeable level.
Meditation and empowering the soul also empowers our thoughts and our ability to change and influence the world around us.
The stronger your soul, the easier it is to manifest your desires in life.

Astrology isn't just for people either. You can in fact use astrology to start your own business or career
and take a look at your business/career's own birth chart. The moment it was created or signed into existence, this also creates a unique chart for your business, which you can read and see if it'll be successful and popular or not.

I remember when I first started studying astrology and I remember HPs Maxine stating in the JoS Astrology section on the main site that learning astrology will really change the way you view life and reality on this world, and she was absolutely right. Learning astrology really has caused me to look at the world differently, because learning astrology can also be a double edged sword.
Astrology is the brutal truth. It can be as unfair, vicious, and depressing as it is helpful, and enlightening.
I remember how let down and depressed I was when I first took a look into my own Birth Chart and saw all this nonsense of Poverty, Loneliness, and it caused me to develop a deep hatred towards successful people around me, because I hated the fact that I was being held down only by the influences of my Birth Chart. I still hate it. In fact, the recent major changes I've made and are currently making to my life, is because of this hatred.

I was always a lazy slob and I always held the fact that I was a Satanist in the back of my mind just to keep myself pumped up and feeling that I was better than everyone that I hated, but I never really made any major changes, and I never took my spiritual progress seriously enough to break out of the depressing mindset and situation that I was in for years.

But recently I've been really making progress to change my life for the better. I always felt like I was weak and
my magic just wouldn't work, and I was a pessimist and always emotionally tortured and insulted myself because I felt so low.
I was also one of those types of Satanists that believes that Satan and the gods will handle everything for me
and would always protect me and have my back no matter what. That's the wrong mindset to have. Satan and the gods are there for us at all levels, but they want us to empower ourselves and learn how to manipulate our lives and fate for the better and without help from outside sources. They'll only step in if we're in catastrophic situations that we cant handle on our own.

About a month ago was when I started trying to make serious changes to my life using the occult.
Why did I suddenly start making extreme changes to my life?
Because I had a headache.
I had a headache about a month ago that was a little too painful for me to handle and I was pretty
much begging Satan and the gods to stop the pain - which they didn't. But then I opened a PDF file of the Runic Kabala that I have saved on my PC, wondered what Rune would be best to help stop the pain, and I picked the Wunjo rune because it was the best thing that I saw that could help with pain. The whole time this was happening my head was still throbbing, and I couldn't really think straight at the time or know whether or not Wunjo would be the best thing to use.
Regardless, all I knew was that I was in pain that I couldn't handle, and that it needed to F*cking stop.

I managed to vibrate the Wunjo rune x40 and affirmed that the energy of the rune was stopping all pain from the headache - in a positive way of course. I Visualized my head glowing white-gold, with white-gold Wunjo Runes also circling my head. The pain from my headache immediately started to dissipate, and was completely gone about 30 minutes after using Wunjo.

At that moment I started having more confidence in my workings that I could actually DO things. I also felt like Satan and the gods were proud of me finally taking action and handling a bad situation on my own. Even if it was something as small and simple like that, it still affected me in a positive way.

About a week afterwards I ran into another situation, but this time there wasn't any pain to deal with, but rather it was shame. It was a bit of a emotionally embarrassing awkward moment. But this shit is in the past now, so I don't mind sharing it.
I was actually masturbating and watching porn, I know that porn is bad for you because it can mess with your mind and cause issues and hang ups regarding sex, but I naturally have a really strong sexual drive because In my birth chart I also have a bunch of planets in my 8th house, planets that can cause a strong desire for sex.

Anyways, I was just sitting there jacking it, lol, and I don't know what the fuck happened, there was probably a grey or something messing with me (which I believe was most likely the case), because I suddenly started feeling like shit, and then started having negative thoughts about myself. I started feeling low and pathetic again.
The woman in the video I was watching was mind blowingly gorgeous, but here I was sitting here in a dirty room, out of shape and unattractive, completely broke. And I was sitting there thinking to myself why can't I just have a happy, wealthy life, and have a gorgeous woman like that. I've always gotten myself down and depressed by constantly asking myself that, and I've frequently had sad moments like this in the past.
This time however, was a bit different. I sort of got a bit too angry with my situation and in that moment and finally snapped, and I was just done with taking all the abuse and misfortune in life.

That was when I decided that I wouldn't take this shit anymore. I was sick of living like that, poor and depressed and lonely all the time, while people around me are now literally making millions from bullshit websites we have these days like onlyfans, and youtube, and twitch, whatever. It sickens me that I have to be stuck and trapped in certain lifestyle and quality of life that 'fate' has provided me with.

I've made changes to myself. I am working out way more than I ever usually have. I've been taking meditations and advancement more seriously. I feel like my soul is changing for the better, and with it, my physical body is changing for the better, along with my mentality and emotional state. I feel like I've built more muscle in the past month than I have in the last 3 years.

And my Solar Plexus Chakra has been occasionally going wild and giving me that 'butterflies' feeling in my stomach
that actually feels really good, and makes me want to giggle and laugh and is overall an extremely pleasant feeling. It feels like I'm getting really exited happy for no reason, which causes me to get the butterflies feeling.

I want new members reading this to understand that you have power, and the power to change your lives for the better. You just have to put in the work and energy to get things moving. Don't be lazy and unmotivated like I was for most of my life. I've sat and waited and wasted years of my life away just boiling over with hate and depression and always kept asking Satan for help over and over and I never really used the powers that I personally had to change things in my life other than spamming money spells, which all have failed in the past because of my own negative mentality and pessimism when it comes to wealth and my bleak view of the world and life in general.

You're not just powerful. In the world of the Occult and Magic, JoS Satanists are pretty much at the top of the food chain and the knowledge and power gap between us and what you would call 'regular occultists or magicians' that you can find all over social media, youtube, or whatever, is fucking enormous, and you'll never understand how powerful you are until you start practicing the meditations on JoS and using the occult teachings on the site to manifest your desires in life, and to remove all past life karmic issues and negativity. We have a literal cheat code device for the game of life and there's so many of us that are just not using the teachings and power that is available to its full potential. Teachings that can literally save your life in some situations, and overall change your entire fate and quality of life.

I remember years ago in the old yahoo groups where I recall a woman who made a topic saying she was homeless and pregnant and she needed urgent help and if I recall correctly she mentioned Lucifuge Rofocal and she wanted to summon him for help with money. That seems like a legit situation where the gods may step in and help, and I hope she and the child are doing well. In those kind of panic and extreme situations, its hard to focus and think straight and know what to do. Its in these types of situations too, where our inner power can truly shine. Don't allow panic and sadness to wreck your mind and emotions in those moments. Void it out and take charge of the situation. Keep a positive mindset, because negative thoughts and emotions will just worsen your predicament. Find whatever problem your having at its source and use the teachings that JoS has to remove those problems from your life.

Also keep in mind we are at war. We have enemies out there that practice the same level of occult teachings that we have. As Hoodedcobra said in one of his posts, there's only really two groups of people who practice and have this level of occult teachings in this world. One of them is Us, the other is the jews that are in the upper echelons of our Governments, Media, and Hollywood, and of course the ones that stay hidden behind the scenes and control everything.

And even though I don't want to give the jews any inch of ground or shit like that, I have to say it here to inform you all, especially the newer members here, the same way Hoodedcobra also had to say on his own post, that the majority of jews, especially the kind of jews that are deep in our Government, Hollywood, and that Control the media, are way more powerful than any 'normal' person on the earth, spiritually and materially. They have their own form of occult magic, and they sure as hell practice it constantly. This is the reason why all SS must take spiritual advancement seriously. If you don't, then it wont be a pretty sight if you ever find yourself under a REAL spiritual assault by the enemy. It's really bleak to say that this is a 'Survival of the Fittest' scenario, but it is the reality. Souls will always be at the mercy of more powerful souls, and that's just a brutal and universal law of nature.
And if we are to survive both individually and together as a race, then we must be powerful and continuously improve upon ourselves, and instead of always hiding behind an AoP and asking our GD's or Satan to help and handle any attacks we receive, we need to learn to defend ourselves and to attack back on our own.
The jews are constantly trying to spiritually attack and curse us on a daily basis to remove all wealth, love, and happiness from our lives. You have to become powerful and swim against the tide of negativity and curses if you ever want to live a full and happy life, and when you finally achieve your goals, you can look back and notice the power and spiritual progress you've gained along the way.

If you take a look around you and you're upset with the life that you have, you have all the power and teachings you need to change your life for the better here at JoS. So don't wait and waste time lingering on doubt and depression. I've waited for too long and suffered for it. But age wise I'm also still a bit on the younger side, so I still have more than enough time to change my life.
Don't let doubt stop you from achieving your dreams and goals in life. When you finally start using the teachings here at JoS seriously and with full purpose and intent to make changes for the better, you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

I've stunned myself with the things that I'm capable of doing with the Occult recently. Things that I never thought that I could ever do. I always thought I was just a weak, then I found out that I was not.
And that I can be an absolute monster whenever I wanted to be.

And as for hollow and manic assholes out there in the world, certain individuals like Andrew Tate, who we have already discussed on the forums - and Hoodedcobra even made an entire topic giving him a message to stop slandering Satan, I'm done with these types of individuals.
People like Andrew Tate, with their snob ass attitude, shit-eating grin, and superiority complex when it comes to money and everyone else around them, really gets under my skin and always have. A little too deep.
There are no laws against black magic in our world. Both HPs Maxine and HP Hoodedcobra have stated this before. I've never really cursed or tried to spiritually harm anyone with full intent before, other than just being angry and sending out negative energy in the spur of the moment.
But I think around the beginning of next year, whenever Mars goes direct again, the gloves are coming off.
Just gonna keep my protection against the murderous and betraying lying bankers . Protection... If they attack me.. I send back to sender.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
