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Your motivation for SS and Spirituality in general


May 8, 2024
When I started practicing and learning, I read the following sermon: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/doubt-disbelief-spiritual-satanism.96369/ . This was one of the reasons why I decided to come closer to the SS, and eventually Dedicate my Soul to Father Satan. I like the fact that constructive doubt and disbelief is actually encouraged here in order to find the Truth.

What I would like to ask fellow SS community here is why did you start looking into spirituality in the first place. Did you feel something missing in your life and thought it will be fulfilled through Spirituality and eventually SS? Maybe you wanted to perform some Magick practices to find a girlfriend/boyfriend? As for myself, I have written some info about myself in this topic: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/i-am-new-here.159040/ . So to keep it short, basically I felt something was missing in my life, atheism did not click with me, and xianity was a pile of crap for me to get into deeper.
What I would like to ask fellow SS community here is why did you start looking into spirituality in the first place.
As a child, I was convinced the universe is develop and regulated by an intelligence. I loved science and had books on the subject.
So I supposed there is a "god", the "one", maybe his body is the universe... and the most beautiful gift we could offer to him is to blossom, like that a gardener expects from his flowers.

One day, I was 9, I see christian at the end of their stuff and was shocked by the stench of the culpability they smell, it was disturbing and though we have not the same god. So, I never entered in any religion.

Up to 17, there was a little voice in my mental who spoke at a really high speed with fluidity and concision. The speech was too high level to be the fruit of my thoughts. I knew that was not me but never realize that a non physical entity or being was the source, I never answered.

Later, existencial crisis and psychic pain lead me to search for answers and started an investigation on the REAL sense of the life because the human interaction was useless and it's already more or less the case today.
I read one ton of miscellaneous stuff, what is in fact shit but which unblocked others level of the mind, up to be deceive and given up to enter in an other period of interests (WWII, what's the jews are...).

And one day, I discover JoS. JoS links all aspects in one.
My path has been taken in charge since child to permit to me to understand all there is to understand to come here.
Spirituality is a word for me, I prefer the term "reality". My motivation is the understanding.
I just watched some Youtube videos about conspiracies and Satanism,
and stumbled upon a video called "The History of Satanism".

This was not about Joy of Satan per se, but had some connection to it though as it described ancient Gods being Annunaki etc.
The comment section in that video however was completely spammed by someone writing "JOYOFSATAN.ORG" over and over. So I visited this site and started reading.

Got immediately interested in it, as it clearly stated some mindblowing things right on the front page.

Had no clue about what Yoga or Kundalini was etc. Started reading more and more, searching the web for proof, and found proof after proof.
The Joy of Satan was, and IS NOT joking around here. They know what's up.

I've been doing meditations and asanas for the last 12 years or so, and feel like I've found MY religion in life. It's the religion of TRUTH basically.

Life is the meaning of life.
Joy of Satan teaches everything we need to expand life and live it to the fullest - instead of the most retarded limited shit-way possible; like Christards and Mudslimes do. Yuck.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
